• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,842 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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BSL: Friends in Need

"What do you mean by that?" Ember asked insistently. "How could anyone be with you if they didn't go in with you?"

Spike smiled widely. "In a mission like that, a good support network can be incredibly useful..."

Samus carefully steered the ship in towards the BSL station in its position in orbit around SR388. Unlike most stations, this one was constructed to resemble an asteroid rather than anything technological. A large stone column, narrow at one end and wider at the other, floated in space, the only signs it was a station rather than a natural construct being the lights barely visible through occasional windows and the metal ring surrounding it at its widest point. As she set the course towards the docking bay, she noticed another ship orbiting around it, this one of unrecognizable origins. "That's not good..." Samus murmured. "It doesn't look like any sort of ship we've ever encountered before...Spike, you're more used to dragon eyes than I am. Take a closer look through the scope."

Nodding, Spike took hold of the viewer, zooming in on the small craft. "Hmm...it seems to be a fighter class, or at least the size of one. Much sleeker than Federation design, but far too bright to be Chozo. Too elegant in design to be Space Pirate, and it doesn't match any other ship style we've seen before. ...the engines seem to be large crystals, though, and are drawing in power from the local stars."

Samus blinked. Something about that sounded familiar. "...white and gold?" she asked.

"...yes, actually, the ship is white with gold edging," Spike replied. "A lot like my armor-" He jerked his head up. "You think it's a Luminoth ship?"

"Only one way to find out," Samus answered. Tapping into her ship's databanks, she called up the Luminoth recognition codes that U-Mos had provided them when they'd left Melissa with him. He'd said that, with the defense network being reinitialized, they'd need those codes to land on Aether unmolested in the future.

To her surprise, she received a communications response. Opening the comms, she found Melissa smiling back at her. "I guess U-Mos was right," Melissa stated cryptically. "It was a true vision after all. You do need my help."

"Melissa?" Samus and Spike gasped out in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" Samus demanded. "I thought U-Mos said the ritual would take a full year!"

"Ritual?" Twilight, Ember, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Discord all asked insistently.

"When I explained Melissa's situation - and my interpretation of it - to U-Mos, he decided the solution to her problems was to adopt her," Samus explained. "He'd lost his own children in the war with the Ing, which meant there would likely be a major conflict when he passed on to determine who would become the next Guardian of Aether. The ritual we mentioned involved bonding his energy to Melissa's, and bonding Melissa to the Light of Aether, granting her the abilities she'd need to lead the planet when the time came for her to take up the mantle of Guardian." Noticing concerned expressions on her listeners, she shrugged. "Of course, she'll have a couple of centuries to get used to Aether and the Luminoth. Despite how old U-Mos is, he's nowhere near his end. He just takes the very long view..."

"My telepathic abilities were stronger than he expected," Melissa explained. "The energy linking only took three months, and he spent the rest of the time since then teaching me how to use the new skills it unlocked. In this case, the Chozo capacity for visions...one that told me you'd need help." She blushed a bit as she glanced at Spike. "Though not sure why you'd need it, Spike..."

Twilight promptly slammed her face into the table. "Spike...is there a single female you met out amongst the galaxy that didn't become completely smitten with you?"

"Huh?" Spike asked, completely confused even as Ember cackled.

"Just me, I'm pretty sure," Samus answered. "I don't think motherly affection counts as 'smitten'."

"Told ya so, ankle biter," Anthony teased.

"At any rate..." Samus continued.

"Good to see you made a full recovery, Samus," Adam spoke up as he stepped up behind Melissa.

"Adam?" Samus gasped in shock. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Melissa brought us," Ghor added as his face appeared on the screens. "She determined the ideal team to assist you: those with the skills needed to lend aid, but with temperaments that would not lend themselves to storming in after you and getting infected by the X. That was the three of us."

"I'm going to use my telepathic link to machines - boosted by Ghor's techniques - to hack my way through the station's security systems to get the data you need to progress," Melissa explained. "While I'm doing that, Ghor's going to work on recoding your old power ups for your new suit. We'll be able to send you those at Data Rooms throughout the station for you to download, just in case things are as bad as we suspect."

"I'll be collating the data Melissa provides me with your discoveries, transmitted via Navigation Rooms," Adam explained. "Using that data, I'll plot out the long term objectives you'll need to accomplish, as well as giving you directions to areas of safety should that prove necessary."

"...thank you," Samus spoke up after some time. "All of you. ...how long will you be there to support us?"

"As long as you need," Melissa replied. "Adam took vacation days, and Ghor and I are independents. And this ship is the last of the Luminoth interstellar crafts, which they used before settling Aether. The Federation couldn't track it if they tried."

Spike smiled widely. "Thanks guys," he spoke up. "It's good to know you've got our backs."

With that said, Samus set course for the docking bay, flying in through the open bay doors.

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