• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,842 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Final Battle: Lost in the Dark

As Samus tumbled towards the ground, she desperately focused her mind, trying to call her power suit back up. She could already feel that she had some serious injuries under her Zero Suit, but she'd never let that stop her before. If nothing else, she could run for her ship or call it to her for quick repairs...although the idea of leading Ridley, as powerful as he was now, to her ship of all places gave her pause. Quickly realizing that this should be the last of her worries at the moment, she focused her mind, trying to ignore the ground rapidly approaching her as she tumbled down and down-

Only for a pink and green dragon to snatch her out of the air before carrying her into an upper floor of the castle. "You alright, Sammy?" the dragon asked as it turned back into Gandrayda once it landed.

"No..." Samus groaned out, managing to get to her feet. "Pretty sure I've got broken ribs and a broken arm again...this is as bad as when I had to try and kick the Ing Emperor out of Spike..." She paused as she felt energy flowing into her, her injuries fixing themselves. "Huh?"

Smiling, Gandrayda handed over what looked like a Power Suit arm cannon module. "Pinkie said the Chozo Ghosts gave her this. I decided not to question it."

Nodding, Samus managed to call up her power suit, quickly going over what systems were available.

Omega Systems have taken critical damage. Suit has reverted to defaults until such time as full repairs have been completed. Recommend immediate withdrawal to the ship for repairs.

Kinda figured that, Samus grumbled thoughtfully as she continued to examine the report.

Available systems:
Power Suit
Power Beam
Scan Visor
New item acquired...analyzing...
Heal Beam acquired.

"Son of a bitch!" Samus snapped, unsure whether to be pleased, upset, or laugh outrageously.

Using the Heal Beam, one or more whole energy tanks can be injected into a downed ally to reactivate suit systems and repair physical injury. Energy must be injected in intervals of 100, as the Heal Beam is not designed for smaller units.
Alert: energy reserves in suit default mode are 99.

"Pissed it is," she grumbled as she turned out the window to see how Spike was doing.

Up in the sky, the battle between Dark Spike and Nightmare Ridley was distressingly even. Both had fully unleashed the powers of their inner beast. Both were of approximately equal size and agility in the air. Both had a wide variety of weapons to turn against each other that more or less cancelled each other out, leaving the fight a stalemate whether they clashed beneath the cloud cover where the shadowy clouds rippled from their proximity, or on the earth where acres of land were torn up from every crash to the ground or take off just from the shockwaves. It was plainly a clash of titans, and the only moments of concern were when one or the other dragons was sent crashing into the barrier around the castle, and that barrier visibly flexed and cracked from the impact. The cracks quickly sealed, but it was still terrifying to see, knowing that a single impact could strain those generating the barrier that much.

But as the two dark dragons clashed, the very air seeming to flinch back from each impact, a distressing trend began to surface. Each time the two clashed physically, Nightmare Ridley was able to push Dark Spike back just a little further. Each time their breaths clashed in the air, the point of struggle was just a little closer to Dark Spike. Each time they slammed into ground or shield, Ridley got up a little quicker, and Spike got up a bit more slowly. It wasn't enough at each instant to be plainly noticed, but as the pattern emerged, the pair could tell something was going wrong.

"I don't understand," Gandrayda began. "I thought Dark Spike was some sort of...ultimate beast form or something. How is Ridley overpowering it?"

"Dark Magic," Samus concluded finally. "The more Ridley is feared and hated, the more powerful he becomes in this battle. As long as he keeps fighting where everyone can see him, he draws power from everyone that sees him...and Dark Spike is a creature of hate, shaped by the Ing Emperor. The more Spike fights like this, the stronger Ridley's going to become...and the more tired Spike will be."

"Then...is there no way Spike can win here?" Gandrayda asked desperately.

"Not as Dark Spike," Samus concluded worriedly. "And that's why Ridley did things like this! The entire thing with bringing back Dark Samus and toying with me in the air was to put me in enough danger that Spike would feel he had to call on Dark Spike to fight him, because once he did he'd be a berserker! Because he knows that when Spike fights him with rage and his inner beast..."

"He has the advantage," Ghor spoke up as he stepped up behind them. "And that's why he's not pressing the advantage he's gaining. He's wearing Spike down so that when he does press the advantage, Spike will have nothing left to fight with even if he is able to shift out of Dark Spike."

"But that Heal Beam you just got..." Gandrayda began.

"I don't have enough energy to use it!" Samus snapped in frustration. "Ridley...played us all for fools..."

As she spoke, Nightmare Ridley lunged forward, claws outstretched. Dark Spike shifted to try and counter, but he was just a hair too slow, and Nightmare Ridley's claws plunged into Spike's torso.

"Spike!" The agonized cry tore its way out of hundreds of watching throats, no more painfully than from one Hunter and one pony princess, who saw those claws coming out of their son's back.

"And that's why you lose!" Ridley snarled as he carried Spike into the air. "Even as deep as you are into your inner beast, you hesitate! You don't unleash everything if you might hit these pathetic mortals! You are weak and pathetic, unworthy of the name dragon!" Tilting over, Nightmare Ridley dove, dragging Spike down at high speeds before releasing him. The comatose body smashed through the barrier around the castle, and then through the roof and several floors before coming down atop the Map, barely missing the precious tree root chandelier.

"S...Spike..." Twilight whimpered as she desperately rushed to the comatose dragon's side, desperately trying to wake him.

Ridley laughed madly. "And now you, like these weaklings, are nothing but carrion upon which for me to feed!" Seeing so many of his victims crying at the sight of their fallen champion, Ridley continued to laugh.

As the tears fell upon Spike's prone body and upon the map - whether pony, dragon, human, or other race in origin - something reacted. Deep in the Everfree, a light began to glow, to push back the darkness.

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