• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Beginning of the Syndicate

Spike folded his arms as he looked around the room. Once designed to receive information from hundreds of worlds and outposts across Republic space, it was justifiably large, dotted with numerous holoprojectors, most of which were active as Spike stood before them. Unlike their intended use however, they were not displaying members of the Republic military, or any military for that matter. Instead, there were pirates and mercenaries, deserters and scum from across the galaxy. Seugtai had taken great pains to vet them all, ensuring that they could be trusted, as far as any of this sort could be trusted.

“Thank you all for heeding this call,” he called, raising his voice, the room falling quiet as he spoke. “I am sure many of you know me from my past and rumours of my deeds, so let me be clear. I am Spike, former Jedi Master of the Jedi Order, former General in the Republic Army, and now, I’m apparently a war criminal. I am sure many of you don’t like me, any Mandalorians or Sith deserters amongst you, and I know you are in this crowd, may hate me for my actions in the wars. Any Republic deserters may hate me for the same. I have not brought you here to convince any of you to like me, because we all know that’s not going to happen. I have brought you here, because all of you are the undertones of society, all of you need money, and all you like living. I can help you with the last two, because if the Sith take over, none of you will survive a week, and you will certainly die poor. You may not like the Republic, but it’s a damn sight better than the alternatives, and you are all going to help me save it.”

At that last statement, the room erupted into roars of agreement, or shouts of dismay and derision. Spike allowed the shouts to fill the room for a minute, before throwing back his head and letting out a roar that shook the room, people quickly falling silent as Spike did, waiting for him to address them again.

“I understand you have reservations, you don’t think I’ll deliver, or that this is some trick, and so I’m going to give you a little taste of what will come your way if you follow me. I have sent or provided every one of you with a coded data packet, I’m sure you’re already trying to slice your way in to them to see what they hold, so stop. Passcode is 77295HQP, and inside are the coordinates of a recently captured Sith world. The fleet in orbit is a fraction of what it was a short time ago, which makes this a ripe target for a raid. The defence fleet that is still there is however more than a match for any of the forces at any of our commands, so the objective is simple. We will rendezvous at the second set of coordinates in one standard weeks’ time and we will attack this facility together. Alone you will fail, together we have an armada, crewed by people no stranger to combat, and we will take everything this world has to offer. Money, ammunition, manpower, we strike at the Sith Empire from unseen areas and slip away before any can challenge us properly. You want to get rich, this is how we do it. You have a week to decide if you’re going to hide in your little bases and wait for the inevitable clean up, or if you’re going to follow me. I will see those who make the right choice then.”

With a wave of his hand, Spike ordered the holoprojectors shut down before any could respond, striding to the exit where Seugtai was waiting for him, along with Herank. As much as Spike may have hated her, she was influential, and it had been that influence that brought many of those he had just spoken to the meeting at all. Begrudgingly, Spike had been forced to accept that the three were now a triumvirate in command of this new syndicate, and if they wanted to succeed they had to work together.

“Very well spoken, Spike,” Herank purred, her voice dripping with false praise. “I do believe you’ve ensnared a lot of them. Few people in my profession like anything less than being told they’ll die poor and will jump to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Now she had been released from prison she had regained some of her previous fire. Almost immediately upon taking Fireshot she had called in favours, pulling what was left of her old Empire together, now focused around Fireshot. Most of the ships still stationed there now had crew directly because of the Crime Lord. More than that, she had regained her old fire, an incredibly advanced and expensive cybernetic arm was now grafted to her old stump, and it could store yet more hidden weapons for the violent woman. Spike had to stop himself from admitting that despite her age and who she was, she wasn’t the worst looking person, and Herank used those looks as yet another weapon in her arsenal.

“That’s the general idea, yes,” Spike replied tersely. “Seugtai, status on the fleet?”

“Most of the ships are ready to fly. Best crew has been picked out for Harmony, they’re already training to work with its droid brain. Other ships have also got crews, but we don’t have enough men to run any of the battleships, maybe enough for a skeleton crew for one at best. I ordered the men not to bother, the others will benefit far more from the extra men. We’re ready to move out whenever you give the order.”

“Right then, prepare the fleet. We head for the rendezvous in five days.”

“So, you really want to try this here?” Moonstone asked, looking around the empty hanger, Spike standing in the centre with his eyes closed.

“Why not here?” Spike muttered, not opening his eyes. “Haven’t tried doing it this way yet, think now’s as good a time as ever.”

Spike had already begun to channel his magic, focusing it inwards on himself as he had done when he wanted to disguise himself as the Guardian, or when he had shrunk back to his regular size in the wake of his exile from the order. Those had been difficult, taking hours to make even the slightest progress, but already Spike could feel his power rising after less than half an hour, his magic beginning to boil just beneath his skin, begging to be set free. In short, it was far easier for him to grow than it was for him to shrink, and with a roar, Spike let go of his control, allowing the magic to flow out of him like a broken dam, with only the smallest modicum of control.

The effect was instantaneous, magic streaming out of him in a visible green cascade, lifting him off the ground slightly as his entire body began to push outwards. Limbs elongated, scales thickened by many magnitudes, and his wings spread wide, scraping against the sides of the hanger with the terrible sound of metal being rent apart.

Finally, he stopped growing, the magical discharge fading, Spike panting heavily. It had taken him almost five minutes just to transform, it wouldn't be possible in the middle of an attack either, not yet at least, but Spike now knew he could do it, and Moonstone would already have mapped the spell within his own mind. Everything from here on would only ever be an improvement on the time, effort and size that Spike would grow to. Though he wasn’t to know it yet, what he was now was only the smallest fraction of what he would become, on the blood-soaked fields of his future.

“What the hell have you done,” a voice came from behind Spike, Spike awkwardly turning to look at the source, his wings and tail scraping against the metal again until he had the sense to pull all three close into his body.

“What does it look like, Seugtai?” he asked, his voice booming out, far deeper than his already deep usual voice. “Regardless of the fleet, we don’t have that many ships. Thought this might even the odds at times.”

“So, what? You’re planning on diving around in space, freezing to death and…I just remembered who I’m speaking to. Go nuts,” the old warrior sighed, shaking his head and turning to leave.

“Seugtai, there is one thing,” Spike called, causing the Mandalorian to stop. “On board the Harmony, in the hanger bay. There’s something I want you to have, you’ll know it when you see it, but I think you’ll get a lot more out of it than I ever did.”

“I shudder to think what it is,” Seugtai deadpanned. “I’ll go find whatever it is, I just wanted to say that the fleets ready, we’re moving within the hour. Herank has taken a Hammerhead for her own, she didn’t seem to be in the asking permission mood.”

“Let her, she needs a ship. As long as doesn’t ever try and take Harmony, she can choose the one she wants. Its her crew, we all need each other. I’ll meet you on Harmony shortly.”


Harmony and a dozen other ships hung in the void around a nameless world, having arrived hours ago after jumping between close to sixty different systems over two days. They could have jumped here directly, but Spike was taking no chances. Fireshot could not be found to be their base of operations, by either side of the war. It had been stripped of all minerals thousands of years ago, and now was nothing but a footnote in the star charts of the universe, which was exactly why Spike had chosen this as the meeting point of the Syndicate. He mused silently that it would probably need a name at some point, but for now that was hardly on the top of his list of things that needed to do. The time for the assault was fast approaching, and so far, none had arrived. Spike was starting to doubt himself, doubting that he had been as convincing as he had thought, that none would show up, until a single ship suddenly appeared in the system.

Soon another followed, and another, and soon scores more. Dozens of ships began powering toward the Harmony, hailing the flagship as they came. Spike began to check off those who had arrived in his mind as the confirmation codes were sent through. All he had contacted had arrived, close to one hundred and fifty ships in all.

“Open a comm channel, all ships fleet wide,” Spike ordered, the ships droid brain complying before any of the crew had even moved. They were slower than his old Republic crew, the few members of the Fireshot base who had crewed her once were doing an admiral job of training the newbies, but it would take time for them to grasp the hang of it and bring her back to her old heights of glory.

“This is Spike,” he spoke as the comms flicked on. “You have my gratitude for coming, and for taking part in this venture. If anyone has questions, ask them now. If you don’t, form on my ship, the Harmony will be my flagship and you are to follow orders from her. All other fleets are to act under their own commander for this battle. If this all goes well, we will organise squadrons and battle fleets.”

Surprisingly to Spike, no one asked any questions of him, content to stay silent.

Smart he thought to himself, Moonstone looking at him and nodding.

None of them want to be the one to voice concerns, they’ll seem weak. If this succeeds you’ll have a lot more questions to answer, and none of them will want to be in a position weaker than they have to be.

“Very well then,” Spike spoke openly this time. “Form up on the flagship, we jump as soon as we all ready. I am sending over hyperspace coordinates and fleet information. I do not want any of you crashing into anyone else during the transit.”

Slowly the fleets began to move into position, before shooting forward as a time clicked to zero. Turning to address his crew, Spike looked at the ships captain, smiling at his old friend.

Ensign Lowell had served with Spike since the Mandalorian Wars, transferring across just prior to the battle of Eres III. He had continued to serve on the Harmony for the remainder of the war and had requested to be placed back onboard her as soon as war had broken out once more. Luckily for him, he had been wounded in battle before Spike had travelled to Vasdu, and so had been left behind on Fireshot while the rest of the fleet burnt or was damaged almost beyond repair. He had still been waiting there when Spike had commandeered the station, and after pledging himself to Spike’s new cause, Spike had seen no reason he shouldn’t be placed in charge of the command ship.

“I am taking it you won’t be overseeing the void battle from here, Spike?” Lowell asked, raising an eyebrow with a small smile.

“You know me so well,” Spike chuckled. “No no, that’s what you’re here for. Command the ship, oversee the fleet, make sure we don’t die, but I’ll be out there.”

“The Basilisk or a fighter?” Lowell asked again, not needing to look as his fingers played across Harmony’s controls.

“Neither, you’ll see when we arrive,” Spike began walking to the exit of the bridge as he spoke. “Just keep my ship safe ok. Any scratches, you’re paying.”

“Oh joy, let me just break out my cred stick,” Lowell drawled sarcastically, Spike laughing as the bulkhead closed behind him.

Soon he found himself at his destination, stepping inside one of the many airlocks of the ship and preparing himself. If this didn’t work properly he would at best look like a fool, and at worst find himself shot to pieces by a vengeful enemy who would love for nothing more than to present his corpse to their dark masters.

Pushing the thought from his head, Spike pulled his glaive from his back, concentrating for a moment, his claws on his left hand glowing brightly before he tore through the air, a small green rent appearing before him which he pushed the glaive awkwardly into. It had been yet another one of the things he had learnt to do when his magic had skyrocketed in strength, something he remembered Twilight doing all those decades ago. His heart ached every time he performed this spell, but the pocket dimension he could now create was too useful to not use because of bad memories. It was hardly large, but it was big enough for Spike to fit a weapon in and meant he wouldn’t have to face battle unarmed as well as unarmoured.

For what felt like an eternity the fleet continued in hyperspace, Spike channelling his magic all the while, fighting to keep it under control until the time was right, before he finally heard the brace alarm, steadying himself for the sudden deceleration as they slowed to relative speeds once more. An instant later Lowell’s voice came over the ships intercom.

“Sith fleet spotted, we outnumber six point two to one, all ships move to attack ship and prepare to engage. We secure orbit then break for the surface per Spike’s orders.”

Managing a grin, Spike reached for the airlock controls. He had been worried the Sith would have moved more ships in since he received intel about the world, but it would appear the fleet was as weak as he had expected, and he saw no reason to hold his new allies back any longer, or to hide his true power.

Pressing a few buttons, the airlock behind him sprang open, Spike allowing himself to be violently expelled outwards in the rush of oxygen and atmosphere. For a moment he felt the all-encompassing chill of open space, before he allowed his magic free once more, the Harmony already accelerating past him, the cannon running its length beginning to charge.

Letting out a soundless roar, Spike’s magic pushed outwards again, growing to his monstrous size, before racing after the fleet, his magic propelling him forward as battle was joined.

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