• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Lessons in the Force

Spike followed the other initiates out of the lift, quickly moving after Master Norik as he strode down the corridor, before stopping just in front of a large opening, and turning to face them.

“Inside.” He said simply, gesturing for the others to enter before them, before following, and shutting the door behind them with an almost ominous bang.

Spike was instantly cowed by the majesty of the room. It was circular, and like all rooms that Spike had seen in the temple, it was massive. However, what really drew Spikes attentions were the four massive statues of kneeling men that held the roof up, each one bearing different symbols upon their carved stone flesh.

In the centre of the room, a series of rocks of varying sizes were arranged in order of their weight, ranging from the simplest pebble, to massive boulders that even Twilight would have struggled to lift.

“Sit.” Norik said simply, before dropping to the floor in a cross-legged fashion just in front of the rocks.

Quickly, the others crowded around him, taking seats so that they were in a semi-circle around Norik.

“For the next ten weeks, you shall train in the ways of the force, in preparation for your final trials in the caves of Illum.” Norik said, looking at each of the initiates in turn. “But first, before any of that, you must learn the ways of the force.”

At this, Norik extended a hand, and one of the larger rocks rose above him, before being slowly lowered again.

“A Jedi is allied with the force, as the force is allied with the Jedi. We Jedi draw on its power, to further enhance our capabilities, and to perform feats of skill and strength that would be impossible for any others.” Norik continued. “From this day forward, your days will be structured to the highest level. Mornings shall be early, as shall the morning meal. Morning rituals shall consist of studies in the Force, as well as classes in the history and political sciences of the thousand worlds of the Republic. Following the midday meal, you shall be led in physical training, and I will personally hone your bodies into the physical condition required by the Jedi.”

“Early mornings?” Tarhal whispered softly to Spike. Unfortunately, the translation droid did not understand the concept of subtlety, and blurted out the thought for everyone to hear.

“Yes Tarhal.” Norik said pointedly. “Early mornings. The path of the Jedi is not for those who wish to lie around all day.”

With that, Norik got up, and began to walk around the initiates. For a while, he did nothing but pace around them, before he finally spoke again.

“The Jedi Code is the code of conduct that establishes the rules, tenants, and modes of behaviours that all Jedi must follow. As initiates, you must learn the code in its entirety.”

With that, Norik grabbed a pile of datapads, and distributed about the initiates. Glancing down, Spike was confronted again by the illegible language of the Devaronians.

“Master Norik.” Spike said, turning to face the cybernetically enhanced human.

“What is it initiate?” Norik asked, walking over.

“I…don’t know how to read this.” Spike admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed now that he voiced his concerns.

“You do not read the language you speak?” Norik asked.

“No master. I never learnt to read Draconian, only to speak it. I can read Equestrian, but…”

“I understand.” Norik said, before clapping his hands once to draw the attention of the others. “The code you read, is not the original one, and was created by Odun-Urr. I do not support this reworking, but the council does, and so it shall be taught.

There is no Emotion, there is Peace.
There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.
There is no Passion, there is Serenity
There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.
There is no Death, there is the Force.

“Study this code. Learn its tenants, and take its lessons to heart. In the days to follow, this shall be your only training.”

“Master, can I have something to write with?” Spike asked.

“Here.” Norik said, grabbing a datapad and stylus with the force, and moving it over to Spike. “What is it for?”

“I want to write the code in Equestrian.” Spike said looking up at Norik for approval. “If that is allowed master.”

“It is.” Norik said, before walking off, talking to the others as he did, and giving instruction where it was required.

Picking up the stylus, Spike began to tap on the datapad, getting a feel for the new writing style. Quickly finding his stride again, Spike scribbled down the code, before looking back at it, and comparing it to the code written in Devaronese.

“There is no Emotion, there is peace?” Spike said softly, looking at the first line of the code. He re-read it, just to make sure that he had understood it properly, but each time, he reached the same confusion. “Master Norik?”

“What is it Spike?” Norik asked, walking over.

“You said that the code was re-written.” Spike asked slowly. “What was it before?”

“Why do you ask such things?” Norik asked, sitting down next to Spike, interested in what the young Jedi had to say.

“I’m interested.” Spike said, not completely falsely.

“The Jedi are scholars in history, it is your right to know if you so wish.” Norik began.

Emotion, yet Peace.
Ignorance, yet Knowledge.
Passion, yet Serenity
Chaos, yet Harmony.
Death, yet the Force.

As Norik spoke, Spike quickly jotted down the older code.

“Now tell me Spike. Why did you really want to know of the old code?” Norik asked.

“I was interested.” Spike insisted, but Norik’s features remained unchanged, as he was unconvinced of the sincerity in Spikes words. Relenting, Spike sighed, unsure of how to continue. “It’s just, the first line. ‘There is no Emotion, there is Peace’.”

“What of it?” Norik asked in interest.

“Surely emotion and peace are not exclusive of the other.” Spike said thoughtfully.

“But the want of emotion can lead to hatred for any who would also seek the emotions of the same.” Norik countered.

“Yes, but if emotion is returned, then surely peace can be achieved as well.” Spike said.

“And where does this opinion come from?” Norik asked.

“Just observations.” Spike said simply.

“You speak with knowledge far beyond someone of your years. This similar conversation has been had between masters for years.” Norik smiled. “Where did you learn to hold your own in an argument like that?”

“Twilight, my…sister-slash-mother figure, was, very knowledgeable, and enjoyed long debates. We used to talk into the small hours on everything.” Spike admitted.

“You cared for this Twilight then?” Norik nodded.

“With everything.” Spike said. “But, the Jedi…”

“…deny you emotion.” Norik finished. “Yes, the code does forbid it.”

“Only the one that has been redone.” Spike pointed out.

“The council would not be pleased if they learnt that I allowed an initiate to take lessons from the old code.” Norik said simply.

“Then I will do as the council commands.” Spike said, slightly dejectedly.

“If you believe that wise.” Norik said, with just a hint of suggestion in his voice.

With that, Norik once again began to circulate the initiates, his eyes alighting on Zule, as he looked around in confusion.

“Emotion, yet peace.” Spike muttered under his breath.


Almost three hours later, Norik brought the attention back to him, ceasing their learning of the code.

“Jedi don’t fight for peace, no matter how much some say we do. We fight to uphold civilisation, because only through civilisation, can we create peace. We fight for justice, because this allows for civilisation to flourish. If a civilisation is built upon the sands of the unjust, it will crumble when the storms hit.” He said, looking around the initiates. “For us, the Jedi, this strength, and that of the code, is built upon the three core tenants. The Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline. Can anyone tell me what any of these mean to the Jedi?”

“Knowledge. Jedi are supposed to be clever?” Zule asked slowly.

“Close. The pillar of knowledge maintains that the Jedi cannot fulfil our role in the galaxy without the study and wisdom that we are taught, and that is held in the Archives. The Force. It is a Jedi’s power, and in return, we swim through it in our every moment, breathe it, taste it, and ride its currents to our own destinies. The final pillar is Self-Discipline, and advocates the study of combat. These classes must take a second seat to the first two pillars, lest you find yourself drawn to it.”

“But the Jedi are great warriors.” Tarhal pointed out.

“We are.” Norik nodded, “But not through focus on combat, but through our mastery of the force.” Norik said, before turning, as the door swung open. “Dahgon.” Norik nodded, before turning back to the initiates. “This, is knight Dahgon. He is to accompany you, and show you to mid-day meal.”

Nodding in agreement, the initiates stood up and followed Dahgon out of the room.

“So you five are the new initiates?” Dahgon asked, before continuing, not waiting for an answer he already knew. “What do you think of Master Norik? He was the one who trained my clan.”

“Master Norik is, scary.” Corinna smiled.

“Is it the cybernetics?” Dahgon asked with a slight smile.

“Kind of.” Corinna said nervously.

“He got them fighting for the Republic. One must always remember how much he gave in this regard.” Dahgon nodded, before stopping at another door. “You will receive meals here while you are in the temple.”

With that, Dahgon turned and left, leaving the others to walk into the canteen, led by Asho.

“So, do you reckon they have any gems here?” Spike asked.

“Nobody else eats gems.” Corinna laughed. “I thought we had this discussion on the Selareco.”

“We did.” Spike nodded. “But a dragon can dream can’t he?”

“Tell you what Spike.” Zule grinned. “You ask a Jedi to give up a Lightsaber crystal and eat that.”

“The thought had crossed my mind.” Spike agreed, before grinning. “Seriously though, let’s go. I haven’t eaten since we got off the Selareco, and I’m hungry.”

“It’s good to see you happy Spike.” Asho smiled.

“Well, there’s no point being sad all the time. Pinkie could back me up there.”

“Pinkie?” Asho asked. “Wait, isn’t she one of your old friends? The element of honesty or something?”

“Close. Pinkie Pie’s the element of Laughter.” Spike smiled, reaching the counter and asking for a pile of fruit and vegetables, before walking over to a table and waiting for the others. It didn’t bother him that the others ate meat, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Maybe one day he would try, but not yet.

“Your home sounds like it’s tribal.” Tarhal said, sitting next to Spike and grinning at him.

“I guess you could say that.” Spike nodded, biting a chunk out of a piece of fruit, before swallowing and speaking again. “Not as much as Kashyyyk though.”


Finishing up in the canteen, Spike and the others made their way back towards the room where they had been before, being met by Norik, who was sitting cross legged in the middle of the room. What was odd however, was the fact that he was hovering a good three feet off the ground, his eyes tightly shut, and his mouth moving silently. As they entered, his eyes flew open, and he looked at the initiates, while lowering down to the floor and getting back to his feet.

“You have begun to learn the steps of the Jedi, in the form of our tenants and our Code. Now, I shall gauge your ability in the force, before finally ascertaining your physical capabilities.”

With that, Norik levitated a series of small rocks over to the five initiates, placing one before each of them, before stepping back.

“The force requires nothing more than the will of a sensitive individual to be used. Focus your efforts on the rock placed in front of you, and attempt to move it. Visualise it rolling away from you, or levitating upwards.” Norik instructed.

Nodding, the five initiates began to stare at the rock in front of them. Spike crunched his face up, trying to empty his mind of everything but the rock. Extending his hand outwards, he pushed with his mind, imagining the ball rolling forward slightly, before opening his eyes, only to find that the rock had not moved an inch. Looking around at the others, they were doing similar things to Spike, and were being met with similar results.

Again, Spike tried to move the rock, this time just imagining it rolling a tiny bit, but being met with the same result.

For almost an hour, Spike and the others tried to get the rocks to show even the slightest bit of movement, but being met with nothing but annoyed sighs as no one present found any success.

“Yes!” Asho suddenly shouted, as the rock that she was focusing on suddenly rolled away from her, moving at a very slow pace, but moving none the less.

“Well done.” Norik nodded, picking up the rock again, and placing it back in front of her. “Again.”

After that, the others managed to move their rocks consistently, until only Spike had not seen success.

Trying one last time, Spike closed his eyes, and extended both his hands towards the rock, willing it to lift, before peeking out of one eye, and seeing that he was getting nowhere. Closing his eyes again, Spike focused, when an idea came into his head. Instead of focusing solely on the rock, Spike focused on something that he knew would be able to pick it up. Instantly, the rock in his mind’s eye was surrounded in a purple aura, and rolled away from him. Opening his eyes quickly, he watched as the rock rolled quickly away from him.

Norik looked at Spike for a moment, before retrieving the rock, and replacing it. “Again.”

Once again, Spike closed his eyes, and imagined the familiar purple aura surrounding and lifting the rock, before watching it roll away in his mind. Opening his eyes, he smiled, as he watched in skid away from him.

“It seems that you are all at similar levels, with Asho perhaps showing more natural aptitude towards the art of telekinesis.” With a flick of his wrist, the rocks were pushed away. “Now, we have ascertained who among you can wield the force with the highest degree of untempered skill, but now, we must find out what you are all physically capable of. The Jedi must be able to hold their own in contests of strength, as well as to have the stamina to continue on your journey, with nothing but the force to sustain you.”

Beckoning for them to follow him, Norik led the five across the room, over to a small area, set on top of mats, rather than stone. On the far side of the mats, were rows of weights and padded benches.

“We will start with simple press-ups and sit-ups, until I can ascertain how much would be safe for each of you to lift.” Norik said. “Does everyone know what a press-up and a sit-up is?”

When nobody said that they didn’t, Norik indicated that they should all assume the position.

“Ok.” He said, looking around and making sure that everyone was in the correct position. “And down.”


12 reps later.


“And up.” Norik said.

Suddenly, a thump was heard, and the group looked to see Asho on the floor.

“Well done Asho.” Norik nodded. “Please come and stand over here so as to not distract the others. Down.”


16 reps later.


“Can’t.” Corinna muttered, before she to failed.

“Up. Norik said.

Zule pushed himself up, struggling to keep going, before collapsing beside his sister. Spike and Tarhal looked at each other and grinned, as the twins moved over to stand by Norik and Asho.



15 reps later


Spike struggled to push himself up, his muscles burning with the constant strain he was placing upon them. He had never used to pride himself on his strength while in Canterlot, but after he had moved to Ponyville and met Rarity, he had been slowly trying to build his figure to impress her.

Beside him, Tarhal looked as if he was also struggling, but also looked as if he could keep going for a bit longer.

“Down.” Norik commanded. “Up.”

Spike tried to do another press-up, but his arms simply wouldn’t obey, and collapsed from beneath him.

“Well done Spike.” Norik smiled, before beckoning him over, and looking at Tarhal again. “Down.”

The Wookie continued for five more reps, before he finally dropped to the training mats, panting slightly.

“Forty eight press-ups.” Norik nodded. “For a child, that is well above average, although for a member of your species.”

He trailed off, before addressing everyone again.

“For now, your training is over. Follow me, and I will show you to your dorms.”

With that, Norik swept out of the room, the others trailing behind him. The six of them wound through the Jedi temple, Norik pointing out various places on their way, and stating that they would need to memorise and learn all of these areas in the coming weeks, before finally, they reached a small door.

“Here you are. From this day forth, you will be known as Nexu Clan.”

With that, Norik turned and walked away down the corridor, as the others walked into the dorm, being met with a small room, just wide enough to hold five beds, a footlocker at the end of each of them, and a free standing locker for each of them against the far wall.

“Well. It’s getting late.” Asho said, looking at a clock on the wall. “I think we should all turn in. Looks like we’ll be getting up early for the next ten weeks.”

“Next ten weeks?” Zule asked, stripping down to his underwear, before getting into a bunk and pulling the covers around him. “Try the rest of our lives.”

“Great.” Spike muttered, lying down, before turning to his translation droid. “5Q-X9, power down.”

Instantly, the droid landed on the footlocker at the end of Spikes bed, and after emitting a single beep, powered itself off, effectively cutting Spike off from communicating with the others. Closing his eyes, Spike remembered Norik’s words about learning the Jedi code, and taking its message to heart.

“Emotion, yet Peace. Ignorance, yet Knowledge. Passion, yet Serenity Chaos, yet Harmony. Death, yet the Force.” He said softly to himself, before quickly drifting off to sleep, already knowing who he would dream of, again.

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