• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,890 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Corruption: Helios

Once everyone stopped chuckling, Samus continued the story. "The bomb did exactly what it was supposed to, obliterating the Pirate shield around the Leviathan. Unfortunately, the Leviathan itself was undamaged."

"Strewth, Pirate shields are impressive," Luna commented dryly.

"Were," Gandrayda corrected slyly.

"So we flew down into the seed," Spike concluded.

The inside of the second Leviathan seemed almost identical to the first one, at least as far as the initial landing area was concerned. The same dark coloration, the same mineral-organic structures, the same floating platforms... The only difference was a bit of reddish tint here and there, and a different type of critter crawling around the chamber. Unfortunately for Spike, they were once again too small and explosive to be worth hunting for snacks.

After opening another arterial valve-like door, the pair found the same sort of barriers they'd found in the first Leviathan. However, this time the weak spot was covered with an incredibly durable flower-like protrusion with five petals. A quick scan told Samus that they were only vulnerable to simultaneous impacts at the tips of the five thin petals. Two quick Seeker Missile volleys solved that for each such bud, and the energy left behind by the destruction of the barriers was absorbed by the PED to replenish the missiles used.(1)

The interior chamber had a great deal more red than the one in the first Leviathan had, and had very little Phazon scattered around. As the pair entered, a hollow roar echoed within. A large metallic sphere dropped from the ceiling, possessing a single large red optic. It glared at Samus and Spike as it floated, surrounded by electrical energy.

As he could feel something about to happen, Spike decided to try and act quickly. Charging forward, he tried to punch the sphere to smash it before it could act. However, before he could get close, he was blasted back by the energy field surrounding it. The sphere then opened up, revealing the core Spike had mistaken for an optic, surrounded by Phazon energy. Two tendrils unfolded, each with an optic at the tip. The same hollow roar echoed.

Samus' Scan Visor identified the mechanical creature as Helios, a control unit for Swarmbots, small bird-like mechanical creatures that they'd fought throughout Elysium. "Spike, if we can hit it with enough shots, it'll overheat and expose its Phazon charged core!" she called out.

"Got it!" Spike replied groggily as he shook himself off. As he spoke, Swarmbots flooded in, surrounding Helios, all of them charged with the same Phazon. Spike attempted using his Fazite breath against the Swarmbots, but the feedback shockwave that resulted knocked him head over tail. "Damn...they've gotten better," he grumbled.

"They're generating an energy field around Helios," Samus pointed out. "Stick with your flame breath!"

The pair quickly assaulted Helios with their strongest beam weapons, dodging out of the way as it used different formations of Swarmbots to attack them. At first it pulled them into a tight sphere, trying to roll them down. Spike dealt with that by pulling Samus onto his back and taking to the air. The next formation created a wide disc, with five Swarmbots acting as focal points to charge a massive energy discharge. A well aimed Seeker Missile from Samus caused the energy charge to feed back into Helios, disorienting it for a time.

The pair took advantage of the disorientation to unleash as much heat blasts as they could, but Helios recovered quickly. Scattering the Swarmbots, it caused the tiny bots to take their more traditional swarms, charging up smaller blasts. Seeing a chance, Spike dove on Helios from above. The help of Gravity allowed him to push through the protective energy field, slamming Helios into the ground and causing its armor to pop open.

Samus quickly switched to Hypermode and unloaded all the Phazon Beam shots and charged shots she could until the converted tank ran dry. However, not nearly as many shots impacted as she would have liked, as Helios moved quite fast and was able to evade most of the damage by turning its back to Samus.

However, this left it facing Spike, who unleashed a single shot of his Fazite breath, doing a good amount of damage with just one shot as the Fazite reacted with the Phazon charge inside Helios' core, creating a massive explosion. This unfortunately dispelled most of the built up heat, allowing Helios to close its armor up again and summon the Swarmbots.

The strategy continued to prove effective at each stage when repeated. At one point, the Swarmbots assumed a humanoid configuration, but shooting out one of the lower joints caused the whole thing to fall over, rendering Helios vulnerable once more.

Before too long, Helios exploded, releasing another wave of supercharged Phazon. Samus' body once again absorbed a good portion as it passed over her. She could feel the infection growing deep inside, and the flood of Phazon through her body, though she managed to resist throwing up this time, if only just barely.

Her suit gave her a new alert as she found herself in a stable, supercharged Hypermode again.

Hyper Missile acquired!
Phazon has bonded to the Missile Launcher, enabling the firing of Phazon charged Missiles in Hypermode. This does not deplete total missiles. These supercharged missiles can destroy certain Phazon energized structures that are otherwise indestructible.

Useful, Samus thought to herself as several such structures erupted around the chamber, apparently exposed as a result of Helios' explosion. A Hyper Missile to each destroyed them, causing the Leviathan core to expose itself. Once again, Samus' suit automatically discharged the overload of Phazon into the core via the PED, causing it to explode, wiping out the Phazon throughout Elysium.

"And another one down, another one down, another one bites the dust!" Pinkie Pie suddenly sang out.

"Pinkie!" Twilight complained as many around giggled, including Samus and Spike.

(1) Since I hadn't explained pick ups any other way throughout the story.

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