• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 249 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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Fluttershy: Pet detective

Fluttershy yawned as she got out of bed, though ironically, she wasn’t tired in the slightest. Mainly because in a way, she was still sleeping. She had been knowledgeable about animals before… everything. So this was quite fortunate for her. Using unihemispheric slow-wave sleep unihemispheric slow wave sleep, she was able to allow half of her brain to rest while she went about her day as usual. When one planned to be a veterinarian, it was vital you know everything about as many animals as possible.

She smiled as she exited her room, making sure to avoid her younger brother, which had gotten easier with the powers, and the fact that he had gotten a job. She loved him, sure, but he was also incredibly… aggravating. It was the weekend, so before she could go hang out with her friends she was going to stop by the animal shelter to check on animals, make sure everything was going well.

Ding Dong

Who could that be? She thought as she made her way down the stairs and to the front door, where she opened the door to see… her.

“Hey there Flutters!” Rainbow Dash said as she gifted her a bouquet of yellow tulips. “I’m here to meet your folks!”

…Maybe there was an animal ability that could help her get out of this?

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

“So, you’re dating our daughter?” Cumulo Shy, her father, questioned as they all gathered in the living room. Obviously in a house as quiet as hers, when Zephyr wasn’t here, anything that was a regular noise was like a shout, meaning Rainbows arrival at her house was fully known by everyone the moment she opened her mouth. She didn’t blame her father for the question, considering she wasn’t actually dating her.

Though she was very grateful to Spike, Twilight now thought they were dating. And now? So did her parents. Though it’s preferable to letting the group know we murdered two people and hid it from everyone else. Pinkie had let everyone know, or rather the news had alerted everyone and Pinkie hadn’t even remembered. Regardless, she never tried to hide anything from them. Whereas she and Rainbow were now pretending to be a couple to hide a murder.

Yeah, things were a bit different.

EIther way, they needed to act like they were in a relationship, so she supposed it was only natural they take steps even when literally no one was watching. Breathe in… Breathe out. Breathe in… Breathe out. Okay, calm down. She thought as she watched Rainbow stutter at the question she had been asked.

“Y-yeah! Yep! Indeed! I am one hundred percent totally in every possible way dating your daughter.” She said as she gave her the bouquet she still had in her hand. Awww, she got my favorite flowers and everything… Fluttershy thought briefly before whispering into the Rainbow girl's ear. “I have to get to the animal shelter to check up on the creatures there. Could you…?” She made a motion with her hand, indicating she needed to speed things up. Rainbow realized what it meant easily and looked to Fluttershy’s parents.

“Um, it was great meeting you guys,” she said as she shook both their hands before she turned to Fluttershy and grabbed her before they quickly headed out. Leaving the two parents to smile. Sure, the girl was incredibly loud but she seemed nice. She even brought over Fluttershy’s favorite flowers.

“Here we are sweetie! The animal center, or hospital, not gonna lie I get the two confused a lot.” She said after she had sped Fluttershy over after getting out of sight of anyone who didn’t know about their powers.

“Th-thank you Rainbow, but umm…” She said as she blushed. “...could you put me down now?” Had she known she would've scooped her up in a princess carry to zoom her over here she would’ve taken the risk and flown. Rainbow realized this and placed her down before dusting her off. While she did so Fluttershy asked a question that she had been thinking of ever since she showed up on her door. “You know we only have to pretend to be dating around Twilight, right?” Rainbow froze at this question, causing Fluttershy to look at her in concern. “Rainbow…?”

Suddenly, the rainbow haired girl went back to normal as she started walking her over to the door. “I know but you know her, if we don’t keep it up at all times she’ll figure somethings up and then we’ll both be-”

Fluttershy cut her off. “I get it.” She said as she sighed and opened the door. “Just you coming to my parents house was a bit-” She was cut off by the sight of a girl about Scootaloo's age with brown hair and pale yellow skin crying in one of the seats. Automatically, after looking at each other to see if they knew her and shrugging, both girls slowly walked over to her, not wanting to accidentally make things worse. “Hey there, what’s wrong?” She asked in her regular tone of voice, hoping it would be calm to her. Fortunately, it worked as the girl immediately looked at her, eyes brightening with hope.

“H-Hello, I’m looking f-for my dog, Ripley. I was hoping he was h-here?” She raised her eyebrow at the question before she took her to the animals to look around.

“Um, why do ya think your dog is here?” Rainbow asked as Fluttershy silently thanked her for asking the question. She could see why the girl would come here, but wouldn’t the first place to look be around her house? Or with her neighbors?

The girl hopefully looked around for her dog before she started crying again. “H-He’s not here!” She wailed as she hugged Fluttershy, who eeped at this before she looked to Rainbow.

Looks like this might be a bit more complicated than I thought. They both thought as the girl sobbed.

“So your dog ran out without his collar and you thought he might have ended up here? I guess that makes sense.” Rainbow said as the girl sat on a chair while Fluttershy looked at a map of the area and held it up to the girl.

“You said your house was here?” Fluttershy said with an inflection of nervousness to her voice that Rainbow picked up on. She also noticed how the yellow skinned girls eyes widened before going back to normal as the girl confirmed her house's location. After said location was confirmed, she got the girls name, Zippor Whill. I think Scootaloo and her friends might have helped her out a while ago. Rainbow thought as Fluttershy bid the girl farewell before she closed the door calmly.

Only to pick up a chair and throw it against the wall the moment she was sure the girl couldn’t hear her. “SERIOUSLY?!?! FUCK!!!” Rainbows eyes widened as the girl who she had long since had a crush on, who didn’t even like to use the word peeved, cursed.

“Ummm, I take it you know something about her dog?” Rainbow haphazardly guessed, to which the yellow skinned girl calmed down and sighed, before picking up the chair she threw and sitting it down before she herself sat on it.

“Yeah, I know who took her dog.” She said in an angry tone before Rainbow's eyes widened at both her tone and words.

“I’m sorry, took?” She asked incredulously. “Why would anyone take a dog?”

“Because it’s his job.” Fluttershy replied with air quotes, showing she didn’t take whoever they were talking about seriously. “Doug Casher, an animal control officer who takes his job so seriously, any animal that doesn’t have a collar and isn’t naturally here goes in his van, where he takes it to the pound. I’ve butted heads with him before and if not for these animals knowing me and therefore providing evidence they weren’t strays, they would’ve stayed at the pound, and eventually gotten…” Fluttershy didn’t need to finish that sentence, Rainbow had seen enough movies.

“Okay, so this is a really bad guy. How do you know he took Ripley?” She asked in response to that tangent, to which Fluttershy pointed her thumb at the map.

“I memorized his patrol routes down to the second. If Zippor’s correct about the time, that dog is going away for the unlawful crime of being a stray, when Ripley isn’t even a stray in the first place.” She said as she clenched her fist. “Now the only question is how I am going to get that dog back?”

“...Have you ever seen Ace Ventura?” Rainbow asked out of nowhere, to which Fluttershy looked to her and raised an eyebrow.

Two movies later…

“...Okay, that was very enjoyable.” Fluttershy said as she held an empty popcorn box. “But what does that have to do with me getting her dog back?” She asked as Rainbow looked at her knowingly. Honestly, even Applejack could’ve made the connection between the movie and the real life person sitting next to her, and she was brick headed as a bag of rocks.

“What if you were like him? A pet detective!” Rainbow said excitedly before she watched Fluttershy curl in on herself. “Or not…?”

“Oh no no no no no, I don’t have the confidence to do something like that, or the eccentricity. I’d snap like a twig!” She whimpered from the ball she had rolled up as. Hard to think this was the girl who was giving me the beatdown a month ago. She thought as she sighed. “So what do we do about Ripley then?” She asked as Fluttershy uncurled herself and straightened up.

“Well we’re gonna get him back.”


“Are you sure this will work?” Zippor asked as they went to the pound. After realizing they only needed to deal with this how Fluttershy always did, they had a plan. Zippor Whil would simply collect Ripley at the pound, simple as that. Of course they would come along in case things got rough or complicated, and because she couldn’t really do it on her own.

“Don’t worry kiddo, if there’s one person you want on your side when it comes to your pet, it’s Fluttershy, pet detective.” Fluttershy whimpered at that before straightening up. She needed to be tough for this girl. Which is why as they stopped at the desk and got the clear to go in, she made sure to put her game face on. Meaning she just didn’t smile.

Eventually, they got to the kennel they said Ripley was in, as notified by Zippor’s smile. “Ripley!” She said as she pressed her face against the gate. “I’m so happy to see you!” She said happily as Fluttershy and Rainbow looked at the dog. It seemed to be like a Dachshund mixed breed with black fur, but that wasn’t what got their attention. No, what got their attention was the fact that RIpley didn’t seem interested in Ripley at all. In fact, he didn’t even seem to notice her.

“Ripley?” She asked worriedly. “Come here boy! It’s me!” She said as her tone grew desperate as she tried to get her dog's attention, only for him to ignore her completely. “Ripley?” She asked as she tried to get the door open, only for a hand to keep the door closed.

“Sorry there little lady, but I’m afraid if that ain’t your dog you can’t take him with you.” A man with light blue skin and dark blue hair said as he properly looked at them. “Well hello there Ms. Shy.” He said as the girl he spoke to replied back with venom never seen nor heard by her friends from her.

“It’s Fluttershy, Doug.” She said as she critically looked at him. “We’re here from Zippors dog, Ripley,” Doug opened his mouth, likely to object before he was interrupted. “and before you ask for proof, show him the photos.” She said as she turned to Zippor, who pulled out some pictures of Ripley eagerly and showed them to Doug hopefully, only for that to fade as he chuckled.

“Impressive photos of just the dog, real shows me that he has owners and isn’t a stray.” He said sarcastically before started pushing them out of the cage area, much to their protest. “Now I’m gonna have to tell you to leave.” He said as they arrived back at the front office.

“NO!” Zippor yelled as she tried to get past him, only for the back of her shirt to get held by the one pushing them out. Rainbow, having had enough of the guy screwing with them, took action.

“Let go of her!” The blue skinned girl yelled as she punched him in the face. In shock, he let go of the girl as he yelled in pain, attracting the attention of everyone in the waiting area, and it was incredibly packed.

Fluttershy, boldness decayed and destroyed in front of an audience, froze as she watched Doug look at them in rage before he straightened up in the view of other people, likely not wanting to make a scene. Instead, he looked at the blood coming from his nose, leaned forwards towards them, and whispered.

“You ever come here again, for any reason, I will call the cops.” He said with nerves of steel behind his voice before he turned around and left, likely heading back on patrol. Somehow, all three girls knew he was serious.

“You bring a girl to the pound on her own and you don’t think to tell her parents?” The mother and father of Zippor said as they hugged he daughter and looked at the two girls angrily. “You are lucky we didn’t call the police.” The father said before the mother looked at them intensely. “If we ever see you around here, that will be the first thing we do.” She said before she slammed the door in the faces of the shocked girls.

As they walked away from the house, Rainbow sighed before speaking. “That…could have gone better.” She said before Fluttershy looked at her in shock and fury.

“Could have gone better?!” She yelled. “Because of you, if one of my animals gets taken to the pound, I won’t be able to go there and get them because I’ll be arrested! And now I can’t even comfort Zippor because her parents will call the cops!”

“I… okay, that’s pretty bad, let’s try and think of something. Together, I’m sure we can-”

Fluttershy snapped at the rainbow haired girl once more. “There is no we! Because there is no us! Because we aren’t dating! And if we were? I’d break up with you because you’re inconsiderate, you never think about other people, it’s always just what you wanna do! You came to my house and told my parents everything, you tried to make me a pet detective, you punched Doug in the face, and you killed those guys! Getting us into this whiole mess in the first place. For once in your life, listen to me! And leave. Me. Alone. Can you do for me that one simple thing?” She yelled before she turned around and panted. After 30 or so seconds, she turned around to see that Rainbow had listened to her.

She was all alone.

She put her face into her pillow as she laid in her bed. She hated being so… shy. Why couldn’t she have just told Rainbow she was doing too much when she showed up at her doorstep instead of letting everything out all at once? Now she had to deal with all of this alone. Though knowing Rainbow she would’ve found a way to mess things up. She thought as she remembered how she always went all out when she tried to solve something.

“Helloooooooo! Sister dear!” She groaned as her brother entered the room. “You will not believe the day I’ve had.” He said as he started going on about some girl at the cashier as she tried to drone him out, before he actually looked at her and noticed her position. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” She said from the pillow. Given her brothers… crush? On Rainbow, she didn’t want to risk telling him. That would be a whole new issue to deal with.

“Is it about your girlfriend?” She raised her head as he spoke. “I admit Rainbow can be a bit much but-”

“W-wait, you aren’t sad that she’s dating me?” She asked curiously and hesitantly. That wasn’t like the Zephyr she knew.

“While it is a loss, it’s only natural that she be turned away by the sheer magnitude of the Breeze.” Yeah, the magnitude of his ego. She thought before she chuckled as he sat on her bed. “So what happened?” He asked before she ended up sighing and telling him everything that had happened, with some obvious revisions. After she told him the part that led to her walking home alone, he whistled.

“Dang, I kind of thought you two would last longer.” She raised her eyebrow noticeably before he took notice of it and continued. “No matter what you both don’t stop until you’ve done the right thing.” He said before he patted her back. “I’m sure you guys will figure something out. If not, you can always count on your brother to clean up after you.” He bragged before she pushed him out of her room and closed the door. But not before uttering a thank you.

She then looked out to the window as the sun set, making way for the full moon. It might not be her day to patrol, but she definitely had a job to do right now.

Fauna Girl entered through the vents of the pound, thankful snakes were so flexible. She then dropped down and silently looked around for the keys before she heard a whistle behind her.

“Well I’ll be, didn’t think I’d ever see another being from Equestria here.” She widened her eyes before she whirled around to see Doug, but what was he doing here? She got her answer his features grew more canine as his mouth extended and fur grew over his body. His ears pointed upwards as his feet, which she now realized were bare, became dog like, or wolf like.

“I wonder how you’ll taste.” A seven foot tall werewolf said he smacked his lips and lunged towards her.