• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 29,890 Views, 6,224 Comments

Another Hatchling - Tatsurou

On instructions from the Chozo, Samus raises a baby dragon brought to her possession by magical means.

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Final Battle: In the Dark of the Night

As a surge of adrenaline raced through Samus, she turned towards the boundaries of the town, looking for anything defensible even in the slightest. Spike, however, was way ahead of her. “Shining, shield the town, now!”

“What?” Shining gasped out in shock. “But-”

“Do it Shining!” Celestia barked out. “Don’t argue!”

Leaping to the table, Shining charged magic along his horn before launching his spell, which took shape as a shimmering pink bubble surrounding the entire town. Samus quickly scanned it, and found it to be as durable as she’d hoped. With luck, this would offer some protection from civilians.

However, before she could begin plotting out a defense, Samus heard what sounded like a piano and a heavy guitar echoing through town, and she saw the ponies shivering as their fear spiked. Glancing out the window, she saw crimson eyes in the shadows over the town, and heard a familiar voice singing.

In the dark of the night I was fading and shrieking
For the nightmare that plagued was as bad as could be
It left me in raging fits
To see a corpse falling to bits-

Before her very eyes, dragon bones rained down from the clouds to ping off the shield.

How horrid it was that this nightmare was me!

“Ridley!” she hissed angrily, turning towards the others.

“Heart song…” Luna whimpered softly. “Even Heart Song...twisted by Dark Magic…” Before anyone else could sing, the song continued, now backed up by the sound of thousands of hooves marching and the buzzing of countless insect wings.

I was once the mightiest warlord of the cluster!
When they thought to replace me, that was a mistake!
On pirates my vengeance did wreak!
But till they are slain I won’t sleep!
Upon them now what Ridley has sown he shall reap!

Switching her visor, Samus saw the armies marching and flying towards Ponyville and quickly scanned them. What she discovered did not fill her with hope.

Recorded to Logbook
X Parasites have mimicked Changeling drones, creating an army to march under Ridley’s banner. These have further been amplified by Dark Magic, Ing Possession, and Phazon injection. Their normal carapace is now much thicker, and the additional spikes are coated with Dark Water, making them especially toxic to the touch. Retains shape-shifting ability and capacity to drain emotional energy, though limited to an equine shape of equivalent size. Destructive and ruthless, they retain both the Ing vulnerability to light based weaponry and the X weakness to Metroid based beams and predation. Your dragon aspect will allow you to absorb them without Phazon corruption, and the Light tech will protect you from Ing Possession.

Warrior Para-spite
Like Para-spites, but these X mimic Warrior Changelings and are possessed by Warrior Ing. The end result is a far stronger creature. Standing nearly three times the height of the standard Para-spite, it is capable of inflicting far more damage and taking much greater punishment. Retains the same weaknesses of the Para-spite, but the thicker armor makes it more difficult to damage.

Hunter Para-spite
Unlike Warrior Para-spites, these Warrior Changeling mimics have been possessed by Hunter Ing. Preferring aerial battle and having a lighter build than Warrior Para-spites, these retain the Hunter Ing capability of phasing in and out of local space. Retains the same weaknesses as other Para-spite variants, but incredibly deadly both at range at close in. Engage with caution.

“Adam!” Samus called out. “We need to evacuate this town!”

“What?” Adam shouted out. “But we’re shielded-”

“The shield’s relying on one pony’s strength!” she barked out. “And we’ve got an army of X, Ing, and Dark Magic coming in! I need as much room as possible to work in, and no civilians to trip over, especially when the hosts are shape shifters!”

“On it!” Anthony barked out as he raced to the door. “This castle’s huge! We’ll bring them all in here!”

As Adam, Anthony, Rundus, Ghor, and Gandrayda got to work, Samus and Spike moved into combat positions as the dark song continued, this time from the army, sounding like an unholy, hissing hymn.

In the dark of the night, evil has found you!
As the dark of the night blots out the dawn!

“Revenge will be sweet…” Ridley sang out.

“Now the power’s complete!” the army sang out with him.

In the dark of the night...you will die!

Samus growled under her breath, watching as the lead scouts of the marching army began banging on the outside of the shield, sending the citizenry there panicking towards the Castle. “At least they know where to go,” she murmured softly as they raced past her.

“Thanks for small blessings,” Spike murmured back as he took to the air, the music echoing still.

Can’t you feel how my power has grown overwhelming…
Soon I shall crush you both ‘neath my heel!
Though your fear I can smell in this place
I know my forces you’ll face!
Just before, dear Hunters, I send you to Hell!

Seeing some of the hostiles starting to breach the shield, Samus raced forward, using a straight physical strike to knock them back, not wanting to risk releasing any X until all the civilians were safely out of the range of the battle. Despite that, the army continued to sing.

In the dark of this night, Terror has found you!

“Terror’s the least I will do!” Ridley snarled from the clouds as the billowing shadows slammed into the shield from above.

In the dark of the night, our march is true!

“Soon we shall feast!” Ridley shouted out.

On the flesh of the weak!

“In the dark of this night, you’re through!” Ridley snarled out.

“We’re not done yet!” Spike growled back as the shield shrank down, protecting just the castle now that everyone - and everything - had been evacuated there safely. The army continued to sing, but Samus and Spike refused to listen, already lunging to battle, but the magic of the song held the forces together.

“Come my minions!” Ridley sang out. “March for your master! Now it’s time to feed!” The soldiers charged forward on ground and sky, surrounding the pair of defending Hunters. “Show them now how hopeless it is!”

“In the dark of the night!” the creatures proclaimed repeatedly as they stalked forward, only for Ridley himself to take shape out of the dark clouds.

His body had drastically changed. He was no longer sleek and smooth as he had been. He’d bulked up in the same way Spike had when possessed by the Emperor Ing, spines erupting along his back between his wings and lining his arms. A crimson horn curved from the center of his forehead, and acid dripped from his jaws. A spiked sphere tipped his tail, smashing a house apart with a lash.

“You’re through!” Ridley snarled down at the Hunter pair as lightning flashed around them.

Author's Note:

This is the song I wrote this chapter to.

I'm hoping I parodied the lyrics enough to be within the site rules about lyric usage...but we'll see.

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