• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Trial by Fire

Spike paced back and forth in the meditation chamber as he waited for Solaris to return. It had been hours since Exar Kun had attacked the senate hall, and even after admitting he was wrong and submitting to his Masters will, he still felt sore about the whole affair, not least because of the fact that he had so callously killed Quinlay. The guy was younger than him, and had been whipped into a rage by Spike himself. It wouldn’t have taken Spike, or any of the other Jedi present, very much effort to subdue him, maybe interrogating him to find some weakness in Exar Kuns plans. Now though, well. It’s hard to interrogate a burnt corpse.

Even that though was not what was really bothering him. Exar Kun had fallen, Ulic Qel-Droma had fallen, and between the pair of them had brought Coruscants’ military to its knees, then had gone on to attack the senate, the very heart of the Republic, and killed the Supreme Chancellor. If he wasn’t safe on Coruscant, the home of the Jedi, where was he safe? Where were any of them truly safe?

Spike didn’t know what was wrong with him at the moment. In both the invasion and the duel, he had seemed angrier with everything. Was this what all the Jedi had talked about when they had spoken about the Dark Side? Was he falling without even realising properly, or was this something…deeper?

Resuming his pacing, Spike was suddenly aware of another presence in the room, whirling around to look for what he assumed would be Solaris. Instead, he saw a familiar mare.

“Moonstone?” He asked in confusion, looking around at the room, touching a wall to find out if it was truly solid. It was. This was odd, for the first time since Illum, he was seeing her without meditating.

“Were you expecting someone else?” Moonstone asked coyly, raising an eyebrow as she inspected a hoof.

Now Spike looked at Moonstone closer, he could see that the mare was not completely the same. She was fuzzy, her features not quite as sharp as they were when Spike saw her while meditating. It was almost as if her features were shifting even as Spike watched, but the changes were so minute, he could not tell if it was actually happening or if it was just his imagination.

“How are you here?” Spike asked, moving forward towards the mare, towering over here as she looked up at him, only just reaching his waist.

“That is an interesting question.” She smiled.

“And it requires an interesting answer.” Spike replied.

“True.” She nodded. “Power.” She said simply, letting the word sink in before continuing. “I must say, your wings are something to admire. Barely a week grown, and they have already grown to double their original size. Nowhere near enough to fly I would wager, but still impressive.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” Spike pointed out.

“Your right, it doesn’t.” She nodded.

“Enough with the cryptic shit.” Spike snapped. “How are you here?”

“There it is.” She smiled, more to herself than Spike. “And you’re wrong. I’m not here. If anyone walked in then they’d just see you talking to yourself. I’m here because your subconscious is getting more powerful.”

“That sounds like a weak excuse at best and a guess at worst.” Spike said pointedly.

“Worst then.” She clarified. “Spike as I have said, I am your representation of the force, your avatar through which you can commune with its power. The fact that I manifest as a figure from your past is nothing abnormal, but this,” she gestured around her, “this is odd. There are other powers at work here, ones that I haven’t sensed before.”

“So, you’re the entire force?” Spike clarified, trying to properly understand the mysterious avatar for the first time.

“Yes and no. Both and neither.” She replied, once again making Spikes head spin as he tried to wrap it around the contradicting answer. “I know everything there is to know about the force somewhere in my own mind, and yet, I know only as much as you do in your own mind. I reside there, it is my home and my prison.”

“So what is this other power that you mentioned?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know, but it is strong, strong enough for me to manifest while you are awake, rather than in a meditative trance. I can sense something growing within you Spike.” She said as the door behind her slid open, allowing Solaris to walk in. Spike however was to engrossed in his conversation with Moonstone to care.

“What do you mean growing?” He asked urgently.

“Spike?” Solaris asked, being blanked by her Padawan. “Who are you speaking to?”

“You will have to discover this on your own.” Moonstone smiled as Solaris walked forward, passing through the mare, breaking the image apart before Spike’s eyes.

“Come back!” He shouted, his hand stretching out to where Moonstone had been a second before, but it was hopeless.

“Spike!” Solaris bellowed, narrowly avoiding the unintentional strike. “Whatever is wrong, snap out of it!”

“Master?” Spike asked, looking at his Master and seeing her for the first time, looking down at his fist in horror. “I…I…don’t know what happened.”

“Calm down.” She said smoothly, walking over to him and holding his fist, slowly lowering it to his waist before releasing it. “Now, tell me what that was about.”

“It…was nothing.” He said slowly, moving over to a chair and sitting down heavily.

“A very violent nothing.” Solaris muttered, sitting down opposite Spike. “Now, I have one question. Others will lead on from that, but this is the most important. Why were you in the senate hall? I didn’t tell you to go there, and to my knowledge, you shouldn’t have been allowed in.”

“I, we, wanted to see what happened to Ulic. We felt we owed it to Asho to see something like this through.” Spike replied simply.

“Fine. Next question. When the Sith warrior,”

“Quinlay.” Spike stopped her.

“I’m sorry?”

“The Sith, the, the ex-Jedi. His name was Quinlay.” Spike elaborated.

“How do you know that?” Solaris asked in interest.

“We fought once before in the Apprenticeship tournament. He lost then as well.”

“Fine. When Quinlay attacked you again after Exar Kun and Ulic had left, you killed him. Why?”

“He wanted to kill me.” Spike pointed out.

“Come off it Spike. You were half a body taller than him, he was injured and he had no weapons. Would it have taken much effort to restrain him? No. So, I’ll ask you again. Why?”

“Instinct.” Spike admitted.

“Instinct?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “That’s your answer?”

“It’s the only answer I have.” Spike said, bowing his head slightly.

“I can’t fault you.” Solaris admitted. “You’ve been with me for years now, but I had to ask these questions on behalf of the council. Final question. You wanted to go after Exar Kun. Why?”

“I already said. He attacked the Republic at our seat of power, and he is powerful enough to do it again. He needs to be stopped quickly, and as Jedi, we have an obligation to the Republic to do that.”

“Why?” Solaris asked.

“He was one of ours, just like Ulic was. They went through the same training as me, as Tarhal, hell, as almost everyone in the order. If he can fall, why not others? We need to prove we are stronger than the Sith or they will just keep coming back.”

“That is…surprisingly mature of you.” Solaris chuckled. “But, I’ve heard all I need to know. Follow me.”

“Where are we going?” Spike asked, following Solaris out of the room and down the massive corridor of the temple.

“The high council chambers.” Solaris said as the pair entered a lift, the glass box shooting upwards as they headed towards the highest point of the temple.

“Why?” Spike asked.

“You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you.” She smiled.

“I hate cryptic answers.” Spike muttered, but diligently followed his Master, eventually standing beside her as they stood in the middle of the council chamber, the Masters that now surrounded them looking at Spike in interest.

“My fellow council members, I bring this session to attendance. For the record, Master Solaris, is this your Padawan?” Garton asked, looking around at the other council members.

“Yes.” Solaris nodded. “Padawan Spike has served with me since his victory at the apprentice tournament.”

“Thank you.” Garton nodded. “And would you say he has proved himself as a Jedi?”

“I can vouch for Spikes skills personally.” Solaris said smartly.

Turning to Spike, Garton addressed the padawan personally.

“Spike. Padawan of the Jedi order. You have sacrificed your body on the failed attempt to return Ulic Qel-Droma to us on Empress Teta, you have fought in the defence of others in the invasion of Coruscant, prevailing against greater numbers without command. Even today, when you appeared in a place you should not have been, you fought valiantly against those forces allied with the Sith and Exar Kun in the senate hall. Is this correct from your mouth as it is from your Masters?”

“Yes.” Spike nodded.

“Skill. Courage. Flesh.” Garton said simply. “Three of the five trials a Jedi must undergo. Only one need be completed, and he has completed three in a short period of time. Does any member of the council object to what must come next?”

“I do.” One of the Jedi stood up. “This Padawan has not yet displayed the fortitude required for this. By the words of his own Master, he lashed out in anger in the senate hall. He lashed out in anger when he defended the cannons here on the capital. The physical evidence is clear on his back. This action is taken in haste, to little has he learnt under the teaching of his Master.”

“As is your right.” Garton nodded. “Council members. There has been an objection. I therefore pass the decision to a vote. Speak your mind, and allow the force to guide you. All those in favour?”

At this, Garton raised his hand, followed by almost all of the other councilmembers. Only two did not, folding their arms as their faces displayed no emotion whatsoever. Looking around, Garton addressed Solaris and Spike.

“It is decided. By my right as Grand Master of the Jedi order, protector of the Republic and warden of my home world, I do hereby bring to an end the apprenticeship of Spike. Even though you are young, you are fierce, you are loyal, and you are a Jedi. You were taken in as one of the oldest Padawans in several generations, and now you shall rise. But first, you must kneel.”

As Garton said the final word, he stood up, quickly followed by all the other Masters as Solaris walked backwards, standing in front of the door and completing the circle. Spike dropped to one knee, still facing Garton. As one, the Jedi all summoned their Lightsabers, each one flying in unison to the right hands of their owners before the left hand was clamped beneath it. One by one, staring with Garton, the Jedi Masters ignited their Lightsabers, Solaris bringing up the rear as her own yellow blade sprang into life.

The council spoke in perfect unison, their voices merging together to form one single sound.

“This council does hereby recognise the actions of Spike. Dragon of Equestria. First of his kind in this order. He has passed the trial of Skill. The trial of Courage. The trial of Flesh. From this day forth, he is no longer a Padawan. You sank as an apprentice. Now rise as a knight.”

Getting to his feet, Spike snared directly at Garton, a grin on his face as his heart swelled. As one, the council members deactivated their Lightsabers, taking their seats again while Solaris stayed in her position.

“Master Solaris.” Garton Brine said, addressing Spikes, former, Master. “Your diligence in the training of this knight shall not be forgotten, but I must ask you to take your leave. This council wishes to talk to Spike alone.”

Bowing deeply, Solaris turned to Spike, addressing him quickly.

“I will wait in the chamber we came from.” She said simply, before moving out of the chamber, heading back towards the lift that they had taken to come to the high council chamber.

“Now then, Jedi Knight Spike.” Garton said, nodding at the newly appointed Jedi. “What do you know of the Renalof sector? Specifically the planet of Karlp?”

“Karlp?” Spike asked, racking his brain. “No, can’t say I heard of it.”

“Karlp is an industrial planet in the far galactic south, just on the edges of Republic space.” One of the Masters said. “They export a large amount of goods to the rest of the universe. Nothing big, but the parts are used to make other things from shipboard telemetry computers to civilian airspeeder gravity plates.”

“In the past they have been productive, but recently they have been reporting a difference between what they produce and what they export.” Garton continued. “What would you think that means?”

“Corrupt officials taking the excess for their own gain, Smugglers or possible pirate attacks.” Spike reasoned.

“Why did you jump to the conclusion of corrupt officials?” Garton asked in interest, leaning forward to assess the Dragons response.

“Corruption seems to be fairly common at the moment.” Spike muttered. “You asked my opinion, I just ran through all possibilities.” He said, loud enough for Masters to hear.

“Very well. You are to be supplied with a Praetorian-Class Frigate, as well as a small contingent of Republic troops, and are to investigate and provide support to the local law enforcement.” Garton said.

“I’m sorry?” Spike asked in confusion. “There’s…there is a war going on. Surely we should be devoting everything to that, not missing exports and talk of smugglers.”

“And what would you have the council do instead?” Another Jedi, one of the ones who had voted against Spike’s promotion, said after leaning forward.

“Send everyone out, get the Jedi and the Republic to look for Exar Kuns forces. I could take the frigate and try and find him, call down the hammer of the Republic on the Sith.” Spike said strongly.

“I thought as much.” The Jedi nodded, before pressing a button on his chair arm and projecting an image into the centre of the room, causing Spike to jump back out of the way of the hologram.

The picture was of him and Solaris, showing their recent confrontation in the wake of Exar Kuns attack on the senate hall.

“But I know that we cannot allow Exar Kun and the Sith to act with impunity, and attacking the capital at will.” The picture of Spike snarled angrily at his Master.

“Just a few hours ago.” The Master finished. “This Padawan wishes to punish as well as to defend. I still hold that this is too soon.”

“Nevertheless, the decision is done, and cannot be undone.” Garton proclaimed. “And Spike, you will go to Karlp as ordered. You will not deviate from this path, and you will not take part in the war until you are informed otherwise by this council. You are strong Spike, but you are young. You do not know yourself, let alone others.”

For a moment, Spike debated arguing the point, but eventually decided that arguing would do more damage than good, and simply bowed deeply.

“Of course Masters.”

“The ship Valiant is standing by in orbit. They are expecting you in four hours.” Garton said. “May the force go with you.”

“Thank you for this high honour Masters. I hope I will not disappoint you.” He bowed, before turning and walking out of the room.

“What do you make of Spike, now you have met him in person?” Garton asked as he watched Spike move out of ear shot.

“He wants to do well, but his methods are, direct.” One of the Masters chimed in.

“The owners of the Ultra Ray would agree there, although I’m not sure that is all his fault, is it Garton?” Another asked, looking at the Grand Master with a slight smile.

“Solaris was always reckless and impulsive.” Garton nodded. “But she’s good, and serious when it counts.”

“I’m sure she is, but Spike. Spike is one to watch.” A Jedi said, sitting back in his chair thoughtfully.

“Yes, he is.” Garton agreed.


“Knight!” Spike roared, punching the air in triumph.

“I didn’t expect it to come this quickly.” Solaris said with a smile.

“Are you crying?” Spike asked with a grin of his own.

“No. Of course not.” She laughed, rubbing her eyes. “It’s just liquid pride.”

“Liquid pride eh?” Spike chuckled. “Of course Master.”

“You can call me Solaris you know.” She pointed out. “Not my Padawan anymore.”

“No, but you’re still a Master. You should be proud of your achievements.”

“I am, and you’re my greatest Spike. If my next Padawan lives up to become half the Padawan you have been, then I’ll count myself very lucky.”

“Well then, turns out a Dragon can blush.” Spike snickered.

“When do you leave?” Solaris asked.

“There’s a ship in orbit now. They should be sending down a small ship to pick me up in half an hour.” Spike replied.

“Well then, you better get going Spike.” She smiled, moving forward and wrapping her arms around his waist. “Keep yourself safe Spike. Please.”

“I will Solaris.” He smiled, returning the hug before turning and leaving the room, heading for the hanger bays.

Author's Note:

I do believe that that should bring this to 100,000 words. :pinkiehappy:

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