• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,272 Views, 353 Comments

Replacing Scootaloo - I am not a Dalek

Apple Bloom invites a Pegasus to the club house and Scootaloo begins to feel like she's being replaced.

  • ...

Getting Help

Chapter 8- Getting Help

Bang. Bang. Bang.
The continuous banging interrupts me from my sleep, making it clear to me that I am still alive. Being alive sucks.
I force my eyes open and take a look around my room. My throat feels as if it’s on fire, and my eyes still feel extremely heavy from the pills. I roll over and look towards the sound of the banging, and realise that it’s Rainbow Dash at my window again. I sigh and roll off the bed, stumbling towards the window to let her in.

“Okay, squirt,” Rainbow says as she flies in and sits on my bed, “We need to help you.”

“I don’t need help, I’m okay?” I lie as I turn to clear up the mess I made last night.

Rainbow sighs loudly, “Come on, come with me to see Twilight,” She walks over and helps me.

I consider how I’m feeling at this moment, I know how much it hurts to be alone, I know how much I hate this. Maybe they can help me get over my loss of the Crusaders? Last night was the worst I have felt in a long time, I thought about things I never thought would cross my mind again. If I go with Rainbow, they can help me accept the fact that the Crusaders do not want me, and I will not feel the need to disappear anymore...

I turn to face Rainbow, “Okay,” I whisper.

“I’m not taking no for an answer, squirt –“ She starts, then looks at me, “Wait, you said okay?”

I nod and look at her, “It hurts so much Rainbow,” I whimper and look at the floor.

Rainbow Dash frowns slightly and embraces me in her wings. I lean forward slightly, accepting her touch for the first time in days. I feel Rainbow gently scoop me up and place me on her back, I bury my face in her polychromatic mane in attempt to block out the world around me. My throat is still burning from the pills last night, but the fact that I am on the Pegasus I adore so much makes me forget all my problems.

I know, it’s wrong; I am ruining her life... But, me being the selfish filly that I am, I cannot let go. She is the one thing that I do not want to push away; she’s my big sister, my idol, my only real family.

Before I know it, I am inside Ponyville library, surrounded by all of the Elements of Harmony. I look around urgently to see if Applejack’s and Rarity’s sisters are here, and sigh in relief when I see there are only six ponies and one baby dragon in here with me.

“Hey sugarcube,” Applejack smiles at me, “how are y’all holdin’ up?”

I stare at her in confusion. I hurt her sister, why doesn’t she hate me?

“Yes, darling, we were very worried about your wellbeing!” Rarity hugs me tightly, causing me to be even more confused.

“I’m... uh... Fine, yeah,” I look around nervously, I can feel them all judging me, hating me.

Twilight Sparkle steps forward and looks me in the eyes. I step back slightly, worried about what she’s going to do.

“Hey, it’s okay,” She says softly, calming my nerves, “If you don’t mind I would like to do a spell on you?”

I look up at her for a few moments before nodding slightly, she’s the best Unicorn in Equestria, I know that she won’t mess up the spell she does.

The purple Unicorn steps forward, her horn glowing with her light purple aura, I close my eyes preparing myself for the spell.

“I’m going to use a mindreading spell on you, okay?” She informs me, “Imagine it as if there was a door with every memory you have, if you don’t want me to see something, close the door and lock it.”

I nod, but leave all my doors open, still unsure of what the point of this spell is.

I feel the warmth of magic cross my entire body; I gasp slightly as my body begins to tingle and goes numb. Suddenly, I am thrown back into the past.

I see me, as a young filly around three years old flying around on my scooter. My mother comes into view, her dark purple mane styled perfectly. Star Twist is sat quietly on her back, clearly content after being recently fed. At this point, Star Twist was about two weeks old.

“Scootaloo, get off that thing now!” Mother yells at younger me.

“But mummy, mummy, look!” I squeal in delight as I do a spin which I had spent the last week practising.

My mother walks towards me and pulls my scooter away from me, “I don’t care about your stupid scooter you foal,” She hisses at me.

I slam the door to that memory quickly as I remember what she said to me afterwards, I don’t want to watch that again, it hurts too much.

I hear Twilight gasp in shock as she did not expect me to close the door so late into one of my memories.

“Sorry, can we move on...” I whisper and close my eyes again.

I feel Twilight’s magic surround me again as she enters my past again, I still don’t understand why she is so curious about my childhood.

Younger me sits alone in my bedroom as I hear my mother and father playing with Star Twist. Her sweet giggles fill the room causing tears to run down my cheeks. I wish I was like her, I wish they liked me still.

Four year old me stands up and walks over to the window, to see the flash of a rainbow zoom right pass my window.
Suddenly a grin spreads across my face and my pathetically small wings flutter excitedly.

“One day, I’m going to be just like her!” I jump up and down in joy, “And then my parents will love me! Or even better, Rainbow Dash will think I’m cool just like her!”

The memory ends and Twilight flicks through to the next one, as if searching for something.

I watch seven year old me sit and play with my four year old sister because she was crying and I was attempting to cheer her up.

“No. Go away,” Star Twist shouts at me, “I don’t want to know you!”

“But why, I’m your sister!” I whimper, clearly hurt by her words.

“No, daddy says you’re a waste of space!” She moves away from me, “go away.”

And with that, I stood up and ran away.

I close all the doors to my memories and stumble back from Twilight, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“S-stop...” I sob, “I can’t take it... what are you looking for and I’ll show you!”

Twilight looks at me sadly for a few moments, “I’m trying to find a way to help, Scoots, I need to get the best idea of what’s caused all your pain.”

I sigh and nod slightly, “Fine, just... Go slower please...” I whisper and step forward.

Rainbow Dash steps between me and Twilight, “Are you sure, squirt?”

I look at her, “I am Dashie, really.”

The Cyan Pegasus steps back slowly, allowing Twilight to perform her magic on me again.

Younger me is outside yet again. I’m flying around on my scooter as my wings flutter frantically and the wind blows through my mane.

My parents walk out with six year old Star Twist skipping beside them. I stop and look at them.

“Where are you going?” I ask, frowning in confusion.

My mother smirks and looks at me, “To Auntie Crystal’s house silly!”

“Oh, right, I’ll go and get my bag!” I say and turn to go back to the house, but my father stops me.

“You aren’t coming with us, you aren’t part of the family,” He growls.

I flinch and look up at him with tears in my eyes, watching sadly as they all begin to run away. I flutter my wings urgently,
trying to catch up with them; once I do my father turns around once again and pulls the scooter from underneath me, causing me to fall back on my flank.

“Stop following us on your worthless piece of junk,” He snarls and throws it to the floor, causing two of the wheels to fall off, “It’s almost as worthless as you are.”

Tears fill my eyes as I carefully scoop up my poor scooter and dump it on my doorstep before walking towards the Carousel Boutique.

Nine year old Sweetie Belle opens the door and looks at me, “Hey Scoots, I can’t go out today.”

“But,” I look at her sadly, “Can I at least hang around with you?”

“I’m sorry, it’s family day,” She frowns, “Why don’t you go hang out with your family?”

Sweetie Belle still doesn’t know the story about my family, no pony does.

“Sure, why not!” I fake a smile and skip back home.

I run to my room and curl up on the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks.

The memory finishes and I begin to think that Twilight has finished searching my memories, however, she has suddenly thrown me back to last night, and I wince as I relive my pain. Unable to relive the whole experience again, I push Twilight out.

The six ponies look at me with sadness in their eyes, and I realise that they must have been shown everything.

“Well,” Twilight says, “We can see why you’re so anxious...”

“Sugarcube, the Crusaders love ya,” Applejack wraps a hoof around my shoulders, “please try an’ sort it out with ‘em?”

I look around the room, each of the Elements of Harmony are smiling at me, their eyes full of love and support.
I turn to Rainbow Dash, “Can you take me please?”

Rainbow Dash nods and smiles at me, “No jumping off this time, okay squirt?”

“I Pinkie Promise, Dashie!” I look over at Pinkie Pie who has been unusually quiet, and then I see her with a load of
cupcakes in her hand which clarifies that she is too busy eating to talk.

Through the cupcakes Pinkie looks at me and says, “You better not break that! No pony breaks a Pinkie Promise!”
I nod in fear; I know that the pink Earth pony would probably chase after me and hunt me down if I broke it.

Rainbow Dash smiles and puts me on her back, “Are you ready, kid?”

I nod excitedly, “Ready when you are, Dashie!”

Rainbow smiles and zooms off towards Sweet Apple Acres. My wings buzz happily as the feel the wind blowing over them; it feels as if I’m really flying!

I look at Ponyville, so small below us, and realise that things are possibly getting better.

Author's Note:

Okay so this chapter had a lot of flashbacks because I wanted to create an idea of why she felt the way she did... Also I needed some way for the mane six to help...
Anyway, do the usual, comment if you see any fails or have any questions, or just want to say hello :D
I always reply to my comments and stuff!
Thank you all for the feedback, this story has nearly 20 likes which is very encouraging for me!

Until next time guys!
