• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 250 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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Spectrum Streak Vs. Fauna Girl

Fluttershy panicky walked down the street, anxious about the call she had just received from Bow Hothoof, father of Rainbow Dash.

“Hello?” She asked as she was walking down the street as she answered her phone. “Mr. Hothoof?”

“Fluttershy, have you seen Rainbow? I haven’t seen her since this morning.”

What? “Oh she’s likely in the hospital with Scootaloo.”

“What?” She winced as he yelled. “Did something happen with her-“

“Yes, but the doctors say she should be fine, you have nothing to worry about. I’ll tell Rainbow about what you said and she’ll be back in the morning.” It wouldn’t do good to take her away from Scootaloo right now.

She heard him sigh in relief. “Thank you Fluttershy.” He then hung up on her. She smiled as she turned to head back to the hospital when a multicolored streak rushed past her. Rainbow?

She looked to where her friend headed. It would be night soon, why was she heading to the city?

Wait, is she going after those guys herself? She thought in a panic before calming down. Wait, I should have more faith in her. Sure she can be… energetic. But she’s always had a calm head.

She recalled how she dealt with learning Tank would be asleep come winter. That was pretty calm.

“Rainbow this is insane!” Sunset yelled as she and the other girls saw her standing on top of a ton of heaters and about to plug them all into an outlet. At the center of these was a very nervous Tank.

“Shut up! If he’s falling asleep cause it’s cold, I’ll warm him up!” She said desperatley.

“I don’t think that’s how this works!” Fluttershy said as she watched in horror as she brought the outlet strip closer to the plug.

“Who cares?” And with that, she plugged in the outlet strip, and all the heaters turned on. She and her friends fell to the ground. Everything was boiling!

……For about three seconds before all the power went out. And this didn’t refer to the power in her house.

It referred to the power of the neighborhood.

“………Oh dear.”

Back to present…

“Wow, didn’t think you’d actually show up.” Mohawk smirked as he looked at her. “What good luck I must have.”

“B-Boss?” Shorty said as he shook. “S-Something seems different about h-”

“Shut up!” Bron said as he smacked him over the head. “You’re the one who figured out where she came from so don’t get cold feet now .”

Spectrum Streak tilted her head towards the shortest member of the group silently and ominously. He was right, something was different about her, and that was about to be made very apparent.

“Come on you speedy bitch! Or did you get slower on the way-'' Three things happened in the next three seconds. Spectrum Streak rushed forward, a clamping sound was heard, and her screams roared throughout the surrounding area.

What happened? She thought as she fell to the ground, a pain surging through her leg, as if something was digging into her flesh. She looked to her left leg, wanting desperately to figure out where this pain was coming from. Under her goggles, her eyes widened. A fucking bear trap?

Indeed, clamping onto her leg was indeed a fucking bear trap. They must have realized she’d come from the same direction, and she was so focused on them she didn’t even notice. Damn it! She looked up to Mohawk as she heard him clapping his hands.

“How’s it feeling? I bet it hurts?” he chuckled as she attempted to bore holes into his skull with her eyes. This fucking guy… “Hurt the same way when you punched me into a damn metal crate you BITCH!” He yelled the last word as he kicked her in the stomach. She screamed in pain as he let her deal with it. For a few seconds, then he kicked her again. And again. And again. He kept kicking her until his rage was satisfied, then he laughed as she writhed in pain, only able to groan at this point. He smiled as he pulled out his and loaded it.

“You know they didn’t believe me when we said a costumed freak had messed with their distribution. They only said to take care of the problem, or they’d take care of us .” He said as he aimed it towards her head from above as he looked down on her. “So time to take care of-” He was interrupted as she hit his hand at high speed. He hissed as it was it and looked to kick her again and this time he would make sure she learnt her lesson. The other two came forward, intent on holding her down.



All three of them froze as they realized she didn’t only hit his hand.

She had stolen the gun as well.

“I’ve never fired a gun before, but I know the safety needs to be off to have real effect.” She said as she observed the gun. Looked to be a revolver. That would do nicely. She got in a sitting position, wincing at the clamp. “You know, I really should thank my designer for making the legs so enforced. Otherwise I’d be missing a leg.” She aimed the gun at Mohawk's head. “Lets see how thick that skull of yours is.” With that, she fired the gun.


Mohawk winced, thinking he’d be dead. Once he realized he was still kicking, he laughed.

“HA! I knew you couldn’t do-” He was interrupted by the sound of a body falling to the floor. “-it?” He looked to his left to Shorty, on the floor, face forever frozen in panic as blood spurted from the hole in his forehead.


He looked back to the girl as she prepared to fire again, his own face now frozen in fear. This chick was actually going to kill him!


He didn’t need to know what had happened, all he needed was the sound of a body falling to the floor.

“You know,” His eyes shot towards Spectrum Streak as she readied to fire again. “I’m actually getting the hang of this. I always wanted to be a hero to do good, and I always assumed that meant no killing. But looking back,” She trained the gun on him, like the other two times, only this time he knew the bullet would be hitting him. “I never said I wouldn’t.”


He screamed as he was shot in the hands and feet. He fell to the ground, screeching in agony.

Click, click.

“Dammit, out of shots.” She said as she shook the gun. “Who cares?” She pushed down on the sides of the bear clamp, causing it to release its hold on her. She hissed as her wounds were exposed to open air. She then looked at him, and hobbled forward.

“We just roughed up a kid! And you fucking kill us!?” He demanded in agony.

“That kid is dead,” She’d be lying if she didn’t delight in how he froze. “And you’re next. You are gonna leave this world a disfigured piece of shit when I’m done with you.” She raised her fist, empty gun in hand, ready to put this dirtbag to death. “See ya.” She said as her fist went down at tremendous speeds, intent on splitting his head with the empty gun.


Her hand locked up, less than an inch away from his face. Though the shock and fear was enough for the man to pass out. Spectrum looked behind her to see the source of the voice. She was clad in a black padded body suit like her, with the hood, goggles, and face mask. But down her leg went a trail of green, with a couple of pink butterflies following it. Even though the forced was disguised, she knew who she was.

Of course she forgot today was Fluttershy’s night.

“What did you?” Oh that heartbreak in her voice hit hard. Any of the girls seeing this would hit hard. But this? It almost made her feel like she had a heart to break again.

“Rainbow what did you?!” Something told her she wanted her to respond.

“It’s what I’m finishing, now if you’ll excuse me Fluttershy.” She said as she proceeded to raise her hand to bring it down, only for her to be unable to move it.

“Fauna Girl.” Okay this was getting out of hand.

“Nice name.” It really was. “Now let me go please?” Why wasn’t she already out?

“I’m not gonna let you kill anyone else.” Okay, now this was getting out of hand.

“Let me go.” They both knew she wasn’t asking. She slowly turned her head to look at her friend, somehow she knew both of them were sweating.

“I know you’re angry but this isn’t-” She was cut off by Spectrum punching her in the face, causing her to release her hold. She winced at hitting her friend, but she needed to get this done. “Give up, even with your animal friends and my injured leg you still aren’t a match for me.” She stated, though she was curious as to were her friends non-human friends were.

“About that…” Spectrum looked at… was she getting bigger? She watched as Fauna Girl got larger, her arms bulked up along with the rest of her body. Once she was properly orientated, she roared at her. Guess now I know why she wanted modifications to her costume. She thought as she could’ve sworn she heard a rip. What happened to her? She looked kind of like a gorilla, but mixed with a human. How long has she been able to do that? Whatever.

She cracked her knuckles as looked at her friend/ crush/ superhero partner. Things have officially gotten out of hand. They looked at each other in silence before they rushed at each.

Place your fucking bets.

Fluttershy had realized her abilities extended to more than just talking to animals a while ago. A baby bird had fallen from its nest and she needed to keep it warm until she could find it’s mother. So it was a pleasant surprise when fur covered her body. She freaked out after she got the bird back to its mother of course, but she actually came to marvel at what she could do.

Manifestation of animal traits. She had to admit it was pretty fun. She was planning on revealing it once she had gotten better control of it, but then this came up.

Her friend had killed two people, and was about to kill another one. This was a nightmare. What should she do? She knew she could go overboard and this was definitely worse than Tank but killing them? What would her friends say? Should she call the cops? The only thing she knew for sure is that she needed to stop her friend from killing… again. She shuttered at the addition to the sentence.

Her friend was already injured and wasn’t thinking striaght. Which in theory sounded like an advantage, but she knew better than anyone that a cornered dog bit harder than a peaceful one.

Spec- Rainbow hit her in the chest before running off then coming around again. Case in point, she was using the surroundings to hid and keep her from getting a hold of her. Rainbow was pretty smart when it came to physical things, so she knew as well as her that one hit from her in her gorilla mode (She dubbed her gorilla form gorilla mode.) And the battle was hers.

She tried to focus on where she was coming from, but she only knew where she was coming from a second before she hit her, and she hit hard . If she wasn’t in her gorilla form, then she’d wager she be out 5 hits ago. The thick skin only helped so much though. There was an animal she turn to that could help. Multiple actually. But those changes took time, time Rainbow wasn’t giving her. This is makeing me want to scre- …oh that’ll work.

Usually, her scream barely registered as a decibel, though this wasn’t a ‘usually’ situation.

She breathed in and waited till the last (only) second, and screamed.


“AAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHH!” Fluttershy winced at her friends pain and then punched in that direction.


She gave a mental ‘yay’ as she heard the thump, looked over to see her figure slumping from a crate, and rushed over to pin her down, only for her face to fall in dismay as she realized one thing…

…Rainbow wasn’t that short, a man, or had a bullet hole in her head.

“Did you think I wouldn’t notice you preparing to yell?” Her eyes widened as she was slugged from the side, right in the face, and was sent flying into a metal crate. She groaned as she reverted back to her human form, feeling oddly cold. She anticipated her scream and used the dead body of that man as a human sheild!

“You should have asked Rarity for those modifications before you went and used them. Now you look like you’re barely wearing anything.” She blushed as she felt how cold she was around her body. And therefore how much had been revealed. She didn’t think this through. “Now, you stay here, while I go put that guy in the ground. Kay?” She said as she turned around.

“No!” She watched as her friend reversed her action and looked right at her. If she got this wrong, she was finished. She believed Rainbow wouldn’t kill her, but she couldn’t let Rainbow continue this. She looked downwards as she continued to talk. “If you do this, you’ll lose yourself.” She said desperately. “Think about-” Suddenly, Rainbow was right in front of here, and she couldn’t even look her in the eye.

“Did you honestly think I’d stop now after doing two of his guys in?” Here we go…

“No, I just needed to keep you in one place.” She looked upwards to reveal her face had grown monkey-like features. Specifically, Spider Monkey features. “Gotcha.” Rainbow felt something tugging on her leg before she was hanging upside down. As she looked to the leg she was hanging from, her eyes widened under her goggles as she saw a rope-like tail around her leg. One that rooted all the way back to Fluttershy.

“Sorry about this.” She said as she slammed Rainbow against the cold, hard, metal crates.


“And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM “And this!” SLAM

“And I’m especially sorry for this!” She said as slammed her on the floor, stomach down. She then shakily walked over to her, the damage from earlier hitting her hard, and placed her foot on her back. “Now do… you… yield?” This was awesome, this was such a rush! Was this what Rainbow felt whenever she heroed? She- Was Rainbow still fighting against her tail?


“SHUT UP!!” She said through the sound of her screams of rage. She softened her gaze. “Rainbow, I-”

“Don’t act like you know what I’m going through! This is all my fault! I’m supposed to be her older sister and I couldn’t protect her! I couldn’t protect her!!” She wailed before screaming in rage. Fluttershy wrapped her arms around her as she released her tail.

“Don’t worry, it’s all gonna be okay.”

“No it’s not! Because she’s dead and it’s all my fault!” Fluttershy froze. What? “I’ll never see her again!!” She said as she screamed into on her shoulder. She was right, she didn’t know what she was going through. Her animals came and went, sometimes with owners, sometimes in bags, but she had never had a hand in causing their death. She couldn’t say she knew what her pain was like, but she could do what she could.

She slowly patted her back. “When I was eight, I saw a dog get runover. I didn’t know the dog, but I was so sad, and then I was angry. Because the driver had hit it. I wanted to scream, and I wanted to get back at him. But then I saw the driver get out of his car, hand to his mouth. He then picked that dog up and put in the back of his car. One month later, I see that man again, only this guy, he’s walking the dog.”

“What’s the point?” She continued as she struggled to get out.

“He did wrong, as did these men, but they both regretted it.”

“What? Do you think those guys were gonna donate their lives to charity?”

“Maybe, but we’ll never know that, because you killed them.” She felt Rainbow flinch. “But you still have the option to spare him.” She gestured to the mangled mohawked man, and let her go. “Please choose the right option.” She begged as she fell to the ground, her body finally relenting to the damage and stress it had been under. From what she could gather from the scene, she could guess that first two were (technically) self defense. If she killed this guy though, she’d have to take her to jail, and she wasn’t sure she could. One: because she genuinely didn’t think any of them could catch her if she started running. Two: She wasn’t sure she’d be able to bear knowing her friend was in jail because of her.

She watched her friend stood over the body of the sole survivor. She knew she was hurting, her clenching fist proved as much. Her heart quickened as she rose her fist while vibrating it, and nearly stopped as she brought it down.


The impact created a cloud of dust, obscuring her friend. And the mohawk man. She swore her soul left her body when she heard crying. No way.

She had discarded her mask and goggles, revealing her eyes and the tears that came from them. She was sitting down now, right next to the body of the survivor, with a crack in the floor next to his head.

“I-I miss my sister,” She said before breaking down and sobbing.

Fluttershy sighed in relief at the sparing of the man, and slowly crawled towards her. Once she was there, she wrapped her arms around her, this time in a hug. Which Rainbow accepted.

They stayed like that for who knows how long. Eventually, she regained enough strength to move around properly. She had called her animal friends, who would know what to do with the docks situation. She would deal with the Rainbow situation.

“If you can still move, there’s something I think you should see.”

The hospital was locked for the night. The only people inside either worked there, or were patients made to stay the night. One such paitient was sad because she had wanted to spend more time with a certain someone, though she made sure it didn't show.

“Don’t panic.”

She shot forward at the disguised voice as she noticed someone standing in the shadows, near her window which was now open. “W-what’s with the get up? You kn-know Halloween isn’t for a while right?” She said as she tried to find the alert button. Whoever this was definitely wasn’t sane. Black with a trail of a rainbow down one of her legs? And what was with the hood? Were those horse ears?

“I wanted to apologize, you wouldn’t be in this situation if not for me.”

Scootaloo gasped as she realized who she was talking to.

“Y-you’re!-Mmph!” She was interrupted by Spectrum Streak placing her hand over her mouth. It was obvious she wanted to her to be quiet, so she silenced herself. Spectrum Streak nodded before moving back to the window. “You’re Spectrum Streak.” She said slowly. As the woman nodded, she squealed internally before whisper shouting outloud. “This is so cool, I’m meeting an actual superhero! Who came to me ! Best day ever!”

“Y-you aren’t mad?” She looked to the hero, whose masked face had been even more obscured by the shadows.

“Why would I be mad? You didn’t do this to me.”

“But if not for me always showboating and Rainbow not being there to protect you then-”

“Hey don’t diss Rainbow!” She yelled before silencing herself for a good few seconds. AFter waiting, she continued. “She’s always been there for me, but I know she’s not always gonna protect me. She’s always tried to teach me things, and be the best big sister she could be, and she never even needed to. So take back what you said cause in no way is this her fault.” She said defiantly. Spectrum Streak stood still, and she could’ve sworn she heard crying.

“Y-you know? I always thought I became a hero because I couldn’t stand not helping when I could. But looking back on it now, I just wanted be better. I wanted to be the best possible version of myself so you could look up to me.”


So far, Spectrum had barely moved, but at this she hit the window sill. “Uh- I mean, you… people. The general populace. No one really specific.” The silence between them was pretty weird. She could safely say she didn’t like it. Though it was kind of funny.

“I have someone who has been wanting to see you.” And with that, a very familiar head of rainbow hair came through the window. She looked at her shakily before speaking.

“R-Rainb- Woah!” She said as she made sure she was more quiet as her older sister wrapped her arms around her as she lunged onto bed. “H-hey, why the intense hug? It hasn’t been that long… how much of what I said did you hear?” She couldn’t believe how sappy she’d gotten. She was so getting teased for this.

“How much do you think Scootaloo?” She said happily as she continued to hug her. She never used her real name, was she that worried about her? “I-I’m really sorry for leaving like that, I… was real messed up a-and I thought y-you… I thought I had f-failed you and-” She was cut off by Scootaloo wrapping her arms around her.

“You’re my favorite big sister, you could never fail me.” She said as she hugged her older sister, who for first time she’d ever seen, was crying. She smiled as she and sister hugged each other, exuding the love they both shared, even though they’d never tell anyone about this. Wait a second…

“How did Spectrum Streak know to get you? And where you even were?” Both girls in the room tensed at this.

“Uhhh… She stopped me from… continuing on a really bad decision. She’s a good frie- person.” Was she about to say friend? Was her older sister friends with a superhero? That was so cool! She watched as the hero waved goodbye and stepped out the window as she closed it. She then curiosuly turned to the teenager in her bed, who was currently getting under the sheets?

“You’re not leaving with her?”

She smirked as wrapped one arm around her. “What? Is it illegal for me to spend the night with my little sister?”

“Technically in this circumstance yes.” She chuckled as she watch Rainbow pause before looking around and whispering to her.

“... I’ll be out before sunrise.” She said as she got comfortable with her. Scootaloo smiled as she snuggled into her big sisters body, and they both fell asleep.

‘Spectrum Streak’ smiled outside the window as she moved out of view before removing it around the arms and sprouting wings and flying upwards. It was nice of Rainbow to lend her her costume, especially since it would help cement that she and Spectrum Streak were two different people. Those two are just big softies at heart.

Turns out when humans suffer massive trauma and stress in tandem, it’s not all that uncommon for them to receive a lapse in judgment, panic attacks, and sometimes, an indirect hallucination.

She’d seen it happen with rescue animals, well, once she could actually talk to them and understand they were seeing hallucinations. She was so happy to find out Mr. Rockslow didn’t hate her, he just saw her as a giant bug… that wasn’t much better. Turns out animals and humans had something in common. Yay! She checked on Scootaloo before she went after Rainbow, that’s how she knew she wasn’t dead. But something still sat wrongly with her…

She flew into the security room that connected with all the cameras, muttering an outloud apology to the guard she knocked out. She didn’t how things specifically worked but Rarity watched a lot of detective movies and they made it look easy.

Alright, this one seems promisin-OH MY!

She had switched the camera to viewing two nurses who were… taking the night shift.

Nononono, uhhh, this one!

“Oh my, you're brilliant!” “Thank you, now faster!”

That’s the volume! She thought as she forcibly reversed her action. Okay, maybe there’s a-

It was then shenoticed the instruction manual right next to the controls. She sighed before opening it.

Okay, so Rainbow ran out around this time so she would have been had it around… here! What the-?

Fluttershyhad been expecting her friend to have a panic in the halls, but there she was, talking to Dcotor Redheart! She watched as she talked to her then took her outside. Scootaloo’s room was empty as well, but she never noticed her leave. Why would she tell her that? How was this possible?

“Hey, shift change,hey why is thing locked?” She whirled towards the door that was now being knocked against. Eep! She thought as she flew out the window just as the door opened.

As Fluttershy flew away, she looked back.

There’s something going on. Something g sinister.

“So, after that I started trying out more meditative practices to deal with the stress that came with thinking my sister was dead so that’s… a thing.” Rainbow said as she was lying down on the couch.

Trixie on the opposing side looked like she had aged 40 years in the span of 40 minutes. “Y-you killed people.” She stated.

“Oh yeah, Fluttershy’s been taking me and Tank to do like a pet playdate thing. Thought it would be stupid but it was actually really fun. Plus more time with Fluttershy so… yeah.”

“People are dead, because of you.”

“Oh. Yeah don’t worry about that, I’ve been able to get over it, and Fluttershy said she woudln’t tell anyone so I’m in the clear. Though I am not allowed to go heroing for two weeks. She told the others it was due to stress and that she’d be able to pick up the slack.”

“Get over it? Rainbow people are dead! This is a crime! This is murder! This won’t just go away!”

Rainbow winced at this. She then sat upright. “I was… angry, I shouldn’t have killed those people. I see that now. Hopefully, Mohawk will learn from his friends fate and be a better person for it, and I will never do something like that again.”

“You are missing the point and somehow showing you’ve learnt something. I have no idea how to feel this.”

“Yeah, I feel ya. I was super grateful when Fluttershy told me she wouldn’t tell anyone. And shocked. She said that she couldn’t guarantee any of them wouldn’t do the same thing, so why I should I be punished for doing what any of them would’ve done? Now I have the responsibility of proving I deserve this second chance.”

Trixie then clamed down. “No pressure or anything.”

“Yeah, besides, combined with the fact that I’m getting Scootaloo a new heart? I’m pretty packed.”


“That’s time, see ya doc!” And with that, she was gone in a spectrum of colors. Leaving Trixie to wonder what she had just heard. The pure look of shock on her face showing her mood.

“These girls are gonna drive me insane.”

A video of Spectrum Sreak and Fauna Girl fighting was playing on digital group meeting, with many members.

“So these ‘super heroes’ are real? Fascinating.” A distorted voice said in amazement.

“It’s not so fascinating when they’ve interfered in our operations in Canterlot City.” Another disorted, more irritated voice, said.

“It’s nothing we can’t comeback from, but long term these girls might be a problem.” Another distorted voice said with a rational and concerned tone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, that’s where I come in.” The one who showed the video to the many members of the meeting. “I can take care of your problem. I just need some of your resources.”

Numerous voices spoke in objection to this. While some wanted to hear the proposition out. Eventually, they came to a consensus.

“If these… Equestria Girls interfere with our business anymore, we shall enlist your help.”

“That is just perfect. Thank you for your offer. You know how to contact me.”

“Of course… What did you say your name was?”

“Ah, that was poor manners of me. Call me J-”

Your session has timed out.

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
