• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 249 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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Dinner Plans

Twilight considered herself a smart person, that she always believed. Now, keep in mind that she was also a person. Ergo she was part of a race known as the Homo Sapiens, or more well known as humans. This meant in sentences like ‘Some people .’ Or ‘ People can be so kind sometimes.’ She was people. Now sometimes sentences like those didn’t usually apply to her, but there was one that did.

People make mistakes.

And since she herself was people, she was prone to make mistakes. Mistakes like forgetting her homework, saying the wrong thing, stealing magic and becoming a demon.

That type of thing.

So in her defense, it was completely naturally to make a mistake now and then. Especially when she and her friends were teenagers juggling responsibilities.

“So, how’s your friend Pinkie Pie?”


Like accidentally spilling your water and freaking out when your brother, the Chief of Police , asked about your vigilante friend who just a couple days ago accidentally killed multiple people. Which would in turn imply you knew something about it! DOOMING YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS TO A LIFE OF JAIL!!!!

Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale

Hey, she was only human.

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

“Everything okay Twilight?” Cadence, her brother’s wife, asked as she soaked up the spilt water with a towel.

“Yeah Twily, you’re acting worse than when you got that A minus on your particle physics paper.” Her brother spoke with both concern and joke.

“That paper was incredibly well worded for just being written by an 8th grader!” She retorted as she stood up and slammed her fist on the table, before pausing and sinking back down to her seat, noting the looks given to her by her brother and her brother's wife.

“Umm, why are you interested in meeting Pinkie Pie?” She asked slowly and calmly.

“I never said I wanted to meet her.” He said quickly. “Just asking how my little sister's friend is doing. Is that so strange?” He asked as his fork poked at his beef.

“Well it is when you’ve never actively sought out info on a single one of my friends.” She said as she twirled her spinach around with her own fork. She had to be smart about this. If she slipped up on a single word or phrase, she could blow everything!

“Has something happened that sparked an interest in her?” She spoke calmly, not wanting to betray how nervous she really was.

“Oh nothing major, it’s just that with these ‘Equestria Girls’ out and about…” She winced at that name. She could think of a better one in her sleep. “…She should be careful. After all, from what you’ve told me about her, she's pretty crazy. Wouldn’t want her to get caught by the same one who was the cause of that explosion at that warehouse.”

Fuck. “Don’t worry, it’s not like she ever goes anywhere but school and her job. She’s totally fine.” It was then she noticed her brother's choice of words.

“Crazy?” She asked in an accusatory tone. “She isn’t crazy.”

He gave a dismissive humming sound at her words before he opened his mouth. “Just seems like she’s always causing new havoc wherever she goes.”

What is he- Images of the halls flooded with confetti surged through her mind. -talking- Images of an art class covered in too much paint for an art class splattered in her brain. -about. As she finished, a ruined dock shipwrecked in amygdala. Oh.


Suddenly, a yawn came from underneath the table.Twilight tensed up before slowly looking at her brother. “Aw, I sure am tired, I think I’ll head to bed.” She said before lightly tapping something with her foot from under the bed.

“Okay Twilight, wouldn’t want you to miss school after all, what with all your friends being there.” She clenched her fist in stress before rushing up to her room. She then left the door open for a few seconds as something bounded in before closing and locking it shut. She then exhaled in relief before looking at what was currently on her bed.

“Okay, what was that? What if you had been found out?”

“Well what did you want me to do?” The purple dog said as he rolled around on the bed. “You were gonna slip and you needed a way out of there.” Her dog, Spike, said from his position which had him on his back.

“There had to be a better way than almost revealing to my brother that you can talk!” She whisper shouted, not wanting to reveal the secret herself. Out of many secrets she kept, one of the biggest ones was the fact that her dog could talk ever since the Friendship games. Well, with how many people who knew it wasn’t her biggest secret, but it was one she wasn’t keen on letting everyone know.

The only reason her dog wasn’t on a talk show or being experimented on was because no one told anyone, which was probably due to them realizing no one would believe them, but she was still grateful.

“Okay, okay, sorry.” He said as rolled onto his belly and whimpered. She smiled before sitting on her bed next to him and patting his head.

“It’s fine, thank you.” She said before frowning as she looked up to the ceiling and flashback to when they talked with Pinkie about her… escapade.

They were all gathered in the band room, having locked it and made sure no one was listening.

They were all focused on the news article, or specifically, the headline. Sunset was next to Pinkie, hand on her shoulder,and ready to do more if needed. They found that when Pinkie was down, she needed to be around people, specifically her friends. Pinkie herself was sitting on a chair, her eyes wide and breathing heavily, her hair was down, straightened and she had lost her color throughout her body.

“We can’t let anyone find out she did this.” Rainbow said after she and Fluttershy looked at each other. “Her life will be ruined.”

“And we’ll be found out.” Applejack added before being nudged by Rarity. “Not that that’s the most important part.” But it was still important nonetheless.

“We have to be more careful now, Pinkie, you should refrain from going out for a while.” Sunset said to the girl in question before looking at the rest of them. “I can pick up her shift.” Twilight paused as she heard a faint ‘sorry’ in Pinkie’s breaths.

“Don’t worry Pinkie,” Sunset reassured as she full on hugged her. “We don’t blame you in the slightest. Everything’s gonna be alright.”

From what Pinkie told them, it was either the outcome they had now, or lives being forced to run a cocaine ring be at risk. Not to mention, from what she was told, Jakalov was likely planning to move his operations, so it was for the better that she stopped his operations then and there. Calling us all over would’ve meant I’d be involved, and I’d likely spend a full day coming up with a full proof plan, so I can’t really say I would’ve benefitted them.

Of course, that was looking at the benefit of hostages.

Honestly? Pinkie likely made the best choice going it alone, but everything has consequences, that included this.

Pink Eared Equestria Girl wanted for murder.

The police now had concrete proof and eye witnesses that they existed. Eyewitnesses from the hostages, Jakalov, and a guy tied up outside. Proof from the level of the explosives that were left. One person couldn’t have done that without access to high weaponry, or magic, but it was better to have them think they relied on mechanical means.


-wasn’t good. She thought as she looked up to the ceiling. I have to talk with the girls tomorrow.

“Hey Twi!” She raised her eyebrow before turning around to see Rainbow dashing towards her. And people say I can’t be funny. She mentally smirked before her friend started talking to her. “There’s something I need to talk to you guys about, I think I-”

“Sorry Rainbow, there’s something I have to tell everyone first.” She said as she walked away while texting everyone.

Meet me in the band room.

“...And that’s essentially what’s going on. We need to do something to get him off Pinkie Pies trail. And fast.” Twilight said as she brought them all up to speed on the situation. Their eyes turned grim as they looked at Pinkie, who was even worse than them somehow. “What I don’t get is how he even figured it was you specifically.” Twilight pondered aloud before hearing something.

“...left a note…” The rest wasn’t intelligible but she did widen her eyes.

“WHAT?!” She yelled as the pink haired girl curled in on herself and Sunset looked at her accusingly while she wrapped her arms around Pinkie. She winced at that.

“Sorry, sorry…but that does shorten the time we have to work with.” She said as she started pacing. “When Applejack and Rarity got arrest warrants out for them I started researching police procedures and processes. It takes two weeks to analyze a handwriting sample, and knowing my brother he would have sent it in immediately so he should be getting the name of the writer back…” She paled as she checked the calendar app on her phone.


“Okay, new plan,” Twilight said as she pulled up locations outside the city. “We skip town, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I can provide transportation to Pinkie and Sunset. Canada isn’t that far from here, well, isn’t that far by magic powered standards. I’d give us a week or so to get there if we do it smartly. As for foo-”

“Um, Twi?” She turned to Rainbow. “I know this is out of character for me, but I have a plan.” She said as she pulled out her phone. “That involves our project.”

“What pro- Oh no.”

Her teacher passed out a rubric to the class. “Your assignment is to form a group of up to seven and make a presentation regarding an object from history.” Professor Fossil, who also happened to work at the museum, spoke as some of the class raised their eyebrows.

Seven people? For this?

“A simple project at face value, however, in details one might there does exist a devil. Your group must present this to someone outside the school, which means no teachers, no other students, and no one from a different school. They also must not know they are being given a presentation.”

Okay so that might be a bit of a challenge.

“Once you finish educating them on the object in question, you shall reveal the true project in full and have them give their review. Each person must contribute to the presentation in some way shape or form. To ensure everyone is with their best team, the entire school has been given this project, so you may partner up with anyone going to this school.”

Immediately, seven girls thought the exact same thing.








And then they neglected to do it because of various other dramas.

“Well now we have to get out of the country because I am not having a missing assignment on my record. Luckily, as I was saying, Sunset has also found a way to get us new identities.”

“Hey I said I might know someone.”

“What if we didn’t have to?” Rainbow said as she stood up. “Luckily for you guys, I did the presentation already.” She said as stood in the center of the room, waiting for praise. Only to open her eyes and see the girls looked at her questionably. “Okay, very funny.”

“Rainbow, Ah don’t mean any offense but… you made an entire presentation on yer own?”

“For your information, Aj, I did it one night. Superspeed solves everything.” She said cockily.

“Then why do you always end up turning in your other assignments at the last minute?” Twilight said suspiciously as Rainbow stuttered before retorting.

“Well…” She said as she stood in the center of the room, sweating nervously under everyone else's gaze and judgment. Eventually she just sighed and raised her hands. “Look, I know I’m not the most reliable person when it comes to non athletic school based stuff, but I need you all to trust the me that trusts in my skills to make a good presentation.”

They all looked at her for a solid minute before sighing. “Okay, we trust you, but how does this help Pinkie?” Sunset asked as Rainbow smirked.

“Well that’s where Twilight's part comes in.” She said as Twilight pointed to herself questioningly before realizing what she planned to do. “Rainbow no.”

“Rainbow, yes!”

A door opened to see Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Sunset, and Pinkie Pie at the doorstep. “Ah, Twily said she was bringing her friends over. It’s my pleasure to have you.” Shining Armor said with a smile on his face.

“Come on in.”

Twilight pierced together the rest of Rainbow's plan pretty easily, and she thought it was pretty good. Not taking into account that this was in fact their only plan. First, Twilight would ask her brother if if they could eat out in the backyard for a celebration of the special occasion of an anniversary they had made up, Rainbow would educate her brother on the historical artifact that was the subject of the anniversary they had made up, Rarity would set up the table and dining utensils outside, Applejack gets the food, Pinkie Pies the entertainment, and Sunset would get to his work computer, intercept the message with the results for the handwriting analysis, and they’d all get a good grade.

Okay one of those things wasn’t like the rest but they were on a timer here. There was a matrix that paired up handwriting samples with the person in question, but only one person was allowed to look at them when they analyzed. The Chief of Police. Meaning if Sunset deleted the message, he’d never know.

Of course, the next step would be getting the writing he got from the crime scene away from anyone so they can’t scan it again, but we can deal with that later. Twilight thought as she shifted attention back to Rainbow and her brother.

“So, this artifacts date of use is a special holiday?” Her brother asked with a raised eyebrow as Rainbow explained why they were having dinner outside.

“Exactly, and I’ll gladly tell you the history of how it came to be over dinner.” Rainbow said as Rarity and Applejack were setting up the table outside and food with the use of their powers, unknown to her brother, of course.

“I…okay, this could be fun I suppose.” Shining said as he started to head out to the backyard before Rainbow stopped him before making an excuse to bring him to the kitchen, something about wanting him to inspect the food Applejack had made so far, but really not wanting him to go outside and see her friends using their powers.

“Um, Sunset?” The fiery haired girl turned her head to see her pink haired friend/ crush looking at her, face clear with a question.

“Yeah Pinkie, what’s up?” She asked as she fully turned her body immediately seeing as it was the girl in question who she very much liked.

“Um, well, I was wondering about our… powers.” She raised her eyebrow, none of the girls ever had any real issues with powers aside from where they came from and hiding them. And she never expected Pinkie to raise a question about powers that allowed her to turn candy in fireworks. “Is it possible they came from something… alive?”

Sunset paused at that question before thinking in consideration of the idea. “Well, it’s not impossible, in fact it’s actually pretty likely.” Magic always came from a living thing, well, in theory. Objects that seemed to innately possess magic had always been theorized to have actually been enchanted with that magic by unicorns. Of course, it wasn’t the most rock solid theory as there existed areas of magic in Equestria with their own magic, though she supposed if one went back far enough there could be a being that mbestowed magic in those areas. “It’s possible that our magic came from beings who imbued their magic into those geodes that reacted with us. Why do you ask?”

Pinkie suddenly widened her eyes before chuckling. “Just a hunch.” She said casually before she headed into the bathroom. Sunset sighed as she shook her head before walking away. Classic Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie locked the door behind her before her face grew tense with fear. She clambered over to the mirror before she placed her hands on the sink and gripped it.

Everything’s fine, everything’s fine, everything’s-

Her eyes suddenly shot to the mirror where instead of her pink self was the pink flames black skeleton from her nightmares.

She then looked in horror as the tip of her finger burst into flame, painlessly burning away at her flesh to reveal black bone. It eventually spread until her right index finger was black and burning in a pink flame.

Her eyes were trained on it in terror as her breathing quickened and her heart rate increased.

Everything is not fine.

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
