• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 249 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

  • ...

Superhero’s, magic, and romance

It was past 3:00 pm, school had already been let out. Anyone there would either be hanging out with their friends or in a club. Sunset Shimmer was doing both.

She had honestly had her doubts about this, but she needed somep-someone, she always stumbled over phrasing in her head, to talk to. And Starlight was able to talk from experience, so her advice on who to talk to likely had some merit.

Student student counseling. Not really a club persay, but it was registered as one. Students would come and talk about their issues or anything they needed to get off their chest, with a student. Not a professional, just a student. She had to admit it had its merits. People were more likely to open up to a fellow student than someone they didn’t know. Plus, that student was sworn to confidentiality, so that was nice.

As she walked into the unused room, she spotted the couch she was supposed to sit on. How did she get in here? She asked herself in thought before realizing she didn’t need to know. All the benefits of this new club helped, but the main reason she had been one of the people to sign up to be one of the first people to talk was because of who she was talking to. She sighed as she laid down on her back on the couch

“Glad you could make it. Now tell your great and powerful student student counselor what ails you!”

Her head turned to see the blue skinned girl sitting in a chair facing the couch. Apparently constantly being mocked for having bad magic tricks made her pretty good at relating to people who felt powerless, stressed, terrified, and overwhelmed.

“I’m still trying to process why you of all people started this club.” Sunset spoke as she smirked at friend. Not that she wasn’t a nice person, but she could often be one track mind type of person.

“We’re not here to talk about me…” She stated as she gestured to herself. “...We are here to talk about you.” She said as she gestured to her with annunciation.

Wow, she was a professional. She sighed as she looked upwards. “So, where do I begin? Oh, ever since I went through the portal to take Princess Twilight's crown and gain its power things have been…hectic. The magic from Equestria has been leaking into here same as ever so, THAT hasn’t changed. I’ve also been taking my meds so, yeah that’s still the same thankfully.” She frowned as she remembered something.

“Though things have been a bit more… dangerous and I guess maybe I feel like it’s only a matter of time before consequences get more…permanent, and that it’s all gonna be my fault.” She winced as she realized how much she had just unloaded on to her street magician friend. “Too dark?”

She saw that Trixies mouth had been gaped open for some time, though she quickly closed it and pulled out a clipboard. “There is no issue too dark for the great and powerful Trixie! Continue.”

She rolled her eyes at the theatrics with a smile on her face. Same old Trixie. “What else?” She smacks her lips while thinking. “Oh I know. Rainbow got Rarity to make these fun masks and clothes with more toned down colors for all of us to go with the ‘superhero’ theme. Which I admit is kind of cool. Though actually getting us all to do it was a whole other thing entirely.”


A couple days earlier…

High school. A place of learning, peace, and-

A loud sound was made as a newspaper was slammed down in front of one Rainbow Dash. Her friends looked at this in shock as Sunset looked at her rainbow haired friend with a confronting gaze.

“Mugging attempts stopped in an instant.” Sunset recited from memory as she looked at Rainbow. “Care to explain?”

The person in question sweated nervously as she spoke. “That could’ve been anything, you know how unreliable newspapers are.”

Sunset raised her eyebrow as she spoke again. “Would be victim reports seeing a flash of a rainbow.”

“............You know how unreliable a persons eyes are? Hehe.” She chuckled nervously. Needless to say, Sunset was not amused.

“You’ve been going out to the city to fight crime! Do you know how reckless that is!?” She yelled angrily.

“I have superspeed, I’ll be fine.” She rebutted nonchalantly. “In fact, you guys should give it a try, you might enjoy it.”

Sunset looked like she was about to pop a vein. She was about to yell again when Applejack got between them.

“Now hold on, Ah know ya mean well Sunset, but have ya considered listening ta why Rainbows doing this?” She said, trying to defuse the situation.

“Oh I’m doing it cause I’m awesome and it would be 20 percent less cooler to not do it.” Applejacks face dropped as she heard Rainbow speak from behind her, while Sunset went around Applejack to face Rainbow as her face portrayed more anger.

“What do you think we are? Superheroes?”

“Okay,” She stood up. “I already had this argument with Twilight and I won. We saved the-”

“Yacht, yes I was there. One little problem with your argument, we solve issues that encounter us. We don’t actively look for a fight! We are highschool students, not some…” She tried to figure out a word as she gestured to her. “Teenage vigilantes! It’s reckless, and stupid, and a waste of time!”

“Oh, so now it’s a waste of time to save people?” She asked snarkily, causing Sunset to stammer. “You know what? I’m out!” She said as she picked up her things and headed to the door. And she would’ve gotten out, had Sunset not grabbed her arm.

“Look,” She sighed as she calmed down. “this is dangerous, and I’m worried if you keep going out looking for danger, you’ll get hurt.” She said, speaking genuinely.

“Well, thanks, but I don’t need that.” She said as she yanked her arm away. “See ya!” And with that, she sped off.

“Rainbow w- and she’s gone.” She said as she was literally left in the dust. Stupid super speed. She thought as she kicked the ground. Flashes of her friends on the floor bleeding flew through her mind.

Shit. She thought before she turned to her friends. “See you guys tomorrow!” She said as she ran down the hallway and out of the school. Not willing to stop before she could see the place where she lived. She then speed walked to open the door and practically barged into her current place of residence. She then hurried up the stairs as she panted from the exhaustion. She then stumbled into her room as the flashes of nightmares got worse. She found the shelf where what she was looking for was and swept everything else off so she could get to it. She smiled as she opened the container of her meds and popped one in her mouth. She then laid her back on her bed as she felt herself get better.

She had honestly thought these things were a bunch of hooey when she first found out about them, but these have actually helped with her recurring nightmares about…things. She was supposed to take them at a set time every day, but like an idiot she forgot. She groaned at her own stupidity, and then thought about how Rainbow Dash just ran off without any consideration for her.

Rainbow can do whatever she wants. Long as she doesn’t come crying to me when the consequences come.

Albeit she didn’t see any consequences that could come from this, she knew there were, there always were. And it wasn’t as if she didn’t get where Rainbow was coming from, though she couldn’t see how her powers could save someone from being mugged. What was she gonna do? Read the mind of the mugger? She'd know his identity before she was beaten up.


She thought as she closed her eyes on her bed.

I can deal with this later.


The next morning…

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, as per usual. And the students were talking in the halls, as per usual. Teachers were beginning to teach, as per usual. And 6 best friends were talking in the time they had before class, as per usua-


Sunset did a recount of everyone there. Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, oh and herself. Yep, all 6 of-

“Where’s Rainbow!?” She suddenly yelled as she realized that they had 10 minutes before class started and Rainbow Dash, the one with super speed, was nowhere to be seen. “Shit, did something happen? Is she dead in a ditch somewhere? Is-”

“Darling, do calm down.” Rarity said as she put her hand on her shoulder, making her stop scratching her head to look at her. “She’s probably just somewhere else in the school and is avoiding you because of your argument from yesterday.”


“Yeah!” Pinkie said as she put her arm around Sunsets shoulders. “She’s probably just seeing how many laps she can run around the school before the clock strikes ten and all the cake gets eaten at the mall!”


“While that's probably not what’s happening,” Appljack said in regards to Pinkie’s suggestion. “They’re right in not assuming the worst, you should to.”


“They’re right, the odds of something bad happening to the only one of us with super speed aren’t that high, but still, your stressing yourself out and that isnt healthy for anyone.” Twilight said as she gripped both Sunsets shoulders. “Promise us you’ll calm down?”


Sunset sighed as she realized her friends were right. She shouldn’t stress herself out over something so small. “I pro-”


Shocked by the yell, they all looked to the source, which was a fuming Fluttershy. “IjustgotwordfrommybirdfriendsthatRainbowscurrentlystillasleepinherbedathomeandthey’reunabletowakeherup!” She said rapidly before calming down to recover her breath.

“Huh, well thats a relief.” Sunset said as she immediately relaxed. She wasn’t in danger or anything. She was just asleep! “Guess there isn’t anything for us to worry about.” They only danger here was Rainbow being late for class which, weirdly enough for someone with super speed, was a common occurrence! This was fine, everything was-

“Attention students.” Vice Principal Luna's voice rang over the speakers. “To combat students being tardy to class, me and the officials of the school have implemented a new policy. Starting soon students who fail to show up to class without a proper excuse or are late, will be suspended-”

The entire student body let out a collective gasp.

“-for a week-”

Another hivemind gasp was sent out.

“-and in addition to suspension, will be unable to so much as attend a school game for this duration.”

They all held their breaths, in case another bombshell was about to be dropped to save gasping energy.

“That is all, I shall alert you to when we start doing these ‘Suspension Days.’” And with that, her voice cut out, and the halls were silent. Everyone let out a collective sigh, happy there were no more bombshells to be dropped.

“Also the first one is today, don’t be late.” She spoke briefly before going silent. This did not cause the students to gasp, however, it did cause them to be sent into a panic. They all rushed to get to their classes, some even slamming others against the lockers. The girls themselves found refuge in the bathroom, gasping as they pulled themselves out of the rampage of desperate students.

“Okay, we need a plan, how are we gonna get to class?” Twilight asked her friends. Wait, her friends!

“What about Rainbow Dash!? She’s at home with no idea what’s happening!” Sunset realized, causing the others to panic. This only increased with the next revelation by Rarity. “ It gets worse darlings, the Wonder Colts are playing the Shadow Bolts in three days. Without Rainbow our team is sure to lose!”

“Um, maybe the rest of team can pick up the slack?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“Name one other member.” In the minds of all the girls, there was a struggle to remember the name of any of the other girls from the team. Needless to say, they failed.

“Yeah, we need Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy agreed as the rest nodded.

“But how do ya reckon we get to her house and back within ten minutes? And how do we even get inside?” Applejack asked worryingly, causing the others faces to be clouded with doubt.

Sunset watched as this happened and thought about what they could do before coming up with an idea.

“Rarity, use your power to make a surfboard thing and get to her house, you can take the spare key I have to her house.”

“You have a spare to her house?” Rarity asked. "I thought it was only mine?" She asked as the other girls started speaking up.

“I have one to all of your houses.” She said offhandedly, revealing she had asked them all seperately, before continuing. “Can you do it Rarity?” She said as she tossed her a key.

The fashionista in question nodded her head in affirmation. “Once you get there she can superspeed you both back. But that won’t work if there are still students crowding the hall. The rest of us need to work out how to calm this rampaging sea of students.”

“Um, darling? Good plan, but how am I supposed to get out of here?” Rarity said as she gestured to the bathroom they were in. Sunset simply smiled.

“You ever heard of Ms. Marvel 2022?”


Rarity yelped as she nearly stumbled off the crystal platforms she made to leap above the students. There wasn’t enough space to make a full board, so the logic of making small, footprint sized crystals to keep her above the crowd fit.

The sheer danger of it did not!

No one ever told her how dangerous this was to do in heels.

The things I do…” she said as she burst out of the school and landed on the crystalline platform she made to be used as a surfboard and sped off.

“…For a friend!”


“So how are we going to calm the crowd?” Fluttershy asked after Rarity left. The others looked in uncertainty before Pinkie cleared her throat. They all turned to her as she reached into an alternate dimension, an endless void if you will.

Her hair.

She moved her arm around for a bit before she pulled out two bull horns, and a key to the room where they practiced their instruments.

The others' uncertainty pulled a complete 180 as they saw the tools.


There was once a general who sailed through a cold, dark, rampaging, rapid river, in the dead of night with only a lantern to light his way. He had to lead his men through this river that had earned the name death trap, to surprise the opposing army.

He would think twice about stepping into the chaos that currently was the hallways of this highschool. Students were struggling to get to their classroom even more so than before. The students that couldn’t keep pace were being swept away, carrying them farther from their intended destination. At this rate, everyone was gonna be suspended for a week.

Suddenly, pink explosions lit up the ceiling as all the lights were turned off, except for one. And under that light were five girls holding their instruments.

“Canterlot high!” Sunset spoke through her bull horn. The students looked amazed as she was levitating, or being levitated. “What’s all this ruckus I see? Whatever happened to that Canterlot high spirit?”

The students realized what they were doing now that they weren’t moving anymore, and actually looked quite sheepish and guilty about their actions.

“Now we only have 7 minutes, so let’s make this quick.” With that, Applejack struck a chord on her bass, and everyone else started to play their instruments, only to realize one thing…

…they didn’t have a song.

“Fluttershy!” Sunset whisper-shouted. “Please tell me you have a song for this!”

“No I don’t have a song for this!” She said back even quieter. “It takes time to write a song and I never thought there would be a situation like this!” She said before blushing and hiding her head in hair.

“Okay, ummm, time to improvise. Applejack!” She said as she turned to the orange skinned girl. “Can you play a dosey do-type song? I’ll just make up the lyrics as we go along!”

“What does that even-“

“Just start playing!”

Immediately, Applejack started on bass while everyone else kept pace. Twilight was keeping everyone in the air.That left Sunset to sing.

“Alright y’all, now I’m gonna give some instructions and if we all follow them then we’re all gonna get to class on time! Alright one, two, three, go!” She spoke with a southern affectation to keep the theme.

“Alright grab your classmate, spin em round, dosey do, then take ‘em around! Get to class, make it quick, better not get that tardy slip!”

The friends watched as the students got the gist of it and grabbed their first period classmate. After that it was a simple matter of bringing them to class in tune with the rhythm and dancing.

“Five minutes till class starts.”

Sunset and the others winced at the speaker. They had to give it to Luna, they were definitely more worried about getting to class!

“Okay let’s speed this up.” Sunset said as she looked around while the music played before her eyes lit up. “Bulk Biceps! Grab anyone you see from your first period class!”

He nodded as he grabbed multiple students and spun them around in tandem with the song. This unintentionally knocked other students into their own classrooms, within the minute, the hallway had been cleared.

“Yes!” Sunset and the others cheered as they were lowered to the ground. “Mission accomplished and- Rarity’s not here, what’s taking her so long?” She said as she realized how much time had passed.


With Rarity…

“Come on! Come on!” Rarity begged as she tried to get the door open with the key while rapidly ringing the doorbell. “Who made this key anyway? It keeps getting stuck!”


“Umm, okay 4 minutes and counting, uhhh, Twilight hack the clock!” She said as she pointed to the girl in question, who looked at her in shock.

“That’s not how time works! Or hacking! I can’t just sit down and hack something on the spot, it takes time, and… Well I have the knowledge so really for me it just takes time, but that wouldn’t stop time from moving forward. Not to mention that that’s, oh what’s the word? ILLEGAL!”

“You’re right, electric clocks and watches still move forward, we need a new plan.” She said as she went into deep thought.

“Missing the point but okay.” She spoke on deaf ears.

“Ugh! I can’t think of anything!” She yelled as she kicked a locker and started scratching her head in stress. What could she do? What could she-

“Sunset!” She was pulled out of her panic by multiple voices shouting her name. She opened her eyes to see her friends looking down at her, and she realized that she had sat down at one point. “You’ve done everything you can at this point, let’s just get to class.” Twilight said as she reached her hand out. Smiling, Sunset took it, and they both headed to class. Pinkie even got cupcakes for all of them. Free of hair, of course.

At Rainbow's house…

Abandoning the key, Rarity picked the lock and rushed into the house. Prior experience meant she knew where her friend's room was. Barging in, she saw her friend's tortoise, Tank, trying to wake her up. Awwing at the cuteness of it for a second, she then gripped her friends shirt and yanked her up, which fortunately woke her up.

“IF YOU DON’T SPEED US TO SCHOOL RIGHT NOW WE’RE BOTH GOING TO BE EXPELLED.” So she lied a bit, could you blame her? And it had the positive benefit of jolting her friend into full throttle, as evidenced by her eyes widening. Suddenly, the room was a blur of rainbow and she was yanked out of the room at speeds that would make a car gasp.


Officer Wyatt was on speeding duty for the day. Simple stuff in a town like this, the only real issue was when people from the city came in. That was when things got dan-

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by with the strength of a damn hurricane, and he could’ve sworn he saw a rainbow. As he readjusted himself, thankful his coffee hadn’t been spilt, he looked at the VASCAR, and his eyes widened. Only NASA cars were supposed to go that fast! He looked at it again as he rubbed his eyes and looked at his cup before pouring it out.

That’s enough coffee for today.


30 seconds left…

Shit! Shit! Shit!

20 seconds left…

Shit! Shit! Shit!

10 seconds left…

Shit! Shit! Shit!

5 seconds left…

Okay, Rarity's in her class!


Now for me!


Wait, where is it!?


Fuck, fuck, FUCK!


“PRESENT!” Rainbow yelled as she was suddenly in her seat. Everyone winced and looked at her, shocked that she wasn’t late.


And just in time too, if the ringing of the bell was any indication. Rainbow let out a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding as she figuratively deflated in her seat.

Maybe Sunset had a point. She thought depressingly as she realized the conversation she was going to have to have later.

This is gonna suck.


“So, you were out late last night superheroing.” Sunset wasn’t asking, she was stating a fact. School had ended and they were both sitting on a bench outside. The others were likely listening in but she couldn’t see them.

“Yeah, look-“ By some chance, they spoke the same words at the same time.

“I’m sorry.” They both looked at each other in shock.

“Why are you apologizing? I should’ve listened to you?”

“No, I shouldn’t have tried to immediately stop you. Truthfully, I’ve been really stressed because… Magic came here because of me and if you get hurt using it then…” She looked downwards. “It would be my-”

“Stop that.” She looked at her rainbow haired friend. “I chose to stay out late. I chose to go out there and stop some crime. Magic only helped that along. It helped me. You helped me. I suck at sappy stuff but that’s the truth. You got to stop worrying about us just because we might get hurt by magic. It’s nice, but we’re all in this together, and we care about you. So, how about if I promise to,” She groaned. “Stop being a superhero, you stop worrying about us just because we’re using the magic you brought here.” She held out her hand. “Deal?”


Rainbow nearly fell over before righting herself, and the others who were listening fell out of the bushes. “NO!?” They all yelled.

“You’re right about me needing to stop worrying about all of you just because you’re doing precarious things with my magic, but you’re also right about us needing to protect people. But you can’t keep doing this because it leads to you almost being suspended for a week.”

“Wait, suspended?” Rainbow said as she looked at Rarity, who looked away while whistling.

“So I propose an idea…”

And that’s how the seven teenage girls ended up making a schedule for them to go out and fight crime. One girl for each day of the week, that way the others would get their sleep, and people would be protected. The others would be only a call away, so when one went into the city at night and got into trouble, the others could come help. They all agreed that this would be the best way to do things, Rarity even volunteered to make costumes that disguised them so that people outside school couldn’t recognize them.

And the best part?

They all had ways to get into the city easily.

Rarity could make a crystal surfboard, Rainbow could obviously run there and back ten times in half as many minutes, Fluttershy had animals to take her there and back thanks to bears being deceptively fast, Twilight could fly thanks to her powers( Well, they all could, but that was when they were together.), Applejack had strength in her legs so as long as she was careful about where she landed she was fine, Pinkie was Pinkie so that answered that, and Sunset could…

She groaned as she listened to the vehicle leave the station. It was her night, she had decided to go after Rainbow to get a real idea of what she was getting into. She was lucky the outfits could be absorbed into their charms, changing would be awkward. Luckily the city was only a few minutes drive away.

…take the bus.


“I admit, being a superhero is pretty cool.”


A woman was in the middle of a walking home, when she was pulled into the alley beside her by a mugger. She screamed before she was cut off by a knife being pointed at her. She held her purse out and started taking things out of it before the mugger was hit in the back of the head with a piece of discarded metal.

The woman looked in shock as out of the shadows stepped a female in a costume. She had goggles to cover her eyes, a hood (with customary horse ears to pay homage to their transformations) to conceal her hair, a black mask over her mouth, and she wearing a black body suit with padding under it for protection, and flame designs dancing around it.


“Though that comes with its own set of problems.”


The woman screamed as she started hitting Sunset with the purse, thinking she was another mugger.

“Wait I’m not mugging you I’m-Ow!” She yelled in pain as se was hit continuously with the purse, eventually having enough of it as she accidentally hit the woman in the face, a small flash of light occurring before she slumped down. Sunset looked at this in shock before panicking.

“Ah shit, Mam!” She checked her neck, hoping for a pulse, and sighing in relief when she got one. She also had an idea of what had happened. She could…feel, the woman using her powers.

My powers allow me to see a person's memories, I guess I just showed this woman her own memories and now it’s like she’s in a loop of some sorts. Weird. Luckily, she seems happy enough. I must have used good memories. Funny, I think I can see how long she’ll be like this. Since I only did this out of sheer luck, she looks like she’ll be up in a few minutes. That’s good, I wouldn’t want her knocked out laying in the alley. This could be useful, I should find a way to test this.

“Ughh…” She turned around to see the guy she just knocked out coming to. Guess she didn’t hit him hard enough. She grinned as an idea came to her. “Hello bad guy.” She said as she dragged his unconscious body away.


Sunset turned to see Trixie looking at her with her mouth agape once more.

“I used him to practice my ability.” She immediately said, realizing with how she worded it things might have looked to take a different route. She sighed mentally in relief as Trixie went back to normal. “Other than that, things have been pretty good.”

“That’s great to hear Sunset. I’m glad to see you’ve been working through your stress. Even more so that you haven’t gotten addicted to your meds.”

She had heard of that and honestly, she could see why someone could get addicted to them. But when you were raised in a world of magic you tend to get into some more……..tantalizing things. Speaking of which…

“I think I’m in love with Pinkie.”

It was then an alarm sounded from Trixie's phone, indicating that time was up. “Nice chat Trixie, let’s do it again soon.” She said as she immediately got up and walked towards the door.

“W-wait! You can’t just say something like that then leave!” Trixie said as she recovered from the shock of what she had just learned.

“Should I have started with that?” She asked sheepishly.

“Ideally YES! We could have had a girl talk, I could’ve ordered smoothies, I-“

“Careful, you're sounding less and less like a therapist and more like a curious friend.” She said jokingly as she tried to open the door. Key word being tried. As she struggled to open the door, she turned to her friend. “The doors stuck.”

“Ha! Such frivolousness is nothing compared to the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She said as she threw down a smoke bomb causing Sunset to start coughing as her vision was shrouded.

When she opened her eyes she was shocked to see them both outside the room. She smiled as she turned to Trixie. “That was awesome! You finally got it down!” She said as she congratulated her.

“Trixie is grateful for your praise, and it only took so many smoke bombs.” She said as she started walking down the hall with Sunset. As she walked, she pulled out her phone to show Sunset something. “You know, the media started calling these magical girls the most interesting names.” She smirked as showed Sunset the news channel on her phone which was talking about the magical girls which had been appearing recently.

“…to the notice of horse ears on these costumed females, people have dubbed them on the internet, the ‘Equestria Girls’.” Trixie then turned her phone off.

Sunset looked flabbergasted at what the reporter said. “That’s…no, just no.” She said as she walked away.

“Then what do you want people to call y-them?”

“You don’t have to be secretive at school. And not…that.” She said in reference to the name.

“What about the Super 7?”


“The Rainbow Lasers?”

She says nothing as she walks away from her.

“Ooh how about the- Sunset wait!” Trixie yelled as she ran after her.


Outside the school…

Sunset stood right where the statue of the school symbol used to be, but that wasn’t the most important thing about this place.

Right in front of her, was the portal that led her here. The portal that started it all. It was just here, in the form of a glass surface on a statue. Open to let anyone go back to Equestria. If she wanted, she could go through this portal and never come back, and no one could stop her. She chuckled at that thought.

She might have wanted to go back sometime ago, but she had a life here now, friends, and a crush. She blushed as she thought about Pinkie Pie. With how she told the story to Trixie, it would’ve made more sense for her to fall in love with Twilight, the one here. But really, anytime she was stressed, all she needed to do was think about the pink ball of energy, always ready to try and help with something as silly and inconsequential as a cupcake of all things. She enjoyed it, really did. If she had been more like her, considerate, not caring what others thought, happy, she would have made friends here a lot quicker.

She watched as the glass surface glowed.

Speaking of friends…

She opened her arms as she caught the books that came through. One was invaluable to her in this world. Princess Twilights and her friends' friendship journal. Or rather, a copy. She had asked for one in case she needed the advice. The other was a bit more, magic based. Princess Twilight had sent it over after finding it. She stated that it could be useful in case they encountered more lost Equestrian artifacts.

In her hands was a book of Equestrian artifacts, but not just any or all of them.

Ones that had vanished without a trace.

She smiled as she thanked the Princess in her head. She couldn’t always ask Twilight for help, so it was important she have something to turn to for at least one magical issue she might face.

The smile on her face kept as she put the books in her bag and headed to her house. Superheroes, magic, and romance, oh my. She chuckled at the reference.

This was gonna be an interesting year. And good news, she already had her hero name!

Sunset Shimmer by day.

Lull by night.

……She could see why Rainbow liked this so much.

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
