• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,890 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Zebes: Brinstar

"So what was Brinstar like?" Fluttershy asked eagerly.

"...a lot like the forest I landed my ship in, actually," Samus replied. "Very green, filled with plant life and twisting vines, and lots of dangerous critters."

"An underground Everfree..." Twilight whispered. "Fascinating..."

"There were also a lot of twisting paths and hidden passages," Spike added. "Even the map data we were able to recover didn't show everything. Thankfully, old habits and my senses helped us find them. Otherwise, Mom would have completely missed getting her Charge Beam back."

"Unfortunately, one of its more useful functions wasn't available on Zebes," Samus explained. "When I destroy an enemy - whether mechanical or biological - energy is left behind that my suit can use to replenish various functions, depending on the type of energy. Shielding, ammunition, and so on. Normally, my Charge Beam can be used to draw that energy in for absorption...but that function wasn't available on Zebes, due to atmospheric incompatibility."

"That must have been frustrating," Shining commented dryly.

"Not really," Samus replied, shrugging her shoulders. "On the plus side, the Zebes suit configuration allowed me to carry separate Missile and Super Missile ammo, even though I lost the Charge Combos. I considered it a fair trade."

"Though before you got your Super Missiles back, we encountered...an unusual enemy..." Spike explained.

As Samus and Spike leapt upward through the door in the ceiling, a green energy barrier closed behind them. The plant filled chamber seemed to stir at their presence, and spores fell from above towards them. Before long, a large, spiked plant-form descended, a massive maw held shut with the hard outer jaws covered in spikes as it slowly swayed around, like a massive venus fly trap.

Samus hunkered down in a corner of the room in Morph Ball to evade the swaying plant. Spike, for his part, scaled the walls to the roof of the chamber. The plant-form limited its swaying to the middle of the room as it tried to keep track of both of them. After a time, it opened its maw wide, the soft inner tissues becoming visible.

At that point, Spike snaked his head down, opened his mouth wide, and exhaled a stream of his flame. The plant-form let out a screech of agony as it swung around wildly, trying to extinguish itself, only to eventually withdraw to the center of the room, the whole chamber turning brown and dead.

"So...what was it?" Luna asked curiously.

"No idea," Samus replied. "My Scan Visor didn't work on Zebes. Too much atmospheric interference."

"I'll tell you what it wasn't," Spike spoke up. "Tasty."

"I did tell you not to try taking a bite," Samus chided.

"You also told me I needed to eat more vegetables," Spike countered, sticking his tongue out at her as the Crusaders giggled.

Rolling her eyes, Samus continued the tale. "After that, I recovered my Super Missile functionality. Admittedly, only having five to start was rough, but they were easy to replenish. Between that and them being five times as strong as my missiles - and the fact their explosive impacts shook the chambers when they hit walls - made it a balance I could handle."

"After that, we made our way briefly into Maridia, a very watery part of the world," Spike continued. "On the way, Mom got a new beam function, the Spazer Beam."

"This one allowed me to fire three beam shots at once," Samus explained. "Charged, it was quite powerful."

"After that was a detour into Norfair," Spike elaborated. "Which was rather risky, since several parts of it were superheated, and without the Varia Suit, Mom would take a lot of damage just being there."

"Thankfully, I only went down there for my High-Jump Boots, which wasn't along any such path," Samus clarified. "These increased my jumping power, making a single jump send me much higher in the air."

"After that, it was back into another part of Crateria...and another larger creature we had to fight," Spike finished. "This one was another Space Pirate general, though one I hadn't encountered before...a giant behemoth called Kraid..."

After carefully making their way past a few unusual obstacles, Samus and Spike found the energy shield on one door sealed over by a strange biological creature, not unlike the Ingwebs from Dark Aether. Unlike those, however, this one opened an eye to try and shoot at them. Three missiles to the eye caused the creature to dissipate, allowing them to open the door and pass through.

When they entered, they found a low corridor where the floor was covered in thorny plants, the thorns sharp enough to penetrate Samus' power suit, and thin enough to slip between Spike's scales if he wasn't careful. They both glanced around for a way through, only to stagger back as a massive green head erupted out of the ground.

The beast had dark green scales over most of its visible body, a massive maw, tiny arms, and three red eyes. What could be seen of its lower body made it seem extraordinarily fat, and Samus could tell that the creature's exterior was too tough for any of their weapons. The creature attacked by charging them and spitting rocks at them from its mouth. A stray shot revealed that the inside of its mouth wasn't nearly as durable as the rest of it. A flame breath across the beast's eyes caused it to roar in irritation, opening its mouth to let Samus fire in a Super Missile.

The creature roared in pain as it climbed the rest of the way out of the ground, the pair of Hunters now only coming up to its ankles. It shouldered the roof aside, revealing a much larger chamber as it crushed the thorny plants beneath it. Samus quickly leapt onto Spike's back as he took to the air in pursuit.

Spike swooped in, this time with an electric breath. When it roared in pain, Spike blasted its jaw with his ice breath to lock it open, allowing Samus to unload two more Super Missiles in quick succession. The beast collapsed, writhing before falling back into the pit it had climbed out of.

"There's a reason Kraid didn't get much use," Samus explained as Gandrayda, Ghor, and Rundus chuckled.

"Not much of a challenge for the two of us," Spike confirmed. "And the Varia Suit he was guarding made exploring much easier..."

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