• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,842 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Interlude - Power Consumes

The following morning, everyone gathered around the table for breakfast, and Twilight decided to raise a question that had been bothering her. "Spike," she asked, "is it really so important for you to keep your armor on? You mentioned it keeps your strength in check, but surely you have some natural adaptions for it, right? Can't you control your strength on your own?"

Spike lowered his head, his eyes on his plate. "...no..." he replied morosely.

Seeing this, Samus sighed, stroking his head. "Spike, that was a long time ago, and no one was hurt. And those buildings were scheduled for demolition anyway..." She noticed everyone staring at her. "...what?"

Eventually, it was Rainbow who spoke up. "...buildings?"

Samus sighed. "Yeah...it was after his checkup at Ceres and getting the ship retrofitted, both for extra living space for him and for a new entrance that he didn't have to squeeze through. We decided to head to a more civilized planet for some R&R. Packed a picnic lunch, even brought a frisbee along so we could play catch. Would have been a perfect relaxing day in the park...except for one detail I overlooked."

"What's that?" Twilight asked nervously, knowing from experience how badly one missed detail could skew things.

"Spike had adapted to the 20Gs of Tallon IV," Samus explained. "Since I'm used to that as well from growing up on Zebes, I keep my ship at that gravity, too. Ceres is variable Gs, depending on what's being done in a given lab, and they kept Spike and I in a lab mirroring Tallon IV conditions while they studied how he'd grown. The planet I'd chosen for our recreation...was 1G."

Everyone winced in sympathy as Samus began recounting events.

Samus walked along happily in her Zero Suit, watching as Spike raced along the ground, investigating the healthy trees and flowers, at one point even ducking his head into a lake to taste the water. The other people in the park were nervous about his presence at first, but his enthusiastic greetings and overall happy attitude soon had him relaxing...although Samus had to laugh when one of the kids referred to him as 'dragon-puppy'.

Samus paused in her retelling to let the ponies' laughter and Spike's embarrassment subside. She was glad their laughter at this event didn't bother him.

After a time, Samus found a spot she liked and laid out the large blanket for them both to sit on while they ate. At first the day passed without incident. Spike curled up on the blanket to enjoy the sandwiches and fried chicken Samus had brought along, snapping up all the bones himself since the minerals were good for him, easily digestible, and the fragments had no danger of getting lodged in his throat. She was also looking forward to how he reacted to the cheesecake she'd brought along for dessert...but first, she wanted them both to get some exercise, so she pulled out the frisbee.

Spike and Samus passed the frisbee back and forth a few times, racing across the grass to catch it as they came down. Given how far they were throwing it, it wasn't long before they had drawn an audience, one that proved especially appreciative as Samus performed a particularly acrobatic flip to catch one of Spike's throws that went a little too high.

Then Samus threw hers a bit too high.

"I've got it!" Spike shouted, racing after it. He leapt into the air to catch the frisbee...only to lauch several dozen feet in the air and forwards at high speeds. He overshot the frisbee and was rapidly approaching a group of derelict buildings near the park. He tried to turn his body so he could spread his wings - the wind at his back left too much air resistance to spread his wings that way - but he didn't turn fast enough.

Samus winced as Spike crashed into the first building. She closed her eyes as he came out that one to crash into the second. She covered her face when she heard the third building fall into several others. She turned away when the gas main exploded.

When she finally raised her eyes, Spike was walking towards her, head low, frisbee in his mouth, and the entire block of former industrial buildings was a towering inferno.

Everyone stared slackjawed as Samus finished retelling the accidental chaos Spike had caused. "...what's he like when he's trying to break stuff?" Discord asked in awe.

"Discord!" Fluttershy snapped. Turning to Spike, she stepped forward and rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. "There, there, Spike...it's alright. You didn't mean to..."

"And, well, they were all meant for demolition anyway, right?" Applejack asked.

"Those buildings were," Spike replied. "But the next block over - which I could have just as easily smashed into - was residential."

"That...doesn't sound like good building planning," Twilight pointed out.

"The buildings were going to be demolished to be replaced with more residential," Samus pointed out.


Spike sighed sadly. "But...that wasn't the worst of it..."

Spike glanced back over his shoulder, seeing the destruction he'd accidentally wrought. Turning forwards, the frisbee melting in his mouth from the fire, he saw all the people staring at him, their eyes filled with awed fear.

He knew what they saw in him. He could read it far too easily. It was the first thing he'd thought when he'd first seen Ridley.


He tried to face up to that gaze as long as he could, but eventually he turned and fled, racing back to the ship, diving into the new entrance and curling up in his corner, huddled and shivering as he hid from what he feared he had become.

Samus was caught off guard as every pony present leapt over the table to pile onto Spike in a massive, comforting hug. She could plainly hear each of them telling him how he wasn't a monster, how he was a good dragon, and various other comforting words as they nuzzled and embraced him. "Umm..."

"Yeah, this sort of thing happens a lot here," Discord commented. "Equestria's a very huggy place. You get used to it."

Samus shrugged. "I suppose I'll have to." She smiled over at Spike being assaulted with comfort. "At least this is better than him hiding out in the ship and refusing to come out until our next mission."

"Next mission?" Rainbow asked eagerly as all eyes once more turned to her.

"More stories?" Scootaloo asked eagerly.

Samus' laughed easily. "Alright...the next mission was to the planet Aether..."

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