• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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The Weapon of the Jedi

Laughing, the five younglings made their way back towards the training hall where they had been before dinner, discussing between themselves what the ‘interesting’ lesson Norik had planned for them.

“Maybe he’s going to teach us how to blow stuff up with the force.” Zule grinned.

“I doubt it. More than likely it’s going to be some history lesson on the Great Hyperspace War or the ancient Jedi order.” Asho mused.

“I hope not.” Tarhal growled. “History kind dull.”

“Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.” Asho muttered.

“Hey, look on the bright side.” Spike smiled. “Maybe it will be another round in the ring. I could beat your arse again.”

“Try it little dragon.” Tarhal grinned.

“Um…Spike’s scales make him taller than you.” Corinna pointed out.

“Game. Spike.” Spike laughed, before ducking a soft blow from Tarhal. “Missed.” He laughed in a sing song voice.

“No fighting, the pair of you.” Asho smiled. “Anyway, we’re here. Guess we’re going to find out what Norik has in store for us.”

Nodding, the five made their way inside the large room, quickly moving across it to where Norik stood. Behind him was a table loaded with small spherical droids, as well as a series of odd looking helmets.

“Younglings. I trust you ate well?” Norik asked, looking over the five.

“Yes master.” They answered in near unison.

“Good. Now, can anyone of you tell me what this is?” Norik asked, picking up one of the strange droids.

“It’s a marksman class-B combat remote.” Asho said quickly. “They are being brought in to replace the old mark-A, and has a more efficient targeting computer and repulsor technology.”

“Very good.” Norik nodded, placing the droid down and picking up one of the helmets. “And this?”

“A blast helmet for artillery operators.” Zule said simply.

“Good. There is one for each of you, take one and put it on.”

Doing so, each of them clipped the helmet to their head, grumbling softly under their breath as they discovered the helmets were exactly as heavy as they looked.

“Good, good.” Norik nodded, before reaching behind him and unclipping a small tube from his belt. “And you all know what this is?”

“A Lightsaber!” Spike all but shouted, realising what training would be.

“Yes and no.” Norik nodded. “This Lightsaber is not like mine, and has been designed for training purposes only. The electromagnetic containment field has been intensified more than in a standard Lightsaber, which makes it harder to do more than bruise or slightly burn the target.”

Handing it over to Asho, Norik drew out four more lightsabers, handing them out, before drawing his own.

“This is the formal weapon of the Jedi order. It is elegant and has poise, unlike the clumsiness or randomness of a blaster. It needs more than simple sight to use, but it is more than a weapon, it is a symbol. Any thug can use a blaster, and any trained soldier can use a sword. But a Lightsaber, only a few can use these things without killing or maiming themselves.”

Igniting his own Lightsaber, Norik showed off the bright blue blade, swinging it slowly in front of the others.

“Press the stud on the hilt to ignite the blade.” Norik instructed, and instantly, five blue blades sprung into life before the Jedi.

“The blade is made of plasma, and is capable of cutting through nearly any other material, as well as deflecting blaster bolts. Normally, this would be impossible, but with the force as your ally, you will learn to do it. Today, I will teach you the fundamental points about the first form of Lightsaber combat, Shii-Cho. It is a simple form, one that every Jedi learns as an initiate.”

“So is this thing like a sword?” Tarhal asked, spinning the Lightsaber experimentally, and lightly brushing his arm against the blade, yelping as it singed his fur.

“It is similar.” Norik nodded, smiling slightly. “Shii-Cho was developed after we transitioned as an order from swords to Lightsabers. I will teach you the fundaments of this technique, but it will be up to your future masters to decide which form you will train further in. Now, these droids are going to activate, one for each of you. The bolts they will be firing will be set to light only for this exercise. Intercept the bolts with the blade of the Lightsaber, and direct them away from you. Do not think about it, but use your instincts and the force to guide you.”

Quickly grabbing a droid, he pressed a button on its underside, and instantly, the droid hummed into life, springing out of Norik’s hand and floating over towards Spike. Repeating the action, the other droids sprung into life and hovered over to their own initiates.

The droid beeped once, before a red light sprung out of one of the holes, speeding towards Spike. The dragon barely had time to raise his Lightsaber, managing to deflect it from its original path, but not enough to make it miss him, the beam impacting harmlessly on his arm.

A moment later, the droid fired again, catching Spike unaware and impacting on his back at an odd angle. Growling, Spike readied himself for another shot, and when the droid fired this time, he was ready. Bringing his Lightsaber up, Spike managed to force the shot away from himself, sending it across the room, where it eventually fizzled out.

“Good Spike.” Norik complimented, walking slowly around the initiates. “Now, again.”

“Why are we wearing these helmets anyway?” Spike asked, bringing his Lightsaber across and deflecting another bolt, before a second hit his leg.

“All in good time Spike, for now, just concentrate on the task at hand.” Norik said, before walking off.

Nodding, Spike squared off against the remote again as it flitted around in front of him, before it fired two shots in quick succession. Spike managed to catch the first one, but the second one caught him off guard. It was going to be a long lesson.


Almost two hours later, Spike and the others had picked up the fundaments of deflecting the blaster bolts, managing to stop them from touching them ninety nine times out of a hundred. Asho was undoubtedly the best of them, quickly figuring out how to angle the Lightsaber in just the right way so as to deflect the shot back at the remote.

“Now that you have learnt the fundaments, the power levels of the blasts will be increased. These blasts will no longer be simple light, but will be set to stun. Much like the training lightsabers, the bolts will be painful, but not lethal.”

“You still never said what the helmets are for master.” Spike pointed out.

“Ah, yes. Thank you for pointing that out Spike.” Norik nodded. “In order to be sure that you are only reliant on the force, and not on your eyes, the blast visors on your helmets will be lowered.”

“What?” Corinna asked in confusion. “But…”

“The force will guide you, but you must trust it.” Norik said smoothly. “Place yourselves fully into its hands, and you will be well led.”

Nodding, Corinna pulled down the heavy metal visor, covering the majority of her face. Following her example, the others pulled down their own visors, plunging their world into darkness.

“Reach out with the force.” Norik ordered. “Feel where the shots will come from, and…”

“Ow!” Zule yelled, obviously being hit by a bolt.

“Focus.” Norik ordered.

Reaching out with his mind, Spike felt for the tell-tale waves of the force, feeling about for the strands that held the universe together. Sensing them subtly beginning to move apart, Spike quickly brought his Lightsaber up, feeling the impact bounce off the plasma blade.

“Very good Spike.” Norik complimented. “Tarhal, good form, poor execution. Be more precise in the future.” He ordered, looking over at the Wookie, who was rubbing his arm from where he had struck it with his own Lightsaber.

Glancing over to where Spike thought Tarhal was standing, Spike didn’t focus on the droid.

“Spike, focus.” Norik barked.

“I am master, the droid isn’t doing anything.” Spike replied.

“A shot just hit your back.” Norik pointed out slowly.

“No it didn’t, I didn’t feel a thing.” Spike said, before moving his Lightsaber to intercept another bolt.

“Interesting.” Norik mused, before looking at the others. “Asho, well done, but keep the blade in the upright position when you are not blocking or parrying, it will make it easier for you to reach the different positions around your body.”

Sensing another flurry of shots were about to be launched at him, Spike blocked out the conversation, and quickly brought his Lightsaber up. Holding it horizontally, Spike felt one shot hit it, and quickly moved it round to intercept the next flurry, feeling six more shots strike the blade.

“Spike.” Norik said, pulling Spikes visor up and looking at the initiate. “How did you do that?”

“Do what master?” Spike asked.

“Deflect that amount of shots?” Norik asked. “Not many initiate can do that. It is not unheard of, but it is rare.”

“I just moved the Lightsaber logically to catch them in order, master.” Spike informed him.

“And tell me, which do you find easier, one shot, or many?” Norik pressed.

“I have more difficulty sensing single shots, but I can do it.” Spike admitted.

“Interesting.” Norik mused. “Most initiates have trouble differentiating between single shots and a flurry. Even some knight’s struggle with the subtle differences in the disturbances caused.”

“I have an eye for detail.” Spike admitted with a smile.

“I saw.” Norik nodded, before pushing the visor down again. “I’m increasing the shot frequency and power, not that the second one should trouble you much.”

“Why?” Spike asked, bringing his Lightsaber up.

“Call it a hunch.” Norik said, before walking away again.


It had been almost a week since Spike had begun training with the Lightsaber, and he and the others had increased quickly in skill, being able to block a majority of shots even with the helmets down. One thing Spike had learnt in the week, was the strength of his scales, especially those on his back, but even his softer belly scales were nothing to be sniffed at.

Today though, Norik had said he had something different planned for them. As they entered the training room, they instantly realised what was different about today’s training. Instead of five remotes hovering around master Norik, five bipedal droids surrounded him instead, each one holding a long baton that Spike recognised as a Jedi practice blade.

“Gather round.” Norik ordered, quickly distributing the training lightsabers. “Today, you will learn duelling practices. The first thing you must know are the zones of combat. Who knows them?”

“Master.” Corinna said, raising his hand. “Zone 1, the head. Zone 2, the right arm and side. Zone 3, the left arm and side. Zone 4, the back. Zone 5, the right leg. Zone 6, the left leg.”

“Very good.” Norik nodded. “Now, these five droids have been inloaded with a high level knowledge of the Shii-Cho. Today, we will test your skill against them. Succeed, and I will increase their level of skill, perhaps even to another form.”

“When do we fight each other?” Spike asked.

“When I decide to.” Norik answered bluntly. “That will be your final test. Stand up to a living target, and I will clear you to go to Illum to complete your final test there.”

Nodding, Spike moved towards one of the droids, noting that each one was scaled slightly differently from the others. Asho had a much smaller droid than Spike and Tarhal, while Corinna and Zule had near identical droids. This was probably owing to the physical sizes of each of them. Over the weeks, Spike had grown tall, overtaking Tarhal, even without the aid of his scales. The twins were still identical in size, and Asho was perhaps an inch or two smaller than Zule.

“Greetings Spike.” The droid said, its mechanical voice grating against Spikes ears. “I am Jedi training droid three-epsilon-delta. Prepare your weapon.”

Nodding, Spike ignited the blade of his weapon, bringing it into a steady guard position. Instantly, the droid moved forward, raising its weapon high, before bringing it down in a vertical Sai tok strike, aiming to strike him on the top of his head. Brining his Lightsaber up, Spike caught the blade, before pushing upwards. The droid however was quick, and darted forward with a shiak stab, hitting Spike’s chest.

“Dead.” It said simply, before Spike began again.

Bringing his weapon down in a diagonal strike, Spike aimed to cut off the droids arm, but the droid anticipated the move and blocked the strike, before swinging its own practice blade and stopping an inch away from his waist.

“Dead.” It repeated.

Rushing forward, Spike attempted to overpower the droid, forcing it to block two strikes, before it twisted and swung its practice blade down on Spike's wrist. Instantly, the young dragon let go of his Lightsaber, as the droid moved closer, holding its blade against Spike’s neck.

“Very dead.” It said, releasing Spike.

“Oh great, a droid with a sense of humour.” Spike said wryly.

“Try again.” The droid said, picking up the deactivated hilt of Spikes Lightsaber and passing it to the dragon. “Master Norik has informed me that I am to tutor you in the ways of Shii-Cho until you can face a proper opponent. Now,” It said, raising its weapon, “again.”

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