• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Spike and Solaris had arrived back at Fireshot station shortly after Norik and Tarhal, the pair waiting for them as they landed. Once they were all back aboard, and mercifully out of the flight suit and helmet, they headed up to the command deck of the ship, informing Captain Alec of the situation on Jax and their suspicions about where the raiders had gone.

“Drive computer confirms it.” Captain Alec said, walking back over to the four Jedi. “This ship made jumps to and from Orvax IV over thirty times in the past month, which is more than any other system in its navi-computer.”

"So then, we’ve got confirmation that they came from here, now what?” Norik asked.

“Now, we investigate, we get in and see what’s what, and then if we can’t do anything on our own, we jump system and get reinforcements, then come back and smash ‘em.” Solaris said simply.

“Fine, that could work. We can have a fleet on ready to move out in a day with just a word from Republic officers. You won’t find a bigger fleet any closer.” Alec nodded. “But how are you planning on getting in to their slaving ring without being noticed. I doubt that they’d just let Jedi in.”

“We don’t tell them that we’re Jedi.” Spike suggested.

“Interesting, go on?” Solaris asked with a smile.

“We go in, posing as slavers who want to purchase new property, they let us in. Once we’re there we can look around, before getting out and calling in the Republic.” Spike explained.

“That could work.” Norik nodded.

“One problem.” Solaris pointed out.

“Which is?” Tarhal asked.

“If we’re going to pose as slavers, and get enough access to the facilities to find out about their defences, we will have to get on the good side of the leaders.” Solaris replied.

“And how are you going to do that?” Norik asked.

“We need a slave.” Solaris said bluntly.

For a second, nobody said a word, simply looking at Solaris as if she was crazy. Finally, Alec broke the silence.

“Oh, that’s a good one master Jedi.” He chuckled. “I thought you were serious for a second there.”

“I was.” She deadpanned. “Fact is we need a slave, whether they are an actual slave or not doesn’t matter, but we need one to get in.”

“As much as it pains me to support such a reckless plan, I have to agree with Solaris.” Norik said softly. “But I will not have someone put their lives at risk because we hold their leash. I will not have an actual slave do this job.”

“I can’t believe you’re contemplating his.” Alec said in disbelief. “I thought other Jedi would be wise, even if Solaris is a bit rough around the edges.”

“Guilty as charged.” Solaris muttered. “We must though, and if we are to have someone who knows how to defend themselves, we only have two choices.”

“Master.” Spike bowed, picking up quickly.

“Who?” Tarhal asked.

“You or Spike, my Padawan.” Norik elaborated.

“No, I won’t support this action.” Alec said adamantly.

“You don’t have to support this, this is a Jedi operation. All I ask is that you contact republic command and get permission to move a fleet to move in as clear up.” Solaris beseeched.

“Alec, at the end of the day the choice is down to Tarhal or I, and I say it’s the only plan we have.” Spike said, before turning to his master. “I’m with you master.”

“Good.” Solaris smiled. “Now, here’s what we’re going to do.”


Orvax IV.


Lady Herank Kalia sat on the command throne in the control room of the Cityscape station that orbited her planet, looking out of the main viewport and smiling to herself. Hundreds of small ships were moving about, or else ferrying the recently acquired slaves down to the prison facilities on the planet itself.

The recent raid on Jax had been phenomenally successful, not to mention a good bit of revenge. As soon as the Republic dogs had loaded her onto that ship, her contacts had relayed her position to her allies, and had intercepted her prison ship. They had then gone on for a good spot of revenge. Now, the guards were all dead or slaves, and the prisoners were either free, and working for her, or slaves beside their old guards.

Getting up from her chair, Herank looked around the lavishly decorated room. She had always had a think for opulence, glancing in a mirror as she walked down towards the crew at the front of the ship. She stopped, regarding the face she perceived as beyond beautiful. Her bald tattooed head was a perfect mix of smooth beauty and angled intimidation, striking fear into those who were with or against her. She cared little for what her underlings thought of her. All she cared for was money, nothing else.

“Lady Kalia. Sensors indicate a ship jumping into the system. No records of them on the manifest. Should I prime the defence grid?” A crew member asked, not looking around for fear of inciting her wrath.

“Prime it and open a communication channel, lock weapons and prepare to fire on my mark.” She growled, before grabbing hold of the transmitter.

“Unidentified vessel, you have entered the space of Lady Herank Kalia and Orvax IV. Power down your engines and shields and identify yourself or be destroyed.” The crew men ordered.

“Cityscape station, this is Dick Vaughn, head of the Star-maxx cooperation, with me is Karana, my second in the ship Eagle. I find myself in need of some workers, and would speak to the head of your establishment to that aim.” Came a mechanically assisted voice through the speaker.

“Mr Vaughn.” Kalia said, purring into the transmitter. “This is Lady Herank Kalia. What makes you think that I would speak with someone that I don’t know? What can you offer me for the privilege of landing?”

“Lady Kalia, it is an honour to speak to you.” Vaughn replied over the comm. “I have in my possession on slave of excellent stock who I would happily trade in permission to look at your stock.”

“And what makes this creature more worthy than another slave?” Herank replied.

“This creature is unique. If you would permit us to come on board I will show him to you, and perhaps we can strike a deal.” Vaughn replied.

“Very well. Stand by for a flight path.” Herank said, before passing the comm back to the crew members.

Eagle stand by for a flight path to docking bay G. Any deviation from the given path will result in your destruction. Do you comply?” The crew member asked.

“Aye, path received.” Came another voice, this one female. “Docking bay G it is, over and out.”


On board the Eagle


“Phew, that was close.” Solaris said, putting the transmitter down and putting both hands on the stick in front of her.

“You can say that again.” Norik nodded. “Remember to keep the parts up when we get there, you two as well.” He said, turning to face the two Padawans.

Both of them had been fitted with a metal collar, which sat locked around their neck. Tarhal’s legs and arms were free, the better to play the part of the body slave, but Spike on the other hand had a different role to play. Both his wrists and his ankles were joined together with shackles, preventing him from running anywhere.

“Easy for you to say, I’m the one in chains.” Spike deadpanned.

“You still have the Lockpick?” Solaris asked.

“Yep.” Spike nodded, before clearing his throat and showing the key between his teeth. “Hiding stuff in the throat lining. Always a good way to hide stuff from the ponies. Mostly my gems. Thank god for Asho teaching me how to do it.”

“Which is why you’re in chains not Tarhal. You can release yourself when the time is right.” Norik pointed out.

“I guess that makes sense.” Spike nodded.

“Communications?” Norik asked.

“As long as you are close, I can contact master Solaris.” Spike said. “Not much, maybe five or six words.”

“That is good.” Norik said, before looking out at the station as they approached it.

The thing was massive, easily bigger than Fireshot, but even with all the weapon batteries that were on it, it was not a military station. As they passed, Spike began counting the weapons on the station, as well as the ships that clustered around it. Around him, the other were doing the same.

“I count at least thirty turbolaser batteries, and ten ships of frigate class or less that could be pressed into service against are fleet.” Spike said, turning to the others.

“I count twelve, but it’s all the same.” Solaris nodded. “Tarhal, please radio the fleet and inform them to wait for our orders.”

Nodding, the wookie walked over to the bank of controls and began to key in the message.

“Hurry up Tarhal, Solaris is bringing us in to land.” Norik hissed, as the ship passed through the shields of the station and touched down. Clipping a chain onto Spikes collar, Norik handed it to Solaris, before opening the airlock and stepping out.


Herank watched from the bay control room as the ship touched down, before a ram lowered from the ship. It was a good ship, a Crescent X-9 if she wasn’t mistaken. This, Star-maxx corporation must have been fairly profitable if they could afford ships like this.

As she watched, a large figure walked out of the ship, the person that Herank assumed was Dick Vaughn. She now saw why his voice sounded mechanically assisted, considering the fact that the man must have been more machine than flesh. Behind him came a wookie of all creatures, a collar firmly clasped around its neck.

Next, a woman exited the ship, holding a chain in her hand, and behind her, attached to the chain via a collar, came a strange creature, the likes of which Herank had never seen. It was bigger than the wookie, both in height and stature, as well as sporting a large tail.

Nodding to the helmeted guards, they followed her as she walked down to greet the new entrants, eager to see what this creature was.

“Presenting Lady Herank Kalia, Warden of Orvax IV.” One of the guards announced.

“Lady Kalia.” Norik said, bowing deeply. “May I introduce Karana?”

“Mr Vaughn, you are not at all what I expected from the head of company. What is it that Star-maxx deals in?”

“Weapons my lady. Ships, blasters, disrupter tech.” Norik replied.

“That’s illegal.” Herank smiled.

“Precisely why I can cut corners on labour costs. You can always find someone willing to buy weapons, even if they are illegal ones.”

“Quite.” Herank smiled. “Now, tell me about this, creature, you have brought me.”

“Of course.” Norik nodded. “Karana, please bring it forward.”

Tugging on the chain, Solaris brought Spike forward. Spike growled, keeping in character as a reluctant slave.

“This creature answers to the name Spike. From what we have gathered it is unique, a dragon of all things, no idea where it came from.” Dick said. “It’s strong, tough and when you manage to break it, bloody clever.”

“It sounds like a catch.” Herank smiled. “What would you want for it?”

“Let’s call it a gift.” Norik smiled. “In hopes of seeing more promising wares down on the planet.”

“Get off me!” Spike roared, pulling against the chain, ‘trying’ to escape.

“He doesn’t seem very broken in.” Herank mused as Solaris yanked on the chain, bringing Spike to the floor, and drawing a hiss from the dragon.

“He is, but he knows he is being sold.” Solaris growled, standing Spike back up.

“I swear I’ll kill you.” Spike growled, playing the part of rowdy slave perfectly.

“He’s got a mouth on him I’ll give him that.” Herank snarled, before grabbing Spike’s face in one hand. “You will regret it. Mark my words, slave. Guard, bring me the tongue tier.”

One of the guards bowed, before walking back towards the wall, grabbing hold of something hanging there, before walking back over.

“My lady, I must advise against muting the subject.” Solaris said with urgency.

“Such concern for a slave Karana. He will be subjected to much worse before he is sold, why do I care if he can speak or not?”

“Like I said, he is smart. Him not being able to speak will hamper that.” She pointed out.

“Very well.” She growled, before turning to the guard. “Put it back, but gag him instead. We’ll have to teach him not to speak out of turn.”

Nodding, the guard replaced the tongue tier, before returning with a small length of chain and a lock.

“Open.” He snapped, before shoving the chain into the dragon’s mouth and locking it shut.

Inside, Spike smiled, knowing that this wouldn’t exactly be hard to bite through.

“Please, the day is growing old on the planet. In return for the slave, you can say stay on my station for the night, and enjoy my hospitality.” Herank offered.

“It would be my pleasure.” Norik smiled, bowing deeply. “Will my body slave be allowed to accompany me?”

“Normally slaves are not allowed on board this part of the station, but I will make an exception just this once.” Herank said. “It is interesting though, keeping a wookie as a bodyguard. They are frightfully hard to tame. How did you manage it?”

“There is a kill chip inserted in its head, connected to my own vital signs. If I die, it dies.” Norik replied.

“Ah, very astute.” Herank said, before turning to one of the guards. “Please take Mr Vaughn and our other guests to the top deck, I will meet them there. And you,” she said, turning to another guard. “take this slave to the holding pens for processing.”

“Processing?” Norik asked, turning around and looking at Herank.

“Of course, we have to make sure that each slave knows their place and who their masters are.” She replied.

Norik exchanged a glance with Solaris at this, but could only watch as Spike was dragged away towards whatever this ‘processing’ was.


Spike fought against the chain attached to his collar as he was dragged down the corridor behind the guard. Eventually, the corridor ended and the guards pulled Spike into another room. Before he could look around properly, the Guards removed the shackles around his wrists, before attaching chains to the sealing and locking him in.

“We’ll wait here until the Doctor comes.” One said, smiling cruelly

“Eh Dogter?” Spike slurred around the chain.

“Oh don’t worry, you’ll love him.” The other one laughed.

As he said this, the door slid open again, and another human walked in, this one in the same armour as the guards, but without the face covering helmet, allowing Spike to see his face. The man was uglier than a pig, scars littering his face, and his nose had clearly been broken several times, once recently if the blood on his face was anything to go by.

“Leave us.” He said, his voice sounding as sickly sweet as honey, but Spike knew that he would be like a bee caught in it if he let him get the better of him.

As the guards left, the Doctor began to walk around Spike, inspecting him. Due to the chains, Spike was unable to keep sight of him as he moved behind him. Suddenly, the man’s face was by his shoulder, and Spike instinctively flinched away.

“Scared? Good. Now, Lady Kalia, bless her name, said you don’t know when to shut up, so I get to teach you.” He grinned, before unlocking the chain around his mouth.

“Scared of an ugly son of a Rancor like you?” Spike asked.

“Heh. Heh heh.” The Doctor laughed, before slamming his fist into Spikes stomach, knocking the wind out of him. “Now, to business. I’ve got a day before you are sent to the planet, and I want some fun. You’re going to regret talking.”

Walking back over to the wall, the Doctor grabbed hold of a crank, giving it a few turns and tightening the chain, lifting Spike up until his feet dangled above the floor.

“I regret having ears at the moment.” Spike shot back, grunting as his arms took the strain of holding up his body.

“Of, you have a sense of humor do you?” The Doctor laughed, before walking away and grabbing a baton off the wall. “I wonder if you can laugh at this?”

Grinning savagely, the Doctor thumbed a button on the batons handle, and instantly the entire thing was encased in a red energy sheath. Bringing his arm back, the Doctor brought the baton cracking onto Spikes chest, just next to his left shoulder.

Spike grunted, but refused to scream, not wanting to swallow the Lockpick that he had in his throat. He just had to wait for the right time to use it.

Undeterred, the Doctor hit him again, smashing the energy baton into him again and again, but each time drawing nothing but grunts from Spike. It wasn't the worst pain he had ever been in, but it took a lot for him not to cry out.

“Resilient son of a bitch aren’t you?” The Doctor said, deactivating the baton.

“Say that again and you’ll regret it.” Spike growled.

“Hit a nerve eh?” The Doctor said, before turning around and placing the baton back on the wall, and looking for another tool to use.

Taking this as his chance, Spike began to wretch silently, not wanting to draw his attention, and finally managed to get the Lockpick in between his teeth. Taking it in the force, Spike guided it into the lock on his right wrist, quickly turning it and unlocking his wrist. Now that his hand was free, Spike set about unlocking his other wrist, conscious that if the Doctor turned around, he wasn’t going to get free, and the others would suffer for it.

Grunting, he finally unlocked his other wrist, dropping to the floor and trying not to make a sound. Unfortunately, metal floors and claws tend to make a clanging sound, and the Doctor whirled around, fixing his eyes on Spike.

“How dare you.” He growled, before drawing his arm back, before slashing through the air with a whip.

Raising his arm, Spike allowed the whip to wrap around his forearm, before he tugged hard, pulling the Doctor off his feet and sending him sprawling on the floor.

Standing over the prone human, Spike raised his head and snarled.

“I want to hurt you, but that’s not the Jedi way.” Spike growled, before head-butting the Doctor, knocking him unconscious.

Getting up, Spike looked around him, before leaning down and undoing the final locks on his ankles shackles. Looking up, Spike saw an air duct above him. Grinning, he jumped, using the force to assist him, and digging his claws into the metal.

Ripping the cover off the grate, Spike forced his way in, wriggling through the small gap into the more spacious tunnel beyond, and crawling off to complete the next part of his mission. Placing his hand to his temple and screwing up his face in concentration, Spike searched for his master. Quickly finding her, he willed her to open her mind to him, and upon feeling her doing so, sent the message.

“Free. Continuing with Plan.”

Unable to send anymore, Spike began to crawl through the tunnel, hoping that it wouldn’t get any smaller, and that he would make too much sound crawling through it.

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