• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 23rd, 2022


I’m a cat loving viking from sweden, who enjoys mlp and everything that is typical for a classic nerd.

Comments ( 13 )

2607218 Thanks :D Good that someone likes it.

2624910 It's a coincidence.
I had the Snake in the library story half done for a while.
The Snake and the Pegasus was originally going to be about a diamond dog. But that felt lame, so I decided to try to introduce a non canon species into Equestria.

I tend to work on 1-5 stories at the same time. The fact that I published two snake related stories in a short time was only a coincidence.

2644744Awesome :D looking forward to it.
I hate the next chapter of TaoT like 70% done. So it's going to be resealed in the near future.
But I'm currently occupied by another story.

I think naming a turtle "Tank" Is kind of normal. A hard shell and a soft inside, makes sense.

I want to believe that Equestria got a huge an army ready for battle. Since they got owned by the changeling's

I do find it kind of strange that there is nopony that knows how to defend themselves properly.
I mean they all live such carefree lives, with such dangers around them.
Considering the fact that there are dragons, griffins, diamond dogs, manticores and all kind of dangerous creatures roaming the land.

But I'm over thinking stuff.

2673798 The word tank Is commonly used to refer to something heavily fortified.

For example a guard wearing heavy armor.
"Wow that guy is quite the tank."


"Look at that timber wolf, he cant scratch that turtles shell. That turtle is a real tank."

Btw I think Tank is a tortoise:yay:

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