• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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“Spike, stop it.” Parn shouted, looking at Spike as he paced up and down the hanger, his fists clenched and shaking in barely supressed rage.

“Slow down? Slow Down!?” Spike roared, turning and facing Parn. “Why?!”

“You’re going to break a hole in the floor if you keep pacing like that.” She shot back.

“Mandalorians!” Spike bellowed. “They should be dead! All of them! They fought in a war and they lost!”

“Maybe this is a splinter force? One that is acting…” Parn tried.

“The Mandalorians only come together under the Mandalore!” Spike shouted back, interrupting the woman. “To destroy a planet, they would need a large fleet, and only a Mandalore would have that!”

“We can’t…” Parn tried again, but it was useless.

“Prepare for battle and launch the ship.” Spike spat. “We will leave for Thresh now.”

“Spike I can’t condone that action.” Parn growled.

“I am giving you an order!” Spike screamed, the sound echoing around the now silent hanger, every soldier who had been working there suddenly stopping as Spike raised himself to his fullest height. He had shouted before, but never before with the rage behind it, and never to completely disregard the opinion of Captain Parn.

“Launch the ship, prepare the shuttles. We are going back to the planet and searching for clues to where they came from.” Spike growled, looking around at the soldiers and navy crewmen. “When we find evidence, we will return to the Republic, and we will get a fleet to destroy them again.”

With that, Spike stormed out of the room, his heavy footfalls echoing around the ship, and leaving Parn and the others looking shocked.

“Captain?” One of the crew asked, walking up beside the woman.

“You heard him. Prepare the ship for a jump and stand by your stations. Get Cortez to meet me on the bridge.” She ordered softly.

“But if it was the Mandalorians, shouldn’t we wait for reinforcements?” He pressed.

“Yes, we possibly should.” She nodded. “But they didn’t appear last time, maybe our luck will hold.”

“You don’t sound to certain about that.”

“I’m not. I never fought the Mandalorians when Spike did, it was before my time, but I know that they are as intelligent as they are ruthless. They took the planet because they needed something, but they destroyed it to hide what that was. They’re not going to just let anyone waltz into orbit.”

“Then why are we going when this is probably a trap?” The man asked.

“Because Spike hates them.” She said simply. “You know our Jedi suffers from nightmares of the war. The Mandalorians are the reason for that.”

“Great. So we’re heading into a trap for old wounds?”

“Spike hasn’t steered us wrong yet, and you know he cares for us, but this is something he’s not going to be turned for, so we might as well support him.” Parn said simply. “Now get to it. I have to see Cortez.”

Parn walked out of the hanger as the crew within began running back and forth, stowing the ship for transit. Making her way down from the hanger, she quickly reached the quarters of the soldiers, and knew that Cortez was within. Moving past the blast doors, Parn caught sight of the Sergeant, and walked towards him.

“Sergeant. A word in private if you please.” She ordered simply.

“Coming Cap.” He smiled, walking after the Captain as she led him out of the room again, quickly reaching her own private quarters. “Nice for some eh?”

“I’m a Captain in the Republic navy.” She smiled. “Maybe if you rank up a bit, you’ll get nice quarters.”

“Point taken.” He laughed. “Now, what’s happening? I heard Spike getting angry, what did you do?”

“The girl, Katara.” Parn said slowly. “She woke up and drew a picture. She showed Spike what attacked the planet.”

“Mandalorian?” Cortez asked.

“The only thing that could send him over the edge that quickly.” Parn nodded. “He thought that they had all been destroyed in the fourth and final battle of Onderon. If they’re coming back…well.”

“So we’re heading back to Thresh then?” Cortez summarised.

“For an idiot, you always manage to arrive at the point.” Parn frowned. “He wants to find something, anything, which can be used as definitive evidence that they’ve returned. Katara’s testimony isn’t enough to move the republic to action, but if he can find something, hell, if he saw the Mandalorians, his word would be enough to spark and investigation.”

“So we’re returning to a trap we didn’t spring last time, in the hopes that we find something amidst the fires or spring the trap?”

“Exactly.” Parn agreed. “You’re going down to the planet, if they do come back, they’ll be coming to the surface to hunt you down. Can you defend yourself?”

“That depends.” Cortez said slowly. “If we can find somewhere defensible, and if they don’t come in to many numbers, then I trust the Vipers to stand. But if not, they learnt a thing or two about hunting and hiding during the hunts on Ranox. We may be able to hide until reinforcements can come. They will come, won’t they? If you have to leave, the Republic will investigate Thresh?”

“If this ship goes missing, the Republic know where we are heading, and they’ll come to Thresh. If I have to retreat, I’ll return to the republic and get reinforcements myself. You won’t be left. Just in case though, we’ll load up the shuttles with as much food as we can, we shouldn’t need it after today, we’ll be going home, one way or another.”

“Thank you. It’s a fine thing to die for the Republic, but I’d rather do it somewhere where we’ll make a difference, not being hunted like animals.”

“Captain?” A voice sounded across the intercom.

“Go ahead helmsman.” Parn replied.

“We’ll be arriving in half an hour.”

“Thank you.” Parn said, before looking at Cortez. “Half an hour?”

“You’re on.” He nodded, a smile spreading onto his face.


“Raagghhh!” Spike screamed, smashing his fist into his bed, denting the metal frame.

“Spike!” Came the voice of Moonstone.

“What?” Spike snapped, looking around at the mare.

“Calm. Down.” She said firmly.

Spike stared at the mare, his fists clenched and his chest heaving as he brought his heart rate and breathing under control. Eventually, he let his fists drop, and his face softened.

“Thank you Spike. I know more than anyone why you hate them, but revenge is never good. By all means, go to Thresh, I’m not trying to stop you there, but don’t lose sight of what you are there to do. You are to find evidence, and bring it back to the Republic.”

“I know I am.” Spike nodded. “And I remember what happened last I blundered into a confrontation with the Mandalorians. True, this ship is bigger and stronger, but I don’t want to repeat that. Ever.”

“I know you don’t Spike.” She smiled weakly. “Now, on to another matter that is of high importance.”

“Magic?” Spike guessed.

“Magic.” Moonstone nodded. “You know what it is, yet somehow that knowledge is buried to deeply even for me to see it. I can sense it, but if I can’t see it, you can’t.”

“So what does that mean?” Spike asked.

“It means you have magic inside of you, much in the same way as you can wield the force.” Moonstone explained. “But if you can’t access that part of your brain, and I can’t help you there, then you’ll only ever be able to do what you can teach yourself from scratch. Maybe if there was someone who could teach you about it, it would be different, but no one except the Unicorns and Alicorns from Equestria could do that.”

“And I don’t know where Equestria is.” Spike finished sullenly. “I suppose it was too much to hope that you could help me learn it. I may have even been able to send letters home, let them know I’m ok.”

“Perhaps in time Spike.” Moonstone reassured him. “But I would advise caution when practicing with this magic.”

“Why?” Spike asked.

“On Ranox, you created a shield, or, what you think was a shield, I going off old memories here, ones that are half faded.” She chuckled. “It was small though, and you were burning through power like no tomorrow. When you hit it with your flames, you couldn’t take the stress. You dropped it before you could pass out. I’m worried what over taxing your system would do to you.”

“I’ll be careful, don’t worry.” Spike reassured her. “But you need to promise me you’ll help me through this. If the Mandalorians are returning, then that could mean the Sith as well, and none of us want that. I…I…I can’t stand the idea of going through Maryx again, I just can’t.”

“You won’t Spike.” Moonstone said softly. “You’re stronger now, and you haven’t killed anyone’s brother this time around.”

“Yeah, not yet anyway.” Spike chuckled, before reaching out and trying to hug Moonstone, only for his face to fall as his arm passed through her, the mares features distorting and rippling like water until they reformed.

“You know you can’t Spike. I’m not real.” She sighed. “I’m a construct, an after image created by you and given life by the force.”

“You’re real enough to me, even if no one else can see you, and I can’t touch you.” Spike smiled back. “I don’t care if I created you, you’re my friend, the only one who’s stuck by me.”

“You know Tarhal wanted to come with you.” She shook her head. “His first act as a knight after the Great Hunt was to try and get himself to be part of the 59th with you, but the council told him…”

“That a simple recovery force didn’t need two Jedi knights.” Spike finished.

“I doubt they would have even picked you if you had had a Padawan learner. Two Jedi is a big investment for the order at the moment, especially on a mission such as this. Deep space, little to no opportunity to prove oneself. No Padawan would have passed any of the trials out here, though it would certainly be enough time.”

“A Padawan.” Spike smirked. “Can you imagine me with one, me as a teacher? Others look at me and think I’m speaking to myself half the time. I can’t even rein in my own emotions, what sort of Jedi can’t do that?”

“A Dragon. You know full well what your kind is, I can see it in your mind. You’re terrified of what they are, aren’t you? What you’ve seen of your kind? That’s what really scares you. You’re wondering if what you feel in your heart now is a result of past experiences, the call of the Dark Side or your calling as a Dragon.”

“Once again, you know exactly what I’m thinking.” Spike nodded. “Garble was an arse, and he’s the only Dragon I’ve ever met properly, then there was a Green Dragon in the Everfree Forest, he tried to kill me without a word. Dragons are cruel and spiteful, and more than that, they are greedy. I don’t want that to be me, not again.”

“Attention all hands. Prepare to exit Hyperspace.” Came the voice of the helmsman over the radio, and Spike felt his stomach lurch as the ship decelerated quickly, coming down to sub-light speeds in the blink of an eye.

“I’m going to the Bridge.” Spike told Moonstone.

“I’m in your head.” She pointed out. “I know exactly where you’re going.”

“Whatever.” Spike grinned, before taking off at a run towards the Bridge.


“It’s stopped burning at least.” Spike noted.

“So what’s the plan of action?” Cortez asked.

“Parn, I want you on station while Cortez and I search…” Spike began.

“I don’t think you should lead this investigation.” Parn said suddenly.

“Why?” Spike asked.

“You want to find some evidence that it was the Mandalorians, you don’t have eyes for the possibility that anyone else could have done this.” Parn pointed out.

“Katara showed me a Crusader symbol.” Spike pointed out.

“Mandalorians and mercenaries go hand in hand. For all you know this could be the work of a mercenary band that just happened to have a few Mandalorians in it.”

“Do you honestly believe that?” Spike deadpanned.

“No, I don’t think that.” Parn replied. “Mercenaries don’t do that unless they are paid, and no one would risk this except an army, meaning unless we have an uprising from another force, it probably is them, but we have no evidence one way or the other. If you go down there, any evidence found will be bias and prejudice, and we don’t want that. If it came to a war, wouldn’t you rather fight those responsible?”

“You make a good point.” Spike sighed, knowing that she was right, and yet still hating it. “I’ll stay here then. Cortez, take the shuttles and the men to the surface, take the provisions as well. We’ll do a long orbit to scout the rest of the system before coming to pick you back up. If anything happens, dig in, or hide.”

“Very good Spike.” Cortez nodded, before turning and walking off the Bridge.

“Thank you for listening to reason Spike.” Parn nodded.

“You made a good point.” Spike returned.

“Yes, but you were also in a rage when I last saw you. I didn’t expect you to back down that easily.”

“I reasoned with myself. Realised that there are bigger things that need concern me. I hate them, and if it was them, I’m not going to turn away from this, but if you are right, if they weren’t behind this. I won’t turn into Garble.”


“The only Dragon I’ve really known, and someone who isn’t a role model. He like violence and greed, and as far as I know, that’s baseline for my kind. But it’s not me.”

“We make our own paths Spike. Humans have been called savage xenophobes before, while Wookies are called walking carpets. That doesn’t mean you can’t have humans that are kind to aliens or Wookies that clever like your friend Tarhal. Your species only dictates what you look like.”

“Shuttles away.” One of the Bridge crew called.

“Parn, want to take the helm?” Spike asked.

“Might as well.” She nodded, walking to the front of the Bridge and settling into the pilot’s seat. “What’s our heading?”

“Take us round the planet, keep a long orbit and cut communications. If something does jump us, I don’t want Cortez getting found because we are in contact with him. Once we’ve swung back around, we’ll get back in contact with him and pick them up. Then we’ll leave.”

“Aye Spike, long orbit it is.” Parn agreed.


Two Hours Later


“Progress?” Spike, walking back on the Bridge. He had been summoned to the armoury to speak with one of the crew members there, but it had turned out to be an easy fix. The benefits of Dragonfire he supposed.

“We picked up a blip on the long range scanners half an hour ago, but it was only for a second.” Parn replied. “No ship could jump in and out of the system with only one signature.”

“No, but something could get out of the system.” Spike mused. “Have the men stand by and spin up the shield generators. You don’t need to waste the power raising them yet, but be ready.”

“Something’s moving on the system edge!” A man called out.

“Elaborate.” Spike said quickly.

“One signature, matches the size and scale of a Light destroyer if that. Unknown designation.”

“Can we fight it?” Spike asked simply.


“Can. We. Fight. It?”

“The Hammerhead Cruiser is the pride of the Republic fleet. It’s the most powerful ship of its type, we have the crew to man it and you. We can win.” Parn replied.

“Raise the shields and prepare to hail them. Maybe we can force a surrender.” Spike ordered, his tongue flicking out in anticipation.

“Shields up and running, hailing them now.” Parn said simply, before a sound of static washed across the bridge.

“Attention unidentified vessel. This is Spike of the 59th Republic Recovery Force. You have entered a system under investigation of a threat to the Republic. You will power down your shields and weapons and…”

“Second signature!” A man bellowed, before Spikes view was suddenly filled with a new ship, this one much closer to the size of the Hammerhead cruiser.

Instantly the void was filled with lasers, impacting harmlessly against the shields of the ship, which groaned in protest, but held.

“Shields at ninety nine percent capacity, weapons heating up.” A Bridge crewman shouted.

“Evasive action!” Spike roared. “Spin up the Hyperdrive and get us out of here! I don’t know what ship that is and I don’t want to find out now!”

“Spike, we’ve got incoming, neither of the ships are following!”

“Missiles?!” Spike roared, knowing what those things could do.

“Too slow and small. We can’t get a visual on them!” Parn called out.

“Brace for impact!” Spike called, holding on to his chair, and waiting for an impact that never came. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, but still nothing happened. “Did they miss?”

“I don’t…” Parn began.

“Captain!” A Panic stricken voice sounded over the intercom. “We’ve got men on the hull! They’re cutting through!”

“Spike, we don’t have the men to repulse a boarding action.” Parn said slowly.

“I can do it.” He replied simply, grabbing his Lightsabers and making for the door.

“Spike, you can, but we can’t, and you can’t fly this ship on your own.” Parn said softly.

“I will not be a prisoner again!” Spike roared.

“We have more chance of escaping later.” Parn said firmly. “But if you try and fight, they’ll know you’re a Jedi, kill every one of us and then come after you, and even a Jedi wouldn’t survive that long.”

“Fucking hell.” Spike growled. “What would you suggest then?”

“Hide your weapons on board. They’ll take this ship with them, that’s probably where the other ships went that should have been above Thresh. Remember all of the ones left weren’t worth anything but scrap, but this is a military ship. They’d be stupid not to take it.”

“I don’t like this plan.” Spike growled, but nevertheless walked over to the command chair, pressing a few keys, before pushing down on one of the bits on the back of the seat, opening a small compartment in the seat, and allowing him to hide his Lightsabers in it, before sealing it shut. They would have to rip the seat apart to get at them, and that was if they even knew they were in there.

“Don’t tell them you’re a Jedi. You’re the Captain in charge.” Parn said, handing him a microphone.

“This is Captain Spike of the Republic 59th recovery Force speaking to my crew and the boarders of this vessel. No blood needs to be spilt this day. I am ordering my crew to stand down and will wait in the bridge to discuss terms.” Spike said, before dropping the microphone.

"At least Cortez isn't on board." Parn said softly. "Maybe he won't be found."

“If he was on board, we could have fought them off.” Spike growled softly, listening intently to the heavy armour footfalls that approached the Bridge.

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