• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 249 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” Rainbow said as she laid in bed. “Finally in a relationship with Fluttershy and I screw it up.” She felt a nudge to her face as she looked at Tank, who looked at her with a knowing look. “Okay so I was never actually in a relationship with her, but it doesn’t change the fact that she said she’d break up with me if we were dating. Which we weren’t but… you get the point.” She said as she picked him up and held him above her face.

“I guess I thought we could maybe try and date now that some people thought we were. That was wishful thinking at best though. Who would want to date a murderer?” So she told her tortoise everything, including what she did with two of the guys at the docs. People did weirder things with their pets. She then felt her tortoise lick her on the cheek, stopping her movements so he could finish. She then looked at him gratefully as she hugged him.

“Aw you always know what to say.” She said before she noticed the time. “Looks like it’s time to go speeding.” It was her night out after all.

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

Fauna Girl dodged the bite before wrapping her body around the werewolf, restricting its movements with the strength of a python…she cared for all types of animals. She was just fortunate Rarity had been able to make her costume more flexible. “What are you?” She asked as she struggled to keep him still, not an easy task in the slightest.

Doug smirked as he stopped moving. “A Hāfuurufu, though in all honesty, I prefer the term werewolf. Has a bit of a bite to it.” He grinned before he continued. “I was banished here from Equestria after a purge of my kind, courtesy of my kind being quite carnivorous. I was a human here, but luckily the world didn’t affect my wolfly powers and I’ve been here ever since. Surviving off the animals you humans threw away. Even if they don’t have any magic, they make up for it in sheer quantity!” He yelled before he threw himself to the ground, back first, the pain causing Fauna Girl to lose her hold on him. He grinned before he picked her up and slammed her to the ground, causing the animals around them to stir.

He then got up and pinned her down before he leaned into her face and sniffed her repeatedly before looking slightly disappointed. “Hmm, so you aren’t from Equestria. You’ve just been soaked in its magic. How does that happen? And why do you smell so familiar?” He asked before opening his jaws wide open. “Whatever, time to die.” He said before he prepared to chomp down on her.

“Wow, who said pounds weren’t doing their job?” A distorted voice said before Doug would feel something tug on his tail and he turned around to see a Spectrum Streak pulling at it. He snarled at her before she started speeding around him, wrapping his body in leashes and hitting him on the head repeatedly. As he moved around trying to hit her, he ended up tripping on his tail and falling to the ground. As he struggled on the ground, Spectrum dashed in front of Fauna Girl and put out her hand. “So who’s Clifford the big blue dog?” She asked as she helped her up.

“It’s Doug, he’s a werewolf from Equestria who’s been eating animals here. The only reason he didn’t figure out I was me was because I washed my suit.” Hygiene was important, even for clothes that didn’t exist most of the time.

“Oh that’s actually a really good idea. Better make sure he doesn’t smell me.” Spectrum said, and before Fluttershy could reply to that and what it meant, she heard snapping sounds as Doug slowly rose from his position on the ground. “I think we better get to work.” She said as she turned to Fauna Girl, who nodded before she noticed the animals and heard what they were saying.

I miss my human!

Scary! Scary!

Take me home!

As the cries of the animals entered her ears, she made a decision. “I’ll take on Doug, you need to get every animal here out of their cages.” She said as her arms bulked up.

Spectrum looked at her in shock that was masked due to the goggles and face mask. “Didn’t this guy just floor you?” She questioned even as her eyes were darting around, looking for the keys.

“Tr-true,” She admitted as she curled in on herself before straightening up. “But that was before I realized how many of these animals were on his menu. I can’t just leave them, after all I am a pet detective.” She said as she smirked under the mask before she rushed forward, leaving Spectrum Streak to look in shock before she grinned.

“Aww yeah!” She said as she grabbed the keys and started unlocking the cages, causing Doug to growl.

“My food!” He yelled before he was socked in the face by Fluttershy, who was plenty angry from the day she had. Doug roared before slashing at her arm, smiling as he drew blood and made the girl scream before she headbutted him, causing him to stagger disoriented.

She then landed multiple hits on his gut before he brought both fists down, slamming her to the ground. He then grinned as he picked her up and spun around before throwing her past the cages, causing Fluttershy to gasp before activating her powers, right before she was sent through the metal door to front office, where she hit the wall and fell to the floor as she groaned in the waiting room. As she did so, her back turned from tortoise shell to normal, and she gratefully thanked Tank for her not broken back. She then saw Doug coming and hid.

Doug rushed into the waiting area before looking around, curious at the lack of the girl. Suddenly, a drop of blood fell onto his nose, causing him to growl and look upward as Fauna Girl fell from the ceiling and wrapped her legs around his neck before turning them serpentine as she attempted to strangle the wolf man. Come on, come on! She thought as she screamed in pain as he clawed her and rammed his back against everything and anything in the room, trying to stop her from restricting his air flow.

Eventually, he fell to the ground as his breathing yielded no air, slumping harmlessly to the ground, presumably unconscious. Fluttershy panted as she unwrapped her legs from around his neck, groaning as an alarm rang in her ears. Of course all the alarms went off. She thought before she winced. My legs are hurt real bad, all I’m able to do is barely walk. She thought as she started crawling with her arms, not wanting to put stress on her legs. I got to get to Rain- Oh no. She thought in fear as a shadow loomed over her.

“Knew playing dead would get ya.” Doug said as he prepared to rip her to shreds. Only to be slugged by a fist that sent him out of the pound and into the streets, causing more than a few cars to honk and swerve, and more than those to stop for their passengers to take pictures.

Spectrum skidded to a stop before rushing over to Fauna Girl. “Sorry about that, I needed to get momentum.” She apologized before she gasped at her leg's condition. “We gotta get that fixed up.” She said as she hoisted her into her arms in a familiar princess carry, much to her hidden blush, and carried her slowly outside, likely wanting to slowly speed up.

Only for a cop car to stop at the werewolf in the streets and spot them leaving them front. Two officers got out, one calling in for backup and the other training her gun on the two heroes. “Both of you, on the ground now!” She ordered. Spectrum froze as she looked around, quickly taking in her surroundings. People recording, Fluttershy's wounded, the cops can deal with big blue and ugly. She decided before she rushed away, grateful to be faster than a speeding bullet.

Fluttershy groaned as she opened her eyes. She tried to move around before wincing at a pain that came from her legs. What the? She thought before she looked around to see she was on the roof of a… house? No, it was a building. She looked at her legs and saw that they had been bandaged along with her arm.

“Yeah, you might wanna not put too much pressure on your legs.” She turned to see Rainbow, costume off, sitting close to her. “I bandaged them up but at the end of the day I’m no doctor. In fact I only got the supplies because we’re on top of a hospital right now.” Fluttershy looked at her with a raised eyebrow before she responded to her silent question. "Um... yeah I ended up getting to know my way around the place thanks to Scootaloo practically living here when she was younger." She said as she chuckled awkwardly at the silence.

“...Rainbow, thanks fo-”

“I like you. Like, like like you.” FLuttershy froze as Rainbow specified the term ‘like’. “I have, for a while, definitely before this all started, and definitely before Princess Twilight came to this world. When we had to pretend to be dating I thought of it as like a golden opportunity to actually date you.” She said before she put her hands on her face. “I’m sorry I went overboard, and I’m sorry I dragged you into my mess. And I’m sorry I ruined things at the pound. I just, like you so much and I think you’re like this amazing person who is so kind and awesome and… I wouldn’t want to date me either.” She finished before she curled up into a ball.

…Fluttershy slowly put her hand on Rainbow's shoulder. “I… admire you too.” She said, causing Rainbow to look at her. “And I said I would break up with you, not that I wouldn’t want to date you.” She specified as the blue skinned girl widened her eyes.

“What are you saying?” She asked as she moved closer to her face… only for Fluttershy to stop her with one hand.

“I’m saying… I want to give it a chance. I wanna give… us a chance.” She said slowly as she hugged her friend with the one arm that was uninjured. She then smiled before asking her something.

“You wanna go out for lunch?”

“So it turns out Doug had started drugging animals so they wouldn't react to their owners.” Fluttershy said as she sat in front of Trixie. “They wore off around the time I broke in so they knew how to get home.” She said fondly. “We saw Ripley playing with Zippor earlier today.”

“And not to mention.” Rainbow said as she leaned on Fluttershy's shoulder, who smiled. “Now people come to Fluttershy for pet related problems, thanks to the press Zippor drummed up about us helping her, even if she thinks we failed.” They couldn’t just tell a girl about their identities.

“And Doug is in jail now. He’s kept away from anyone he might bite and everything. Of course, now we’re public knowledge.” They both tensed at that. The public now has proof super powered people lived in their world. This couldn’t be ignored by anyone.

“You two will figure out a way, I’m sure.” Trixie said as she looked at the clock and gasped as the alarm beeped signaling the end of the session. With no bombshell. She got out of her chair and cheered as Fluttershy and Rainbow walked away with their hands holding each other, glad they held off on telling her they were actually truly considering dating, thanks to how well things had been going.

She deserved a break, they couldn’t bear to see the girls happy face break into another stressful reveal.

Fluttershy smiled as she cataloged multiple dates and requests for clients. She didn’t think becoming a Pet Detective would be so hectic. And now I’m using the name. She thought before seeing Flash exit the pet area. “Oh, you’re heading out now?” She asked as she looked up from her seat. She had been grateful for the help, especially since her leg wounds made moving around a challenge, even though they would heal soon enough. Thank dogs for their saliva.

“Yeah, I’ve got some other things planned.” He said as he waved goodbye before heading out. Flash smiled as he walked onto the streets. It was nice, taking care of animals. He thought before a man in all black grabbed him and pushed against the wall of the building.

“Your money, now!” He yelled before Flash froze… before chuckling. “What the hell? You think this is funny?” He said as he pulled out a knife. "You're about to get gutted you idiot!"

"I-I'm sorry." He slowly stopped laughing as he grinned and held a hand towards him. “You just have really bad luck.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter

Only 318 left!


I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
