• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,272 Views, 353 Comments

Replacing Scootaloo - I am not a Dalek

Apple Bloom invites a Pegasus to the club house and Scootaloo begins to feel like she's being replaced.

  • ...

Being Saved

Chapter 12- Being Saved

My fellow Crusaders and I gather around the cliff edge and look over nervously. Sharp rock edges stick upright, pointing towards us.

“Whose stupid idea was this in the first place?” Cloud Chaser mutters bitterly, and shoots a look towards me.

“It’s not a stupid idea, don’t worry Sweetie Belle, I like your ideas.” I glare back at Cloud Chaser, making it clear that it wasn’t my idea so he better be nice.

Sweetie Belle herself looks as if she is going to pass out, it is clear that no pony thinks that this is a good idea; even I think that this is terrible, but I need to prove that I’m not a chicken or a dodo.

“So,” Cloud chaser says as he stares down the cliff edge. “Who is going to jump first?”

Without thinking, I stupidly step forward and look between my friends. Cloud Chaser stares at me in shock, as if he expected me to be the one to run away. But, I’m like Rainbow, I’m never afraid!

“Let’s do this thing!” I say in fake excitement.

Cloud Chaser slowly walks over to me with a harness in his mouth; he holds it out so I can step in. The harness clings onto my body as I pull it as tight as possible around me. It painfully digs into my fur but I ignore the pain since I know that the more it hurts the safer it is. A small trickle of fear leaks through my emotional barrier, and I instantly push it out again as I think about how brave I will look after this.

Once I’m all secure, I clip the rope onto my harness and step forward. The other Crusaders stare at me in fear as I close my eyes, take a deep breath and step off the edge. Behind me I hear Sweetie whimper in shock as I fall towards the rocks.

Suddenly, the rope goes taunt and throws me back up into the air, the wind runs through my mane as I cheer in excitement, I never knew this would actually be this fun, it feels like I’m flying!

Gravity takes action and pulls me back towards the ground again, as I fall I hear a sickening tear behind me. Glancing back, I see that the rope has begun to rip.

“Horseapples!” I yell in fear as the rope tears more and more.

I can hear Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom screaming in fear as they realise what is happening. I know that there is no way out of this, but nonetheless, I frantically flutter my wings in attempt to fly upwards. However, I keep plummeting towards the sharp rocks. Once I realise that it’s no use, I close my eyes and accept my fate as the single thread that had been holding the rope together, breaks apart.


A pair of dark blue hooves are wrapped around my body as the jagged rocks grow smaller and smaller beneath me. I look around in confusion, who is this mystery pony who saved me?

I look up to the Mystery Stallion’s face, to find that I am in the arms of, no other than, Cloud Chaser.

“Wait... You... Saved me?” I whisper, my voice hoarse and my throat dry.

Cloud Chaser smiles down at me, “Yes, yes I did...”

I stare at him in confusion, why did he save me? “But you hate me. Why did you save me if you hate me?”

“I don’t hate you, as such, I just never really got to know you, so I...” He pauses as he searches for the correct word.
“Dislike you. But, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t save you. No pony deserves to die like that.”

I frown slightly as the Pegasus places me down beside my friends. “Thank you... I’m sorry about earlier.” Guilt fills me as I realise that it was, in fact, my fault all of this happened, I hated him from the instant I saw him.

Cloud Chaser shrugs and wraps a wing around Apple Bloom. “Let’s go to Sugar Cube Corner, Bloom.”

Apple Bloom turns around and looks between me and Sweetie before saying, “Ah’ll catch up with y’all later, ah’m glad yer okay Scoots.”

And with that, Apple Bloom and Cloud Chaser walk away. He didn’t even acknowledge my apology, I don’t understand: if he really wanted to be my friend he’d ask for a clean slate? Also, wouldn’t he have apologised for the events at the race? I sigh in frustration and turn to look at Sweetie, who is still crying hysterically.

I walk up to the white unicorn and wrap my small wings around her. “Hey, Sweetie, it’s okay...” I whisper soothingly.

The filly wraps her arms tightly around me as she sobs into my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Scoots, it was my stupid idea! It’s all my fault!”

“It isn’t, anyway, it’s all over now, let’s go to the Boutique and ask Rarity if we can have a sleepover?” I release Sweetie from my embrace and look at her.

She nods in agreement as her tears begin to slow. We begin trotting towards the town centre of Ponyville as we discuss the issue with Cloud Chaser.

“So, I don’t understand, he said he doesn’t know me well but he doesn’t want a clean slate?” I say as I kick a smooth stone down the dirt path.

Sweetie Belle frowns, “I still don’t understand why he’s pulling Apple Bloom away from us...”

I groan as I kick the innocent stone as hard as I can, causing it to go flying up in the air before plummeting back to the ground and shattering into a million pieces. I stare at it as I realise that I could have been like that stone, less than an hour ago. I shake off the sick feeling that has filled my stomach and sent chills down my spine as I continue on walking.

“Still, he did save me.” I stop outside the Boutique and motion for Sweetie to go in first.

Sweetie Belle trots in before me and I follow in behind. Rarity is working on one of her fashion pieces, ribbons, sequins and gems fly around the room as they are surrounded in Rarity’s light blue aura.

Knowing Rarity’s impatience and precision when it comes to her work, we both sit quietly in the corner as we wait for her to finish. We need to be on our best behaviour if Rarity is going to let us stay over.

The older Unicorn places down all the materials carefully and turns to face us. “Hello girls, thank you for waiting so patiently!” Rarity smiles, for once she is in a good mood with Sweetie Belle.

“Hey sis, can Scoots sleep over tonight, please?” Sweetie Belle puts on her infamous puppy face as she looks up and her victim.

Rarity sighs, all arguments deflating out of her as her younger sister stares at her with the most heartbreaking expression in all of Equestria.

“Oh, alright, but no funny business – “ Rarity doesn’t have a chance to finish because both Sweetie and I have ran up the stairs, cheering in excitement.

Tonight is going to be awesome!

But all I can think about is Cloud Chaser, and why did he save me?

Author's Note:

Hello again! Sorry for making you all wait!
So, I didn't really know what was going to happen in this chapter, but this morning I had this idea and I had to write it! I hope you all liked it!
Anyway, if you see any fails or are confused or just want to say hello, just drop a comment and I will reply ASAP!
Thank you all! I almost have 40 likes and it's just amazing! I never expected this when I first published it!
Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon, I will definitely update once a week. Don't worry, the lack of updates will only be this bad until summer!
Until next time!