• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 250 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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First thing I said

“So, you think our sisters are kissing yet?” Sweetie Belle asked nonchalantly. They were both sitting on the cart. Big Mac had gone inside to hook it up to the car they had.

“Knowin ma sister, unless Rarity outright tells her, no.” The two younger sisters' heads dropped in defeat. When they had found out about Rarity’s crush, the plan immediately popped into their heads. Scootaloo wasn’t able to join them unfortunately, but they made it work.

However, since they couldn’t constantly monitor their older sisters they could only wait till they saw them again to see how giving them an entire day together would affect their relationship.

“I really do hope this works.” Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle who realized she should probably elaborate. “Our parents are usually at work so Rarity is usually the one who takes care of me. But between that and her job, I’m worried she’ll be overworked, and she doesn’t trust me enough to leave me on my own in the house. I guess I just thought if she had someone she could trust more than anyone to take care of me it would be her girlfriend. Silly right?” She was cut off by a hug from Apple Bloom.

“I don’t think it’s silly in the slightest.”

Their heartfelt moment was cut off by a roar. They screamed as multiple apple trees came flying out of nowhere and landed around them. As they opened their eyes, they realized two things. One: they were trapped beneath apple trees. Two: they couldn’t see each other.

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

“Apple bloom! W-Where are you?” Sweetie Belle said as she realized her leg was stuck and she couldn’t move.

“I’m right here, m-my arms stuck!” She couldn’t see where the voice came from, but she sounded like she was about to cry. Who was she kidding? She was already crying.

She tried to pull her leg out, sobbing as she realized she couldn’t. Apple Blooms crying combined with her own and soon they were crying in fear together.

Their crying was fortunately heard by two people.

Sweetie Belle covered her eyes as the trees moved out of the way. Wait, were they being picked up? She watched as something came through and screamed, not knowing if it was here to hurt her.

The figure froze at her scream before trying to talk over her, and abruptly realized that wouldn’t work. It looked like it mentally stuttered before seeing a piece of wood, grabbing it, and whittling it into a shape. Wait, where did she get the knife? She watched as it, now that she looked closely it was a she, gave her the piece of wood, which now looked like an apple. She laughed at how crude it looked, but took it all the same.

“You okay?” The voice was disguised. She had a mask and goggles, a black body suit with subtle padding, a hood with… horse ears? The black bodysuit had, were those diamonds? Around it.

“Y-yes, but my leg is stuck. My friend Apple Bloom is stuck too.” The figure tensed at this, stayed calm all the same. “My friend is rescuing her, don’t worry. Now let’s get you out of here.”

Sweetie Belle watched as she easily pushed the tree upwards with one finger, which she looked at in awe. Upon looking back, she would realize the tree was prompted up by glowing crystal like constructs. She was then scooped into her savior's arms. “Tell me your name. Keep your breathing steady.”

She stuttered before speaking. “It’s uh, Sweetie Belle.” She spoke as she tried to follow the stranger's advice. “Um, what’s yours Miss?” She asked nervously as the masked woman paused before looking down at her as they entered the open field.

“Couture. Yes I quite like that. Call me Couture.” She said as another woman came from the trees that had fallen on them. She was like Couture but had lines of green and red trailing down the legs. But more importantly, she was carrying Apple Bloom.

“Apple Bloom!” She said as she leaped out of Coutures arms, only to stop as her leg spiked with pain. “Augh!” SHe said before she was caught in Coutures arms again.

“Stay off that leg darling, it’s likely been injured, Applebloom, take her away from here, we’ll deal with the monster.”


“Ugh, yes whatever. Now-” She was cut off as a large scaly lizard thing came from out of nowhere, aiming right at her and Apple Bloom. She watched as its teeth were inches from her face, before being slammed into by a giant fist made of crystals. She watched it fly away from them before it was punched again, this time by a regular fist, though that sent it flying faster than the giant crystal one. She watched as the two women righted themselves before their heads turned to where the beast had been throttled towards. They were both wearing goggles, but somehow she could tell they were furious.

“I do believe it’s time we deal with this Pommier, wouldn’t you say…” She turned to her friend. “What do I call you now?” She didn’t know? The one beside her stuttered, obviously not knowing either.

“Uhhh, Plow Horse!”

“Plow… We can do better than that.” Couture said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Umm, Strongman?”

“You’re not a man.”


“Already taken.”

“Ummm, come on! Strong Arm!”

“Your more than just your arms, and that’s just the reverse of the previous one!”

“Jack Horse!”

“That! ….is actually a good name. Nothing your actually…oh wait, disturbing images are now in my head. No!” All four of them blushed as they thought of what was going through their heads. Nothing appropriate.

“Okay, Rough Stock!”

“......Yes. That’s the one!” They both cheered as the high fived each other. Couture and Rough Stock, so those were the names of their saviors. Awesome. Though she found it weird that they stepped apart as they noticed how close they were to each other.

“Go you two, we’ll deal with this.” Those two did not need to be told twice. Using her uninjured arm, Applebloom hoisted Sweetie Belle up and they made their back to the main area, quickening as they heard the roar.


“So, what’s your plan?” Applejack spoke in her disguised voice, which still kept her accent. She honestly should thank Twilight for pitching in with these, her sister would recognized her the moment she opened her mouth. It would’ve been fun to explain how she forced the wood of a tree into the shape of an apple. Though she wasn’t on good terms with Rairty right now, it felt good to see nothing but red as they smacked that varmnits bones into dust.

“Oh, ummmm, keep beating him raw?” That worked just fine for her.

“Wow, great plan.” She backpedaled as she saw her jolt her head in her direction.

“Well there’s no need to be rude, I’d like to see your plan.” Ah shit.

“N-no, I agree with your plan! I just… I’m mad about what you said earlier. I know working here can be hard but this is ma home and you just insulted it like it was nothing. That hurt a lot, especially when you came here uninvited.” She watched as her fellow costumed friend tensed.



Their heads jerked forward as apple trees were thrown at them. Rar- Couture stepped forward and made a triangular shield with the top facing forward. As the trees split against it, she gasped as she saw the creature come from above, intending to slash her to bits.

Couture closed her eyes as she prepared for pain, but opened them a few seconds later when she realized she wasn’t dead. She gasped as she saw AppleJa- Rough Stock protecting her, holding back the claw that came for her. She watched her in awe before realizing the other claw was left wide open to attack her. She frantically deactivated the triangular shield to block the other claw. The downside was that the Pommier was now on the ground, and had much more lev- was it bigger?! “Why does it appear much larger now?!” She said under the strain as she struggled to keep the claw back. Where it was once twice her size, it was now easily 4 or 5 times her size if she was wearing stilettos! Not that she would. And it looked like it was growing.

“It’s just eaten two stocks of apples in bulk, that’s how it increases in size. Doesn’t help that these are the cream of the apple cro-nngh!” She was interrupted by the stress of the claw bearing down on her.

She could feel her constructs giving out, this thing was going to kill them both! She spared a glance to check if their sisters were still there, mentally sighing in relief at the confirmed safety shown by their absence. “Applejack, there’s something I need to tell you.” She said before gasping being pushed down again. She was now pushing it up with her arms, not that it helped.

“It can wait!” She said as the ground cracked under her feet.

“N-No it can’t!” She yelled as she prepared to do what she should’ve done from the start. “I like you! And before you say ‘I like you too’ like you think I mean as a friend, I mean like like, as in I see us in a relationship and I want us in a relationship, even though I have to be so direct which I like about you. It’s why I wanted to try working here, so I could show you I could get my hands dirty in elbow grease, but I can’t and now we’re both going to die with me being humiliated and you thinking less than you ever have of me!” Applejack's eyes widened before they were both crushed under the Pommiers claws.

The Pommier roared in victory before it was blinded by a flash of orange and white light, and was then flung back by a burst of power from beneath its claws. As it looked to see what had happened, its eyes widened as it saw the two small ones it had already crushed in the air on the shiny platform, each glowing in the two colors it had seen previously.

Couture and Rough Stock were as shocked as the Pommier. Couture looked to her friend in amazement. “Did- Did you just power up when I admitted my love for you?” She said as she blushed under her mask due to use of the L-word, a trait shared by her friend.

“I- uh, possibly. Did you just power up by confessing it?”

“I-I-I… I guess?” She was cut off as she moved them out of the way of an incoming apple tree. “I have had just about enough of that thing.”

“Agreed. How do ya want to deal with it?” Rough Stock said as she gripped the moving platform, glad she wasn’t getting seasick.

“Well, you can jump with precision, yes? That’s how you get to the city and back?”


“Wait, can you not do that!?”

“Well I just said Ah could transfer strength to around ma body including ma legs. Ya’ll assumed I could do it with precision.”

“You lied by omission!” She complained as she kept moving the platform.

“I learnt that from you when you lied about having an idea for the fundraiser!”

“You knew?”

“Of course Ah knew! I kept quiet because Ah knew you weren’t gonna give up till ya found an idea, that’s what I like about you!” The moving platform stopped as the two realized what Applejack, not Rough Stock, had said. Unfortunately, this allowed them to be hit by a tree and knocked out of the air.

As they were falling, they looked each other in the eyes, and moved in sync. Creating a platform, Couture locked her feet into the platform, grabbed Rough Stocks hands, and spun her around and around before launching her towards the Pommier. Rough Stock clenched her fist before an orange aura surrounded it, and for the second time that night, she slammed it straight into the giant overgrown lizards face. The Pommier was taken along with the momentum of the girl and was slammed into the earth, creating a crater with the creatures face in the middle.

Couture scrambled down on crystalline platforms. SHe made her way down to the crater, oddly noticing the Pommier reverting to its normal size, then quickly ignoring it favor of something infinitely more important. “Rough Stock! Are you okay?” After a few seconds of no reply, she grew frantic. “Answer me! App-”

“YEEEEEEHAW!!!” Couture was greeted with the sight of Rough Stock shooting up and jumping around. “If that wasn’t the funnest thing I ever did since my first pig wrangling than I don’t know what from what!” That didn’t sound very fun, but who was she to argue. Besides…

“You’re alive!” She said as she wrapped her arms around her friend. “Oh I was so worried I’d never see you again Darling! Especially after I… told you I… loved… you.” Fluttershy could’ve been speaking louder than her at this point. Rough Stock looked at her before shaking her head.

“Ah ain’t goin nowhere.” She said as she returned the favor and wrapped her arms around her, though she had the upper hand due to the super strength. “Ah feel we should talk about this.” They both knew what she meant by ‘this’. And just as she was about to agree with a blush…

“POLICE! Hands in the air!” …of course something came to screw it up. They looked outside the crater to see two officers pointing their guns at them, before looking at the creature beside them. The lead officer lowered his gun in shock as he looked at it. “What the hell is that?” He said before looking back to see the two women had disappeared. “Dammit. Please tell me your body cam was recording?” He said as he looked to his partner who nodded in confirmation.

“Good, cause Chief Armor is never gonna believe us even with this thing.” He said in relief as looked at the creature below. “Thinking we should call animal control.”


Applejack was sitting against the wall with her face in her hands. The cops had gotten involved, great. Luckily they had avoided them and hid out in the shed her family had. They had also ditched their outfits for their regular clothes since they didn’t need them anymore. Even with all their superheroing the cops had never gotten involved, least not that anyone told her. Oh this was messier than chicken in a hay bale during a horse's lunch.

“I’m sorry.” She looked up to see Rarity standing and blushing. “I should just leave, wouldn’t want to do anything- Eep!” She said as Applejack grabbed her arm gently before letting it go and standing with her.

“You know if ya had… feelings for me, you could’ve just talked to me. I would’ve understood eventually.” She joked about her somewhat obliviousness. “Though Ah am flattered you tried farm life just for me.” She said as she blushed. “That was really nice, though a bit unnecessary.”

“Well I couldn’t have you thinking less of me.”

Seriously? Applejack sharply inhaled before exhaling. “Ah literally said ‘Ah won’t think less of ya’ at the beginning of the day.” She spoke calmly.

Rarity blinked before stuttering. “R-really?”

“Ma exact words.” They two looked at each other for a solid minute before she started giggling, and it wasn’t long before Rarity followed. Eventually they were full on laughing at the situation they had placed themselves in.

Applejack wheezed as she placed her hand on Rarity's shoulder, much to the recipient's blush which she didn’t notice. She realized just how close she had gotten to Rarity’s face. Blushing now covering her face, she stayed as she continued. “Thank you for everything today Rarity,” She referred to the Pommier, and she was glad she didn’t need to talk about the thing that almost killed her sister. “As for your interests, we’re still in highschool,” Her face dropped as she saw the same happen to Rarity’s face, so she corrected herself quickly. “so we probably should take things slowly. If you still want to date-”

“YES I WOULD LIKE THAT VERY MUCH!” She winced as her friend responded loudly and straight in her face. “Oh, um, yes I would…VERY much want to date you Applejack. And I am sorry for all that I said. I was just so stressed with trying to ask that I lost sight of why I was there in the first place. Not a fancy venue or a candlelit confession like my books. Just you.” Applejack then turned as red as one of her apples. And that only deepened as Rarity's mouth slowly moved closer to hers. It would’ve been easier to stop it even if she didn’t have super strength. But it also meant it was easy to speed along. Applejack pulled her in as she and Rarity shared a kiss.

At that moment, she knew the movies were right. Time stood still when you kissed someone you loved, and she was enjoying this moment for all it lasted.

Right outside the shed door, two younger sisters, one older brother, one grandma, and two cops stood, watching the scene from right after they were in their regular clothes, so they all knew nothing about their super lives. Their love lives however…

The two younger sisters fist bumped as they cheered in their head. The grandmother chuckled as she muttered about youth while the brother had tears in his eyes, happy his younger sister had found someone. The two officers had found the scene sweet and therefore decided to wait till they were finished to question them about what had happened here.

Tonight was a good night.


“So we’ve been taking things slowly and it’s worked out well for both of us.” Rarity said as she looked at Applejack who sat next to her on the couch.

“Yeah, going on dates, a bit of flirting (Mostly from her.), everyones been so happy for us. It makes me think they wanted us together before you even knew you had feelings for me. Also Ah saw Rainbow collect money from Pinkie so that kind of cements things quite a bit.” Applejack replied, much to the shock of Rarity, who paused before continuing.

“As for the Pommier, turns out it actually isn’t that much of a threat in a world of guns and steel. It’s claw are made tearing apart wood, apples, and tired out woodland criters, it can’t even leave the tiniest scratch on metal. Which is very fortunate for those currently containing it.” She said as she remembered the news saying the creature had been transported to secure research facility, but everyone just said it was going to Area 51 and honestly? With her life it was a definite possibility.

“Yeah, as long as they don’t feed a large amount of premium Apple Farms apples Ah think it’ll stay put for the rest of it’s days.” Applejack said contently.

“I do wonder if there are others though, that can’t be the same one can it?” Rarity asked in concern, even thought both their younger sisters would be alright with some time, the only reason that thing wasn’t dead was because the cops showed up.

“Well, the book said Pommiers as a species went missing in an extermination, the only reason Twilight included it was because do to the knowledge they had collected, there should have been three more dead lizards, but they ended up vanishing so they weren’t paid much mind. This was about five hundred years ago and the book said they had an average lifespan of about 120 years, so they likely reproduced. Though given they stick to forests with apples and shy away from civilizations, Ah don’t think we need to worry about them.” Applejack explained, showing she had gone in depth on Pommier research.

“Well that’s good, also me and Applejacks hero personas are now wanted for destruction of private property.” It was then a familiar sounding alarm rang, causing Trixie to tense.

“Seriosuly!” She said as Rarity and Applejack got up from the couch and she fell from her chair before sighing from the ground. “At least there's no need to go into that now, I can wait another week. It sounds like your relationship has been going well so that’s nice to hear.”

“Why thanks a plenty Trixie, it feels so nice to get things of our chest with a person we can trust.”

“I must agree, it can be so stressful with no one to vent about this to.” SHe said before fake swooning and then yelped as she really tripped, only to be caught by an orange haired farm girl.

“I guess it’s up to me to handle the physical stuff.” Applejack with a look on her face that just screamed ‘the good kind of trouble’ before blushing and propping Rarity up. “A-Ah of course mean stuff like h-helping you around the shop w-when you’re overworked.” SHe stuttered before running ahead.

Rarity looked onwards as she looked to Trixie with a proud look on her face. “That’s my girlfriend.” She then turned to where her other half had run off. “Wait up Farmling!” She said, trying to use an affectionate term for Applejack.

It was still a work in progress so she mostly just stuck to ‘Darling’ but with annunciation.

Trixie rolled her eyes as she walked out with them, glad that she had started this club.


A figure with a night black cloak looked over the farm from afar.

“Interesting, I knew placing the Pommeir there would attract their attention. But this is better than I could’ve imagined.” A warped voice spoke from the figure as the hiruko mask the figure wore matched the smile on their face.

“Let the games begin.”

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
