Why me?

by Miner

First published

I just want to go home.

Hello everyone. TO anyone that see this please know that I am stuck in a land of colorful ponies. Furthermore I have gone native both figurative and mentally. To make matters worst, I just can not catch a break in this world. I know I never had the best luck in the world, but what happening in this world is ridiculous.

Help me!

P.s. this story is HIE who doesn't know anything about the show.
Special thanks to Georg and everyone else in the comments for helping with an overdo editing for this story.

editing complete

Why me

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You know I have always thought of myself as an adventurous girl. Always willing to try the last item for sale, waiting in line for the movie theater to open the doors for a sold-out screen, and always stopping by a new store in town. But this is too much even for me! I look down from my perch at the wooden monster dog barking, snarling, jumping, snapping its jaws hoping to get a taste of Jessica.

"Oh, would you be quiet already you dumb dog!” I shouted hoping that it would listen to me. It didn’t. “I had it up to here with your annoying barking!” I raised a hoof to my neck to show what I meant but quickly thought otherwise when I almost slipped my branch. I readjust my grip before resuming my glare, “You haven't gotten me to come down yet and you aren't got to get me down by barking at me all night!"

Now you may be wondering how I ended up in this situation. Where should I begin? The beginning is always a good start so we will start there. That was about three hours ago…

I have just gotten back from work and began my evening ritual. First threw my uniform in the hamper, took a shower, brushed my teeth, then put on sweatpants and one big sweater, and collapsed on my couch. Normally I would get something to eat but I wasn’t feeling up to it that evening. Sleep was within my grasp when my phone rang. Grunting I drop my arm to the side of the couch to grab my purse and fish out my smartphone. Once found, I look at the screen to see a number that I don’t know with an area code I don’t know. Knowing that it was a scam, I turned off my phone and dropped it back in my purse, placed it on my lap, and went back to sleep. "I have had a long day at work," I moaned weakly, "All I am asking is for this world to let me sleep. Is it too much to ask?" But sadly, it wasn't meant to be.

Right as I was about to fall asleep, I noticed two things. One, my air conditioner suddenly turned on to chilly for some reason. And two, my comfy friend wasn’t so comfy anymore. And that was only the beginning. Once I couldn’t stand it anymore, I opened my eyes and sat up to see what was wrong. I look around my apartment to see nothing but trees for as far as the eye can see, and some birds are chipping nearby as the sun sets. I stare for a bit before lying back down. I then got back up blinking to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. It took a moment before I started speaking my mind.

"What the hay! What is up with all these trees? How did I wake up in the middle of a forest, for Pete’s sake?” I said to no one in particular, before shaking in rage, “I swear if this is one of Lilly's pranks I am going to kill her!" Looking at my side I could see that my purse was with my thank goodness. Out of reflex, I reached for my phone but froze at what I saw in my purse. It was at this moment when things got weird. There was something white grabbing my purse, but that was not the weird thing. The weird thing was that it was coming out of my sweater sleeve. Crying out freight I swing my arm around hoping to get whatever it was out of my sleeve only for it to stay there. Calming down as I took a deep breath, I kept my eye on the white thing before raising my arm up and down to see that the unknown object did the same. It took three seconds to register in my head that whatever this thing is, it’s mine.
“But if that’s case where is my hand?” I look closer at the strange thing where my hand was supposed to be. I don't feel any pain coming from it, so my hand wasn't amputated, but that doesn't explain where it went. I lift my other arm to see that both of them got the same treatment. Both had flat ends and were covered with white hair. I hit the ground a few times to confirm that there hard at the tips as an idea of what these things were came to my head. "Ha. You know. If I didn't know better, I would say that my hands were suddenly turned into…” My body shakes with fear, “hooves!" Some of the birds nearby looked at me funny but that was the least of my worries.

"Alright, calm down Jessica. So, you woke up in the middle of nowhere without any idea of how you got here. So, your hands are gone, replaced with…” I swallowed hard, “hooves without your consent. So what? It's not like you needed them to unlock your cell phone and call for help. But really, those are no reasons to panic, now. Right?" I smiled to myself to remain calm and take this as a civilized person.

My composure only lasted for two more seconds.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" The nearby birds flew away from the sound of my scream.

"No this is not happening! This is all a bad dream, and I am waking up now!" I then bit what should've been my arm only to feel that something was biting my arm.

"OW!" I grab my arm in pain and notice something was very wrong here. “Ow?” Looking around, the trees are still there, and I am not waking up. "That's not.... but... why am I still here?" I wasn’t dreaming for sure. It was worse. I was in some kind of nightmare. After a few more bites to make sure I was awake, I accepted that this was real and started to plan how to get out of here. “But first things first. What else of me is still me?”
Giving myself a go-over. I still had the same clothes on when I fell asleep, however, the same thing can't be said for the rest of me. I have a white coat of fur everywhere on my body and I mean everywhere. I checked. Also, I am now a redhead. And not just a little amber red that added to a brunette hairstyle, oh no. I am talking whole paint job that makes my hair match a fire truck. Which was nice if you like red. I also noticed some more hair was lying across the floor. Which confused me. I always had short hair so why is it on the floor? I look to the side to confirm it, “So where did you come from?”

I pulled on it and felt some pain coming from my butt which answer that question. "A tail, I have I tail,” I look at it for a few seconds before willing it to move. It moves aimlessly in a small circle as thoughts fly through my mind to what could all this mean,

“Wait A MINUTE! Stumped hands for arms, white coat that covers my whole body, a long red tail!” I moved my tongue across my teeth to find out my canine teeth were gone, “Am I a HORSE?!”

Ok, I had to admit I didn't see that one coming, but I am not going to get any help just by sitting here hoping things will get better. Technology to the rescue. I move- correction I crawled back to my purse and rescued my phone. But when I tried to use my phone. I ran into three problems: One, hooves do not work well on smartphones. Two: I cannot get the phone to turn on. And three: I was starting to get hungry. Giving up on the phone, for now, I put it back in my purse before lying flat on the ground. While I tried to think of something constructive to find help the first thing that came to mind was first finding out in the world am I exactly. Looking around at my surroundings carefully I started to notice something. Something that surprised me that I did not notice until now.

"Why are the colors of everything here different?” They were so different that it felt unnatural. It was downright cartoony. Now that I think about it. The trees here do look like some out of a cartoon. And to make matters worse, the sun is going down, and everyone knows what happens to little creatures who get left behind in a forest alone. Not wanting to suffer a horrible gruesome death I reach for my purse to start walking anywhere. Only to remember that I didn’t have hands. Staring at my purse I was having an inner battle. On one side, I can’t carry my purse anymore and it is getting late. And on the other side, it is a Gucci purse, and I don’t want to lose it!

"I need to get out of here now! But my purse! No safety is more important. But Gucci. Wait I got it!” I carefully drag the purse to my belly and force it into my sweater pocket. I had no idea why I didn’t think of this sooner. “Now that’s over with, how do I walk on these things?" Looking down at my hooves unsure of what to do. “I do remember in middle school at P.E. where we had to run across the gym on all fours. So, this should be a similar concept, right?” I was wrong.

My first attempt at walking on all fours went as much as you would have expected it would. I must have had my face planted so many times that I am sure there is still a rock stuck somewhere on my face. At least I was making progress, and let me tell you something, walking on all fours feels very weird and natural at the same time. Once I had mastered the walking of the hooves. I noticed that there was about an hour of sunlight left. Not wanting to die here. I started walking hoping that I would not get lost where I was.

It was only two minutes into my walk when I heard a twig snapping to my left. I look at the sound to see nothing out of the ordinary… well ordinary here at any rate and continue my walk. But I soon learned that twigs don’t snap for no reason. Before I realized it, a low growling sound made itself known sending chills down my spine. Slowly I turned my head around to see what made the sound. And doing so has given me a new phobia. Hiding in the shadows of the trees and bushes was a huge creature that was ever so slowly making its way towards me. I could see the breath of its mouth fluming in the evening sun. Its teeth were razor sharp ready to destroy anything that gets near them. Did I mention what big eyes it has? They were a pure yellow color with one single message, it was a predator. And it was hungry.

It is amazing what one can accomplish when given the right motivation, like learning how to become the Flash by running away from some monster in the forest in less than a second. I must have been going 100 miles per hour or… I don’t know, but it was fast for someone who just learned how to walk two minutes ago. Also, did I mention that I was screaming for my life the whole time? Because I was!

Well in any case. That’s how I ended up in my current predicament—stuck in a tree with that beast at the bottom of my new friend Treebeard. It's not the same one from the movie, it is just some random tree I found while running away from the beast. Also, I had to lose my pants along the way. They were just slowing me down as they were two sizes bigger than I remember them being. And tragedy struck when I made it up the tree. One of the branches hocked itself into my pocket and ripped it wide open sending my precious purse tumbling to the jaws of the monster. I watch in the safety of Treebeard’s branches as that horrible fiend destroys my purse and rips it to shreds. I looked down to see the remains of my purse as rage filled my body. I shall have my revenge once I get my hooves on a gun!

“Get on out of here you dumb mutt! You have already cost me over seven hundred dollars worth of damage that I won’t be able to replace anytime soon. So, I have more important things to worry about right now than you. You have already wasted enough of my time. GO AWAY!!!” It didn’t.

I knew it was a pointless argument with it, but what else was I going to do while stuck up in a tree, because of this wood-like creature? Huh, you know. It is almost Ironic in a way. I used to chase raccoons up trees when I was younger. Now I am the one stuck in a tree. And I am fairly sure that one of them is enjoying my misery right now.

“Go catch a rabbit, a fox, or even a squirrel for all I care! Just leave me alone already. Wasn’t my purse enough for you?”

Oh, but it wasn’t, for it just went on and on snarling, growling, and barking at me for hours on end as the moon came up in the sky. At that point, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever go away. It even tried to climb the tree but couldn't get anywhere near me and fell back to the ground.

I am safe so long as I am in this tree. However, I can’t stay up here forever. I would have to get out of here eventually and find help preferably before I die of dehydration, starvation, or boredom. I need a plan soon or I am going to become someone else’s dinner.

“Wait, a minute… I am a horse. How in the whole wide world did I climb up a tree with no fingers or claws? That doesn’t make any lick of sense.” But I guess I shouldn't be complaining about it. I am alive right now because logic and physics decided to have a lunch break.

Looking down at this wolf… timber wolf? I don’t know what it is, but I get the feeling it is not going to leave anytime soon. So, the best thing I can do right now is to get comfortable. It looks like the wolf had the same idea as it circles itself a few times before lying down and starting to eat what is left of my purse.

I stare at it from my tree branch with my best death glare. If looks could kill, then this thing would be so dead.

But then my stomach growled reminding me that it was still empty and now running on fumes. I better find something to eat. Leaves are now my best choice. Deciding that I am now a vegan eater based on my teeth I reach for a leaf only to flick it with my hoof. Growling I moved my head so I could take a bite. I can't believe that I have to eat leaves to fill my stomach. I know that my older brother did it when we were younger for some reason, but I thought it was weird and told him never to do that again. And now I must do it too. Perfect. After getting the smallest bite in the world I slowly begin to crew it. And to my delight, I found out that leaves taste like sweet lettuce, and are surprisingly filling.

“Perfect. Now I know I can wait out this dog; for I have food and you don’t. It is just a matter of time before it gives up and... leaves. Hee.” I crack myself up.

Until then I am going to need to look around these tree branches to see if any of them can be used for a bed. Because there is no way my grip isn’t going to last the whole night. Moving up higher into Treebeard (don’t ask how) I found a good spot to sleep; however, I noticed the spot I found wasn't a natural part of this tree.

There was a platform of sticks tied together and it was big enough for me to lie on. Maybe I wasn’t the first one here with the same problem. Either way, I don’t know and don’t care at the moment; it’s a bed and I called dibs. Climbing on top of it, got comfortable and started eating more of the leaves before resting my head for the night.

I just hope that I can find someone to help me tomorrow morning and get out of here. And if this bed is anything to go by, a town or house can't be too far away hopefully. I better get some shut-eye. I got quite the day tomorrow. However, before I closed my eyes, I looked down at the dog one more time. "I hope you choke you mutt."

What's going on here?

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Okay, I must admit I had better restful sleep camping out in the woods alone, but I give the tree three stars for being okay. It looks like that somewhere in the middle of the night the wolf had given up on me and left me alone. Great!
But then I notice that it has taken most of my purse with him. Oh great. I waited in my bed for a bit to see if it was still around roaming the area. As far as I know, it could be hiding somewhere nearby. Just waiting for me to come down and become its breakfast. But I wasn’t born yesterday now (or was I). I even tossed a stick or two to see if something was nearby. Once I had accepted that the coast was clear I made my way down. Which was, unfortunately, a lot more painful than it should have been. That branch looked solid before it snapped when I stepped on it. Anyways right now my butt (or is it a flank now) is singing a new tune with every step I take.

Looking at the base of Tree-bread. I found the remains of my pants and purse scattered across the forest floor. After searching through the wreckage for anything useful. I have found half a phone, three pieces of pants, four pieces of a purse, and gross used gum! “How did that get in there!?” And finally, $3.54 in change. Great nothing useful. Then again, I didn't have anything useful, to begin with when I got here. Well except for the phone. Which is now broken. Such a waste. And I am sure that my insurance plan doesn’t cover woodland creatures. So, I will have to get a new one once I get back, “Great.”

Abandoning the site and Tree-bread. I headed West in search of help, or at least I think it's West. Or is it East? North? Okay, fine I started walking around in circles for three hours and found Treebeard four times before I was able to find a dirt road.

Looking down both ways where the path leads. I couldn't tell which way I should go or how far the nearest town was. My only hope is that which way I choose is correct. But it was a fifty-fifty chance of picking the correct one. My entire well-being falls on me making the right choice. So, I then picked up a stick (which was harder than it sounded) and then I tossed it up in the air and let it fall on the ground in front of me. Most of it landed to my left, so I will go left.

During my walk, I then began to notice that the forest was rather pleasant when something wasn’t chasing me. I saw some interesting things like a blue spider with a white star on it, some colorful birds, and a lion-like creature which I hid in the bushes for an hour before it went away. I even saw a chicken go by, but it got away before I could get a closer look at it. Later on, I had to hide behind some trees when I heard something in the bushes near me, but it turned out to be just a simple white cottontail.

"Dumb rabbit. Don't scare me."

Two hours later, I stopped by a tree for a snack. I can handle eating leaves, but I refuse to eat grass. I will not lower myself to that of a common animal. However, I am starting to get a little thirsty now. These leaves don't have very much moisture in them. I am going to have to find a stream or a water source somewhere soon. I continue my journey, shortly after my snack break. It wasn’t long after that the forest was clearing up and I could see the edge of the forest.

Once out I could see a small village not too far away. Things are starting to look up for me. I can finally find someone that can help me. With a smile on my face, I made my way to the village. However, halfway there I stopped as a thought just occurred to me. Even if I did find someone, they might find a talking horse wearing a baggy sweatshirt to be a bit weird. But my chance of finding help is better if I enter this little town. For all, I know. This is the only town within a hundred miles of here. My best bet is to find someone who would listen to me. Better play it cool until then. Just act natural and start looking.

As I started walking in the town, I noticed something fast. First of all, there are a lot of horses here. At least I think they’re horses. I mean the bodies are the right shape, but the head is bigger than I remember it should be and with larger eyes than normal. Not to mention that they all had the colors of the rainbow mix and match with every pony here. What happened here? Did some kid go crazy with some spray cans or something and branded all of them with different kinds of tattoos on their flanks? Well, at least I don’t have to sneak around anymore. I blend right in. At least I hope so. Since I haven’t seen my face since I got here. But I am certain that I should be alright, which worries me. If I can blend in here, then what happened to me and how can I go back to being normal? Questions for another time.

Right now, I need to find out where all the people are. Or at least find a phone. Does this town have pay phones? If so, I should have brought my change with me. Drat.

Walking around town I saw a huge water fountain in the middle of town. Normally anyone would just enjoy the site of a fountain. I used to spend a lot of time nearby listening to the sound of the water and enjoying the feel of the coolest of the air rubbing against my body just being near one. But I had other things on my mind. When I was sure no one was looking I took a big gulp of its water. “Bleck!” Well, what did I think it would taste like? Fresh water? Who knows when was the last time they changed the water? But I was desperate, and hopefully, this was a one-time deal.

Once my thirst was quenched, I resumed my search. However, I started to get the feeling I was being watched. Looking around me, I soon find out why. For some odd reason, a lot of the nearby horses are staring at me. Mostly the boys, stallions I believe was the term for them. I have no idea why they are staring at me. Back home I never was able to turn the heads of any boy. Was I just prettier as a mare, than a girl? That is just not fair. Not to mention that I am not used to being the center of attention for so many of the opposite gender. Maybe they just realize that I am new in town. Or maybe they are just looking at the sweater I still have on? It ripped, baggy, and was getting hot wearing it. But I refuse to go fully nude, even though this sweater only covers my front half and stops just short of my butt. At least my tail covers the rest of me. Whatever the reason was, I didn’t like it.

I know that I am new here and all. But I could go without the stares. Could they just go on about their business and leave me alone? Or better yet tell me where your owners are. It’s too bad that they can’t talk. After all, they are just animals. “Hee Talking animal. Now that would make my day.” I thought I heard someone talking but didn’t see anyone. So, I dismiss it and continue.

When rounding a corner of a building I accidentally bump into something or someone in this case. Looking in front of me is a bright pink local horse, one with a matching mane and tale also bright pink. The only thing that isn’t pink is its eyes which are blue. Out of reflex, I respond to her as I would with anyone that I bump into.

“Sorry about that.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” she said.
It can talk.

That Horse just talked!

I think I am having a mental breakdown right now. Different color scheme okay, the wood wolf alright, a new body cool, but a talking horse! Where in the world am I? Is this someone’s idea of a sick joke? Because I am not laughing!

Looking back at the horse. I just noticed how big her eyes are right now. They are much larger than they should be physically possible even with how big they already are. I got a good look at them too, especially when she was on top of me, pining to the floor staring into my soul. Wait, when did it get on top of me?

“You're new here. You must be. For I don’t remember ever meeting a pony like you around here before.”

Oh, so I am a pony, not a horse. Got it. “Uh... yes, I am new here,” I said dumbly,

“That means it’s time for your welcome to Ponyville Wagon Song.” She said getting off of me so I could sit up.

OK, the town is called Pony Ville. Well, no kidding I would have never guessed that a town filled with ponies could be called Pony Ville. In any case, where are all the humans then?

... ok now, where did she get that wagon? It was not with her a minute ago. Also, why and how is she jumping like that… Wait! Now she’s cartwheeling and standing up like a person. How is she doing that? She is a pony, not a person!

“Welcome to Ponyville!” The pink pony said,

Huh! Was she saying something during her whole dance number?

“Wait for it”

Huh? When did the wagon open up like that? And why did confetti just come out of the oven? Shouldn't have come from the... Ah incoming! I managed to cover my face before something that came out of the horns on top of the wagon got me. I am now covered in goop, great. Huh, it smells like vanilla. A quick lick turns out to be a vanilla cake mix.

“Oops, I put the cake in the horns and the confetti in the oven again.” The pink mystery said giggling,

I have so many questions that I must get the answer to. But first off. "How in the world do you mix up the cake batter into the horns and confetti in the oven? And just who are you miss?”

“Oh, I am Pinkie Pie and your new friend.” She says with a smile never leaving her face.

No kidding a pink pony is named Pinkie Pie…. wait, friend? “You want to be my friend? But you don’t know anything about me.”

“Well duh,” She rolls her eyes, “If I don’t become your friend. Then how will I get to know you in the first place?”

I scratch my head at her logic, "Huh, I never thought about it like that way before." I never really did have many friends back home. But this is the first one who went out of their way to become my friend. Pinkie said something fast that I didn’t catch what she was saying, “I am sorry Pinkie, what did you say?”

“I said why are you wearing an outfit like that? Did you lose a bet or something? Because, if Rarity saw you like this, she would have a fit.” Pinkie said tilting her head.

Oh right, my sweater. “Ah yes, something like that. My outfit got ruined before coming into Pony Ville yesterday. You wouldn't happen to have some spare clothes that I can borrow, would you?” It can’t hurt to ask, right?

“Nope, sorry. My clothes are too small for you.” Pinkie said shaking her head,

“Oh, well,” I said looking down dejected,

“But I know a pony that will be more than grateful to help you out.”

This filled me with hope, “Oh, great. I hope that they can. I would like to wear a complete outfit soon.” Sorry, but coat or no coat. I will not run around here in the nude. Hopefully, her friend can help me.

“Don’t worry about it. Exclusive would just love to have a new friend that likes fashion just as much as he does.” Pinkie said as she started leading me down the street.

Wait a minute. We are going to a dude for clothes. And his name is Exclusive?! What were his parents thinking when they named him? And why would he have girl clothes? “Are you sure he can help us Pinkie?”

“Oh, of course he can. He’s one of the best fashion designers in all of Ponyville.”

Well, that explains why he has girl clothes at least. I thought that we would be dealing with a cross-dresser. Or a girl with a manly-sounding name.

“That and also because he is the only fashion designer in Pony Ville right now Pinkie Pie." A female voice said behind me that made me jump forward in fright.

Looking behind me, I didn't see anyone until I looked up. There she was flying in the air smiling down at me. She appears to be a Pegasus which explains why she can fly. She also has a sky-blue coat and rose-colored eyes. As for her mane & tail. They were multi-color in the pattern of a rainbow. Seven colors in total. You know, normally I would be freaking out right now because there is a real Pegasus in front of me. A mythical creature in the flesh, but my dignity is my priority. Talking fly mythical creatures can wait.

"After all. We all know that Rarity is better at making dresses than anypony. But she is working in Canterlot at the moment.” The new pony said before looking at me with confusion.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie said greeting the new pony. "I am taking my new friend over to see Exclusive because she wants some clothes.”

I stare back at Pinkie before looking back and forth between the mares as my eye starts to twitch. Does everyone born here have a corny name? But then again. My name probably sounds weird to them if they all have these simple names. Should I still use my name or make up a new one?

Rainbow just scratches her head for a little bit. “Uh, I don’t know why you want clothes. They just get in the way and make no sense, to begin within the first place. I think they are a waste of time.”

Hold IT. What did she just say?!

“And what do you mean by that?” I said, quickly looking straight at her. Watch it Rainbow those are fighting words.

Not frightened by my outburst Rainbow continues, “Nothing much. I just don’t have any practical use or need for them. But I guess you like them then?”

"I most certainly do missy." For some reason Rainbow is angry and we have a stare-down. Maybe she is not used to somepony calling her names? Pinkie didn’t notice our little showdown before speaking up.

"Ah, girls we are here."

Snapping out of it I looked back at her apoplectic, "Sorry Pinkie," I told her as we continued to walk inside a building. There was a bell sound as we entered, along with someone else talking. But I paid him no mind. I had more important things on my mind. Like teaching this mare the importance of clothes. I take a deep breath and let out my words of wisdom.

“A world without fashion is chaos.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself Mam.” Said someone else.

Looking in the direction of the voice I could see a white stallion with a short purple curly mane and tail with blue eyes along with two blue diamonds on his butt. There is a smile on his face as he stares at us, or me in particular. Ok seriously everyone. Knock it off with all the staring you ponies. It’s starting to get creepy. Wait why did I notice what was on his butt? Neverminded. Don’t you dare go down that train of thought brain?

“Hi Exclusive," Pinke said giving the stallion a bear hug. That looks like it hurt, "I want to introduce you to..." She then drops him and puts her hooves to her mouth in a gasp. "Oh, my gosh I forgot to ask you what your name is!”

"Oops now, how did I forget that?" I said scratching the back of my head. "My name is Jessica. It is so nice to meet you. Exclusive I presume?” I extend my hoof for a handshake out of reflex. Before I could put my hoof back down, Exclusive walked towards me.

“Nice to meet you too Jessica and yes.” He grabs a hold of my hoof with his own, “I am Exclusive.” he says as he kisses my hoof?! “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” He said before letting go of my hoof. Oh, great now I'm blushing. I don’t know the customs here. But that’s not the kind of greeting I thought I would receive from a man. Ever. Wait, something is not right with that statement.

“Oh, come on Exclusive," Rainbow said next to us. "Enough with the mushy stuff. We came here to help Jessica with her little problem.”

Way to single out the elephant in the room Rainbow. Something tells me that I am going to have a hard time getting along with her.

Exclusive lets out a small sigh before addressing her, “Yes, Rainbow. I noticed her predicament when she walked in and was about to address that issue. I assume you need a dress, Miss Jessica?”

“What! No, not a dress just some pants will do.” I said quickly. There was no way he was going to give me a dress. I never was one for wearing any kind of dress. Mostly due to the fact of them being so expensive. I just never had the money available to buy any. And this guy is willing to give me one? Calm down, Jessica. He might just be acting generous to you with how you are looking right now. In any case, I can’t afford to pay for any damage it might sustain while wearing it. So, I will just stick with plain pants. The cheaper option.

But he wasn’t going to have it, “Now see here Madam. A pony of your beauty mustn’t be concealed by mere rags. I will not stand for it. Also, your coat and mane are a complete mess, a quick trip to the spa will fix that. And then your natural beauty will best anypony in all of Equestria. Believe me, once I am done with you, even Princess Celestial will have her work cut out for her.” He said smoothly.

I don’t know about being able to look better than a princess after a trip to the spa. But maybe? Forget it. It’s just flattery Jessica let it go. Wait. Did he say spa? “Oh goodness No sir," I said waving my hoof. "You are far too generous sir Exclusive.” Why am I talking so formally with him? “But I just wanted some pants. Please don’t waste so much effort on me. I am fine with just some pants. I am not worth the trouble.”

He chuckles before smiling back at me, “Nonsense Madam. I insist. Think of it as my gift to you for your troubles.”

I am not going to be able to talk him out of treating me, am I? Oh well, I guess if he is paying, then who am I to turn down a free trip to a spa?

“Well, if you insist. I would gladly accept your gift and join you in the spa.” Wait that came out wrong! Panicking I quickly wake my hoof back and forth “Wait I mean would like to go the spa with you. I mean, shall we be on our way?” I said with a small blush and a smile.

"Yes, mam but first a quick change of clothes."

What just Happen

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I have to admit. I am feeling a bit spoiled by all of the gifts Exclusive has given me. I am going to have to make it up to him somehow. For a quick change of clothes, Exclusive has given me a simple pink dress with a light white trim around the ends along with a brown sun hat. And for some reason, he insists that I wear a different dress once the spa treatment is over. He also wanted to give me a necklace to go with the dress but there was no way I could accept it. I am not saying that it won’t go well with the dress. Quite the opposite. It would have looked beautiful but with the spa trip and dresses. I couldn’t handle it. But I have a feeling he snuck it into my silver saddlebag (he gave me) where the actual dress is. It’s a red dress with a silver lining and trim. Just by looking at it, I could tell that it was expensive. I hope he isn't trying to win my affection with a nice gift. Because I think it is working. NO. Bad Jessica. You are a human; he is a pony. It would never work out. Even though you are a pony right now. Someday you are going to change back and go home, and it would be better if you have little of attachments to this place and ponies as possible. After a short walk, we arrive at a building. Which I can only guess, is the spa.

“Here we are the spa where you can wash away all of your worries in their care,” Exclusive said waving his hoof in front of said building. He must like this place a lot. I hope it’s not too expensive. “Pinkie and Rainbow why don’t you join us?”

Pinkie looks excited but Rainbow, I might be seeing things, but did she just stop in the air momentarily? She's flying normally now, but she looks very nervous and she's sweating. I guess she’s not so fond of the spa. She starts looking left and right probably trying to think of a reason not to go. “Uhh, no thanks... I uhh got some clouds to move. That’s it! Clouds to move over to Sweet Apple Acres. So.... uh..... BYE!” Rainbow said quickly, but just as she turned around to take off in the sky. She started to glow a light purple and stopped moving in mid-air. What is going on?

“Huh! Hay Exclusive! Not cool! Let me go!”

I then notice that Exclusive’s forehead has the same color glowing. Wait he has a horn! HE is a… he is a UNICORN! How did I miss that? Wait a minute. There is magic being used right in front of me. Another mythical creature is right in front of me! Awesome.

“Now Miss Dash calm down," Exclusive said moving in front of Rainbow. "If my memories serve me correctly. You said the same thing last time as well. Also, you said that you would be joining us the next time we would come here.”

Rainbow has a confused face. “I did?”

“Yes, you did.” He insisted,

Rainbow looks like she is panicking and trying to find a way out of this predicament. Does she not like bathes or something? “I couldn’t have said that! It must have been Pinkie Pie who did.”

“Nope, it wasn’t me Dashie." She denied shaking her head. "You did say that.” She then points at her, “And you also said you would have a hoofacure.” A what?

Rainbow gasped in horror, “What! No, I didn’t!” What happens next reminds me of an old T.V. show bit. What was its name again?

“Did so!”

“Did not!”

“Did too"

“Did not”

“Did too”

“Did not”

I think this was also done in a movie before. Something with a cartoon rabbit. Maybe I should stop this? Then again,

“Did too”

"Did not”

“Did not”

“Did too”

“Did not”

“Did too”

“Did not”

“Did too”

“You never get a hoofacure and that’s that,” Pinkie says to Rainbow somehow in the air while doing so.

Rainbow stares down at her friend in rage, “You can’t tell me what to do. I am getting one and that’s final!”

Pinkie smiles as she walks away into that Spa calling out behind her, “Ok then, have it your way.”

Rainbow then marches into the spa with her head high and chest out. Everyone seems to be happy with her sudden change of heart. The front door was already closed behind us when her brain started to work again. I couldn't help but smirk when she realized that she had doomed herself.


This is the first time I have ever been in any type of spa. So far, it’s all right in my opinion. I won't mind coming here or another one again. I am in a huge bathtub relaxing and enjoying every moment of this. All of the stress I had up to now is being washed away. I think I found my new tub. I am never getting out of here again.

“GET OFF OF ME! GIVE ME BACK MY HOOF YOU FIENDS!” A loud voice bellows across the room ruining the moment.

Rainbow on the other hand-er hoof is fighting for her life. I can see Pinkie pinning her down on one of the massage chairs as the two workers are trying to file her hooves. I think they are twins judging by their color scheme. A baby blue body with a light pink mane and tail for one of them and reverse for the other.


“Rainbow Dash, for Celestia's sake you are overdue for treatment for a while now. Now stop complaining and let the ladies do their job.” Exclusive said plainly in his mud bath across the room. Why he chose to go into a mud bath instead of a real bath is beyond me. In any case, I tried not to look in his direction. Mostly because I don’t want him to see me. Why there are no gender-separate rooms for boys and girls here makes no sense to me. Maybe it has something to do with everypony already naked? But that doesn’t give me any comfort whatsoever.

Wanting to distract myself I decide to join in the conversation, “That’s easy for you to say Exclusive. You’re not being forced to do something against your will” I wasn’t wrong. She doesn’t want to be here. Why should she be forced to do something that she doesn’t want to do?


A smile comes to my face for a golden opportunity that has been given to me for a little fun. You shouldn't have said that Dash. “However, didn’t she say earlier "You can’t tell me what to do. I am getting one and that’s final!" I believe were your exact words.” I finished with a smirk. As she’s giving me her best death glare.

"Thank you, Miss Jessica." The blue spa pony said, "Now calm down Miss Dash. We are almost done here now just hold still.”

The screams continued for what felt like hours. I was getting to the point of going over there and hushing her up myself of letting her go for the sake of my ears. Speaking of ears what is that sound? I heard something earlier but didn’t think much of it, but it just kept getting louder until…

“LOOK OUT!!” Someone screamed.

I look towards whoever just screamed. But all that happened next was too fast for me to see.






What just happened?

I was sure I was in a bathtub on the other side of the room earlier. Not on the floor with a weight on my back and my mane blocking my vision. I blow my hair out of the way. Only for it not to do anything. I was about to get up to move my mane out of the way when the weight on my back started to move. I don’t move. Fear of something else was going to happen if I did. Also “Ow my back,”

"Ooooowwww." Someone said behind me,

“Is everypony ok?" I hear Exclusive said. "Wait. Sweetie Belle, what are you doing here?” He stated as he got out of the mud bath.

Wait. Who’s Sweetie Belle?

I then notice the weight on my back move off of me. Allowing me to get up and finally have a look around. I could see that there was now a big hole in the wall near the tub. I also noticed that Rainbow went flying through said hole. Looking down I can see a little white filly with a purple and white mane and green eyes. She is so cute. I could just eat her up. I guess that she is Sweetie Belle. She even has a cute name. She looks down in sadness. What is wrong little one? Why are you so sad? Also, how did you get in here?

"We didn't mean for this to happen," Sweetie Belle said. "We were just helping out Derpy with her mail route for one second. Next thing we knew, a cat ran in front of us in Scootaloo’s scooter, so we had to make a sharp turn to miss the cat. But then there's this whole mess of running into other ponies and things. After that, we went flying on a ramp, and here we are." We?

I then noticed that she wasn't alone. I can see that there's a yellow filly with a red mane and a matching bow in the bathtub I was in. And an orange filly with a purple tail stuck halfway in a wall before was able to pull herself free and fall to the floor. Wait they did this!? How? That hole in the wall is bigger than all three of them. How fast were they going to cause such damage? Also, how are they not hurt? Besides some dirt on Sweetie Belle, she looks just fine. Do physics and logic just not exist here or something? My brain hurts.

Pinkie came back into the room she was sent to the next room Via pony-shaped hole in the wall was any indication. "Well, that just happened."

Hay where did you go?

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Ok so apparently, the little trio of fillies that crashed into the spa. Are known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Whatever that means. The fillies were different from the next in more ways than one. Sweetie Belle is a unicorn. Her friend Apple Bloom is a regular filly, she is the one with the red ribbon on her head. And the one that was stuck in the wall was a Pegasus filly by the name of Scootaloo. They remind me of the Three Musketeers.

Also, they are some of the cutest little things that I have ever seen. However, I soon changed my mind about them when they attempted to wake up the dead during their introductions. I am never going to figure out how something so small can be so loud.

I am still rubbing my ears from their outburst to which they smile apologetically when Exclusive notices my discomfort. When that boy gets mad, he gets mad. I'm glad that I wasn’t the one he was angry with.

From what I gather, these three seemed to be the most adventurous little fillies around in town. They are cute, but I think that someone needs to put a leash on them before something bad happens. Correction, before something life-threatening happens to those around them. Looking back at the hole in the wall, I can see the employees surveying the damage as the three trio apologize to the manager of the spa with Exclusive glaring at them. I still have no idea how three little fillies could do something like this.

Making use of what was left of the room Pinkie, and I finished our treatments after I got another bath and waited in the lobby for Exclusive and the others to be done. I am wearing a white robe from the spa instead of a dress simply because of one thing. I am still soaking wet. Pinkie helped dry my hair but for the rest of me, I wanted to wait for the robe to do its job. I am not confident enough with my hooves yet to do a rub down of myself, and there was no way I was asking Pinkie for help with that. She is sweet, but that would just be weird to ask her to help me dry up. I have to remember to change into my clothes later. I can’t wait to try on that dress. But the necklace stays in the bag.

Also, I haven’t seen Rainbow since her grand escape earlier. I guess that she simply doesn’t like going to the spa. My opinion of her went down as I labeled her as a tomboy. She has to get it in her head that there is nothing wrong with a spa treatment. Especially when it’s free. Or was that only for me since Exclusive insisted on paying for me? In that case, run for the hills girls you are losing your money staying here.

I felt sorry for Spa ponies; until they fixed the hole in the wall. They don’t have much of a business going for them. Well, at least no one was hurt. Hopefully, it's not going to be too expensive to fix. Who am I kidding? The whole wall is going to have to come down before they can fix it. I thought that part of the ceiling was going to crash on our heads the whole time I was in my bath.

Oh, here comes the little troublemakers themselves. They all had a look of sadness on their faces. I can’t stay mad at them they are too cute for their own good. But then again, they are still in trouble.

“Sorry for ruining your spa treatment.” Sweetie Belle said,

“We didn’t mean to do it on purpose,” said Apple bloom,

“Why are you wearing a robe?” Scootaloo said.

What? “What was that?”

“I was wondering. Why are you wearing a robe? Aren’t you dry now?”

Well, that is something you don’t hear every day.

“It is because I like to wear clothes dearie, and I haven’t had a chance to change yet.” Honesty is the best policy. I always say.

“Oh, I was just wondering why. It’s just odd to see some pony wearing something. Since not too many of us wear clothes in the first place.”

“Now Scootaloo," Exclusive said coming behind them, "Don’t go making Jessica feel uncomfortable. If she wants to wear something, then it’s not up to us to tell her otherwise.”

A mental sigh of relief came from deep in my head. If only my parents were like you. It would have saved me from so many years of criticism.

“Thank you, sir," I said, "Now that everything is ok. I'm going to get changed. Ah, where were the changing rooms again?”

“They are down the hall to the left,” Pinkie informed me,

“Thank you. Be right back.”

Luckily for me, the changing rooms were spared from the crash earlier. But that’s not the problem I am facing right now. Opening the cubby where my clothes were earlier along with my saddle bags, I found it empty.

“My clothes are gone!” I shouted, “I already had enough problems learning how to take them on and off earlier and now they are gone. What gives?!”

I moved to the other cubbies hoping to find them. Maybe I put them in a different spot? After emptying all of the cubbies I could not find my stuff. I have no idea where they could have gone. It was then that I noticed something. In the original cubby, I found a blue feather near the back. I have no idea where it came from but that was the last thing on my mind. For even though we have just met I know where I have seen that feather before. My Rage for that Mare came to a boil.


(The author has decided not to show the following words for they are inappropriate for this age group).

I am taking deep breaths trying to control my anger. It would also appear that my little mouth exercise has got the attention of all the ponies within hearing range. For Pinkie Pie enters the room with a confused look on her face.

“Ah, Jessica what did you say? What's wrong?” she said tilting her head to the side.

“What is wrong?! You ask? I will tell you what is wrong! That …Beep… of a …Beep… just took off with my …Beep… clothes and …Beep… and what the ... Beep... PINKIE WILL YOU STOP PLAYING THAT HORN IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY” I shouted at her while trying to get that horn from her.

“But it’s funny. Also, you need to be careful of what you say. Kids could be reading this story.” She says calmly moving away from me with that …Beep… horn!

“I SAID STOP THAT ALREADY!" And how did she know what I was thinking?!

“Well, I might consider it. If you ask nicely.” She said with that big grin of hers.

I stop in my tracks completely dumbfounded that she said, “You can’t be serious right now.” Shaking my head, I change the subject, “You know what never mind. I’ll deal with you later.” I walk past her out of the room, “In the meantime, I need to talk to Exclusive to see if he won’t mind giving me some more clothes.”

“I am sure he will be more than happy to. But I have to ask one thing?”

“What is it?”

“Where are the clothes you came here with? I thought you had two dresses when you came here.”

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH! I know that!” I huffed to myself as I continued walking back to the others.

Pinkie is right behind me; correction Pinkie is bouncing right behind me. And I am not talking about a small little jump that filly could do that would be cute. I am talking about a basketball player jumping! And what is strange is that she makes it look so easy.

I continued looking at her display of athleticism, before I couldn’t take it anymore, “How are you doing that?”

And she replies to my surprise as she stops in midair, “Doing what?”

My left eye twitches as my brain is being fried. I had no words about what I was seeing. So, to save my mind from meltdown- “Never mind!” I quickly made my way back to the others. I have got to stay focused. Clothes first, jumping-law-breaking-physics pony later.

Once I had told Exclusive what had happened. He was more than welcome to help me out again. I would have hugged him but that would have been weird. We aren’t even friends yet and don’t know each other very well. On the bright side, the spa ponies were nice enough to let me keep the robe. But a course I just had to return once I was done with it.

We said our goodbyes to Pinkie and the others before I headed out with Exclusive back to the Boutique. During our small walk, a sudden thought just occurred to me. If I had a hand, I would have face-palmed, but since I have hooves right now that would be painful. So, I settle with a grunt. Why haven’t I asked these ponies to see if they know a way back to my home yet?

"Hay Exclusive hold on a second."

“What’s wrong Jessica?” he turns to me.

“I just realized that I don’t know how to get back home.”

He tilts his head in confusion, “Why is that?"

Scratching the side of my face I tried to come up with a way to ask for help and not seem like a weirdo, “Well, how do I put it? I don't belong here."

He nods his head in agreement, "Yes. I know what you are feeling."

My eyes widen at that, "Really? You do?" Now I am confused,

"Yes, that is one of life's many questions.” He looks away staring off into the distance, “Do I belong here or somewhere else?”

I facepalmed. Yeep that hurt. I should have seen that one coming. I drag a hoof down my face, "No Exclusive. That's not what I meant."

"Really?" I nodded as he blushed in embarrassment, “Then what did you mean then?”

"What I mean, is that I don’t belong here at all. I mean right here right now. As this.” I wave a hoof over myself, “I am not a pony.” Exclusive tilts his head in confusion before his eyes widen in fright.

“Wait are you saying that you are a changeling?” That is not what I meant. However, more concerning it seems that his little statement has gotten the attention of the nearby ponies. They looked at me with different expressions. Some were in fright, others were nervous, or angry, and some of them had straight off ran away screaming. Those who stay behind have started whispering amongst themselves before looking back at me. I have no idea what a changeling is but whatever it is. It was not a good idea to be associated with them if I wanted these pony’s help.

“No, I am not a changeling! I am a…” Before I continue, I notice the crowd of ponies is getting bigger around us. I think saw some of them with some rope handy and some small items behind their backs. Not wanting to be in a witch hunt I need to get out of here, but before anything else happens, “Ah, maybe we should take this matter into a more private place. Before someone does something that may endanger somepony’s wellbeing.” I said pointing around us. And that somepony is me!

Exclusive looks at the crowd of ponies and seems to understand what I am getting at. “Agreed.” He then turns to face the crowd, “Nothing to see here Ponies. It was a misunderstanding and a slip of the tongue. There are no changelings here.” That seemed to calm them down but some of them still kept staring at me before continuing with their day. Just what in the world is a changeling? Once Exclusive was satisfied with the situation he turned to face me, “My house is nearby let’s go there.”

Normally he would have to take me to dinner first, before saying that. But I am willing to make an exception this time. I don’t want to be left alone out here in the open with these ponies anymore.

We then arrived at the house about two blocks down the road. It looks like any other house in the area at a glance. But once inside it was a whole different story. It's amazing and I am not talking about like wow he got the latest stuff on the market. I am talking about how the heck can this guy afford all of this. Almost everything in here has a gem or two embedded into it. I just stared in awe at what I was seeing, and this was coming from someone who was still standing in the doorway. What kind of a job does this guy have? Either gems cheap here or this guy was loaded. I mean even the curtains are littered with jewels!

“Miss Jessica, are you alright?” Exclusive said form in the hallway.

“Huh? A yes I am alright.” I then made my way inside closing the door behind me. We made our way deeper into the house before we found ourselves in a living room. I made my way to one of the coaches before another problem occurred to me. Normally I would drop onto a coach and lay flat on my back with my limbs everywhere. But that is not a good idea. Given my current body and lack of clothes. Not sure how to properly sit on a coach. I choose to lie down on my side and face Exclusive. He went to the opposite coach and lay down on his side as well.

Now comes the hard part. “So here we are,”

“Yes, here we are.” He said as he used his magic to quickly set up a tea party in the blink of an eye. There was a teapot and cups with a beautiful design along with a side of small cookies. He served a cup and offered it to me, “Tea?”

“No thank you. I am good.”

“Alright then,” He says before serving himself. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good cup of tea like the next person. But I have no idea how to hold on to the cup with hooves. I would drop it more than anything. And dropping tea on this coach would be a tragedy. It is too comfy to be ruined with a stain. I mean too beautiful. However, before I could start my tale. Something had made itself known to me and it demanded attention immediately.

“Ah hold on a minute Exclusive. Can I use your restroom?”

“Why yes. It is down the hall second door to the right.”

"Thanks." I then made my way to the bathroom.

During my trip, I thought I had heard something move under the floor panels. But I didn’t give it much thought. I had an important duty to do. Thank the lord that these ponies have something like our toilets, or I would have been in trouble. Once I had fulfilled my duties. I release a happy sigh as I flush the toilet. Making my way to the sink. I was puzzled when I saw a normal sink. I thought for sure that it would have some modifications so that ponies could use it more easily. But then I remembered that the owner of the house was a unicorn, and he could just use his magic to turn on the water. Thankfully the knobs were big enough for me to push with my hoof and I started to clean my hooves. Once done I turn off the water, only to look up to see a big white creature with big blue eyes and crazy red hair staring right at me.


I screamed and moved until my back was against the wall only for the creature now pony mare to do the same. After calming myself down. It dawned on me that it was just my reflection. But then again, it's the first time I can see my new face. So, of course, I wouldn't have recognized it. Moving towards the mirror again. I can see for the first time since I got here what I look like. I am a pure white mare with no horn or wings. My mane and tail are a deep red. My body seemed to be slimmer than normal but that was not saying I was fat. I was a healthy weight back home. Looks like I couple of pounds since I got here. My eyes are a bright blue much different from the black ones I used to have. They remind me of a sapphire I once saw at a store. If I were back home, I would be a mare that you would only see at a fair with a blue ribbon on her saddle.
Putting a hoof on my face I confirm that this is my face. And in my opinion, I look rather cute with my deep red mane, pure white coat, and wait...

"My colors are the same as the flag's!” I shouted at my reflection before grunting, “Oh, come on! Now, this has to be someone's idea of a dumb joke!"

After fuming out in the restroom. I calm down and I titty up myself a little. And left the restroom. I called out to Exclusive to let him know I was done. But he didn’t give a reply to me which was odd. As I made my way back to the Living room, I noticed he was gone. How rude of him! Here I was ready to tell him what was going on with me and then he disappeared on me. The least he could have done was let me know that he needed to go somewhere. I decided to wait for him to return from wherever he went off to. But after waiting for over an hour in a stranger’s house with no entertainment. Things started to get boring. I am all alone with nothing to do and now I am getting hungry.

“Well, all NUTS!”

I just want to go home

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Once my hunger became too great. I had no choice but to raid his kitchen. Seriously where did he go? The moment I stepped into the room I saw the most beautiful ever made in the world. A refrigerator. As I opened the fridge I was greeted with the sight of fruits, veggies, eggs, milk, and the closed container of mystery. “Hum…Which to choose… hum…I think I am going with the mystery box. It has got to have something good in it.”

After fighting with the lid. I got it open and looked inside. I can see some kind of brown liquid with small green things flowing in it. “Well, it is in Exclusive's fridge, so it has to be good. Oh well here goes nothing.” I lifted the container to my mouth and took a big gulp.



I quickly move towards the sink and pour the poison down the drain. “I forever regret my decision.” As I turn on the water to clean the sink, "OK, mental note. Never trust the mystery box ever again.” I then raised my mouth in the sink to help rid myself of the taste, but it only helped a little. This here food can be considered torture in some countries you know.

Once I was satisfied with my mouth again. I turned my attention to a golden old friend, the milk jug. It was in the shape of one of those 1-gallon jugs you get at the store. However, I am now faced with a new problem. How does one turn the cap off a milk jug with hooves?

Putting my mouth around the small cap I pulled and fought with the jug until I won. Okay, I lied; I was on my back wrestling with it until the cap came off. I did manage to save half of it once I put it right side up again. Shivering in my wet robe I look at the half-empty jug with one question on my mind.

“How do I drink you?” I say staring down my foe. "Maybe I could pour you into a bowl and drink it from there?” I shake my head, “No. I will not drink milk like an animal. I can do this.”

Put my hooves on the side of the jug and ever so slowly began to lift it. Sweat is going down my brow as I lifted it higher. But then put the jug down to calm myself.

"Come on Jessica it's not that hard." I tried again. Almost there. I can almost taste it. The milk went too fast into my mouth causing me to choke and cough. I dropped the jug spilling the milk all over the floor. And just when things couldn't get worse.

“Brain freeze!” I shouted covering my head in pain. After my little episode, I set the empty milk upright. “Well, that was a disaster.” I found the trash can and hid the evidence before using towels some towels the clean-up myself as well as the mess. I also found a new robe to wear while I waited for Exclusive to return. I left the wet one in the sink since I have no idea where the laundry room is. After another ten minutes of waiting, I started to look around the house to see what was around. Why? Because I am bored.

During my search, I noticed that a lamp was missing on top of a dresser drawer. How could I tell? Because boys will still be boys and Exclusive haven't dusted in a while and there is a perfect clean circle on the dresser. As I continued my search, I noticed that more stuff was also going missing. I even noticed some things have been moved around since I was last there.

You would have to be pretty dense to not notice this and still think you are still alone. Ok, Mr. Sneaky I can play your game. A smile comes to my face as I come up with a plan. I started by going from room to room randomly looking for a hiding place big enough to hide a pony. As my search continued to be unfruitful, I soon became discouraged. But then I heard a strange sound coming from the living room. Once there my ears twitched left and right, but again I found nothing. Ok, plan B.

“Well, it looks like Exclusive is not here anymore. I guess I will just leave and come back later.” I said making my way to the door until I was right in front of it. I know this is a dumb move but nothing in this world seems to make sense if Pinkie is anything to go by. So, I figured that it was at least worth a shot. Quickly I turn around.

“AHH HAA!” Nothing, “all nuts.” I guess they aren’t that dumb. So, I turned around and made my way to the door again. I scratched my ear to buy some time and tried again.

“AHH HAA, oh drat. Hum, I think I am going now” Once I turn around again; this time to leave the house. That was when everything turned a dark brown and something hit the back of my head. Why didn’t I bother to look up?

I don’t know how long I was out but slowly I started to come to. I remain perfectly still hoping my captors won’t notice I am awake. I then tried to slowly move my limbs testing them. I found out I am tied up but at least the bag is off my head. Slowly I open one of my eyes to find out where I am. The sight in front of me was less than welcoming, the good news is that I found Exclusive. The bad news is that he's a little too close to me for my liking. Far more than I would like him to be, any closer and he would be kissing me! He seems to still be out cold which is a good thing; because if we weren’t, he would have noticed that my face is as red as an apple. Hay I may have been a human once but ever since I became a pony. My eyes have begun to wander, and this body sees a good-looking stallion close to me. Scooching away from him, I move my head upward to have a look around.

We seem to be somewhere underground if the dirt wall and low lighting are any indication. Anyway, it would seem that we are also in a makeshift jail cell; you know like the ones in the old Western movies. As I look through the bars of our cell; I can see that they have also had a guard dog here. It seems to have a collar on with a chain attached to the wall asleep. Once I saw the dog, I did another one of my reflexes for animals.


Sue me I am a dog lover. I leaden in to get a better look at it. As I got a better look at him or her my enthusiasm started to fade. Its fur looks more like a solid object than hair. And it's colored a dark brown. It’s a big boy that is for sure, but there’s something familiar about this dog. I couldn’t put my finger on it. That was until I saw the remains of my purse underneath its paws. No way. It’s that same one that chased me up a tree yesterday!

“Not you again!” I yelled. That seems to wake it and Exclusive up. “Stay away from me you must!” I started to make my way away from the bars of the cell. My ropes are getting loose with all this moving. I give zero stars to whoever our kidnapper is for knot-tying.

“Ah, what’s going on? Where are we?” Exclusive said waking up.

Turning around to face him, “Oh nothing much. We are going to be given a five-star meal. Along with free tickets to one of the great wonders of the world."


"Of course not! We have been kidnapped! What do you think happened?!" I shouted at him. Is he that dense or something?

“Oh, goody the ponies are awake.” Someone said from outside of the cell.

A different kind of dog came into view. But this one is standing on its hind legs and is wearing a red vest. And it is ugly. The dog, not the vest.

“What do you want Diamond Dog?” said Exclusive with a frown on his face.

So, this is a diamond dog. It looks nothing like a diamond. More like an earth dog or maybe a mutated dog. I am going to call him Max.

“It’s not so much what we want pony; but what you’re going to do for us.” Another voice said from behind Max. This one looks like a girl diamond dog. Oh, you want to know how I can tell that this one is a girl? I can tell you how. It is because she is wearing the red dress Exclusive gave me earlier!

Pulling myself free from my bonds I ran to the bar and reached a hoof out to try and grab that dog. She quickly moved away from my hoof, “That's my dress you mutt! Give it back!” I guess Rainbow didn’t take my clothes then. I apologize to her if I ever see her again. Nay, I still don't like her.

She huffs at me before dusting herself off, “No way you pony and it’s not like you’re going to need them.” She then smiles at me, “And the robe is comfortable as well, in case you’re wondering.”

“Robe? What robe?” It was then that I noticed that I felt chilly even though I had my robe on. Looking down I can see why I was feeling cold. I was in my birthday suit. I am naked here. I mean sure ponies don’t need any clothes because of their coats. So, they aren’t naked. I just didn’t have any clothes on. So, there was no reason to panic, right? I mean, after all, I am now a pony so it's okay right? But there is only one little problem with that thought. I wasn’t born a pony, now was I?

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!” My scream causes everyone to cover their ears. Fun fact, screaming in an enclosed area amplifies the sound ten-fold. My ears also hurt but I didn’t care. “Give me back my clothes you monster!!” I said covering myself with my hooves.

“What!?” The female dog said.

“My clothes, give them here, you must!”

“NO, I won’t you pony! Also, you yell one more time and we will starve you for one week pony.” The female said sternly.

I don’t like being told what to do, but I am also not dumb to ignore this threat. Without knowing how long we are going to be here, and with the possibility of not having food for a week. I hushed up.

“Good. Now let me tell you what's going to happen to your ponies. You are going to make little ponies for us. And then we will let you go.”

There were a good five seconds of silence before another word was spoken.

“WHAT!!??” Both Me and Exclusive shouted together. The dogs are rubbing their ears in pain, I hope that hurt you mutt.

The female was the first to recover and glare at us, “We need more ponies to work in the mines. You ponies are better at finding gems for us. So, you ponies are going to make more ponies for us, so we never have a shortage of pony workers around here.”

That’s a good idea miss. It fixes the shortage of wo- WHO am I kidding! I am not going to spend the rest of my life stuck in a cage forced to make babies only for them to live the life of a slave! I may not have a plan to get out of here at the moment, but I will. Until I do. It would be best, for now, to play along. Hopefully Exclusive is a good actor. Because right now I am going to do my best at wooing a pony. So long as I don’t think too much into it. I should be just fine.

“Ok then,” I said simply.

“WHAT?!” Exclusive said staring at me in shock.

“Really?” the diamond dog said. I guess she was expecting more of a fight.

“Why yes. If all you want from us is to make more ponies, then I got no problems here.” I then lowered my eyes at Exclusive, got to sell you know. “Especially if I can do it with him.”

Exclusive's mouth drops.

As I moved towards Exclusive, I shallowed my nervousness as I got embarrassed at what I was doing. I then put my head on the side of his head. I was blushing like mad, but I needed to keep it together for a little longer. If I convince these dogs that I am willing to cooperate with them; they will leave us alone. I lean my mouth near his ear and bite lightly as I whisper to him.

“Play along until they leave so we can escape.”

That seemed to calm him down a bit. But my heart rate goes faster as he starts to nuzzle back and then he sniffs me. Well, somepony are enjoying this more than needed. I just hope he remembers that we are playing around. And nothing is going to happen. Now if only I could convince my body of that.

As I looked back at the dogs, well, they were doing their impression of a statue. However, the boy's eyes are covered by the girl's paws while looking very embarrassed.

I glared at them and said. “Do you two mind?!”

“AH! Sorry Pony. Ah bye now.” Well, she can surely move when she wants to. But she left the other one in the room. Two seconds later she came back and pulled him out of the room with her.

I waited for a minute before I stopped my nuzzles, “Well, that was easier than I thought." I moved my head away from Exclusive to get his attention but for some reason, Exclusive didn’t stop. "Ok, they are gone. You can stop now.” Nothing. “Ah, you can stop now Exclusive." He is still going at it. I can't take it anymore and shout. "Exclusive!

That did it.

We are now facing each other with blushes on our faces, as we tried to calm down. That was more thrilling than I thought it would be. I wonder how far he would have gone if … No! Bad brain. Don’t even think about it. It will NEVER. EVER. Happen!

“Sorry, Jessica." He said with a light chuckle. "I guess I got a little carried away there.”

“It’s ok don’t worry about it. Now then we just have to…”

“Find a room for the two of you.”

“Huh! Who said that!” We looked around and found Rainbow lying on a bed at the back of the cell. She must have been there to see the whole thing! She also has the biggest grin on her face. “Were you…” I tried to make a sentence.

“How long have you been...” Exclusive not fairing any better than I am.

“Don’t you dare tell any pony what just happened here!” I told her with my best glare, but I don’t think it works very well; for she starts chuckling at our expense. I am also my face is beet red. I just know she’ll never let me live this down. As her laughter grows louder.

“Oh, just kill me now,” I say weakly lowering my face and putting a hoof on my face.

“HAHAHAHA.” She started to laugh out loud.

What has become of my life?

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“And then she started to kiss him to the floor!”

“THERE WAS NO KISSING DASH!” I shouted at Rainbow while blushing at the thought.

“If you two are done bickering like foals," Exclusive spoke up. "I would like to get back to Ponyville before night falls.”

“Fine.” We both said before looking away from each other in a huff.

We had successfully gotten out of that underground cave. And it turns out that Pony Ville wasn’t that far from where we were at. I think they said we were in the mines near the town. However, not all of us made it out of there in one piece. Take me, for instance. I am forced to lie down in this makeshift wagon being pulled by one of the other ponies that we had also freed on our way out. And Rainbow has been telling them all about what happened earlier between me and Exclusive in our cell.

What have I done to desire this humiliation… oh right, the spa.

“Well, she started it,” I said while pointing my hoof at her.

“I don’t care who started it. You two have been at it for the past hour. Enough is enough.”

Oh, it has been going on much longer than an hour ago, good sir.

You see, once Rainbow had stopped laughing at me, we then started to make our way out of that cell. The ropes weren’t much of an issue to deal with. Mostly because it turns out the ropes were just some used old ones. They seemed just to fall apart with just the right amount of force. These ropes couldn’t hold a filly for their life, so now they lay all over the floor in shame. Good riddance.

However, we soon learned that maybe those dogs weren’t as dumb as we originally thought. Well for what I thought of them anyway. I came up with a great idea of using Exclusive’s magic to open the cell door for us or even making a portal so that we could get out of there. I don’t know. I never used magic before. So, I had no idea of what he was capable of doing with that horn of his, so I was optimistic. Wait that didn’t come out right. Anyway, it was around that when things started going wrong.

“What do you mean your magic isn’t working? It’s your magic! You can do practically anything you want with it! Why won’t it work?” I was in Exclusive's face asking why our best bet of getting out of here isn't working. That I wanted to see more magic.

He just looks confused and nervous with me being so close to him. Backing up a bit, he taps his horn a little but still nothing happens. “I just don’t understand it, this has never happened before. It just won’t work for some reason.”

“How can that be? It was working just fine when we were at your house.” I moved in close to tap his horn to see if it would start working. “Maybe it’s broken?”

This caused him to panic as he used his hooves to feel around his horn for any damage. “Nothing seems to be broken.” He visibly calms down as his whole body relaxes. He sighs before looking at me, “Also, I am pretty sure I would feel if something was broken.”

“That makes sense. But then why did you panic?”

“It's my horn. I would rather have it in one piece thank you very much.”

“Hey, everypony I think I found out the reason why," Rainbow called out to us from the back of the cell. "Take a look at this wall.” She gestured.

Looking at the wall Rainbow is showing us. I couldn't see anything special about it. Besides some different colored rocks. “What am I looking at Rainbow?" I questioned her. "All I see is just a wall of dirt and rocks. What is so special about it?”

“Those rocks are the same ones that the changelings use in their hive," Rainbow said tapping on the wall. "They can stop all magic nearby.”

“Okay good to know. So, all we have to do then is to get rid of them. And we are home free.”

However, things only got worse as she shook her head at me. “No can do. These rocks are too big for me to remove.” She taps them again making a dull smacking sound. “I am not a diamond dog. I have nothing to dig with here. And even if there was enough room for me to get a head start and try to smash them. I would only end up breaking my hooves on these bad boys.”

“OK then forget about using magic. Instead, let’s use our heads then," I told her as I started to pace around the cell. "We don’t have much time before those dogs come back to check up on us. And we need to be gone by then.” I paused before shivering. “I didn’t know about you guys, but I don’t know how long we can fool them that we aren’t making any ponies in here.” I looked back at them with pleading eyes, “I don’t want to go down that road and become a mom underground.”

“Easier said than done Jessica.”

“Less talking more thinking,” I resume my pacing as Rainbow lounges across her bed staring at the ceiling. Exclusive sits by the bars of our cell watching me pace back and forth. I have no idea how long we were like this. Over time I would end up trying to dig through the floor and walls (but they were solid), banging on the bars, and talking with my cellmates, until I was in the corner of the cell throwing rocks at other rocks. I was bored out of my mind. And it was quiet for the most part until we heard something coming from the wall next to us. It sounded like someone was waking up. Curious I moved to the end of our cell and tried to make contact.

“Hello anypony there?” Why did I say it like that? Am I going native?

“Where am I?” The voice said,

“In a prison cell underground at who knows where. What is your name?”

“I am “Dizzy Do” but everypony calls me Derpy. And you?”

“My name is Jessica. I am with Exclusive, and Rainbow Dash. Is there anypony with you?”

“Yes, I believe their names are Berry Punch and Bulk Biceps. But they are still out cold.”

“Well, at least you aren’t alone in your cell. But I am afraid that I have some bad news for you Derpy.”

“Why is that?”

I then informed her of what was to become of us, to which she got very quiet all of a sudden. “Ah, Derpy you okay over there?”

Her answer was in a small quiet voice, “I am going to be a mom?”

“Not if we can get out of here first. Got any ideas Derpy?”

“Well, I could try and wake up Bulk and see if he can break down the door.”

“He must be a very big stallion to do that.”

“He is. One moment please.” I can hear her moving in her cell before she stops, “Bulk? Oh, Bulk.” I could then hear somepony waking up. Must be this Bulk pony. “Please wake up.” I can’t see anything, and it is making me frustrated, “Good. Ah, can you break down the door over there please?” The next thing I could hear was pain. I didn’t even know you could hear the pain.

“YYYEEEEAAAHHH!” His shout made the whole cave shake. My ears were still ringing before I could hear the sound of metal being banged on repetitively. If any pony was asleep in the cave before they are awake now. Before long two Dimond dogs with spears came into view moving towards Derpy’s cell.

“Hay you pony stop doing that.” They then lower their spears in a threatening way, “Or else!”

Not wanting them to get hurt I spoke up, “Just do as they say Bulk.” I could hear Derpy say something similar, but it was too quiet to hear. Bulk let out a sigh of defeat and stopped. The guards moved Derpy’s group into another cell before locking them in. They had a little chat before leaving the room.

“Hay Derpy are you guys alight?”

“We are fine but Bulk is in chains now.” Well so much for that plan.

“As long as you guys are alright that is all that matters.” I moved away from the bars to the back of the cell, “There has to be a way out of here,”

“Hay everypony I can see the keys on the wall over there.” Exclusive pointed out. We all rushed over to the bars. He wasn’t kidding; indeed, I can see the keys over on a wall nearby, but still out of hoof reach. “The guards must have left them behind by mistake.”

“Their mistake is our gain," I said. "Now all we have to do is get them.”

“Oh, yeah?" Rainbow said in annoyance. "And how are we going to do that? Genius.”

Ignoring her comment, I reply with a grin, “Oh, quite simple my dear Rainbow. With some rope of course.”

“Did you lose your marbles or something? We don’t have any rope. Or did you forget that the ones that we had earlier are just pieces of string everywhere? So where are we going to get some new rope while we’re stuck inside of this cell?!”

“Why I am glad you asked Rainbow. Because you, me, and Exclusive are going to make one.”

“And how are we going to make a new rope?" Exclusive asked. "My magic isn't working. Don’t you remember the rock wall over there?”

“Don’t worry about that wall. For we are going to make rope the old fashion way.” I smile at them as my cheeks blush a little, “We are going to make a new one by using our manes and tails."

“WHAT!?” they shouted together.

I hushed them by putting my hooves over their mouths. I look outside the cell to see if any of the guards heard them. No reaction. Good. I let them go. “Are you trying to get us caught? Did you forget what they did to Bulk? Furthermore, what do you think we were going to use? Our spit?”

“But... but... but we will be naked without them!” Exclaimed Exclusive and Rainbow nodded in agreement with him as they hugged their precious tails.

I just stare at them letting out a sigh of frustration. “Look you two. I am not cool with this idea myself. However, there seems to be an important detail that you two are forgetting. Now what was it again? Oh, right I remember now. If we don’t get out of here, then we will just have to spend the rest of our lives in this cell. And let’s not forget that we will also be forced to breed with each other, by DOGS!”

They stopped to think about it for a moment before Rainbow spoke up. “Well, when you put it that way.”

“Good, then we are at an agreement. Rainbow, please find a flat rock that we can sharpen into a knife while I make sure the coast is clear.”

It turned out better than I thought it would be. I had Exclusive cut our manes and Rainbow cut our tails. We let Exclusive cut his tail because I wasn't going to do it. However, I did help out with his mane though. It took some time, but I managed to make a string of rope with our hair. I had tied a rock at the end to hopefully help out lasso those keys. After telling Derpy the plan, I made sure that the watchdog was asleep before getting started. Once I was convinced that it was safe. I took the rope in one hoof leaned against the bars and threw the rope with the other hoof. But as fate would have it. I am never going to be able to participate in the rodeo any time soon. By the fifth throw, I was beginning to lose it.

I grind my teeth in anger, "Come on! It's right there!"

"Need some help, Jessica?" Rainbow asks in a bored tone.

"No, I got this!" I threw it one more time it bounced off the wall and hit the dog on the head. It began to stir. Panicking I did the first thing that popped into my head when I saw one of its eyes open.

"Ah... Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Closed your big bloodshot eyes. La la la."

Yes, it was dumb and silly. But it worked. The big dog yawned and went back to sleep. Why do hooves have to be so hard to throw stuff with? I want my hands back!

Rainbow looks at me with a smirk, "Okay. Two things Jessica. One nice singing. And two how can you miss those keys? Even Apple Bloom would have gotten them by now!”

“You’re not helping Dash!”

“You are already on your 6th try Jessica.”

Getting fed up with her I shoved the makeshift rope to her, “I like to see you do any better.”

“Step aside chump, I got this.” She said while taking the rope from me.

And it turns out she was a better shot than me. She got it on the first try. And started pulling the keys towards our cell and opening the door. “See? It was a piece of cake.” She said with a big smile on her face.

“Now’s not the time to gloat Rainbow. We still have to free the others before we can get out of here.” I said to her while she was sticking her tongue at me as I opened the door. Big mistake.



None of us moved nor no one dared to take a breath.

It looks like this cell door could use a little oil.

I silently prayed that the dog was a heavy sleeper.

I looked at it.

It wasn't.

The wood dog was wide awake. It was growling at us with a hungry look on its face. However, I remained calm because I remembered it was still tied to the wall with a chain that was hanging loose…. on its collar… right there…

The dog was never chained to the wall to begin with. Its collar gave the illusion that it was.

“Oh, things are getting better and better aren’t they,” I said putting a hoof to my face.

“How is this any better?”

“That was sarcasm Rainbow!” I turn to tell her.



One hour later,

“I should have left you behind Dash,” I said,

“Hay we got out of there in one piece, didn’t we?” I then turn to stare into her eyes with a glare she chuckles a little while scratching the side of her head. “Okay… mostly.”

“You let that dog bite me in the butt!”

“Hay I said I was sorry, and I did try to warn you! But hey if it didn’t, we wouldn't have gotten out of there.”

“We are just lucky that you got Bulk free and he one-shot that dog like it was nothing. Or we would have never been able to get out of there alive."

“Oh, come on, I bandage you up. Didn’t I?”

“By using what was left of my dress to do so.” I grumble at her, “I haven’t even got a chance to wear it yet.”

“Oh, stop complaining about it. That diamond dog wouldn’t let go of it and you were bleeding. Just be glad that the Timberwolf didn't completely take a bite out of you, or this conversation would be completely different. Just be glad that it’s all over now.”

I was grumbling to myself the rest of the way back while I started to feel a little lightheaded. I was admitted into Pony’s General. Once the doctors patched me up, they assigned me to one of the rooms. Rainbow stayed long enough to make sure that I would be alright and then took off. She said something about letting some pony called Twilight about what has happened to us. Derpy and the others thank us for saving them. But I was thanking Bulk for shooting that dog. It may not be a gun but it sure sounds like one when he hit it. Exclusive said he would be stopping by tomorrow to see how I was doing. He also said that he would have a new dress for me by then. How he can do that in one night amazes me. Maybe he has a spare in storage or something.

I fell asleep soon after. I didn't want to deal with anything else for the day. At least that was the idea before I was awakened by a group of loud voices.


“AHH!!! What’s going on here?? Who are all you ponies!!” I said clinging to the sheets of my bed next to my chest. There must be at least a dozen ponies in here. I have no idea what they want. That’s when Pinkie came into view.

“Why it’s your Welcome to Ponyville/Get better soon Party silly.”

“What kind of party can I have if I am bedridden for the whole thing? I appreciate the thought Pinkie. But don’t you think it would be better to wait until after I am released from the hospital first? Before throwing me a party?” I was smiling at her hoping she would take the idea and leave me alone for now.

“Hum…Ok, but can we still give you the gift we brought with us at least?”

“I guess… ok then show me what you ponies have gotten me.” At least some good happened today.

Why can't I just get a break?

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It’s morning now, around 8, if the view from my window is any indication. I am filled with the sense of relief of having a peaceful time waking up and not having to worry about my safety.

For once.

Not long after I woke up Pinkie returned with the ponies from last night and started the party all over again. I tried to reason with her that it was still too early for such things, but she insisted. Pinkie’s party was alright all things considered, however it ended rather quickly when my nurse Redheart came into the room. I found out her name when the ponies in the room suddenly turned around and said her name before running everywhere in a panic. I had no idea that ponies could clear out in such a small room so fast. I also remember seeing something funny though. During the chaos, about three or four ponies tried to escape through the same window next to my bed and got stuck until another one ran into them freeing them. It still cracks me up. As for the gift they brought me. Nurse Redheart let me keep them with me, but I did lose the cake. Something about it is not healthy for me right now. Dumb hospital rules, I want my cake.

The presents were moved over to the right of my bed and had to separate them into two piles ‘what I know and don’t know'. I wasn’t sure what to do with them, considering I had no idea how to use most of them with these hooves of mine. I mean how does a pony even brush themselves, without turning into a pretzel? On another note, remember the time when I said leaves were tasty. Well, I take that back. They are the worst thing to ever grow underneath the sun. This salad is horrible.

“Leave it to the hospitals to turn a tasty treat into last week's coleslaw,” I said pushing the tray away from me. “I am not eating this.” But then again there is not a trash can here. Weird. Where did they expect me to leave my trash then? I the corner somewhere? Or am I expected for Redheart to take care of that? At any rate, I can’t just leave this here. They will think I am neglecting my health by not eating right.

“What to do?” I then noticed that the window from the sudden escape earlier was still open. Making sure no pony was looking or nearby. I then toss my toxic waste outside while keeping the tray. I got the hang of using my hooves for strange tasks such as these, all I have to do is not think too hard about it and it will happen. But I still have trouble holding onto something when I want to. How in the world am I going to brush my hair then?


“AAAGGGHHH! It has got me!” Somepony outside screamed. I closed the window quickly before anything else happened. If anypony asks I was in the restroom the whole time. That’s my story and I am sticking to it.

Speaking of restrooms, I need to use one. But I can’t use one right now with the way my butt is right now. Where’s that nurse call button when you need it? Because I don’t see it anywhere. Oh well, at least the hospital staff can’t be that far away from my room.

“Hello! Nurse, Doc, Somepony! I need a little help over here!” It didn’t take long for Nurse Red Heart to show up.

“What seems to be the problem, Dearie?” She is a white pony with a light pink mane. She also has a little white hat on her head with a red cross on it. Cute. She seems to be a nice pony. I still have no idea why everypony ran away from her. But that is something else for another day. Maybe I should give her one of these gifts. But first things first.

“I need to use the restroom,” I said while squirming a little in my bed.

“OK then. One moment, while I go get your bedpan.” She said as she made her way to the closet nearby.

“Wait! Bedpans?! No way. Not happening." I am not going to use that. That is something only old people would use when they can’t get out of bed.

But she doesn't mean to be bothered by my statement and looks back at me, "Miss Jessica. Your injuries on your flank have made you incapable of using a restroom normally. It is far too difficult in your condition. Until your injuries recover more and as your nurse, I insist that you use this bedpan." She said as she brought the pan next to me.

I look at it before looking at her. "Do I have to?”

“If you need to go. Then yes.”

“Ok, then I guess if I have no choice then." I'm going to kill Rainbow once I get out of here! "I do need to go.”

"Okay give me a second to get your bedpan in position." I can’t believe I am going to have to use this. I was hoping for a modified version of a toilet, for me to use, not this. However, if there is one thing, I have learned in life is that you don’t argue with the one that is helping you. Or was it you don’t bite the hand that feeds you? I am not sure. Anyways I don’t care anymore because I need to go.

However, right in the middle of my private time. I get the feeling that this hospital is understaffed. Not because that Red Heart is the only nurse I have seen since I got here. Or the fact that this place is so quiet I could hear a pin drop. But I am sure that every hospital has a front desk person. You know the one who would be at the front desk of the hospital to greet everyone who is coming in or out of the hospital and lets you know when visiting hours are over. Who, in turn, would have told anypony who wanted to pay a visit. To wait and see if it's ok to visit.

They should have been the ones to tell Exclusive here, who so happens to walk into my room with no pony trying to stop him, to wait until the nurses are done helping the patients. Did I mention I was still using the bedpan when he came into my room? Because I still am! In fear and embarrassment, I let him know the errors of his ways with a pillow to the face.

“AH EXCLUSIVE A LITTLE PRIVACY!” I screamed while blushing like mad.

“SORRY!” he said with a quick U-turn out of the room with Nurse Red Heart Right behind him. She closes the door behind them as she eats Exclusive’s ear off in a calm way. Somehow it was more frightening than her yelling at him. I think I am beginning to understand why those ponies were in such a hurry to run away.

In any case, why don’t these rooms have locks on them?! “Oh, how embarrassing.” I groan to myself rubbing my face with my hooves. I hoped he didn’t see much. I am never going to be feeling safe using the bathroom again. Speaking of which, I might as well finish what I was doing. While relieving myself I saw something on the floor near the door. I am not sure if they are from Exclusive or from one of the party ponies earlier. Either way, I am left with a new thought in mind “I wonder what roses taste like?” I can see a dozen roses tied nicely in a yellow ribbon just lying there on the floor. Now that I am a pony it is only fair that I can try and eat roses instead of smelling them. Once I was done doing my duty. I decided to save Exclusive from my bodyguard. “Nurse Red Heart. I am done in here.”

“Okay, I will be right there. And YOU MR. Wait out here until I say otherwise UNDERSTAND!?” Whoa, now I feel sorry for Exclusive for getting on her bad side. Not really, he deserves it. Redheart closes the door behind her as she enters the room. “I must again apologize for the rude interruption earlier by that stallion. Nothing like this has ever happened before Miss.”

“Oh, it's ok he's a friend. Besides I don’t think he saw much anyway.”

“Regardless it is not polite to enter a mare’s room unannounced. Especially when she is in a compromising position as yourself.”

“Noted.” She helps me with cleaning my behind and taking my pan away. I always had respect for nurses. I could never do what they do daily without throwing up my whole shift. Once I was all clean up. I noticed that Exclusive was nowhere to be found. I guess after that little episode. He decided that now wasn't a good time to see me. Maybe he will come back lat- hold the phone. Am I looking forward to seeing that stallion again?! What is wrong with ME? There is no way that Jessica is falling for a pony. We just met. How can there be any chemistry between us? Oh, wait know how. I face hoofed. I forgot that my parents got married after their first date. So, whatever made that happen might have been transferred to me. Great. I am too easy for my good. Wait if that was the case how come I never had a boyfriend then?

Nothing exciting happened until two hours later. When somepony was knocking at the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Exclusive."

"Come on in." He had a smile on his face, but I met him with a frown. I knew what he was going to say so I decided to beat him to the punch.

“What happened earlier never happened Exclusive, so what do you want.” That seemed to surprise him before he decided to talk.

“I came to give you this.” He then levitates a small box towards me. “It’s a potion that’s help restore cut-off mane and tails to their formal glory.” He said as I opened the box revealing the blue liquid in a bottle.

I know most people would think this is a joke, or it's too good to be true and would refuse it right away. But when you wake up in a land of magical talking ponies you find out that you are one yourself. You just have to roll with it and believe that some things are just possible here. On that note, I am now convinced that I am no longer on earth anymore. Well with the colors of the forest, the Timberwolves, the unicorns, Pegasus, the laws of physics not working correctly. There is only so much one can justify before giving up. I am going to have to make do with my current situation and somehow some way find a way home. If that is even an option anymore.

Drinking the potion reminds me of grape juice. I felt a tingle on the backside of my neck, and where my tail would be. In less than a second, they came back like they never left. I give my new hair a quick brush over with my hooves. I am not sure if I should kill him for the horrible aftertaste or kiss him for giving me back my mane and tail. Wait did I just say kiss? Bad brain! Oh, what is wrong with me?!

“Thank you Exclusive.” I put the vail back in the box and he moves it to the side, “So how are you doing today.”

“The better question is how are you doing Miss Jessica?”

“Huh! What do you mean?” I said tilting my head.

He then makes his way to the side of my bed. “Well, you were ponynapped, bitten by a Timberwolf, and then sent to the hospital all in one day. I know I am not going to be feeling safe around my house again anytime soon. But I was just wondering if you are alright?” Well, at least he is honest.

“I am doing alright, even with everything that has happened so far.” I chucked a little at that.

“Indeed, that is very good. I can also see that the potion did its job as well.” He said gesturing to my now visible mane.

“Yes, it did but what about you? Didn’t you get one for yourself?” I said finally taking notice that he was wearing a blue cloak.

“Unfortunately, no. Zecora only had enough for one batch. So, I need to wait until she has a chance to get more supplies for one.” He said with a little sad tone of voice.

“Gee that must stink,” I said shaking my head. “By the way. How are the other ponies doing? You know the ones we rescued from the mine.”

“Well, most of them are doing alright. Derpy wanted to see you but had to go to work, unfortunately.”

“Oh well. At least they are all right now. By the way, whatever happened to Rainbow?”

“Ah yes, Rainbow. I haven’t seen them since she left us last night, but I do believe she went to see Twilight.” There’s that name again.

“Who is this Twilight I keep hearing about? Is she somepony important around here?” I would like to know. I hate being left in the dark. And I mean in both tenses.

“That’s right. You said you were from out of Ponyville. But I thought that everypony would have heard about Princess Twilight Sparkles, The Princess of Friendship.”


She's a WHAT!

"There’s a Real Princess here!” I didn’t think there was any form of government here, let alone royalty.

“Why yes, Twilight is a very nice mare, although she could use a stallion in her life. She’s always so busy saving somepony or researching something. She needs to get out more without working on something.”

“Sounds like she needs some friends. Wait didn’t you say she’s The Princess of Friendship? Why doesn’t she just make some friends that do a little paring now and then? That should do the trick.”

“That would make sense. If she hasn’t already done that. She's friends with Pinkie Pie, need I say more?”

“Well, I didn’t see that coming. And no, no you don’t. So, what does she do around here exactly? I don’t see her doing much from what you are telling me?” Besides making Friends.

“Well, you can ask her yourself later. I heard she was coming over later to see you.” He said taking a seat on the chair near the bed.

“See me? Why? Was it because of the Diamonds dogs or just to see how I was doing? Because I find it odd that somepony as important as Twilight would come to see me out of the blue like this."

“Probably the latter. She’s nice that way.”

I am starting to like her already, but…“So, do I need to bow to her when she comes in because I can’t do that right now,” I said gesturing to my flank.

“Probably not she’s not that formal of a Princess. Just talk to her like you would to anypony else.”

OK, now I like her. "Thanks for the advice Exclusive.” I was going to say more before some random stallion came into the room panting out of breath.

This one was orange with a blonde man wearing a cowboy hat and a brown vest. I am getting tired of all these interruptions. Before we could say anything, the stallion looked at my guest and said.

“Exclusive your House is on fire!”

Oh, come on! It is just one thing after another around here.

“What… but I… Pony feathers. Sorry, Jessica, but I got to go. Good luck with the princess. I will be back later.” And with that, I was all alone again. Great!

“Why can’t I just have a normal day?!” I said rubbing my hooves to my face.


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I am getting nervous now. It has been over an hour since Exclusive left to save his house. I hope Exclusive’s house is alright. It would be such a waste if they didn’t put out the fire in time. But I have my problems to worry about.

I know that Exclusive said to act naturally around the Princess when she's going to show up. But how do you even do that? I never met Royalty before and what did he expect me to act a certain way around her? Maybe I am just overthinking it and I just can’t calm down. After all, first impressions are always important when meeting new people regardless of who they are. And if I want to have any chance of getting back home. I have better get on her good side. If anypony would know where to start looking to find a way home, it would be her. After all information about other worlds can be considered classified, and only high officials or in this case, royalty would have access to it.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Hang on, somepony is at the door.

“Ah… hello anypony in there, may I come in?” Well, it’s not Nurse Red Heart. The voice is too quiet and timid. Could it be her?

“Yes, you may Miss.” Ok, let’s get a good look at this new pony. Poking her head through the door I can see a yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane.

“Hello there. Are you Jessica?” This has to be Twilight I mean she has the looks that scream ‘I am a princess’. Although the name doesn’t suit her though.

“Why yes, that would be me. And I heard that you wanted to see me.” Ok, it’s crunch time Jessica, don’t mess this up.

“Oh? I just wanted to make sure you were alright. After what I heard from Rainbow. Timberwolves bites can be very dangerous.” She said quietly.

“Yeah, I figured that much from my first encounter. So, what can I do for you today?” Easy now. Don’t panic. You are doing great so far.

She enters the room with a saddle bag on her back before she reaches in and pulls out some books, “Well, I brought you some books for you, so you have something to do while you are here.” I like her.

“Oh! That’s very thoughtful of you Princess.” Oh dear. That seems to have surprised her. I guess she doesn’t use her title that often… oops.

She had just put the books on my bed when she heard me, “Oh my…” she said to bring a hoof to her mouth.

“Sorry about that Twilight. I guess you don’t use your title that often.” Huh, now she looks like panicking. Not good I got to do something.

“Oh, but I not…”

Oh …ok she was just surprised that I knew who she was and now is just trying to be modest.

“Now I don’t want to hear it!” It’s time to help this pony out.

“Huh?” She said staring at me.

“You know, about not caring about your title. However, you were given a very good one, from what I have heard. So, don’t be embarrassed by it, embrace it for it’s a part of who you are.” Nailed it.

She looks around the room confused before settling back at me, “But...”

Oh no, you don’t. I am on a roll here Twilight! “No BUTS! Twilight!” I raised my hoof silencing her. I don’t care if there is going to be backlash from interrupting a royal pony. However, in my defense, Exclusive did say to treat her as I would anypony else. This has to be said, “If you don’t take pride in yourself and stand up for yourself then everypony will just walk all over you. Then you’ll never be able to enjoy being with your friends completely if you can’t even be comfortable with yourself.” Words of wisdom Ponies. Now for her other problem. “Let alone find a stallion for yourself.” Oh, now she's embarrassed.

Her eyes widen as she stares right at me, “HUH!?” I think I hit gold.

“You know what I am talking about girl. You want to find that somepony you can lean on to when you're weak. Who will always be by your side? That’s one Special Somepony who will be with you forever.” I think I am getting to her.

“Ooh my,” She has a faraway look in her eye, but I am not done yet.

“But first you need to find him, and you can’t do that being indoors all the time. You need to get out there. And once you find him grab hold of him and never let go.” Now to drive it home. “And to let him know that you are always his and he is always yours.” She leans in at this. “You must kiss as much as to your heart's content. Kiss him like it’s the last time you’ll ever get a chance to kiss him again. And …Huh!” Wow, I didn’t know pony coats could change color like that. Are they part chameleon or something?

“oh… my!” Uh maybe I went a little too far? She looks like a tomato now.

“Uh, Twilight… you okay there? You are looking a little red there.” I think I broke her. Okay, now I know that I broke her! She just fell over onto her side on the floor mumbling some like ‘kisses’ quietly to herself. I didn’t mean to break the Princess! Honest! I was just offering some friendly advice!

“NURSE HELP!” Oh, please don’t there be a penalty for breaking royalty.

Soon Red Heart came running into the room “What is the matter dearie… Goodness, what happened!” she said rushing to her side. “Fluttershy are you alright, can you hear me?” no response came from…hold on a second!

“Wait?! Fluttershy!” It was at that moment. I realized that I had goofed. “She not the… but I thought… I had no idea that she wasn’t Twilight.” I continue to lay there watching the scene in front of me.

Red Heart took Fluttershy to the coach nearby along with the roses, I can only hope she's alright. I didn’t mean to do that to her. I didn’t know she wouldn't be able to handle it. I thought she was the Princess ok. And who faints at the thoughts of kisses anyway? Then again if she was the real princess and then reacts the same way... I don’t want to think about it anymore!

Also, if there's one thing that I have learned during my time here. Is that somehow in some way everypony's name has something to do with that pony in one way or another? And with a name that ends with the word ‘shy’ along with her reaction only helps prove my claim. I can only imagine what’s she thinking right now. Poor girl, I am so sorry.

“Oh, goodness what have I done?! Please live Fluttershy."

My nurse looks at me funny, “Now don’t start going all Rarity on me, Jessica. She will be just fine. She just needs some time to calm down, but I might ask, how did this happen?” It would be best if I were to come in clean the whole way.

“I thought she was Twilight and gave her some advice about the importance of standing up for herself.” I then notice that I can see Fluttershy eating the roses from here. She must be stressed eating. I hope that she leaves some for me.

“That can’t be all of it.” Red Heart said wanting a more elaborate explanation.

“And I might have also told her to get a stallion for herself and that she can kiss him as much as she wanted to.” I was pulling my sheets closer to me as I said that. Red just nods understanding what happened before she faces hoofs.

“OK, now. That will do it.” She then pulls a hoof down her face. “And just what in Equestria were you thinking?! The word ‘shy’ is in her name for a reason you know!!” Uh oh, she's mad now!

“I wasn’t thinking. I thought she was the Princess and I had heard about how she needed some help in a certain field of life. So, I gave her some of my advice about Self-confidence and finding the right stallion. Please don’t hurt me!” I would like to see my next birthday.

“What with all the fuse going on around here… what the hay happened to Fluttershy!?” I turn to the door to see a new mare in the doorway.

This pony has a purple coat and mane with a pink highlight running through her mane and tail. Also, she seems to have both a horn and wings. I guess that’s how you can tell if they are royalty or not. Now I just feel silly for thinking Fluttershy was a Princess. In my defensive, she does look like one.

“Also, where did those roses come from, and can I have some?” Huh? Oh, right the roses. But first things first. I have to clear things up before I make a fool of myself again.

“Excuses me, Miss. Are you by any chance Twilight?” she turns to look at me to reply.

“Yes, I am, and you must be Jessica.” She said as Red Heart quietly left the room. Ok then, no need to let Twilight know what happened earlier.

“That’s what I have been going by for as long as I can remember,” I said with a wave of my hoof.

She rolls her eyes, “Right, so how are you doing today?”

“Okay. With all things considered.” I better get comfortable she seems to want to talk for a while.

"I can only imagine. Now then,” With a flash of her magic a pen and paper appear before her as she looks at it and then to me,” From what I heard. You, Exclusive, Rainbow, and some more ponies that were all pony-napped by some Diamond Dogs. All for the whole purpose of breeding. Correct?” she said while raising an eyebrow at the end.

“Yes, it was very odd, to say the least. Also, why are you asking me this? Didn’t Rainbow tell you already what happened?” tilting my head as I asked her.

Another flash of light and the paper and pen disappeared, “Yes, she did, but I would like to get your opinion on what happened. Maybe Rainbow missed something that would explain why they did what they did. For it isn’t common D.D. behavior.”


“Maybe they are just starting to use their heads,” I said raising both of my hooves in a shrug.

She lets out a nervous chuckle, “If they are they might become a problem for Pony Ville and even for all of Equestria. That's why I must find out as much as I can. So that this doesn’t become something we need to be worrying about later.” That makes sense, got to watch out for the safety of her subjects after all.

“If that’s the case you don’t have much to worry about them. They aren’t that bright and can get embarrassed very easily. After all, that’s how we got out of there in the first place.” I chuckled at the end remembering how easy it was to get those D.D. out of the room, “I think they still have twenty years before they become a threat to any pony.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” She replied with a sigh. "Now then. What did happen to Fluttershy?” She asked turning to face her. By now all the roses are gone. Nuts I wanted to try some.

There is no way I am not going to tell her that I did that to her. Maybe when I can run away on my own, I will tell her, but for now. “She slipped on the roses and hurt herself. So, Nurse Red Heart is letting her rest on the couch until she feels better.”

“Really?” she doesn’t look convinced.

“More or less, but Twilight I was wondering if you can help me with something?” It’s now or never. It’s time to break the ice.

“Oh, and what might that be?” she turns to look at me interested.

“Twilight have you ever heard of a creature named a human?” I simply asked.


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Pain that's all that I am feeling right now. I can feel it from the top of my brain to the bottom of my hooves. What happened? All I remember was talking to the Princess about humans and then nothing. But obviously, something did happen around that time because whatever I am lying on now isn’t a bed. It is cold smooth, and ruff and I can’t see anything. Why can’t I just do one thing without something else happening right in the middle of it? Wait something's on my face and stomach, oh and now I can feel something moving on top of me. Oh, please don’t let it be a giant bug!

“Ugh.” Oh yes, it’s not a bug! Wait a minute, somepony is on top of me. “Huh? I am alive. I am alive!” Wait that sounds like Exclusive. “Ground oh how I miss you!” I can hear the sounds of kissing. Which would be so bad. If I weren’t also feeling them on my belly!

“HAY! KNOCK IT OFF!” Oh, great I am blushing again. Can’t I wake up without him near me or something? As soon as he got off me, I could see again I could now conclude that it was indeed Exclusive kissing my belly. He looks so cute looking like a tomato… wait.

"Why are the filly’s trio here," I said noticing that they were with us, and Sweetie Belle was the one covering my eyes earlier. "Why are they…correction why are we covered in dirt and random debris?” Noticing myself and Exclusive condition, “And, where are we?" I looked around for a bit until I could see a familiar town. “Say. Isn’t that Pony Ville, way down there….” Something's wrong here. Why are we on a mountain?

“Yes, it is. Well, what’s left of it.” Apple Bloom said scratching her head.

She's not kidding. I can see the destruction from here. And there goes a house.

Backing up from the view I turn to the others. “Well then. Can somepony tell me what happened?”

“Oh, that’s right,” Sweetie Belle spoke up, “You were out the whole time.”

Applebloom looks confused, “But shouldn’t you know something? I mean, after all, it all started from your room.”

“What do you mean it started from my room? All I remember was talking to the princess and then waking up here. And why do I hurt all over?” I rub my shoulder, “What happened? And how did we all get here?

“Well, all I know is that it all started at the hospital.” Said, Sweetie Belle.

"You said that already." I deadpanned. “Tell me something that I don’t know.”

“Well, we were in town before Rainbow brought u... wait where is she!?” Exclusive said looking around.

“Over here guys she’s over here!” said Scootaloo.

We made our way over to where Scootaloo was pointing and could see Rainbow unconscious near a cave entrance. Oh, please don’t let this land have dragons. I hate dragons. They always kill me in those R.P.G.’s games. I am not looking forward to dealing with one I.R.L.

“Is she ok?” I said keeping an eye on the cave.

“I am not sure. I am no doctor, but I think she is just asleep.” Exclusive said while giving her a look over.

“Well, that’s a…”

We then heard a loud voice coming from Pony Ville. It was so loud it sounded like somepony was yelling next to us.


A shiver down all our spines after that, “Huh!” I turn to face the town before looking back at the other, “Was that Fluttershy!? OK, what did I miss? How long was I out?” I don’t know why, but I am scared. I can feel her rage from here. It feels as if she's out to get me!

“I might be able to shed some light on that.” Said Exclusive taking Rainbow inside the cave and putting her down near a wall.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Start talking!” I said following him and lying down next to the fillies. Oh, my everything. I shouldn’t be here right now; I should be in my comfy bed talking to the princess to find a way home. I just can’t wait to hear what happened this time.

Three hours ago, Exclusive's point of view

I left my house that morning to head on over to Zecora’s place to receive the mane regrow potion for Jessica.

Sweetie Belle asked, “Why did something happen to her mane? It looks fine to me.”

“Moving on!”

After I got the potion, I stopped by Sugar Cube Corner to order my usual. However, I had forgotten who else would be there when I walked through the front door.

“Hi Exclusive.” The hyperactive pink mare of doom herself Pinkie Pie.

“Ah! Pinkie!” Like always she appeared out of nowhere freighting me, but it didn’t stop there.

“Hi Exclusive.” Her cousin was in town.

“Wait, so what is wrong with that?” Jessica asked confused “It is just her cousin.”

Exclusive shakes his head slowly, “Berry is just as troublesome as Pinkie is.”

“Really? I find that hard to believe.”


“Ah! Berry, not you too! How many times do I …Wait a minute, what are you two up to?” I said eyeing them suspiciously.

“What do you mean?” Pinkie smiled innocently,

“Now don’t try and play innocent with me Pinkie. Whenever you two are together. You're up to something. Which is a Fact!”

“Oh, come on Exclusive. You're just overreacting!” Berry said,

“Oh really; must I remind you about the bathroom incident three weeks ago?”

“Oh, come on Dude that was not on purpose!” said Berry,

“Twilight hasn’t even looked at me since she saw me coming out of there!”

“Hay we said we were sorry it was supposed to be Sweetie Belle that saw you.”

“And that supposed to make me feel any better now?”

“Alright enough you two. But I was wondering Exclusive did you get some…”

“Hay, Exclusive how is this relevant?” asked Jessica,

“Sorry about that. Let me skip ahead a little.”

It was about thirty minutes before we got here. I have just saved most of my house and was making my way back to your room at the hospital. I was outside your room, and I could hear you talking to Twilight. When suddenly from inside the same room. I could hear the voice of a loud unhappy mare.

“WHY CAN’T I FIND SOMEPONY TO LOVE ME!” then there was a loud clang of something metal along with a scream. Rushing into the room I could see Fluttershy standing on her hind legs with her forelegs stretched above her head yelling into the heavens. I found Twilight clinging to the ceiling like the time she got scared by snakes, and as for you while you were unconscious with a bedpan near your head. Just be glad it was empty. That was when Fluttershy noticed me by the door scaring me with a mean look in her eye.

“YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE ME!” she said as she lungs at me.

I duck under her as she flies out of the room, and I close the door behind her. I then braced myself against the door once she started pounding on it. I then turn my attention towards the batty mare in the room.

“Twilight what is going on?!” I shouted towards her as Fluttershy continued to get the door open.

“I am not sure. One second I was talking to Jessica and the next she was unconscious with Fluttershy acting up for no reason.” She said coming down from the ceiling.

“LET ME IN!” Shouted Fluttershy.

“Not going to happen Miss Shy. Twilight what are we going to do about this?”

“I don’t know Exclusive. I just need some time to figure something out!”

I was having a hard time holding the door closed when all of a sudden it stopped. I got so confused by this that was until I could hear something flapping away.

Looking towards Twilight in disbelief, “There is no way that could have calmed her down.”

She then gasps, “The window!”

I rushed over to the window to hold it shut but was too late because she was already inside the room. She smiles at me with a predatory grin as I quickly back away from her. I only stopped when I ran into your bedside. Scared for my life; I was looking for any way out of that room. As I tried to reason with her, “Now Fluttershy, let’s talk about this for a moment.” She then slowly starts walking towards me. “We are both adults here I'm pretty sure we can come to an agreement that doesn’t involve any of us getting hurt,” I said shaking a leaf.

She lowers her eyes as she smiles at me sweetly, “Oh, you won’t get any trouble from me. Just some little T.L.C. Once I take you back home.”

“She said that!” Jessica said,

“Hay you are ruining the story!” The trio said hushing her up.

“Fluttershy stop this!” Twilight said taking a stand against her friend and moving in between us, stopping her advancement towards me. “This isn’t like you Fluttershy. Something is wrong with you, if you just let me help you, I can fix this.” She pleaded with her.

Fluttershy stops for a moment before touching her chin with a hoof in thought, “You know you're right; something is wrong Twilight.” She said getting next to her friend, before whispering in her ear. “You’re in my way.” Twilight didn’t know what hit her before it was too late. Out like a light, Twilight fell to the floor as Fluttershy turned her attention towards me again. “Now then.” She started walking towards me again as I backed away from her.

“Now, Now Fluttershy let’s not do something either one of us will regret later.” I then noticed that I had backed myself into a corner.

“Why didn’t you leave the room? Or use your magic?" Jessica asked.

“I was terrified ok. I wasn’t thinking straight. And stop interrupting!”

"Don’t worry I will take good care of you.” She said closing in for a kiss,

“A WHAT!” Everypony shouted.

Just before she could a voice came from the window, “Hey did you guys hear that shout just now!”

This causes Fluttershy to stop and look. We both could see Rainbow halfway inside the window. Her excitement was replaced with worry as she looked at us funny. “And what are you two doing?”

“Help me; Fluttershy has gone nuts,” I told Rainbow as I used her sudden arrival to leave the corner.

“Only Nuts over you. My Shmoopy-doopy.”

“What in the world is a Shmoopy-doopy!?” Jessica asked,

Rainbow looks at her friends confused, “What the hay did I miss here?”

“Now is not the time to be asking questions right now Rainbow.” Exclusive was fending off Fluttershy with a chair, “Now’s the time for action.”

“Yes, indeed my Kissy-Wissy Snuggy-Wuggy sugar bear.” Said Fluttershy with as much of her love as she could put into her voice. As she smacks the chair away before closing in on me.

“Gauh,” the cutie mark crusaders said as they stuck their tongues out.

“What is she even saying?” Jessica said scratching her head.

Sweat was going down my face as she got closer to me, “Ok, Fluttershy there are a few things wrong with that. One, I have no idea what you just said. Two, I am scared out of my life right now because of you, and three my Snuggy- sugar girl is currently knocked out.”

“WHAT!” Jessica shouted at me blushing.

“Can I please continue with my story without any more interruptions?”

I felt proud of what I said but then I realized I had just dun goofed by telling her that. For now, she has turned her attention toward Jessica with hatred and envy in her eyes.

“Oh, I am sure she won’t mind. If she does not know.” She said as she took a bedpan in her hoof. “ever.”

I then get between her and you.

“Now I know what you’re thinking Fluttershy, and I am going to tell you this. That is not going to happen while I am around.” I said putting my hoof on her chest to keep her away. Then I heard a battle cry.

“YYEEEAAAHHH!” Rainbow tackled Fluttershy and is wrestling with her.

“Get her out of here! I don’t know how long I can hold her!” Rainbow said while holding Fluttershy in a headlock.

“On it,” I said making my way to Jessica lifting her out of the bed with my magic.

“And why didn’t you use it on Fluttershy?” Jessica asked.

“I was panicking I forgot ok! Stop making me repeat myself.”

Anyway, I got us out of the hospital running as fast as I could before I ran into something. Or more like they ran into me causing me to drop you in the process.

“Now that I think about it. Why were you girls going that fast in the fast place anyways?”

“We were going to Sugar Cube Corner for their sale on cookies. Two dozen for four bits, we couldn’t have passed that up.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Anyway! What happens next?” asked Jessica,

“Oh…. What happened?” Applebloom said on top of Scootaloo, with her scooter nearby along with a tip over the wagon.

“My head.” Sweetie Belle had landed safely on Jessica, but Jessica had landed on me.

Once I regained my bearings, I lifted both of you off me, and put Sweetie Belle next to her friends, while I kept Jessica next to me. “Girls you need to get to safety now. It is not safe here Fluttershy’s…” I tried to warn them but was interrupted by a very familiar creepy voice.

“Fluttershy’s is looking for her Shmoopy-doo.” She said next to me causing me to jump away from her.

“Oh, no! Not again!” Applebloom exclaimed,

“Wait this has happened before!? What’s going on then?” Jessica asked,

“She was acting just like somepony under the effect of a love curse,” Scootaloo stated.

“OK, two things. One why would somepony make a love curse in the first place? And two, how do you three know what somepony would look and act like if they are under its influence.”

“We'll tell you later.” Applebloom quickly replied.

The girls and I did our best to keep away from Fluttershy, hiding everywhere, from closets to trash cans, but nothing worked. She wasn’t even letting the townsfolk or buildings get in her way. There was so much chaos and destruction that I thought Discord was the one causing it.”


“Jessica not now!”

As we continued to run for our lives, we then found Rainbow in a trash can headfirst. Once we had freed her we asked her to fly us out of town, but then Fluttershy found us again. Rainbow was getting ready to face her again, but then a magical purple beam hit Fluttershy followed by a ‘sorry’.

Twilight had woken up and was now confronting Fluttershy. Rainbow used that opportunity to get us out of there. However, she didn’t have a good hold on all of us and Sweetie Belle was thrashing all over the place, which caused Rainbow to lose control and crash into a cloud and the rest is history.

Jessica's point of view.

“Now that is quite the tale,” I said taking it all in. “But what are we going to do about Fluttershy now?”

“Wait I see her! She is heading this way!” Scootaloo called out from the cave entrance.

“Not good!” Applebloom said before panicking.

“We need more time.” Sweetie Belle before joining her friend.

“How did she get away from Twilight?” Exclusive said looking around for a place to hide.

“Ugh, what’s going on?” Rainbow said as Scootaloo ran over to her.

“Oh, great now she wakes up. No time to explain, just help us hide Exclusive Rainbow.” I then turned to the screaming fillies. “You girls follow our lead.” With no big rocks or dirt to hide behind, we did the next best thing I could think of. We all made a big pile of ponies in the farthest part of the cave to cover Exclusive and waited for Fluttershy’s arrival.

Wait Really

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Wait a minute; why didn’t I just tell Exclusive to teleport all of us away from here before Fluttershy shows up? That would have been a better idea than hiding in the back of a cave. Maybe if I hurry, I might be able to… nope out of time. Here she comes. I can see her coming near the entrance of the cave trying to find her victims. She lands quietly as she looks around. She notices our cave before slowly moving towards us. I can feel everypony around me shaking in fear. Hoping that she would not see us and go away. She stops in the darkness of the cave before calling out.

“H.. Hello is anypony here?” I am not sure if she was expecting an answer from her victims, but that was quickly an option I had no control over.

“No pony in here but our rocks.” Sweetie Belle replied quietly.

“SWEETIE BELLE!” the rest of us shouted.

Fluttershy made her way deeper into the cave. It didn’t take long for her eyes to adjust to the darkness before spotting us. “Oh, there you all are. I was wondering what happened to you all.” She moves to us before pausing as she notices the situation, we are currently in. “Oh, is everypony ok? Why are you all in a dog pile like that?” she asked tilting her head to the side.

“UH! No reason!” Scootaloo said shaking a little.

“OK then. Um, have any of you ponies seen Exclusive anywhere? There is something I got to say to him.” Oh, no you don’t you Vixen.

I then got out of the dog pile to confront the mare while limping a little on my way over. I just about have enough of this nonsense, and I will not sit around anymore and do nothing about it. I stop a foot away from her to give her a piece of my mind.

“Now just hold it right there, Missy! You are not going to say two cents to Exclusive; until I have given you a piece of my mind!” Stomping a hoof to drive my point in.

However, my ever-faithful companions prove that I need to get new friends, “Wouldn’t that hurt?” Rainbow said,

“It’s a metaphorical Rainbow!” I shouted at her.

“But Jessica,” Fluttershy tried to say.

I turn back to face her, “UGH! Enough with the ‘buts’ already Fluttershy. I have already told you about standing up for yourself. That includes your choice of words. And I know my advice wasn’t meant for you, but it still applies. Also, I am sorry for making you faint earlier but that’s not important right now.” Everypony else was getting comfortable as I continued to talk to her. “I can understand that you are in love with Exclusive, but you are doing it all wrong.” Fluttershy looks a bit worried now.

“Uh, Jessica?” she tried but I just ignored her.

“NO! You just sit there and listen." she sits. "You can’t just go running around chasing somepony just because you told them that you love them earlier. And then expect instant results when you do catch them. Love doesn’t work like that. It takes time for those kinds of feelings to grow. You can’t rush these things.”

It was around then that the others started to realize something wasn’t right here and started to talk amongst themselves.

“Wait didn’t we tell Jessica that Fluttershy was under the effects of a love curse?” Sweetie whispered to Exclusive.

“I don’t think she knows what that means. We better stop her before she makes a fool of herself.” Exclusive said turning his attention back to me as I continued my rant.

“And it doesn’t help that you were chasing us all around town as some sugar-craving pony would after a runaway donut.” I continued while the others were trying to get my attention Rainbow tried first.


“Not now Rainbow! I am busy at the moment whatever it is, it can wait.” I called over my shoulder, “And another thing, if you truly do have feelings for Exclusive, you should stop your advances. When you heard him say that he has his eyes for another mare.” I then notice that the others are looking a little worried for some reason. Maybe they have noticed something I didn’t? Naa…

“Uh, Jessica!” Exclusive tried but failed.

“In a minute! But no, you just let your feelings for him get the better of you. And then you cause all of this destruction and mayhem we are in right now. Enough is enough you can be better than this Fluttershy. But for right now I just got one thing to say to you Fluttershy.” I am in her face now.

“Jessica!” They tried again but it was too late to save me.

“Stay away from my stallion!” I shouted.

Silence, nopony dare to speak. Slowly the words of what I just said came to me as a blush appeared on my face. I then looked around the cave to see Exclusive embarrassed with a little red on his cheeks. Rainbow looks like she’s on the verge of having a laughing breakdown with Scootaloo right behind her. The others were picking up their jaws from the floor. Did I just say that? I am now officially a red mare no longer a white one.

After a moment of silence, Fluttershy decided now was the best time to talk.

“Uh, Jessica I was trying to tell you that Twilight found me earlier. And she put me in a magic sphere until she found out what was wrong with me. It turned out to be a modified version of the love curse that I had somehow eaten earlier. It only lasts for thirty minutes. So, she kept me inside the bubble until the effect wore off. I just came here to apologize for my earlier actions to you all.” She said in her quiet voice.

I was now backing away from her denying what I just said. “no, no, no…”

“Twilight is trying to calm down the ponies of Ponyville right now as we speak." Fluttershy continues. "And sent me here to apologize and to bring you all back.”

“no, no, no, No, No, No…” I said with my voice getting louder as I got to a wall stopping me.

“So, are you all ready to head back into town?” she asked.

“No, No, NO, NO, NO, NO!” It can’t be! I did not say that! I am not in love with a PONY!

“Oh really. That is fine we can just wait until you are ready.”

“Uh, Jessica are you ok there? You're turning a bit of red there.” Applebloom asked.

“And what do you mean ‘No’ Fluttershy just said it’s ok to head on back,” Scootaloo asked.

However, my ranting wasn’t stopping, and Rainbow was no longer looking like she was going to laugh. She was now looking annoyed with me and had a little twitch in her right eye. “ALL RIGHT ENOUGH OF THIS!” Rainbow shouted as she knocked me out.


I have no idea how long I was out for, but one thing is for certain: I was waking up to pain again! But if I am in pain then I didn’t die of embarrassment …Beep… IT! I opened my eyes to see that indeed Pinkie Pie was next to me with that infernal horn of hers. I can also see the rest of the ponies in the room: Red Heart, the three fillies, Fluttershy, Exclusive, Twilight, Dash, and Two Pinkies.

“Oh good, she's coming to. Jessica, can you hear me?” Twilight asked.

No, I will not deal with all of this now. “Out,” I said simply.

“Pardon?” she asked,

“Get out of here. All of you.” I just want to die in peace!

“Now, now Jessica calms down we were all just worried about you,” Twilight said gesturing to everypony in the room who also nodded in agreement. Well, at least they cared. But I didn’t.

“Okay. As you all can see I'm fine for now at least. I was just a little antsy with all that has happened to me.” Wait, I am wearing a gown? When did that happen?

“We understand Jessica," Rainbow spoke up. "I mean who can blame you? You’ve had more stuff happen to you in one day than anypony here has to deal with within a month.” Really?

“Well thank you everypony for your concern, but I really would like some time alone to calm myself, before anything else happens.”

“Are you sure that is what you want?” Exclusive asked,

Taking a deep breath, I calm myself down, “No, you are right. I have priorities first. Ok, I need everypony but Twilight to leave the room. I have a private matter that I would like to discuss with her.” That seemed to make everypony confused for a moment before Nurse Red Heart spoke up.

“You heard her, everypony out.” She said as everyone was making their way out except Exclusive for some reason.

“That means you too Exclusive,” I told him. He was about to say something, but I didn’t want to waste any more time. “I don’t care what you have to say right now. I said that this is private, and I mean it! We can talk about us later.” He seemed to have gotten the message and left. Why did I say us? I think I am going native. I got to get out of here soon.

After he left, I was going to tell Twilight my story, but I was having a funny feeling that some pony stuck around. So, I held up my hoof to her and moved it to motion her towards me. Once she was close, I whispered to her. “I think somepony is still here; just play along for a little bit,”

“The weather is quite lovely today; isn’t it Twilight,” I said making my way out of bed. My leg doesn’t bother me so much as my head. That was probably Rainbow’s doing.

She looked confused about what I was doing but decided to play along. “Why yes, it is quite lovely today despite what happened earlier.”

I made my way to the closet and opened it quickly “YAH!” I said while seeing a bat flying out towards the window. I have no idea why it was in there, but I need to check the rest of the room. I continued to walk around the room talking, “It would be a shame if something else happened to ruin it anymore,” I said getting into position near the door ready to strike, and then attack. “AH!” my battle cry was met with nothing. But I still wasn't convinced that we were alone yet. “However, if something would happen, I would prefer a light breeze.” I then noticed movement near the window. I used my hoof to let Twilight know as I made my way over.

“Yes, that would be nice. I like to feel the wind in my mane.” She said as I got next to it.

Before they knew what happened I attacked. “Hiya!” I then pulled in our guest who was caught off guard by my cunning moves.

“AH!” screamed Rainbow as she gathered herself off the floor.

“I thought I made it very clear that this was supposed to be a private chat Rainbow,” I said as Twilight stared in disbelief that my ingenious plan had worked. After she had left, I made my way back to the bed ready to tell Twilight my story. Hopefully without any more interruption.

“Ok now," I said getting comfortable. "Now that is out of the way let’s get down to business Twilight.”

“Lets. So, tell me, Jessica, why did you want to talk to me in private?”

“Well, the last time I tried to talk to somepony, I wound up being knocked out or ended up waking up on a mountaintop. So, you can understand my precautions so that it doesn’t happen again.”

“Yes, I can.” She said nodding in agreement.

“Anyways like I was trying to ask you earlier. What do you know about humans Twilight?”

She rolls her eyes, “Well for starters Lyra is crazy about them, and they don’t exist in Equestria. Why.” Equestria must be the name of this land. And she said that they don’t exist here. That means she knows of them. Perfect. That makes things easier. Now to get her help.

“Now before you think I am crazy just hear me out please.” She nodded “I am a human.”

She snorted in a laugh “Good one.”

I wasn’t expecting that reaction from her, but then again how could I blame her? I mean for crying out loud I look no different from any other pony here. This won’t do, “No Twilight I am being serious here.”

“Uh, huh.” She then made a scroll appeared before her. “This makes this case number 145.”

Case number WHAT, “What is that?”

She looks at me with disinterest, “How many times have I had somepony tell me they are a human so that I can send them to their home world this year? Who so happens to be a Pony that just wanted to go see real humans?”

“WHAT!” I screamed, “That means you have a way to the human world. And a way to send me back home. Twilight you got to help me!

Her expression didn’t change, “Look Jessica if that is your real name. I can’t just keep sending random ponies to the human world. Do you know what would happen if that keeps happening? There will be so many ponies in the human world that I would have no idea how to find them again. I was just lucky on the first batch of fakes and got them back here before they caused the human world to be aware of our existence. I am not sending you to the Human world. End of story.”

I then grab her hoof begging. “Please, Twilight you have got to believe me. I can’t live the rest of my life as a pony. I can’t live with myself if I can only eat veggies for the rest of my life. I need a hamburger in my life!”

Twilight just looks at me like she is looking at a weirdo. “And what is wrong with eating veggies for life? I mean you are...”

I had enough of this as I shouted at her point blank. “NO, I AM NOT A PONY! I WASN’T BORN A PONY! I AM A HUMAN BEING!” Twilight rubbed her ears.

“Ow please, Jessica calms down,” Twilight said taking her hoof back.

“Calm down? Calm down! How can I calm down, when the only way home is kept secret from me by a pony who won’t help me!”

“Ok, Jessica. Let’s say I believe you. Then why don’t you start from the beginning, please? How did you get here?”

“I have no idea how I got here. One minute I was home napping on my couch after work. And the next thing I knew I was here, running for my life by some dog made of wood. I then had to wait for morning in a tree before it left me alone.” She looks interested in my story and… wait… is she writing this down? Never mind I got a story to tell. “Once I got to Ponyville things got even more strange when I met Pinkie then Rainbow then Exclusive then running into the Cutie Marks Crusaders at the spa." Then a thought just occurred to me. "By the way Twilight, what is a Cutie Mark?”

She stops her writing and looks at me with confusion, “Huh,”

“A Cutie Mark. I remember the fillies talking about it, but I have no idea what it is.”

“What are you talking about? How can you not know was a cutie mark is? I mean it is right there on you-” She stops her rant when I lift my gown to show her my flank. They were blank. She opens and closes her mouth a few times staring at my butt. I didn’t think that a Cutie Mark was a big deal, but I am glad that it was. Hopefully, she will that this seriously now. “What?” she moves to get a closer look which I found unnerving. She then uses her magic to bring a damp cloth to my flank and wipes a little. I guess she is just making sure. “But how?” She turns to face me, “How can you be an adult without having your cutie mark yet!?”

“It is because I am a human and never had a tattoo on my butt before. So, I have no idea what a Cutie Mark is which is why I am asking in the first place!”

She seems taken back for a moment, “Oh. Well, a Cutie Mark is a mark that appears on a pony’s flanks when they find out their Special talent. Everypony has them when they are an adult.” Wait...what?

“Wait! You mean those Tattoos on everypony’s butt aren’t tattoos but it’s just something that appears on their butts with magic!” At least that's what I am gathering here.

“Well, I don’t know what a tattoo is, but yes. A cutie mark is a natural thing around here. See my cutie mark is a constellation of stars that means magic.” She said showing me hers.

“Oh, that is neat. Wait we are getting sidetracked. Anyways after that Exclusive took me to his house to see if he could help me, However, before I could ask him the Diamond Dogs got us and the rest you already know.”

Twilight nods at this before she finishes writing on her scroll and puts it away. “That’s quite the story you have got there. I know what you said about meeting Pinkie and the others is true. And your argument that you are a human-turn pony without a cutie mark is solid. I am still not yet convinced that you are who you say you are.” she said pointing her hoof at me.

“Well, I am not making it up Twilight. Just pull up my record and you will see that I just show up out of nowhere. No family, no working history, no nothing. And before you ask, I am not a changeling whatever that is, but I am not that. I am no threat to anypony, well not intentionally. But Twilight. Please promise me that you hear me out and believe that what I am telling is the truth and let me go home.” I pleaded with her.

Then she causes another scroll to appear before her “Hum ok, I will give it some thought then.” she wrote down something on the scroll. “However, if I find out you are lying, we are going to have a lot to discuss Jessica.”

“Thank you!”

Here we go

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Finally, after all, that has happened to me, I am going home! I can return to the life I once had. Oh, I can wait to be back in my own room, my parrot, my car, my nosey neighbors, my rude job, my…. you know now that I think about it. I don’t really have much waiting for me back home. No one would be looking for me since I was already going on a vacation before I came here. However there still the problem of find the way home. I hope Twilight will help me out, but she has her reasons.

But what concerns me is the way Twilight reacted to my statement about humans. She said that other ponies had tried to get to see the humans. Which only furthers the idea that ‘I don’t think I am in Kansas anymore’. (Well Dallas for me). At least Dorthey stayed being human when she went to OZ. Me? I got transformed into a pony! Whoever brought me here could have at least given me wings or a horn. Then things wouldn’t have been so bad. But NNooo I got stuck being a plain pony when others can fly or do magic. If there is any trade off. I would say is that I am sturdier(kind of), and healer faster than I would have been if I was a human. Yay, Lucky me. If I had magic maybe I wouldn’t need to rely on others as much as I do now. Like for example, I could have saved my butt from ending up in the Hospital! Needless to say, it would have been fun, but for now, I can only wait until the princess returns with her answer.

She left about an hour ago when Nurse Red Heart came to check up on me. She informed me that I am recovering very well, however she did tell me that due to my injuries I will always walk with a limp in my step. She said that the attack had done some damage to some nerves which control my left hind leg. She did say that there is a treatment for nerve damage, but she didn’t recommend it on a count of how expensive it is. I may not know what their form of currency is here, but 150,000 bits sounds expensive in any form of money. Not to mention that I am broke right now. Which reminds me, who is paying for my hospital bill anyway? I am going to have to ask her that when she comes back. Hopefully, they have some form of a payment plan.

However, before she left, she gave me some pills which would help with the healing process, but they would make me drowsy. I decided that now would be as good as any time to catch some z’s. Stretching until I heard some satisfying pops, I relax on my bed closing my eyes for a peaceful afternoon nap.

“Hi, Jessica!” I suddenly heard out of nowhere.

This causes me to stir from my nap to see who it is. I am not sure, but I think it is Pinkie Pie and Rainbow. On the count that I can only see a big pink blur and a blue bur with some other colors on it.

“Wha… what do you want?” I tried to say.

“Oh, nothing too much. Just coming by to see how you are doing Jessica” said the blue one.

“Oh. that’s nice of you.”

“Of course, it is. I mean what kind of friends would we be if we didn’t.” said the pink one but she was starting to sound far way now. I wonder if I can stay up long enough to hear what else these two were planning on doing. But I am fading fast.

Ten minutes later Nurse Red Heart point of view.

“Now Miss Hooves, all you need to do is take one of these pills every day for a week. And make sure you take them before you have breakfast. And you should be rid of your cold by then.” I told Derpy as I gave her some pills.

She smiles at me, but she then releases a huge sneeze before she could say anything, which in turn send her out the window. It was a good thing I put her near an open window. The last time this happen we lost a wall in the clinic.

“Have a good day Miss Hooves!” I called out to her as I straighten my mane from her sneeze.

Ok now, she was the last pony here. I better check up on the other patients in my wing then. It’s a good thing that there are only two ponies here. So, I don’t have to be running from one end of the hospital to the other just to see if a patient is asleep. Don’t get me wrong I love my job, but you try going back and forth between rooms all day and not enjoy a moment of peace.

“Let’s see here: room 1 empty, room 2 empty, room 3 empty, Big Mac leaving his room at room 5, roo- wait!” I then got in front of the stallion stopping him in his tracks. “And just where do you think, you are going?” he’s looking at me like I caught him with his hoof in the cookie jar.

“Uh, Home?” well at least he is honest about his intentions.

“No! You are going right back in there Mr. The last time you got your back hurt it wasn’t too bad. But now you really have done it. So, you are staying here until the doctor deems you ok to leave.”


“Enope!” I then start poking him back in his room as I continue. “Get, Back, In. There.” He looks a little scared, which I find is satisfying knowing that I can intimidate such a large stallion as Big Mac. “Before I make sure your stay here is for much longer than expected.” I finish telling him.

That did it as he made his way back into his room. Sometimes a little force can get patients to listen to you, but I try my best to avoid using it as much as possible. It is not very lady like. Well, at least nothing else can go wrong.

“And then I was like Blue Berry, but Raspberry is better, but then Blue Berry is also tasty. So…” I heard a voice nearby saying.

I then turned my head towards the talking pony. It seems to be coming from Jessica’s room. But that sounds like Pinkie, now why would she… Wait! What is she doing interrupting patients who are trying to get some sleep?

I rush into the room to see Pinkie Pie talking one hundred words a minute. I can also see Rainbow Dash in here, but she has earplugs in her ears (Which she took off once seeing me). As for Jessica, thankfully she's still asleep. I have no idea why these girls are here, but I will not stand for this.

“Miss Pie!” I said loud enough to get her attention. “I must ask you and Miss Dash to leave. Jessica is trying to sleep right now, and I don’t want you two to disturb her anymore.” Then Rainbow looks surprised for some reason.

“Wait! what? She's asleep?” Rainbow said then turn to look at Jessica to see that she was indeed asleep.

“Yes, she is Miss Dash. I gave her some pills to help her sleep earlier. So, I must ask you two again to leave her alone until she wakes up.” I have no idea why Miss Dash face is acting like that. Maybe she’s coming down with something.

“But...I was….and she’s…ponyfeathers.” She said dropping her head and leaving the room with Pinkie.

I have no idea what that was about, but I am going to have a chat with the medical board this week. About hiring some security guards for this hospital, so that they can put a stop to anymore interruption of patient’s rest and to make sure no more patients try to escape... err I mean leave before they are ready to.

“I knew getting rid of the front desk pony was a bad idea,” I said as I was checking on Jessica. “But noo they thought, they need some more bits on bandages then Pony Resources Department.” Oh, no it looks like she is waking up. Oh, my bad.

“NO, LEAVE ME ALONE MR. GUMMY BEAR!” she screamed bolting up to get on her hooves.

“Huh!” she then turns her head towards me and grabs me by my face bringing it to hers.

“They are not harmless candies we think they are.” She continues as she strikes a pose with her hoof towards the ceiling still hanging onto me. “We are in fact at war with them. They must be eaten!” she said.

Jessica point of view:

“Excuses me, Miss. But what are you talking about?” asked Red Heart.

“Huh?” Oh, it was only a dream. Thank goodness. Now I just feel silly as I let her go as I sat on my bed. I am not going to be able to look at candy the same way for a while. “Ah, nothing. Just a bad dream.” I really need to think before I act. That was so embarrassing I am glad only Red saw it.

“If you say so Miss, but I would recommend that you don’t try to fight anymore Gummy bears for a while. At least until your flank has had more time to heal at least.”

“Speaking of which. How long will it take before my Bu..err...Flank is any better? You know to the point where I can walk on my own again?” Also, so I can know when the best time would be to head home once Twilight has given me the ok.

“I would give you around a week; before then I would recommend to only move if needed to otherwise, I would just stay lying down.” She said with a smile.

“That's great.” Not! I still have to go home. “Ok then, but will I need to go back to sleep again?” I don’t want to, but you can’t argue with the doc…err nurse.

“That would be for the best for now, but I can’t give you anymore pills right now. So, try and get some sleep if you can.” Oh well.

“Alright then see you later.”

“Later Dearie.” I wonder why she calls me that but it’s not important right now. Right now, is the time to see what kind of books Fluttershy brought me earlier are. Huuum Daring do and…

Then I can hear Red Heart talking to somepony outside. “She’s trying to get some rest girls to please and try not to agitate her.” Huh, who’s out there? I lifted my head to see the door opens and see the little trio again entering my room.

“OH, hello girls what can I do for you today?” Please let it not be trying to help me.

“Well we didn’t get a chance to talk to you earlier, so here we are,” said Applebloom.

“By the way what were you talking to Twilight about anyways?” asked Scootaloo

“It’s not important. I just asked her for a favor that’s all.” Hopefully, they will buy that.

“Oh, ok.” It a good thing these ponies aren’t that smart.

“And we were curious about what you do Miss.” Sweet Belle asked, “It’s not that often we get to see a new pony coming into Ponyville.” Oh, curious little ones, aren’t they?

Ok now, how do I tell them that I am an employee of a Mac Donald’s without scaring them or getting them to run out of the room? I know ponies don’t eat meat, but there was that one time that I saw a horse eat some scorpions off that man’s face in that movie. What was it again the Lone Star? No, the Lone Ranger? What was it again? Anyways, the fewer ponies that know about me the better. Wait I got it. “Well, I work at a restaurant back home. I am just here on a vacation.”

“Oh, like a Hay burger?” Huh! Really, there’s something called that here!

“Uh yes. I work at a Hay burger.” Got to have something to go by.

“But then, why would you come to Ponyville for a vacation. I mean no offense guys but Ponyville isn’t known for its peaceful days here.” Applebloom stated.

“None taken. But Applebloom does have a point though. Why would you come here for a vacation? Wouldn’t going to Las Pegasus be better instead?” Not good; got to think fast.

“Well, I got sidetracked here when the Diamond Dogs caught me. Then I got bitten then you girls know the rest.” That was close. Thank you, brain.

‘You’re welcome.’ Who said that?

“Oh, I hope you can still enjoy your vacation.” Said Scootaloo.

Huh! Oh, right I am talking to fillies. “I will be all right.” I just need to get out of here. What was that earlier? Did my brain just talk back to me?

“Are you in love with Exclusive?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Huh! What? Where did that come from?” I said as a blush came to my face.

“From the cave. You told Fluttershy to ‘Stay away from my stallion’ remember?”

“I…I… was…”

“Yeah! I remember too, you say something like that. Did you mean it?” said Scootaloo

“Is Exclusive your special somepony?” went Applebloom.

They're all gaining up on me. It is a pack of wolf’s, and I am the main course. What do I do? What do I do? I have no idea how to answer them. Then I heard another voice coming from the doorway.

“Miss Jessica are you wake?” it’s Him! Also, why would you ask some pony if they are awake before you come to see if they are asleep? It makes no sense.

“She is and we are asking her if she’s your special somepony cous.” Sweetie Belle told him.

Wait what they are related? How did I miss that?

A small blush crosses his face before he smiles gently at her, “Now Sweetie Belle that’s not something you ask somepony out of the blue like that.” My savior. What! Where did that come from? “I mean what would Rarity say if she heard you ask something like that if she was here right now?” he asked

“Probably something like ‘Oh my, why Sweetie Belle that’s not very lady like’” she said in a mocking high-class voice.

“Ha, ha probably, but still Sweetie Belle. You shouldn’t say something like that without knowing all the facts first.”

“But how will I know if I don’t ask one of you. Also, I do have facts but I need to make sure they are correct so that is why I am asking in the first place. I was there when she told Fluttershy to stay away from you remember.” She continued

We both blush remembering that. Yeah that was in the moment kind of thing, “I was there too Sweetie. Speaking of which, can you girls give us a moment alone please?”

“Aw but why? We just got here.” Applebloom said.

“I need to talk to Jessica for a moment. But it is grown up stuff you all wouldn’t like it. Unless you all are interested in hearing how to tell the difference between the color Fuscia and Magenta.” He said.

“NOPE! see you later,” they said in unison as they made a mad dash for the door closing it on their way out.

“That was easy,” I said.

Exclusive then lifted his hoof at me. He waited for three seconds before he opens the door with his magic. Reviving three fillies on top of each other with their ears to where the door was earlier. Once they were discovered they made a break for it. That was funny, but now I have to deal with him. And that’s something I am not ready for. “And what did you want to talk about Exclusive?” I asked him like I didn’t know.

“I want to talk about us.”


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To be honest. I knew that this was going to happen eventually. I am not surprise that he would want to talk about us. Expectedly when I kind of did an open-air love confession to him earlier. After closing the door, Exclusive made his way to the right side of my bed. Take a deep breath, I begin the conversation while not trying to look at him.

“What is there talk about Exclusive? I mean, we just meet less than two days ago. And now that I think about it. With all that has happened so far; I should consider myself lucky to still be alive.”

Exclusive had a calm and gentle look, “Go on,”

I start rubbing my hooves over each other. “I mean I don’t even think we are friends.” I have no idea why I am acting like this. Maybe it is because I never had to deal with this kind of thing before, “We feel more like acquaintances than anything else.” I look up to him, “Are we even friends?” I had to make sure.

He nods while smiling at me, “Yes, we are Jessica. Good ones at that.” I can feel the heat in my checks when he said that. I look away from him.

“Please stop doing that.”

“Doing what?”

I couldn’t look at him. I can’t. “Being you. We have only meet and are barely friends. And I know you are the one paying for my medical bills; otherwise I wouldn’t still be here. Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Why not?”

“Because I am not worth it. I am just a girl who wonder into your shop with nothing but a torn-up sweater to her name. I have no way of paying you back for all your kindness and generosity. So please stop. Let me be. That way we can still be friends.” Why am I saying all this to him? Do I ready care about him? Before I know it, I could feel something grabbing my hoof. Causing me to freeze at contact.

“But that is the thing Jessica. I don’t want to be ‘just friends’ with you.”

Looking back at him I got very flustered, “Oh! But don’t you think you are moving a little bit fast there Exclusive?”

“I can’t help it Jessica. Every time I see you. When I look at you my heart skips a beat. I am overwhelmed with the desire; to give you everything this world has to offer. Because to me Jessica; you are my world.” He said very lovingly as he brushes the side of cheek with his hoof and gently squeezes my hoof in his other.

“Uh, that’s nice.” Did my heart just skip a beat?!

“Nice has nothing to do with it. Jessica, you are funny, smart, and gorgeous. Any stallion in their right mind would be a fool for not noticing you walking by,” Oh! Quite the sweet talker anti he. “All the mares in Equestria can’t even hold a candle to your beauty. Try as they may for all their life. They can only stare in envy of what they can never have; your beauty.” He said looking into my eyes.

“Uh...” Hay face why are you betraying me? Stop with the blushing! And brain think of something better to say!

“Jessica not only are you beautiful on the outside, but you are more so on the inside. That is why I can’t be your friend Jessica, I want to be your special somepony,” Oh dear.

“Exclusive,” Did I just gulp? And why did I say his name like that! “I don’t know what to say. I am flatter for sure. But I don’t feel the same way for you.” I lied; I am definity feeling something between us. “I need you to understand. I never had to deal with somepony like you before or having some much happen to me in such a short period of time. I need more time to rest and gather up my thought on my next move. However as for us, I think I just want to be friends.” I as I looked away from him. I could hear a sigh.

“I understand Jessica. If that is what you want, then I will stop my advances towards you.”

“Yes, it is what I want.” Why I am feeling so sad about this? Do I really have feelings for Exclusive?

“However, there is something I want you to know.” He said turning my face to look at him again,

“And that would be?”

“I am a very patient pony. When you feel ready, I will be there waiting for you.” Exclusive said as he smiles at me before he leans down and kisses my hoof.

Before I could say anything somepony else nearby decide to make themselves known. “Aww”

We then turn our head to see the new pony in the room. I can see a very familiar looking mare sporting her signature rainbow colored mane. Grinning at us, as she is sitting on the windowsill.

Oh, why would you look at that. Her mane and tail are back, but they don’t look like her style though. I better help her out with that. I then put on my smiling face before putting my plan into action.

“Congratulation Miss Dash, you have just won a prize!” that seem to have gotten her attention.

“Huh! Really?” she said excited.

I grab the old box exclusive gave me earlier along with a walking stick one of the ponies gave me for a present, and then start to limp on over to her. “Why yes Miss Dash.” Almost there. “I am surprise that you have never heard about it before now.” She is in range.

“Oh, really? So, what did I win?” Impact in Three,

“It is right here in this box” Two,

I handed her the box. She opens it with a smile on her face, but it then leaves as she see nothing; also, One,

“There nothing in here Ow! Hay!” she said as I whacked her on the head with my cane.

“Rainbow Dash, I want you to meet my little friend, Moe. Moe this is Rainbow’s HEAD.” I said continuing my onslaught.

“Hay knock it Ow!” Direct hit. “I said Ow!” I know you did. “Stop Ow!” Oh! I bop her on the nose! Two points! “Give me that!” she said getting into the room now trying to get Moe from me.

I lean back away from her in a mocking gasp as I hold Moe close, “Why Rainbow, you would dare try to take away an injure pony’s walking stick. Shame on you.” She stops for moment to try to make sense of what she is doing before she shakes her head.

“Now cut that out. This is nothing like that. We all know that I am just Ow!” Focus Rainbow. I was going to get her again but was suddenly unable to move, and I was being lifted into the air. I turn my head to see that I was being pulled back to my bed; all the while Exclusive’s horn was glowing.

“Now that is quiet enough of that Jessica.”

“No fair, I wasn’t done with her yet.” I tried to throw Moe at Rainbow one last time, but Exclusive stop it from even getting close to her. You know magic can be cool and all, but sometimes it can be annoying.

“I think she gets the idea Jessica. Right Rainbow?” Exclusive said as he puts my walking stick in the corner and puts me on my bed.

Rainbow is rubbing her head as she tries to clear up her thought before speaking.

“Oh, course I get it.” Yeah right. Three, two, one… “What do I need to get for you again?” Called it

“Nothing, Rainbow. Just please promise me that you will no longer to try to tease Jessica anymore.” He turns to face me, “And Jessica, I need you to also to stop any more of these pointless fights with Rainbow before it gets out of hoof.”

“But she...”

“No, I need you two Pinkie promise not stop this.” A what promise? Whatever it is Rainbow doesn’t look very happy about it.

“What! But...”

“Look let’s just stop this needless fighting before somepony really get hurt.” He said firmly, “And to do that I am going to need the both of you to Pinkie promise to stop acting like fouls.” Acting like a what now?

“Oh, oh alright.” Rainbow said. Great now it is two against one.

“Fine. But before we promise not to fight each other again.” I got a glare from her. “Can somepony explain to the new pony in town what in the world a ‘Pinkie promise’ is?”

“Oh, right it goes ‘Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.’” Exclusive explains. Is he serous right now? That sounds like something a child would say. Maybe that is why it is called a Pinkie promise.

“That’s sure is a weird way of promising something, but how will that work for Rainbow?”

“What do you mean?”

“Want I mean is that she’s already a Pegasus. So, she can already fly.” I stated,

“It’ll work either way!” said a voice to my left

“AAHH!” I screamed and then turning to see who was the ‘wise pony’. Its turnout to be Pony Ville favorite overly hyper pink pony. “Pinkie! You are going to give me a heart attack!” I said while holding my heart with my hooves.

“Oh really! In that case, it’s a good thing I have these shock pads on me.” She said pulling out a defibrillator out of her mane. I can see the electricity flowing through the pads indicating that they were charge and ready. Oh no! “Clear!”

“WAIT!” We all screamed but it was too late. Oh, so this is what it feels like to be shock with 1000 volts of electricity coursing through your body…. shocking.

Exclusive point of view

I can see the love of my life shaking as her mane and coat are standing on end. As she gets quite that shock of her life. I use my magic to pull Pinkie and the pads away from Jessica which causes her to fall back onto her bed. And it might have been my imagination by I thought for sure I saw her eyes making an ‘x’ symbol on them before she passes out on the bed.

“What were you thinking!” I said as I moved Pinkie over to Rainbow.

“But she said she was going to have a heart attack!” Pinkie said.

“She was being sarcastic Pinkie.”

“Oooh. But why would she say something like that? I never understand why ponies would talk like that. That kind of talking makes less sense than me.”

“Never mind that for now. Rainbow please go and find somepony here that can help Jessica.”

“On it.” She said as she zoomed out of the room.

“And Pinkie.”


“Don’t do anything.”

“Aww.” She said while I went to see if Jessica was alright.

She seems ok but is twitching every now and then. I use my magic to get rid of any excessive electricity form her body. Thank you, Twilight, for that one. Once she had stop twitching, I use my hoof to shake her arm to see if she would wake up.

“Jessica, Jessica can you hear me?” I can see her eye lids moving a little but nothing else happen.


“Jessica, are you alright?”

Inside Jessica Dream realm

“You know Max. I know they say the customer is always right, but I beg to differ.” I said to my pet parrot Max while he was eating his cracker. “I mean are they trying to make me lose it. Why in the world would you order an ice-cream cake form a restaurant that sells only fast-food meals that are hot!” I sat down on my chair rubbing my head as Max squawks at me.

“Who do they think we are Dairy Queen?!” I shouted to the ceiling raising my arms, before letting them fall to my side. I let out a sigh as I continue my rant. “And to make matters worse, those annoying people are organized I tell you. They have their own little system of how to annoy the heck out of me and my fellow employees.” I got up to go to the fridge. “Maybe I should consider going somewhere else for a job. Yeah that should do it. But the question is where am I going to go?” I said opening a can of coca cola.

“AW come on Jessica, where is the fun in that?” said my roommate who just enter the room in her green Pj’s with her hair undone. “It just some harmless fun. They will stop once it’s not funny anymore. I know I would.” She joins me at the fridge to also get a soda.

“That is easy for you to say Lilly. You have a job where you can beat someone up who get out of line. You don’t have to deal with not being able to do something about it every single shift.” I said while drinking my cola. “And how many times do I need to tell you to not interrupt my monologue moments?”

“Oh, just about every time you have one. But that is not important right now.” She said leaning on the wall near Max’s cage.

“Oh, and what do you have for me this time Lilly.” I said as I took a bite out of a left-over burger before closing the fridge. “And it better has nothing to do with the kitchen stove.” I said turning to face her as she looks offend.

“Hay it wasn’t that bad, and it was only one cupcake!”

“You set fire to it and almost burn down the kitchen. WITH AN ELECTRIC STOVE! How did you even do set fire to one! It doesn’t make any sense!” I told her as I toss away my empty can. She gives a small smile as she remembers it.

“Hay, at least no one was hurt. And I did pay for the damages didn’t I. What more do you want form me?”

“Well for one thing. For you to stay away from the stove… forever. And… Wait didn’t you have something to say again?”

“Oh right. We need to get you ready for your date with Mathew tonight.” She said happily as she claps here hands together. I drop my burger as a moment of realization came to me. “Aren’t you excited. This maybe to one and then you can move out of here with him. And then I am going to have to look for a new roommate. And every once and a while we can hang out and catch up.”

“Wh... whh...”

“You ok there girl?”

“WHAT!” I screamed as I ran into my room closing the door behind me. I can hear Lilly calling out to me through the door.

“Hay what is wrong Jessica? Wait a minute. You forgot didn’t you!” Silence was my only answer to her. “Oh, Come on girl. Why do you want me to set you with these guys; if you don’t even remember that you are going on a date with one of them?” she said as I fell down on my butt trying to get my pants off.

“Wait was Mathew the French chief or was he the Artist?” I shouted through the door.

“Oh, come on Jessica really? Why do I…” There was a knock at the Front door.

There was a moment of silence before I asked Lilly an important question.

“Lilly, what Time is it?”

“Uh? A quarter past seven.”

“Not good. Lilly, I need you to stall him for minute!” I said putting on my favorite blouse and trying to find a matching pair of heels in this mess.

“On it.” She said as I tripped over my discarded jeans onto the bed.

It took a turned over bed, two chairs and a crack mirror, but I did it. I am ready for him. Once I open the door, I started looking for him in the restaurant, but then I realize I forgot what he looked like. Well this is just perfect. Now I am just going to have to wait for him to notice me before I can find him.

After a couple a minutes later, a cute guy is trying to get my attention over at one of the booths, by waving his hand. A smile comes to my face as I made my way over. Once I was close enough to talk to him someone got in my way. It was Pinkie Pie. She is still a pony and she is standing on her hind legs with her foreleg against my belly.

“Hi Jessica, where are you going?” she asked

“Uh, to my date over there?” I said point to the young man.

“Nope, you can’t do that.” She said as she got back on all fours.

“And why may I ask.”

“Because you still haven’t had your ‘get well party’ yet silly.” She said

“But Pinkie I thought you already gave me one.” I then started to hear more hooves steps nearby. As I looked around the restaurant, I can see that she wasn’t alone. Soon the restaurant started to fill up with more Pinkie Pie’s coming out form everywhere.

“But we are all looking forward to it.” They all said in one voice as small bolts of electricity coming off from their manes and tail as well as some parts of their bodies.

Slowly I began to back make my way out of the restaurant, but they were following me.

“Where are, you going Jessica? We just want to play with you.” They said bouncing right after me.

“No thanks! Bye!” I turned around and ran out of the restaurant with the hoard of Pinkies right behind me.

I didn’t know what to do or where to go but one think remains certain. I had to get away from these Pinkies Pies. I tried losing them in parking lots and marketplaces, but it wasn’t working. In fact, it only made things worse for me. For every Pinkie, I got away from. Three more would take her place. Soon there was a whole city worth of Pinkies after me. And not surprisingly, they had finally corner me on the side of a building as they close in on me.

I turned to face them as I tried to reason with them. “Now, now Pinkies can’t we talk about this?”

“Yes, let’s talk about how much fun we are going to have together. But first we want a huge.” They said together as they continue to fire off random bolts of electric off themselves.

This the end for me. I am going to be electrocuted and eaten by a hoard of Pinkie’s Pies. I have no regrets for I enjoyed every moment of my life. Even the bad and the odd times in Pony Ville. As I was bracing myself for the coming end; when someone grab my hand and started pulling me away from them.

“This way.” My mysterious savoir said.

I soon found myself running with this stranger through a store. We were dodging and jumping over boxes, clothes stands, and even some random people; to get away from the Pinkies. I then saw we were going near a bubblegum machine before my hero push the machine over spilling its content all over the floor.

We were able to lose the Pinkies then; with some of them slipping over each other or stopping to eat some of the gum. We didn’t stop running until we were about two blocks away from them and then entered some apartment complex and went to the roof. Once there we stop for a breather and then I got a good look at my hero.

He was dress very nice for someone who could move around like he did earlier. He was dress in a nice shirt and pants. His hair was combed neatly to the side. Although this is the first time, I have ever met this man. I can’t shake the feeling that I have seen him from somewhere before.

“That was a close one, wasn’t it?” he said.

“Yes, indeed it was.” I said.

Looking around me. Nighttime was falling over the sky as the star begin to shine their lights of the past. The moon is full flooding the town with its white light. And here I am with the man who just saved me standing in the moon light looking at me. I can help myself but move closer to him. I throw my arms around him embracing him in a hug as he combs my hair with his hand. I feel safe and relax around him.

This moment feels perfect, nothing can…wait… now that I think of about it. None of what is happening right now or earlier makes any sense… I am asleep, aren’t I? Well that explains a lot. And this person here is just a figment of my imagination. No wonder he looks so perfect for me. Well if I am asleep; I might as well enjoy as much as I can before I wake up. I mean after all a hero desires a kiss for saving his fair maiden.

Smiling as him I moved my arms to wrap around his head, as I pull him closer to me.

“Ah, Jessica, what are you…” I close my eyes and gave him a deep kiss. It feels so real. I was beginning to wonder how long this dream would last for, when something didn’t feel right. For some reason I could feel like I was siting on my butt still kissing him. But wasn’t I just stand a second ago? When I open my eyes again his eyes look like they turned blue and his skin became white as snow with a hint of purple in the corner of my eye? What is going on? However, while I was enjoying my kiss; I then heard someone coughing nearby.

“Ah well Nurse Red Heart. I think she is ok now.”

“What?” I then stop kissing him to have a look at who just spoiled the mood.

I can see Rainbow Dash is next to Red Heart over to my left along with a very happy looking Pinkie Pie. Fear grab my body as I slowly turn my head back. I in my hooves was an Exclusive. He had a blush on his face along with a surprised look. Slowly the wheels in my head started to spin again, as a blush came onto me, once I just realize what is going on. But I had to make sure. By biting my bottom lip and feeling pain. It confirmed my fear. I had just kissed Exclusive in front of everypony. I turn to my left again and asked them.

“This isn’t a dream, is it?” They shook their heads side to side.

I let go of Exclusive as I compose myself with a cough before addressing Red Heart. “So, what did I miss?”

“Oh, not much Dearie. You were only out for ten minutes after Pinkie shocked you.” Oh, yeah, she did do that to me. I turn to glare at the mad mare.

“Why in the world would you shock a pony that had nothing wrong with them?”

“But you said you were having a heart attack. I didn’t know you were being scarcest.”

“Ahem!” Red interrupted, “Now that everypony is alright now. Would it be too much trouble if I ask you all to leave for now? I think Jessica has had quite enough excitement for one day thank you.”

One by they said their goodbyes before Red Heart made her way to me. I then lay down on my right side to let her go to work. I was soon being welcome with the feeling of relief of some kind of cream before she wraps my flank in bandages. “You will only need this for the night. I will come in the morning to removed them.

“That is fine,” I lay my head down and relax. You know what? Today was isn’t so bad after all. A side form the accidental kiss to Exclusive; everything is finally looking up for me. However, I am still going to have to wait for the Princess decision. For I can’t really make any plans for the future until then. I then turned to face the window as I pray for her to come back soon so I can go home. After all I, don’t belong here… right?

Just roll with it.

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Before Red Heart left my room, she told me that if nothing else happens to me today. That I should be ok to leave the hospital this evening. Of course, once the Doctor has to give me the ok first. Now normally that would be a good thing for anyone to hear, but not for me. Because I've got no game plan of what to do when I am released from here. Honestly, I was hoping that the Princess would have come back already to give me her answer before my release. But then again, she is a princess and as such, she is a very busy pony and hadn’t gotten around yet to check up on my records.

Until she does, I am on my own, but then again. I could ask one of my new friends to see if they would help me. But I hate having to rely on the kindness of others so that I don’t end up on the streets... alone. It makes me feel like a mulcher. But I really don’t have much choice in the matter. I need a place to stay but I have no money. I am in a real bind here. I know for a fact that Exclusive would jump at the chance help me out, but something about living with somepony of the opposite gender that I like can only spell trouble. Not to mention that he too is without a home right now and is probably doing the same thing I am doing right now.

A heavy sigh leaves my mouth as I made my way over to the window. Looking outside, I could see the ponies walking or flying from place to place. This is truly a very peaceful place to live in. If worst comes to worst. This may not be such a bad town to live in. Not to mention that these ponies are great at rebuilding. Because I don’t see any sign of the destructions of what happens to the town yesterday anywhere. It is like it never happened, which is very impressive for creatures without fingers. Now if only I can do the same. Then again, I am getting better at using my hooves. But still, I would give just about anything for a good set of hands right about now. My head is itching up a storm and my hooves can only do so much.

My thoughts are interrupted when I heard the door opening. I turn my head to see Exclusive entering. He looks around the room for me once he saw I wasn’t in my bed. Once he sees me at the window he then smiles as he made his way towards me, but I cut him off before he said anything.

“Exclusive, do you remember the last time you came into my room without knocking?” I asked him while raise an eyebrow at him.

He stops for a moment before he answers. “I am not sure this is the first time.” Bad memory this one is.

“You have three seconds to get out and knock; before I blow your eardrums off by screaming.” Exclusive looks confused and nervous at my choice of words. Because he knows I can.

“Uh? But-”


“You must be-”

“Two” Now he is panicking.

“I am mean you couldn’t possibly be-”

“One,” I said then taking in a deep breath, however, he got the idea and was outside. I laugh to myself knowing that I was just playing around with him. Although I probably would have gone with it anyway. I needed something to lighten my mood, also, I am getting very tired of somepony always barging into my room, without knocking. You would have thought he would have learned the last time he did that.

Then there was a knock at the door. “Yes?”

“It is Exclusive. May I come in?”

“Yes, you may.” he enters the room as I get back in bed.

“Hello, Jessica.”

“Why Exclusive I wasn’t expecting you to be coming by today,” I said with a little sarcasm in my voice.

Exclusive just shakes his head smiling. “Right. Anyways, Jessica, I came on by to see how everything was going.”

“Oh really? Well, every…-” I notice that somepony had been snickering nearby. We both turned to the door to see a pink pony and matching tail holding a hoof to his mouth before bursting out laughing and falling on his back, while kicking his hind legs in the air.

“Oh, come on, it wasn’t that funny,” Exclusive said looking at the pony on the floor.

“What is not funny?” said a voice next to my ear causing me to scream like a fil-mare like a mare. Turning to my right I could see that it was Pinkie who had…. wait. I turned my head back and forth between looking at the pink pony next to me and the one on the floor several times before I stop.

Putting a hoof to my head as I closed my eyes. “Ok, there are two Pinkies here.” Raising my hooves in the air I shouted: “Can somepony tell me what is wrong with this picture?”

The Pinkie on the floor got up and to my surprise. It turned out that she was a he, “Oh, that’s right we haven’t met before. My name is Bubble Berry, but you can just call me Berry, everypony else does.” he moves to hug Pinkie on her left side, “I am Pinkie’s cousin from Las Pegues.” He said with a smile that can revival Pinkie's. And for some reason I could see their tails twitching for some reason.

“Ah oh! Twitchy tail,” Berry said also noticing their tails,

“Yeap you know what that means.” Pinkie replies as Exclusive looks nervously around the room and out the window.

Being the only pony out of the loop here I had to ask, “What does it means?”

“It means something is going to fall,” they said together. My only response was a groan. I really don’t know if this is true not. But it is too early to deal with this.

A headache was coming onto me as I was trying to understand what is going on. Rubbing the back my neck with my foreleg. I lean my head back stretching my neck as I let out a groan. And to my surprise when I open my eyes there was something on the ceiling. My eyes widen as I see the biggest blackest spider-like thing up there. “WHAT IN ALL THAT IS GOOD IS THAT?” Then to my horror, it let go of the ceiling fall right on top of me, but I manage to get out of the way just in time.

I can hear the screams of other ponies nearby as I fell to the ground with a soft thud. Quickly I crawled away from the bed so I can get back on my hooves. I turned around to see that whatever that thing was now in the corner of the room shaking in fear as the Pink duo cornering it with two canons pointing straight at it…Wait. What! Where did the canons come from? There is no way those two had them on themselves those things are as big as they are. Wait a minute, its true! Something did fall! I better be more careful around Pinkie and her cousin if they can predit the future. Even if same intent warning.
But that’s for later. Right now, I got to find out what wanted to squash me. Moving closer for a better look at the creature, and to my surprise, it turns out to be a Diamond Dog in ninja outfit with a large bag with him for some reason.

“Ok Mr. Sneaky D.D. Start talking or else you get it!” Pinkie said while looking at the dog with a mean look in her eye. Good golly, I hope I will never have to face that. She looks legitimately scary right now.

The Diamond dog looks very scared as he stares into the barrels of the canons in front of him. “I..I..I…I…I” he stuttered as he tried to think of something that won’t get himself killed.

I could feel an eye twitch on my left eye as I stare at it in disbelief. Another Diamond Dog. Another pain in the rear to deal with. Maybe Twilight was right about them getting smarter. But then again, they aren’t smart enough to not get caught by the ones they are... wait a moment. HOLD ON A SECOND! “You’re the dog that ponnynapped me from Exclusive house, aren’t you?”

That got his attention as he looks at me. “I knew pony looked familiar. What is pony doing here? Pony should be in a cage underground.”

“Then you probably haven’t heard. After you kidnapped me, we escaped shortly afterward.” I smiled at his face before another thought crossed my mind. “By the way how are you able to stick to the ceiling like that. You are a dog, not a spider.”

“I won’t talk pony.” He said crossing his arm and closing his eyes before lifting his nose into the air.

Oh really? “I will give you a treat.”

“I don’t want a-” he stops as he got excite, “What kind of treat?”

I didn’t think he would actually ask that, “A bone?”

He huffs and looks away, “Not talking.” So close,

Well, this is going to get me nowhere. Wait I got it! I saw something this in a movie once. “You know you are probably right.” Everyone looked at me in confusion, “I guess we have no more use for him then.” I got closer to one of the canons and gentle push Pinkie aside. “I will just put you out of your misery then.” I pulled on the cord to fire, only for nothing to happen. Oh! Thank you, Pinkie, for not loading it! Otherwise, this would have turn out bad. I turned to her, “Hay! Pinkie what is the deal with not loading the canon.”

“Sorry.” She said as she loads it. “This never happened before.” she steps out of the way.

“No problem. Now where I? Oh, yes. I was going to shoot you!” I said pointing the canon at the now wetting himself dog.


A grin comes to my face “Yes?”

“It’s my gloves. They let me hold on any surface no matter what it is, without getting tired.” He holds up his gloves for me to look at. Up close they look like they have hundreds of little toilet plungers on it.

“There now was that so hard”

Before anything else could be said, a voice could be coming from outside the room, “In here Twilight! The Diamond Dog is here!” I turned around to see Berry coming into the room with Twilight right behind him. Looking back at the other canon I could see Pinkie there instead of Berry. I didn’t even notice that he wasn’t in the room anymore. When did he step out to get Twilight so quickly?

Twilight uses her magic to lift the dog into the air bringing it to her. “You got some nerve coming back to Ponyville after what you did the last time you were here Diamond Dog,” Twilight growled as him. And it might be my imagination, but I think her eyes have turned a deep shade of red. She takes the D.D. outside probable for interrogation.

“Aw, but I wasn’t done playing with him yet,” I said disappointedly.

“Wait! You were only playing with the dog?” Exclusive said making himself known again. “I thought for sure you were going to hurt him.”

“In a way, I did.”

Soon after the pink duo left, saying something about cupcakes needing to be made ASAP. I had no idea where their canon went when they left or how they got them out, but it is giving me a headache trying to figure it out. I made my way back to my bed as I massage my face in my hooves, “Can you believe it Exclusive. Another Diamond Dog wanting to kidnap me!” Exclusive was about to say something but stop mid-sentence before he tries again.

“Kidnap, don’t you mean ponynap?”

“No, I mean… never mind.” Falling backwards I drop my head onto my pillow, “I just don’t believe it.” I turn to look at him “Anyways Exclusive I am glad that you did so happen to come by. There’s something I needed help with.”

“Oh? Really what is it?”

Sitting back up, I got ready to tell another story, “Do you remember when I told you I am not a pony right?”

He thinks about this before replying, “Oh, yes I remember. What did you mean by that Jessica?”

“That I wasn’t born a pony. In fact, I pretty sure that I am not even from this world all together.” For some reason he got nervous by that statement, but I ignored it, “But that is not what is important right now. What I am getting at is that I don’t want to cause anypony any problems and I just want to go home. And the princess knows of a way of how to send me back home.”

“Really? That’s wonderful!”

“Yes. However, she said that she needs more time before she can show me the way.”

“Really? How come? Normally Twilight would have jumped at the chance to help out a pony in need.”

Not wanting to get into another augment about humans again, I choose a different choice of words, “Well, my case is special. And so, until then I am going to have to wait until she does. However, the bigger problem I am facing right now is that I have nowhere to go in the meantime.” I hold a hoof in front of his face making him go cross-eyed looking at my hoof, “And before you say it, I will point out that living with you would be a bad idea.”

He looks sad before he pushes my hoof away, “It wouldn’t be so bad. But I will respect your wishes. So, what is it that you want form me?”

“I was wondering if you could help me find a place to stay.”

“Well I could ask some of my friends to see if they can help you. But which one?” He put a hoof to his chin as he starts to think. “Oh! I know. You can stay with Pinkie Pie.”

I gave him a deadpan stare “Exclusive. Repeat what you just said, and then imagine if you had to do so, while still injured.”

“Oh. I can see your point there.” He smiled at his mistake. “Ok, what about Fluttershy?” Ok is he even trying?

“Fluttershy. The same mare who chased you and the fillies across Ponyville Yesterday; with all the intent of kissing you to death?” Raising an eyebrow, before I stare into his soul “And you want me to stay with her?”

He backed up a little, before huffing, “Oh, come on. She didn’t mean it. She wasn’t in control of her actions during the time.”

I put a hoof to my chin as I started to do a recap of what happened that day. “Now that you mention it. Didn’t somepony say she was under the effects of a love poison?”

“Yes, Sweetie Belle said that. But I have no idea of how she got it in the first place.” He said shrugging.

“Now that I think about it. Earlier that day when she was unconscious in my room, I saw her eating...” I turned to glare at Exclusive. “Eating the roses, you brought me.” A small growl escaped my mouth “Care to explain that Exclusive?”

“Huh, wait she did?” He lowers his head in thought, “That would explain how she ingested the love poison.” He raises his head, “But I didn’t bring you any roses yesterday Jessica.”

My rage went out the window, “What? But then who brought those roses then?” Now I am confused is there another pony that likes me and hadn’t said anything about it yet. Or something else? “Unless you are trying to pin this on somepony else.” pointing my hoof again.

He sighs sadly looking at me, “No Jessica I am not. And if I did bring you roses yesterday, I would have made sure you got them. I am still working on your new dresses and forgot to get you roses. I didn’t even know you like roses.”

I look at him with disbelief, “What kind of girl doesn’t like roses?”


“Enough said. Wait way are you using Rainbow as a refence? She is about as tomboy a mare can get. That doesn’t count. I am nothing like her. You can’t compare me to her.”

“I will admit that wasn’t a good judgement on my part. I am sorry Jessica. Would you like me to get you roses from now on?”

“Yes, I mean no! I mean… forget it.” I said crossing my forelegs. “Anyways that still leaves me without a place to stay.”

“Wait I got it. You can stay at the boutique.” That got my attention.

“So, you want me to stay in a clothes store?!” Is that even allowed? “You can’t be pulling on my leg here Exclusive!”

He chuckles, “Well, we need to ask Sweetie Belle permission first. She lives there along with her sister, but she is out of town right now.”

“Well if she is ok with it than I don't… Hold on there. Is this the same Sweetie Belle that I have met before, the filly?”

“Why yes.”

“But she is just a filly and she lives home alone! What kind of parents does she have anyways that would allow that!”

“Well, I am mostly in charge of her until Rarity comes back. Which should be in about a week.”

That calmed my nerves down a little. “Alright. I guess it couldn’t hurt living with a little filly, after all, what harm can one little filly do anyways?” And why do I feel like I just jinxed myself?

This was a bad idea part 1

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Regardless of whatever bad idea my mind maybe telling me about this. I don’t really have much of a choice. I can either spending the rest of my stay here going place to place looking for a bed or stay with a filly less than half my age. I mean she less than half my…. Why I am continually telling myself that. Calm down everything is going to be alright. Looking to my right, I can see Exclusive is standing by the door waiting as my doctor going over the chart on my bed.

“Well Miss Jessica, you are free to leave the hospital any time you want. Just make sure you stay off your hooves for a few days and come back if you feel any more pain.” My doctor said as he finishes writing something on his clip broad before leaving. Rude.

“Thank you” I tried calling out to him, but he is long gone. “Sigh. Well, shall we get going Exclusive?”

“Let’s” Exclusive uses his magic pull in a wheelchair into the room with a saddlebag on it.

“And what may I pray is this.” I said gesturing to the bag.

He smiles as he lifts the bag to me in his magic, “A token of generosity.” Opening the bag, I could see that to no surprise was a dress for me to wear. Pulling it out I could see that it was a long light blue evening dress with silver trim at the edges. It so beautiful, I can’t wait to try it on.

I smiled with gratitude to the gentlecolt, holding the dress close to me, “Thank you.”

“You are welcome,”

I was going to change quickly before we head out when a thought occurred to me, “By the way Exclusive do you know what became of the sweater I had on me when we first meet?”

His eyes widened at this as he things about this, “Oh. If I am not mistaken, it should still be at the boutique.”

I let out a sigh of relief, “Oh good.” Even though it is torn up and useless. It is all that I have left from my home world. If I can’t go back, then I would like to hang on to it for as long as possible. Maybe I will ask Exclusive to fix it for me.

After changing into my new dress. Red heart told me that my bandages on my flank will only need to stay on for a day or two. After that I will be free of them, and if I have any problems to return for treatment. We bit her farewell as Exclusive pushes me out of the hospital in the wheelchair. He was told to return it after taking me home. Well to the Boutique for now. I didn’t need it but decided not to argue with them, since they were just being nice. I look around the town in my little escort to the Boutique lost in thought.

No one every have treated me with should kindness before. It’s kind of unreal. I mean sure my mom and dad were good parents, but sometimes they can be overbearing some days. And Exclusive has shown nothing but kindness, respect, and generosity since we meet. More so than any human outside of my family ever did. Which makes me wonder. Do I even want to go home now? I am not sure anymore. I don’t want to live off of Exclusive forever and will eventually become self-efficient if I choose to stay. However, is it fair to my parents to stay here without saying a single word to them about it? Then again, they were the ones that told me to make my own future right before I left the house. If I choice to stay, I could at least send them a letter. That way they won’t have to worry.

Not to mention that I have notice that the longer I stay here. The more my mind is adapting to this world. I mean three days ago I could have look at a pony and not feel any emotional attachment to them. Let alone find them attractive. Now, I see them no better than I would people back home. And that worries me. If Twilight does indeed send me back, will I go back being the way I was before or will I remain like this forever, both physically and mentally. I have no idea. All that I know is that if I don’t go home soon. I might start looking for a boyfriend here. To which my body has no problems with and neither does my heart. Great.

The rest of the trip to the Boutique was thankfully uneventful. Aside from saying hello to a few ponies walking bye. Once there, Exclusive gently knocks on the door. “Hello Sweetie Belle. You in there?” there was no response. After a minute of waiting he pushes the door which was surprising left open for some reason. Considering everything on the outside looks closed. “That’s odd. Normally she would lock up, before she goes and play with her friends.”

“Then shouldn’t we be worried?”

He waves his hoof dismissively, “Na, she probable was in a hurry and forgot to lock the front door.” I gave him a deadpanned stare. He stares back at me with confusion as I didn’t let up my gaze. “What?” his eyes widen with realization, “Oh come Jessica. She is a reasonable young filly; I am sure she is alright.” That wasn’t why I was staring at him for. As a moment of silence with by before he groans, “Ok I bite. What is it?”

“Do I have to remind you of the Dog I found on my ceiling earlier?” I said raising a brow at him.

“Oh right.” He rubs his head in embarrassment. Ah course I would be cautious entering a place I never be to. I learn from my mistakes, “Well then. I will just make sure nothing strange is happening inside and come back for you.” He heads inside and after a minute I heard him called out. “Its fine Jessica. There is nothing on the ceiling’s here.”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks but that is not what I had in mind,” I got startled when my wheelchair started moving into the Boutique.

The shop looks different then the last time I was in here. Then again, I had only been in here once before. I can’t see much form the doorway, but this place looks like a hurricane went on through here. My chair can to a stop next to Exclusive as I survey the damage. Pieces of cloth and threads were everywhere as well as sheets of clothes that looks like a moth had a go on them. Also, I notice that even though there is a mess everywhere the dresses on display where the manikins were remained untouched. Interesting. Exclusive quickly moves around the first floor looking around for something. I could hear him in the next room over saying something to himself, but it was too quiet to hear.

Not long after, I had enough of being in my throne and got up to stretch. I loud pop from my flank was my reward as Exclusive enter the room. “Even though the place looks ransack everything is where it should be.” Exclusive turns his head towards me with a frown on his face, “If this was a robbery then they were after something that I am not aware of.”

“Well than what else could this be than? I know that You said Sweetie Belle was here alone earlier. But not even she would leave a mess like this without picking it up afterwards. Would she?” I questioned. I may not no her very well, but I am always willing to give the benefit of the doubt to anyone until proven otherwise.

Exclusive shakes his head, “No, she wouldn’t. She is more responsible than that. But if that’s the case then what happened here?”

I shrug my shoulders, “Beats me.”

Before anything else could be said a large thud was heard coming from upstairs followed by a muffled voice. Exclusive puts a hoof to his mouth “ssh” before he started moving towards the stairs. I followed him eager to find out what was up there. Whatever was up here I being sure it is nothing we can’t handle. And when I mean we, I mean Exclusive, because I have no idea how to fight with hooves. Slowing we crawled up the stair cast listening for the next sound. Once at the top I can see one of the doors open slightly letting out some light.

As we approach the door, I can hear somepony or something inside talking. “Soon my little pretty very soon you will be all mine.” I brace myself on the left side of the door as Exclusive take the right. “I have waited long enough for this moment my darling.” The voice itself sounds feminine with a deep voice. I tried to look inside the room with little success as the voice continue. “The guards had tried to stop me but couldn’t stop me. Even your father, has failed you my dear. No pony is coming to save you.” I look at Exclusive wondering what is going on here. My mind raced with possibilities as to what is going on in there. Many of which I am sure are not kid friendly. Then a new voice came from the room. This one sounds very feminine but with a high pitch with a hint of fear. “No please spare me.” Exclusive’s expression change to one of horror.

“That’s Rarity’s voice.” he whispered to me. Rarity? Didn’t he mention her before? I can’t recall. Curse my poor memory when it matters.

“I am afraid it is far too late for mercy my dear. For tonight you are mine.” Exclusive then made a gestor with his head into the room then silently counted down. For the record, I think this is a terrible idea. We should have got help first. However, my curiosity knows no bounds, which is why I followed him in the first place.

He burst into the room with his horn glowing with me right after him. There was a sudden scream in the room as we charge in. And would you know it, there is nothing wrong in this room. No ropes, no creep lighting, no villainous figure, and no pony in distress. Just a Luxurious bedroom all neat and tidy without a thing out of place. The only thing we found was an upset white unicorn mare with an indigo mane and tail. She was being lifted in the air by Exclusive’s magic as well as giving him a very good death glare.

“And just what in Celestia’s good name are you doing Exclusive?” she said crossing her forelegs. This must be Rarity that he was referencing to earlier. You know now that I have a look at them, they two could be consider twins by much alike they look the only difference between them was their gender and cutie marks. While Exclusive has two blue diamonds, Miss Rarity has three. But didn’t Sweetie say they were cousins? Talk about a family resemblance.

Exclusive looks like a loss for words right now as he struggles to talk, “But… I… heard… and” Well I can’t blame him. He must feel so embarrass, but I can’t worry too much about. Because I am not the one holding up a random mare in the air with magic. Heh heh.

“If you are referring to what you might have heard earlier. That was me talking out loud while I was reading my new novel!” Oh.

I then notice a small book right underneath her. Before I look back the mare. So much for making a good first impression, “You going to have to forgive our intrusion and quick jump to conclusion Miss Rarity.” Exclusive was putting her back on the ground. “However recent events have cause us to be on edge for a while.”

She looks at me with a surprise look as she final notice me even being here. “Oh, that is understandable. However, I don’t believe I know who you are Miss…” oh that’s right we just meet.

“My name is Jessica. It is a pleasure to meet you,”

This was a bad idea part 2

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I lay down on the sand as I watch the Crusaders playing around the pond. It has been three days since I meet Rarity. She reminds me a lot of Exclusive. Which only enforce my idea that they are twins. I can still remember that awkward greeting we had with each other.

“Why yes, I am Rarity. It is a pleasure to meet, you Jessica.” Rarity said as she extends her hoof towards me. I just stare at it in confusion. “Is there something wrong Jessica?” Rarity asked in my absence in doing anything. I don’t care if she is the ruler of a nation. I am not going to kiss her hoof!

Exclusive takes notice of what is happening and steps in for me. “You must forgive Jessica Rarity. She's not from around here and is not accustomed to our standard greeting.”

“OH! My apologies Jessica. I merely wanted to shake your hoof.” She explained herself, as we shake hooves. Once done my leg started acting up so I opted to lay on the bed nearby. Rarity was going to retort when Exclusive beat her to the punch.

“You are going have to forgive her Rarity.” He says moving next to me and helps me onto the bed, “You see Miss Jessica was injured not long ago and has to rest every now and then.”

“Oh, why that is perfectly understandable. She just caught me off guard moving to my bed like that. Might I ask how that happened?”

I than began to tell her of everything that has happen to me since I got here. “And since I didn’t have a place to stay here in Ponyville. Exclusive here was kind enough to provide me with a place to stay and here we are.”

Rarity nods at this before she turns her attention to her cousin. “Exclusive may I speak with you in private.”

“Oh ok.” He said calmly, but the look on his face says a different story. Have you ever seen those nature shows when they give close-ups at a preys’ face before the lion attacks? Well, that's what I am seeing right now in front of me.

“Please excuse us, Jessica, we will be right back.” Rarity said as she and Exclusive left me in the room and closing the door right behind them.

I was just about to look around while I wait for them to be done but I was interrupted when those two started talking- correction Shouting at each other. My head turns quickly to look back at the door. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I think Rarity is wining in the loud department. This continued for about two minutes before they came back into the room with big grins on their faces, acting like nothing happen earlier.

“Now then. Jessica, I do believe you will feel right at home here during your stay in Ponyville” Rarity said brushing her mane with a hoof.

What just happened earlier? “OK, then. *Ahem* do you have a room for my or do I have to bunk with you?”

She scoffs at me, “Don’t be ridicules Jessica, I maybe the Element of Generosity Bearer, but even I need to have my privacy.” The element of what? “You will be staying with Sweetie Belle until I make some room for you, or until you leave on your way.”

“I got no problem with that.” Rarity just looks back at me in confusion.

“Really? Just like that. No rebut or arguments?” she said tilting her head to the side.

I shook my head, “No, not really. I was going to sleep outside before your cousin gave me a chance of a rooft over my head. I am not picky with sleeping arrangements.”

“If you say so dear. Welcome to my home.”

“RAAARRIITTYY!!” a voice shouted from outside of the room before a white blur ran past me and into said mare sending both to the floor. “Your back! Your back! It really is you!” said the blur which turns out to be Sweetie Belle.

“Yes, Sweetie Belle. It’s me, and it is nice to see you too, however, could you please get off of me for a moment.” Rarity said to her sister who smiled sheepishly, before doing so.

“When did you get back?”

“About an hour ago, I was wondering why you weren’t at the train station earlier with everypony else.”

“OH! Me and the other crusaders were helping out Apple Bloom with her chores. We were almost done when I remembered that I forgot to lock the Boutique and here I am.”

“So that explains the open door,” I said getting Sweetie Belle’s attention.

“Oh! Hi Jessica. When did you get here!”

“About ten minutes ago, also I have something to tell you.”

She takes in a gasp of surprise “Are you going to marry Exclusive!”

You know if I was drinking something, I would be doing a spite take right about now, but thankfully I wasn’t. However, she did cause everypony in the room to go silent for about ten seconds. Awkward.

Rarity looks between me and Exclusive in confusion. “Did I miss something?”

“NOO!” I shouted before I stop and composed myself. “I mean no that is not what I was going to tell you Sweetie Belle. I was going to tell you I am going to be your roommate for a while.”

“Oh, that is nice. But I would rather be told I am going to be a flower girl again.” Again?

“Well sorry to disappoint you,” I said patting her head. “Anyways, Sweetie Belle mind giving me an escort to our room?”

“Sure, it’s this way.” She said leaving me behind I then turn to the others in the room and pause. Hun, it looks like Sweetie’s comment has had a greater effect Exclusive than I thought. Right now, he is doing his impression of a statue.

“I will see you two later.”

“Til next time Darling.” Rarity said then notice the lack of response from her cousin. “Exclusive?” Nothing. She then got closer to him and leaned in near his ear. “Exclusive!” that did it.

“HUH! What I didn’t do it.” Looks like someone has a guilty conscious.

“Exclusive, it is rude to ignore a lady when she is talking to you.”

“I am sorry Rarity. What were you saying?” Wow! He was really out of it.

Rarity response to him with a slap behind the head. He rubs his head in confusion, “What?”

She was going to say something, but I cut her off. “Don’t worry about it Rarity. See you two later,” I said leaving the room. “Now where did Sweetie Belle go?”

I found her outside of a door waiting for me tilting her head to the side. “What was that about Jessica?”

“I will tell you later. So, this is your room.”

“Yep, this is it.” She said walking into the room it was nowhere near a fashionable as Rairty’s room, but then again this is a kid’s room. As this Ponies are very trusting. I still new here and they are willing to let me stay with a kid unsupervised. They either never had to deal with bad ponies before or Rarity trust her cousin’s judgment. Sweetie Belle stops near the bed, “You know, I just realize something, Jessica.”

“And what is that?”

“We know you will be staying in my room, but where exactly would that be?”

“Oh, good point. There is only one bed and not a very big one at that for the both of us.” *Hum*

What to do? Well, I could just sleep on the floor and that will be the end of it. I don’t feel like forcing her off her own bed for my own comfort. That is not my style. I got it. I moved some pillows from another room and made a nest of pillows. Once I found some blankets, I took them to my nest and laid down in the middle and leaving the other one nearby.

“Uhm, Jessica what are you doing?” Sweetie Belle said gesturing to my makeshift bed.

“Oh this?” I smile as I look down on my nest. “This is something back from my younger days. You see whenever I use to do sleep overs; I would make one of these, whenever there weren’t enough beds to go around. I called it a nest.”

“Because it looks like a bird nest?”


“Neat. I got to try that someday. I know the next Cutie mark crusader sleeper is soon. And you are invited.”

“That is nice” I said laying down in my nest,

“Oh Jessica.”


“My and the other crusaders are planning on going swimming in a few days did you want to come along?”

“You know, I would love to join you kids at the swimming hole.”

“Great! This is going to be so much fun!” She said hooping in place causing me to smile before I realized something. I have no idea how to swim like this. Oh well, I guess I just stay away from the deep ends of the pond then.

When the day finally arrived, we meet up with the rest of her little group and made our way to the swimming hole. Once there, the trio started to count down then all at once perform a flying leap into the pond, causing an impressive tidal wave. Note to self, start carrying an umbrella with me, or at least a raincoat. They were wondering why I didn’t join them, and I just told them I was just there to keep an eye on them.

And that how I got here soak to my coat without going into the water. At least I didn’t need my bandages anymore put having to deal with a wet dress is troublesome. But I refuse to strip in public. I will endure this, and drip dry myself. I relax my body as a gentle breeze cools my body, “Cold,”

I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I regret doing so. For when I woke up, I found that the little rugrats had buried me up to my neck in sand. I can see them three feet away from me. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are struggling to control their giggling, while Scootaloo is laughing her butt off on the ground. Tried I may I soon discovered that they did a very good job at patting down the sand, I am stuck!

“When I get out of here you three little munchkins are Dead!” I was meet with only more giggling before Scootaloo got up and closer to me.

“Don’t worry Jessica I am sure you can get Head of us soon.”

Oh no, you did just not make a pun about me at my expense. “I will get out of this sand, and when I do, you are going to pay dearly for that Scootaloo.” I bet it was her idea in the first place.

“Maybe, but right now I am Head of the game now.” Just keep digging a deeper hole for yourself, for I am getting closer to getting my limbs free.

“You know Scootaloo, maybe it is not a good idea be poking fun of her,” Apple Bloom said getting Scootaloo's attention, while both far away fillies are backing away noticing I am surfacing.

“Why?” Scootaloo asked not aware of the current danger she is in.

“Because I am free! That is why!” I said reaching for the screaming filly only to be miss by an inch and fell to the ground.


“Get back here!” I said chasing after them.

They lead me to a nearby tree and started to run around it with me on their tails. After the third time, around I realize they were going to keep doing that. So, I stop and turn around stopping them in the tracks and grab one the closest one who so happen to be Apple Bloom.

“Now I got you!” I said but then I realize that she had back up. Not good.

“Let her go!” Sweetie Belle said causing a blinding light to appear before me.

“AAAHH!” I said dropping the filly while covering my eyes.

I could barely see but I could make out enough to see them making their getaway.

“You won’t get away from me that easy!” the chase was on again, for about three seconds before I fell face first into the sand. “Right, I can’t see where I am going,” I mumble to myself also I could hear their fading laughter.

Lifting my head, I spit out some sand and ran after them. After a minute of running, I could see them making a B line towards an Apple Orchard! Now how did I not see this the first time I came around here, I mean it is huge! Wait, I am getting distracted, aren’t I?

Looking around I could see a white gate where those three little buggers use to get into the Orchard. It would be really bad if this Orchard would have a case of infestation of mischief. It is a good thing I know an exterminator for such a problem, me.

Walking into the Orchard I can only gaze in amazement in the sheer amount of apple trees here. Then again this is the first time I have been in an Apple Orchard before. It looks like their trees are ripe for harvest. There are just so many, focus Jessica! You can look at the large, red, juicy, scrumptious, delectable woow woow woow stop right there. These are Not your apples; you can get one or two later. Right now, you have got to find three little fillies. I can only hope I don’t get lost looking for them in this field of heaven crunch.

As I continue looking for them, I am starting to get the feeling that without a doubt I am lost, or at least I lost track of the fillies. There are too many hoof prints and random tracks all over the ground. Not to mention I don’t hear any giggles or twigs snapping anywhere. It is like they have done this before and already know how to get away from trouble. Then again, they are running away from a human turned pony, so anypony could get away from me if they tried. Looks like I am just going to have to accept that they got away.

I then look to my right and see a nice shady tree. “This looks like a good spot to rest for a bit.” I lie down on my left side before getting comfortable. As I lay there, I can hear the sound of the wind brushing against the leaves and even a bird as its chirping and flying away nearby.

“It is so peaceful here. I almost forgot the feel of what nature feels like.” I took in a deep breath before letting it out. “Then again, I did just fell asleep next to a swimming hole in the sand earlier. But who can blame me, the nice cool breeze had always had a way of putting me to sleep.”

The wind picks up a little bit and causes an apple to fall in front of me. Looking to my left and then to my right, I can’t see anypony nearby and it did just fell in front of me. Leaning forward I took a big bite; it is the best apple I have ever had the privilege to eat. Slowly I chew, savoring the taste before I swallowed and leaned in for another bite.

That was when something hit me on the head. Looking at the object revealed to be another apple. Ok, one random apple falling because of the wind I can understand. But another one when the wind is calmer? Looking up into the tree I grin as I see three little objects up there that don’t look likes apples.

So, this is where they ran off to. It looks like they haven’t noticed me yet as they remain perfectly still up there. I could climb up with them, I could give them the scare of a lifetime, but I am going to have to settle with the next best thing.

Taking a deep breath, I then began to sing

“Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Well, that turns out better than I thought it would be. First, they were startled before they got embarrassed with lovely little red blushes on their faces. Well, Apple Bloom and Sweetie, Scootaloo looks like she is going to puke before she fell off the tree.

“I think I am going to be sick,” Scootaloo said before she went behind the tree and started puking. Making Apple Bloom cringe a little when she saw her puking.

“Eeeewww! That is discussing!”

“Is she going to be alright?” I asked

“Yeah, she just had a bad pie earlier.” Apple Bloom said casually. Well that was good to know.

“Also, Gross Jessica! They are my best friends I would never do that with them!” Sweetie shouted down at me while I smile innocently back at her.

“Anyways, I don’t know about you three, but I think I had enough excitement for one day.”

“But you hardly did anything, Jessica, why are you tired already?” Applebloom said as she and Sweetie slid down the tree.

“I don’t have as much energy as you fillies have. I will admitted that I am out of shape. I am sorry but I am going back to the Boutique.” She looked sad at hearing this so I came up with a brillent idea. “So how about I make it up with you girls and throw a sleepover tonight?”

“You mean it?!”

“Of course.” Before heading back I look to see at Sweetie was rubbing Scootaloos’ back. I move towards them to see if she was alright.

“You ok there Scootaloo?”

“Yeah, I am alright, and that is the last time I trade desserts with Button Mash.” Oh well, live and learn.

“Sorry for earlier Jessica it was only for fun and don’t deny it you would have done the same.”

“Alright you got me there Scootaloo, and the same goes for me with the song earlier. So, truce?” I said hold my hoof out for her. I hope I am doing this right.


“It's another way of saying peace.”

“Oh! Ok, then Truce.” She said as they all shake my hoof.

“Now then how do we get out of this Apple land?”

“This way.”

Eventually, we bid each other fair well as the girls went to their homes to get ready for the sleep over. Me and Sweetie Belle made our way back to the Boutique. After a quick snack form the kitchen I return to Sweetie’s room and stayed there before duty called, after that. I went to my nest for a nap and before I felled asleep again, I was made aware that I was no longer alone in the room.


Sleep over

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Rubbing my ears, I turn to see the three little banshees smiling as they enter the room. “Hello, girls.”


“Hay there Jessica!”

“Huh? Jessica, what is that?” Applebloom said gesturing to my makeshift bed.

“Oh, this?” I smile as I look down on my nest. “This is something back from my younger days. You see whenever I use to do sleepovers; I would make one of these, whenever there weren’t enough beds to go around. I called it a nest.”

“Because it looks like a bird’s nest?”


“Cool let me in there,” Scootaloo said as if speaking for the rest of her friends, they all crowd around me crawling under the covers. As they moved around to get comfortable, they started to tickle me.

“H-Hay cut that out,” I said trying fight back the giggles they were giving me. Soon I could see them sticking their heads out with Sweetie and Applebloom to my right and Scootaloo to my left.

“Neat I never slept on the floor before.” Sweetie Belle said

“You know this is great and all, but how are we going to have some fun at a sleepover if everypony is going to bed already?” I asked them

“Oh, Right!” they got out running towards their bags.

“So, who is up for a game of twister?” Scootaloo said lifting up the board game.

“You are on,” I said getting up to face her.

One hour later

We are now onto game five of twister. With the score being two me, and one for each of the girls. But I think that I should call it quits soon. My left leg is starting to act up. Rarity is in the room with us, but not joining in the game. She is there to spin the arrow for the game. However, after nearly ripping my dress, Rarity game me purple yoga outfit to spare my dress. My legs are crossing each other as I stand over Applebloom with Scootaloo to my right. I can’t see Sweetie Belle. But I think that she is behind me somewhere. We just started and I am already turning into a pretzel. I am not sure how long my legs can hold out.

“Ok, Sweetie Belle put your right foreleg on blue.” Rarity said from the bed as her sister reaches under me to get the blue circle.

“Got it.” Rarity then spins the arrow again.

“Ok, Jessica, right hind leg on red.”

I notice that one was over by Scootaloo “I’ll try.” Stretching I move my leg, “Almost… AH!” and down we go. “Nuts!”


“I can’t breathe!”

“Well, I am stuck!” I told them as Rarity levitates me off them and put me on my nest.

“Good game girls.” Rarity said as she puts the game away.

“Yah that is all for me,” I told them.


“Yes, I can’t keep playing for hours like you all can.”

“But you were doing so well earlier.”

“Yes, I was, but now I need some time to rest until I can play with you girls again.”

“Ok.” They said together said as I stretched out on my nest.

The slumber party wasn’t so bad after that. I change into a light-yellow night gown for the night, courtesy of Rarity. Applebloom brought over some pictures of some pony named Bab Seed to tell us about her adventures. I think she said that she was her cousin and she was a leader of the cutie mark crusaders over where she lived. Speaking of cutie marks this was the first time I got a chance to look at theirs. And I was in for a surprise. The little trio all had similar cutie marks of a shield of three colors lines going down, with the difference being with what was in the middle of them. Applebloom’s was no surprise an apple, Sweetie Belle’s was a music note, and Scootaloo’s is a wing with a lightning bolt on it.

“Uh, Jessica are you ok?” Scootaloo said from her sleeping bag.

“I am alright. I was just thinking to myself.” *ahem* “So, where were we?”

“We were getting ready to play Uno.”

“I think I have heard of the game before, but never played it myself.”

“It’s easy. Here I will show you.”

Ten minutes later

It was a slaughter; I was having a hard time keeping up with who turn it was with all these jump in’s and special cards ruling. I have already lost twice to Applebloom, and one to Sweetie Belle. Even though this game is so frustrating that I want to burn all these cards, it can also be very fun.

“I will skip Scootaloo” Sweetie Belle said playing a green skip.

“Great.” She said with sarcasm

“Well, I’ll skip Jessica,” Applebloom said playing a blue skip.

“Hay what did I ever do to you?”

“Because you laugh at me.”

I mean sure I did put it was hard not to, “Well, but why did you do that?”

“Because that was all I could play.” We are at round four now with Applebloom leading with three cards, Sweetie has seven, Scootaloo has five, while I have twelve. Great.

“Ok, my turn and sorry Scootaloo,” Sweetie said playing a draw four wild.

“Oh yeah, I will challenge that.” Sweetie shows Scootaloo her hand revealing no blue cards. She lost the challenge and now she must draw six, ouch. “Oh, come on!”

“Why did you do that Scootaloo?” Applebloom said as she plays a green five

“I don’t know.” She cries out, “Because I'm not going to win anymore.”

“Now calm down let’s see how this goes,” I said playing a green five. Then Sweetie belle played a green zero, which send all of our cards to the pony to our right. Hay Applebloom had two green threes’ nice.

“Wait no! No! NO! NOO!”

“Oh, this is a good hand,” I said laughing at Apple Bloom's misery.

“NNNNOOOOO!! NNNNOOOOOO!!” I know its mean to laugh at someone, but you play Uno with a group of friends and try not to laugh.

“Well then I will take Jessica’s hand,” Scootaloo said playing a green seven and switching hands with me.

“Hay I just got that!”

“And I will take Scootaloo’s hand,” Applebloom said playing her own red seven.

“Oh, come on!” Scootaloo said causing everypony to start laughing.

“You know what?” I said playing my blue seven “Give me that back.” This is hilarious.

“Please play a seven,” Applebloom said to Sweetie Belle as we all continue to giggle.

“I can’t, but I can play this.” She said as she plays a red reverse card making it my turn again.

“Thanks, buddy,” I said drawing three cards until I found something

“No problem” obviously she doesn’t know sarcasm.

In the end, I never won a game, but I am not mad. That’s a first. Normally I would be frustrated by not winning a single round, but this time. I am looking forward to the next game.

After Uno, the girls decided that now it was a good time to break out the makeup and brushes. But I know better than let them near me with makeup without knowing how well they can use it first. After seeing their handy work, I decide not to let them use makeup on me. Let’s just say Sweetie Belle shines in the moonlight now and leave it at that. But I did let them brush my mane and tail and did the same with them. These little girls are better mane stylist then makeup artist. They took two strands of my mane and braided it on one side and then did the same on the other side and connect them together behind my head. It's simple but I like it.


Sadly, the same thing can’t be said about my tail. Right now, I am in my nest, trying to untangle Applebloom’s tail from mine. How in the world Sweetie got her tail confused with mine I will never know? “Sorry, but this will go a lot faster if you would stop moving around Applebloom.”

“Well we wouldn't be in this mess if somepony was paying attention to whose tail belongs to who.” Apple Bloom said while glaring at her friend. She's probably thinking of how to get even with her.

“Hay your tails are the same color. It was an honest mistake!” Sweetie Belle said from her bed, while Scootaloo was going around the room looking for something.

“Hey Scoot, what are you looking for?” Applebloom asks her once she notices what she was doing.

“I am looking for scissors,” Scootaloo calls out from inside a drawer.

“Well then, that better be for your tail Scootaloo,” I told her.

She looks back at me in confusion “What, why?”

“Because if you are thinking of cutting my tail to get Applebloom off me. Then you got another thing coming Missy. I just got my tail back. And I am not planning on parting with it again any time soon. Besides I am almost done here.” I said pulling on the mess of tails and earning a yep from Applebloom.

“No, you’re not!”

“Hush it Applebloom and let me work.” In truth, I have no idea if I can get her tail loose from mine. Sweetie tried to untangle us earlier but that was how we got into this mess in the first place. “Almost got it.” But as I pulled my tail one way, it somehow ended up in one huge knot. I stare in disbelief.

“How did that happen?”

“ARRRRGH! I give up! Where is Rarity? She can help us.”

Sweetie looks at the clock before answering me “She should be in her room by now.”

“OK let’s go,” I said leaving the room and dragging Applebloom with me before she started walking backward.

“Easy Jessica, I have smaller hooves than you!”

“Wait for us!”

Soon we were in front of Rarity’s room and her door was close.

“I guess she is asleep,” Scootaloo said as a smile comes to my face.

“Hay girls are you in the mood for a prank?”

Sweetie looks unsure “I am not sure that’s a good idea, Jessica.”

“Come on Sweetie Belle it will be fun.” Scootaloo cheers her friend on.

She looked at Applebloom who also nodded in agreement. “What did you have in mind?”

“Just follow my lead,” I said slowly entering the room as they follow me. Her room is a mess surprisingly compared to how it was earlier. Just wha was she doing that causes to make such amess. But I guess it has something to do with all the pieces of fabric lying around along with empty boxes. Regardless we made our way to her bed where our victim lies sound asleep.

“So, what is the plan?”

“We are just going to ask for her help, but very loudly. Everypony get to a different side of the bed and on the count of three say something really loud.”

Once everypony was in place I started counting down, “Three, two, one…”


“AAAAAAAAAHHH!” Rarity screamed bolting up from her bed. However before I could enjoy the fruits of our labor, Rarity uses her magic to gather us all, trapping us in her bed sheet. Which intern send us all in a panic moving around the sheet to find freedom.

“What happen?” “I can’t see!” “Get your flank out my face!” “Can’t move deal with it.” “BEST SLEEP OVER EVER!” This causes everypony to stop thrashing around, “Wait. Pinkie! What are you doing here!”

“How dare you ponies come in here and ruin my beauty sleep!” Drops the us with a thud as we all stick our heads out of our prison from the top, “Now I understand that you all are having a sleep over in Sweetie Belle’s room, but that doesn’t mean you have free rights to do whatever you want at this dreadful hour. Now I am a reasonable mare and I will kindly ask you all to leave my room before I am a force to use more drastic measures.”

“Wait sorry Rarity this was my idea.” I said pleading with her.

This caught her by surprise, “Really? I thought for sure my little sister or one of her friend’s idea.”

“No, it was me. Anyways the reason we woke you up was that I don’t want to sleep with Applebloom tonight.”

She look offended for some reason, “Is there a problem I am not aware of?”

“Mainly our tails are tied together and can’t get them loose.” I said as we got out of the blanket to show her what we meant.

She gasps as sees our tails, “Goodness! How did that happen?”

“You know it’s a funny story really,”

Thankfully I still kept my tail after monster Rarity freed us. Let’s just say she looks hideous with loose curls in her mane while wearing a green face mask. She looked like the creature from the black lagoon. And the scream earlier was from Applebloom, NOT from me.

Anyways, we decided that we all had enough fun for one day and return to Sweetie Belle's room. I had no idea where Pinkie went after we were free. But to save my brain cells, I file the problem under my ‘never mind’ pile.

Once in the room, I went straight to my nest and bid the three fillies’ good night. However, to my surprise, the three fillies forgo the bed and made their own nest in front of me. How can something so cute look even cuter when it’s asleep? I was so tempted to snatch all three of them and hug them to death. But with great willpower, I resist doing so.

I can see them sleeping soundly in their nest as I watch them. Normally, I don’t have a problem falling asleep, but sometimes there are nights where I can’t find sleep. When this happens a walk in the night air does the trick, but I wanted to make sure they were asleep before I step out for a moment. Quietly I made my way outside.

A cool breeze brushes through my mane as I walk outside. The skirt of my gown flaps gently against my legs as the creatures of the night fills the air with their melodies of sleep. There are no ponies here: no children laughing with friends, no pony running to get to work, no pony in pain, there is only me.

My journey leads to a park bench under a tree facing a small lake. As I lay there, I finally can think about my life right now, and contemplate a question that has been on my mind for a while.

“Do I really want to go back?”

Discovering Truth

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I stare out on to the ripples of the pond, as fishes jump out to eat an unfortunate bug that were too close to the water. Water splashes towards me but fell short. A genital breeze blows through the strands of my mane over my eyes, as I watch the stillness of the night in Ponyville.

“It’s moments like these makes me wonder; why I never move out of the big city.” *sigh* I lay my head on my forelegs and close my eyes for a moment. “Why couldn’t I have been born in the country?”

“But if you were, we would have never met.” A voice said behind me, causing me to stand up in my seat but I froze when I felt something sharp touch the back of my neck, “Don’t turn around Jessica. This won’t take long.” Frighten I stare out at the water shaking in fear. What is going on? Who is this pony and how do they know my name?

“Who are you?”

“Just a messenger. A friend of mine wanted to let you know she has her eyes on you for a while.”

I don’t like the sound of that, but I better play ignorant for now. “For what exactly, I don’t have any skills to give.”

*heh* “I don't believe you understand. She wants you. After all she was the one who summon you here to begin with.”


“That is right. You coming wasn’t an accident. However, you appearing in the Ever Free wasn’t part of the plan.”

“So, what are you going to do then? I am not going to go with you willing. And if you wanted to ponynapped me. You would have done that when I didn’t know you were behind me.” There was a moment of silence as I sighed, “You goofed up, your ponynapping didn’t you?”

“Hay it was a reflex. I was answering your question,” Whoever this was, wasn’t the brightest of creatures. However, before I say anything else. I felt the sharp object again, “Enough! I am here to take you with me! With or without your consent.”

“Oh, I would like to see that. Cause that will be a nice trick!”

“I can assure you that this is no trick Jessica.” I can feel the blade moving to my front as he moves in front of me. He was something that I never seen before. He looked like a pony but not at the same time. His eyes were a solid color of blue. His body looked like a black exoskeletal of some kind. His legs had holes going in them, which got me to wonder how they haven’t broken yet. As for his mane is look like green fin. Just what is he? “You are coming with me!”

“Quick question,”

He grunts, “What?”

“What are you?”

“Right, I am a changeling.” I just blink at him, “A changeling.” Not ringing any bells, “I am a creature that eats love out of other creatures!”

“OH right! You’re the creature that the town ponies are scared of.” That gives me an idea. I may have to scarify my pride, but I think it will work. I am not getting ponynapped again!

“Right. Now the-” I dropped to my knees begging him,

“Oh, Pleases mister changeling. Spare me I didn’t do anything wrong.” I slowly crawl to him and stopped at his hooves, “I am so terribly sorry that I didn’t realize your might when you appeared before me.” I think I am going to be sick. But I think it is working. He seems to be unable to process what is going on here. “Please let me go. I will give you whatever you want.” I look away from him from embarrassment and that I wasn’t faking for what I am going to do next. “I don’t have any bits for you but,” I slowly moved my foreleg to slowly lift my shirt upward, “I am sure I can give you something else you might want.” That did it! He back peddles as he blushes and argues with himself. Success. He maybe a creature of love eating but he never had to deal with lust before. However enough of that. Exit stage right. I ran away from there as fast as I could yelling at the top of lunges,


I could hear the changeling trying to come after me, but it stops as I could hear the hoof steps of other ponies coming towards me. During the run someponies in armor ran past me and with some flying in the air. It would seem that my stunt also woke up most of the town as Ponies started looking around to what the alarm was sounded. I didn’t stop running until I was back at the Boutique. Rarity was sound asleep, as for the fillies they were up wondering what is going on. I told them to rest assured that everything will be okay, and to go back to sleep.

I couldn’t go back to sleep so easily after that, so I went downstairs to the kitchen. I pour myself some milk as I stare outside, “Try and kidnap me huh? I hope they catch you,” I said to myself as I drink my milk. However, before I know it, I could hear the front door forced up as something rushed inside. Not wanting to leave anything to chance I hid myself in a closet nearby. I waited as the sound made its way up stairs before three fillies screamed at something waking them up. I don’t want to risk dealing with the changeling or whatever has entered the house. But I can’t turn my back on three fillies that have so much to live for. Stealing my resolve, slowly I made my upstairs as the voices got clearer. And to my surprise I could hear that what ever has woken up the fillies was in a losing battle.


“This is a girl’s sleep over! No boys allowed!”

“I am sorry but-“

“But nothing! Out Exclusive!”

I got to the top of the stairs just in time to see him get hit with a pillow before the door closed on him. I smiled at this. Three guesses to why he is here. The commotion had woken up Rarity as she stares from her doorway. I motion to her that I will deal with this before she goes back to sleep. Her door slamming made Exclusive flinch before he notices me by the stairs. To with he quickly hugs me. Normally I would have told him not to hug ponies without their consent, but I am willing to make an exception here as I return the hug. He is something that I can deal with. I will take him over ponynapping any day.

He breaks the hug as he lights the hallway dimly with his magic, “Thank goodness you are okay. When I heard somepony screaming I feared the worst.”

“I am alright. But thanks for the hug.”

“Do you know what happened? The guards in the town have told everypony not to let anypony into any buildings until further notice.”

“It better if I start from the beginning,”

I lead Exclusive back to the kitchen as I told him what happened over a glass of milk. As I did, I notice that he had some saddlebags on, filled with something judging by the bulkiness. And you know, I don’t get to see much emotion from Exclusive besides kindness and happiness. So, seeing him being absolutely furious left me a bit uneased. He slams his hooves onto the table making me almost spill my drink,

“This is completely unacceptable! First Diamond Dogs and now Changelings?! What is next! Is Sombra going to come back from the dead and force you to marry him?” Who? “Or is Trixie going to turn you into her next magic assistance for her show as a mouse!?” Okay now he is getting ridicules.

“Exclusive. What done is done. The changeling is gone, and I am fine.” I said calming him down as he slumps in his chair, “But what worries me. Is that fact that he said that I wasn’t supposed to appear in the Ever Free, but somewhere else.” I looked down at my drink with some fear going through my body, “I thought that my appearance to this town was a mistake. A flunk, a one in a millionth chance of happening. But now I know that wasn’t the case. Somepony summon me here for a purpose. And whatever it is for. I am getting the feeling that I am not going to like it.” Remembering the knife to the neck, “I am not a fighter Exclusive. The only reason I got back here safely was because of dumb luck. It won’t happen again. And if they ever come back for me. I am not sure if I can get away again.”

I could feel Exclusive moving his hoof to grabbing one of my own. “I am not going to lie to you Jessica,” I look up at him, “Changelings can change their appearance at will. They can become anyone. And if they can get you alone again. Even I can’t stop them.”

“You are really bad at pep talks. You know that.” I halfheartedly laughed as I take my hoof back, “How is that going to make me feel any better?”

“I was getting to that.” He lights his horn as something came out of his bag as he sets it on the table. Looking closer, I could see that it was a red hair pin with a small match gem on the end. “This is an enchanted hairpin with a spell that can’t be removed.” This got my interest. Will it let me be able to defend myself or give me some kind of a magical attack? “It will let the one you love know where you are.” I didn’t see that coming.

I look away from him and stare at the floor, “Exclusive what is the point of this?” I could hear him moving next me as he lifts my chin to look at him again.

“If they ever take you away my dear. So long as you have this hairpin. I will always find you.” I get the idea but why? Couldn’t it had been something else?

I blush as I tried to look away again but couldn’t, “Exclusive I already told you. That I don’t feel the same way to you. Why do you continue to follow me?” I can feel my heart race faster as he looks lovingly into my eyes,

“Because I love you my dare Jessica.” He kneels down as he kisses my hoof looking up at me, “And nothing is going to make me feel otherwise.” Oh boy,

After I sent Exclusive home. I went into the bathroom for a cold shower. Before going back to my nest as I let out a heavy sigh. Not only do I have a group of changelings after me. But now I have a stallion who is head over heals in live with me. And I am not sure how to proceed with either one. There are so many questions that need answering but with no answers in sight.

I slam my head into my foreleg groaning in frustration. “*Beep* ME!” I turn around looking for Pinkie Pie. She’s the only pony I know who somehow knows when I am going to curse and have a horn ready. But as I looked around, I saw nothing. Looking down I can see a piece of paper near my hoof. Quickly I pick up the paper and look at it. It was a picture of Pinkie holding a horn saying, ‘Language Jessica’. Really Pinkie? That's not what I need right now. Looking at the back I could see a closed letter with some words on it. But instead of opening it, I put the note away for now. When I get a chance, I will see what Pinkie wanted to tell me. But for now, it is time for bed.

The morning was uneventful. Once the crusaders were awake, they made their way downstairs to eat. Meanwhile, I stayed behind to clean up the room before joining them. After breakfast, the crusaders left saying something about helping with cutie marks. I bid them good luck as I went through my daily routine of shower, brush, change clothes. Today I have on a silver dress that Rarity lend me. She seems to appreciate my love of wearing clothes. She did say that she was going to be busy in her workshop and might need my help later. I did ask her why she doesn’t get one of her other friends to help her, but she said I just did. In any rate it is time to see what is in the letter.

Closing the bathroom door behind me, I start to look around the room to see if the coast is clear. After my third go over, I am satisfied that it is OK, for now. Laying on my stomach I pull out Pinkie’s note.

Don’t worry Jessica Secret Agent Pinkie is on the case. I will contact you with a rainbow cupcake after I find where those changelings are hiding. It would be best if you stay with Rarity for now. And don’t leave the boutique for any reason. This isn’t the first time I had to deal with the likes of them.

“Well, now don’t I feel better. Wait there’s more.”

‘This message will self-destruct in 5-4-3-‘



New ponies

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Moving through the smoke I open a window to clear up the smoke all the while I was coughing my lungs out. I move my body to windowsill and lay on my stomach trying to breathe again, “Why in the world would somepony… check that. How in the world did she make a piece of paper explode?” *cough* “This isn't Naruto!” I stay there as random ponies look at me what I was doing. Since I wasn’t screaming fire, they probably didn’t know what to make of me. I would glare at them or wave at them. I didn’t care. Before long a familiar voice made itself know outside the door.

*Knock*knock*” Jessica are you alright in there! I thought heard an explosion!” I saw the doorknob moved by the door remain lock. I don’t remember locking it,

“I am fine Rarity. I... Um... Just found a lit firecracker in here.” Normally I would tell the truth, but who would believe the truth this time?

*sigh*“I most apologies Jessica it would seem that you were a victim of one of Pinkie's pranks.” What! Does she do these kinds of things so often that nopony give much thought to it! That mare is defining physics and nopony cares! “Well, I'm just going to have a few words with her.”

I move to the door and open it as we made our way downstairs, “Fine, but might I ask. How can I get in contact with Princess Twilight?”

We enter a studio deeper inside the boutique, “Please, darling she prefers Twilight.”

“Right well how can I get in contact with her?”

She motions for me to stand on the stage as she moves dresses and pieces of fabric all over me. I may love dresses, but I have no idea how to make them. This is going to be interesting, “It's not so hard. Most of the time she is in her castle doing who knows what or helping out a friend.” She pauses, “And might I ask why her in particular?”

“Well you see she dropped by while I was in the hospital. And said she was going to look into something for me.”

He nods at this before resuming her work as she fits a green dress over me, “Oh, really and what might that be?”

Oh boy not again. I am not going to go through that again, “Sorry, Rarity can’t tell you.”

Her tools falter for a moment before she caught them. She stares at me widen eyed, “But why on earth not?”

“Because you will think I am crazy.”

She huffs to herself, “Jessica if you have seen what I have been through the last couple of years. You’ll would see how normal your life is.” She removes the dress form me before fitting me in a pink one with red lining.

I look at her in disbelief, “Have you not heard what happen to me this last week?”

She rolls her eyes as she adds some decorational piece for the dress, “Please, darling those were nothing compared to what I have to go through.”

Glaring I accepted her challenge, “I was chased through the wood by a timberwolf!”

“I was chased by little flying insects that wanted to eat everything in sight.”

“I was ponnynapped by diamond dogs, so they can breed me!”

“I was too ponnynapped by them and was forced to do hard labor for them.” Really? Never mind,

“I was shocked with a thousand volts of electricity!”

“I had to deal with the rudest stallion that ever walked the face of Equestria.”

What wait a minute, “Wait, how does that compare to being electrocuted into being unconscious?”

She looks away point her hoof at me, “Trust me, darling, you don’t want to know.”

“Okay fine. So you have an interesting life.” I wonder? “Hay Rarity can you tell me more about it over some tea?”

“Really? Why the sudden change in attitude dear?”

“Nothing really. I just thought that since we are going to living together, we should get to know each other better.”

“Very well. It will take a moment for the water to boil. You can wait in the lobby in the meantime.”

“Alright.” I notice that the dress I am wearing reminds me of a princess from my childhood. Smiling at her, I had to try, “Can I keep the dress?”

“No,” She quickly change me into the blue dress Exclusive gave me as I sigh in disappointment, “It’s a special order,”

“Fine,” I made my way to the lobby until the tea was done. After a while, I got tired and went to check on what was going on when I got closer to the kitchen, I start to hear whispering. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, but I got to go. Use protocol red box at Flutters.” It sounds like Rarity is talking with somepony. But I can’t make out who.”

“What are you…umf!”

“It's all there just read, got to go.”

“Hello?” I said entering the kitchen. I couldn't see who Rarity was talking to, but I did notice her hiding something behind her.

“Oh, Jessica the tea will be ready shortly.”

“Okay.” I eyed her suspiciously, I have no idea what happened earlier, but I am 70% sure I heard Pinkie earlier. I made my way on over to the table to wait for the te- “Wait a minute. Rarity? Why did I have to wait in the lobby for the tea when you have a table here?”

“Sorry, it slipped my mind at the time.” I don’t believe her,

How can you forget you had a table in the kitchen? Looking around I couldn’t see any signs of Pinkie, but I am sure Rarity wasn’t here alone a moment ago. Well if it was Pinkie, maybe it has something to do with the letter form earlier. I know that I should tell Rarity about what happened last night. But I really don’t want to drag her into this. After tea, we talked for a while and I have got to say. For such a small town it is a hotspot for trouble. No wonder the buildings here were already fixed by the time I woke up the next day. By the number of times, it has been destroyed. It must be a regular accordance by now. The insurance must be through the roof here, or maybe they don’t have any.

But what struck me as odd was when she started telling me who her friends are. It turns out that almost every pony I have to meet is friends with her. Well except that one pony she called Applejack I haven’t met her yet. But with my luck, it is only a matter of time. In any case, I also found out that Twilight isn’t the only princess in these lands. There are three others. Four if you count the baby princess.

Although I was a bit bewildered when she said that two of them oversaw the day and night and the other oversaw love. How the last one does her job I will never know. In any case, I can conclude that this is not a safe place to be and I am going to have to find a way out of here. But first I must take care of those changelings. I am no fighter if push comes to shove, I normally just wait for someone else to help me or go find some help. But I may not have that option here. Not to mention I have no idea who they are. So even if I get out of town. Who to say they won’t follow me and get me? Whether I like it or not, I am trapped in this town, until an opportunity presents itself. I might as well find something to do while I wait.

“Hey Rarity.”


“You know how I am staying here with you and your sister and all?”

“uhum.” She drinks her tea,

“Well, I was wondering if there was something for me to do around here during my stay.”

She places her tea cup down giving me her full attention, “Please Jessica. You are a guest here. You aren’t expected to do anything for this household while you are here.”

“I get that, but I just don’t like the idea of getting a free place to stay without doing something for it.”

She sighs, “Very well if you insist. I can send you on some earns around town if you want. Or I could ask around if anypony needs help with something.”

Let’s see... working with her or someone random each day. I like the latter. I love dresses, but not so much making them, “Let’s go with the asking around town.”

“Very well then. I would show you around town, but I have a big order that needs to be filled. So, you can ask Sweetie Belle to show you around.”

“Why your little sister?”

“Would you rather have Pinkie Pie?”

Hum I am not sure? “That’s a bad thing, right?” because I don’t know her personally expect those few random times she showed. But I get the feeling that she is trouble. Like Rainbow.


“Alright, then Sweetie Belle it is. If I recall they said something about cutie marks earlier?”

“Right if that’s the case you are better off heading towards their clubhouse… which you have no idea where it is.”

“How about I just go around town and start asking ponies?”

“That would be best for now.”

“Right then see you later,” I said leaving her to her work. Outside is about what you would expect from a small town. Ponies going to and from everywhere, children playing around, there is a pony looming at the road. Wait and second what? Stopping to look back at the mare in question. She had an aqua blue coat with a light grey cyan mane with white highlights and has a horn. But what she was doing wasn’t what caught my interest. It was the way she was doing it. Her body was close to the ground and when she found something of interest, she put it in her saddlebag and resume.

“Excuse me miss but what are you doing?” I asked her.

Without lifting her head, she replied: “I am looking for clues.”

Okay now I am curious, “Clues for what exactly.”

She turns to face me and said to my face with a mad look in her eyes. “Humans!”

I jumped back at the sudden invasion of space. I calmed down my breathing and trying to compose myself. How does she know about Humans? I thought most ponies thought they were made up. Wait maybe she's one of those ponies that have tried to go to the human world like Twilight said. Either way better play it safe and act like I have no idea what she is talking about.

“Sorry, but what is a human miss…”

“Lyra Heartstrings.” Oh, now I know her. Twilight said she is obsessed with humans. That explains how she knows. “And to answer your question. Humans are one of the most interesting creatures ever known!” she said looking away from me with a dreamy look in her eyes, before she snapps out of it as she looks back at me, “So you really don’t know about humans?”

You have no idea how wrong you are. “Can you enlighten me?” Might as well entertain myself,

“Sure, but I have to ask. Are you sure you never heard of humans before?” She sounds suspicious at my choice of words. It must be common myth around here. But I am sure I can get out of this.

“Nope first time really. Should I know?”

“Yes, everypony have heard of the legend of the creature on his hind legs. It’s famous,”

“Not me. I am new here. Never heard of it,” before I knew what happened she looks around to see if anypony was looking. Then her horn shined, and I was blinded by a bright flash of light then next thing I heard was somepony else complaining.

“Lyra! What are doing this time… WHY ARE YOU PONYNAPPING PONIES!”

Looking to my right. I can see a cream-colored pony with a blue mane and pink highlights, and she doesn’t look happy. Lyra went to tell the new pony of why she brought me here, but I wasn’t paying attention. The only thing on my mind was, where am I? And how do I get out of here? Slowly moving away from the pair, I started looking around for a way out of here or an open window. As I continue to search, I found that it looks like I am somepony's house. My guess this belongs to the upset mare. Nice place, but what with all the candy around here? Wait that’s a chocolate bar, an actual chocolate bar is two feet from my face. And now it’s gone, delicious. I'm sure they won’t mind. As I was licking my lips, I can see a door slightly open with light coming through. Leaning a little I can see the outside through the door. I look back at them then at the door and did this twice, before running towards the door.

Just when I was a foot outside a familiar feeling of immobility stops me and slowly, I am pulled back inside. How I forgot she was a unicorn is beyond me, but seeing as there are someponies nearby, I did the only thing somepony can do in my case. “Help! I am being held here against my will by a cra…” my cry for help was cut off by Lyra covering my mouth.

“Hehe. Don’t mind her everypony she's just being silly. That’s all. You know finding humans and all that.” I don’t know how that worked but the ponies seemed to forget the idea I am in trouble and went back to their daily business while Lyra was pulling me back inside.

Once again inside Lyra closed the door behind as the other pony came into the room.

“You are ponynapping her!” she scolded her,

“It’s nothing like that Bonbon.” She rolls her eyes at her friend, “I just have a few questions for her.”

Crossing my hooves, I stare back Lyra, “Can I be put back on my hooves please?”

However instead of saying sorry and putting me down. She turns to me with anger, “Not before I find out why you were lying to me earlier!”

Lyra's friend

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Okay, I impressed that she knew that I was lying. But then again, she may be lying herself to get a confession from me. Better challenge her bluff. “What are you talking about? I wasn’t lying.”

“Don’t play dumb with me." My kidnapper told me. "I know you were lying to me about humans earlier!”

“Yeah right, and I am a changeling?” You are talking crazy here Pony,

“You see these earrings here.” She said pointing to two small golden earrings on her left ear. “They give me a small tingle sensation when somepony is lying to me.”

Okay, one that's awesome and two if those are the real deal then I am in trouble. Not the fact that I am being held against my will again. Or the fact I was caught being a liar. But the fact that I forgot to bring Exclusive’s hair pin with me. I going to have to talk my way out of this. In a cat fight, “Yeah right. That’s got to be the biggest lye here. There’s no way to tell if somepony is lying just with earrings.”

“Yes, there is! I am using them right now!”

Before I could say anything, I notice that the other Pony in the room looks nervous at us for some reason. “Uh. Lyra where did you get those?”

She turns her attention to her friend still not letting me go, “Not now Bon Bon can’t you see I am in the middle of an interrogation here.”

Oh, so her name is Bon Bon. Isn't that a candy? Now I am curious about who this mare is. Maybe she was the one who made that chocolate bar. But first things first. “You know you are very bad at being the bad cop Lyra.”

She turns to face me with anger in her eyes, "No, I am not. You are just very good at hiding secrets!"

Time so some fun, “Thanks for the complement, liar.”

“Lyra. My name is Lyra. Not liar.”

“I just said that.”

“No, you didn’t!”

“Yes, I did Liar.”

“See you did it again!”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did! You call me a Liar!”

“No, I didn’t Liar, I called you Lyra.”

“See you called me Lyra.”

“I know I did Lyra.”

“It’s Liar!” I couldn’t keep a smirk off my face,

“Okay then. Have it your way Liar.”

“Wait a minute,” I couldn’t stop laughing at her, “Stop that!”

“Hay you are one who kidnapped me. I had to brighten up the mood somehow.” Her face is so red right now, "Anyways how long do you plan on keeping me here?"

"Until you tell me everything!" *KONK! * And drown goes Lyra along with me to the floor with a loud thud. Looking at the unconcise mare than to the other mare in the room. She was holding a frying pan before she helps me back to my hooves,

“Was that really necessary?”

“In this case it was either that or a sleep dart and I am all out of sleep darts,” This mare has sleep darts? Why? She moves Lyra onto the couch making sure she was comfortable, “My apologies. Lyra can sometimes get carried away with her quest on finding more information about humans. You should have seen her earlier this week,” she smiles apologetic towards me, “But this is the first time she actually ponynapped somepony. I am so sorry for her behavior,”

I wave my hoof dismissively, “Don’t worry about. By the number of times, it has happened to me. It's starting to get boring.”

She looks shock by this, “That’s quiet, unfortunate Miss?”

“Huh? Oh, right Jessica, my name is Jessica.”

We both reach out and shook each other hooves. Finally, somepony that is not trying to kidnap me or trying to hurt me, “Really?” She tilts her head, “That’s sure is a unique name for a pony.”

Oh, dear. Judging by that tone of voice she just used. She knows that something is not right. But all I said was my name. I knew that going by my real name was a bad idea. I am getting out of here before something else happens. But I better play it cool here. She seems more like a reasonable mare.

“It sure is. I had no saying in what my parents wanted to name me. I just have to learn to live with it.”

That seems to calm her down as she smiles at me, “Of course. Now then I better take care of my friend here before she wakes up. See you later alligator.”

“After a while crocodile.” I turned to leave through the front door. That was odd. How did she know about that old saying? Right before I open the door. I felt a cold chill go down my spine stopping me in my tracks.

"Listen well Human." Bonbon said from behind me in a serious voice, "I do not know why you are here. But if you start causing problems around here you have to answer to me. Understand."

I swallow at her statement and did my best to answer her. "Yo... you believe your friend Bon Bon?"

"Indeed. Only humans know that saying from your world. Ponies would never say such things. Also, you kept saying kidnapped instead of ponynapped. Furthermore, I was given orders to look into your background to find nothing” Oh poop, she knows, “Not to mention that I know everypony in Pony Ville and you pop out of now where just a few days ago. So, tell me human what are you doing here?”

I think she is going to kill me if I step out of line! I better clear up things up. I was too scared to turn around, "You won't believe this, but it was some changelings are the one who brought me here. I have no idea why, but I just want to go home."

“Is that so?”

“Yes, one of them tried to kidnap me last night before I sounded the alarm. I was hoping to find the Princess later on today to tell her this.”

“Well I at least know that the alarm last night did involve a changeling, so there is some truth to your story. But how did you know that they were the ones that brought you here?”

“I asked him. He wasn’t the brightest changeling. I was also part of the reason I was able to get away.”

“I see,”

“So, who are you really Bon Bon?”

“I can’t tell you that. Just know that I am just to the pony who make sure that humans or other creatures don't cause trouble for ponies."

“So, what now?”

"I will inform her highness about what happen here and what you told me. As for sending you home. Only the princesses know the location of the human world. You will have to convince them."

"Okay. What about Lyra?"

"That is my problem. And if anypony ask why you were in my house just tell them that you needed to use the restroom and that you saw Lyra’s collect of Human clues."

"Okay. But wat about the changelings? They are still after me."

“You should be fine. Changelings normally don’t come back to the same town if they are discovered for a while. In the meantime, keep your head down. And don’t leave town. It will be harder to help you if you do.”

“Thank you. Also, I will be staying at the Boutique until further notice. If you need to find me that where I will be.” With that final thought, I left her house as she closes the door behind me. After that I made my back to Rarity's house. Along the way I saw a burnt down house where Exclusive's house once stood. I still have no idea how that happened. I also saw somepony gathering around some posters around town. After getting a closer look. It was a picture of a changeling warning ponies about who they are and what to do if you see them. Looks like I did some of the things that they recommitment if I ever saw one. The other things they wanted ponies to do was to report any sighting of changelings to the guard ponies in town. As well to keep all outdoor activities to a minimum. They seem to be taking this situation like a plague of some sorts. Then again, a creature that can change their appearance at will and eats love is a little unnerving for anypony.

Once I got back, I was greeted by the sight of Exclusive waiting for me in the lobby. Doesn’t this guy have some kind of work to do or something? Wait maybe this is break time.

He smiles lovingly at me as I enter the room, “Hello Exclusive,”

He moves to kiss my hoof again. A happy sigh leaves me as he does, “Hello again my dare,” I leave my hoof still in his grasp.

“Still going on with the mussy stuff huh?”

“You know you love it?” He lets go of my hoof,

Oh, why fight it? “Yes. Yes, I do.” This causes me to smile as well, “So what brings you here today Exclusive?”

He brushes the side of my face never taking his eyes off me, “What better reason than to see you again my love?”

“Stop that.” I halfheartedly push at him, “So how are you doing?”

“Better now I am with you.”

“Okay Exclusive. Let’s get some things straight,” I put a hoof to his chest, “I like you. But there is a limit to how much lovey dovey stuff I can take a day. I am not used to it. So please ease off a little.”

He smiles, as I removed my hoof from his chest, “Okay,”

“So, what is going on?”

“I got word from a certain Pinkie pony that some changelings are after you.”

“I have no idea how she found out. I never told her anything.”

“That Pinkie for you always looking out for her friends.”

The rest of the conversation was just going over into more detail of what has happen for far. Rarity join in the discussion saying that the changelings are acting unusual. They have never gone out of there way to try and ponynapped a random pony for no reason. Exclusive said that it may have something to do with what happen at their hive. When I question him about it. He informed me that kidnapped ponies are very common for them. They have even had gotten the Princesses once. All five of them. I was freaking out. But that wasn’t the weirdest part. It turns out during their last attempt to take over Equestria. It was foil by a Pony named Starlight Glimmer.

He also mentions that there are two types of changelings. The black ones I encountered and some colorful one. From his description the colorful one look just like changeling but come in a verity of colors and have no holes in their legs and don’t feed on love anymore. The colorful ones are the nice changelings that were reform during the destruction of their hive. However, their Queen refuse to be reform and ran away in defeat followed by some loyal subject that aren’t reformed. That is were the black changelings I saw came from. They have been on the run ever since. But no has seen them for over a year. Until now. Rarity has informed us that Twilight has called in the guards and the reform changeling to come to Pony Ville and find any leads about the changeling that showed up last night. However, it will take them a day before they can get here.

I was then made aware that even though the changelings are reform they are good now. There are still some ponies that are still wary of them. That would explain why those ponies acted the way they did when they overhead the conversation between Me and Exclusive the other day. But that still doesn’t put me at ease. Just how much more is my life going to get harder outside of my control. Well at least I got a boyfriend.

New friends and enemies

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It was the next day. I help Rarity around the Boutique, learned how to make breakfast, got a new dress of yellow. If this keeps up, I will get a dress with each other the colors of the rainbow. Although I got to watch in enjoyment as Rainbow was forced to wear a dress as Rarity was making minor adjusting. If only I had a camera. But at the very least, I will never let her live it down. I watched over the crusaders along with some other fillies for an hour. I had no idea why Rarity told me not to take my eyes off them for a second. I didn’t get why she was so worried until I had to stop them from before they flood the Boutique. Where they got the idea of messing with the pipes in the house while the main water line was still on, I have no idea. Also, Pinkie’s cous Berry stop by- correction, he was hanging from a rope outside the window and gave me a letter before going who knows where.

It was a letter from Pinkie. Simply put, she said something about changeling proofing Pony Ville so that no changelings could get in. But then she changes her mind when she remembers that the good changelings are coming soon and then went on to say to forgot that she said anything. And I toss the letter outside the window before something happens. And to much surprise, it did. It went up in flames, to which, to my disbelief, caused a butterfly effect. Not wanting to see how it ends, I choose to stay in my room until the screaming stop or at the very least until the fireponies put out the fire in the marketplace. I am going to have a long talk with that mare.

Afterward, I had lunch with Rarity. I got to learn some names of Rarity’s friends and some other species in this world. I haven’t told her yet that I am a human. That conversation will come when Princess Twilight comes back to me with her decision. After lunch, I spend some time in the lobby with my new dress as I lay on the couch thinking. About that conversation with Bon Bon to be exact. When I told her that I wanted to go home. For some reason, I thought about the Boutique and Exclusive instead of my home on earth. I gently rub the hairpin he gave me on the right side of my head. Earth is a nice place with its high tech and variety of food. But its also a hard place to live in if you don’t have family to depend on or money. It can be downright cruel. But this place has its downsides as well. Namely the changelings that are after me. They are creatures that eats love, what would they want with a human from another worl-

I sat up straight in shock. “That is, it! That the connection!” I am from another world! The changelings are trying to go to another world! In order to make sure that it is safe for them to travel back and forth they have to test it first. I am a test dummy. If the changelings can get access to another world that doesn’t have magic, then there will be no one to stop them! It will be an all-you-can-eat buffet! And if that’s the case, then my arrival in the Ever Free wasn’t an accident. They wanted me to go home so that I can show them the way. That changeling wasn’t trying to kidnap me. It just wanted me to scare me so that I can hurry up and show them the way to earth! If that’s the case, I can’t go home. I will be dooming my whole planet if I do. We are already having problems with trusting each other. Imagine what will happen if changelings were to be added into the mix. It will be utter chaos! Quickly I got up and ran outside the Boutique. Looking around, I saw a sizeable crystal-like castle and ran towards it. Rarity said that Princess Twilight spends most of her time in the castle. I hope she is there this time.

Running towards the castle, I passed by Berry and Fluttershy next to an ice cream stand. And for some reason, Berry came jumping next to me.

“Hay Jess,” He says with the big smile on his face while not losing ground, “Where the fire?”

“Not my name.” I called over my shoulder, “I have to talk to the Princess before it’s too late!”

“Too late for what? Oh, wait, don’t tell me. I can get this,” I wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying as we zoomed by some ponies. Most of them I didn’t recognize most of them, but I did see Derpy, and a mare that looks like the stallion that told Exclusive his house was burning down. And for some reason, she joined us.

“Woo there Berry, where you two running of to?”

“Hay Applejack, I am not sure myself. Jessica hasn’t told me yet.”

“Jessica? You mean the mare that staying with Rarity?”

“That’s the one.” I got to the front of the castle and was up the stair before Applejack got in my way, “Now hold your hooves there. What business do you have with Twilight?”

Oh, good, I am at the right place. Bad news, why is this mare getting in my way? “That is Princess Twilight Applejack. I thought that ponies living here would call her by her title, at least. Out of my way,” Try as I might, I couldn’t get past this mare. Why is she so strong? I glare at her, “What’s is your deal?”

“My deal is that Twilight is a good old friend of mine. And I am not going to let some random mare charge into her home like a wild bronco.” I really don’t have time for this,

“How do you know that I am going to act like a bronco once I get inside? For all you know, I was simply in a hurry to tell her something.”

“Well, then you can tell me. And I will make sure that she gets the message.”

Sighing, I close my eyes, “You know. Two days ago, I would have agreed with you and left a message. But that was two days ago.” A gave her an annoyed looked,

She looks confused at my choice of words, “What’s wrong you don’t trust me?”

I simply shake my head, “No. No, I don’t,” Berry gasp behind me as Applejack got angry,

“Why all the… I am Applejack. The loyalist and trustworthy of all ponies. I-”

I didn’t let her finish, “Don’t know you. I don’t care. Out of the way.” Why does this mare make me so angry?

“Not Until you apologize mam!”

“For what and to who?” Hum. She seems to be at a loss for words, but she still looks pretty angry,

“TO ME YOU NO GOOD VARMIT!” Okay, that’s it. I slap her across her face making her look away from me in shock.

“Would you stop yelling at me? I have no business with you. I must speak with the Princess at once.” Hum, why did it get so quiet? Wait, I think I am forgetting something here. Applejack slowly turns to face me, eyes filled with nothing but rage,

“That does it!” She jumps at me, grabbing me as I fell backward. Right now, I remember, I forgot this mare is physically strong, and we were on top of a staircase. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to start a fight with her. But in my defense, she started it. I don’t remember much about what happened after we fell down the steps. But I believe there was a lot of cursing, punches, and biting.

Berry’s POV

I didn’t know what happen. One moment Jessica, Applejack, and me were going to see Twilight. And the next, both of them are trying to beat each other up. I manage to get out of the way before it started. They kick up a cloud of smoke in their fight as more ponies came by to see what the commotion was all about. Rainbow and Pinkie were quick to the scene with some more of our friends.

“What the hay is going on?” Rainbow said as she sees land next to me, “Why are Applejack and Jessica fighting?”

“I don’t know. I just got here,” Pinkie looks at me confused, “What happened?”

“Well, if I remember, Jessica slapped A.J.”

“What?!” Rainbow flies into the air, “I can take Jessica’s attitude with me, but she starts messing with my friends. She got’s another thing coming!” She charges to the fight only to be stopped by a pair of cyan hooves holding her back in a headlock. She struggles for a bit before turning to face the Pegasus holding her, “Blitz, let me go. I have to stop this!” A stallion that looks just like her in every way, but gender shakes his head,

“You don’t have to do anything, Dash. Applejack can handle herself.” He then lets her go, “Besides, it’s over,” Everypony turns back to the fight as the dust clears.

Applejack looks a little ruffed up, but Jessica looks like she got the worst of it. Half of her dress is gone; her mane and tail are a mess, and bruises are all over her. It’s impressive that she wasn’t bleeding. The both of them glare at each other before Jessica spoke up in a shallow voice, “I hate you,” and with that, she fell to the ground in defeat and was out like a light. Both Rainbow ponies confronted Applejack as Guard ponies arrived at the scene with Exclusive right behind them. I was so in shock at what happened that all I could do is watch my friends fight with each other.

“What the hay Applejack!” Blitz said,

Confused as to why her friends are mad at her when she was attacked. She could only reply dumbly, “What?”

“Why did you do that?”

She looks at the down mare as Exclusive worries over her, “But… she hit me.”

“She is a fashion mare that lives with Rarity!” Rainbow scolded her, “She can’t take you on in a no-holds-bar fight. Even in our fights, we never go that far!”

Horror filled Applejack’s face as she realizes her mistake. She tried to go to her opponent, but one glare from Exclusive stop her. Exclusive takes Jessica away as the doors to the castle open up. A familiar mare leaves the building only to stop once she sees the crowd of ponies in front of her castle. Twilight looks to her friends and to the group of ponies, “Did I miss something?”

Exclusive’s Point of view

I took Jessica to the hospital again. If I knew she was this prone to injuries I would have carried a first aid kit with me. But sadly, that wasn’t the case. Nurse Red heart had just finished cleaning up Jessica and told me that she will be okay and will wake up at any moment. As she lays on the bed in the ER I hold onto her hoof in my own as I wait for her to wake up.

Why I am doing this? I never acted like this before. This is not the first mare I had to woo. What makes Jessica so different? Could it be that I am really falling in l- My thoughts were cut off with somepony behind me clearing their throat.

“Exclusive,” Looking behind me I could see Berry. He must be here to check up on me and Jessica. So why does he look worried.

“Hello Berry. Jess-,”

“Dusk has asked to see you.” Oh. That would do it,

I look back at Jessica, “Now?”

“Yes,” He looks around to make sure nopony was nearby, “He didn’t sound happy. I will keep an eye on her, so you don’t have to worry about that.” I was hesitant to leave her at first, but I don’t have much of say in the matter. If Dusk is asking for me. Then something has happened. I sigh as I move to leave,

“Very well,”

I made my way back to Castle friendship to meet Dusk. I said hi to Starlight and Spike who were leaving to the Magical School of Friendship. Starlight is Twilight’s personal student/ex-enemy/rival, she looks similar to Twilight but replace the pink highlight with blue. As for Spike he was Twilight’s personal assistance/brother. Did I mention that he was a dragon? Although small he still is able to help out everypony despite the height difference. Starlight said something about making sure that everything is okay, and they will be back shortly. Once I closed the door behind me, I am faced with a new problem. I will now have to face Dusk with nopony nearby.

Going further into the castle I found an open door to Twilight’s bedroom as I could hear two ponies talking with each other.

“But Dusk. I have much work that I need to finish,” I stop near the door, waiting for them to be done, “I can’t possible take a nap now?”

“Nonsense Twilight. You have been awake for hours. You need your rest, or you will not be any help to anypony,”

“I guess so. Goodnight, Dusk”

“Goodnight Twilight,” With that. A Stallion that looks just like Twilight came out of the room expect that he was a stallion and a unicorn. He closes the door before motioning for me to follow him. As we make our way deeper into the castle he speaks up, “So I heard that Jessica got into a fight with Applejack,” We enter the cutiemap room as Dusk sits in Twilight’s throne and I in Rarity’s.

“I am sorry Dusk. I have no idea why that happen. But I can assure you that it will not happen again.”

“It better not. That last thing we need is for any member of the manesix to get injured.” He smacks his hoof on the map, “It will ruin everything that we have be working for,” He slouches into the chair rubbing his eyes, “We are not ready to proceed with phase two of the plan. Butterscotch is having enough of a hard time with Fluttershy with Discord showing up out of nowhere whenever he wants,” He glares at me, “Not to mention that fact that you haven’t even gotten started with Rarity.”

I clear my throat, “That is easier said than done. That mare has such high standards that getting close to her is nearly impossible. So, I am going with a different approach with her. It will be slower, but it will work.”

“It better. Her highness is getting impatient. And is expecting results soon.”

“I will not fail her,”

“For all our sakes you better not.” Dusk looks out the window, “Thorax will be arriving tomorrow with some more guards for the town. Although this is not the optimal situation there is nothing, we can do about it.”

“Then what are your orders?”

“Keep your head down and don’t do anything that will attract attention to yourself for the next week. Understand?”

“Alright,” I get up to leave but I stop at the doorway, “But I have to ask. Do you know what happened last night?”

Dusk lets out a heavy sigh, “It was Hemolymph. I rather not talk about it.”

“Right,” I node in acknowledgement but stop when he called out to me,

“And Exclusive,”


“I have notice that you have your eye on a certain mare in Rarity’s house.”

I honestly hope he didn’t notice, “And what of it? Is there something wrong with having a source of love for myself?”

“That’s not what I mean. I have seen the way you have looked at her. Those are not the eyes of a predator. We can’t love ponies you know, that right?”

“Oh course. Every day I remember,”

“But?” He asks,

“But I can’t help and consider what if our queen was-” Before I could finish my sentence I am slammed into the wall as Dusk holds me there with his foreleg against me neck,

“Let’s get one thing clear Exclusive,” He says not giving me a chance to breath, “We serve the Queen, and no one else. “I struggle to breath as he continues to hold me there, “We have no purpose to live without her. We owe her our lives. And we will serve her until our end.” He presses harder against me as green flames cover my body and then I am reverted back to normal form, “Do I make myself clear soldier!”

I cough and struggle to breath as I look at him, “Yes sir,” He lets me drop to the ground,

“Then get your uniform back on. You’re in your civies.” He leaves me there as I catch my breath. I look back at my foreleg. It has been a long time since I have seen my foreleg in its natural color. I shake my head before getting up casting the spell again for green flames to cover my body again as I leave the castle.

That went better than I thought. Normally he would cause me some blood loss for questioning the Queen’s actions. But then again, he is not wrong. So, his anger is justified, and that is why he was but in charge of the princess. But that doesn’t mean I agree with him. But I don’t know anymore. There are only eight of us left including the Queen. Can we really win?

Some fun and Problems

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I am hating how easily I get hurt in this world. Maybe staying here is a bad idea. But then again, I don't have much of an option. After I got out of the Hospital, Berry keeps asking me why me and Applejack were trying to kill each other. I didn't give him a straight answer. Mainly because I am still trying to figure that out myself. But something about her just makes me angry. As long as we stay away from each other. We won't have any more problems. For me, anyway.

Nothing exciting happened for the next week. Okay, that is a total lie. Shortly after I woke up, some colorful insect-like ponies came into town. I believe they are good changelings that Exclusive told me about. From what I heard, they came here looking for any signs of that changeling I met the other day and were going to still be around town for a bit. I wanted to talk to the Princess again. But I saw that mare next to her; I exit stage right. I am sure that humanity can survive a few more days before the end arrives. Also, I am not in a hurry to go back to the hospital.

I thought I could talk with her later that day, but that wasn't meant to be. Applejack came by the Boutique shortly after I saw her with the Princess, but I wouldn't have anything to do with her. We played a game of hiding and never found. I don't mean to brag, but whenever I want to hide, no one will find me. No matter how hard they tried or for how long. Back in elementary, I played with some friends during lunch, and they spent the whole day trying to find me. They thought I went home or disappeared but little did they know, I was right under their noses the entire time. A little make-up and a wig, and I was a different kid. They never did find me. But I had to give up the act when my teacher started to get worried and call my parents. I was banned from playing hide n seek ever since.

Hiding from Applejack was child's play. The first day I waited under a bed until she left. When she came back in an hour, I was in the couch; then I was in the closet, and then in the tub. I made sure to never go to the same place twice. I made sure that Rarity and Sweetie knew I was in the house so that they wouldn't get worried, but I would hide the moment the door would open. This would go on for days. Applejack would come over bright and early to find me, but I would already be ready for her. One time I pretend to be Rarity on the sewing machine, and she didn't even notice. It was getting to the point that Applejack was starting to question whether I was living in the Boutique or not. One time she almost got me when I was having tea with Exclusive, but she blinked, and I was gone. I never knew that a mare could scream so loud. As fun as it is making her angry with me, I still need to talk with the Princess. Hopefully, I am not too late.

It's dawn right now, as I look out my window. One doesn't see much during this time. It's pitch dark with no pony in sight. No pony except for one. She thinks she is so smart moving from shadow to shadow, trying to hide from view from the windows of the Boutique. To make sure that I couldn't see her. But little did she know that I have no life right now and spent the whole week coming up with all possible entrance here along with every hiding spot in here. She is a Novice against a Master. I made sure to move everything in the Boutique around so that she has no idea where I could be hiding every time she comes here. I even made sure that some dummies are hiding along with me so that she would think I would be there, but I am not. If Rarity asks, I was nowhere near her leftover dresses. That was day three, and I would even sometimes hide amongst the dummies. She is a fool thinking that she could come into my house and get me so easily—game on Applejack.

I could see her at the house entrance and was reaching for the door when a voice called out to her. "Applejack!" I look to see a stallion marching over to her. I wonder who the newcomer is? "Might I ask what you are doing here?"

"Ah, Hi, big bro. Ah, I could ask you the same thing."

"I came here looking for why my little sister keeps leaving the farm so early. You have been doing this for over a week already."

"Really, that long. I didn't notice." There was a moment of silence before Applejack sighs, "Look, Big Mac. I came here to talk with Jessica, but for the last week, I haven't been able to talk with her."

"And you believe sneaking into Rarity's house so early will let you get a conversation with her? Why don't you wait for every pony to be awake first before somepony starts thinking that you are breaking into someponies house?"

"You don't think I tried that!" She has, "I have been coming here for the past week during the day trying to talk with her. I even made sure to talk with Rarity and Sweetie bell to make sure she is in only to find nothing!" That was a good day, "I would go to Pinkie or Rainbow for help finding her, but they are too busy helping Thorax and the others finding Chrysalis."

He nods at this before addressing her, "Okay, say you find her. What are you going to do once you find her?"

"First, make sure that she is not a changeling." I am not, "And second, to apologies for my actions at the castle the other day." Oh really?

His light up in realization as he glares at his sister, "I get it. She was the mare you hurt that day."

She rubs one of her legs over the other, "I didn't mean to. It happened so fast. But in my defense. She hit first." Okay, that's it. I open the window, stuck my head out,

"And that gives you the right to attack me?!" I shouted; both of them turn to face me, not expecting me to up this early.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Applejack yells at me. Man, I must have really got under her skin.

"APPLEJACK!" her brother scolded her. She grumbles to herself looking away. I clear my throat to get her attention.

"If you promise me that you won't hurt me anymore. I won't run away or hide from you again. Deal?"


She goes on about how she was sorry about what happened between us and wants to make it up to me. And I told her how she could. That all I wanted was to talk to the Princess. She was confused at first, but the moment I mention a possible changeling invasion, she practically dragged me to the castle with her brother right behind us. I was panting when we got to the castle I never ran so fast in my life, and that was to make sure that my face didn't smash onto the ground. Applejack wasted no time knocking on the door before opening them and entering the castle. While I was catching my breath, Applejack was calling out for the Princess, but no reply came for some reason.

"Twilight! Wake UP! It's me, Applejack! I got something important to talk with you about." Applejack moves deeper into the dark castle with nothing but our hooves' steps, and the echoes of Applejack call to greet our ears. I started to get a sense of uneasiness as I looked around. A glance at Big Mac confirms that I am not the only one. Slowly we flowed Applejack to the Princess bedchamber; Applejack wasted no time knocking on the door calling out to her. "Twilight, you night owl! I know that you are still up. Answer me already!" She was moving to open the door when a low growling voice calls out to us from behind.

"Be quiet you fiends," We turn to the voice to see the face of a horrible Spector starring at us with his dark green face and colorless eyes. We all screamed and back away from the phantom, "You are going to wake the princess." Huh?

It was then I notice the green lantern next to the face of the phantom floating next to it. Applejack was the first to find her voice, "DUSK SHINE! Don't do THAT!"

He hushes her, before changing the color of the lantern to white with his magic to which I got a good look at him. He is a purple unicorn stallion who looks like the Princess but no wings. Okay what is up with stallions looking just like mares I meet before. Am I the only one seeing this or is this normal?

"It is three in the morning." He replies, "Why are you trying to disturb the princess beauty rest?"

"Dusk now is not the time. I got something important to discuss with her. And what do you mean she is asleep? Twilight sleeps more in the day than a bat and only comes out when she is hungry or needed somewhere."

"Yes, I am aware of that. As a result, I have been giving her Highness sleeping aids to help correct this mistake; so that she is more available during the daytime to complete her duties. I have almost got The Princess on a correct sleeping schedule, and I am not going to let you ruin it with a small trivial matter." He uses his magic to move us away from the door, "So unless you have something important to discuss like the location of Queen Chrysalis or any sighting of new changelings. You three will wait until 8 for the Princess to be up and ready for the day."

"But it does involve changelings!"

He stops giving us a curious look, "In what way?"

"Jessica believes that the changelings plan to invade another dimension."

He taps a hoof to his chin, "I see. Are these speculations, or does she have proof that your claims are as you say?"


"Then it can wait." He drops us outside of the castle. "I will inform her highness that you wish to speak with her. And I suggest that between now and then that you bring hard evidence of your claims. I rather not waste Princess Twilight's time on such trivial matters. Good day." He turns his back on us as he closes the doors in our faces. Applejack grumbles, and I join her,

"I don't like that stallion." She looks down, "Especially when he is right."

I look towards her, "Was he's the reason you were so set on stopping me from meeting the Princess the other today."

"Eyeap. Ever since Twilight took in Dusk to be her butler, things haven't been the same. I mean, I still get to see Twilight, but now we all have to deal with all this red tape business." She then looks at me, "So you anything to show the Princess?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I got nothing. I came up with the idea one afternoon at Rarity's," We both let out a heavy sigh, "Sorry you two had to go through that."

"It's no big deal. I was just hoping we could meet with the Princess before he showed up, is all." I can see why, "But I am willing to believe you, Jessica. So long as you can bring some proof that the changelings are really going to do what you say. Then that old guard dog of Twilight's can't say nothing."

"Thank but where do I start looking?"

One year ago,

Queen Chrysalis has returned from her mission in Ponyville and has entered the Ever-Free forest. "Now I have everything I need," Maniacal laughter as she looks around and calls out, "Come forth, my elite six,"

Seven changelings emerge from the forest and bow before their Queen, "We are here, my Queen," they said unison,

"First off, I hereby order you to stop doing that. It's creepy," They nodded in acknowledgment together, "Second, it is time to begin phase two,"

"What are your orders?" The Drone in the middle asked,

"If we want to defeat Princess Twilight and her friends, we are going to need more power. And there is no greater power in Equestria than the Elements of Harmony. However, as you know, they can only be used by Twilight and her friends. So, you may be asking how we are going to use them?" She waits for her subjects for a reply but got nothing. She glares at them as they got the message,

"How are we going to use them?"

"I am glad you asked. You see, since we can't control the manesix. Then we will have to make our own."

"How?" Another Drone asked, "Our magic can only make us look different and change our physic. But We can't become them."

"That is where these come into play," She levitates a small stack of paper and six strands of hair, "Using my magic along with these. I can create a copy of anypony I desire. All I need is an image and a piece of the pony and an old changeling spell."

"But what if the clones don't listen to you?" A changeling on the far right asked,

"That is where you si-" She stops as she recounts her minions, "Mandible, why are there seven of you?"

"It's Hemolymph, your highness." Mandible said pointing to said changeling who is smiling, "We found him wandering the forest shortly after you left. He was lost for some time and wasn't there during the fall of our home,"

"I see. *Ahem* As I was saying, that is where you six come into play," She grins at them evilly as she moves the strands of hair to each one of them along with a picture of each of the manesix as well as move Hemolymph to the side. "Why create clones that might listen to me. When I can create loyal subjects to use them instead." She casts the spell surrounding her subjects, causing a blinding light on them, transforming them into the mane… six? Chrysalis rubs her eyes and looks at them again, confirming what she saw. They do look like Twilight and her friends, but something off. For some reason, they are male versions of the manesix. Confused as to why this happened, Chrysalis summons a small brown book with the title "Queen Spells by Mom" and opens it up.

The elite six looked at themselves, noticing the slight difference in appearance. Two of them didn't think much about it, three of them were panicking, and one of them, for some reason, checked between his back legs before letting out a sigh of relief.

Once Chrysalis found the spell, somehow, in some way, she overlooked the ample warning at the bottom. "Be sure when using the cloning spell not to use on living target. Details are on page 45." She flips to the page. "The Cloning spell will not be able to alter the gender of a living target regardless of hair sample used. However, there are side effects that vary depending on the target species. See the list on page 60 for further details." She grunts as she flips the pages again. Once she found the list, she searches until she finds changelings. "Changelings exposed to cloning spell are much harder to detect while in their new form. No amount of physical force or magic can reveal the disguised changeling unless the changeling wills it to. However, this does limit them to only being able to change between their regular selves and their new form. However, another changeling with higher authority can change them back to original forms with enough force or magic. Don't ask why. And if you have gotten this far, you must have already done this, and now you are stuck with a changeling that can only change between two forms. But that makes them the perfect spies. So, make sure that if you use the spell on them that it will be worth it. Because there is no way of undoing this." Chrysalis growls as she closes the book, "Mandible, are there any problems?"

He looks at his purple hooves and jumps a bit, "Besides the gender. We appear to be fine."

"Was this supposed to happen?" Male Rainbow asked,

Chrysalis shouts, "Regardless! Now that you are the manesix. You will be able to use the elements of harmony too."

"But they could have change into them on their own. What was with the spell?" Hemolymph said before Mandible smacks him on the back of the head.

As Hemolymph rubs his head, The male Rarity speaks up, "Although Hemolymph does have a point. What makes this different from our regular magic? Besides the gender mix-up?"

"With this spell, you six are no longer looking like them; you are them,"

"What?" Male Pinkie said before green flames covers him, "But I can still turn back into a changeling."

"Try and turn into a rock."

He nods as he focuses, but nothing is happening. He tries harder, but nothing happens. He breathes heavily and turns back into male Pinkie again. He changes between the forms before staying as Pinkie, "I can become Pinkie or Pink… Pinker?" He yells, slamming his hooves in the ground, "I am a male version of Pinkie Pie. What do I call myself now?!"

"How about Bubble Berry?" Hemolymph said,

Everyling looks at him before Mandible speaks up, "What?"

"And you can be Dusk Shine!" He then points to every changeling naming them as he goes down the line, "Rainbow Blitz, Exclusive, Butterscotch, and Applejack."

"Wait, why is my name the same as the original?"

Dusk interrupts him, "Where are you getting these names?"

Hemolymph reaches between his wings and shell and pulls out a brown book, "From this book."

Dusk leans in closer to read the title "On the cross and arrow? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything," Hemolymph then tells them of a story of where the manesix meet male versions of themselves. Dusk put a hoof on Hemolymph mouth, stopping him halfway through the story,

"Where did you get this? And why is it so perfect for our situation?"

"I found it while I was in Pony Ville. A pony made this story calling it a fanfic."

Queen Chrysalis lifts the book and reads it. "We can use this." Once she is done she moves it with the other one.

"But if this book is well known in the town. Won't they be suspicious?" Exclusive asks getting glare from Dusk,

"Ah, you see, that is the best part. No matter what the ponies come up with, they cannot force you back into your changeling's form." She starts pacing in front of them, "Now then. Each member of the Manesix most likely has one of the elements of harmony on them at all times or somewhere hidden that only each owner is aware of. Your orders are to infiltrate Ponyville become their friends, or whatever cover story you want to go with. And you are to find the elements of harmony and bring them back to me. And once each element is secure, we will begin phase three!"

"Yes, your highness." The elite six in unison,

"I said stop doing that! This is serious. We only get one shot at this. So, none of you are to make a move to get an element until the location of all six has been confirmed. Once each element is safely removed from Ponyville or wherever they are located. We can move on with Phase three. However, if even one of you is compromised, then the whole mission is ruined. There will be no timeframe to when this mission will be complete. You are to take your time to earn each mare's trust. Only until you are confident that you won't suspect you are betraying them will you make your moves. Do what you have to, but above all, don't bring any attention to yourselves from Discord or Thorax. They are the only ones who have to power to reveal your true identity. Dusk, you will be the only one to contact me for any reason during the duration of this mission."

"Yes, your Highness,"

"Then go to my elite six and bring me victory!" The elite six run off to Ponyville. Chrysalis smiles and starts to laugh evilly when she feels something touch her left foreleg. She looks down to see that Hemolymph is still here,

"And what about me, your Highness?"

Chrysalis scratches her chin in thought. She has already finished her evil plans for the day and has no use for an extra scout drone to be with her. If he was a soldier class, then maybe, but first. Chrysalis tosses one of the books away and sends the other away with magic not looking at them, "Do whatever you want. But do not interfere with their mission understood."

"Yes, my Queen." Chrysalis takes off to the castle of the two sisters as Hemolymph thinks of what to do. He then sees his book Chrysalis toss on the ground. He reaches for it but notices its not the same one he showed everyling. Curious he opens it and reads the title of the page, "Dimensional rifts?"

Extra Chapter: The Night Princess

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I am beginning to believe that this world hates me. Because every time I am awake, SOMETHING happens. Anyhow, I find myself back in my apartment, sitting on my couch, sipping a nice tall glass of Diet Pepsi as music plays in the background. Maybe only in my dreams my I find peace in this world of crazy ponies. Before I could sing along with the song, it suddenly stopped with a Vinyl scratch sound effect as a pony enters from the kitchen. I turn to face the new foe with a glare but then did a double-take.

Unlike the other ponies I have met so far, this one was indeed different. She was much larger than the rest, with a dark blue coat and flowing glimmering mane and tail of a darker blue. She has a small black crown on her head behind her horn with matching chest pieces and shoes. Looking to her sides, I could see a pair of wings on her. I have never seen a pony like her before; I got to hand it to myself. Ever since I got to this world, my imagination of different ponies has genuinely improved. I could only stare in awe as I took a big sip through my straw.

"W… who are you? I don't remember meeting anypony like you before."

She shakes her head, "No, the is the first time we have to meet face to face. So, to speech."

Right, this is a dream; she only knows what I know. In any case, I should make the most out of this. By talking to myself to come up with ways of how to get some payback, "Well, in that case, I would like to know if you can tell me how you can kill a pony without alerting anyone."

She seems troubled by my statement. "Such violence! Creature, I must implore that you restrain yourself from harming innocent ponies." She said, stomping her hoof at the end of her statement. If she is trying to be intimidating, I wasn't working. Her statement only fuels my anger.

"Innocent ponies! HA!" I stand up to face her and point at her accusingly, "Ever since I meet your kind, I have been assaulted, insulted, and kidnapped!"

She looks confused before she tilts her head, "Don't you mean ponynapped?"

"NO! kidnapped." I corrected.

She taps her chin with her hoof a few times, taking in what I have told her. Her horn light in a soft glow as if she is trying to concentrate. Before I could say anything, I start to see widows of past events of my arrival and interactions with the Ponies here. It was so cool that all I could was to sit back on my couch watch the show in silence. Once the last panel goes by, the mare opens her eyes as she thinks to herself. She was silent for a moment before she gave a response, "I can see that your anger is justified."


"Regardless, If thou wishes for the destruction of my ponies." Oh, she looks angry now, "I will stop you,"

I rolled my eyes are her, "Well, what are you going to do about it? You're just a figment of my imagination. And this is my dream and my rules."

She looks like she was going to say something, but she pauses. She then gives me looks of bewilderment, then anger, then curiosity before her eye opens wide as if she just realized something. "Thou truly do not know of me, do you, creature?"

I cross my arms in an x before going back to my drink, "Nope, never seen you before and never heard of you." I shake my glass as I look to see that it was almost empty. I got up and made my way into the kitchen with the mare right behind me.

"Surely, Twilight Sparkle have at least told you about the two Princesses who rule these lands? Have she not?"

I shake my head as I reach for the frig and open it up, "Nope, she didn't mention them. I thought that she was the only Princess here since no pony ever mentions any other ones. So, are you saying that you are a princess as well?"

"That is correct."

I grab another can before closing the fridge and opening my drink. I stare at her for a moment as I drink, processing my next choice of words, "Okay, so I believe you. Who are you supposed to be?"

She beams at these words as she raises a hoof in the air as she announces herself, "I am Princess Luna. Mare of the Moon. Co-ruler of Equestria alongside with my sister Princess Celestia ruler of the sun."

I stare at her, then look out the window to my right to see that it is nighttime outside and see a waxing moon in the sky. "So what, you move the moon or something?"

"Tis as you say,"

Okay, this is getting me nowhere. "SO, you say you are a ruler of Equestria," she nods, "And you ruler of the moon and by default the nighttime correct?" She nods again, "And we never meet before until now."

She looks annoyed for some reason, "I believe thou has repeated mine own words to myself,"

Ignoring her, I continue, "Then what are you doing here?"

"We believe that thou has a hard time remembering what we has spoken,"

"No, I mean. What are you doing here? In my dream. You are the ruler of the night. And we never meet before, so how are you talking to me in my sleep?"

She looks shocked by this, "We have already said that we are the ruler of the night."

I wave my hand dismissively, "But that doesn't include dreams."

"We do not understand thye logic."

"You already said that you are the ruler of the night. So, you can't be the Princess of Dreams."

She glares at me, "Explain thy self-creature!"

"Just because you are the ruler of the night doesn't automatically make you the ruler of dreams."

She stomps her hooves, almost shouting, "We are the protectors of dreams!"

"No, you are not. Supposedly you claim that you are in charge of dreams along with the night sky. Then by your logic, your sister Celestia was it?" She nods, "Right, then she would be the ruler of daydreams as well, correct?"

"Huh?" This left her to turn away to think about this for a moment. But I wasn't going to wait for her to finish thinking about it.

"In any case, it's better if they get another princess to handle dreams instead,"

She turns back at me in alarm, "WHAT! Why? Whatever for?"

"Well, if there is a Princess of the sun, a Princess of the moon, and a Princess of FRIENDSHIP. Then the next Princess can be the Princess of Dreams. That way, when it is nighttime. You won't be alone during the night shift." I take one last sip before tossing the can over my shoulder. Before going back to my couch. I turn back to her highness and notice something,

I didn't know ponies could ever make such funny faces like what she is doing now. She looks like she is going to have a meltdown or something. I wonder what's eating her. She stutters for a moment before finding her voice, "WHAT! But I …. She is just a…. And that's…. She will not be taking away my royal duties of the night!"

I rub my ears as she looks like a mad dog, "Hey, calm down there, Miss. It's not like it matters. You are not real anyway."

"Is that a challenge, I hear Jessica?" She looks like she will charge at me with the way she is dragging her hoof across the floor. Ah, oh looks like my imagination is getting carried away. Calm down, Jessica. This is a dream, and dreams can't hurt you.

"Now hold on a second, Miss…. Wait, what am I doing? Why am I talking to you? You can't help me, and I need to wake up, find help and then find a shrink."

She pauses as confusion crosses her face, "Uhm, why do thou wish to become small?"

I grab my head in frustration, "I said a shrink. You know a psychiatrist."

"Whatever for?"

"I believe I am slowly going insane every day I am stuck here."

Luna thinks about what I said. And tries to find out my I said that "What do thou mean by stuc…."

Before she could finish her sentence, a vast booming voice echoes across the dreamscape, scaring both of us,

"LUNA, where are you!"

There was a moment of silence between us, making a silent prayer that whatever made that sound would go away. All I could gather from the sound was a female voice, and she is angry. I, for one, don't want to be Luna right now. Not with whatever made that sound is looking for her. Maybe my new friend here can tell me a little about what is going on.

"Who was that?"

"AHhhh nopony, it was no pony." She said, hopping from hoof to hoof. It looks like she needs to go to the restroom and is doing her potty dance. It looks adorable… wait a minute.

"Why are you sweating?"

"Oh, a little exercise can give anypony a workout."

"Are you in trouble with that voice?"

"Nonsense Jessica. I am a full-grown mare. I listen to nopony!"

The voice made itself known again, but it sounds closer than before.

"LUNA when I get my hooves on you. You are so dead!"

Luna glancing over her shoulder as I smirk at her, "You sure? Sound like somepony is out to get you."

"This conversation is not over yet," She runs out the front door calling out behind her, "You hear me, Human!"

Two seconds later, I saw another Alicorn chasing right on after her, yelling words I never heard before. I didn't get a good look at her, but I was sure she was more prominent than Luna with some gold jewelry handling from her. But what stood out the most to me wasn't any of that. I had to look out my door to get a closer look to make sure I didn't see things,

"Was that a Zebra?" Before I could question it any further my dream started fading away,

They think they are so clever

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Finally, after an entire day of thinking, I have come up with… nothing. I got no idea how to prove to that stubborn stallion that my idea of a Changelings will invade my homeworld. But then again, I think I should be fine as long as I can just talk to the Princess. That is why she can keep a lid on the location of the portal in the first place. The question is, how convinced Dusk to let me get near her? But then again, I only have speculations since I have no idea of the Changelings' actual goals. I'm not too fond of this.

At any rate, I am still without a job, and I want to start making some money or bits in this case. Also, did you know that the ponies here use solid gold coins for their currency? Because I didn't. The only reason I found out was when Sweetie belle asks her sister for some bits for ice cream, and I saw her hoof over three gold coins. Either gold is that plentiful in this world or that some expensive ice cream. Which only fueled my greed either way. So that is where I find myself—sipping tea in the kitchen thinking. I was so in the zone that I didn't notice Exclusive entering the room until he touches my shoulder, causing me almost to spill my tea.

"You okay?"

I set my cup down, laughing at my situation, "Yeah, I am fine. Sorry about that."

He smiles at me shaking his head before taking his own seat, "I understand. May I ask what was it that got you so focused, Jess?"

Moving onto nicknames, are we? I will let it slide for now. I prop up my head with the end of my hoof. "I was just thinking about how I am going to make some bits for myself."

He looks away thinking, "Right if I recall, you said that Lyra got in your way the last time you tried."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to her. But I have better things to think about." I slide into my chair, resting my head on the table. Exclusive tries to help me out by giving me suggestions, but I wasn't paying attention as I look at me. Then a thought accrued to me. "Hay Exclusive,"


"Do you know a stallion named Dusk Shine?"

His eyes widen in surprise, confused on how to answer, "Why do you ask?"

I sit up in my chair scooting closer to the table, "I was trying to talk with the Princess earlier today, but he got in the way."

He lets out a knowing sigh, "Yeah, that sounds like him. He is an old friend of mine."

"Really? How do you know him?"

"Oh right. I never told you about us."

I tilt my head giving him an unsure look, "What do you mean?"

"I am sure that you have notice that there is an uncanny resemblance between Rarity and myself, correct?"

"Yes, but didn't you say that was because you and she were relatives?"

"Yes and no."

I gave him a leveled stare, "Exclusive, I already have to deal with changelings trying to get to my homeworld. I don't need you to add your weird family problems to it. Please get to the point."

"Me and Rarity are one and the same." He says as a matter of fact.

I stayed quiet for a few moments before I got my thoughts together, "Like a clone?"

He smiles as he shakes his head, "No. I am Rarity if she were born a stallion instead of a mare."

"Oh. So, you come from a different dimension where you and your friends are all stallions instead of mares. And all the stallions are here are mares instead, correct?"

I seem to have shocked him with my statement. I guess he didn’t think I would come to that conclusion so quickly, "Yes, how did you know?"

"Where I come from, that idea is fairly common of "What if Universe". It normally goes by rule 63, where everyone gender switches to the opposite one. The only problem was that it could never be proven and was only used in fanfics for popular TV shows."

"What's a TV show?"

"It's a human way of entertainment using technology. Don’t ask for the details. All I know is that it uses electricity to make colorful pictures on flat screens."

"I see. Back to the matter on hoof. Dusk is my Twilight before she became a princess."

"But if they are one, in the same, why is he such a prick to rules and regulations?"

He laughs before explaining, "Twilight was the same before she eases up a bit. At least that is what I get when I ask Rarity about that. It is amazing how these dimensions work. From my talks with Rarity, the only difference between her life and mine is our genders."

"Anyways I want to talk with Twilight about something. Got any ideas how to get around the guard dog?"

He shakes his head, "Not that I can think of. But I am going to meet up with him and the others in an hour. I will see what I can do."

"Thanks," My eyes widen in realization, “Others? Who are you going to meet?”

“Oh, they are the rest of my version of the manesix. Every week we meet up to see how everypony is doing. Or just hang out for an hour. Since this isn’t our home, we try our best to fit in, but nothing is the same as hanging out with some friends.”

“I can only imagine. But Exclusive,”


“Are you guys stuck here like me, or do you have a way back?”

He gives me a leveled glare, “You are still going on about this human thing?”

“But it is true!” I get up from my seat, “What do I have to do you convince you ponies that I am a human?!”

“Okay calm down. I am not sure about you but Twilight and Dusk work day and night to find a way to get us home. Until then this is our home.” He gives me a leveled stare, “Wait. Are you going to convince her highness that you are a human?”

“No, I did that already. I think. Anyways I am going to warn her about the Password is that the changelings finding out about the human world. However, before I can get to her, Dusk got in the way. So, until I can convince him to step aside. My hooves are tied.”

“Don’t worry Jessica. I'm sure everything will be alright.”

“Oh, and Exclusive,”


“Have you been having dreams about a blue alicorn by the name of Luna?”

“Can’t say I have. Why?”

“No reason,”

Exclusive’s point of view

After I left Jessica alone, I spend my time with Rarity until the time came for me to go and join up with the others. Rarity walks me out while levitating my saddlebags onto my back. All the while, I am reminding her of her to-do list for the remainder of the day,

"And at five, you have an appointment with the mayor for her dress fitting,"

"Yes, I am aware. Now then, you should get going. You don't get to meet up with the others very often." I give her a quick bow before turning to leave, "Oh and Exclusive," she calls out to me one last time, "I hope for the best," she says with a hopeful smile,

I return her smile as I continue my way, "So do I,"

I was in no hurry to get to the castle since I know Dusk most likely arranged in so that Twilight will be busy for the meeting duration. Once I arrived there, Spike greets me as he leads me to the cutie mark map where the others are waiting. From a glance, I can see that everyone's in no respectable chairs, all except two. I dismiss Spike and tell them we will be fine without any refreshments for the duration of our stay here. Once he is gone, I make my way to Rarity's throne as I asked Dusk a question, "Am I early?"

"On time." He says, not looking up from his notes, "We are still waiting on Butterscotch and Blitz," No sooner did he say that when Blitz enters the room and stopping in front of the doors with a rather large grin on his face. Applejack notices this and speaks his mind,

"Blitz what with the face and where Butterscotch?"

He snickers trying very hard not to fall over laughing, "Oh, don't worry. He was right behind me." He makes his way to his throne as that last member of our group… arrives? At least, I think it's him.

We all watch as a yellow stallion enters the room with long pink hair, his face is cover with makeup, and wearing a light green slim dress with red horseshoes to top it all off. I had to put a hoof to my mouth to stop myself from laughing at the pitiful sight of Butterscotch. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he was a mare getting ready for a date. Before Dusk could say anything, Butterscotch silence everypony grumbling darkly,

"One chuckle from any of you, and you will be joining me in Discord's next tea party!" Fearing that his threat can be made real, we all hushed up.

Berry was the first to speak again as Butterscotch moved to his seat, "Well, at least you are still yourself,"

"I think he is starting to warm up to me." He says as Applejack gives him pity pats,

"Yeah, the last time you were late was because he glued you to the ceiling," Rainbow says, smiling at the memory,

Ignore his comment Dusk tries to control the conversation, "And your progress with Fluttershy?"

He lets out a heavy sigh sliding into his chair, "She has gotten used to me being around, but we aren't very close." He says, glaring at Rainbow Blitz the whole time. Blitz takes notice of this but didn't say anything. It wasn't until that he notices that he wasn't letting up the glare did he start to feel uneasy,


"You know what you did."

Blitz drags his hooves down his face, groaning, "Oh, come on! You still can't be mad about that. That was months ago!"

"Fluttershy hasn't looked at me the same since! She still makes sure that her bedroom door is locked at night!"

Blitz gets defensive as he flares out his wings, "Hey, it wasn’t that bad. How was I supposed to know that she would react like that?” He slumps into his chair, “Besides, it was Rainbow’s idea,”

Butterscotch gets up from his seat and points to Blitz, "I am not sure if I can ever get close to her because of your stunt!"

Dusk slams his hooves onto the map silencing everypony, "Enough! What's done is done. Let's thank the Queen that your cover wasn't blown when Discord found out.” They grumble to themselves sitting back in the thrones, “Now then. What is everyling's report."

Berry was jumping from his throne waving his hoof around, "Oh Me first, Me first,” Dusk nods at him making him stop, “I am close with Pinkie. So close that I think we have been friends since forever! But she is keeping a tight lid about her element."

Dusk looks to me as I shake my head, "Rarity is too busy with her work order making any bonding time difficult. Even during our slow days, she never mentions her element."

Dusk turns to face Applejack who surges his shoulders, "Same thing with Applejack. That old girl hasn't trusted me as far as she can throw me. We have only become acquaintances at best. I may have to force to try more drastic measures to earn her trust."

Dusk turns his attention to Blitz, "I am sure that I can get the info from Rainbow if I ask her,” He looks away as he puts a hoof to his chin in thought, “But it will raise suspicion if I do. Especially with our cover story,” His eyes widen as he faces Dusk, “Speaking of which, how is your delay on the Princess?"

He lets out a deep sigh, "It has been challenging to keep her from making any progress on finding a way' home' for us. However, I believe that I can only hold up for another four months before she or Starlight will notice. Becoming her butler was to the best course of action I could have gone with."

"Is that why you made yourself a unicorn instead of an alicorn?" Butterscotch asked,

"It would have caused too much-unwanted attention if Equestria suddenly has an alicorn male living here."

"Right, how did your visit with the princesses go anyways?” I asked, “We weren't allowed to hear the rest of the conversation after Twilight took us there last you. You never told us what happen."

"Don't remind me. Celestia was more than willing to help out, but I convinced her that Twilight and Starlight were enough. But I don't want to meet Princess Luna again." Dusk visibly shudders,

"That right, you did mention something about that.” Blitz speaks up, “What happened? The next time we saw you was when you came rushing us back to Pony Ville as fast as the train could take us."

Before Dusk could answer Berry interrupts, "Is it the fact that you are a male version of Twilight that has the possibility of becoming an alicorn? And Princess Luna thinks that she can make you into Equestria’s first Prince. Before she weds you two together and start making a family of little alicorns?"

I didn’t know how to respond to what I just heard. It sounds completely outrageous that it is dumb. Why in the world would Princess Luna go out of her way to marry a male version of Twilight. That doesn’t make a lick of sense. However, the look on Dusk is giving me the feeling that Berry was right on the money, "HOW!"

"It's just a hunch." He says like it is no big deal.

I clear my throat to get everylings attention, "Well, the Queen did say that we are them, but I didn't think that she meant it latterly."

Dusk massages his head with his hooves, "This is concerning; we'll have to take note of our behavior as time goes on.” He put his hooves down once he calms down, “This means everyone had to start writing a journal to help keep their identity in check. The last thing we need to deal with is that one of us truly believes we are who we say we are. Remember, we are the elite six, her Highness's best. We were the ones that kidnap the Princesses and the elements of harmony. If it weren't for the fact that we had to stay in Ponyville, we might have made a difference during the fall of our home. Never forget that."

"Yes, Sir," We all said together,

"Now that is there anything else anyone wants to contribute?

I raise my hoof, "I do. It appears that Jessica wishes to speak to the Princess. I am afraid that she may start to poke her nose into places it doesn't belong if we don't come up with some sort of compromise."

"You care for that mare, don't you?"

"I never said that," I say defensively,

"Who do you think you are fooling? I have seen and how you acted when you thought she was in danger and the fact that you're going out of your way to question my leadership. This is a dangerous path you are treading Exclusive. Remember your place."

I look away grumbling, "Yes Sir."

"However, you do bring up a point. Jessica has already been able to interact with the majority of the element bearers. And from what you have told me, she's not a normal pony. Not to mention I could barely handle Agent Sweety Drops before she could talk to the Princess. Not to mention, she was the reason why Thorax dropped by that one time. If it weren't for the fact that the girls were covering for us, he would have already suspect us, and our mission would be over. This Jessica is becoming a problem."

"Then what do you suggest, Sir?" Blitz asks,

"Exclusive, tell Jessica that she will have her meeting with the Princess in three days."

"And then?"

"I'll leave that to your imagination. That will be all everyone returned to your posts. I must inform her Highness of the next course of action we are to take."

Third-person point of view,

Once everyone had left the room, Dusk closes the door before levitating five circle ruins onto the cutie map causing them to shoot energy above the center of the map and causing the image of Chrysalis to appear. Dusk dops to his knees bowing, “All hail the Queen."


He speaks without raising his head, "We may be close to finding one of the elements; however, the rest proved to be troublesome."

"Is that all?"

"It appears that a pony is causing unwanted attention for us."

"Who is this pony?"

"She goes by the name Jessica. According to reports, she recently moved into Ponyville. However, according to a report I got from Agent Sweetie Drops, she has no history. No family, No work history, and No citizenship. This means she was either burned, or she is as she claims she is."

"And what does she claim to be"

"She claims to be a creature known as a human."

"Is there any proof to this?"

"From what I can gather from Princess Twilight. She has encountered humans before through the mirror portal. They are creatures similar to a minotaur physique but much smaller, with no horns and minimal hair. Other than that, she didn't disclose anything else about that world."

"Are you meaning to tell me that Twilight Sparkles have access to another world, and we don't even know about?" She says growling,

"As far as I know, the Princess had no authority in this other world. Shall I look into this matter?"

"No, I shall look into this matter personally. Prepare for my arrival in three days’ time,"

“All hail the Queen,” Chrysalis image disappears as Dusk puts away ruins and leaves the room. Once he was gone a flash of magic comes from inside the room revealing Starlight with a smug grin on her face,

“And we will be ready,”

A pony named Starlight... helps or does she needs help?

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Third person,

The afternoon sun sets on Pony Ville as Twilight reads a book in her library enjoying a cup of coffee. She doesn't have anything important to be doing right now, so she thought she could burn the rest of the afternoon reading up on stallions. Yes, stallions. Why you ask? One word. Dusk.

It has been a few hours since Exclusives and the other stallions had their biweekly meetings in the cutie map room. It was an odd request at first, but once Dusk said that it was the only place that made them believe they were still home, she dropped the subject and agreed to his request. But that didn't stop her from asking about them. However, whenever she asked about the meetings, she was that it was just them catching up and planning some stallion time together. Whatever that means. Which is why she turns to her old friends for answers.

She turns a page when a random tap tap sound echoed in the library. Twilight looks around confused. She is the only one here and has no idea where that sound came from. She went back to her book when she heard the tap again clearer this time. It sounds like somepony or something tapping on some glass? But there is no glass in the library expect for the…
Twilight turns around to see the outline of a pony standing outside the window swaying side to side trying to keep their balance. Twilight squeaks as she drops her book and moves to the window before she safely levitates the books onto a table. Satisfied, she opens window almost knocking the Mare away as she waves her forelegs hoping to get her balance again. Turns out that the strange Mare outside the window is Starlight. Before she asks her friend what she is doing out here. A more pressing matter came to mind. 'We are on the third floor. How is she up here without using her magic?'

Looking down Twilight stares in disbelief at what her panicking friend is standing on. Instead of being a reasonable pony and getting a ladder to get up to this window. Starlight had opted to make a makeshift tower of random stuff from who knows where that was on the verge of falling apart. Her tower sway back and forth moving away and toward the windowsill. Once Starlight was close enough, she jumps to the windowsill grabbing onto it with her forelegs leaving her tower to its fate going down with a mighty crash. They both let out a sigh of relief. That is until Starlight starts losing her grip crying out in terror before Twilight grabs her and pulls her inside.

Starlight falls to the library floor on her back, panting as Twilight scolds her, "Starlight, what were you thinking?!"

Starlight raises a hoof in the air, answering her, before dropping her hoof back on herself, "That I should have gone with boxes instead."

"Where did you get all that-" Twilight stops herself shaking her head, "Never mind! Why did you do that in the first place?"

Starlight gets off the floor and dusts herself off, "I have been trying to get in contact with you."

Twilight's eye twitches as she points to the door, "Why didn't you use the door!"

"You think I didn't try that!"

Taken back, Twilight calms down, "What do you mean?"


Starlight almost had a heart attack when she found out that her invisible charm ran out of juice shortly after Dusk left the room. Ever since the stallions had been having their secret meetings in the cutie map room. Starlight had been trying to find out what they were talking about. But without knowing how long their meeting would last, she had to create a prototype charm that would prolong the invisible spell since their meetings would sometimes take hours. Not to mention that every time they would have their meetings Dusk would check the room for anything unusual using a magic detection spell. This forced her to make the charm and sneak into the room when no pony was looking. Good thing that she was on good terms with Discord and not Butterscotch. It didn't take much to convince him to prank the stallion to ensure that she would enter the room undetected. She was going to get him a cake as an apology gift afterward. But now she wasn't too sure now.
When she entered the room, she was hoping to find out who the stallions were interested in or maybe if they wanted to stay in their Equestria. But she wasn't expecting to find out that these stallions are not from another dimension but are changelings. The same changelings that were at the castle pretending to be the manesix during Chrysalis' last invasion plan. She should have asked Thorax what became of those six changelings in hindsight. And just when things couldn't get any worse, Chrysalis has finally shown herself.

Starlight makes her way to the school of friendship. Dusk had Twilight continue her research at the school during the meeting. She would have teleported to the school but with the increase of Discord pranks. Twilight has put an anti-teleportation zone around the school and the castle. This is why she is currently running to the school labs. Halfway there, she had to help some of the students with some questions about their homework, which took about thirty minutes.

Once Starlight had helped them out, she finally got to the lab but was stopped when Sunburst exited that same room. Startle by Starlight's sudden appearance; Sunburst jumps before addressing the Mare. "Oh, Starlight, you scared me."

"Hay Sunburst. Have you seen Twilight around here?"

He taps a hoof to his chin in thought, "Can't say I have, Starlight."

"What! But, where is she? She was supposed to be right here."

"Well, she not here. Did you try her office or the castle?"

"No, and I just came from the castle. Wait, which castle? There are four."

"Canterlot castle. I think she said something about talking with Princess Celestia."

"Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

"Well, that because I am not sure if it was meeting the Princess at Canterlot or a princess coming to visit from Canterlot." Starlight facehoofs herself, "But I am sure that Spike made a schedule for her highness and left a copy in her office."

"Thanks!" Starlight runs away from her friend before he can utter another word.

Inside Twilight's office, Starlight is searching franticly for Twilights scheduled until she finds one before she groans, "This is last week's schedule," She tosses it over her shoulder before opening a drawer in Twilight's desk. She starts pulling out a paper, going over it to find an old checklist that was missing a check. She moved on to another one to find a schedule, but it was for the school. Starlight continues this moving from drawer to drawer, finding old schedules or checklists one after another. "How many checklists does one pony needs!"

By this point, Sunburst has made his way to Twilight's office. He was worried about Starlight after she ran away earlier. But seeing her like this and the current mess she is making. Maybe he wasn't worried enough, "Uh, Starlight?"

"You would think that the most organize pony in Equestria would know what she needs one checklist to remember," She looks closer at the checklist getting angry as she reads, "What supplies are needed to make a checklist would be!"


Starlight throws her hooves in the air, scattering more paper, "Who even eats Vegemite!"


Starlight slams her hooves onto the desk, growling as she faces the fool, "WHAT!"

Sunburst was so scared that he forgot that he had come here and only wanted to get away from the monster in front of him. Quickly Sunburst turns around and runs away, calling over his shoulder, "Never mind!"

"NO, wait, Sunburst! Dang, it."

"That reminds me. I need to apologize to Sunburst later," Starlight then makes a quick note, as Twilight takes this all in,

"Wait, what was that part about my office!"

Once Starlight finished her note, she sent it away with magic, "Anyways, where was I?"

"My Office?!"

"Right, after Sunburst left. I found a note you left behind for a way to contact you in case of an emergency."

"Don't change the subject!"

The note said to go to a pony named Bon Bon if Spike is not available and tell her that you need to contact Twilight agent Sweetie Drops. And since Starlight has no idea where Spike is.

"Are you sure that this is going to work?" Starlight askes the cream-colored Mare as they enter her home.

"Yes, I am certain." Bon Bon closes the door behind them as they make their way into the living room, "Dragon fire isn't the easiest thing to contain, but it is a guarantee message sender." She signals Starlight to stay next to the fireplace as she closes the windows, "Now, are you sure that this is an emergency?"

"Yes, this is."

"Alright," Bon Bon finishes sealing off the room, "I keep it hidden, so to get to it, we are going to need one pony to pull this lever while the other grabs the vial." Bon Bon points to the side of the fireplace as she moves to one of the random walls of the room. "Go ahead, Starlight, pull the leveler," Starlight goes to pull the lever but comes to a halt. There are two identical levers side by side with no labels of any kind. She tries to call out to Bon Bon, but she interrupts her, "Come on already. How hard is it to pull a lever?" She tries one more time but once again, "Hurry up, hurry up,"

Starlight shrugs and pulls one of the levers then two things happen. One the roof over Bon Bon head opens, and two the floor under Bon Bon sprang up, sending her into the air out of the house all the while Bon Bon screaming "Wrong Levvveeerr!!" Starlight looks to the springboard as it resets itself dumbfounded.

Not sure what to say, Starlight uttered a single word. "Opps,"

Before she could question where Bon Bon ended up, said Mare enters through the front door. There were sticks and leaves in her mane and tail with small bruise all over her, all the while a Timberwolf is biting onto her tail being dragging across the floor on its belly. Bon Bon stares at Starlight with nothing but malicious intentions. Starlight could only chuckle to herself, giving Bon Bon a weak smile, "Why do you even have that lever?"

Bon Bon rolls her eyes before kicking the Timberwolf in the nose with her back hoof sending it away crying. "Get out of my way. And grab the purple one." Bon Bon pushes Starlight out of the way and pulls the lever on the right making a hidden door open at the wall Bon Bon was at. Starlight looks cautiously at the floor before moving to the hidden cupboard and grabbing a purple vial. Bon Bon lets go of the lever as both mares meet in the middle of the room.

Starlight uses her magic to summon a letter she had prepared ahead of time and holds it over the top of the vial as she uncorks it. She waited a few seconds for something to happen, only to be greeted with nothing. Confuse, she looks into the opening of the vial to find that, "It empty,"

"What!" Bon Bon grabs the vail, "But that is not possible. I was certain that I still had one use left." Bon Bon shakes the vail violently before a small note falls out of it. She grabs the message for it to read, "IOU Bestie!" Bon Bon starts shaking, grinding her teeth as she makes nonsense words. Starlight backs up away from the raging Mare and quickly runs out of the house before the beast rages on, making the house jump. "LYRA!"

"But that still doesn't," Twilight slaps a hoof to her face. Before dragging it down, "Okay, so what did you have to talk about?"

"I found her."

Twilight looks around before lending in close, "So when you mean her? You mean Queen Chrysalis?" Starlight nods, "Where is she?"

"No idea," Twilight is confused, "Let me try that again. I did find her, or at least I know where she is going to be."


Jessica point of view,

After Exclusive left, I changed into a blue dress with a yellow sun hat. I start my job searching again, making sure not to talk to weird ponies. At least that was the plan three seconds ago. Shortly after I left the Boutique, I ran into a Pony in a suit of armor. It was golden colored, with his fur being white and dark blue mane and tail. Before I could say anything, he beats me to the punch.

"Jessica," I nodded, "My name is Lieutenant Iron. I am with the Royal guard. You are going to have to come with me."

"Yay me."

Cheese's H&H

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Ah, just what I wanted. To be called away from my daily activities to follow some random stranger. What else does this day happen store for me? Now I know following a random stranger somewhere is not a great idea even if they are an official person. But, let's get real, when has anything gone my way in this world?

Besides, I'm done fighting and simply going with the flow at this point. It is not as if I can fight against it; like what happened with Applejack, it's not worth it. That doesn't mean I'm going to be dumb while doing it. However, he insisted on me being next to him or in front of him the whole time. I counter him simply by saying I was very cautious of strangers and always preferred to have them in front of me.

This went to a lot of back and forth until we agreed. He would tell me the directions we were going, then he would go first, and I would follow. And that's where we find ourselves here. Just a little while off the edge of Pony Ville. At a lonely little house near the spooky forest. Check that this is an old two-story mansion. Why would somepony build one way out here is beyond me. The guard stands at the house entrance with the door ajar, looking back at me.

"Mam, you have to come inside."

"Not going to happen."

"Why not?"

I look to the building that we are supposed to be going inside to 'talk.' It looks like a rundown haunted house that's only missing the lightning background effect. If I didn't know any better, I thought I was staring at the haunted house that was in the intro in the original Scooby-doo TV show. But there's no way. That was just a made-up kid's show. However, I did see some bats fly out of a window just now. "You're kidding, right?"

"I assure you I'm 100% serious."

I looked at the house again, and I was confident that I saw a creepy clown go walking by a window. "I'm not auditioning for your haunted house,"

"I can assure you this place is not haunted. Those are merely nightmare night decorations and cosplaying ponies."

I looked at a house once again and thought I saw a skeleton pony walking by another window, followed by a zombie pony. "You're not fooling me. I'm out of here." I turned around to go back to town as I heard him call out behind.

"I am afraid I can't allow that."

"Bite me. I am not staying here." I start to sprint but stop the moment a black thing drops in front of me, showing his long, big fangs.

It hisses at me before growling at me, "Don't tempt me. You are not getting away this time."

I take a few steps back, unsure of how to handle this. "Have we met before?"

He growls as he points his forelegs at me. "YES. You ran away from me screaming at the top of your lungs!"

"Oh, you're a changeling." He must be the same one from that night. Now that I think about it. Nopony said anything about getting him. So, he must have gotten away. "I didn't get a good look at you that night. How can I help you?"

"You can start by getting into the house."

I look back to the mansion and at the changeling, noticing that the guard is not there anymore. I didn't think this through. "In high sight, following a stranger to the edge of town was a terrible idea." He is taking a big gamble trying to capture me in mid-day. I guess he must have thought that he could get the element of surprise if he did. Well, it worked. Now how do I get out of this? "Question?"

"What?!" He cries out in frustration.

"Can I talk you out of this?"


"Fine. I will go in the house." I turned to face the house before a grin came to my face, "But I am not waiting for you."


Third-person point of view,

Jessica sprints into the house, closing the door behind her. The changeling who was flying after her slams into the door face first. He pulls himself out and tries to open the door. Only to find it locked. He slams his forelegs onto the door a few times, shouting at it. "Open up!"

To his surprise, it did with Jessica smiling back at him. "Yes?" In his shock, she closes the door on him.

Snapping out of it, he shouts again. "Hay! Open up!"

Jessica snickers as she looks around. The house was lit by candlelight, giving the old wood furniture a moody feel. She could see a hallway of doors to her left, and to the right was another door leading somewhere else. The low lighting gives her goosebumps as she sees a couple of ponies in costume. One was dressed up as a zombie, and the other was a skeleton. By her guess, they were pegasus stallions. The skeleton was hovering in the air, lighting more candles while the other was rummaging through a box. They didn't seem bothered by her or the changeling outside, as they continued their tasks as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Seeing them gave her confidence as she called out to changeling on the other side of the door. "What is the password?"


"What is the password?"

He thinks about it before simply saying. "Please?" A few moments of silence passed before the sound of a door unlocking could be heard.

Smiling to himself. He opens the door to see Jessica running down the hallway before entering a random room. Quickly he gives chase, passing by the two Pegasus. The skeleton waves at him. "Hay Hemolymph, how are you doing?"

"Not now. Got a mare to chase!" He says over his shoulder, entering the same room Jessica went in.

"I was going to ask you about that." The Zombie calls out as the door closes. And as soon as that door closed, two doors down opened with Jessica exiting it before entering another door. Hemolymph leaves the same door Jessica just entered, trying to find where she went before charging into another room. Confused, the Zombie calls out again. "So, is she your marefriend or something?"

Hemolymph sticks his head out of a room. "Yes. She is. If you are so kind, help me catch her, guys. I would appreciate it."

The two undead ponies look at each other before the skeleton replies. "I am not sure. We got to get these decorations up. Pinkamena wouldn't be happy did we don't get these done."

"Apple cider is on me tonight."

As soon as he says that, the door next to him opens as Jessica calls out. "No fair bribing them!" Jessica quickly calls out before going back into the room with Hemolymph right on her tail.

The Zombie moves to give chase but is stopped when the skeleton speaks up. "Thunderlane, I thought that you were going to help me with this."

"Ah, think of this as on-the-job practice." He says quickly before joining the chase.

The skeleton groans as he goes back to work; Not caring about the complete random chaos behind him.

Jessica exits another room, not noticing that her outfit had changed from yellow to green, and she lost her hat at one point before going into another room. Thunderlane exits a room confused before seeing the other two going into the farthest room and closing the door behind them. Thunderlane was about to enter that room only to see Jessica exiting another door and stopping behind him. She panics and goes back to her room earlier with Thunderlane close behind.

Hemolymph exits another room before entering a random one with a white bedsheet drape across his back. A random scream could be heard from the room he had entered with the sound of a slap followed shortly afterward as he wobbles exiting the room with a large red mark on his face. Thunderlane runs past him as he shakes his head. Jessica stealthy exits a room backward, not looking behind her as she bumps into the changeling. They both yep and enter a random room. Thunderlane exits a room in a panic as an angry white cat with a purple bow on its head was latch onto his face. He screams before prying it off his face and throwing it into another room with the sound of something breaking coming from inside. Cringing, he courageously enters the same room. Just missed Jessica leaving a room in a Wonder Woman outfit. She stops giving herself a look over before crying out.

"How is this even happening!?" Her shout causes two doors to open as her foes stare her down. Quickly she enters the closest room with them right behind her. Not before they crash into each other trying to get into the room.

Hemolymph groans as he glares at his help. "Watch where you are going!"

"Sorry." Thunderlane says as he follows Hemolymph into the room. But then he sticks his head out, calling out. "Oh, Zephyr Breeze. Room third needs a cleanup."

Zephyr groans as he moves to said room as Jessica leaves another room screaming as Hemolymph chases her holding a knife in his mouth. He moves out of the way as the couple enters another room. "This is the last time I help out friends." He says aloud as the situation earlier was reversed as they passed by him. As Zephyr enters the room, Jessica stops in the middle of the hallway. Looking around, she didn't see anypony and was back in her original outfit somehow, but her hat was still missing. Before she could think about it. Thunderlane runs screaming out of a room with the cat running and clawing across his body with said hat stuck on his face. He ran in circles screaming 'get it' before knocking himself out by ramming into a wall. The cat proves to be smarter than him as it got off him before the collision with the wall. It angrily hisses at him as it waves its paw claws out before entering another room with its noose in the air.

Quickly, Jessica grabs her hat before leaving the hallway and enters the other door near the entrance. But she comes to a stop with a questionable look on her face. "What am I doing? I got to get out of here!" But before she could leave through the front door. Hemolymph enters the room from the said door, confused about getting there. Changing her mind, Jessica goes further into the house with Hemolymph right on her tail.

Jessica point of view,

A small part of me is having fun in this weird game of tag. The rest, not so much. I open another door to find a vampire pony going to bite a pony. They stop and glare at me, "Do you mind?" The vampire says before the victim grabs the door and closes it as screams can be heard from inside. Okay? I move to the next door to find someponies dancing around a bonfire in ritual dance. I am not going to question it. I closed that one and opened the next, only to close my eyes as a giant wave of air blasts at my face as something monstrous roars at me. Screaming, I quickly close the door and keep on running. I was running in a blind panic until I ran into a dead end. Skidding to a halt. I turn to face the changeling. Who looks like he was out of breath?

"You don't work out much, do you?"

"It has been a long time since I had to chase somepony as fast as you. How are you running so fast in a dress!"

I notice that my dress doesn't have anything wrong with it. If I didn't know any better, I thought I had just put it on. What was this made of? "I have no idea. I should have fallen flat on my face five minutes ago. I guess I am that good."

"Yes, now you have nowhere to run!"

Jessica holds up one hoof as she asks. "Quick question before you volatile me."


"Where are we?"

His eye twitches before dragging a hoof down his face. "Cheese's H&H. Some ponies wanted to show off their scary side and still have fun while doing it. So, this is what they came up with. It is the perfect place for changelings to be themselves while hiding in plain sight." He grins as she closes in on her. "And the perfect place to ponnynapped somepony with no pony being the wiser. Now then. You are coming with me. And your bewitching charms won't work on me this time."

I should be scared for what he has planned for me, but. "You think I have bewitching charms?"

That stops him as a slight blush covers his checks. "Yes, no." I snicker as he shakes his head. "Stop distracting me! Our little game of hide n seek is over!"

"Hello," A low menacing voice called out to us. I look over the changeling to see one of the scariest things I have ever seen. It was a pony with a knife dripping with blood in the shadows, slowly moving towards us. My blood ran cold as she got closer, knocking something that looked like a head away from her hooves. "Is everypony having fun?"

"Yes." The changeling squeaks apparently just as scared as I am.

"Good." She says, licking the blade. "I would hate to find somepony not having fun here." She stops in front of the changeling lifting the blade to his face. "We wouldn't want that would we?" It shines in the candlelight showing his reflection in the blade. What kind of world is this?! I thought that the worse thing here was dealing with perverts. Why is there a serial killer here! I was going to scream the moment the changeling fell dead to the floor but was stopped when a familiar voice could be heard. "Hamburgers! I did it again." The mare moves into the light to reveal Pinkie Pie with her mane flat holding a knife covered in red icing. "That makes three ponies in one day. How am I so scary?!"

Still scared, I quietly call out to her. "Pinkie?"

"I mean, at first, they say I am not scary enough with my chicken outfit. So, I remember when Rainbow said I was scary when I was having a meltdown about no pony going to gummies after birthday party. So, I decided to go with that look and then got this toy knife from Cheesesandwich when he said that it would go great with my look. But now they are saying that I am too scary. I have no idea why ponies are so afraid of me with my mane flat hold a fake knife." She says, bending the knife in her hooves as it squeaks. "I am not even doing anything. How is this too scary. I am not that scary, am I Jessica? Jessica?" Oh, she just noticed that I am here too. "When did you get here? I didn't know you enjoy this kind of fun."

"NO!" I squeal before coughing. "I mean no. I got chased into here by this changeling. I was only looking for a place to work."

"Oh, this is a real changeling?" Pinkie looks down at the changeling as one of his legs twitches. "I thought that Hemolymph was just an excellent cosplayer." She slaps light on his face with her knife waking up. Seeing Pinkie again, he freezes up. "So, changeling. Just what were you going to do with Jessica?"

"I was going to bring her to the queen."

"Oh, you're one of the bad changelings."


Pinkie turns around and brings her forelegs to each side of her mouth. And yelling at the top of her lungs. "CODE BLACK! WE HAVE A ROUGE CHANGELING IN THE BUILDING!" The sound of many hooves could be heard across the house. Before long, the other end of the hallway was filled with all kinds of creatures of nightmares and fairytales. I did spot an awesome cosplayer of a dragon. I wonder how he pulled that off. Before I could think of anything else. Pinkie points to the changeling, "Get him."

Before I knew the changeling was getting attacked by the horde and carried off somewhere unknown. Pinkie smiles back at me. "We got this. Sit tight. I will be right back." She quickly joins the mob as the screams of a changeling could be heard going down the hall.

I sat there petrified. I was still starring at the end of the hall. I thought that this world was a bunch of friendly ponies that were all 'sugar and spice everything nice.' I was wrong. "I am never leaving the Boutique again."

Ponies secrets

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A day had passed since the changeling had chased me. But then you might ask, why am I still in bed? Well, this is the only place that is still safe. If I stay here, no more changelings want to kidnap me. No more mares are trying to harm me. No more anything. I want to be left alone. Is that too much to ask for?

"Jessica?" Rarity calls out to me.

She has been trying to get the door open for a while now.

"Jessica. Listen here. Ever since you came back yesterday, you have locked yourself in that room." Rarity firmly taps on the door. "Since you are a guest in this house, I insisted you open this door right this instead."

"But if I do that, I will not be safe."

"What are you talking about."

"Changelings and everything else. But mostly changelings."

"Jessica, I can assure you that there are no changelings within Pony Ville. Not after Pinkie and those other ponies took that changeling into custody. You have nothing to fear." I remain silent, which only infuriates Rarity. If I am quiet, she will go away. They always do. It is better this way. She sounded like she was going to say something but was cut off midsentence. It sounded like she was talking to somepony, but I wasn't paying attention as I lay my head on my forelegs. What is wrong with me?

A voice calls out to me from the door, but it isn't Rarity or her sister. "Jessica, we are friends, and we are worried about you. Please don't shut us out." A hoof thuds onto the door. "Don't shut me out." It's Exclusive. Silently I get out of my nest and moves to the door. Once there, I unlock the door looking at them. Before they could move, I spoke up. "Just him." Rarity looked offended about being left out, but she didn't say anything as I let Exclusive into the room, closing the door behind him. We move to the nest and lay down next to each other, not saying a word for a minute straight. I couldn't take it anymore as I wrapped my forelegs around him, hugging him tight as tears went down my face.

"I can't do it."

"What do you mean?" He said, petting my mane.

"All of this. It is not fair. I want to have a peaceful life. To grow up as a regular girl with a normal life. But as soon as I get started. I get pulled out of my homeworld to be constantly chased by wild animals, dogs, ponies, and changelings. And there is nothing I can do about it. What did I do to desire this?" He doesn't say anything as he continues to comfort me as I bawl into his shoulder. "I not as strong as I make myself to be. I would talk big and have an attitude, but that was all an act. I can't fight, I am not smart, I am a scaredy-cat, I have no savings, and I live alone. I want to help those around me, but how can I do that when I can't help myself? All I can do is run and hide. That is all I am good at. What kind of life is that? I want to be left alone. Is that too much to ask?"

"Yes, it is." I look at him in shock. "Because I don't want to leave you alone."

I don't know what came over me. I can feel more tears go down my cheeks as I stare into his eyes. How could he say that after I told him the truth about me? He should be disgusted with me. He shouldn't want anything to do with me. He should be leaving me alone to cry myself to sleep like everyone else. So why is he still here? And why can't I think of ever leaving him? Before I knew it, I wrapped my hooves around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

Third P.O.V.
Rarity puts a hoof to her mouth and stops herself from making a sound as she watches the scene in front of her from the doorway. She had no idea Jessica felt that way about herself. Not to mention how much Jessica is in love with Exclusive. She looks down, sad, and leaves them alone. Rarity goes to her kitchen and enters the closet before pressing her hoof against the back of the wall, revealing a slide before she goes down it.

At the bottom, Rarity finds herself in Pinkie Pie's secret meeting place she had set up ever since Chrysalis got away. This place links all the manesix houses to meet in secret with a slide that takes them to and from their house. She didn't question it. No pony questions Pinkies logic. Lining the left walls are pictures of possible hiding spots, with some of them crossed out in a red "X." To the right are the rest of the slides for her friends. And the wall in front of her was a picture of Pony Ville with Pictures of six different stallions at each of the manesix houses. With detailed notes about each one. Pillows and blankets and snacks for anypony wait for the other to show up at the center of the room.

As she lies down on her fainting couch, she pulls from somewhere; she can hear noises from one slide. It wasn't long before a happy squealing ball of pink came rolling down a slide and bowled itself into the side of the wall, causing papers to scatter everywhere. As the papers settle, a giggling Pinkie Pie lays there waving at her friend.

"Hi, Rarity."

"Hello, Pinkie."

"What is the problem?"

"I will wait for the others to get here first."

"Okkie dokie," Pinkie says before righting herself and hopping to the center of the room.

As they chatted away one by one, each of the other manesix arrived, with Twilight and Starlight being last. They were surprised to see Starlight was also here. "Starlight, it's so good to see you." Rarity greets her. "However, what may I ask are you doing here?"

"Well, once somepony finally told me that she already knew about six changelings in Pony Ville." She stares at Twilight, who smiles sheepishly back. "I insisted on coming along."

"Sorry, Starlight," Twilight says as they lay on the pillows. "I didn't mean to leave you in the dark. It was just a precaution."

"So, how long did you guys know they were changelings?"

"Since the beginning," Rainbow says proudly with a hoof to her chest.

"Uhm, actually," Fluttershy chimes in. "Discord mentioned something about them that didn't seem right when they arrived. But we thought that it was due to them being from another world. It wasn't until Thorax came to Pony Ville recently that we knew for sure that they were changelings."

"So why don't we go out and capture them?" Starlight presses on.

"That is what I said!" Rainbow throws her forelegs into the air.

"Girls," Twilight speaks up. "While it is true that we could arrest them now. But that would still leave one big problem on our hooves."

"Their Queen is still out there somewhere." Applejacks finish.

"Exactly, since we already know where these six changelings are, including the new one we are tracking. All that is left is to follow him to Chrysalis. And if that doesn't work, we have a backup plan thanks to Starlight."

Rainbow huffs crossed her forelegs. "Okay, I will bite what?"

"Well, you see, Chrysalis is coming to Pony Ville soon."

This causes all ponies to mumble to each other before Rainbow speaks over them. "What causes this?"

"Apparently, she seems interested in Jessica and her supposed homeworld through the mirror." Twilight moves her hooves to make quotations marks. "Regardless, her objective is mirror portal and Jessica."

"What are we going to do about it?"

"Right now, nothing."

Rainbow pulls her face downward. "Not again."

"Rainbow," Twilight scolds, "If we tell Jessica. How does that help her? We must continue to make the elite six believe that we don't know their secret. Meeting here in the middle of the day was already risky enough."

"But we can't let her alone. I mean, there is a changeling queen after her." Rainbow guesser to a picture of said changeling eating chocolate.

"Don't worry, Thorax left some changelings to help us, and I have told them to watch over Jessica and protect her when the time comes. But we are getting off-topic. After all, I wasn't the one who called this meeting." Twilight looks to Rarity as the rest follow suit. "Rarity, did something happen?"

Hemolymph's point of view,
I had no idea that getting away from ponies was so easy. You would think ponies having magic would know that changelings could easily change their appearance. However, I have to be grateful to that random pony who looks just like me, who knew that dressing up like a changeling was a popular costume. But more importantly. "I lost her again!"

I slammed my hoof into a tree as hard as possible and made it shake a little. "How hard is it to capture one pony?! I may not be the one who got the princesses captured and tied up back to the hive. But I was given the same training. I am strong. I am smart. I am fast. So how can it be that I can't get my hooves on one pony!?" I kick the tree again, causing an acorn to drop on my head—dumb tree.

"Does she have a special talent for escaping or something?" I rub my chin in thought. "That has to be the reason. She must be some special spy pony trained as a filly to escape from any form of danger. Yeah, that's it. There can be no other explanation." I take to the skies toward the castle in the Everfree. "I have to report this to her highness." But I pause in midair. "But the last time I came, Her highness presences without notice. I was sent to bed without snacks for a week. In that case, I should ask one of the elite six in Pony Ville to contact her." I start flying in circles. "But I was told not to interrupt their mission and make myself useful somehow. That is how I ended up summoning a snack from somewhere else, just like the book said. But not only did that snack turn out to be a slippery pony. She turns out to be more than I can handle. I need help. But Orders." I groan, grabbing the side of my head. "I never should have left her in that tree in the Everfree. But how was I supposed to know that a bunch of Diamond Dogs would capture me in my sleep? What in the world was in that mare's bag anyway?!"

Not too far away

Two birds could be seen on a branch watching Hemolymph from a safe distance. "Come on, just fly to her already." One of them says, annoyed watching the spinning changeling.

"You think that he notices that we let him get away?"

"No. Hemolymph is many things but being smart is not one of them." He said as Hemolymph landed, rubbing his head. "He probably thinks he got away by himself."

"Out of all the changelings we could have to deal with, why it had to be Hemolymph?" The second one says as Hemolymph starts chewing on a tree.

"Better him than one of the elite six. They were the best of us. Dusk almost saw me twice since I got here. If we don't find Chrysalis soon. We will lose our only chance of finding her." They both look down sad as Hemolymph spits out wood.

"By the way. Weren't we supposed to be watching over some pony?"

"This is more important. Besides, I am sure she is fine."

Jessica POV
What happened? I feel so warm. So happy. Did I fall asleep? I open my eyes to see Exclusive sleeping soundly next to me. Oh, that is right. I kissed him and snuggled next to him, and fell asleep for some reason. Thinking about it is a bit embarrassing. At least nothing else happened. I don't think that I am ready for that. But I can't deny that I have feelings for this stallion. At this point, even if there was a way for me to go back home. I don't think I would go back. Not when my love is here. I tuck my head against him, smiling as rest finds me again. So why is it that I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong?

Earlier that same day,
Exclusive had finished working on new designs for the coming season when a knock on the door echoes. Moving to the door he opens the door to see Lyra there smiling. "No," he said closing the door.

Lyra slams on the door repeatedly. "Oh, come on I didn't say anything!"

"Lyra the last time I help you with something. I ended up mailing myself to Canterlot by dragon fire and had to take the train back. Which reminds me." He opens the door as Lyra looks away guilty. "You own me ten bits for the train ride."

"I will get back to you on that. But that is not important. Exclusive I Thought I saw-"

"Leave before I tell Bon Bon."

"You won't!" His glare doesn't let up. "You would." She sighs in defeat. "Fine. But I try to tell you." She leaves as he closes the door.

"What was that about?" Before he could leave the door, somepony knocks on the door. "What do you want?!" Exclusive says as he opens the door to see a brown mare with a purple mane glaring back at him.

"Is that how you want to address me. Exclusive?!" The mare says with venom in her words causing him to back away from the door. She enters the room, closing the door behind her. "I thought that I taught you better than that."

Exclusive drops to a knee, shaking in fear. "Your highness. Forgive me. I did not know it was you."

"If I didn't need you. I would have you stripe of your rank for such insolence."

"I thank your majesty." He lifts his head. "What brings you here your excellence? I thought that your arrival wasn't until two more days."

"As painful as it is for me to say this. My book of spells is missing and when I went searching for it. Do you know what I found?"

"Forgiven me, your highness. But I do not."

"I found two traitorous soldiers of Thorax following that airhead Hemolymph around the Ever free. Commander Dusk reports that Thorax didn't leave any troops in Pony Ville. So that means that our operations are compromised. And we will have to pull out with what we have."

"But we still don't have the elements. If we pull out now, it will be all for nothing."

Queen Chrysalis's body is covered with green flames as she roars at him in her true form, causing Exclusive to bow his head. "Did I ask for your opinion! Remember your place, soldier. Besides, we have what we need."

"Your highness?"

"I am aware of your relationship with a certain mare that has grown close to the elements as of late." Exclusive's eyes widen as Queen Chrysalis changes back into a pony, walking to the door. "Bring Jessica to the castle of the two sisters with or without her consent. You have until the end of the day. I am sure that you can do this at least."

Exclusive grits his teeth, not showing his face. All his life, he has listened to his queen without question. That is how he pony-napped the princess before her wedding. That is how he helped get the elements bearers and the princesses in one go. And how they are going to help her take back the throne. So why when it involves a single mare, he met one day. He is hesitating. No, he is a soldier, and that is all he will ever be. "At once, your highness."