• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,842 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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BSL: Faster!

"So, how did things go in Sector 4?" Gandrayda asked, plainly trying to shift the focus of the story away from whatever was distressing Pinkie so badly. "Given the designation (AQA), I presume it was an aquatic sector? Probably difficult for you without a Gravity Suit effect."

"Actually, that wasn't the real problem there," Samus replied. "Apparently, a large creature being kept in (AQA), dubbed Serris, had escaped it's containment-"

"You mean become an X host?" Rainbow translated.

"As it turned out, yes," Samus replied gruffly, "though we didn't know it at the time. As a result, the damage to Sector 4 was far more severe than other sectors, and there were several broken power couplings under the water, meaning it was electrified, and even touching it would damage my suit."

"Or me," Spike added. "I never developed any special resistance against electricity-based weaponry, so being electrocuted is still pretty painful for me. Continuous electrocution from being in the water?" He shuddered, setting Pinkie down. "The first time I saw how small the areas we had to move through outside the electrified water were, I did this." With that said, he shrank down...and down...and down. Now approximately the size of a bird, he clambered up onto Samus' shoulder. "Mom gave me a ride for a change," he explained, his voice having the same timbre...but several octaves higher. He then covered his ears.

The off-world visitors confusion at this action was quickly alleviated as every mare present squealed in unison over how 'cute' he was so tiny. Spike quickly returned to his normal size, and waited for everyone's hearing to return before letting Adam add something to the tale. "The damage to the Sector wasn't just more extensive than expected," he explained coolly. "It also seemed more...purposeful. This led us to the conclusion that the X - or at the least, the SA-X - had a high degree of intelligence."

Noticing Pinkie once more getting down, Spike quickly scooped her up for ear scratches. Samus then picked up the tale. "Adam warned us that Serris was capable of moving and attacking at ultra-high speeds-"

"So that's how you got your Speed Booster back?" Rainbow, Luna, Scootaloo, and Twilight all asked simultaneously.

"Okay, now I want to play these 'video games' you keep talking about," Samus insisted. "Anything that gives you this much insight into how my adventures worked I should research! Maybe it could save me from any future pitfalls."

Spike laughed as he saw Rainbow and Scootaloo's eager expressions at that. "So we went to where we thought Serris would be, only to find his bones. When we found the 'eye door' some ways later, we knew the Serris-X would be behind it. That battle was...fun."

"For you, maybe," Samus quipped.

"You can't say you didn't like watching," Spike chided.

"I found it more worrisome what it said about my Speed Booster's limitations," Samus countered. Noticing several confused expressions turned towards her, she shrugged. "It was like this..."

As Samus and Spike passed through the door the 'eye door' had blocked, they found themselves under water, though thankfully not electrified water. For maneuverability, Samus quickly climbed up to platforms on the surface of the water, with an assist from Spike, who stayed in the water to cover more bases.

As Samus moved to the opposite side of the room, the chamber shook, and cracked portions of the wide platform over the water crumbled into nothing. Spike quickly dodged out of the way as the long, sea snake creature known as Serris drove into the area, its body flashing as it raced through at Speed Booster velocities. Staying against the bottom, he was able to avoid getting smashed, while Samus leapt about the platforms left behind to evade being hit.

Eventually, Serris' Speed Boost state faded, leaving it moving much more slowly and revealed to be a dark blue coloration over each segment of its body. A few test shots proved that the only vulnerable part was the head, and that any impact there caused it to enter the Speed Boost state. Unfortunately, Samus found she had difficulty tracking the creature, whatever state it was in.

Spike, however, had no such trouble. Swimming up to it while it wasn't Boosted, he roared a challenge underwater. Serris took it, charging in...and Spike rolled to the side, grabbing hold of the creature with three claws and tail. Reabsorbing his wings into his body to avoid any possible drag, he pulled back his free fist and punched Serris hard on the back of its head.

Serris shrieked in pain and once more attempted to Boost away...but Spike was clinging too tight to be easily thrown off, and was thus pulled into the Speed Boost state as well, since he was biologically capable of it as well. Even as Serris raced around, Spike pulled his fist back again. To his pleasant surprise, another punch to the back of Serris' head while they were both Boosted brought another scream of pain.

Samus watched, stunned, as Spike rode Serris around the chamber, utilizing the same strategy he'd used on Quadraxis...'hit it really hard'. Before long, the body of Serris crumbled, leaving Spike unable to stop his Boosted movement and slamming bodily against the wall. "...nailed it..." he whimpered out as Samus focused her missiles on the X Core, breaking its protective membrane and absorbing it, regaining her own Speed Booster effect.

"And that's why I found it worrisome," Samus concluded. "I'd always thought that in Speed Booster or Screw Attack states, I was pretty much invulnerable as long as the energy/matter conversion engines were functioning properly. But the fact that Spike could hurt Serris while they were both in that state...implied I had the same vulnerability. That while in Boost, Shinespark, or Screw Attack, I could take physical damage from another being in the same state." Her eyes hardened towards Spike. "And the SA-X had all those abilities."

"Ah," Spike allowed, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "Right..."

"Which means the SA-X had the same vulnerabilities?" Sweetie Belle asked. "And since you learned it after being purged of your infection, there was no way for the SA-X to know about it until you used the knowledge against it?"

Samus turned to stare at Sweetie, completely flummoxed.

"And that's why it's on the List!" Anthony joked.

"She's 10, not 5," Spike pointed out with a smirk, even as Samus facepalmed.

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