• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 1,185 Views, 22 Comments

Doctor, Who am I? - TARDIS_Brony

Is a stallion just living in an illusion or is there more to him than he seems?

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House of Illusion

House of Illusion

Twilight entered though the run down door with both excitement and trepidation, the Pinkie Pie word for it was "Nervcited." Twilight never believed in such a word until now, after all she was feeling it. She was going to re-meet a stallion who has done nothing but consumed her thoughts for most of the day. Her revelation that she was smitten with him only added to the feeling. Her heart beating hard and fast as it thumping in her chest, it was so loud it drowned all other noise to her ears. Swallowing her "Nervcitedness" she enter the dilapidated barn once more, it remained unchanged. The same empty book shelves stood as bare as ever, still a crime in her eyes. The lone makeshift table covered in a white sheet was still there too, the bell sitting on top of it. If anything the room looked worse than before, but that was impossible. Could it be she was being judgmental?

Twilight berated herself what was she thinking judging his home like this, she hardly knew him but knowing she liked him changed her outlook already. Her mind was already searching out flaws and reasons as why he would be a poor match for her. No, she would not treat him like this he didn't deserve it he has done nothing wrong. What was she expecting, a clean room and a candle light dinner. Feeling the heat on her cheeks at the the thought, shaking her head. It is not like he meant for her to fall for him, did he? Twilight's doubt entering her mind worming its way in eating away at her confidence, what if he had planned it? No, that is impossible, arguing with herself, a pony cannot alter one feelings. Is it so far fetched, the other part argued, after all it seems he can alter ponies memories who is to say he can't do feelings as well? It was a convincing argument she gave herself, she shook her head. No she would have to trust him, believe that he wouldn't do that. Twilight did not have enough facts to know why he altered ponies memories, but she had to believe it was not out of malice. It felt strange to put that much trust in a pony who was not one of her friends, perhaps it was another sign to her liking him.

Twilight had other issues to deal with anyway, her current one was a silver object that made a ding noise when pressed. The evil silver mechanism taunted her holding her fate in its shiny clutches. Asking the same question over and over, "do you dare ring me?" Never had such a menace held such a power over her from Discord to Sombra, none made her feel so powerless. Would the Elements of Harmony even work on such a monstrosity? Could she defeat something the wrapped the very coils of her fate around it? It seems so easy, ring the silver mechanism and see the stallion that has been consuming her thoughts. However it was not that easy, there were so many other factors she must consider. What if he is working on something important, possibly her clock, and by making the beast sound it shrill call she disturbs that work? Would it cause him to lose focus destroying his work, or clock, making him dislike her? No object should such a devastating ability, however that was not it's only ability. The silver device held as much good as it did evil. It also held the power to bring the same stallion to her happy to see her glad to see she was punctual and did not forget about him. The meeting could bring them together giving a seed to a relationship that they could nurture together till it bloomed into something wonderful. However nothing would happen unless she rang it, which led her to her current situation. Do or do not? Twilight could always hope that he would come out on his own and never have to touch its shiny metal skin. However she ran the risk of him never coming to greet her or asking why he never alerted him of her presence should he come.

Twilight swallowed hard as she prayed she made the right decision and struck the foul silver beast and waited to hear it's shrill cries. She tensed up after striking it and heard nothing, the silver menace was silent. Twilight hit it again with more vigor, no contraption would foil her meeting. As if mocking her the device remained silent shrugging off her attacks as if they were nothing. This truly was a corrupt beast without compassion, but she refused to let up as she struck it again and again to force it to sing the song of it's defeat. The beast held it's ground not letting her hear its cries as she grew tried and annoyed she would show this menace who the boss was, charging up her magic.

"Please don't destroy my bell," the device pleads for mercy she will not let it sway her. "Even if it would be entertaining to watch, I'd rather not have to go through the trouble of replacing it," it mimics the voice of the one she longs to see what an underhand creature this is.

"Eyes of fire and body vibrating with magic horn a glow, I am glad I am not on the receiving end of your ire Miss Sparkle. They say nothing brings out passion and beauty out of a mare like anger and I have to say I am inclined to agree."

"What!?" breaking from her rage to see the very stallion she came to meet clad in that infernal lab coat. Trying her very best to wish herself invisible hiding her face and blush in shame at him seeing her like that.

"Nothing to be ashamed about we all lost ourselves to frustration every once in a while," looking grim for a moment as if holding back his own demons. "No harm done," resuming his normal cheer.

Trying to hide herself behind her mane pulling off a Fluttershy imitation. "Ah, hi," uncertain what to say. "How much did you see?" not wanting to know, but had to ask.

"I wandered in as you were giving the bell a good thrashing," Twilight winced she had made a terrible impression she was sure of it. "I was content with observing seeing who would win the epic battle you or the bell, but had to step in when you resorted to magic. Where was the fairness in that the poor thing would never stood a chance."

"You're not mad?" glad that he was not, but wondering about his sanity.

"Granted there may be ringing in my ears for a while, but no," letting her know all is forgiven.

"But it made no noise," the silent bell sat innocently despite her accusations.

"To you that is true, however to me I can hear it quite well," making her wonder how he can hear the bell and she could not. "How I hear it is my own little secret," as if reading her mind.

"I didn't disturb you, did I?" her heart hammering in her chest praying that she didn't.

"Are you kidding I enjoy being disturbed," speaking as if he had more than one meaning. "Any interruption is a good one to me, things can get quite dull with no pony other than me around."

"Then... I... am pleased to provide you with... your interruption?" uncertain if she was responding correctly.

"And what an interruption it was," letting out a laugh. "I was wondering how our second meeting would go and I am quite pleased with the results."

"But... I was angry," words falling from Twilight's tongue. Blushing when she realized he said he been thinking think about her and was pleased with her.

"What a wondrous sight it was," earning a blush from her. "You can learn more about a pony in the heat of anger than you ever can any other time," speaking as if quoting a book. "Seeing your fire and passion I have to be inclined to agree, it was a beautiful sight."

Twilight almost choked on her own gasp, did he just call her beautiful? Did she hear him right? Her heart hammering in her chest and her mouth gone dry, come to think of didn't he call her attractive during their first meeting? Her mind was in such a jumble she had forgotten, but his words brought back the memory with a vengeance. The memory and the fact he said it for a second time made her body burn, nopony has ever called her beautiful before. There was her parents and her friends sure, the Rarity word for it was "Divine," but he was the first stallion to say it. Twilight was sure her body color had been replaced from purple to red from the compliment he gave her it was almost to much to handle. If he found her beautiful at her most "uncouth" time then how would he view her beyond that?

"Are you alright Miss Sparkle?" his voice tickling her ears in her enamored state. "Your awfully hot, do you have a cold?" his hoof breaking her personal space touching her forehead.

"What, yes," the shock of his touch breaking her of her self induced spell. "I mean no, I don't have a cold," why does she let him put her in such a state?

"Good, good don't want you in bad health," pulling his hoof away. "Last thing we need is you collapsing and me being forced to carry you."

"Right..." reluctant to agree, part of her wanting his hooves on her.

"Well no sense putting it off, let us get to the reason why you are here," reminding her about what lead them to meeting in the first place.

"Oh right... you mean the clock," not wanting to bring up that subject. "I don't want you to feel rushed," part of her fearing the clock may not be done. "I sure there is still some time left before the actual ending of our deal."

"Actually the time of our deal ended about three minutes ago," causing Twilight's heart to drop.

"I am sorry it is all my fault," realizing she had taken up his time. "You can have that time back, I don't mind waiting an extra few minutes," why did she touch that bell, silently berating herself. Taking up his time meant the clock might not be finished, it not being finished meant she would not be in awe of the crafthoofship of his work, and if that happens she wins the bet and loses him. That was the last thing she wanted, between her new found feelings and the mystery he lead her on, she would never allow him to lose.

"I clearly interfered with the completion of our contest," treating the bet like an official event. "Therefore you have the right to void our deal and declare yourself the winner," almost dancing at her cleverness there is no way he could lose now.

"Is that what you want Miss Sparkle?" the seriousness of his voice confusing her. "Do you have so little faith in my work that you think I need a crutch in order to win?" Twilight realizing in horror that she had somehow insulted him.

"No that is not it," trying to recover the situation.

"Than would you care to explain why you have so little faith in me?" Twilight could feel the sweat poor off her body, was the room getting hotter? "Did our bet mean so little you that your willing to just throw it away because you think I have no chance at winning?" The fury of those blue eyes staring down right at her not letting her free as if a mountain was crushing her. Staring into those typhoon blue eyes was like staring into an oncoming storm that would devastate all in it path, an uncontrolled fury no Pegasus could hope to tame. However, in the dark depths Twilight could see the pain hiding behind the fury. She felt so bad she wanted him to win so much, but she never took his own feeling into account. His need, his desire to prove himself to those around him and she was selfishly taking it away. She needed to make amends before she lost the stallion completely.

"I do have faith in you," keeping her eyes locked with his. Knowing if she looked away and did not face this storm head on she would lose him to his twister of turmoil. Throwing her feeling and emotions into the storm hoping something would breach making to the suffering stallion at it's center. "I panicked," admitting her own turmoil. "I didn't mean to offend you, I felt responsible for disturbing you and taking you away from your work. I never meant insult your work, I now understand how much it means to you," his liquid fire blue eyes cooling, but still held his passion. "I also agree with your previous statement, it is a wondrous sight," giving him a shy smile.

"Right," he pulled away quickly, did she see a blush? "All forgiven Miss Sparkle, sorry about that I should of realized that you meant no harm. Deal back on?"

"It doesn't matter I should of taken more consideration of you and your work," accepting his apology with one of her own. "Yes our deal is back on," replying mirthfully.

"Good, don't want to get caught in the trap of each of apologizing to one another," brushing the incident off. "I welcome you once again to my humble home, now for the clock," looking around as if expecting to find it. Twilight watching as he seemed to search every inch of the rather empty room in his attempt to find it, "Miss Sparkle did you see if I had brought the clock with me," checking under white cloth for the forth time.

"No I did not," wondering what he gained from searching the same place several times, not like it would magically appear. Thinking on it, did she know a spell that would bring the clock to her? Shaking her head, if she knew it location maybe, however without that she could do little.

"Ah I remember where it is," shooting up from his searching surprising Twilight. "I left in in my workshop," looking at the lone doorway the exited the room.

"I can wait here," part of her wanting to follow him.

"After you came all this way, that would be rude," thinking of a solution. "I got it, I invite you into my home Miss Sparkle," giving a playful bow.

Twilight could feel that "Nervcitedness" rise in her once more her heart pounding in her chest. He just invited her into him home allowing her to see beyond this deary room. What would she see? Would her thoughts be confirmed, would she discover that he was an Earth pony that had access to magic? Twilight wanted to believe that she was right and going into his home would prove that hypothesis. If not that than perhaps she could bring up the discovery that he lead her to about the Doctor and the three books, there were so many things that they could talk about. He seemed to be an intelligent stallion, perhaps she could make him forget about leaving if he found a pony that shared his interests.

There was the other part of Twilight, "Smitten Twilight," the part that made her realize that she was just invited into a stallion's home. Him and her alone, the very idea made her burn. She knew very well that she had an infatuation with the stallion, however to be invited into his home. The myriad of emotions that went through Twilight ranged from butterflies to hydra. "Smitten Twilight," was telling her to pounce at this chance let him lead her around, distract him if necessary. Use those phrases and words Rarity likes the throw around, such as "playing coy and flirt," when talking about meeting stallions. The longer they were together the better chance she had of catching his interest.

"Sensible Twilight," on the other hoof knew better, she had no idea how to play coy or flirt, she had to look up their meanings the first time she heard them. She would most likely trip over her own tongue trying to flirt and has no clue at playing coy. If anything the stallion would most likely laugh at her attempts, which Smitten counters by reminding Sensible that some stallion like mares that can make them laugh.

Twilight shook her head, this inner argument was getting her no where. She needed to make a decision, one that may effect her future relation... She needed to stop worrying about the what if and make a choice.

"Lead the way," trying not to think about if it was the right or wrong choice to make.

"Right this way Miss Sparkle," heading towards the doorway. "Careful and stick close don't want you getting lost," a twinkle in his eye as he enters through the doorway.

Twilight is not given much time to think on his warning swiftly following him in keeping him in view. Glancing at the hall she has enter she realized he must of been joking. The walls were white and bare and the hall was straight there was no way she could get lost. She could see no other doors in the area the chances of her getting lost were nil, however what if she was wrong. He has proven more than once that he can do strange things, come to think of it he used this same hall to get clean and get a spare lab coat. Yet she seen no room for cleaning or a rack of lab coats, where did he get them? Her eyes looking forward, how far was this hallway? Granted she couldn't see much past him, only his tail swaying back and forth and his well toned back legs and slowly traveling up... quickly looking away realizing she what doing with a blush.

Her diversion to think of anything else allowed her to notice a table not to far away from her, how she had not noticed it before was a mystery. It was normal old wooden table that was painted the same color as the wall, perhaps why it didn't catch her notice the first time. On top of it was something strange though it was a specimen display. Twilight has seen many of them at museums often holding some sort of rock or small creature with a description below. However this one held no such thing, it was empty. Why it was here she was uncertain, she had been wanting to talk to Clockwork about something and this would be perfect. Looking up she saw the hall was lacking of one stallion, she was alone.

Twilight could feel her heart beat faster in panic, where did he go? Taking deep breaths to calm herself, worrying would do her no good, she needed to act logically. First look for doors that he could of gone in, none, she could feel the calm slipping away. Second look down hall for any turns he could of taken, none, her heart rate spiking once more. Third look back the way you came. Twilight could feel the fear rising in her, but she knew that they took no turns and she had not went to far so she should see the exit. So why did she feel the fear that it would not be there if she looked, taking a deep breath as she readied to turn her head.

"Buzzt," came a noise breaking her of calmness and straight into panic as she searched for the source. "Buzzzt," came the noise once more closer this time as if it was right next to her. Looking at the table once more, however this time something new was on it and it was very much alive. Twilight backed away staring at this new creature analyzing it in both fear and curiosity. "Buzzzzt," its compound eyes on her apparently doing the same. Was it some sort of bug, it did appear beetle like except its shell was red in color not the usual black or brown. "Buzzt," it was definitely the source of the sound, but that did not get her any closer to what is was.

Sniffing the air she could smell a sweet almost calming scent, was this creature releasing it? Looking at it's size it looked about the size of a June Bug, however it red shell was the oddest thing it almost looked like it was a heart. "Buzzzzt," flapping it's wings as more calming scent entered the air as Twilight relaxed outside her own will. Looks like she was wrong it wasn't afraid of her it was sizing her up, it was going to attack. Twilight felt herself getting sleepy, though in reality wanted to run. She knew next to nothing on this creature, it could be poisonous. Looks like she will find out after it attack, seeing it looking ready to pounce.

"Got you," as a glass jar swiftly enclosed the beetle like creature. "Thought you could get away from me did you?" The creature replying with an angry buzz. "Don't give that tone with me," berating the bug. "It is your own fault for going after my guest, how are you Miss Sparkle?" turning his attention towards her.

Twilight on the other hoof hardly registered any of this, her mind in a daze from the creature's pheromones. What she did register was she was just saved by the most handsome stallion in all existence. Like a Knight in white armor coming to her aid rescuing her from that vile monster before it could attack. Her heart was a flutter as she stared at her savior in awe, was he always this handsome? Every feature of his seemed more defined than before and she took in the sight without her usual shyness, was she always this forward? Her Knight had conquered the beast and was asking for her state of health, she must answer in kind.

"I am most well Sir Knight, you have my deepest gratitude" her voice and eyes full of swoon.

"Sir Knight?" looking back at the insect. "How much did you hit the poor mare with?" the bug replying with a buzz. "How many hooves am I holding up?" turning his attention back to her.

"You want my hoof, how forward Sir Knight," giving out a flirtatious giggle. "If you want a gift of my affection all you have to do is ask. I shall give you my highest gift, a kiss," moving forward her lips puckered.

"She puckering her lips what am I suppose to do?" asking the bug in panic. Its replied with a deep buzz, "Yeah I figured that would be your answer," letting out a sigh. "I don't think you would to happy with me if I took advantage of you in your situation Miss Sparkle," looking down at her puckered lips. "Though I could be wrong... no it is better this way. Sorry Miss Sparkle, but this is for your own good." a flash of a blue light and a high pitch noise and Twilight fell unconscious.

When Twilight awoke she noticed many things, first she was almost eye level to the floor. This lead her to the second thing, she was lying on a thin mattress. Which lead her to her third none of what she was seeing looked anything in her Library. Where was she? Looking around it looks like somepony wrapped her in a blanket, like they couldn't decide to put her on top or under so they split the two and folded it over her.

Trying to get her bearing she looked around more, she could make out the legs of a table. From where she was she could not see on top of it, however many things looked like they were hanging off. She could make out springs and metal wire and what looked to be dripping oil, this place was a mess. Were they working on something or just plan messy, noticing a red wagon not to far away. What was that doing here she was sure she left it with... She was in his home! She was in his bed! As panic started to seize her, what happened?

Twilight went through her jumbled memory, recalling she was attacked by the strange insect. Which brought her to her next question, how did she end up here? The only answer she could come up with made her blush, he must of carried her here. Looking around again at the messy room she realized that this must be the Workshop that he spoke about. Leaving her questioning the mattress and blankets she was now in, did he bring them here to give her a place to rest? She could feel her cheeks burn at the thought and how sweet it was for him to do such a thing, she took a whiff expecting them to smell clean, instead they smelled like him. That whiff proved that he did not provide these sheets, instead that he rested here on more than one occasion his scent embedded in the sheets.

Discovery through scent, it was a different type of learning for Twilight. Mostly it was used on flowers, this was a first to be used to learn about a pony. Most of the time she would need to talk to them or study them to learn anything and it would be fairly rude to go up and sniff somepony. However here she was able to use a sense she hardily get to use in the learning process. She had learned much just from the one sniff, such as he gets immersed in his work just like her. She could easily imagine him working on something to the point of exhaustion, much like she has in the past and use this mat to rest. Twilight could feel her heart pick up speed at her discovery that they had something else in common. The idea was practical too making her think she should invest in a mat as well, that way Spike would never have to remind her to go to bed again. What else could she learn about this mysterious stallion, this room could full hidden discoveries.

Reluctantly Twilight left the mattress, knowing laying there would not allow her to learn more. Analyzing the room to determine the best place to start. Part of her felt guilty about planning on going through this room without his knowledge, however her curiosity would not be sated. Not wanting to upset him Twilight opted to stay out of any drawers or snooping to far, however anything in eye sight was fair game. From her position the closet thing was the work bench trotting up to it to get a better look.

The work bench held a mess of parts, sprockets, spring, and gears along with a mess of other things. Twilight could not make sense of it, clearly something was being worked on. However the object was not there, perhaps it had been finished and brought to another room. The bench was a mess, but it lacked something crucial the the building process, tools. Twilight could not make out a single hammer or screwdriver, again possible they could be else where. Determining what he was working on in this disaster of wires and oil would be next to impossible, it seemed this table was meant for deconstruction than construction.

Twilight looked around some more knowing she needed to reevaluate her thinking. This room held discoveries she knew it, she just needed find them. The question was, where to look? Her eyes only revealed chaos objects littering the room without sense as if pushed to the side once done with. The only thing Twilight feels like she is discovering is how careless he is. Did he create nothing and only take it apart, Twilight could feel herself getting depressed. Had she built up this illusion to strongly? She believed him to be an intelligent and creative mind, perhaps her future with him was much like the objects on the floor. To be picked apart and then tossed to the side.

Twilight shook her head, she needed to stop thinking those things. To judge without proof was cruel, but where would she find the thing to free her of her doubts. She wished she had her books, though doubtful they may of held a clue. It is unlikely they would of made sense of this disaster of a room. It was her on mind the believed their to be the a connection between the books and the stallion. It seemed rather silly to think that a pony could be trying to mix science and magic. The books only told of theories, not facts. It was through only intuition that she was even able to discover the connections the books had, following the small trail left by a stallion she only met.

Twilight was stuck no matter how she evaluated the situation she could not gleam any information from the status of the room. Either he was a very messy unorganized stallion or he is very good at hiding his real talents. It was a theory she had yet to consider, what if all this was here to throw her off? If he did not want to be discovered then the best course of action be to hide everything. It made sense he had no reason to trust her, so why leave anything for her? If he wanted her to learn anything he would of left a small trail, like he did with the books. The question was did he leave her a trail? Twilight went over what information she had, used bedding, no tools, no projects, and wires everywhere. Twilight thought on it, did any of this help her piece together her puzzle? It seemed unlikely, but Twilight was not the type to give up until the puzzle was solved. However to do this she would have to break her own rule, she would need to touch something.

Twilight looked around, nearby there was a large gear on the floor. It seemed out of place, laying on the floor sticking out a trip hazard waiting to happen. If nothing else she lend the stallion a hoof and move that out of the way. Standing over it she wondered why it was there, did he drop it and forget it was there? Thinking would do little to aid the situation she used he magic to lift it up and found it would not budge. Frustrated and curious she gave it another tug and it would still not move. Giving the gear a closer look she found it was screwed to the floor. Twilight started wondering how many cards this stallion was short, what reason would he have for attaching a gear to the floor? Giving it a touch she found the gear to be warm, but that was impossible unless it was in service. Twilight recalled her thought on that he was very good at hiding things, but how was this gear attached to that theory? Looking closer she could see wires leading to and from gear some heading towards the bench others under random objects, could this run something? Observing in greater detail she could make out many more gears hidden throughout the room.

Going back to the benched she stepped on a puddle of oil, the firm surface of the oil surprised her. She should of stepped in not on, her hoof was clean. Stepping again she found the surface rubbery, it was fake. Twilight adding new data to her memory as she found it the oil was fake and the wires were not, what did that mean? Twilight needed to know more looking at the bench with new insight, prodding a spring on the bench finding it was soldered down. Having an inkling Twilight gaze lower at the feet of the bench to discover her thought was right, the legs were bolted to the floor.

Twilight could feel herself getting giddy, she was sure she was close to figuring out the room. The last time she had this much fun trying to understand a room she was a foal. Recalling her time when she went to a fun house for the first time.

"Daddy, what is this room?" looking up seeing furniture on the ceiling and not the floor.

"This is the upside down room," marveling at the room as well.

"What magic do they use to keep it up there?" always wanting to learn a new spell.

"I do not believe they use magic to do this," he tells a disappointed Twilight. "Instead they nail or bolt them down to make sure they stay."

"I think it is silly," laughing at the sight.

"I think the next room is much more fun," laughed another foal as they ran into the next room. Twilight curious followed and watched as the young brown colt played in the room. Each time he pressed something or did something, something else would happen.

"What is this room?" she spoke in awe.

"This is the room of secrets," the colt laughed jumping on a cushion and bounced back as if were a trampoline. "I was told it has a hundred secrets, one day I will find them all," opening a drawer as confetti exploded everywhere.

"Can I help?" excited to find new things. The colt nodding in response.

Twilight smiled at the memory, they played in the room most of the day and never could find all the secrets. Strange how this room brought up that memory finding the similarities.

Of course how could she of missed it, the fake items and the working gears. It all tied together, this room was an illusion. This workshop was much like that room of secrets, it looked like a normal room until you dared to investigate further. Once Twilight decide to leave her comfort zone the truth of this room opened up, it was not real.

Was it another test made by the stallion? Did he do this on purpose to see if she would discover it on her own or leave everything be? This left her to ponder another question, why did he make the workshop like this? And given the state of the halls his entire home may be like this room, hiding unknown secrets. What was he hiding? Twilight's mind burned with questions that she could not answer. This stallion had built his home to have secrets and, but why? Did he really have something to hide, if she goes back on her previous notion that he has intergrated science and magic than yes. However if not then perhaps this is all in good fun and he likes having secret rooms and switches that only he knows about.

Twilight smiles at this notion given what she has found out thus far about this mysterious stallion, he seems to be a lover of fun and silly things so the idea of building a home that suited those tastes did not seem so far fetched. After all she lived in a library, Rainbow Dash lived in a cloud home, Rarity lived in her boutique, in fact all her friends lived in places that suited their tastes. Looking through those eyes having a home that was filled with fun secrets did not seem so suspicious after all. The big question what sort of fun things were waiting to be discovered, there was only one way to find out.

Twilight looked about the room wondering what she should test out, surely he would not mind if she moved one little thing to satisfy her curiosity. Her eyes darting around taking in the lay of the room deciding which object should moved following the wires lining the walls. Her eyes stopping on the gear in the room, deducing that it was the main control point room. Every seemed to lead to it as the central function for revealing this rooms true purpose, now all she had to do was turn it. Twilight once again found herself at a quandary to turn or not to, it was like facing off against the accursed bell once more. But she resolved herself to do this already one simple spin and she could learn more about the stallion.

Gripping the gear in her magic as beads of sweat through anticipation came off her brow. Soon she would see what he was really like hidden beneath the facade shown to everypony else. Starting to turn it as she wondered if she could learn about him, would she find details on his connection to the books or the Doctor whose looks he happen to share or something else entirely new she had to know. Turning the gear more with the thoughts of discovery. However stopping when she heard muffled voice, panicking it was him! Having no other choice diving back to the mat and covering herself in the blanket in fear of being discovered, like a foal with hoof in the cookie jar. The sound of sliding as hoofsteps entering the room, as she hopes he does not notice her attempt at spying. Her breath heavy as she wonders what will happen next.

Author's Note:

Took a long time to update, but with a little more free time hopefully I can do more.

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