• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 1,185 Views, 22 Comments

Doctor, Who am I? - TARDIS_Brony

Is a stallion just living in an illusion or is there more to him than he seems?

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Challenging an Illusion

Challenging an Illusion

Twilight Sparkle stood outside a run down old barn building wondering if she had the right address. She opened her saddle bag and looked at the paper with the address written on it, double checking the street and the number on the building. The information she had matched as she stared at the poorly maintained building. Trotting around the building she found only one door, which matched the run down look of the rest of the building. Thinking to herself that something is not right, there was no logical reason a pony would live here. Yet here she was standing in front of a building that look like it should be scheduled to be torn down. Looking behind her at the little red wagon that held the reason why she was in the area the first place, a broken down coo coo clock. Remembering how and why she came here with an image of the mysterious pony who was suppose to be found inside.

Twilight's day started out like any other, nose deep in her latest book. The book was the newest one of a book series known as The Traveler's Adventures. The series was about a stallion who journeyed through time and space often going to different worlds helping everypony he met. The stallion was simply know as the Doctor by the friends he made during his travels. She enjoyed the series ever since she was a filly reading about the Doctor's adventures. Twilight found it fascinating how he seemed to be a normal Earth pony, however by using his mind was able to solve impossible tasks. She also enjoyed how the author painted worlds beyond their own using vivid descriptions, as if the places were real. To her the author of these stories was a visionary creating societies that functioned with magic and science working together in harmony. The second book held her favorite story of a future Equestria which used magic and science for the benefit of all ponies. It also spoke of twin ruling sisters as she remembers the embarrassment that followed.

"Princess Celestia," cried out a young filly.

"Yes Twilight," eager to help out her student.

"Do you have a special somepony?" asking with young curiosity.

"No I don't, why do you ask?" blushing at her student's question.

"This book," magically lifting the book to show the Princess. "It tells of the future and it says that we will have twin rulers, which means your going to have two daughters in the future," proud of her deduction.

"My dearest student," trying to give a calm explanation to the young filly without blushing. "That is a book of fiction it is not based on facts," looking at her now saddened student. "Why did you want to know if I had a special somepony?" changing the subject.

"Well Mom and Dad told me only ponies with special someponies could have foals," a young Twilight explained to her teacher. "This book made me hope you did have a special somepony. That would mean you could have foals and I could help you and be the best foalsitter in the world like Candace was for me," spoke an excited Twilight to a very embarrassed Princess Celestia.

It took a long time for Twilight to live down that mistake after she realized what an awkward position she put her teacher in. After that mistake she made sure to research her source that it was fact and not fiction. While a noble pursuit it did tend to lead her into trouble, which she would soon find out.

As she read her story she got to the part were the Doctor and his companion, a Unicorn, had gotten into a bit trouble and were locked away in a dungeon cell. The lock had been enchanted so the Unicorn could not use magic to break them out and the Doctor's device, known as a sonic screwdriver, had a magic base so it was unusable as well. Of course it did little to deter him instead he used it on a mirror in the cell cracking it and took a piece from it. The Doctor proceed hold the piece in his hoof and stick it out of the cell and angle it so the Unicorn could see the inside the lock. Then he told the Unicorn to fire a magical blast at the mirror and their magic would reflect inside the lock where he believed it was not magically protected. This lead into an argument between the two the Unicorn saying his hoof will be blasted off and him saying it would be fine. The Unicorn finally relented and shot the mirror and it worked and they both were free.

Twilight was bothered by this scene she agreed with the Unicorn and she is sure that the Doctor's hoof would of been blasted off. She looked up from her book as she thought about this spotting a mirror not to far away. No time like the present to put her theory to the test she thought. Floating the mirror to a place where nothing was behind it she readied her magic figuring she have to replace a mirror. She fired off the blast she was caught unprepared when it bounced back right in her direction. Scrambling she got out of the way hitting some unknown object sending it crashing to the ground.

A little shaky from the experience and disheartened that she was proven wrong again by the author of the series. Whoever this pony was he has indeed done his study of magic. Though nopony knows who the author is he has signed all of his work with a pen name of the Doctor, the main character of his series. There was a rumor that the first story in the series, The Traveler: Journey Through Time and Space, had the author's real name. However the series only became popular after the second book and the first book was re-released with the pen name. Twilight searched to find an original copy, but never did apparently they were all bought up. Nopony knows what happened to all the originals, but they are considered to be one of rarest books of her time.

Twilight assessed the damage of whatever fell to the ground due to her magical blast, it was her coo coo clock. She was disappointed in herself she used that clock all the time to keep her schedule in check. Now it was broken and she was not sure if Ponyville had any places that sold or repaired clocks. Since she was unsure of her destination she decided to bring her clock with her with the hopes of it getting repaired or replaced. Loading the clock onto Spike's wagon she set off to the market area with Spike gone helping Rarity with something she would have manage on her own.

The hustle and bustle of the market greeted the Purple Unicorn when she arrive to her destination. In the market they sold everything from food to household wares she was certain that she would find somepony who knew about clocks here. She searched and viewed each stall for a hint of a clock maker, but so far she was unlucky so she decided to ask somepony.

"Hello Twilight," greeted the friendly mare merchant. "How may I help you today?" spoke the mare ready to help a friend and customer.

"Hello Varnish," responding back to the kind mare. "I know you deal mostly in furniture, but I was wondering if you might have a clock among your wares?" hoping the mare had one in stock.

"Sorry Twilight," apologized the brown and red mare. "Not many ponies have a demand for clocks. I could special order one for you from Canterlot if you want," trying her best to aid Twilight.

"No thanks, I was hoping to get it replaced or fixed today," glad that she has another option if her venture fails. "You wouldn't happen to know anypony who might sell or fix clocks?" hoping the sales mare can help her.

"I don't know anypony that sells," she tells a saddened Twilight. "However, there might be one who can repair," wanting to help her customer sale or no sale.

"Really where can I find this pony?" excited she might get her clock fixed.

"Not sure, but the Mayor might," replied the helpful Earth pony. "The pony works for her has been given the title of Timekeeper of Ponyville. I dare say if anypony knows about clocks it would be the Timekeeper," giving a title instead of a name.

"Thank you very much Varnish," Twilight said gratefully. Leaving the helpful sales mare to her stall in the hopes of finding the Mayor. Heading to Ponyville Town Hall to look for the Mayor Twilight couldn't help but think about this strange pony titled the Timekeeper. She has never heard of anypony with that title while she lived in Ponyville. She was curious who this pony might be, they were important enough to be given a title after all. This pony must be in charge of the daily events in Ponyville such as when the market opens and closes. Twilight only has to keep her own schedule this pony keeps the entire schedule of Ponyville. Whoever this pony is he or she must be the most organized pony in Ponyville. To meet somepony with her love of scheduling was exciting to Twilight if only she knew of the pony sooner she would of sought them out long ago.

She was even more excited then ever to meet this new pony when Ponyville Town Hall came into view she hoped that they were at the Town Hall so she could talk to them. If it were not for the wagon she dragged behind her she might of forgotten about the need to repair her busted clock. Nearing the Town Hall she noticed the Mayor outside with a smile on her face Twilight went to speak to the Mayor.

"Hello Mayor Mare," chirped the excited Twilight.

"Hello Twilight," greeted the Mayor. "How can I help you on such a fine day," smiling back at the purple Unicorn.

"I am looking for somepony and I was told that they might work for you," explaining to the Mayor why she was looking to speak with her.

"I am more than happy to help," always willing to help one of the Ponyville residence. "What is the pony name?" ready to help Twilight.

"Well I wasn't given a name of the pony," she sheepishly admitted. "I was given a title though, I believe it was the Timekeeper. Do you know of a pony under that title?" curious what the Mayor knew of this unknown pony.

"Yes I know of him," spoke the Mayor with some distaste. Twilight hardly noticed the Mayor attitude she focused solely on one word, him. The pony she was searching for was a stallion, one who made schedules. She could hear her heart thumping in her chest. She has yet to meet anypony who shares her interests, especially a stallion. She had to know where to find him.

"I am looking for him, where can I find him?" trying her best to hide her enthusiasm. "I have a clock in need of repair and I was told he might be able to help," giving the truth for her search, but far more interested in meeting this unknown stallion.

"I am not sure Twilight," spoke the Mayor reluctantly. "I don't know much about him myself. You might be better off finding somepony else that can help you," trying to dissuade Twilight.

"Why is that Mayor?" finding the Mayor behavior odd. "Is he unable to fix clocks?" coming up with the only reason why not to look for this stallion.

"No he can do that, I think. He maintains the main clock in the Town Hall after all," answering uncertainly to Twilight's question. "He is a bit odd he tends to be a recluse living alone on the far side of town. I am not sure he will welcome a pony where he stays," again trying to warn Twilight away. Twilight on the other hoof sensed a mystery something that she needed to investigate. This Timekeeper was a recluse and so was she until Pinkie Pie and the others shoved the ideals of friendship down her throat. She has never been happier for that experience, perhaps that is all this stallion needed somepony to be his friend and she was the one who could be that friend.

"Can you give me his address," Twilight ignoring the Mayor's warnings. "I would like to find this pony. I do really need his help," giving the Mayor her best help me plea eyes she could.

"Fine," relented the Mayor. "He lives in an old district of town. Where some old barns still stand," writing down the stallion's address on a piece of paper and giving it to Twilight. "I don't know how well he receive you. I hardly see him myself. I get all the schedules by mail and when comes to maintain the clock he is in and out so quickly that few ponies see him," trying one last time to stop Twilight from going to him.

"I will be alright Mayor," memorizing the address and putting into her saddle bag. "I can be quite persistent when I want to be," bidding the Mayor farewell who did not return the smile as Twilight left.

Twilight made her way to the old district of Ponyville as she trotted she accumulated everything she knew about the mysterious stallion. She knew he lived alone apart from all the other ponies in town. She also knew that the Mayor seemed wary about him. Adding that she knew he was a stallion was not much for her to go on. She didn't even know what this pony looked like. Was he a Pegasus, Unicorn, or Earth pony? Pegasus seemed unlikely since he lived on the ground, but Fluttershy did as well he could easily have a broken wing and have been grounded. Unicorn seemed a bit more possible magic would help with gears and the other fine detailed parts of the clock. The thought of her mysterious stallion being a Unicorn delighted Twilight that would make two things they have in common. However the Earth pony was possible as well, though harder to work with clocks it would not be impossible. She had drawn herself into a circle not able to eliminate any of the possibilities. How did the Doctor put it again, "Everything is possible even the impossible." It was something like that.

The thought of Doctor got Twilight to thinking about his description as described in the series. A light brown Earth pony with a dark brown mane that wears a blue striped vest. An extraordinary pony that from the outside looked ordinary. Take away the vest and he would appear to look like any other pony one would come across. In his description he had one more thing that made him identifiable, his cutie mark it was of an Hourglass. Thinking on it the pony she was looking for had the title of Timekeeper so he might have a time piece for a cutie mark. How strange would it be if the pony she met was an Earth pony that was light brown with a dark brown mane and had an Hourglass cutie mark? She would be meeting the Doctor she smiled to herself. It was nice to dream, however the Doctor was a character of fiction and would never be real.

The memories resurface as she stares at the run down barn in the old district of town. It is possible that the Mayor gave her the wrong address to steer her away from meeting the Timekeeper. Twilight knew that was unlikely, it was more likely this elusive stallion gave the Mayor the wrong address. Would a pony really live in this boarded up old barn? She checked it only had one entrance every other path was blocked with boards. Well she came all this was she might as well knock and find out if anypony lived here. The moment her hoof touched the door it creaked open slightly ajar. She carefully pushed the door open and went inside.

The inside was even worse than the outside the walls were dusty and the room was bare and worse of all the bookshelf was empty. The only thing in the room was a make shift desk or table, something covered with a tarp, with a bell sitting on top. Twilight stared at the bell, was she suppose to ring it for help? As she neared the bell ready to ring it when something relating to an explosion went off shaking the room. Out of a room in back came a cloud of dust and smoke followed by a coughing stallion.

"Well that was unexpected," coughed the dirt covered stallion. "Perhaps I should of double checked it before I turned it on, but then I wouldn't of gotten such an interesting result," the stallion spoke in a Trottingham accent not noticing the confounded purple Unicorn in the room. "How to fix it?," talking to himself. "I could hit it really hard or turn it off and search for the problem and fix it and try again," taking only a moment. "Right hitting it hard it is," dashing into the smoky room to repair the issue.

Twilight was flabbergasted at what she just witnessed, that stallion was out of his mind. Her vision of a well organized slightly reserved pony shattered. That pony was nothing like she envisioned he didn't even solve problems logically, his solution to a problem was to hit it really hard. The only thing she managed to get from that encounter was that her mysterious stallion was an Earth pony. He was covered in far to much dust and soot to determine anything else. As she thought about escaping this madness there was a loud clang followed by another explosion. More smoke billowing out the room as the stallion once again emerges. Goggles covering his eyes black with soot wearing a long jacket that covered the rest of his body.

"Well hitting really hard did not work," speaking to himself once more his goggles covering any chance of seeing the other pony in the room. "Nothing to do but wait till the smoke dies down and try again," removing his goggles and noticing the Unicorn mare for the first time. "Ah hello," greeting the mare. "Might I say seeing another pony in my shh... I mean home is very unexpected. Not that you not welcome, but as you can see I was not expecting guests. To what do I owe this unexpected invasion?" giving the stunned mare a friendly grin as he joked.

Twilight found herself awestruck trapped in the stallion's blue-eyed gaze. She felt as if those eyes could piece her very soul and read everything about her without a word between them. The stallion was so nice to her despite her invading his home. What right did she have to judge him? She can think of more then one time where she was so engrossed in research that anypony else would of considered her crazy. She could salvage this encounter and get off on the proper hoof with this stallion.

"I am so sorry for invading your home like this," apologizing for her interrupting him. "Are you the Timekeeper?" not knowing him by any other name.

"Timekeeper, is that what I am being called?" mulling over the title she gave him. "I like it," giving it his approval. "Timekeeper at your service," giving her a polite bow as Twilight smiled at his antics.

"Well it was the only thing I knew you as," she admits with a blush. "Could you tell me your real name?" wanting to call the stallion by his name and not a title.

"Really you want my name," he says with a pout. "And just when I was liking the title Timekeeper. You sure I just can't keep the title?" earning a pleading look from Twilight. "Fine," relenting to the mare. "I am the D... no wait, what do I call myself now?" muddling over his own name. Twilight finds herself again questioning the mind of this stallion, how does a pony forget his own name? "I remember now," interrupting her thought. "I call myself Clockwork," introducing himself to the mare in a strange way.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Clockwork," giving a formal greeting to the stallion. "I am ...," Clockwork interrupting her by speaking out.

"Wait, I want to guess," to caught up in the moment notice Twilight's displeasure at being stopped. However she gives the stallion permission to play his game. His demeanor changes as his eyes seemed to be analyzing her very being. "Gender: Mare, Color: Purple, Species: Unicorn," checking off her features like a specimen on display. "Cutie mark: Large reddish six point star surrounded by five smaller white stars, Appearance: Attractive," this earned a blush from Twilight. She realizes now trapped under the gaze of this stallion that she had given him permission to check her out. It was wrong and she should put a stop to it, however the way he was going down her like a list sent shutters through her.

"Oh I know who you are," he says joyously changing his demeanor back. Twilight on the other hoof knew she was famous, it was a small town after all. It wasn't surprising he figure out who she was, now all she had to do was wait until she was praised for defeating some evil or being the Princesses student. "Your the town Librarian," shocking her with her town title.

"Well yes I am," not sure how to respond to his statement. "My name is Twilight Sparkle," officially introducing herself to the odd stallion.

"Really," sounding disappointed. "Can I call you the Librarian?" wanting to call her a title, but earned a shake of no to the request. "Pity, I liked the title made you sound like an adventurer who went around the world finding mystical artifacts and safe guarding them from evil," showing her his imaginative side. Twilight wanted to retort his statement, however she found it surprisingly accurate to her life. She did go on adventures and did protect magical items. The Elements of Harmony, the Crystal Heart, and of recent the Alicorn Necklace it made Twilight wonder if the stallion knew more than he let on.

"You may call me Twilight if you wish," offering her hoof in friendship.

"No, no that is far to informal I shall call you Miss Sparkle," motioning to return the shake, but stopping. "Oh I am still covered in dirt," realizing he was covered head to hoof in soot. Twilight herself had gotten use to the grime covered stallion that she too overlooked that he was dirty. "Well I suppose I should clean up. You don't mind do you?" Looking like he didn't want to leave.

"I don't mind this is your home after all," flattered about him considering her feelings. "Take all the time you need," curious about the stallions true colors.

"With a guest, I won't take anytime at all," he boasted. "Don't go anywhere," he said with a wink. As he left the room Twilight could of sworn she saw sadness and loneliness in his eye. But it was there and gone so quickly she may have only imagined it.

By herself once more she collected her finding on this strange stallion. He went by the name of Clockwork, although from the way he made it sound that may not be his real name. He was very talkative and easily excitable, however the way he looked her over showed he had an analytical mind. He seemed to be both brilliant and insane, he was a contradiction. Every time Twilight thinks she understands him he throws off and has her reevaluating her thoughts. As much as she hated to admit it she has discovered nothing about this stallion. At least he seemed to be friendlier than the Mayor made him out to be.

"Sorry for the wait," he shouted out from the other room. "Looking for a new lab coat and will be with you soon," telling her what he was up to. Twilight herself wonder how could he be done so quickly. Hardly anytime had passed and she never ever heard a shower go on. He most likely cleaned off his face and hooves not wanting to keep her waiting. While flattering she would of gladly waited the extra time for him to get properly cleaned.

"How is the library?" he questions her from the other room. "I haven't been there in ages. I use to run it for a short while," that information she did not know and she was eager to hear more. "It was fun for a while had all the books I could read," he was an avid reader just like her. "However, once I read all of them it became rather dull," his statement annoying Twilight. He read all the books that gave him merit in her eyes. She herself can easily read ten to twelve books in a single sitting, perhaps he can as well. However the other thing he said might as well been a curse, he called being at the library dull. Such a statement was unforgivable and she would give him a piece of her mind when he came into the room.

"That's better," he walked in with lab coat on. "What do you think Miss Sparkle?" wanting to know what she thought of his appearance. Twilight was shocked into silence at she was seeing. He was completely clean. Not a speck of dirt on him or a drop of water to show he had bathed. It was impossible nopony could get that clean so quickly. "Is something wrong Miss Sparkle? Do I have dirt on my face?" his words making her focus on his face. She could feel her heart stop he was light brown. Her eyes inching upward where she saw the dark brown mane. Her heart hammering in her chest her eyes went swiftly to where is cutie mark would be. However was covered by the lab coat was he hiding it form her. Part of her wanted to know, was it an hourglass was this pony... no that is impossible. It was just coincidence that this stallion happened to look like appear to look like a character from a book. However the Doctor did have that saying.

"There is no such thing as coincidence," spoke Clockwork breaking her of her shock.

"What did you just say?" wanting him to repeat his words.

"What did I say?" returning her question with one of his own. "I was saying so many things it is hard to keep track. Did I say something important?" forgetting his own words.

"You quoted a saying from a book character," still clearing her head from that daze she was in.

"Really which one?" his eyes full of curiosity. "When you zoned out on me I started quoting many books, which on worked?"

"It doesn't matter," wanting to change subjects. He probably wouldn't be to happy being compared to a book character anyway. "I came here because I am need of your help," getting to the reason why she was there, not chasing silly fantasies.

"You came here looking for my help?" his voice changing sounding sad. "I can't remember the last time a pony came looking for my help," his lonely blue eyes trapping her in his gaze. Twilight could see his silent screams for help in those eyes. A pony looking for help a purpose as if everything of who he was had been ripped away from him. He was lost in need of a friend. The pony she had been talking to was just a front, a mask the real one has hidden himself away from the world. Twilight cannot leave anypony in this state it was up to her to set him free.

"I hope it is something dangerous," changing his face once again. "It has been a long time since I done something dangerous," Clockwork excited for adventure. "When do we leave?" ready to get out and take on anything.

"Actually we don't need to leave," her words bring the excited stallion down. "I brought what I needed help with me here," rolling the wagon forward with the coo coo clock inside.

"Please tell me that you want me to do something more than repair it," starring at the busted clock whining like a foal.

"Are you telling me you can't fix it," Twilight challenged the stallion.

"Of course I can fix it," taking her bait. "I will do more than fix it, I will improve it. When I am done with it you be the envy of everypony who ever had a clock that coo cooed," boasting his talents to Twilight determination in his eyes. She could see the spark in his eyes as if coming back to life for the first time in a long time.

"Thank you," giving her thanks. "You only need to fix it, you don't have to improve it," as Twilight had in the back of her mind to push this stallion just a little more and see what he does. "I would like it by the end of of the day. It is impossible for you to have it fix and improved by the end of the day," seeing if she could ignite the spark.

"Oh no, you did not just say that to me," the spark in his eyes now an inferno. "You will find out very shortly nothing is impossible for me Miss Sparkle," she could feel his will take up the entire room. Standing there under his gaze she felt as if she was in the presence of somepony great. He was full of pride and confidence, that a single Earth pony could contain such a potential was inspiring. She couldn't help, but think that she could compare it to the Doctor when somepony was counting on him. As described in the series, he only showed his true self when challenge. This stallion seemed to share that trait. Yet she couldn't help but wonder was the lonely pony from before still there or has he been over taken.

"I bet you doubt my skills," breaking her thoughts once more forcing her to look into the blue fire of his eyes. She wanted to say she didn't, though part of her did she could not see how he could achieve his task. His eyes held her into silence he would have to make up his own mind. "How about a wager to prove myself?" the brown pony challenged the purple Unicorn.

Normally Twilight was against all bets and wagers, mostly because every time she made one she made it through logic and each time logic failed her. Looking at this pony she would say he could not do it, the task was impossible. However, this very same pony seemed to of completely cleaned himself, in a few minutes, without water. He fixes and repairs clocks for a living, at least she thinks he does. She should ignore the challenge and not take the bet, that was what logic was telling her. However, this stallion was a mystery he kept her second guessing herself and had made her experience each emotion at least once. He has infuriated her, embarrassed her, confused her, and made her feel a myriad of other emotions she has never felt before. In short the stallion fascinates her and she wanted to know more about him. Therefore Twilight is going to do the one thing she never thought she would ever do, throw logic out the window.

"What are the terms for the wager?" accepting the stallions challenge.

"You accept," Clockwork remarks in surprise and joy. "Alright by the end of today I will have your clock fixed and improved," laying out the terms of the bet.

"To the point that I am in awe," adding in her own conditions to the deal. Twilight knew what she was doing was wrong, however take this risk was exhilarating for her.

"Very well," accepting her conditions. "However, no faking that you not impressed just to win," making sure he was not cheated.

"I would never do that," she retorts. "You have my word," she promises the stallion.

"Pinkie Pie Promise," he says playfully as she sighs. "Make sure not to hit your eye," as Twilight went through the motions stopping before hitting her eye. How did he know she would of hit herself? How did he know about the Pinkie Pie Promise? Again this stallion adds to her questions to which she has no answer.

"What are we wagering for?" slightly afraid of what thoughts this stallion may have.

"Oh right, I forgot about that," he says with a sheepish grin. "Let me think... I got it if I win you will be my Companion," he said with a playful grin. The word Companion got Twilight thinking of the Traveler's series. Companion was the word used for ponies who traveled with the Doctor. Twilight's heart beat with excitement, was this stallion the same? Did he enjoy the prospect of adventure and more importantly helping everypony he could, like the Doctor?

"Perhaps that is the wrong word," bringing her hopes crashing down. " Is assistant a better word?" showing his real intentions. "A pony to help me around the place, a pony to talk to it gets very lonely by oneself," looking away as if lost in thought. Twilight felt embarrassed, why must she constantly compare this stallion to a fictional character? It was not fair to him for her to judge him based off his looks, which happen to match with that of a book character. Twilight could easily salvage this if she heard him right he was looking for a friend. Wasn't that what she originally planned and in the process break the lonely pony out from beneath his mask. She had to keep her self from skipping for joy. If she hadn't promised she might of faked being impressed so he would win.

"Alright," Twilight accepting to be his assistant should he win. "What do I get should I win?" it would have to be something remarkable for her to want the deal to go in her favor. "You could be my assistant?" offering up a bet that would be a win win either way.

"And make the Dragon jealous I think not," showing he knows about Spike. "What would you like?" asking himself. "How about a book? You are a Librarian after all," reminding her of her job. While it was true she had a weakness for book, Twilight doubted the stallion could name off a book that she would want more than making a new friend. "What book do I have that you would find of interest?" again talking to himself, however judging from his empty book shelf he didn't have any. "How about Magic: A Scientific Dissertation, no you probably read that a dozen time," his statement ringing very true to her ears. "Crystals: The Untapped Source or Science: The Key to Equestria's Future," having read and studied each one Twilight was familiar with the titles.

"No, no that won't do," speaking in frustration. "It needs to be something great, something that I would hold of high value otherwise I won't do my best," imposing his own challenge on himself. "I got it," having an epiphany. "I bet your a book collector. You have to have the first edition of every book, which you never read and keep safely so they can never be ruined," seeming to know Twilight's habits. How this stallion seemed to know her so well despite just meeting her was scary, perhaps she was right when she thought his eyes could read her. "I have a book in my collection that I promised myself I would never part with. Should I lose this bet I will give it to you," speaking with absolute seriousness.

"If you promised to not to part with it then why give it to me at all?" seeing if she could change his mind. Even though she was curious what the book was that he held at such high value.

"That is a very good question Miss Sparkle," giving her praise which made her blush. "My reasons are simple one if I offer it up it will get me to work that much harder to impress you," earning another blush from Twilight. "The second reason is I can think no better pony than you to have it," Twilight could feeling her face turn red.

"What is the book?" not able to stop her curiosity.

"A book I am sure you searched high and low for," there were not many she had only one came to her mind. "A book so rare that some ponies don't even think it exists," there is no way he had the book, she could feel her heart beat in excitement at the prospect. "I can see it in your eyes you figured it out, what a clever mare you are," she would of blushed if she was not so excited. "Well your right," showing her the book sealed away in a translucent plastic. Before her was the book she searched for since she was a foal. A first edition The Traveler: Journey Through Time and Space, Twilight squealed like a filly. Unfortunately the tricky stallion had covered up the author's name so she could not read it.

"Where did you get it?" wanting to know everything about how he obtained the book. "How did you get it? What is the author's name?" firing excited questions at the stallion.

"You will know should you win our bet," Clockwork reminding her of the conditions for her to receive the book. "Oh I should add it is also signed by the author," it took everything in Twilight not to take book away.

"This book is rare and highly valued," trying to understand Clockwork's mind. "Why would you give it away?" curious of his reasoning.

"Thought I told you I could think of no pony better than you to have it," earning him a stern, not falling for your charm this time look. "I am thinking about leaving Ponyville," he admits as Twilight feels her heart drop.

"Why are you leaving?" not really sure why, but didn't want him to leave. "Did I do something wrong?" thinking she was to blame.

"You done nothing wrong Miss Sparkle," he assures her. "I been recently thinking about leaving," admitting his future plans to her.

"But why give me the book," feeling like she was losing a friend, even though she know so little about him.

"It reminds me of my past," his blue eyes dark with unseen pain. "I wanted to leave it behind, but I couldn't not until I knew somepony would take care of it for me," revealing it was more than a mere book to him. Twilight was shocked this stallion was willing to leave his past in her hooves to care for, how much did he trust her?

"Is there no way to convince you to stay?" wanting to him not to leave.

"That is up to me," giving her a playful grin. "All I have to do is the impossible," the fire once more in his eyes.

"Very well I accept," wanting this stallion to succeed and do the impossible for reasons she was not fully sure of.

"Remember no faking either way," stopping her plan to fake to keep him around. How this stallion seemed to understand her mind work made Twilight wonder many things. How long has he been in Ponyville? Who is he really? He seems to hide so much, what is he afraid of?

"I promised not to, I am a mare of my word," going through the motions of another Pinkie Pie Promise to prove her intentions. Twilight was stopped mid promise when his hooves grab hers and held them.

"I have no doubt that you are Miss Sparkle," his blue eyes trapping her as she felt her cheeks burn. At that moment he probably could of asked her anything and she would of done it.

"Well it has been a pleasure meeting you Miss Sparkle," shaking her hoof rapidly breaking the magic of the moment. "However, I have work to do should I want to win our bet," taking the damage clock from her. "I will be seeing you tonight, how about after six sound good. Don't be late," giving her a cheeky grin leaving the room and a flustered Unicorn mare behind.

Twilight mind was a befuddled mess she couldn't grasp what had just happened. Nopony ever held that much influence over her as that stallion had. He didn't even need to try. Was she that lonely and in need of a special somepony? He could of taken advantage of her, yet he didn't he let her go.

He was very different from anypony she met before. She couldn't help herself she wanted to know more. This Clockwork would not give her the answers she wanted. Her time was limited, but she felt the clues were there she only had to find them. There was only one place and pony to go to if she wanted to find out about another pony. Twilight was off to Sugar Cube Corner she had a mystery to solve.

Author's Note:

I know many are asking, where is Ditzy? Worry not I am going to give her a chapter of her own. I feel the two will not meet until later on until then each will most likely have there own chapter. The next chapter will be posted with this one.