A Changeling's Christmas Catastrophe

by AizakkuHorooee

First published

When Carve is prompted to come to Wisconsin, Carina is experiencing something that is putting holiday celebration on the line.

Carina comes to Equestria early for Hearth's Warming, but is pulled out of the festivities midway through, prompting Carve to come to Carina and her family up in Wisconsin. However, all the celebration is put on the line when Carina experiences a life-threatening conceptualization.

Prologue - Early Decorations

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Whew... It’s been awhile since anything big happened. By extension, Carina hasn’t been here since Equestria ever befriended Chrysalis. I visited the hive a little over two weeks ago, at the beginning of the new month. And Chrysalis was just fine with it. The two of us said hi, caught up to what we were doing, all that stuff.

Right now, Pane’s over at my house, helping the three of us get ready for Hearth’s Warming when Carina comes over with Aita. Chrysalis... really doesn’t have anything to do at the moment, so since she’s been recoronated by over a month now, I notice when at the hive, she was getting ready for her own festivities. I have no idea whether or not it’s for Hearth’s Warming though. She never really went deep into that. I know changelings have their own holidays. Some came into being when I was around. Hell, one came into being when I was a teen. But at least there’s the holidays Equestria has, like Hearts and Hooves Day. and Winter Wrap Up.

At the moment though, at my house is just me and Pane. Rusty Flashlight’s went up to Wisconsin at the moment (I still don’t know what that looks like). Since we’re celebrating Hearth’s Warming a week early, as well as me having spilled out everything Carina knows at some point, Rusty Flashlight wants to do his best to get a recording of a Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant.

So, what’ve I been doing lately? I started reading Power Ponies from the ground up in my spare time. There’s about forty official installments, and I’m on the fifteenth one. However, with decorations starting for Hearth’s Warming, I haven’t had as much free time to read it. For now though, Pane let me off to do my own thing, me having contributed more than she did to decorations within the time I did, an hour and a half, so I’m reading.

But then, something different happens as I read. Well, I guess it gets dark quite a bit earlier now than it did when I last went to... that one demo site. But hey, it’s just what the sky does daily. Well, I set down the comic on the corner and head to my nest for the rest I need. I levitate the switch off and close my door. After ten to fifteen minutes of silence and pitch black, I find myself back in Crater Hall.

“Heheh, no telling who’s going to be in front of me this time.”

“Oh, hi Carve! Long time no see!”

“Yep, I knew it. How’re you Correal?”

“Just fine. So, I hear Rusty Flashlight’s in Wisconsin.”

“Oh yeah, he is. So, did you visit him before he left or something?”

“Well, actually no, I didn’t visit him at all. I went to visit Carina, but got... uh... Jon, I think his name was. He told me about something that he and the pegasus are trying to get. It all went over my head really.”

“Me with the hybrid stairs.”

“Oh, you mean escalators. Eh...”

“Um, what’s drama got to do with stairs?”

“Nothing, let’s just move on. So, Jon also told me about this holiday named Christmas. If you ask me, it sounds awfully close to ‘Chrysalis’.”

“Me with Grease Ellis.”

“Grease who now? Carve, can you please stop deviating from the topic I’m trying to focus on?”

“Oh, uh, sorry about that, Correal. But yeah, I think I can agree on that as well. So, uh, is Chrysali- I mean Christmas, celebrated in Wisconsin?”

“Of course?”

“Um, is it on the twenty fifth of this month? Because that’s when Hearth’s Warming is celebrated in Equestria.”

Correal nods.

“Oh. Well, sometimes before Hearth’s Warming, it usually takes hours for Pane Fall to come back if she ever needed to buy anything. But hey! Trace Light and Aita will finally meet!”

“Huh, you don’t say, Carve. I’d love to hear how that turns out. Chrysalis is friends with all of Equestria, so I doubt the two would hate each other. Well, I have to go now. It looks like one of your friends is coming to your room.”

“Oh, okay. Bye!”

Correal waves back at me.

“See you later, Carve.”



I wake up to a knock on my room door.

“Pane? That you?”


“Come in.”

The door opens, revealing it to be Pane, like I heard from the voice.

“Sorry about waking you up, Carve. I wanted to see if you were alright with me locking the door for the night until I come back tomorrow morning.”

“Actually, that’s fine with me.”

“Okay. I better get going then. See you tomorrow.”

“Wait. Pane... have you ever heard of a holiday named ‘Christmas’?”

“Well, uh, no... I haven’t.”

“Oh. It’s apparently a holiday that Carina celebrates back home. It’s the same day as Hearth’s Warming. That’s all I heard from Correal.”

“Correal? Is she a changeling you spoke to in the last three weeks? Is that where you heard of this holiday? It does sound-”

“Yeah yeah yeah. I know. But no, Correal visited my dream just now to tell me about this ‘Christmas’ holiday. I’m sure you’ve heard of Correal... have you?”

“No. But hey, at least you have friends in the hive.”

“Um, her note, Va Cutera Solaz? Crater Hall? I hosted a calling about her that got Chrysalis back!”

“Um... what...?”

“Oh, please don’t remind me of the hive mind unit.”

“Carve... what the heck are you saying?”

I huff.

“Correal’s been gone since the first of last month. Okay, Pane?”

“Oh... okay.”

I buzz my wings and droop my head, it becoming clear that Pane hasn’t heard much out of changeling life.

“I’m sorry. I thought you would’ve gotten the message by now... about Correal.”

“I understand, Carve. Now, I’m going to get home. It’s been a long day decorating for Hearth’s Warming. Rusty Flashlight is going to be home tomorrow, so I’ll be here as soon as I can come.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

The conversation ends with Pane Fall wrapping her left hoof around my back and rubbing it briefly. Soon after, the door to the house opens, closes and gets locked, letting me sleep for the rest of dark.

Chapter I - Where Did These Come From?

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Well, another day, another visit from Pane. She isn’t here yet, but when I wake up, the sun looks to have been up for a little while. I guess I was awake for a little longer than I remember.

Looking at the clock in my room, I notice that it’s currently about eight thirty. Well, I can’t be too surprised Pane isn't here. But it does raise the question of whether or not she’s on her way now, just getting up or what.

Hmm... I didn’t recall any dreams when sleeping for the second time. Must’ve slept a lot better after that talk.

Hey, wait a minute. ...as soon as she can come... so does Pane have other things to do at the moment?

Suddenly, the main entrance’s lock starts to make a few sounds before the door opens. Pretty sure that’s Pane.


Yep. I levitate my door open and dash into the living room. But then, it looks like Pane is levitating a piece of well rolled paper.

“Hi Pane. So, what’s that you have?”

“Well, I don’t know who it’s from, but the writing looks about on par with the Foal Free Press in Ponyville.”

“Hey, let me see that.”

I use my horn to take the paper out of Pane’s aura and unveil it.


To Carve, or whatever your name is:

Hi. It’s Roman. Carina probably told you about me, because she just told me about you, so I thought I’d have her send this letter to you. I wanted to see how you felt about coming to my friend’s house for Christmas. According to my niece-in-law, Sophie, it’s about the same day as Hearth’s Warming. Apparently, Aita’s been excited for quite some time about you coming over for Christmas. Well, I hope you do have the time this year to come to Wisconsin. Everybody’s looking forward to seeing you.

Roman Bagley

“...Roman Bagley... I recognize that name.”

”Jon Vibe, Roman Bagley, Sophie Handy, Dan Bell...”

“That was one of the names Carina listed when we gave Chrysalis her hive back.”

“Really?!? Who’s Roman Bagley?” Pane asks.

“Roman must be one of the members of Carina’s makeshift family... and so must Sophie.”

“So, let me get this straight. Aside from Aita, Carina doesn’t have her own changeling family? And has to rely on those we once called ‘earless creatures’ to fill that gap?”

“Well, I don’t know about her changeling family. No one ever told me about that back when I lived in the hive. And that was because it was no one’s business.”

“But what about the Wisconsinian tribe that’s Carina’s other family is a part of?”

“Oh, like Roman and Sophie?”

Pane nods.

“Yeah, uh-”

“They’re kind of humans,” a familiar voice interrupts into our conversation.


The both of us rush over to the stoop when we see the pegasus we know. For a lack of better words, we have a moment of reunion unlike any other in the past.

Suddenly, I’m the first of us to notice a strange item Rusty Flashlight has in his saddle bag.

“Hey, what’s that?”

“Oh that? This thing?”

His wing unveils the saddlebag, prompting Pane to levitate this mysterious item over to the front of my hooves. So, when I put it in a studyable distance from my eyes, I notice that the silhouette on what I presume is the top depicts a sort of card that’s a little torn at the flat end. On the other end of this “card”, there’s a bit of a slit in the form of a half circle, although I wouldn’t really know what the slit is for. Below that card, there appears to be a saying of four words. WOW! what a difference!

“Hmm... what is this? Where’d you get it from?”

“Oh. I got this from a rental store up where Roman and Jon live. But that’s not all I got. I mean, what’s the use of this baby, without this!”

Rusty Flashlight pulls out a sort of case. It says on the front: Blockbuster Video. Containing the name is exactly the shape I saw in the silhouette of the other item he brought home.

“So, uh, what are these?” I ask.

“These babies I got from Roman and Jon are actually from a VERY rare store. As you can probably guess, it’s Blockbuster.”

I study the case a little bit more and find a sticker near the top of the front, as if it’s a label.

“So, is this case an actual recording of a Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant?” I inquire.

“Well, not the actual case itself. But one of the segments of the case’s content contains that.”

“Content? Rusty, that doesn’t really give us an idea of what this really is, since neither Carve nor I have ever seen anything like this before.”

Pane levitates the case over to her and opens it, revealing something somewhat similar to a vinyl disc, at least in shape. However, unlike the minimal aesthetics I’ve seen of vinyl discs, this kind of disc has absolutely amazing artwork, and it’s unbelieveable how much of the artwork can fit. It depicts Pinkie Pie, joined by Rainbow Dash and some random baby alligator, in front of a background within Equestria. And in that background, the Equestria train can be seen moving to the left. On the left, below the train, a bunch of logos can be vaguely seen, all under “Disc 2”. Finally all of that is under a perfectly readable logo, named My Little Pony.

“Whoa. So this actually has a Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant in it?”

“Sure does, Carve. It’s the entire reason why I got all this for the six of us in the first place. But this is a one week rental, so once we finish the festivities here with Carina and Aita, I’ll have to go with them back to Wisconsin.”

“Thanks for solving the whole pageant problem up there. Carve and I owe a lot to you.”

Couldn’t have said better myself, so I decide to join in on a hug.

Chapter II - The Reunions Begin

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During my hug with Rusty Flashlight and Pane Fall, I hear a slight shimmering sound. Darting my focus, I notice that a scroll materializes through a spontaneous air flame. Then the scroll falls to the stoop. When the hug is over, I levitate the letter to read it.

Dear Carve,

As of right now, I’m getting my essentials ready for when I come over tomorrow, and I already told Jon and Roman about coming over to your place in Las Pegasus. I know I’ve seen a few instances of Hearth’s Warming, likely somewhere you’ve never heard of, but I want to see how you guys celebrate Hearth’s Warming, let alone see what Hearth’s Warming is like in the flesh. Is urban exploration involved in your celebration? Do you go to see a show or play of any kind? Aita is sure curious to find out. Well, I’ll see you later today. I have to get back to packing.


P.S. I’ll be sure to send you updates on what’s going on.

“Well, Carina must be particularly excited about coming.”

“Gee, I wonder what makes you say that, Pane.”

“Isn’t it-”

“Yeah... I know,” I interrupt with. “She’s packing at the moment. But it does leave the question of how she was able to- ohhhhhhh. Oh yeah. She was here with Aita when Chrysalis was gathering the remaining changelings she had. Well, at least now she knows where we all live.”

“All of us except me, but I’m going to be here anyway,” Pane points out. “Now Rusty, about this whole Blockbuster thing. Does Carina know about it? I know she’s been where she lives as far as her memory can go, but did she ever know about Blockbuster?”

“Well, with the help of Jon and Roman, I made sure she wasn’t going to see me somewhere I would otherwise not have to visit. I’m just glad about finding a portable recording of the Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant for us to watch. Although I’ll have to make a real visit to Headrest Centre soon enough. It was pretty cozy in there for its length of vacancy.”

“Ooh! Mind if Pane and I join you?”

“Sure, if you want. I’m not entirely familiar with Carina’s realm of Wisconsin, but it does seem to be similar to Akron in level of detail. Heck, we might as well bump into something very similar while we’re at it.”


Later within the day, the door knocks and comes to my attention the quickest, prompting my answer as first by opening the door, revealing the knocker behind to be none other than Trace Light.

“Oh, hey Trace Light.”


“So, I see you came around the time frame Carina’s supposed to come. Probably here for the Hearth’s Warming celebration for the next two days if your letter from when I came back home said anything.”

“Well, yeah. Dad arrived in Las Pegasus so that he can spend Hearth’s Warming with Uncle Rusty, and so would I.”

Suddenly, the two of us hear a gasp from behind me.

“Tracey!! I thought you’d be here later!”

“Well, the trip went well, Uncle Rusty. We went earlier in case there was a lot of air traffic.”

“Tracey, air traffic isn’t really a problem until Hearth’s Warming Eve, when everyone’s traveling to a nearby pageant location. You and your dad could’ve gone here when scheduled and wouldn’t have to worry about traffic.”

“Well, I told Dad that, but he insisted we go early, and that the earlier we arrived, the more extra time I get to spend with you.”

“Well, Trace Light,” I add. “I think your dad might’ve had a point there in that case. But it’s not just your uncle you’re spending this early celebration with.”

“Oh. Who’s joining us?”

“Two other changelings are coming, named Carina and Aita. But they’re actually not from the hive. Instead, they’re from a place that didn’t even know about Hearth’s Warming until recordings of Equestria started showing up over there. Those recordings make up the only reason the two changelings even know about Hearth’s Warming.”

“Well, do you think we should teach them how we all celebrate?”

“You don’t need to worry about that. The two may catch on. If anyone’s going to clear things up for the changelings, it’s going to be Rusty and Pane. They know the holiday the most out of all of us.”


After our conversation, I come to Uncle Rusty and Pane to talk to them while Carve closes the door and heads back to her room.

“Hey, Tracey.”

“Hi Pane. Hi Uncle Rusty.”

“So how was your first year as a Cutie Mark Crusader? Fun?”

I nod at Pane, then glance at what she has, which seem to be two cases that have the same shape of item.

“Yeah. Say, what’re these?”

“Oh, I know what you’re talking about. It’s from a very rare store that’s from where Aita and Carina live.”

“Hmm. ‘Blockbuster Video’?”

Uncle Rusty nods.



Suddenly, I jump at the sound of the doorbell.

“Oh, colorful Chrysalis! It’s them!”

I race from my room over to the door and open it to expectation behind it, only exciting me more. Carina and Aita.

“Hi Carve. You seem excited to see us.”

“When wouldn’t I, Carina? Everybody’s here now!”

“Exactly. Even my brother, this filly’s dad, came to Las Pegasus today because you were coming today,” Rusty adds.

“So, what’s your niece’s name, Rusty?”

“Her name’s Trace Light, but my brother and I always call her Tracey to shorten things up a little. So, how’re we going to fit everypony here? I know it’s nearing sunset soon.”

“Maybe Aita and I will be able to know what to do if we take a look at the house.”

Or maybe you two can spend the night at my house. I have nothing left to do here anyway. I’m in the mood for some company.”

“O-oh. Thanks, Pane. That means a lot to me.”

“Happy to help, Carina.”

Pane proceeds to open the door to the sunset sky and gestures Carina and Aita to come with her, prompting them to follow her on the way out.

Chapter III - Our Tradition

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I have to say, with everything having settled down with Carve and the hive, Carina and Aita are complete joys to spend time with. I think the only pony that is particularly surprised Carina and Aita never heard of Blockbuster Video was my niece. I really don’t find that surprising though. And it makes sense because, well, I was in Wisconsin myself and kept my appearance a secret, aside from Jon and Roman. And there’s how I then told Carve and Pane about the whole thing.

After the six of us hear about Carina and Aita’s lack of familiarity with Blockbuster Video, Carina decides to walk over to Carve’s room and see what it has to offer. I promptly follow her in the hall as she studies the room.

“Hmm... I thought she’d have a lot more in here. I guess she doesn’t need much,” Carina comments.

“Well, she’d only be in her room to sleep really.”

Carina turns around in response to my voice.

“Oh, Rusty. I didn’t notice you were behind me. So, uh, what’re we going to be doing for Hearth’s Warming?”

“Well, Pane, Carve and I will be celebrating Hearth’s Warming like we always do. Only thing though is that we’re celebrating it early, which is actually alright with all of us, as long as we all get to see you and Aita.”

“Aw, thanks, Rusty. That means a lot.”

“So, what specifically do you want to know about how we celebrate?”

“Is there any urbex involved with the celebration? I’ve been wanting to find a place to explore since I heard about you and Pane.”

“Heh, then I guess you’re in luck. After we go to see a nearby pageant for Hearth’s Warming, we go and see our target place the very next day. Of course with celebrating early with you and Aita, it’ll just mean you two can come along with us to see a live pageant if you decide to visit next year.”

Suddenly, Carina freezes.

“Wait. Don’t you guys open presents on any of the two days?”

“Well, yeah, we open presents. But that’s usually saved for the instance we get home. Sometimes we go cross country with finding places to explore, so in those cases, we bring the presents with us.”

“Oh okay. That routine had me a little worried there. Aita gets extremely ecstatic with presents.”

“Well, no holiday is simply based around presents.”

“Hmm. Point taken.”


Watching the recording we have of the Hearth’s Warming pageant proves to be a little hard to see when six ponies, three of them who’re changelings, are looking at the screen at the same time. But we do manage to see who plays who in the pageant, during a recording fittingly titled “Hearth’s Warming Eve”.

The hive has a bit of an interesting history with the windigos. Brief but interesting nevertheless. The only time the windigos ever came by our hive was during Nightmare Moon’s debut, and it took their love for feeding on panic to drive them away, because changelings feed on love. And because the windigos’ magic was contained in a stone carved into the throne that would’ve become Chrysalis’, the hive was safe from another white winter, and that magic filter extended to nearly all of ponykind right afterwards.

In any case, according to Queen Areola, when I was a nymph, Hearth’s Warming as an option for her to celebrate. But I suppose not having any portable items does put the holiday into a confusing light, which was why celebrating Hearth’s Warming was simply optional at the hive, to remember our evolutionary triumph over the windigos.

So, after the six of us see the recorded pageant, we have the decision to take one last look at... oh take a freakin’ guess! Rusty adores that place to chunks, and has frequent nostalgia trips by even thinking about it! BUT... as every one of us agrees on seeing the place, it couldn’t hurt to see that place one more time, this time without uncertainty. And this is also coming from someone who passively regrets a lot of what they did in the past.

Now because Carina, Aita and Trace Light are all visiting, what’s different about this year is that now the six of us have an entire day available for presents, since we only have to travel to our place of choice to explore. Trace Light is sure going to like that.

Once the visit to Bundle Rollers is nearly finished, Carina and I decide to sit on the front benches and talk.

“Wow. I can’t believe how much I was missing out on. I think I may’ve told you about how I never really get to go on adventures like this.”

“Trust me. Urban exploration offers almost nothing like any other field of interest. There’s a large element of strategy that goes into urbex that can make it so rewarding. I just don’t think anybody had ever told you about it.”

“And you guys do it at least weekly?”

“Well, Rusty and Pane, yeah. I don’t join in as often as I used to, obviously because of Chrysalis, and...”

“Rolling Acres Mall?”

“Yeah, that. But now that I’ve moved on from that, I’ve gained a huge appreciation for Rusty and Pane’s past.”

“You have?”

“Yeah, Carina. Bundle Rollers is where they used to go as foals, just like how every month before you-know-what happened, I used to visit Rolling Acres. I guess everybody has something they can reflect on positively.”

“Well, there’s always standing next to someone enjoying music.”


“I guess that’s something I can think about when I get home. I’d love to explore some more in the future. So, ready to head out? I see the rest coming our way.”

I nod at Carina as she looks across the hall. I turn around and see exactly what she said.

“Yeah, I think I’m ready.”

Carina and I get off the bench and join Rusty, Pane, Trace Light and Aita, all of us leaving Bundle Rollers at once.

Chapter IV - Missing out on the Presents

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After our visit to Bundle Rollers, Carina ends up going to Pane’s house with Pane accompanying her. Well, off to Rusty’s it is for me, Aita and Trace Light. Hopefully tomorrow, Carina and I actually get to spend some more time to catch up. So I guess the reasons Aita stuck with us are because he normally sleeps separate from Carina, and because whatever furniture Pane had was apparently too comfortable to sleep on last night. Well, Aita is old enough to sleep on his own, him being seven and a half years old. Plus, I’ve been on furniture that was actually too comfortable.

Speaking of which, in my room anyway...

“Oh, hi Aita.”

“Uh, Carve?”


“Do you mind if I sleep with you?”

“I don’t see anything wrong with sleeping with you. So, do you want a couple of towels? Blankets?”

“A towel made nest sounds good to me.”

I head to the wardrobe in the living room and proceed to grab three towels, carry them to my room, and use whatever technique I remember to build a nest similar to mine, paying attention to which towel should go where. I take a deep breath of relief and smile.

“Well, here you go, Aita. Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“Thanks, Carve.”

“No problem.”

“So, about the place we went to... no one was in there besides us.”

“Of course no one was there, Aita. Fifteen years ago, it closed to the public. But while nobody can simply get in like before, there are still ways to step inside and have look around, like what happened to us. It’s stuff like that that Rusty and Pane plan for.”

“So, are there any places I should go if I want to spend some time alone?”

“Yeah, that is only if you really want to do that. I know. Equestria is overall plenty more positive than Wisconsin. It applies in every place for Equestria.”

“Huh? How do you know about where I live?”

“Carina lives there right?’

Aita nods.

“Rusty told me a bit about where you live.”

“Well, I did tell him a little about home when I was last here.”

“The day Chrysalis got her throne back?”


“That definitely fits, I say. I sure hope though that your family is fine with Carina going with us all to Bundle Roller Rink.”

“Hmm... I don’t know, Carve. Maybe Mom and I don’t have to tell them. After not knowing about Blockbuster before Rusty told me, maybe the human side of my family doesn’t need to know all about what we did.”

“Heh, to each their own I suppose. Well, good night, Aita. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Alright, good night.”


When I wake up the next morning, it seems quite normal, only now with Aita in my room. Of course he’s still sleeping, but I think not much of it. Thinking of the conversation we had last night, I start smiling, knowing that I helped him get sleep more easily by building him a makeshift nest out of towels.

I look at the time, and I see a time of six forty five. A little bit before sunrise, but it’s not by much. I proceed to get up and stretch a little, just as Aita wakes up.

“Oh, Aita. Did I wake you up?”

“Actually, I just woke up on my own.”

“Are you excited about today?”

“Heh, yeah. Presents, right?”

I nod.

“Carina and Pane are probably going to be here in an hour, maybe an hour and a half.”


I exit my room and walk over to the living room, and over to the disc player. Next to the lone player, and under the living room window is a large pile of presents that comes with a variety of colors. All of them have one tag for each present, all of the tags having the From To template.


Well, it’s apparently taking a pretty long time for Pane to get here with Carina. I have positively no idea what the heck she might be doing. Maybe the two of them are staying at Greta Scone Corner; maybe they decided to revisit Bundle Rollers. I don’t know. But it is starting to worry everyone... except for me. Me? It’s starting to make me a bit annoyed. However, Rusty seems a bit optimistic... that is until he comes back with the time: 10:20.

Everyone’s jaws drop, a slightly worried and annoyed Rusty Flashlight aside. I shake my head to regain control.

“Okay, Rusty, you stay here with Tracey. I’ll bring Aita with me in case things get complicated.”

Aita gasps in shock of what I say, but ultimately decides to get close to me, now even afraid of what could’ve happened to Pane and Carina. So, the two of us head out, off to find of exactly why Pane is so late to the party.

After there being only the two of us in Bundle Rollers and the cashier saying how Pane never visited Greta Scone Corner today, we decide to take a look at Pane’s house. However, when we do get there, Aita and I see a note at the foot of the entrance.


If you’ve come by and found this letter, that means I’m currently either bringing Carina to a hospital or on my way back. Carina kept spitting out something much clearer than anything I’ve ever seen get spit out, and it started to worry me. I ultimately decided to take Carina back to Wisconsin as soon as possible for the highest chance of proper care. I hope you understand why I can’t show up for the presents today, and neither can Carina.

-Pane Fall

“Okay, that’s it. We have to get to Wisconsin.”

“Wisconsin? Home?!?”

“Yeah, Aita. That’s where Pane is now! You know the way there, right?”


“Good. Then I’ll follow you.”

So, Aita takes to the sky, me following suit, as we begin the journey to Wisconsin so that I can talk to Pane.

Chapter V - The Akron-like World of Wisconsin

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If the way Pane handled Carina’s situation wasn’t the worst way possible, I don’t know what is. I might have a few colorful things to say to her, so Aita and I will have to separate when we reach Pane. While the two of us fly though, there’s one point where we see a bit of a sudden glare from the sun, coming from the north.

“Isn’t the sun supposed to be in the south?”

“I don’t think the glare is coming from the sun itself, Aita.”

“So, what’s going on with Mom?”

“I know what’s going on with her at the moment only, but even then, I doubt these events’ true forms can ever be grasped with a grain of salt.”

“So you don’t want me to know?”

“To put it lightly, join your family while I talk to Pane.”



Most of the rest of the trip turns out pretty silent, Aita probably worried sick about Carina, kind of like how I was about Rolling Acres before my last visit.

But then, we finally get to Wisconsin... It turns out to be quite a winter wonderland during this time of year. Well, the winter solstice is coming VERY close, tomorrow even, so I’m not really surprised. Everything except for the road is covered in some thickness of snow, thin on the sidewalk, thick on the yards. It reminds me a bit of the last couple of winters where I went to Akron.

When Aita finds his current home, he makes a dive, me following suit. However, landing on the ground, I notice that the level of detail is similar to that of Akron with the houses I see. They’re also somewhat larger than the ones in Las Pegasus and Ponyville. I bet I’ll see those who are like that cashier from McDoncald’s, which is in Akron.

Aita and I finally land in front of one house. It’s two stories and has three windows on the front as well as a porch. But there also seems to be one of the carriage-drone hybrids from when I was first in Akron with Rusty and Pane, although in Akron, we never saw any houses.

Aita proceeds to walk up to the door and knock on it. I catch up with Aita, just before the door opens, which reveals just what I predicted. The only difference though is that this one has a much flatter chest.

“Carina? Aita?”

“Well, it’s actually Carve that’s with me. But I’m back from the trip to Equestria.”

“Oh. Uh, hey Carve.”

“Hi. So, you’re part of Carina’s family?”

“Uh, in a way, yeah. So, uh, where do you suppose Carina is?”

“I don’t know where she is exactly, but I do know Pane’s taking her to a nearby hospital, here in Wisconsin.”

“Pain? Who’s Pain? Is that name for a pony whose literal escence is pain?”

“Nonono, you’re reading too deeply into that. I live with two ponies who are urban explorers: Rusty Flashlight and Pane Fall.”

“OOOOHHH!!! Pane Fall! Alright, Carve. You got a deal. I’ll drive you to the hospital, then the vet if that doesn’t work.”

“Hmm... drive...”

“I think what Jon means is that we’re all getting in his car.”

Aita points to the hybrid stationed in front of the house, suddenly prompting flashbacks to when I was in Trixie’s trailer on my way back to the hive. And it honestly starts to scare me.

“I guess that’s a no,” Jon says.

“Actually, maybe you can direct my flight. I’ll watch carefully at your ‘car’, and I’ll follow it.”

“Oh. Well, if that’s what you want, Carve. Come on, Aita.”

“Woo hoo!”

Okay seriously, I don’t know how Aita can embrace running the risk of losing his love. I know I lost mine when Trixie helped me out. But... I don’t know if I ever want to think about traveling alone again, not after running into depression when I saw Rolling Acres for the last time. I know there was coming to Chrysalis’ hive later after Cilia let me know about Carina coming, but it was to see a friend, exactly what I have to do now, only with an alternative this time around. Plus, Aita has seriously grown on me since the other night-

“So, you flying or what?” Jon asks.

“I... I think I can join you two just this once.”

“Then hop on in, Carve. The car won’t bite.”


I thought I’d never see the day where a nymph nearly twenty years younger than me would have to comfort me. The moment the ride started, I regretted my choice. So, I ended up sitting to the right of Aita in the back.

When Jon gets out of the car as it turns off, I have the assumption that we’re at a local hospital. How he closes the door though makes the car shake one final time, but only within the time the door closes.

“Um, Carve? Has Pane ever done something like this to you before?”

“Once... when she assured me Rolling Acres wasn’t going to be torn down.”

“And... Rolling Acres WAS torn down.”

“Well, she didn’t know it would be when she assured me the opposite after a nightmare I had about it.”

“Oh. But I guess accidents happen. You forgave her about the nightmare thing, right?”

“Well, yeah. I did. It wasn’t really her fault for not knowing about the demo.”

Suddenly, Jon comes back outside from the building. Aita and I watch as he walks towards the front left door and opens it.

“Carve? Aita?”

“Yes?” we respond.

“Apparently, Carina isn’t here, just as I thought. So we’ll have to go to the vet.”

I put my hooves into my face and groan.

“Why did Pane ever come here?”

“Don’t worry, Carve. You’ll be able to see Carina pretty soon. Just hold on for a little bit longer, okay? It’s just a two minute ride to the vet.”

I sigh.


Jon proceeds to turn on the car and begin traveling out of the lot, off to the local vet.

Chapter VI - At the Vet

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Well, Jon was right about one thing. The second destination has taken about two minutes to get to. So, at least the jolting doesn’t last long. About a couple of minutes after Jon enters, he comes back out, though now, he comes towards my door. He pauses slightly then opens it.

“So, they’re in?”

Jon nods.

“Okay. Do you mind staying with Aita in here while I go in?”

“Actually, not at all.”

“Good. If I’m not back by the next half hour, come back into the vet and see what’s going on.”

“Will do, Carve.”


I enter the vet and see no line at the receptionist post. Rather convenient, but I’ll roll with it.

“Why hello there. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, um. I’m just here to see Carina.”

“Oh, Carina Bagley-Handy?”

Uhh, wait. Bagley... Handy... that must be her. She mentioned those last names, and Bagley is the last name of one of her friends.


“She’s in room 13.”


I proceed to dash off and head for the room.


“What the-”

I skid to a stop when I hear a familiar voice belt out a confused reaction.

“Carve? Is that you?” asks the voice, prompting me to backtrack to the room that holds the source to the voice. My eyes shoot open at who it is.


Pane nods, setting down a bucket for Carina to float herself.

“Yes, it’s me. I see you read my letter.”

“Yeah, about that. Pane, can I borrow you for a second?”

“Erm, sure. The vet will be in the room pretty soon.”

Pane and I walk over to a nearby bathroom where we can chat alone. As I open the door, Pane is the first out of us to enter. When I enter, I turn on the light and close the door.

“Pane... I want to ask you something.”


“Do you still trust Chrysalis?”

“Yes. I’ve trusted her for quite a while now, and I still do.”

“Hmm... I find that quite odd because you never bothered to let anypony know about Carina in the flesh before taking her over here.”

“Well, I posted a letter on-”

“Not only that, but because of this, Rusty and Tracey are now worried sick about you and Carina! Hell, Aita’s worried for Carina because of what may be happening to her!”

“But doesn’t this place know a thing or two about changelings?”

“I suppose Carina may know that, but she was in, oh I don’t know, Las Pegasus!!!”

“But that’s not-”

“-where she lives? But Pane, that’s where WE live! ANYPONY will recognize us over there!! You may as well have gotten better and faster care going to Las Pegasus General!”

“Uhhh... C-Carve?”


“I tried the best I can! If Carina needs her family, I’ll bring her home!”

Un Calina lahe nata fu duru gutara vi lea pere mato ho!!

“I... don’t underst-”

“It was US!!! She had US to go to if something like this were to happen to her in Las Pegasus!!!”


“It’s shit like this that seriously grinds my teeth this hard!!! My Rolling Acres nightmares have NOTHING on what you did, Pane! I don’t want to be in this mood when we’re supposed to celebrate HEARTH’S WARMING!!! If this EVER happens again, I’m letting Chrysalis know about it!”

“Carve... I’m s-”

“I have to go check on Carina. You wrote it in the letter yourself; she was spitting out blood.”


I proceed to walk back to room 13, only to see the door closed, which means that the vet beat me to the room.

Oh... that looks like changeling blood in here! When did this start?

When I woke up today.

Have you experienced any pain lately?

No, I haven’t.

Hmm... I think I might know what’s going on. I’ll be back in a little bit.

I gasp and suddenly turn myself invisible as I can no longer see my hooves. I quickly head to the side of the door to let it open. Once the vet passes by, leaving the door open, I let go of the invisibility spell and step in front of the entrance to the room again.


Carina sees me and comes over to hug me.

“What are you doing here?!?”

“I came to see how you were doing, Carina.”

She lets go and scrapes the floor in front of her, looking at the bucket in the rightmost corner.

“Oh... my body’s felt better days, especially since I’m home in Wisconsin instead of Las Pegasus General.”

“...You’re not the only one who thought of that. I really hope you feel better soon enough.”

“If just seeing Aita says anything, I doubt I’ll feel this awful for more than a week. Also, Carve?”

“Yeah, Carina?”

“Is there a blanket anywhere here? I’m starting to feel a little chilly.”

“Well, you have me. At least I’m here to see you.”

I wrap my hooves around Carina, causing me to shudder..

“Wow, you DO feel cold.”

Carina coughs.

“Heh. Well, the vet’s going to return for me pretty soon. I’m sure he’ll have some answers for me.”

“Oh... well, I have get going. Aita’s waiting for me.”

“Actually, do you mind waiting for me before you go. The vet’s not going to be long.”

“Well, okay. I think a few minutes should be fine. If you need me, I’ll be under one of the chairs for now.”


So, as I say, I crawl under one of the chairs, more specifically the one furthest from the bucket in the corner. Then the vet comes in and-


I have no idea how to feel about this diagnosis. I’ve seen changeling eggs before, thanks to the flashback Chrysalis and I had way back when, but how does that lead to spitting out blood? Ugh... I may have to ask Chrysalis whenever I can get the chance. But I guess I’m happy for Carina if she considers this the best Christmas gift she’s ever gotten.

Chapter VII - Preparing the Talk

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When the vet lets us go, Carina and I pass by the in-office bathroom, causing me to stop in my tracks. I put my left ear to the door and listen to see if Pane’s in there. Of course though, I hear sniffling. I respond to the sound by knocking on the door.

“Pane? Are you still in here?”

Huh? Who’s there?

“It’s me and Carve,” Carina answers.

Come in.

I open the door to the bathroom. Besides there being an empty paper roll under the sink on the right, there’s Pane herself, who tosses a long wipe into the trash next to the door.

Knowing my experience with ponies missing the obvious, like Twilight's first up close reaction to me, I think back to when Starlight and Chrysalis got back to the hive earlier than I expected. They went straight from Ponyville over to the hive, and I pointed out that they could’ve just gone to Canterlot right after Chrysalis’ visit to Ponyville, since Twilight wasn’t home at the time, having possibly already arrived in Canterlot. But their explanation for going to the hive instead of Canterlot... it was a bit of stretch, but it might be the same one I think Pane might have. But then again... she attempted to act as quickly as possible, and could only take so much into account.

Pane runs over and hugs me.

“Carve... I am SO sorry about what I did. It was like you said; I should’ve thought about everypony.”

“...and I should’ve done the same, Pane. When I went to talk to you, I took my past experiences by the wayside. I should’ve just pointed out what you could’ve done instead of yelling at you about what you did. I guess I needed a bit of time to think before I talked to you. I’m sorry I snapped as colorfully as I did... But now is not the time to get too deep into mending fences. Jon and Aita are waiting for us all.”


When the three of us get outside, the door I came out of from the car opens.

“Oh, I was wondering what was taking so long.”

“Yeah. But hey, the two I was looking for turned out to be here.”

“I can see that. Now Carve, uh, who do you want to go with?”

“Hmm... I think I’ll stay with Carina, since she’s home now, and for one of your holidays.”

“Well, she does live here. With Carina and Aita living with Sophie and Tim for as long as they have, I have had some room at my place for quite a while.”

Huh... That’s odd. That makes it sound like Carina and Aita slept on nests before they apparently moved in with Sophie.

“Oh. I thought Carina slept on a bed.”

“Carve, what are you talking about? I always have slept on a bed, even when Jon first found me.”

“Well, does she?” I ask, wishing for a clear up to break the confusion.

Jon nods.

“Of course.”

“So... Carve, is there anything before I return to Las Pegasus?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine here for now, Pane.”

Carina suddenly startles everyone as she snorts. I turn around to see her gallop to the bush in front of the car and spit into it.


Pane and I are further startled as Jon hops out of the car and races to the bush. After about a minute, Jon returns to me.

“I... don’t think I’ll be alone in saying this...”

“You don’t have to say it. Pane and I already handled that.”

“Good. Now... Pane Fall, right?”

Pane nods at Jon.

“Okay... now, do you need any help on getting back?”

“No, not really. I can probably remember where the riff is. And Carve?”

“Yeah, Pane?”

“Please throw a party for Carina, okay? I’m sure Aita can help you with it.”

“Well, that’s what Christmas is for, right?” Jon asks.

“I think I know what Pane means. And yes, Pane. I’ll throw a party nobody will ever forget.”

“Okay... that sounds perfect. I’ll see you when you get back, Carve.”


After Pane leaves for Las Pegasus, Carina and I get in the car, Jon walking over to his seat. Before he starts the car, we have a slight chat that stops with Aita in mind, since he’s been in the car for a while.

But then the four of us get home. With Aita still with us, I make a decision that should keep him from easily eavesdropping on a subject matter only changelings around me and Carina's ages should hear. I send Aita and Jon upstairs before I start this decision.

“Hey Carina?”

“Yeah Carve?”

“Do you have a place over here in mind that you can quickly get to?”

“Well, there’s Headrest Centre.”

“Is that something akin to Rolling Acres?”

“In a sense, yeah. The only real difference is that Headrest Centre is actually pretty safe.”

“Good. Take Aita there. He really shouldn’t hear what I’m going to talk to Jon about.”

“So, what do I do over there, Carve?”

“Well, all I can tell you is NOT to tell him about your current state. That’s practically what I have for Jon to hear.”

“Alright. That will do.”

“Also, do you think you’ll need a bucket?”

“Not... really...”

“Good. Try to keep your state as much of a secret to Aita as possible. However, Jon and I are going to be here for a while.”

“Okay... but why are you doing this?”

“I’m telling Jon so that he can guide you. He saw your experience with having Aita, right?”

Carina nods.

“Then he knows more than me about what it’s like. As your friend, I can only do so much for you as of right now, but what I can do is pass what I know to who I do know as your other friends, Carina.”

She sighs and hugs me.

“Thanks, Carve. I’ll see you later.”

Carina and I walk upstairs, seeing Aita and Jon on the bed at the end, prompting Aita to jump off and start to come with Carina, who walks back downstairs, off to this “Headrest Centre”.

Chapter VIII - A Frightening Complication

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With Aita and Carina out of the house now, I can finally sit next to Jon and tell him what he needs to know about Carina’s state. But... how do I tell him? He knows more about changeling conception than a stand-in queen does, and that’s saying something, although it’s a given I’m likely plenty younger than Carina. She already has Aita, who is probably seven and a half at this point, so maybe she’s ten years older than me.

“Uh, hey Carve.”

“Hi. Um, Jon? I kind of have something to tell you about Carina’s-”

“I know about it already. I kind of experienced it first hand seven and a half years ago.”

“Oh... so I was just barely an adult drone when that happened. I think I can remember what happened when Thorax first went against the norm and brought Carina here.”

“Wait, you actually saw that happen?”

“Yeah, Jon. I was there.”


“Everyone! Look! She’s in here!” Cervix whispers to me, Thorax, and Brand, looking into a hole into the session room.

“Well, what are we wa-”

I shove my hoof over Brand’s excited mouth.

“SHHH!!! Don’t wake her up! That changeling is named after a former student’s teacher! Let’s try to put some care into our welcome, okay?”

Everyone else sighs.


“Hopefully she’ll recognize us,” Thorax adds.

“Maybe, but who knows what happened to her. I’m going to see what did, and I’ll give you all the signal. Cervix, Thorax, Carve? Ready for this?”

I nod alongside the others.



“So that WAS you?”

“I have to admit, I was a completely different changeling back then.”

“You know something Carve? When Carina first lived here, I didn’t really have much of a liking to Chrysalis.”

“I know that feeling. Rolling Acres does a lot to us, doesn’t it? First me, Rusty Flashlight, and Pane Fall, then Chrysalis... and now...”

“Actually I was there, right before Carina went missing. It was in pretty decent condition back then. And I guess that was why it didn’t phase me so much... because I’d seen so much worse at the time. What did though was Carina having Aita. For a while, I thought I was going to lose Carina. And now that Aita’s getting a sibling, that fear is coming back.”

I pause and look at him; he seems to be telling the truth. Most of his current emotional contents seem to point to fear.

“...You aren’t alone, Jon. With Pane leaving Las Pegasus without letting us know, everyone was scared... everyone who was at Rusty’s anyway... so why are you so scared about Aita having a sibling? Carina is pretty content with this coincidence.”

“It’s because she has always lived with me ever since I found her. The state she was in when I first found her was why she still lives here.”

“So she’s practically one of your own?”

“Yeah. You live with urban explorers, right Carve?”

“Right. Was it their names that gave away what they liked to do?”

“Partly. Carina told me about them anyway. She said Rusty Flashlight and Pane Fall take you on their explorations.”

“Well, yeah they do, but only when I’m available. Carina says she never really gets much of an opportunity to tag along.”

“...It has been quite a while since I brought Carina along with my explorations. And now that Aita’s getting a sibling... I don’t even know what’s going to happen. Before we ever thought about Aita’s conception, at one point Carina became unresponsive she was in so much pain.”

“Jon... that was seven and a half years ago. Carina’s still here, right?”

“I kind of doubt for long.”

“Please, listen. Carina’s still here after what she experienced. Am I right?”

“Well, right now she is.”

“If Carina is still up and kicking when Aita is seven and a half, and older, then I don’t think I’d worry about her unless she was taken back to the hive by force. And that won’t be happening until at the VERY least the time I retire if I were to become Chrysalis’ successor.”

“Hawww... I just feel so paranoid right now. Now that there’s going to be an additional member of our makeshift family, I have no idea what will happen to her.”

“I don’t what else to tell you, Jon. I can definitely see why Carina needed to stay with you when you found her; she had amnesia after all. I don’t know what exactly will happen to her, but what I do know is that nobody will ever be alone in their situation. Carina has ponies, changelings, and her own family, all of which identify with her.”

“But Carve... will I l-”

“What did I just say? I have NO idea what will happen to Carina. It might be one of the riskiest events for her, and it might not. But we’re going to be there for her no matter what. She’s not alone in this situation, or any really.”

“Okay. Thanks for the talk, Carve. I really needed it.”

“Eh, not a-”

Suddenly, I hear rapid knocking on the door downstairs.

“...problem... I think the door needs answering.”

I head downstairs and open the door to see Aita, who looks quite scared.

“Aita! What’s going on?!?”

“Quick!!! Headrest Centre!!! Now!!!”

“What’re you talking about?”

Aita... I need you to get Carve and Jon for me. Go now.

I gasp.

“Oh no... Carina! Err... OSIA!!! Jon, what should we do?!?”

“Carve, Aita... you two get to the vet. I’ll meet you there.”

“That’ll have to do. Let’s go, Aita. I’ll see you in about ten to fifteen minutes, okay Jon?”


Aita and I begin our way back to the vet, by flight, seeing Jon get into the car in the process. The frantic flight though begins to be put at ease when I think exactly of what Aita did. At the biggest height of the situation, he might’ve actually saved his mother’s life. Aita may not’ve been able to directly help, but he quickly passed the info someone who could, someone who had a car that could cut the time of a flight in half.

I just seriously hope Carina’s going to be okay.

Chapter IX - Low Supply

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A little while after I enter the skies of Equestria, I suddenly see two pegasi coming in quickly. Examining the coats and manes, I realize these pegasi are Trace Light and Rusty.

“Tracey! Look out!!”

When the two pass by, I end up spinning in circles as the two zip past, barely avoiding collision with me. Finally facing a stationary direction after a good couple of seconds, I shake my head to clear up my vision. Looking around, there’s Rusty and Trace Light, heading where just went through.

“Rusty! Trace Light!”

The two stop, then turn around, only to see me.

“There you are! Where have you been, Pane?!?”

“I took Carina home when her health declined.”

“Look. Carve probably told you what was wrong with taking Carina home early if she and Aita managed to get there, but that’s not important right now. Tracey and I want to make sure Carina’s alright.”

“I’ll come with you two then.”


When Aita and I arrive at the vet, at the end of our flight, we see Jon’s car coming up behind us faster than an average pony can. Finally, Jon parks the car and gets out. He proceeds to point to the entrance as he opens the door to get Carina.

“Okay... Aita, Carve, I’ll have you two hang in the waiting room in case I need you.”

“Jon, please. I know this is dire, but you don’t need to overwork yourself. Carina lives with Roman, right?”

Jon pauses.

“Wait, you know about my friend?”

“I got the impression Carina lived with him when he had her send me his letter.”

“Oh. Roman’s currently staying at Sophie’s because it’s getting so close to Christmas.”

“Oh. So Carina lives with Sophie?”

Aita nods at me. I guess that means-

“I do too.”

“Okay then. I guess I should find a way to contact Roman and Sophie about the situation.”

“Nonsense, Carve. I’ll just call Sophie.”

Nonsense? Look who’s talking!

“Erm, Jon?"

Jon takes out what looks like Carina’s phone a bit, and pokes onto it about ten times. Then, he gives it to me. For about fifteen seconds, I hear two tones off and on. Then, a high trebled voice comes from Jon’s possession for the three of us to hear.


“Hello?” I answer back. “Who’s there?”

“Wait, who’re you?”

“It’s Carve.”

“I don’t think I know anyone with that name.”

“I’m one of Carina’s friends. I’m in front of the vet right now, with Aita and Jon.”

“Oh, okay. Uncle Roman! Did you send a letter or something?!?”

Hmm. I guess that’s Sophie.

Yeah. Carina sent a letter I wrote the other day.

“Okay, I’ll be right with you guys. Stay put, sound good?”

“Um, yeah?”

“Good. Be right over.”

Suddenly a sine wave at four hundred and forty hertz blares out of the thing and causes me to drop it. Luckily, it stays intact after landing on the sidewalk. Jon proceeds to grab it and press one of the buttons on the side.

“So, Sophie’s coming,” Jon shrugs.

“Wait a second. Do you hear that?”

“What is it, Carve?” Aita asks.

I listen in to three familiar voices that are coming from the sky.

“I think my friends are here.”

Jon tries to listen in too, but it seems he can’t pinpoint the voices, which I can see why.

“Which friends?”

“The ones from Las Pegasus?”

“So, that includes Rusty and Pane?”

“Yeah. It does,” says Rusty’s voice close behind me. I turn around and see him, Pane and Trace Light together, prompting me to hug all of them.

“What’re you doing here, Rusty?”

“How’s Carina? Is she alright?”

Jon proceeds to show the three Carina’s state.

“Oh no! Not already!!” Trace Light exclaims.

“Look, she should be okay as long as she gets the care she needs. Now, follow me.”

The five of us follow Jon into the vet.

But then comes hours of waiting while Carina is rushed off to get the care she needs as Aita and I struggle to stay awake. Following the close call is a vet calling me and Aita to “help her out”. At first no one has ANY idea what the vet means, but the directions are cleared up when Aita and I see what’s in Carina’s room. There appears to be two needles on the table besides Carina, which suddenly causes a thought to pop up in me.

“Um... Jon, I think I should send Chrysalis a letter. I think I know what the vet needs done.”

“But she’s all the way at the hive. There’s no wa-”

“Jon, if there’s anyone she’s going to trust the most, it’s me. I need to send a message to her.”

“How are you going to do that?!?”

“She may not be in Wisconsin at the moment, but she will arrive here within minutes. The hive is already asleep based on me and Aita’s struggles to stay awake, so she won’t have so much to worry about at the moment back home.”

“Just send her the message then, Carve.”

So, with reluctant permission from Jon, I proceed to write Chrysalis the emergency letter with only my horn, and with the letter in Lingo.

Queen Chrysalis,

I’m over at Wisconsin with Carina’s family. Rusty, Pane and Trace Light are all here as well. Carina has gone unconscious from her spitting spree today, and based on what is next to her bed, she’s low on blood, and she needs all the help she can get. I am aware that this means that I’ll have to watch the hive for you tomorrow, so I’ll get standing in as soon as I can when you arrive.

Your subject,

Well, time to send the letter now. I sure hope this won’t put a damper on the festivities tomorrow at the hive. That wouldn’t be good.

As each minute passes, my anxiety for Chrysalis doubles, soon regretting I ever sent the letter, reconsidering the fact that I should have supplied Carina blood.

But my blood’s track record is quite shaky. Not only did I lose a lot of it, but it was replenished with pony blood instead of changeling blood.

Suddenly, all of my thoughts get put to a halt when I hear the door open.

Chapter X - Preparing for Sleep

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Looking to see the opened door, one familiar queen pops into the room.


I run up to hug the queen, but she stops me.

“Carve, please take yourself with ease. It’s far into astronomical twilight by now.”

“I know... but I’m so glad to see you after what Carina’s been experiencing.”

“The letter you sent has my curiosity peaked. I will have to find out when I wake up though. For now, a subject of mine needs me. Only a queen will be able to fill this need you described, Carve.”

“So, what about Ai-”

“He’s far from old enough to do that. Besides, he has to rest for the night.”

“Okay. I hope Carina recovers soon enough.”

“She will, thanks to you. Now, wish me luck on the help I will give to Carina. I will likely need all of what I can get of it.”

Chrysalis proceeds to look at Carina with sadness, wondering why what happened today did in such an extreme way. She takes a hoof under her left eye and wipes the cheek free of a single teardrop, as if this is the biggest risk to ever happen to her in thirteen years ...It might happen. Very slimly, there could possibly be a chance I might have to be queen if nothing goes well. And if that happens... I don’t know WHAT will be of result.

I proceed to look at Aita, who is starting to itch in the eyes.


“Y-Yeah, Carve?”

“...Do you know how to teleport?”

“Um, no? Why?”

Jon sinks to my height and joins the conversation.

“I think I know what Carve is onto. She wants you to take yourself home and rest. Do you still remember when you took my car home?”

“Huh... I think I do. You tell that story a lot, Jon.”

“Think of it like that, only with just you instead of me, Carina, and the car.”

“Okay... Carve... goodnight. I’ll see you soon.”

“Alright Aita. Have a good night, okay?”

Aita nods, then teleports out of the room.


When Aita leaves the room via relocation, I take a moment to feel how warm Carina really is with my right hoof, my curiosity peaked seeing her skin slightly greyer than normal as she’s positioned to face her right, to look right at me. As I slowly draw the hoof, my nerves start dancing as if their favorite song had begun, the feeling escalating by the second. Then my hoof lands on Carina’s left foreleg. For the time I hold the touch, I can feel a drop in temperature between my hoof and Carina’s foreleg, as if I slowly opened the main entrance to a given house on a wintry day. I isolate my nerves to the air, Carina’s lack of warmth leaving me shivering.

Carve runs up to me again when she notices my body adjusting to the drop of my temperature.

“Carve... head over to the hive now. I have to fulfill this task for Carina. She’s still my changeling, and that means I will do whatever it takes to take care of her. I may not wake up tomorrow in time to arrive at the hive, so please look over the hive while I’m here.”

“Okay. I’ll be up to that.”

“There’s one final circumstance though; if I somehow don’t arrive at the hive in five days, it means you’ll have to take the throne permanently.”

Carve gasps in response of my last statement.

“Chrysalis, no... I can’t be queen... not if you get stuck in the dream realm.”

Rusty and Pane hug Carve, prompted by her rebuttal.

“I understand. You live with some of the dearest friends you’ve ever made, ones that have helped you out time and time again. But it’s still very much possible to continue living with your fine adventurers. It is far more likely for me to return in time for Hearth’s Warming than it is for me to pass down my title instead.”

“But what about your hive? What’ll the changelings think of this?”

“That’s why I gave myself plenty of time to return, five days, so that you can better know the hive in case you become queen. We’ll have to keep this situation a secret until after Hearth’s Warming.”

“Okay. I’ll try not to tell them.”

Carve gets onto her hind legs and wraps her hooves around me neck, showing me that she really will make that effort, no matter the difficulty. Promptly, I place my right hoof around Carve and rub her back.

“Everything should be fine here, so I trust that you can watch the hive well.”

“Thanks, Chrysalis. I'll keep you in mind for the next couple days.”

I nod before watching Carve turn into a smaller Twilight Sparkle before my very eyes, all so she can seamlessly head home. The horn begins glowing for a few seconds before a flash forces an aversion of everyone’s gaze. And just like that, Carve is presumably home.


After everyone decides to head home for the night, I finally perform a particular spell I only found useful once in my lifetime until now.

Immediately following the Canterlot invasion from over half of a decade ago, I found a couple of changelings that fell unconscious from the fall as a result from losing so much blood. Those changelings had to be cared for right away or else they’d end up staying with Queen Areola. To say the two months was quite tiring is a vast understatement. Proceeding using the healing spell twice, I began sleeping hours before sunset and woke up well after sunrise. As a result, only four hours a day were spent finding my subjects, and overall success was delayed by a month and a half.

I begin the spell by resting my hoof on Carina’s foreleg again, lighting up my horn this time. As each moment passes during my stationary action, I get more and more drowsy than I already started out as. Several minutes finally pass before I lose my press on Carina. My horn dims as I collapse onto the floor. The final vision I see before I fall asleep is the door I levitated open when I first got here.

Chapter XI - A Day Cut Short

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Wow... I... feel so well rested. I open my eyes to see a ceiling, one that looks familiar. Hmm... I guess Aita followed what I told him well. Well, at least I feel a lot better than I did yesterday.

I pull myself to a sitting-rest position before looking around the room. No one seems to be in the room, but luckily, I can live with that for now.

Wait a minute; I think I can hear breathing.

As I look around the bed, sleeping to the right of it is none other than Queen Chrysalis. But how did she get here?

Suddenly, continuing to look to my right, I notice two needles that are likely used for donating blood. I guess Chrysalis found out what was going on with me and decided to help out. Well, if that’s the case, then these two needles are contaminated.

I levitate the needles over to a rack next to the door and put them in the paper cup near the edge for the vet to retrieve.

Suddenly, I start feeling something in my abdomin. Must be my Christmas gift that’s starting to grow. Well, at least it means I’ll feel well in time for the holiday after the gift comes out.

I do remember that at this point the last time this kind of thing happened, Jon was considering calling the vet for him to see me. I do remember the feeling starting out with pain right away, but I guess my body’s more prepared now since Aita’s seven and a half now.

I probably should head home now that I think about it.


Queen Chrysalis?!? QUEEN CHRYSALIS!!!

My nap is rudely interrupted by someone calling for the queen. However, waking also seems to surprise me. I look around me and see that I’m right on Chrysalis’ throne.


Okay, who is that? The voice sounds familiar, but I can’t recall much of it. Looking down on the floor in front of the throne, there lies the necklace I wore when Carina and I first met to hang out, the one I contained the letters in when Chrysalis first had her throne back.


A hole opens across the room to reveal... I thought that voice was familiar. It’s the plaintiff from the session regarding Crater Hall.

“Uh... Carve? What’re you doing here? Where’s Chrysalis?”

“Hi, Moph. I’ll need to step in for the queen indefinitely until she gets back. In the meantime, what’s going on over here?”

“All the changelings have been waiting for Chrysalis for the first bit of festivities today.”

“Huh... I guess I lost track of days for a bit. Didn’t realize it was the shortest day of the year today. But yeah, I’ll meet you down in a little while.”

The hole from earlier opens back up for Moph to leave, leaving me in peace.

I walk around the throne room and stretch a bit. I guess staying up so late for this time of year took a bit of a toll on me. Most changelings this time of year sleep as early as four in the afternoon, but I don’t blame them. But hey, that’s evolution for everyone.

Well, after a nice long thought bubble like that, I think it’s time to bring out the lively in me.

Remember, me. What would Pinkie Pie do?

Wait. Pink hooves??! Oh man, I changed into Pinkie Pie. I didn’t even notice I did that.

“Welp, let’s get the festivities STARTED!!!”

Oh vido Clisaris! I actually act like her. Hold up, me. I have to continue doing that. I have to act like Pinkie Pie.

So, I exit the throne room, bouncing around in the hive until I find the changelings.


I checked out of the vet a while after I woke up, so now I’m home, spending the holidays with everyone. Everyone except Carve though. I haven’t seen her since Aita and I left for Headrest Centre yesterday.

BUT since Chrysalis is currently sleeping- uh oh... Chrysalis was sleeping next to my bed at the vet.

Okay. From what I remember with Carve, most changelings slept on a nest. I don’t think it matters what it’s made of though, since her nest was just a pile of clothes.

But while setting up a nest out of towels, one for Chrysalis that proportionate to Carve’s, Jon immediately notices.

“Carina? What are you doing?”

“You haven’t seen any changelings do this?”

“Quite frankly, no.”

“I’m setting up a place for Chrysalis to continue sleeping.”

“Hmm... I can imagine she’s still sleeping.”

“Well, until Chrysalis wakes up, Carve won’t be here. I mean somebody has to watch over the hive.”

“Yeah... that makes sense. But Christmas is in four days. Will she be back in time?”

“I hope so, Jon. She wasn’t about to head back to Rusty’s just yet.”

“Okay. Now, why don’t you finish up with setting up the nest and we can get Chrysalis over here.”

“I’ll take care of that, actually.”

Jon leaves me to finish up with the nest. So after I do, I teleport back to the vet.

While I’m back in the room I slept in last night, Chrysalis is still asleep. However, as opposed to last time, silence enters and exits the room with a quiet squeak in between. I turn my head a couple of times to get the general direction; consequently, the squeak turns out to be coming from Chrysalis.

Finally, I levitate Chrysalis onto my back with no hesitation and teleport her to the house.

I take a brief moment, after putting Chrysalis on the nest, to look at her, although not without difficulty.

“I sure hope Carve will be back by at least Christmas. ...mm... I find it slightly concerning that Chrysalis would do something like this, especially this time of... NNGH... year. Chrysalis, whoever you are dreaming about, - NGAAHA - is there any way that they can help y- AAAAAAHHH!!!! JON!!! JON!!!”

By now, I’ve fallen next to Chrysalis on the floor, now screaming in abdominal pain.

Carina!!! What’s wrong?!?

I can barely hear Jon over myself, but then I finally calm down, now not able to sense much, the last notable feeling being one of getting picked up.

Chapter XII - Getting a Welcome Visit

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I wake up to a constant nudging on my left side. At first, I actually feel a bit comfortable. Well, it does on that specific side. But then I hear someone familiar right next to me.


“Hold it. I think she’s awake.”

No fizz, Fluffle.

I open my eyes to see Jon right in front of me, and by my left side is a worried Aita. Looking around my locale, I seem to be at Jon’s home.

“How’s Carina?” I ask Jon.

“She’s in the vet again. She had some severe pain in the abdomen as she got you here.”

My eyes shoot open when I hear about Carina’s situation.

“No... that can’t be! Was I asleep for that long?!? Has it already exceeded twenty four hours since I fell aslumber from my donation spell at the vet?!?”

“Actually, that hasn’t been the case quite yet. But what-”

I finally stand up, now getting worried.

“Then why is my Carina at the vet?!? She’s not ready yet!!! The egg isn’t ready to be released!!!”

“Chrysalis, will you please calm down? I know Carina is important to you. But she’s been through this before, and here in Wisconsin no less. Why don’t we visit her and make sure she’s doing alright? Sophie’s there already, so no need to worry about her being alone.”

“Okay... but before we go, I have something to write to Carve, back at the hive.”

“Wait. We won’t have an-”

“Do you really know your changelings, Jon?”



Well, in terms of celebration for today, I personally ran into the problem of having a screwed up sleep cycle. BUT maybe taking another check around the hive will do my energy in.

...or I can spend it on reading a materialized letter on the throne. Carina probably sent it if Chrysalis finally came to. Well, here goes nothing.


Aita, Jon and I are all on our way to see Carina at the vet.

Uh, this is kind of confusing.

According to Jon, she’s at the vet again, this time from a severe ailment in her abdomen.

Oh no... this better not be part of this little cycle Carina’s undergoing. Oh wait. If it was part of this, then it’d be the only problem she has.

I must continue to be with Carina, so I won’t be back until the next two days, when the egg is supposed to be released.

Okay then... I guess Aita really is getting a sibling. And now it’s clear that it’s Chrysalis who wrote this.

By the best hopes, I will return to the hive with an itch for celebration.

I hope so too. I wouldn’t want to see a queen depressed.

In the meantime, I hope the hive is focused more on celebrating Hearth’s Warming than on me. If they are focused on the former, PLEASE keep this situation between you and me. The best advice I can give for the latter case would be to find a way you can think of to ease their fears.

With hopeful regards,

Queen Chrysalis.

Man... Carina is at the vet again. I really hope she’s going to be back on her legs soon. I wish there was something I could do about it specifically. But Chrysalis is helping her out, so I guess that eases my fears slightly.

Suddenly, one of the guards enters the throne room with Rusty, Trace Light, and Pane in tow.

“Oh, hey Carve. Didn’t know you were given the th-”

“Yeah, Chrysalis has an important Hearth’s Warming errand to run in another world. I can handle that. My sleep cycle is tuned out by about an hour and half by now though.”

“Uhhh... okay. I just wanted to-”

“Let me know about my friends coming into the hive? I welcome them over here. So, will that be all?”

The guard nods.

“Actually, yeah.”

“Alright. Well, it’s close to four now.”

“Really? It feels a little earlier to me than that. I mean our-”

“I know. It’s the shortest day of the year, the time when changelings sleep the longest. We only have so much time for festivities. That’s likely why Queen Areola had originally spread those festivities out of five days.”

“Well, if you really want me to, I’ll have the rest of the guards clock out.”

“Help yourself to it.”

And with that, I’m now alone with my three pony friends.

“Okay, now quick... how are you all?”

The three simultaneously nod at me.


Oh, we’re good.

You know, alright.

“Ah. Glad to hear. So, uh, what’s going on with you guys?”

“Well, not much has happened since Pane, Tracey and I got back to Las Pegasus. I’m sure you have some time since you stayed up so late last night.”

“So, uh, what were you thinking we’d do together?”

“How about Greta Scone Corner?” Pane suggests.

“Well, I’m not too tired at the moment. Sure. I’m up for that. Just give me a moment. Just have to get something quick done.”

I proceed to light my horn up, prompting a scroll to appear between me and everyone else. With my horn still lit up, I close my eyes in what I want to say to Chrysalis if she was here right now. Opening my eyes and letting my horn take a breather, I look at the scroll again, and this time, I see exactly what I thought.

So, I finally take the scroll and disintegrate it, leading it over to the waiting room at the vet back at Wisconsin.

“Alrighty! Let’s go everyone!”

Pane stops me.

“Wait, Carve. Just how up to Greta Scone Corner are you?”

I change into Twilight, like I used to back when I first met Rusty and Pane.

“Well, enough to teleport the four of us over.”

“Teleport?” Trace Light asks, prompting me to nod.

“Uh, yeah. That’s the quickest way I can get, well, anywhere really.”

“Don’t worry about it, Tracey. You’ll get used to that with Carve around.”

Chapter XIII - None Taken

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At the vet yet again, Jon and I have now begun waiting for some results about Carina.

Suddenly, it looks as though Carve responded to my letter, as I see a scroll materialize. I unveil the scroll and silently read it to myself.

Dear Chrysalis,

I received your letter about Carina returning to the vet. Could there be something wrong that wasn’t when Aita was first conceptualized? I have to wonder because if this whole cycle thing is only within the span of four days, then today would be incredibly early for Carina to have lost consciousness due to pain. But on a side note, the changelings bought my story of simply watching the throne. Hopefully though, there will be an answer for why Carina lost consciousness.

Yours truly,


I jump and roll up the scroll in response to Jon’s name being called.

“That’s us.”

I nod, following Jon into the hall, which leads over to Carina’s room.


Well, I did it for the first time in my life. I have crashed. NO NOT THAT KIND OF CRASHED. I have crashed upon me, Rusty and Pane’s table at Greta Scone Corner after having what I usually have over there. Right now, I notice that I’m at the throne room again, but this time with a certain unique changeling sitting at the throne.


He nods.

“I noticed you and Chrysalis were sending each other letters describing your situations. I think a certain childhood idol of ours might be able to assist you with Chrysalis’ side of the situation.”

“Queen Areola? Why her?”

“Isn’t it obvious to you, Carve?” Areola’s voice answers, the changeling herself entering through the static wall. “It’s about Carina.”

“Well, how can I help her?”

“Last time this situation happened to Carina, her family had no idea it was actually happening until the very day she released Aita as an egg. However, come seven and a half years later, her family is entirely aware of what is happening. Way back to your invasion years, Carve, the family was as supportive as possible since no one knew what Carina was actually going through. But their support is now wearing thin in place of awaiting the same result from seven and a half years ago.”

“So, what’s happening to her?”

“She’s not receiving the proper positivity she needs to nurrish the egg nor herself. That’s why she’s out cold,” Thorax answers. “There’s a letter in front of the throne that will say so when you wake up.”

I groan at what that result means.

“Ugh... I guess that means Jon didn’t take my advice. Carina should never be alone in a situation like this.”

Thorax nods.


“Well, I won’t know what to do unless I wake up, and that won’t be for a while. I fell asleep at Greta Scone Corner.”

“Wait, what?!? What the heck were you doing over there? You’re supposed to be watching over the hive, like Chrysalis asked you to, or at least helping out your friends!” Thorax points out.

“Did I go to Greta Scone Corner when I first woke up at noon? No. Plus, I’m likely already on my way back to the hive.”

“Yeah, LIKELY... you do know Carina needs help from more than just the queen, right? You should pay her a visit at the very least.”

“But Chrysalis already did help her out.”

“I will have to concur with Thorax here, Carve. Chrysalis may’ve given Carina a substantial return in blood pressure, but it wasn’t enough. She’s devoid of the necessary positive emotions essential for her egg to properly develop.”

“Okay. I see what you mean. Carina’s recovered from her valley in health, but the egg is malnourished. I might know what to do when I head over. But I don’t know what’ll happen to me.”

“Whatever will happen, Carve, will only be for as long as you think you need it.”

“Okay. I think I can handle that for now, Areola.”

The former queen proceeds to wrap her hoof around my back.

“For the time being, I think our work here is done.”

“Agreed,” Thorax adds.


I gasp awake, now realizing my new location, the spot from the dream, the throne room. As I look around, I find it still quite dark out, so that means it’s not even dawn yet. I guess I feel okay, but it’s nearly impossible to think at the moment. I guess that inability wasn’t just in my dream.

There’s a letter in front of the throne that will say so when you wake up.

A letter that will say what? Hmm... I wonder...

I look down from the throne, and sure enough, there’s a rolled up scroll. I fly down to grab and unravel it. What content that is in it surprises me to no end.


I never thought it would ever come to this, but I seriously need your help. The vet has declared that Carina’s unconsciousness is a result of the lack of love that has surrounded her. Do you remember the changelings being whole and colorful? They “shared” love amongst each other. I sincerely hope you understand and will join me as soon as you are available.

With great concern,
Queen Chrysalis.

I look past the letter over the base of the throne. There still lies the necklace I used to contain those two letters from when Carina had first gotten her phone. After a bit of dusting off, I levitate it over my neck.

I tap the necklace a couple of times before it opens up. The scroll turns into what looks like pure energy and pursues the necklace.

Now that the letter is in the necklace, I can teleport back to Carina’s room at the vet. Sadly though, I don’t see anyone over in the room, so I guess means that Carina is in another room. Well, I actually kind of saw that coming. I have no idea how many rooms there are in the vet, but it’s definitely enough where this was likely. Time to get searching.

Chapter XIV - Temporarily Pro-Thorax

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Chrysalis is probably going to regret having me help her. But Carina seriously needs help with her egg.

For now, I have finally found Chrysalis and Carina. As I look into the room, Chrysalis notices my presence and gestures for me to enter.

As I do, I approach Carina, with Jon, AIta, Sophie and Chrysalis watching. Looking at her, her abdomen looks quite cracked unlike when I last saw her, as if she’d gotten hit in that area.

“Whoa... she looks really bad. I knew she needed help, but she’ll need an entire hive to do this before-”

“Carve. Please... don’t bring my changelings into this. They won’t need to know about this unless it’s the worst case scenario. We’re three days away from Hearth’s Warming, and their spirits need to be high to maintain their hunger.”

“Okay. So what do you need me to do exactly?”

“Sophie, Jon, Aita, and I may have been waiting for you for the entire night, but it was after dark when I sent you that letter. Now, I might regret having you do this if Carina will stay permanently in the dream realm, but I want to share with you how exactly I was overthrown.”

I know where this is headed, so I nod and light my horn with Chrysalis.

Chrysalis... yeah! You’re right! That is a neat name, Char! That should do... Welcome to the hive, Chrysalis.


Recently in the nursery hive, I have witnessed the curiosity of the top changeling that accompanied me... I never can turn a question like she raised down. Starting today, I will teach her exactly what I’ve learned to do in my experience within the past eleven years.


Chrysalis! You’re b-... hhh... Chrysalis! What’s going on?!?

I... have to... rest...

Oh no. Someone!! Anyone!!! HELP!!!



I’m going to room one thirteen... TO CHECK ON RUSTY AND PANE!!!


Then... DON’T!!! Sharing love is what made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis!!! GIVE HER ALL OF IT!!!

After several recollections, I see what is presumably the right memory. It looks like at first that Chrysalis was taking magic away from Thorax. Suddenly, he spreads out his body before the eyeshot closes. Looking from the throne, there looks to be a cocoon where Thorax was, which bursts to give way for the Thorax I’ve seen ever since.

This is what happens when you give love freely, instead of taking it!!!

I gasp, causing the memory to fade away. Chrysalis suddenly hugs me, sniffling in the process.

“Okay... I... I think I know what to do. I-I just need to be alone for this. I have n-no idea how I’ll feel when I do this.”

“It’s for the best, to be honest. Chrysalis didn’t seem quite fond of the recollections she shared with you,” Jon adds.

Well, Chrysalis, Jon, Aita, and Sophie all take their leave.

Now that I’m alone... here goes nothing.

Referencing the flashback with Thorax, I start by hovering in the air at midway height. Then I briefly curl up, feeling everything in my body reach up to my carapace. I proceed to spread my body out, a light now coming from my chest-

Why do I suddenly feel like I’m suffocating now?

After a few seconds of close isolation, an explosion occurs, making everything in the room fall or break. I fall onto the ground with a thud.


I guess I dozed off when I copied Thorax, probably because I was a little more reluctant than him... which I actually find a bit amusing, if not a bit embarrassing. Immediately though, the first thing I find unusual is the weight of my hooves compared to the rest of my body. Looking at myself through a cracked mirror to the left of the door, everything seems to line up with my pro-Thorax alter ego from when I first met Carina as she is today. But the real reason why I think I dozed off is because of hearing a voice so intolerably scratchy, it’s completely unrecognizable.

“C-Carve? I-is that you?”

I look up only to see Carina peering down from the bed. I jump slightly and shake a bit afterwards.

“Why’re you changed into your alter ego from-”

I take a moment to get a feel for flight in this form, which is a lot harder than I originally thought it would be. BUT, I do see that Carina’s wings are now a bright white instead of the usual transparent baby blue.

“Carina! Did it really work?!?”

“What did?”

“Your wings! They’re so bright!”


Carina takes a look at her wings, only to gasp.

“Oh my gosh! I have to tell Jon!!!”

I hop onto the bed and hug Carina.

“I’m just glad you’re awake again! How do you feel? Better than me?”

“I feel alright. A little funny in the wings, throat and abdomen, but more like an itch in each spot really.”

“Hmm... I guess that’s better than how I feel right now... so much weight in my hooves.”

“That’s probably from sharing so much love with me.”

“Eh... I just don’t know how those changelings ever got used to these kinds of changes, Carina. Maybe it’s from the heat of the moment.”

“Well, I’m gonna see where Jon is. Wanna come with, Carve?”

“I-I’ll catch up with you. I made this transformation private, so I need the reversal private as well.”

“Okay. Suit yourself. See you in a bit.”

Once Carina leaves the room, I think back to what happened with the changelings during Correal’s calling. I feel a bit of tingle during the transformation back into my earlier self, but it makes me feel so much more comfortable as my body’s getting back to the past hour or so.

“Chrysalis, please don’t make me do this again. I might lose whatever love I receive if I do. But for now, Carina’s not just conscious, she’s well enough to visit you. I’ll see you soon.”

Well, time to get to the waiting room to get Carina checked out.

Chapter XV - Maybe Not So Well After All

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“Well, Carve? I thank you immensely for helping me with reviving Carina. She looks like a completely new changeling. Perhaps Thorax’s rebellion did lead to something useful.”

Chrysalis pats my back, proud of the sight of Carina’s bright white wings and rejuvenated complection.

“I’m happy to help, Chrysalis. I doubt there will be any complications from here on.”

“If there isn’t anything else over here to be informed of, I actually shall be returning to the hive. You can stay with your friend now if you so choose.”

“Well, of course I want to. This is going to be my first Christmas.”

“Very well. Will I see you in the new year?”

I nod.

“Good. I must depart now. Lomenalada, Calev. Lomenalada, Calina.

I wave goodbye for Chrysalis until I look over at Carina, who looks a bit confused.

“What does that word mean? Goodbye?”

I shrug.

“Well, pretty much.”

“Alright. Um... Carve? Have you ever ridden in a-”

“Yes... yes I have. Can we move on from that?”

“Uhhhh... okay... why do you seem scared of that experi-”

“The first time I ever went on a ride, I lost my love, err, lunch, uh-”

“Don’t worry, Carve. I know what you mean. Within time though, you’ll get over motion sickness. But for now, since Jon and I are heading there anyway, why don’t I accompany you on your flight to my place?”

“And what about Aita and So- oh yeah. They live next door. So, what if I teleported us?”

“That’s not going to work, Carve, at least not for me. The egg’s supposed to come tomorrow, so I can’t pop anywhere without the risk of feeling sick, or doing any damage to the egg.”

“Fair enough. Flight it is then.”


After Carina consults with Jon, Carina and I have permission to get home by flight while he drives home. However, Carina and I beat Jon to the house, meaning that it’s locked at the moment, as I can tell from Carina having a hard time opening the main entrance.

“Okay. I have an idea. I’ll get in first and unlock the door from the inside, that way you can get in.”

“Oh... for a second I thought you were going to-”

“No one forgets that easily. I know you’re not in the best state right now, and that’s why I thought of the plan you heard.”

I change into Twilight and teleport to the living room of the house. I proceed to unlock the door and open it.

“Wow. You're good.”

“Thanks. It was partially a trick that came to use in Akron.”

“Oh yeah. You were in the Rolling Acres Mall. Jon said it was in Akron, Ohio.”

“Well, I was, but that wasn’t when I first pulled it off.”

Shortly after door had opened, Jon’s car arrives in front of the house, right where it was when I was first here.

“That timing though. Let’s head in.”

“So, you two made it before we did. Congratulations, especially considering it’s one of the last few days of Aita being an only child.”

Suddenly, a scent of embarrassment heaves over me.

“Jon, I don’t think Carina appreciates that fact being mentioned.”

“Thanks, Carve.”

As the three of us make ourselves at home, Carina and I head upstairs to leave Jon with taking off his coat of upper clothes.

“Hmm... Carina? Has your throat been hurting? I noticed you’ve been sounding raspier than normal, although that’s not saying too much.”

“Heh, funny you should say that. This is nothing compared to what happened in ‘09. I feel tingly in the throat, yes, but my voice doesn’t seem deafeningly squeaky.”

“With a rasp like that, I wouldn’t count on no squeak.”

“Trust me. It could be worse.”

Carina proceeds to use her wings to give me an idea of what her voice sounded like, by recalling what I assume was a conversation with her and Jon at the time she was getting at.

Can I... come?

Where? With me on my walk?


Well, I guess I could take you. She never mentioned whether or not I could take you with me.



Um, who are you talking... about?

Queen Chrysalis.


AAAAAH!!!! Good grief, Carina! What the heck happened to your voice?!?

When Carina shouts Chrysalis’ name in shock, I pull my ears to my head, though I could still hear the conversation going on. Suddenly, Carina’s face turns to a grey as light as her mane and tail.

“I-I’ll be right back, Carve.”

Carina gallops down the stairs with a hoof on her mouth, her cheeks expanding little by little every second.


I subtly follow after her and-


Vido Clisaris! Vido Clisaris!

I gallop down the stairs starting about the first quarter of the way down after hearing Carina.

“Carve! What’s going on with Carina?!?”

“I don’t know. She showed me what she sounded like when she was having Aita and-“


I hold my mouth as a reflex to how gruesome Carina’s cry sounded. I shake my head immediately as there is silence.

“Jon, do you have some paper?!?”


Jon heads to a weird looking box and slides out some paper compartment from inside. And would you look at that.

“Here you go.”

I levitate the paper over in front of me and start up the writing spell from when I watched over the hive. In the middle of the spell though, my thoughts are intensified when I start hearing Carina coughing like there’s something in her windpipe, followed up by brief moaning.

Seconds later, the letter is finished, so i roll up the paper and send it to Chrysalis.

“Okay. Now, time to check up on Carina.”

I trot through the living room and take a right at the start of the kitchen to reach the bathroom. The door is closed, but I don’t hear anything coming from it anymore. It sounds hopeful, but I don’t think Carina would be awake after how badly she sounded in there.

When I open the door, whatever hopes I previously had has been dashed with Carina sprawled out on the floor, next to a toilet with both platforms up. Every grey part of her body is exactly the same shade: fifty percent. When I look in the bowl, all I see is what looks like chunked water, but I know exactly what it is: the very love that I shared with Carina back at the vet.


Chapter XVI - Help in the Hurf

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It seems the changelings have caught on to my new additions to the festivities. Currently, there is a tournament going on of Never Have I Ever, an interaction game where someone describes something they haven’t experienced. This tournament edition of the game has two players at a time find a description that the other HAS experienced, but there are limitations. Obviously, the game has to be kept lighthearted, so no items of infamy will be described.

Currently, I’m just sitting within the crowd witnessing the tournament taking place. In a few spots, matches would go on for several minutes. But it’s not too long.

Suddenly, I receive a letter as we near the semifinals. And quite unlike the other times I was sent a letter, this one is written on paper that came from Wisconsin. It has to be from Jon. Perhaps it’s one last thank you for helping out Carina in her time of need. In any case, I have to read it out of the festivities room.

As I head into the hall, on my way to the throne room, I unravel the paper and read what’s inside.

Dear Chrysalis,

Carina needs your help again! She was describing to me what she sounded like back at this stage of having Aita, and then next thing I know, she’s in the bathroom, launching all of the love I shared with her! I almost gagged from hearing her! Will you please help my friend?

Your subject,

“Ugh, Carve, need I come to Wisconsin again? At least it’s worth addressing.”

I look on the other side of the paper and see nothing on it, so that means I can write something back to Carve.


Before I come back, describe to me how in Tartarus Carina managed to excrete every once of the love you shared. Was it too abundant for the egg to handle? Was it from something she did after I left? And will you PLEASE describe how she replicated audio of her state the day before Aita was released? I need to know, because this should’ve gone smoothly for the remainder of today and tomorrow.

Yours truly,
Queen Chrysalis

I send the letter, knowing that I will get another one. And just a minute later, that very thing I predict happens.

Dear Chrysalis,

I understand your frustration. Trust me. I felt that the situation came completely out of nowhere as well. I will have to talk it over with Jon though so that I can see where things went differently from last time. As for replicating how she sounded, she used her wings to do it. If you have anymore questions, I can come to your hive so I don’t waste anymore paper. In the meantime, we’re about to head to the vet.

Your subject,

Well, time to take advantage of Carve’s offer. I flip the paper over and begin think-writing.


I would greatly appreciate it if you find with Jon the differing circumstances between Aita’s conception and the one in progress presently. Come to the hive afterwards to deliver the information. If what you say is one hundred percent true, I may know why Carina is now without your love. I expect to see you soon.

Yours truly,
Queen Chrysalis.

So, I send the letter back to Carve, leaving me with nothing left to do before Carve comes by.

Mysteriously, I start humming a tune. I don’t know what one it us, but it sounds a bit lullabiliar in melody.

Around the end of it though, in teleports a VERY worried Carve, in disguise as Princess Twilight before she accepted me. And as quickly as I see the disguise, it peels off in a swift flame of green.

“Greetings Carve. I can deduce that you discussed with Jon the differentiations that this conception is granting over Aita’s from seven and a half years in the past.”

“Well, yes, I did. But how did you know?”

“I had a sweet melody roaming through me while I waited. It was enough time for you to do as I asked.”

“Well, Jon explained to me that Carina never tried to replicate any audio back when she had Aita, likely due to having no reason to do so. That and Carina’s abdominal pain simply escalated instead of moving up and down like it’s been doing.”

“So, this is Carina’s third time blacking out this week. How many times did Jon say it happened?”

“Only once, and it technically was the nerves laser focusing on the escalated abdominal pain. It was on the day Aita was released.”

“Hmm. Carina’s audio replication may have something to do with her situation.”

“Was it simply vibrations in her body that made it do that?”

“No, it’s not that, Carve. Do you know about Patch?”

“Not really. How old is he?”

“Thirty years younger than me. Back just before the new millenium, he was conceived by me. I had attempted to replicate a heated discussion about the next invasion at the time and it resulted in me doing the same as what Carina had just done now.”

“So, what are you getting at?”

“When a changeling replicates audio through their wings, those wings also replicate the emotions present. That was how Carina averted the result when she copied you-know-who before I let her live with Jon. The replication had with it the compassion you-know-who had for Carina.”

“So what Carina showed me was when Jon was fearful of losing her forever!! That’s how she yakked the love I’d shared with her!!”

“Exactly. Presumably, I have provided all of the guidance you need to handle the rest of the situation with Carina’s family.”

“Yes. Thank you so much, Chrysalis. I will do what I can to help her, even if it means that I have to share my love once more. I am confident Carina will be in the right hooves.”

“And hands.”

“Eh Works either way. Well, I have to get going now. Good luck with the rest of the celebration.”

“Thank you. Farewell, Carve. I wish you luck.”

Chapter XVII - Talking to Sophie

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I wake up to a major deja vu, mostly from me and Carve being the only two in the room. Currently, within in the wake of my regain in consciousness, I have a craze fueling headache, not to mention grueling abdominal pain.


I briefly droop my ears to muffle the sound of Carve’s shock, but the next thing I know, I am well in her embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re back again!”

“Wait a minute. You shared love with me again?!? What w-”

“I-I had to, Carina. It was the only way to save-”

“Ugh... Sorry, Carve. I’m feeling a bit confused after waking up somewhere different than where I fell asleep.”

“I imagine so. You had quite the ralphing fit before you went out cold.”

“I did what?!? I don’t remember doing that!! All I remember was talking to you and suddenly, I was fast asleep... and I somehow ended up here with somebody who’s changed into their Pro-Thorax alter ego.”

Having progressively moved upward to see Carve, I instantly feel the pain coming to me. I flop back onto my pillow through the back of my head, moaning along the way.

“Yep... that somebody being me,” Carve remarks.

“How’s Aita?”

“Haven’t seen him since he went home with Sophie when you recovered the last time.”

“Okay. At that rate, he should still be with Sophie, Tim and Roman.”

“So, do you want to talk to them?”


“Okay, Carina. I’ll be a few minutes. I’ll see if Jon can contact them.”



With Carina now awake, and taking up the offer I made her to check up on Aita, I take my cue and head for the bathroom slightly off route to turn back to my comfortable Pro-Chrysalis self.

“NEVER again! I just can’t feel my abs now.”

I finally arrive at the waiting to see Jon.

“Finally! Is she awake yet?!?”

“Yes. She is, but she’s experiencing some slight mood swings, headache and audio-sensitivity.”

“Probably from what happened yesterday I presume, because it sounds an awful lot like a hangover. So did Chrysalis tell you why Carina felt the way she did?”

“Well, yes. But you won’t like it.”

“Go on.”

“She replicated the time she was vocally at her worst. And it was at a time when you were scared about losing her. That fear was what caused her to toss the love I shared with her the first time around.”

“Ah. Well, I could see why that happened then.”

“Carina was a bit curious about Aita. I know he should be with your friends, but Carina wanted to make sure.”

“Oh. You want me call them, huh?”

“Well, yeah.”

“That won’t be a problem.”


When Jon taps the same sequence of spots from the other day, he immediately gives it to me to levitate. As I wait for an answer, I trot back to Carina’s room, arriving as I do get an answer.



Carve? Is that you?

“Yes. Sophie, right?”

Yes. Is Carina with you?

“I just got back to her room at the vet.”

Alright. Can I talk to her?

“Okay. Carina, it’s for you.”

Carina overtakes my levitation and pulls the phone towards her.


Hi, Carina. I heard what happened to you.

“You did?”

Yeah. Tim saw Jon’s car headed past our house. I figured you’d be at the vet again, which your friend here just confirmed.

“I apparently had made a move similar to Carve when she had her first ride, which I assume must’ve been a lot rougher than mine.”

You have no idea, Carina.

So, you got carsick?

I reapproach the phone.

“Oh, she was sick, but she was home when it happened.”

Carina pushes me back to the side of the room I was previously on through levitation.

“Sorry, So-”

No need to apologize, Carina. It cleared a couple of things up at least.

Carina starts to hold her slightly bloated abdomen, likely feeling like a bee stung her in the weakest point possible. Where else may any nymph be so ticklish?

“Well, my headache went away. But obviously not the abdominal pain.”

So now you’re saying you ha-

“Noooo... Sophie, I never have any of that, and that’s because Jon never had it within the time he found me.”

But didn’t you just say you had a hangover?

“So that’s what I had is called.”

Sophie sighs.

Naive Carina.

“Anyway, do you have to go soon?”

No. Not at the moment.

“Okay. How’s Aita?”

Oh, he’s doing fine. He’s had a bit of fun with Soulsilver. Oh, and Planet Puzzle League.

“Good... as long as he’s doing great at the moment, that’ll be half the weight off my shoulders. I expect that the other half will be lifted by tonight... the egg.”

So, who do you think should watch Aita tonight?

“I don’t know. Tim maybe. He is the youngest of the human side of the family.”

True that.

“But I think he’s seen situations similar to what will happen tonight, so that’s why I said I don’t know.”

You seen him watch that kind of stuff before?!?

“No, but I do know it’s bound to happen in a world strongly connected to itself.”

Heh, you have a point there. Maybe we could let Aita decide for himself. He is seven and a half. Thirty minutes should suffice.

“Actually, I said tonight, so it might happen while he’s asleep. Maybe if he goes to bed before you leave, you could stick around until the egg gets released.”

Okay. I’ll see if he can get to bed before sunset. I’ll see you at 5, okay?

“Okay. Bye.”


The four hundred and forty hertz sine wave pops up again, causing me to droop my ears to muffle the sound some.

“Thanks for having me talk to her, Carve.”

“No problem.”

Carina gives me the phone to levitate through her own, and so I take the phone with me back to the waiting room, where Jon is.

Chapter XVIII - Of Arrivals and Exits

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After hanging up the phone with Carina and Carve, I head upstairs to Tim’s room, where he and Aita seem to be playing each other at a round of Planet Puzzle League. As Tim has one DS in his hands to use, playing almost like any other video game platform, Aita levitates another DS and its stylus, both DS’s linked by a small cable.

“Holy cow, Aita! How much garbage did you send me?!?”

“...a lot... oh! Hi, Sophie!”

Wait. How did Aita know I w- reflection, of course.

“Hey, you two. Carina just called.”

“So, what did she say?” Tim asks.

“I’m gonna head to the vet at around quarter of five. That’s in five hours.”

I reach into my purse and take out a ten bill.

“Tim, here’s a ten. Treat yourself to some supper while I’m gone, okay?”

“Will do, Sophie. Thanks.”

I give Tim the ten, which he happily takes.

“So, what’m I going to do in the meantime?”

“By the time I leave, Aita, it’ll start to get dark.”

“So, that means just to go to bed at my normal time around this time of year?”

I nod.


“Well, doing that also means I wake up at the normal time too, right?”

“Right on, nymph. The time you wake up tomorrow will be the time we leave to see Carina together.”

“Okay, I got it.”


As I arrive at the vet, I’m greeted in the waiting room by the sight Jon and Roman, who are simply sitting, waiting for me. Carve is fast sleep on the chairs left of them.

“Hi Jon. Hi Uncle Roman.”

“So you made it here...” Jon notes.

“Yep. Carina expects this all to be settled by tonight.”

“Oh, you mean the egg?”

I nod at Roman.

“Yeah. Hopefully, Chrysalis and Carve have helped Carina enough for her to be fine afterwards. Speaking of Carina, should we head to her room?”

Suddenly, Carve springs awake.

“Carina’s visiting the hive again?!? HIST!! I wish I’d known earlier!”

“Oh, hey Carve. Glad to see you up now.”

“Oh. Sophie... it’s you. What’s going on?”

“We’re about to head to Carina’s room to see how she’s doing.”

Carve blinks.

“Oh. The egg. Yeah, I’ll need to see that.”


When Sophie, Roman, Jon and I arrive in her room, Carina looks like she’d discovered something terrifying about herself or someone she associates with. When I come to her right, I wave my right hoof in front of her.

No response.

At least she has her eyes open.


“Um, Carve?”

“Yeah Jon?”

“You may want to get out of the way.”

Suddenly, Carina lets out of a loud hiss, followed by a second moan. I squeeze into the corner in response.

“I think I’ll stand next to the wall. It sure won’t look pretty seeing an egg as it comes out.”

“Trust me, Carve. That was quite the case when I witnessed it at ho-”

The sound of crackling carapace gets me to gag a little. It lasts for about ten seconds before the room falls silent, the whole time I avert my gaze from Carina, and looking toward the wall to my right, with Jon, Roman and Sophie in the left corner in my field of view, who also avert their gazes.

However, in the wake of the silence, I seem to be the only one who doesn’t plug their nose. Sure, I can smell some of the stress that Carina probably just went through, but it seems to hit Roman and Sophie particularly hard. To me, it smells a bit like my right hoof did when I was first conscious in Rolling Acres.

As I look at the bed once more, I spot an egg right on Carina’s tail that looks to have more than half of it reflecting light from the ceiling. Inspecting the bed itself, I find that it looks quite wet around Carina, almost visually identical to a bedwetter’s situation. But deep inside, I know that this particular situation almost never happens. No changeling would ever release an egg out of the hive unless they knew they were way too far away to make it in time. Then I look at Carina, who appears to be unconscious.

“Well, here’s hoping Carina will be awake by dawn,” Jon remarks.

I yawn and nod.

“Yeah. I hope so too... alada rote.”


With Carina’s egg released, and Carve now crashed beside her, I think it’s safe to say that today’s main attraction is over.

At least Roman, Jon and I can all get home.

However, there is still one thing we’ll need to do first.

“Hey, um, do you mind us letting Carina stay here tonight?” I ask the receptionist. “We ought to give her a chance to cool off.”

“Alrighty then. We’ll make sure to have Carina back on her hooves tomorrow morning.”

Oh hey, Jon sure looks shocked.

“Wait. Isn’t Carve in Carina’s room?”

Roman and I nod.

“Okay. I’ll go get her.”

“Then who’s going to see if Carina is up tomorrow morning before we all come?” Roman asks. “We’re not going to be there at dawn.”

“Not if we don’t sleep early tonight. That’s what I plan to do. Jon, do you think you can get to bed early if I take Carve to your place?”

“Can’t guarantee it’ll work, but I’ll try, Sophie.”

“Good, then go get Carve. She’ll likely be up by the time we return at dawn tomorrow.”

“Alright. Thanks.”

Jon proceeds to walk back to Carina’s room to pick Carve up. Meanwhile, I check the time: 6:00. By now, Tim should be home from getting supper.

A few minutes later, Jon comes out, carrying Carve on his shoulder.

“Alright, guys. Ready?”

“Ready,” Roman and I answer.

The three of us get outside, me and Jon going to our respective cars. Jon first opens the front passenger door and puts Carve on the seat. After making sure she doesn’t fall, Jon closes the door and heads to his side. I quickly follow suit and the two of us turn on our ignition, ready to head home.

Chapter XIX - Instincts

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Wha... where am I?

Oh yeah, I was last at the vet, and I’m still here.

My... my bed feels so sticky... especially where my upper legs are!

And... no... pain?!?

Uh... Where is everybody?




Oh, there’s one of the vets.

“Oh hey, Carina! Glad to see you’re up. A few of your friends want to see you.”

“Ugh... bring ‘em in.”

“Are you feeling alright?”

“A little light-headed, but other than that, I feel okay.”

“Okay good. Glad to see you doing significantly better.”

“Yeah. I must’ve released my egg.”

“Sure did, Carina.”

Suddenly, I realize something doesn’t seem to be near me: my egg.

“Um, where is it?”

“Oh, it’s in the incubator. It should be ready to hatch by this afternoon. More specifically, seven hours at-”

“Um, WHAT?!?”

“The egg is in the incubator. In seven to eleven hours, it should hatch.”

I get up and angrily walk to the front edge of the bed.

“...Where is the incubator? I... need... my... egg...”

“Take it easy, Carina. The reason you got lightheaded is the same reason we had to put your egg in the-”

“I don’t care what’s going on! Give me my egg, or I will have to retrieve it myself!”

“I know you want the egg, but it has to go through the same process e-”

“You don’t get it! Changelings literally need love to survive! Incubators can’t be a substitute because pre-birth is a changeling’s most crucial time of survival!”

“Look, if you want it so bad, I’ll have your visitors g-”

I jump off the bed and run out the door.

Hey... Carina... wait up!!


I run through the halls and look for an empty room. Each intersection, I pause and go right or left depending on there I am. As I look back a few times, the vet is coming in behind me. After a little while though, I start getting a migraine, so I stop and sit down a second. As soon as I start massaging my forehead the vet tackles me.

“Gotcha! Now, are you going to come back to your room?”

“No! That egg needs me! It’ll die from malnutrition without my love!”

“The egg should be just fine! You’ll get to see it when it hatches!”

“It needs me NOW!!!”

Out of a fit of rage, I send the vet yards away from me through levitation. I instantly get up and resume running aimlessly throughout the vet for an empty room. As I find myself in a new hall, I can smell heat coming from one of the rooms. I try to track the scent, but almost immediately, I have to lay down from my lightheadedness. I begin my second attempt to massage my forehead, which eases the feeling of lightheadedness some.

I snap back to my instincts and begin tracking the scent again. After about a minute, I find a room with a container atop a cart that’s located near the door. The majority of the container is a small glass dome, one that has an egg in it...

An egg?!? Is this what the vet was talking about? The incubator?

How... how do I get to the egg? I don’t see any buttons.

I hang my head and accidentally hit my horn onto the dome, which budges to the force.

I gasp.

“That’s all I need to do? Just lift the dome? I can pull that off in a second!”

I lift the dome via levitation and float the egg over to my chest.

“Oh! How it feels so refreshing to see it’s okay! I sure hope I’m not too...”

I collapse onto the floor from sudden exhaustion, though I did see this coming a bit. I safely land the egg in front of me, and as a result, it obscures my vision by about a quarter of my field of view. It’s the last thing I see before I close my eyes.


That vet seems to be taking quite a long time getting back to us. Jon and Sophie are especially concerned after the four of us hear some ruckus going on in the main hallway.

Jon, Sophie, Aita and I all agree to see what’s going on.

“Any idea where Mom is?”

The rest of us shake our heads at Aita.

“After the ruckus, I’d have no idea,” Jon answers.

Suddenly, I smell heat. But this heat is somewhat familiar. It smells... like... the kind of heat in a nursery hive.

“Wait a minute. I might know where we should be going. We have to follow the scent.”

“What scent?” Sophie asks me.

Aita starts to sniff the air too.

“Hey, I smell something too. I’m going to follow Carve.”

So, Aita and I lead the way to the source of the heated scent, and the result is finding Carina in a near empty room. She’s sprawled on the floor with the egg in front of her face. Behind her is a cart that holds... um... something.

“Um, why is Carina unconscious in front of an incubator?” Jon asks.

“Yeah, that’s really confusing,” I agree.

Jon walks over to Carina, kneels down, and feels her forehead.

“Whoa. She’s as cold as she’s ever been.”

“Is it frostbite worthy?” Sophie asks.

Jon simply nods.

“I’ll call for help. I know someone who could get here within the next few minutes,”

“Carve... we could just get one of the ve-” Sophie starts.

“No... If Carina has to attend this egg out of her room, one of the vets clearly had to’ve moved it while she was asleep. I don’t think the vets know very much about changelings if they thought they had to separate an egg from its mother in any situation, especially when placed in the emotionless equivalent to a nursery hive. I’m going to get someONE I trust.”

“Right behind you Carve.”

Within moments, Jon gives me a sheet of paper that has already been written on. And sure enough, it’s a letter to Chrysalis. I nod and send it off to the hive for Chrysalis to receive.

Chapter XX - Breaking Terms

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It takes a while longer than I anticipated initially, but Chrysalis finally makes it here, though by any entrance if she started out in Wisconsin. She looks quite worn out.

“Greetings Jon. We haven’t chatted in a while. I sure hope my prediction of the level of importance for this matter is quite accurate, as it’s not even dawn yet.”

“Sorry Chrysalis. It has to do with Carina.”

Chrysalis walks to her unconscious subject and begins laying her hoof on Carina’s head. Chrysalis then returns her hoof and aggressively rubs the floor with it, likely to regenerate whatever heat was taken from her.

“What happened to her? No changeling should feel this cold.”

“We don’t know. That’s why Carve and I contacted you.”

“No matter who awoke me, they did the right thing. This is the coldest any changeling alive has ever been.”

Chrysalis kneels down next to Carina, careful of watching her step with the egg in front of the latter’s face. Immediately situated, Chrysalis hugs her, laying her right hoof across the back. Suddenly, Carina’s eyes start to glow open.




“Carina... do you remember me?”

“Queen Chrysalis... W-what are we doing here?”

“Haven’t I told you... Chrysalis is just fine.”

“What do you mean?”

“Carina... don’t you remember what happened?”

“Why do you keep calling me Carina?”

“You... don’t remember?”

“Queen Chrysalis... why am I here? Did we win?”

Chrysalis lets Carina go and walks to the rest of us.

“It seems Carina’s memories have been reversed.”

“What’s going on... Queen Chrysalis...”

Chrysalis walks back to Carina and tucks her under her foreleg with another long hug.

“Shhh... Areola... the queen is with you.”

“What’s... happening?”

“Well, we may get a new addition to the hive today... Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“...A... reward...”

Carina starts closing her eyes again, and a few seconds later... Chrysalis buries her face into Carina’s neck. Chrysalis has lost Carina mid-hug.


Aita simply sits down and looks at the floor with his ears drooped, Sophie kneeling down to hug him.

Jon slowly approaches Chrysalis and Carina.

I’m still at a loss for words... the very changeling I came to know and love the most... she’s now with Thorax...

I look at Chrysalis again, who finds the egg once more. She floats it to Aita, who looks a bit puzzled as a result.

“Chrysalis...” Jon starts.

Chrysalis sets Carina down and turns around, scowling at Jon with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Jon ...did I not tell you seven and a half years ago to take care of my Carina?”

“You did...”


“I’m... I’m so-”


As Chrysalis lashes, everyone, including myself, starts wiping their eyes. Chrysalis turns back to Carina and hugs her one more time. Jon sits down onto the floor.


“GO... we are no longer on speaking terms...”


Jon gets back up and leaves the room.

I walk over to Chrysalis and sit down silently, listening to her moan. Poor queen... I wouldn’t be surprised if she skipped the rest of Hearth’s Warming... like what happened to me with Nightmare Night when I saw Rolling Acres getting torn down. As I paw at the floor, Aita and Sophie begin walking to the waiting room.

“Chrysalis... I’m so sorry about Carina...”

Chrysalis gently sets Carina back down and looks back to me.

“...She was our friend...”

“I know... and now, yet another loss we missed the signs of.”


“Yes, Chrysalis?”

“...Can you talk to Aita for me?”

“Sure... what about?”

“Whether or not he wants to come to the hive with us.”

“Okay. I’ll ask him.”

I proceed to get up and start heading to the waiting room.


As I enter the waiting room, I find Aita and Sophie sitting next to each other, Sophie petting him.

I motion Aita to come to me, which he does.

“What’s going on, Carve?”

“Well, I think I have a basis of what Chrysalis wants to do once she and I are done here. I’ll have to ask Chrysalis, but if you still want to live with Sophie, I’m sure I can teach you a trick Carina and I have known, that way we could get in touch with each other from Equestria to Wisconsin and back.”

“Hmm... I don’t know, Carve. Chrysalis seemed pretty mad at Jon,” Sophie points out. “I don’t think she’d feel very happy about Aita staying with someone who lives next door to the person who permanently lost her trust.”

“Well, you can care for a changeling, right?”

“Sure, but I live next to Jon, who is my uncle’s friend. I’m not saying Jon’s a bad guy, because he isn’t, but I don’t think Chrysalis would want Aita living so close to him.”

“Sophie, I wouldn’t have asked Aita if he wanted to come with me and Chrysalis if she never asked me to, so at least she still trusts you to care for him.”

“Wait, she explicitly asked you offer Aita to come with you two?”

“I think I understand what Carve means. But you’re right, Sophie, that we live next to Jon. After seeing Queen Chrysalis get that angry at him, I don’t think living here would feel right.”

“You think so, Aita?”

Aita nods at Sophie.

“Yeah. But I still do want to find out what you and Mom learned to do, Carve.”

“Hmm... I think there’s one place for you in Equestria to be able to make use of learning that. It feels like just the right place.”

“What is it, Carve?”

“You know about Princess Twilight and her friends?”

“Yeah. That’s the main 6... oohhhhhhhh... you want me to live in Ponyville! That sounds perfect!!”

“Yeah. Living in the hive, you probably wouldn’t come across any scrolls unless me or any other Equestria resident visits, so you’ll live in Ponyville if I teach you what I learned to do?”

Aita nods at me.

Chapter XXI - A Goodbye

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It turns out that Aita learned how to send letters to me and Chrysalis quite quickly, so quickly in fact he learned before the sun came up. I think it may have to do with seeing Spike send it the way he does in the documentations of Equestria that Carina had noted of numerously.

Well, in any case, a while after I start practicing with Aita, Sophie comes back. She has a bag that is labeled as Wal-Mart, a name that sends familiar shivers down my spine... one of those hybrids on the road in front of Rolling Acres was labeled that.

“Hey, Aita,” Sophie greets.

Aita goes to look into the bag and gasps.

“The DS!”

“Yes. I wanted to give you a bit of momento for the future.”

“So, I can have it?”

“Well, it’s yours. I bought it for you.”

“But where am I going to charge it? There didn’t seem to be any electricity in Equestria.”

“Well, you might be right about that. But maybe Twilight can help with that. Maybe even Celestia and- huh? Aita, are you okay?”

The very moment I say “Celestia”, Aita hides under the chair with the egg.

“Must’ve had a bad experience with her when he ran away to Equestria,” Sophie hypothesizes, leaving me puzzled.

“Wait, he ran away before?”

“Someone tried to get me to visit their second home weekly. It was on a Sunday.”

“Well, Sophie, I don’t really blame you then. Aita... if Luna and Cadence were anything to go off of, I doubt Celestia would be anything other than benevolent and friendly.”

Aita looks at me with surprise, like a piece of Carina had rubbed off on me somehow. I know I said it through my experiences, but might Celestia actually have been like that? She must’ve been. Equestria’s technically been at peace for well over a millennium, with threats only recently popping up, including, yes, the changelings.

“Well, Carve, from what I saw of My Little Pony, you’re kind of right. Celestia connects with a lot of her subjects, and I bet it can be the case with you and Aita.”

It will be the case for her and Aita.

The three of us face across the room to see Queen Chrysalis having entered.

“Really?” Aita asks her, hesitantly emerging from under the chairs.

“I have been in frequent contact with Princess Celestia since I befriended Equestria. She’s acted like a real companion ever since we came onto speaking terms.”

“Aita... do you know how Pane started trusting Chrysalis?” I ask.

“Because Rusty told her that the reason she didn’t happened so long ago? I remember walking with him in disguise.”

“Yes. When did you meet Celestia?”

“When I was almost three.”

“So that was more than four and a half years ago, more than enough time to properly get to meet and know each other. I mean, she may even be able to help with your DS, or whatever it’s called, whenever you need it, although Twilight might be more inclined to help.”


Aita levitates the egg from his spot into the bag with his momentos.

“So, are you sure you don’t want to stay here?” Sophie asks.

“Yes. After remembering what happened when I ran away, I’m starting to see why Chrysalis snapped at Jon. He hid what I was called from me, which added to what stories I’d heard about over the years about a creature with the same name as ours, so I would’ve liked to know before the problem first came up.”

“We may not’ve known you were a changeling before then, but now I understand how you felt back then, Aita.”

Chrysalis walks over to us.

“Well, at least there’s somebody I can trust here. Sophie, would you mind Carve taking a photo of us?”

“Not at all. Here, Carve...”

Sophie gives me her phone, which I take. I swipe screen like saw Carina do when we were at the hive. I look at the phone to see anything close to a-

Camera! What was I thinking?!? I should’ve read the labels!

As Chrysalis and Sophie get into position, I hover to a good position with the phone and tap the picture that looks like a camera, which is labeled “Camera”. The screen takes me to what is presumably the phone’s field of view. I point it in a way that gets Chrysalis and Sophie both within the field of view.

I tap the screen in the area that shows the field of view and-


What... just... happened? What was that flash on the screen?

Well, maybe there’s something I’m not going about right. I decide to press the button on the current top of the phone and-


There it goes again!

Oh... so it’s actually taking the pictures, like a camera.

I give the phone to Sophie, who swipes the screen twice.

“Wow, Carve! These actually came out really good!”

“Happy to hear that, Sophie. Now, Carve, shall I show her?”

Actually, I’m curious. What does Chrysalis have under her horn right now? What about the photo is she thinking?

I nod.

Chrysalis lights up her horn in front of Sophie’s phone, to which the screen brightens briefly, then emits a smoke of the same general color as the picture. That smoke starts to condense until it materializes into what I can only imagine as a physical copy of the first photo.

“Whoa...” Aita, Sophie and I say in unison.

“Well, my changelings? Ready to head home?”

“A-almost. I just need a little bit.”

Chrysalis waves a hoof to Aita.

“Take your time.”

Aita gets up on his hind legs in front of Sophie, who carries him over her shoulder in response.

“Well, Aita... I guess this is goodbye. You’re better off living in Equestria. It’s a much more peaceful realm there.”

Aita sniffles slightly.

“...I’ll miss you, Sophie.”

“I’ll miss you too, Aita. Good luck in Ponyville, okay?”


Aita hovers out of Sophie’s grasp and lands next to me and Chrysalis. Then Chrysalis levitates the bag and hangs it around her neck like a necklace.

And with that, the three of us leave the vet for the final time.

Epilogue: Long Distance

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Well, here goes nothing. It’s been four days since I was last home. And I hope I don’t have to go anywhere for the rest of the year.

Suddenly, as I walk on the porch, I look back, only to see a mail courier walk by and slide an envelope within the bottom mailbox. Once the courier is out of the yard, I mosey over to the mailboxes and open the bottom one. I levitate the envelope out and hold it under my left wing.

I trot back and enter the house, subsequently heading to my room and levitating the envelope to in front of me.

Mailed from: Ponyville, Equestria 67430
Destination: Saddleson, Las Pegasus, Equestria 89015

I... don’t have that last name. It’s simply Carve.

Oh well. Time to see who wanted to write to me.

Dear Carve,

I know I could’ve just sent this letter simply by the way you taught me, but I don’t think I’m ready for long distance send-offs quite yet. It might take some time before I get used to it. If you’re currently reading, it means that I’m now living with Princess Twilight. At the moment, I’m getting ready to head to the hive to gather with the other changelings.

Before Chrysalis left Ponyville, she said she’d end Hearth’s Warming at the hive early, which is something I think almost everyone would think of doing if something like losing someone close happened. However, I, myself, am feeling a lot better after an hour or so of Soulsilver, so Twilight gladly invited me to the Hearth’s Warming party at the entrance of her castle. While I’m on the subject, she told me that you can come if you want. Maybe we can catch up then.

Well, I’m going to continue getting ready. I’ll see you soon.


I’m glad Aita remembers me. He must’ve liked me when we slept together when we were celebrating Hearth’s Warming before Carina and Pane went missing on us. From what I remember, Trace Light also lives in Ponyville, so the two might get along very well if they get a chance to meet up.

Although that does beg a question though. I wonder how Princess Twilight will go about taking care of Aita. Maybe I should write to her. I trot to the living room and grab a sheet of paper and a pen.

Princess Twilight,

I just recieved Aita’s letter. I’m glad you invited Aita to the Hearth’s Warming party at your place. I imagine with both you and Chrysalis that Aita will be busy for the next day or so. Thanks for inviting me to the party as well, by the way. I wonder when it’ll happen.

Although now, there’s something I want to know. Aita lives with you now, so how are you going to go about taking care of Aita? Not in the actual caring process as a whole, but in terms of schedule? I do know next school year will start right before the Autumnal Equinox, but will that be the time when Aita starts going to school, that is on the condition you’ll send him at all. I wouldn’t mind whether or not you would, but I’m a bit curious at the moment.

Please write back.

And with that, I roll up the paper, disintegrate it, and send it off for Spike to receive.

While I wait, I decide to see if Rusty Flashlight has the pilot of Power Ponies in his room and-

A note.


If you’re here, Pane and I went to the hive to meet Queen Chrysalis before the calling starts. She’s in a bit of a depression from what Twilight told Pane. We won’t be back until the evening.

Rusty Flashlight

And- huh?!?

After I turn to face the living room, a flame forms in front of me and materializes into a scroll that falls onto the floor. This was probably sent by Twilight. Aita is still getting the hang of sending letters directly to other changelings.

I unravel the scroll...


Happy to help with whatever I can. And yes, Aita’s currently at the hive if you want to know whether or not he is. And as of the party, it starts tonight after sundown. I hope you can come; you probably could use the positive aroma after what happened today.

Now about the topic of school. Perhaps education runs differently in the hive, but the schoolhouse here in Ponyville runs two semesters every year, the first one from late January to mid May, and the other from early September to a week or so before Hearth’s Warming. What I’m going to do is enroll Aita for the spring semester this year, and see how he likes the other fillies and colts. If it’s a bust, he won’t have to worry about going after that.

Feel free to ask me whatever questions you have in the future. I’ll be happy to answer them.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

I head back to my room and look at the clock: 1:30 P.M. Looks like I’ll have to get going pretty soon.

But wait. I could teleport to any place in Ponyville basically. I probably could go to- Wait. What did Twilight’s castle look like on the inside again? Ah shoot! I forgot!

Oh well. Maybe a little detour may help things a bit. Maybe teleport to Town Hall instead. I definitely remember what the roundabout looks like. That’s for sure.

Or... maybe I can pay Pinkie Pie a visit. Haven’t seen her in over a month. I’d sure love me some hotsauce right about now. Yeah, why not.

So after leaving a note on my door, I turn into the unicorn Twilight and teleport to the dining floor of Sugarcube Corner.

“Carve?!? Is that you?!?”

I shed the disguise when I face Pinkie Pie with a smile.

“Hah! It IS you! I was so worried about you!”

“Uh, why would you be worried about me, Pinkie?”

“I heard what happened to your friend.”

“You did? Well, as you can imagine, I’m not really feeling the greatest since it happened. But I’m up for some hotsauce if you have some.”

“Actually, I’m saving that drowning for some eggnog at the Hearth’s Warming party at Twilight’s Castle.”

“Yeah. I’d teleport to Twilight’s Castle instead of here, because I was there before. Unfortunately...”

“You forgot what it looked like, huh? Well, Pinkie Pie’s got you covered, Carve. Let’s go!”