• Published 30th Nov 2016
  • 4,209 Views, 116 Comments

Why me? - Miner

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Why me

You know I have always thought of myself as an adventurous girl. Always willing to try the last item for sale, waiting in line for the movie theater to open the doors for a sold-out screen, and always stopping by a new store in town. But this is too much even for me! I look down from my perch at the wooden monster dog barking, snarling, jumping, snapping its jaws hoping to get a taste of Jessica.

"Oh, would you be quiet already you dumb dog!” I shouted hoping that it would listen to me. It didn’t. “I had it up to here with your annoying barking!” I raised a hoof to my neck to show what I meant but quickly thought otherwise when I almost slipped my branch. I readjust my grip before resuming my glare, “You haven't gotten me to come down yet and you aren't got to get me down by barking at me all night!"

Now you may be wondering how I ended up in this situation. Where should I begin? The beginning is always a good start so we will start there. That was about three hours ago…

I have just gotten back from work and began my evening ritual. First threw my uniform in the hamper, took a shower, brushed my teeth, then put on sweatpants and one big sweater, and collapsed on my couch. Normally I would get something to eat but I wasn’t feeling up to it that evening. Sleep was within my grasp when my phone rang. Grunting I drop my arm to the side of the couch to grab my purse and fish out my smartphone. Once found, I look at the screen to see a number that I don’t know with an area code I don’t know. Knowing that it was a scam, I turned off my phone and dropped it back in my purse, placed it on my lap, and went back to sleep. "I have had a long day at work," I moaned weakly, "All I am asking is for this world to let me sleep. Is it too much to ask?" But sadly, it wasn't meant to be.

Right as I was about to fall asleep, I noticed two things. One, my air conditioner suddenly turned on to chilly for some reason. And two, my comfy friend wasn’t so comfy anymore. And that was only the beginning. Once I couldn’t stand it anymore, I opened my eyes and sat up to see what was wrong. I look around my apartment to see nothing but trees for as far as the eye can see, and some birds are chipping nearby as the sun sets. I stare for a bit before lying back down. I then got back up blinking to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. It took a moment before I started speaking my mind.

"What the hay! What is up with all these trees? How did I wake up in the middle of a forest, for Pete’s sake?” I said to no one in particular, before shaking in rage, “I swear if this is one of Lilly's pranks I am going to kill her!" Looking at my side I could see that my purse was with my thank goodness. Out of reflex, I reached for my phone but froze at what I saw in my purse. It was at this moment when things got weird. There was something white grabbing my purse, but that was not the weird thing. The weird thing was that it was coming out of my sweater sleeve. Crying out freight I swing my arm around hoping to get whatever it was out of my sleeve only for it to stay there. Calming down as I took a deep breath, I kept my eye on the white thing before raising my arm up and down to see that the unknown object did the same. It took three seconds to register in my head that whatever this thing is, it’s mine.
“But if that’s case where is my hand?” I look closer at the strange thing where my hand was supposed to be. I don't feel any pain coming from it, so my hand wasn't amputated, but that doesn't explain where it went. I lift my other arm to see that both of them got the same treatment. Both had flat ends and were covered with white hair. I hit the ground a few times to confirm that there hard at the tips as an idea of what these things were came to my head. "Ha. You know. If I didn't know better, I would say that my hands were suddenly turned into…” My body shakes with fear, “hooves!" Some of the birds nearby looked at me funny but that was the least of my worries.

"Alright, calm down Jessica. So, you woke up in the middle of nowhere without any idea of how you got here. So, your hands are gone, replaced with…” I swallowed hard, “hooves without your consent. So what? It's not like you needed them to unlock your cell phone and call for help. But really, those are no reasons to panic, now. Right?" I smiled to myself to remain calm and take this as a civilized person.

My composure only lasted for two more seconds.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" The nearby birds flew away from the sound of my scream.

"No this is not happening! This is all a bad dream, and I am waking up now!" I then bit what should've been my arm only to feel that something was biting my arm.

"OW!" I grab my arm in pain and notice something was very wrong here. “Ow?” Looking around, the trees are still there, and I am not waking up. "That's not.... but... why am I still here?" I wasn’t dreaming for sure. It was worse. I was in some kind of nightmare. After a few more bites to make sure I was awake, I accepted that this was real and started to plan how to get out of here. “But first things first. What else of me is still me?”
Giving myself a go-over. I still had the same clothes on when I fell asleep, however, the same thing can't be said for the rest of me. I have a white coat of fur everywhere on my body and I mean everywhere. I checked. Also, I am now a redhead. And not just a little amber red that added to a brunette hairstyle, oh no. I am talking whole paint job that makes my hair match a fire truck. Which was nice if you like red. I also noticed some more hair was lying across the floor. Which confused me. I always had short hair so why is it on the floor? I look to the side to confirm it, “So where did you come from?”

I pulled on it and felt some pain coming from my butt which answer that question. "A tail, I have I tail,” I look at it for a few seconds before willing it to move. It moves aimlessly in a small circle as thoughts fly through my mind to what could all this mean,

“Wait A MINUTE! Stumped hands for arms, white coat that covers my whole body, a long red tail!” I moved my tongue across my teeth to find out my canine teeth were gone, “Am I a HORSE?!”

Ok, I had to admit I didn't see that one coming, but I am not going to get any help just by sitting here hoping things will get better. Technology to the rescue. I move- correction I crawled back to my purse and rescued my phone. But when I tried to use my phone. I ran into three problems: One, hooves do not work well on smartphones. Two: I cannot get the phone to turn on. And three: I was starting to get hungry. Giving up on the phone, for now, I put it back in my purse before lying flat on the ground. While I tried to think of something constructive to find help the first thing that came to mind was first finding out in the world am I exactly. Looking around at my surroundings carefully I started to notice something. Something that surprised me that I did not notice until now.

"Why are the colors of everything here different?” They were so different that it felt unnatural. It was downright cartoony. Now that I think about it. The trees here do look like some out of a cartoon. And to make matters worse, the sun is going down, and everyone knows what happens to little creatures who get left behind in a forest alone. Not wanting to suffer a horrible gruesome death I reach for my purse to start walking anywhere. Only to remember that I didn’t have hands. Staring at my purse I was having an inner battle. On one side, I can’t carry my purse anymore and it is getting late. And on the other side, it is a Gucci purse, and I don’t want to lose it!

"I need to get out of here now! But my purse! No safety is more important. But Gucci. Wait I got it!” I carefully drag the purse to my belly and force it into my sweater pocket. I had no idea why I didn’t think of this sooner. “Now that’s over with, how do I walk on these things?" Looking down at my hooves unsure of what to do. “I do remember in middle school at P.E. where we had to run across the gym on all fours. So, this should be a similar concept, right?” I was wrong.

My first attempt at walking on all fours went as much as you would have expected it would. I must have had my face planted so many times that I am sure there is still a rock stuck somewhere on my face. At least I was making progress, and let me tell you something, walking on all fours feels very weird and natural at the same time. Once I had mastered the walking of the hooves. I noticed that there was about an hour of sunlight left. Not wanting to die here. I started walking hoping that I would not get lost where I was.

It was only two minutes into my walk when I heard a twig snapping to my left. I look at the sound to see nothing out of the ordinary… well ordinary here at any rate and continue my walk. But I soon learned that twigs don’t snap for no reason. Before I realized it, a low growling sound made itself known sending chills down my spine. Slowly I turned my head around to see what made the sound. And doing so has given me a new phobia. Hiding in the shadows of the trees and bushes was a huge creature that was ever so slowly making its way towards me. I could see the breath of its mouth fluming in the evening sun. Its teeth were razor sharp ready to destroy anything that gets near them. Did I mention what big eyes it has? They were a pure yellow color with one single message, it was a predator. And it was hungry.

It is amazing what one can accomplish when given the right motivation, like learning how to become the Flash by running away from some monster in the forest in less than a second. I must have been going 100 miles per hour or… I don’t know, but it was fast for someone who just learned how to walk two minutes ago. Also, did I mention that I was screaming for my life the whole time? Because I was!

Well in any case. That’s how I ended up in my current predicament—stuck in a tree with that beast at the bottom of my new friend Treebeard. It's not the same one from the movie, it is just some random tree I found while running away from the beast. Also, I had to lose my pants along the way. They were just slowing me down as they were two sizes bigger than I remember them being. And tragedy struck when I made it up the tree. One of the branches hocked itself into my pocket and ripped it wide open sending my precious purse tumbling to the jaws of the monster. I watch in the safety of Treebeard’s branches as that horrible fiend destroys my purse and rips it to shreds. I looked down to see the remains of my purse as rage filled my body. I shall have my revenge once I get my hooves on a gun!

“Get on out of here you dumb mutt! You have already cost me over seven hundred dollars worth of damage that I won’t be able to replace anytime soon. So, I have more important things to worry about right now than you. You have already wasted enough of my time. GO AWAY!!!” It didn’t.

I knew it was a pointless argument with it, but what else was I going to do while stuck up in a tree, because of this wood-like creature? Huh, you know. It is almost Ironic in a way. I used to chase raccoons up trees when I was younger. Now I am the one stuck in a tree. And I am fairly sure that one of them is enjoying my misery right now.

“Go catch a rabbit, a fox, or even a squirrel for all I care! Just leave me alone already. Wasn’t my purse enough for you?”

Oh, but it wasn’t, for it just went on and on snarling, growling, and barking at me for hours on end as the moon came up in the sky. At that point, I was beginning to wonder if it would ever go away. It even tried to climb the tree but couldn't get anywhere near me and fell back to the ground.

I am safe so long as I am in this tree. However, I can’t stay up here forever. I would have to get out of here eventually and find help preferably before I die of dehydration, starvation, or boredom. I need a plan soon or I am going to become someone else’s dinner.

“Wait, a minute… I am a horse. How in the whole wide world did I climb up a tree with no fingers or claws? That doesn’t make any lick of sense.” But I guess I shouldn't be complaining about it. I am alive right now because logic and physics decided to have a lunch break.

Looking down at this wolf… timber wolf? I don’t know what it is, but I get the feeling it is not going to leave anytime soon. So, the best thing I can do right now is to get comfortable. It looks like the wolf had the same idea as it circles itself a few times before lying down and starting to eat what is left of my purse.

I stare at it from my tree branch with my best death glare. If looks could kill, then this thing would be so dead.

But then my stomach growled reminding me that it was still empty and now running on fumes. I better find something to eat. Leaves are now my best choice. Deciding that I am now a vegan eater based on my teeth I reach for a leaf only to flick it with my hoof. Growling I moved my head so I could take a bite. I can't believe that I have to eat leaves to fill my stomach. I know that my older brother did it when we were younger for some reason, but I thought it was weird and told him never to do that again. And now I must do it too. Perfect. After getting the smallest bite in the world I slowly begin to crew it. And to my delight, I found out that leaves taste like sweet lettuce, and are surprisingly filling.

“Perfect. Now I know I can wait out this dog; for I have food and you don’t. It is just a matter of time before it gives up and... leaves. Hee.” I crack myself up.

Until then I am going to need to look around these tree branches to see if any of them can be used for a bed. Because there is no way my grip isn’t going to last the whole night. Moving up higher into Treebeard (don’t ask how) I found a good spot to sleep; however, I noticed the spot I found wasn't a natural part of this tree.

There was a platform of sticks tied together and it was big enough for me to lie on. Maybe I wasn’t the first one here with the same problem. Either way, I don’t know and don’t care at the moment; it’s a bed and I called dibs. Climbing on top of it, got comfortable and started eating more of the leaves before resting my head for the night.

I just hope that I can find someone to help me tomorrow morning and get out of here. And if this bed is anything to go by, a town or house can't be too far away hopefully. I better get some shut-eye. I got quite the day tomorrow. However, before I closed my eyes, I looked down at the dog one more time. "I hope you choke you mutt."

Author's Note:

let me know what you guys think.