• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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This can't be Right...

Spike let out a laugh as Tarhal told them all about one of his first missions with Norik. Around him, the rest of the members of what had once been Nexu clan laughed with him, all listening intently to the Wookie’s story.

“…and then I said…” Tarhal continued.

“I knew we should have turned left!” Zule finished with a loud laugh.

“That’s my line!” Tarhal roared, lightly punching Zule on the arm.

“So what happened afterwards?” Corinna asked, controlling her laughter for a second.

“Well Norik grabbed his robe and ran out of there. I just piloted the ship while he got dressed again. Not a nice sight I can tell you.” He snorted.

“I can imagine.” Spike nodded. “So go on. How much of him is bionic?”

“Well, he says seventy four percent of his body is mechanical now. Personally I think it’s closer to eighty, but still. Compared to the rest of his body, his face is barely augmented at all.” Tarhal said.

“How old is he? He has to be fairly old to have received that many upgrades.” Asho asked.

“One hundred and sixty eight three weeks ago.” Tarhal replied. “And most of them are just replacements, apparently he got pretty fried in a ship fire.

“He moves like he’s younger.” Spike muttered. “I'm guessing your masters left you to?”

It had been four days since Solaris had left for Kemplex IX. If Spike hyperspace speed calculations had been correct, the fleet would be arriving sometime today, meaning the battle would probably be taking place today as well. As with whenever he had thought about it, as a pang of annoyance welled up in his stomach at being left behind, before he forced it back down, knowing that what Solaris had done was for the best.

“Yeah. Norik said it was going to be big. Said I would have to sit this one out.” Tarhal said disgruntledly.

“Same here.” Zule nodded, looking as annoyed as the other two males.

“I don’t know why you all seem so annoyed at being left out of a battle that could end up killing you.” Corinna said with a smirk. “If our masters say that we are not ready, we’re not ready.”

“Agreed.” Asho nodded. “I thought Jedi weren’t supposed to take pleasure in ending life anyway. Why would you want to go to battle? Especially you Spike. You almost died last time.”

“Because if Solaris dies and I’m not there, I’ll never forgive myself.” Spike said softly.

“Plus if this is a war, then we need everyone to make sure the Republic wins, not the Sith.” Zule pointed out.

“They’ll win.” Asho nodded. “Something this big won’t lose.”

“You say that now.” Spike muttered, looking up at a clock on the wall. “Tarhal and I have got to go, the remaining members of the council want me and him to show off the uniqueness of Lightsabers. Apparently our Lightsabers are the most non-standard in the order, at least those that are still here.”

“Is it that time already?” Tarhal chuckled. “See you guys later?”

“Sure. Nexu sticks together right.” Asho grinned.

“Always.” Tarhal nodded, before following Spike out of the room.

The two Padawans made their way through the temple, eventually reaching a lift and traveling to the top floor, leaving the lift and instantly being greeted by a human female Jedi, clad in the robes of a master.

“Master.” Spike bowed, Tarhal matching his movements closely.

“Padawans. I am assuming that you are the ones who are to be helping with a demonstration?”

“I am.” Spike nodded. “Padawan Spike, at your service.

“And Padawan Tarhal.” The Wookie added.

“Hello to you both.” She nodded back. “I am Master Shii’far. Now, before we proceed, I would like to see your weapons. I have been told that they are something to behold.”

Nodding, Spike grabbed his Lightsabers from his waist, holding them by the primary handle, but not yet igniting them. Meanwhile, Tarhal undid the strap that held his own weapon on his back, allowing him to draw the two handed monstrosity.

“Impressive.” Shii’far nodded, taking hold of one of Spikes weapons, dropping it slightly as she took the weight. “Heavy.” She muttered, returning the hilt to Spike and taking hold of Tarhal’s. The Wookie resisted for a second, reluctant to allow her to take his weapon, but relented quickly, allowing her to inspect his weapon.

“Wood? Interesting choice, but I guess for a Wookie.” She trailed off, before handing the weapon back to Tarhal. “Come along. My class is waiting.”

Leading the two Padawans down the hallway, Shii’far lead the pair into a room where a small group of younglings were chatting amongst themselves. There were not as many as there had been when Spike had met Solaris, but there were still more than in Nexu clan, seven to be precise.

“Tiger clan. As promised, today I will be teaching you about Lightsabers, and the uniqueness that they can possess.” Shii’far said, indicating the other two, before drawing her own hilt, a normal, if exquisitely tooled, thing.

“This is a normal Lightsaber. Each one is made by the user, to their own specifications. Mine is inlaid with ore unique to my home planet, marking it as my own hilt. No two weapons are the same. Oh some are similar, but none are identical.” She said, before gesturing for Spike to come forward. “Tarhal, please come forward and show them your Lightsaber.”

Nodding, the Wookie moved forward, holding his Lightsaber in one hand, and resting it against the floor as if it was a staff of some kind. As he hit it against the floor, he activated the blade, casting a green light across the room, and drawing gasps of awe from the on looking younglings.

“As you can see, this is a completely different weapon from mine, hardly sharing any similarities with the normal blade hilt. It is made of wood, not metal, and it requires two hands, not one. This weapon presents multiple advantages to one with the strength of a Wookie, allowing the user to place their full weight behind the weapon, and having a larger area to catch blows or deflect shots aimed at him.” She paused for a second, before continuing.

“However, for all its advantages, this weapon is saddled with its fair share of disadvantages. Because of its design, many techniques, most notably any form of stab, is unavailable to its user. It also lacks many of the utility aspects of a Lightsaber, such as cutting open doors. However, with enough training, and in the hands of one experienced in its use, will be able to overcome these short fallings. Tarhal here, has clearly begun to master it, as he is the first Jedi in history to wield such a weapon.” She finished, before bidding the Wookie to stand back, and gesturing Spike to come forward.

“By comparison, Spikes Lightsabers are much more standardised. The main difference they have with mine is the addition of a second handle, as you can see here.” She indicated the primary handles of his Lightsabers. “This allows Spike to gain an advantage over an opponent unprepared for his unique weapons. The weapons help him on the defence, but once again, have a weakness, and the weapons themselves make it difficult for one to get much power behind their blows.”

She finally finished speaking, before turning to face the two Padawans.

“I will not keep you any longer. Thank you for your assistance.” She said, before turning back to the class. Nodding, Spike and Tarhal walked out of the room.

“What a waste of time.” Tarhal muttered, heading back over to the lift.

“I guess.” Spike nodded, pressing the down button. “We never got anything like that. All we got shown is the few curved Lightsabers in the order.”

“Zule liked that lesson.” Tarhal pointed out.

“Yes, that he did.” Spike nodded. “He’s learning Makashi you know.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Tarhal replied, leaving the lift, the pair walking aimlessly down the corridor. “You’re learning Niman aren’t you?”

“Yes. Hard to master, hard to use.” Spike nodded, grunting as he felt his wings shift under his skin, scratching around the neck of his breastplate. “What are you being trained in?”

“Ataru.” Tarhal said simply. “Why are you wearing that?”

“Protection.” Spike said quickly, not wanting to tell him what was really underneath, because then the Wookie would want to see his back, and he wasn’t completely behind the idea of showing the ugly bulges off yet.

Seeming to accept that explanation, Tarhal continued to walk down the hallway, he and Spike engrossed in conversation. They had nothing else planned for that day, in fact for the past few days they had been doing little with the exception of a little training and some sparring between the old clan members, usually ending in either Spike or Zule coming out on top, the former being the strongest of the five friends, and Zule being arguably the most skilled.

“Excuse me, Padawans.” Came a voice from behind the pair, and they turned to see Master Plagun from the council, the Muun striding towards them.

“Master Plagun.” Spike bowed deeply.

“Padawans.” Plagun nodded. “Are you doing anything at present?”

“No.” Spike said uncertainly, looking at Tarhal for confirmation, before turning back to Plagun. “No, we’re not.”

“Good, I was wandering if you could help me out with a task that needs to be done, but I have been tasked by the Grand Master to keep the temple secure, and as such cannot leave.”

“How can we assist you?” Tarhal asked.

“We have been monitoring communications around Coruscant, and from the deep space monitoring stations placed around the system. The jump point station seems to be malfunctioning, we’re getting static and garbled messages that don’t follow any known coding frequency. Someone needs to check with the Republic military communication base to find out what is going on.” Plagun explained.

“Of course, we will leave immediately.” Spike bowed.

“Thank you.” Plagun said, before turning and walking off.

“Come on Tarhal.” Spike said, turning and walking towards the hanger bay. “There should be some speeders around. You’re flying.”

“Why me?” Tarhal asked out of interest, following behind the Dragon.

“Because I don’t have the best track record with flying small ships as of now, do I?” Spike laughed.

“No, I guess you don’t.” Tarhal nodded.

The pair continued to make their way towards the hanger, eventually making their way into the segment of the large area that housed the air speeders. There were of course the locked ones that belonged to one of the Jedi, but beside them were rows of other ones which were general use, and were unlocked and ready to go.

“What about this one?” Tarhal asked, pointing at a bright yellow speeder.

“Really? That colour?” Spike asked sceptically, before pointing to a dark red speeder. “That one?”

“Nah, the air intakes are too small, the cockpit will heat up.” He said simply.

“Fine, let’s just pick this one and leave.” Spike said, walking over to a small green air speeder.

“Sold.” Tarhal nodded with a grin, jumping into the pilot’s seat and thumbing the ignition.

Instantly, the speeder roared into life, and Spike dubiously climbed in, holding on tightly as Tarhal gunned the engines and shot the craft out into the Coruscant traffic. Placing his head in his hands, Spike tried not to think about crashing or burning, or any other sensation that would remind him of Empress Teta.

Tarhal grinned as he looked down at the Dragon, shaking his head, before concentrating on the air space ahead of him. Eventually, Tarhal caught sight of a large building with banners depicting the symbol of the Republic. Deciding that this was probably the building that he was looking for, Tarhal banked the craft sharply, before angling it downwards and bringing it into land in a free space on the other side of the street.

Climbing out of the speeder, Spike looked around, and realised that this was his first time on Coruscant when he had been out of the temple and with the general public of the capital world.

“Hey Tarhal, you ever been out of the temple on Coruscant before?” Spike asked, looking at the Wookie.

“Yeah, once.” Tarhal nodded. “Norik and I had to hunt down a smuggler. He was hiding on the lower levels. Anyway, let’s get this over with.” He grunted, before making his way across the street and up the steps towards the Republic base.

Quickly hurrying after the Wookie, Spike drew alongside his friend as they both reached the top. As they walked forward, a trio of guards walked out to meet them, their blasters held by their sides, ready to be brought up and fired in an instant.

“Halt. This is a restricted military installation.” The middle one, a sergeant by the stripes on his arm, said. “State your intentions or leave.”

“We are here from the temple.” Spike roared, drawing only blank stares from the guards.

“Can either of you speak basic?” The sergeant said, sounding exasperated, as if this happened often.

“I can.” Spike nodded. “We are here from the temple. The scanners are picking up a garbled message, and we were sent to check if it was the same here, or if it was a problem with our equipment.”

“Master Jedi!” The sergeant said, suddenly snapping to attention with the other two guards. “I am sorry I did not recognise you. Please, proceed inside. Jenkins here will show you to the commander.” As he said this, the guard to his left, this one a private, moved forward, saluting crisply.

“Follow me please.” He said before turning on his heels and entering the building.

As the trio moved through the building, Spike took in his new surroundings. This was clearly a military installation, troopers were moving to and fro with the occasional battle droid coming into sight on its patrol route or standing vigil over a door, flanked by guards or turrets of some description.

In short order, they had reached a heavy blast door, more droids and turrets keeping watch over it, even as the surface of the door glistened and hummed thanks to the ray shield that spread over its surface. Walking over to a small panel, Jenkins pressed a few buttons, before speaking into a small grille.

“Command, this is Private Jenkins, third squad second platoon, serial number alpha-alpha-foxtrot-4476, requesting the shield to be lowered for two Jedi.”

“Roger 4476, shields lowering now.” Came a voice over the intercom, and instantly, the shields flickered out as the door behind slid open.

Jenkins saluted again, before marching off down the corridor, leaving Spike and Tarhal to enter the command room of the base alone. Inside were hundreds of people, most of them sitting at various banks of terminals or were otherwise occupied with monitoring some form of equipment. Spying a command chair in the centre of the room, and the man sitting on it, Spike and Tarhal made their way forwards.

“To what do we owe the pleasure of the Jedi’s attention?” The man said, his uniform identifying him as an officer, but Spike couldn’t tell what the rank insignia on his arm was from this angle. “I thought most of you guys had gone with the fleet.”

“Most have, but there are still a few of us.” Spike said. “As for why we are here, the communications equipment in the temple appears to be malfunctioning.”

“Well we can’t have that now can we?” The commander chuckled. “How exactly is it malfunctioning?”

“Messages from the jump station are coming through, but they make no sense.” Tarhal replied.

“Translation?” The commander asked, looking at Spike.

“We’re getting something from the station at the jump point.” Spike summarised. “We can’t make out what it’s saying though.”

“I’m not that surprised.” The commander said, looking around quickly. “The equipment you Jedi use is ancient. Ah, there you are.” He said as he caught sight of a female Lieutenant. “Master Jedi, allow me to introduce you to Lieutenant Zam our communications specialist. Zam, please take these two over to the comm bank and give them a hand.”

“Certainly sir.” She nodded, before walking over to a free seat and sitting down. “Now, what am I looking for?”

“Any messages from the main jump station.” Spike informed her.

“Right, let’s see.” She said, more to herself than the two Jedi as she twisted a dial, pulling a headset into place over her ears. “Ah, here we go.”

She suddenly yanked the headset off, the sound of static filling the air as it blurted from the speakers within.

“Frak!” She cursed, holding her ears, before leaning down to pick up the headset, making sure to turn the volume down this time. “Right, this is just static.” She shook her head, looking at the Jedi. “I can ask for a droid to be sent over from the nearest station, should take a couple of minutes.”

“That works.” Spike nodded.

Turning back to the computer, Zam twisted the dial a few more times, before moving the headsets microphone down over her mouth.

“Republic deep space station Dim Sun, come in over.”

A few seconds passed where Spike assumed the crew aboard the station were replying, before Zam began speaking again.

“We’re getting a load of static from the jump station near your position. Please send a droid there to check it out. It’s probably just a faulty transmitter, but better safe than sorry.”

Listening for a few more seconds, Zam took the headset off and turned to face the two Jedi.

“Should be in visual range in about one minute. Honestly, we’ve all been scrambling around down here. Droids are going dark out there, not reporting back. Two stations have just stopped transmitting, but this is the first we’ve heard from the jump station.

“You don’t reckon…No, stupid.” Tarhal said, cutting himself off.

“What did he say?” Zam asked.

“He had an idea.” Spike translated, before turning to the Wookie. “Come on, what was it?”

“You don’t reckon there’s something coming do you?” He asked.

“He’s asking if you think something’s coming.” Spike said to Zam quickly.

“No, I don’t. The fleet will have only just got to Kemplex IX today.” Zam said.

“I think he means an enemy.” Spike said slowly.

“Sir! We’ve just lost contact with Paladin station!” A technician yelled out, effectively silencing the room.

“That’s right above us.” The commander shot back. “Someone re-establish connections now! Zam, status!”

“The droids coming into visual range now. Putting it on screen.” Zam said, pressing a few buttons before spinning round and facing the large screen in the middle of the wall behind the command chair.

After a moment of static, the image focused on a pile of debris, some of it still burning as blasts of oxygen were vented into space. The station that had been there was nothing more than a husk now.

“Get me visual of the planet, full spread!” The commander roared, standing up from his chair.

“Images coming in from Interceptor station now!” Another voice shouted across the room.

Instantly, the image changed, this time from a far of station looking back at Coruscant. The image sent chills down Spikes spine. Moving towards the planet were hundreds of ships, some were Republic, but not all of them. There was only one fleet that would be made up of those types of ship.

“They’re supposed to be at Kemplex!” The commander roared. “Get me everyone on the line, Coruscant’s about to come under attack!”

Before the commander had finished speaking, Tarhal and Spike had already sprinted from the room, quickly getting out of the base, even as a ship on the monitor turned and discharged volley after volley of shots as the planet.

Spike looked up as he sensed something, catching sight of hundreds of falling lights.

“GET DOWN!” He yelled, grabbing Tarhal and pulling him over the edge of the steps, crouching down behind a wall as the first wave of shots slammed home into the planet.

All hell broke loose.

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