• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 250 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

  • ...

Off to Shibuya

Twilight sat down next to Sunset as they both got ready for the plane to take off to Shibuya, Japan. “I can’t believe this is about to happen!” She said excitedly as she looked at her bacon haired friend, who grinned back.

“I know right? I’ve never realized how much of this world I never saw.” She said before she looked next to herself as she was in the aisle seat to see Applejack.

“Now Sunset, you all good? I know this is your first time on a plane.” Sunset smiled before she shook her head no and the cowgirl walked off down the aisle to check on their friends.

“You know, have you ever realized how Applejack can get… like caring of us?” Sunset asked as Twilight shook her head as she watched their friend give Fluttershy a blanket before she sat down next Rarity and gave her a eyemask.

“Huh… you know…” Twilight asked before the plane started moving and she noticed Sunset take out a cupcake plush and hug it. “...Umm-”

“Pinkie gave it to me.” She said bluntly as she hugged while the plane picked up speed. “First time on a plane gift.” She started nervously breathing before she calmed down as she snuggled with the inanimate object.

…That’s sweet. Twilight thought before she started listening to a documentary about Shibuya.

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

Several connecting flights later…

The girls came out of airport, surveying the area and smiling with the other classmates as they viewed the city. “Wow! This place is amazing!” Sunset said as she looked around in awe. They walked around the city as Vice Principal Luna made sure to keep them all in line.

“Alright, everyone stay together, we’re going to go to the hotel and rest before we start our tour of the museum.” She said as they all got their luggage.

Sunset looked through the baggage claim area before she saw her red rolling suitcase and picked it up. She then looked to see her friends getting their own bags. Fortunately they had all managed to pack sensibly.

As long as you counted Raritys ‘basic’ hundreds of makeups and brushes and mirrors as simple.

And all of Fluttershys animal foods for animals she might encounter here.

And all of the books Twilight had brought.

Sunset and Applejack looked at them dryly before Sunset sighed. “Twilight, we have E-Books for a reason.”

“Yeah but I already have glasses. Risk my eyesight even more? I think not!” She said as she and the other two all lugged their bags, with Sunset looking to Applejack.

“You wanna… help here?”

“Yeah I’m on it.” The country girl said as she started taking all of the bags, prompting Fluttershy to look at her gratefully while Rarity smiled and kissed her on the cheek, prompting her girlfriend to blush with a smile. She then loaded all of the bags as one by one they got on the bus that had been arranged to take them to the hotel they’d be staying at.

“So, I must know! How was your first flight?” Sunset smiled as she looked at Trixie who had asked her the question while posing before they both sat down next to each other while the bus started moving through Shibuya.

“Oh you know… Just same as ever.” She said as she looked at the cupcake plush she had been holding before she put it back in her bag and looked out to see the tall buildings and exotic looking restaurants. “Woah…”

She had never seen something like this, even in Equestria.

It was awesome!

Sunset flopped down on her bed as she looked at her roommate. “Oh this is comfy…” She watched Trixie say as she sat on the bed. “I cannot believe this is only for a few days.”

“Yep, better not get used to it.” She said as she smirked at her friend before she noticed her cupcake plush had fallen out of her bag. She reached for it before Trixie grabbed it and smirked.


“Hey! Give it back!”

“Oh I will… I just didn’t think you were the stuffed doll type.” Trixie smirked as Sunset twitched her fingers, only for the magician to give a cheshire grin and look at the back. “With lots of love, Pinkie.”

Sunset widened her eyes as she grabbed it back and scanned the back of it desperately, only to look back at Trixie with a deadpan as nothing was there. “Seriously?” She asked dryly as Trixie cackled.

“Ha! It doesn’t take a genius to know that Pinkie gave it to you. Course, it helps that you girls have been telling me everything, including your little crush on Pinkie.” She said as she crossed her legs while Sunset frowned. “You should probably send her a message thanking her. You know, just a suggestion.”

Sunset slowly held up her phone as she thought about it while glaring at Trixie. “I mean… It wouldn’t hurt right?”

“Not at all.” Trixie said as she watched it happen, bouncing on her feet as she sat on her bed. “In fact it would be the best thing ever.”

“Yeah… I mean I robbed a Princess!”

“Yeah you did!”

“I can send a message to a girl I like!”

“Of course you can!”



Sunset grinned as she held up her phone and opened the message contacts to Pinkie. “Oh you have a heart next to her name.” Sunset blushed at that as she sighed.

“Look…I just… I thought it looked cute, okay?” She asked before she started typing out a message. “Hey, thanks for the plush.”

“Okay, that’s good, now just click send.”


“Just click send.”


“Sunset, send the message.” Trixie said with a frown as she started tapping her foot. Suddenly, they both got a message on their phones.

“Welp look at that! TIme to go check out the museum!” Sunset said with a smile as she deleted the message and turned off her phone before she walked out of the room.

“...I hate this.” Trixie said before she followed her.

They all gathered to go to the museum, and once they got there they split up into pairs. “Okay then…” Twilight said as she held up a picture of the page from the book… the other Twilight had sent them. “Just find the tomb in the exhibit and send a message to the others.” She said to Fluttershy, who nodded as she walked with her.

“So… how did you and Rainbow get together?” Twilight asked as Fluttershy flinched. “Oh, um… sorry. I’ve never had friends so I’m not sure how to… act when they’re in a relationship.” She said awkwardly as she smacked her lips and they walked side by side with each other.

“...We got together a while back when I was helping her Tank. We started talking with each other and… one thing led to another.” She lied through her teeth as she was panicking on the inside, making sure to make a reminder to send a message to Rainbow so they didn’t contradict each other.

“Cool…” She said as they both kept walking. “So, sorry about the decision to leave Rainbow behind.” Twilight said as Fluttershy widened her eyes.

“Oh! You don’t have to worry about that!” She said, only to pause and sigh. “...Recently me and her have been arguing lately.”

“Really? You two seem quite happy together.” She said as Fluttershy raised her eyebrow in curiosity. “Rainbow cares about you more than anything, and you always seem to be the one to let her know when she goes too far. And even when you don’t you kind of seem like the only person who could put up with… well her.”

Fluttershy paused at that as Twilight started stuttering. “I-I didn’t mean to insult her or anything!”

“Oh um… it’s fine.” She said with a blush before she looked at the map of the museum they had been given. “The tomb Rainbow read about should be right… here.” She said, causing them both to look up to see a tomb displayed in front of them. “Huh…”

It was a pretty ornate tomb with a wall of gold engraved with the legend Rainbow had told them about. “...So how do we test if this is magic?” Fluttershy asked before Twilight started sending a message to Sunset.

“...She’s on her way.”

Applejack and Rarity walked through the museum. “I’m glad you were there to carry my luggage, I wouldn’t have been able to look my best after all.” The purple haired girl said as she leaned against her shoulder, prompting the blond to smile.

“Oh Rar…” She said before she noticed a clay statue of a four armed humanoid beast with horns and fangs. “Well golly.” It was about three times her height with a rotund figure. “Says this here thang ruled back in the days with an iron fist, using it to level cities and whatnot.”

“My, how frightening.” Rarity said before her phone started ringing and she moved to the side. “Just one moment dearest.” She said as she left Applejack to look at the behemoth statue.

Only for her to get a message saying they had found the tomb. She smiled before she headed to Rarity, overhearing her call.

“-Oh you don’t have to worry, schools going-” Rarity said before she turned around to see Applejack and widened her eyes as she hung up and shoved her phone in her pocket. “Applejack!”

“...Twilight found the tomb so… Everything all right?” She asked as she raised her eyebrow. “Yah hung up mighty quick.”

“Oh it’s nothing!” She said before she looked at her phone, seeing the message from the group chat. “Let’s be on our way!” She said as she grabbed Applejacks hand and ran off while the country girl just let herself be dragged, knowing she could easily stop her.

While wondering what Rarity wasn’t telling her.

Sunset arrived at the tomb with Trixie as she met up with everyone else. “So this is the tomb.” She said as she looked at it before she widened her eyes.

“Yeah… this is definitely magic.” Twilight raised her eyebrow and looked at her.

“Wait, you’ve never been able to tell something was magic before, how is this different?” Sunset shrugged in response to that.

“I don’t know, I think it’s because I’m using my powers and getting in touch with them more and more, combined with the fact that I studied magic my whole life… but this thing definitely has magic inside it. Probably the heart…”

“...Wait…” Trixie said as she started backing away. “Don’t tell me-”

“We’re stealing it.” Fluttershy said as Trixie groaned.

“I hate you guys.”