• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Spike stared at the holo-communicator on the Bridge of the Harmony, sitting down in the command chair after checking his quarters. His room was situated just off from his quarters, far away from those that had been claimed by Desolation. The second time he had ever come on his ship, after Zule and Corinna had left, Spike had picked out the room he would be using, the captains quarters being only a fraction bigger than the normal ones, but it had the trappings of command, and that’s what mattered to Spike. Screens decorated the walls, giving him tactical read-outs of every facet of the ship, while a secure door stored weapons which would be useful in the event of the ship being boarded, even to a Jedi like himself.

Desolation on the other hand had chosen something completely unsuited to commanding a warship, but then again, he wasn’t a commander, he was a savage, a brute who killed because it was what he was born to do. He had set up his own space, his own den, on the bottom deck of the ship, far away from prying eyes and the light. The darkness was safety to Desolation, and he would keep it that way.

Allowing the command chair to spin around, Spike looked at one of the screens that had previously been behind him, the one displaying the names of all those who had sworn their allegiance to Spike and Revan. It was completely full, almost two hundred names of those Padawans and Knights who would take up arms if he called them. Softly pressing on one of the keys on the arm of his chair, Spike brought up the ships droid interface system.

Harmony acknowledge command, Captains authority.”

Scanning for Captain Spike. Biometrics matched. Authority recognised. Welcome back Captain.

“How long could we sustain a compliment of two hundred guests at battle readiness?”

Current levels of food and water could sustain a crew at full battle readiness for three weeks of extended activity without re-supply, five weeks if rations are implemented straight away. Oxygen can be recycled for four weeks before becoming corrupted. After six weeks it will become deadly to human life forms. It is not advised to plan a journey for more than six weeks. Start launch procedures – Y/N?

“No,” Spike shook his head, tapping N at the same time. “Bring up the communicator system, frequency fifteen dash two two five one. Wide band.”

Frequency established. Encrypted signal. Input decryption key.

“Celestia,” Spike muttered with a smile, typing the code into the keypad beside him.

Instantly, the holo-communicator behind him flared into life, crackling with static as it connected to the other communicators dotted around the planet. They would be able to see him when they connected, but there were too many for him to be able to see all of them, so all he would see would be static. He did not have to wait long for the static to clear and the first voices to ring through.

“This is Knight Cale Berkona. Who is this?”

“Go for Cariaga.”


The voices continued to flood in, until hundreds of voices were overlapping, holding conversations with each other over the channel. Finally, Spike got a confirmation that all who should be listening were, and let out a roar, silencing the Jedi.

“Spike? Is that you?” The voice of Corinna asked.

“It is. This is all of us, every Jedi on Coruscant who’s prepared to stand up for what’s right. The first time we’ve all been in contact.”

“Is it time?” Another voice asked.

“It is. I am transmitting a string of coordinates to your communicators. Arrive within the hour, don’t tell the council. Spike out.”

Deactivating the channel, Spike leaned back in his chair, looking around the bridge properly. It had been renovated since Tarhal and Corinna had been here, the bridge receiving most of the attention. A few of the seats had been stripped out, and in their places, droid brains connected directly into the ships mainframe, reaching into every aspect of the ship, but not to the extent where an organic couldn’t take over. The ship could fight with just Spike, and he knew he could fly it on his own, without the droid brain, but to fight well, to make sure that this ship didn’t become some wreck orbiting a distant star, he would need a living crew. Soon, he would have one, one able to sense danger before it even happened, sometimes even before their enemies themselves knew. They would be a force to be feared on the battleground.

Smiling at the thought, Spike tapped on the keys a few times, opening another secure channel and inputting the decryption key. Instantly, the communicator flared back to life, displaying the only person Spike answered to.

“Revan,” Spike smiled.

“Spike? I wasn’t expecting to see you. How goes your mission?” Revan replied, the brown haired sporting more scars than he had the last time Spike had seen him.

“Better than either of us hoped,” Spike grinned. “I have found all I can gather.”

“How many?”

“One hundred and ninety four, five including me. Looks like we outnumber your force,” Spike chuckled. “We’re leaving, we need to link up.”

“My faith in you wasn’t misplaced,” Revan smiled. “We’re traveling to the Outer Rim planet of Cathar to search for evidence of xenocide. Meet us there.”

“I’ll see you with reinforcements,” Spike said, getting u from his seat and bowing, before terminating the connection. “Harmony? Prepare the ship for launch.”

Affirmative Captain Spike. Engines warming up. Droid brain powering up. Autopilot – Y/N?

Spike couldn’t hit N hard enough as he grabbed hold of the two control sticks on the arms of his command throne. A small screen slid out from the headrest, sliding out until it was just off to the side of his vision, not blocking it, but giving him easy access to all the details he needed. The shield capacitors were charged, and the engines were ready to burn. Pressing another series of buttons, Spike felt the ship shudder as the docking clamps were removed, before finally taking the ship out. He would move to the jump station where he had told the Revanchists to meet him, before hitting the space lanes on the road to war. He didn’t know where Revan would lead him, but he knew that this was the last time that he would be setting foot on Coruscant for a very long time.


“You’re sure of this?” Atris asked, holding the communicator close to her face.

“Positive,” the figure replied, the hood on the robe they wore pulled up high so Atris couldn’t see who was beneath it. Not that she needed to of course, she knew exactly who she was talking to. “Spike has called in almost two hundred Jedi, he has a ship, and he’s planning on moving out in less than an hour.”

“I need names,” Atris pressed.

“Transmitting them now,” The Jedi said, pressing a few buttons on the gauntlet they were wearing.

Instantly, Atris was presented with a list of names on her datapad, slowly scrolling through them as her brow furrowed.

“By the force, this is worse than I fearer. That is Master Zez-Kai Ell’s Padawan,” Atris said, before looking back at the hologram. “Are you sure of this list?”

“I am. Everyone on it has sworn to go with Spike, and if you try to find them now, I’m sure you’ll find that they are all on the move. I’ve brought this to you so we can mend this rift in the order.”

“You have done well Knight. I will see you rewarded for this once we have stopped him,” Atris scowled. “Keep your tracker beacon on. I will bring the council to confront Spike and Revan as soon as he lands.”


The journey to Cathar was short and uneventful, and Spike was soon easing the ship out of Hyperspace in high orbit around the planet. As far as first flights went, Spike refusing to count the flight before it was refitted as an actual flight, this was a pretty good run, and allowed the dragon to get a better feel for his new ship. The droid brain was amazing, linking Spike into every part of the ship, and allowing him to monitor everything from the power drain on the engines, to the individual heat levels of the turbolaser batteries. What really amazed him though was how easy it was to fly with a full crew.

As soon as they had boarded the ship, Spike had selected the best pilots in the group to help him run the ship, while others stood by the guns just in case. He hadn’t anticipated any trouble, but then again, he hadn’t anticipated trouble in the Sujimis sector, and that attitude had cost him more than one friend, as well as a month of pain. Now, if the Mandalorians jumped him and his ship, they would find a hard nut to crack.

“Spike, we’re being hailed from the surface,” A knight who Spike knew as Cariaga called.

“Put it on the communicator,” Spike ordered, watching as the table flared into life, showing Revan once more.

“Revan. I’ve brought Harmony into high orbit. Transmit landing coordinates if you please.”

“Harmony? That’s what you named your ship?” Revan asked, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

“Harmony was a virtue on my world, one that was more powerful than anything and protected it from any danger we faced. I want my enemies to know of the power of harmony, and in their final moments, know that it doesn’t just protect my world from aggression, before they die screaming. Harmony holds the Republic together, so Harmony will fight to keep it that way.”

“Nice speech,” Revan chuckled. “Land at these coordinates. Fifty two degrees north, zero minutes. Twenty degrees east, five minutes.”

“Did you get that?” Spike asked, looking at the Jedi in charge of communications, receiving a nod. “We’ve got it. I guess we’ll see you when we land.”

“Approach vector locked in. ETA fifteen minutes,” Cariaga informed him, pressing a few buttons on his station.

“What does the council think of you absconding with so many Jedi?” Revan asked.

“They don’t know, and honestly even if they did, I wouldn’t care. The council is full of old fools, with a few possible exceptions,” Spike scowled.

“I hear that,” Revan nodded. “We’ll talk more when you land. Revan out.”

Leaning back in his seat, Spike took hold of the controls sticks again, waiting for the approach vector to be displayed on the screen in front of him, guiding him down to the planet below.


“You’re sure Revan is on Cathar?” Atris asked, looking at the hooded Jedi in the communicator.

“He spoke to Spike just moments ago from the planet’s surface. He’s there,” The figure nodded from beneath the robes they wore.

“The fleet is still half an hour away from the planet. We will be there soon,”

“How many ships do you have?”

“Why?” Atris asked. “Do you think there will be a confrontation?”

“There is a Republic fleet in orbit, I counted twenty Hammerhead cruisers, even a command ship, not to mention the individual ships of Jedi,” The figure replied.

“We have ten ships, but numbers do not matter. The Republic would never risk opening fire on Jedi and tearing the two apart,” Atris said dismissively.

“They have Jedi too,” The figure pointed out. “If it comes to a fight, who do you think the Republic will support? The ones who are helping them or the ones who are in the right?”

“The Republic will never fire on the council,” Atris reiterated.

“No, but Spike might, Revan to, but Spike hates you and the council. I don’t think he’d be above attacking you if you caught him in the wrong mood.”

“He wouldn’t dare.”

“He would. I’ll keep him occupied on the surface, but just be careful.”

“We will be,” Atris nodded. “Don’t let him know who you serve until we are there. If he is as unpredictable as you say, he could be the true threat this council has been sensing, the return of the Sith under Spike.”

“I doubt that, but I’ll keep it in mind. Over and out.”


Spike breathed in deeply as he walked down the ramp from Harmony, the ship having landed on one of the many flat planes of Cathar. Behind him, the other Jedi began to disembark, walking towards the opposite group of Revanchists already on the planet.

It was funny, looking at the differences between the two groups, even as they sought to link up. Those who had been with Revan for a while already wore armoured robes, or suits of republic body armour, wearing Lightsabers and blasters in bandoleers and military style holsters, while the Jedi who were disembarking Harmony with Spike were clad in the traditional robes of the Jedi, their Lightsabers concealed beneath.

The two groups halted when they were a scant few meters away from each other, Revan, Alek and Meetra stepping out from the old Revanchists, while Spike stepped forward from the reinforcements, towering over the other leaders of the movement.

“I didn’t think you had it in you Spike,” Alek chuckled, looking around at the new Jedi.

“And I didn’t think you had it in you to survive Alek,” Spike retorted.

“It’s Malak now.”

“Malak? Why the sudden name change?” Spike asked in confusion.

“A conclave of Jedi Masters killed their own Padawans on Coruscant to stop the ‘rise of the Sith’,” Malak spat. “I went undercover as Captain Malak, and I testified to the council, but you know what they did? They sent me back to Revan. ‘Go stop him’ they said, as if Masters murdering students is an everyday occurrence. I’ll keep this name until the war is won and the injustice is over.”

“They killed their Padawans?” Spike asked in amazement. “They didn’t do anything?”

“The council believed that it would tear the order apart if the wider galaxy knew that a veteran of the great Sith War started it all, so they swept it under the rug.”

“A veteran of the Sith War did it? After all we fought for, bled for, the council just let them go?” Spike scowled. “I always knew they were weak, but this?”

“We will avenge them. All of them,” Revan assured Spike, before casting his eyes over the new Jedi. “Is this all of them?”

“Everyone I could muster up,” Spike nodded.

“Jedi!” Revan shouted, raising his voice to address the newcomers. “I Revan, Knight of the order, and leader of the Revanchist movement. The council would see you all sit idle in the temple while the Mandalorians ravage the Republic, but not me, and not my friends. Beside me stands Jedi Knight Malak, my joint second in command and my oldest friend. Padawan Meetra Surik, also a leader of the Revanchists. I have no doubt you have also met Jedi Knight Spike. We remain on Cathar for two more hours. Report to one of the more seasoned Revanchists, they will guide you in the tasks I have set for them.”

As the new Revanchists began to fan out, mingling with the old ones for direction, Revan, Malak, Meetra and Spike began to walk towards Harmony, catching up with each other, and swapping stories.

“So, how was your spell on Coruscant?” Spike asked, looking at Malak. “I never even knew you were there.”

“That was the point,” Malak pointed out. “I was undercover for most of it, and for the rest…”

“Spike, you’ll want to come and look at this!” A Jedi called from the boarding ramp of Harmony, before disappearing back inside.

“What was that all about?” Malak asked.

“We should go and see what he wants,” Spike said simply, before breaking into a run and bounding up the boarding ramp into his ship.

Following after Spike, Revan and the other leaders of the movement quickly made their way inside the ship, emerging onto the bridge just as Spike sat down in his chair, turning it around to face the screens on the wall.

“Nice ship you’ve got here Spike,” Revan complimented, looking at the bridge. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say this was a Mandalorian design.”

“It is. I stole it before I met you,” Spike replied without looking round, sifting through streams of data on the screens. “As far as I can tell, this ship was a prototype that the Mandalore was trying out, meaning it’s completely unique.”

“Would you not feel better flying a Republic ship?” Meetra asked.

“Possibly, but this one will do, and I find it poetically ironic to kill Mandalorians with their own ships,” Spike chuckled.

“Can’t argue with that,” Revan nodded. “So what is it?”

“The sensors picked up a Hyperspace disturbance from orbit about five minutes ago,” The Jedi who had called them in explained. “At first we thought it was a glitch, then when we found they were ships we tried to hail them. They haven’t replied, so we got in contact with the Republic fleet. They’re all ok, but they won’t tell us what’s going on.”

“So we have inbound non-hostile ships inbound?” Malak asked thoughtfully. “Spike, did you bring every Jedi you recruited on your ship?”

“Every one,” Spike nodded. “Harmony? Plot the ships descent and give me a coordinate. Arm weapons and lock on, just in case.”

Command acknowledged. Targets locked, landing zone plotted. Fire – Y/N?

“Spike, you can’t just fire on people,” Revan protested, even as Spike pressed N.

“I know, but if they are enemies, we can hit first,” Spike said simply, before getting up from the chair. “We should go to the landing site, meet them as soon as they touch down.”

“Agreed,” Meetra nodded.

“Attention Revanchists,” Revan said, touching his hand to the communicator in his ear. “We have several unidentified ships descending towards the planet. Prepare to meet them.”

With that, Revan turned and strode from the bridge, quickly followed by the other Jedi as they made their way back onto the surface of Cathar. Spike could already make out the shapes of the ships descending towards the planet through the cloudless sky, ten in total, their silhouettes matching with four Hammerhead-class Cruisers, along with six Foray-class Blockade Runners. Whoever was coming down to the planet, they were Republic soldiers, and they were well prepared for whatever was about to happen. Then again, so were the Revanchists.

Moving to the front of the group of Jedi, Spike worked a crick out of his neck, his hands hovering over his Lightsabers apprehensively, ready to grab them and let fly the instant he needed to. Beside him, Revan, Malak and Meetra were doing very much the same, and their actions were being mirrored by the hundreds of Jedi that looked to them for guidance.

The ships eventually touched down on the planet’s surface just in front of Spike and the others, the Hammerhead Cruisers taking point, while the Blockade Runners landed behind, instantly opening their doors to disgorge troops. In short order, all but one of the ships had opened, disgorging a few troops, enough to make Spike nervous, but if he was being practical, he would realise that such a small force wouldn’t pose much of a challenge to an almost identical number of Jedi. These soldiers weren’t here to fight, they were hear to unnerve them.

Slowly, the door to the final ship began to slide open, allowing who Spike assumed to be the commanders of this force to disembark and take their place in front of the Republic soldiers, staring across at Spike and the Revanchists. Spike growled as he recognised all of them, and he could already feel the presence of Desolation pushing against his mind, begging to be set free.

Right now, Spike was seriously considering letting him.

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