• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,891 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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BSL: Super Powered

"So was that the end of Sector 4?" Starlight asked curiously. "I mean, you stopped the X Serris..."

"Not quite," Spike replied. "Unfortunately, the station's auto repair functions were fully operational, so walls we'd broken through earlier were completely repaired by the time we tried to get back through, forcing us to find alternate paths rather frequently."

"That proved difficult in Sector 4," Samus explained, "until we found the hydraulic controls. That let us lower the water level to below where the broken power conduits were, so it was no longer electrified. That freed up a great deal of area to explore. Picked up a few more expansions that way before heading back to the Navigation Room. For once, good news was waiting for us..."

Samus sat back after reporting everything that had happened in Sector 4 to Adam and the others. Adam had listened carefully before nodding. "So the X seem to be seeking out powerful creatures to infect to use as weapons," he concluded. "That's worrisome, as it means you'll likely be facing more and more powerful creatures that will be specifically hunting you. It also means more and more of the specimens here that will be compromised, but it's not our job to protect the station, so that's hardly our concern."

Spike chuckled in response to that. "On the plus side, it means more abilities being recovered."

"True," Adam agreed. "It may yet give you enough abilities to face the SA-X...in time. In the meantime, Ghor's managed to finish with your Super Missile data."

"That will be very useful," Samus responded gratefully.

"There was a minor problem, however," Ghor cautioned. "When I attempted to load a secondary missile system into your suit data, it couldn't accept it. I couldn't give you separate missiles and super missiles."

Samus sighed. "So, what? I'm going to have to choose between carrying missiles and super missiles every time I come to a resupply station?"

"No," Ghor countered. "I instead applied the Super Missile modifications to your standard missile systems. With the altered payload data, your ordinary missiles will be as powerful as Super Missiles."

"But...I've already got 80 missiles available," Samus replied slowly, stunned. "You mean...when I download that data, I'm going to have 80 Super Missiles available?"

"Precisely," Ghor replied readily. "I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause-"

"Ghor, I could freaking kiss you!" Samus interrupted. "That's the best power up related news I've had since I got my Power Suit!"

Ghor's optics flickered for a time. "Umm...you're welcome?"

"You know, I never did get that kiss," Ghor spoke up teasingly.

"Oh shut up," Samus countered with a roll of her eyes as a laughing Spike continued telling the tale.

"Unfortunately, the Data Room in Sector 4 is sealed with a Level 4 hatch, the highest security level on the station," Melissa pointed out. "I...don't think unsealing that would be a good idea just yet."

"Definitely not," Samus agreed. "Where else can I download the data?"

Melissa began scanning through the systems. "Hmm...the SA-X is highly active in Sector 2 just now, so that Data Room's out..."

"It almost seems like the SA-X is deliberately blocking your recovery," Adam murmured.

"The best option looks to be in Sector 3 (PYR)," Melissa concluded. "Stop in the Navigation Room there for further details. I'll need to debrief you more fully before you go in."

"We'll see you there, Melissa," Samus responded before heading out.

... ... ... ...

Once in Sector 3, Samus activated the Navigation Booth, downloading the available map data. Melissa immediately began explaining the situation. "The Data Room here is sealed behind a Level 2 Hatch," she explained. "You're going to need to find the Security Room first, just like in Sector 2. However, there's a snag. Some portions of Sector 3 are superheated, both for high-heat creatures and to vent the main boilers that are in the same sector. Until Ghor's finished with the Varia effect for you to download, the super-heated areas will be just as devastating to you as super-chilled ones."

"That's going to be a problem," Samus grumbled. "How are we supposed to explore to find the Security and Data Rooms if I can't go through half the Sector?"

"I've...managed to get some information regarding that," Melissa answered. "While I can't get the exact location of the Security Room, I can confirm that the path from entrance to Security Room and back - and the path to the Data Room from there - passes through no super-heated sections. Part of a safety precaution, since the usual protective gear to pass through the super-heated sections is incompatible with the Security Room's systems."

"That's a relief," Spike admitted. "I wasn't looking forward to exploring alone."

"And that's what we did," Samus concluded. "As expected, releasing the Security locks allowed the X to invade other sectors, but there wasn't much we could do about that. Thankfully, I was able to download the Super Missile modification, and boy was it useful."

"I'll bet!" Rainbow cackled, continuing to take her notes.

"Unfortunately, on the way out..."

After leaving the Data Room, Samus and Spike made their way back towards the Navigation Room, only to find an entire chamber on their main path trashed, the doorway crushed so they couldn't make their way back through. "What the?" Samus demanded, confused.

"Okay, it can't have been the SA-X that did this," Spike muttered. "This looks like damage I would do-"

As he spoke, the entire area shook from an impact tremor. "That sounded like it came from the Data Room!" Samus shouted out, turning to rush back, Spike hot on her heels.

As they reached the Data Room, however, they found a strange security drone smashing its way through the door, having already trashed the Data Room. At first it looked like a standard four legged drone with a cyber-organic control brain in its main body, protected by an armored clear case. However, as it caught sight of them, it uncurled a long neck and tail...and then spread wings.

"What?" Twilight demanded, stunned. And she plainly wasn't the only one.

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