• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,276 Views, 353 Comments

Replacing Scootaloo - I am not a Dalek

Apple Bloom invites a Pegasus to the club house and Scootaloo begins to feel like she's being replaced.

  • ...

Letting Go

Chapter 18- Letting Go

Rainbow Dash flies towards her cloudhome as I cling onto her back. The Carousel Boutique passes beneath us and I realise that there is something that I've been meaning to tell Sweetie Belle. Well, by something I mean everything that has happened to me in the past month.

"Rainbow, can we stop off and see Sweetie Belle, please?" I shout over the strong wind.

Rainbow Dash turns her head to look at me before nodding and doing a U-turn back towards the Boutique. We land a few meters away from the door and the Boutique is almost silent.

The only sign of life is the fact that the kitchen light is shining through the window. The front door has a closed sign hanging on it as it sways gently in time with the wind. I slowly walk over to the door and knock on it gently.

After a few moments, the door swings open to the sound of Rarity's voice. "I'm awfully sorry but we're closed until morning, please do come back"-- she looks between Rainbow Dash and I before stopping-- "Oh, I'm sorry, darlings. Please come in."

Sweetie Belle is at the top of the stairs in a frilly dress which Rarity has obviously forced her into. A blush forms across her cheeks when I fall to the floor in a fit of laughter.

"Uh, let me just get changed..." she mumbles and runs into her bedroom, away from my laughter.

I sit with Rainbow Dash and Rarity as I wait for Sweetie to return and I half listen into their conversation.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, did you hear? Applejack came here absolutely ballistic about that boy, Cloud Chaser, she refuses to let Apple Bloom see him and she told me to do the same with Sweetie." Rarity says, excited about the new gossip.

"I was there, Rarity. Cloud Chaser is no good, it's better for the girls to stay away from him." Rainbow Dash says softly and glances over at me but I pretend that I'm not listening in.

Rarity nods in agreement, "Still, if I was in love like Apple Bloom, I would go barmy if I wasn't allowed to see my lover. The poor little mite, she fell for the wrong lad."

Sweetie Belle returns at the top of the stairs without the ridiculous clothing and motions for me to come upstairs. I oblige without any protest because I'm fed up with hearing Rarity's gossip which I already know all the details of.

"Hey, Scoots. What brings you here?" Sweetie says as she sits on her bed.

I sit beside her and look at my best friend nervously. "Well, there's something that I need to tell you... Well, a lot of things. I just hope that you aren't mad or anything."

A look of concern fills Sweetie's face. "I won't be mad, Scoots, I could never be mad at you. What's up?"

I look at my hooves in silence for a few moments as I take a deep breath before getting ready to tell her everything.

"Well, I suppose I should start from the beginning, huh?" I say softly, "Well, ever since I was three years old my parents
began ignoring me. My sister Star Twist was the one that received all the love and attention, that's why she can fly exceptionally well and also she got into the Wonderbolts Training Camp. It's also why I can't fly at all. Anyway, my parents and Star Twist decided to go on a family trip for a whole month and left me with only one hundred bits. They've done it before, just not for this long, at first I had the sleepover with you so it wasn't so bad but then I had to turn to Rainbow Dash for help and I've been living with her for the past few days... My parents should be returning soon, so I won't be with her for much longer."

I pause and look up at her to find tears streaming down both Sweetie's cheeks and mine. Shakily, I intake a breath before continuing.

"So, when Cloud Chaser came I began to think that the thing with Star Twist was happening all over again. I felt forgotten and replaced. It wasn't your fault; you were there for me even when I couldn't see it, even when I hurt you... But, I turned suicidal. I hated myself; I didn't care if I got hurt. I just wanted to die. Deep down, I still do. One night I overdosed on some painkillers in hope that I wouldn't wake up the next morning. Another time, Rainbow tried to force me to go to the Clubhouse and I jumped off her back, she saved me and did a Rainboom in the process of it. I'm okay now, I guess..." I trail off and wipe away any stray tears with the back of my hoof.

Sweetie Belle throws her forelegs around me and sobs into my mane. "I'm so sorry, Scoots. I should have been able to help..." She sniffles, "But what about Cloud Chaser?"

"Oh, right. Well he did kiss me, and told me to keep away from you both and basically threaten me. But, that's about it, I just hope Apple Bloom comes to her senses," I sigh sadly. "She probably hates me now."

Sweetie Belle frowns slightly. "She'll come back to us, don't worry."
"After she gets hurt though and there's nothing we can do about it," I look out the window sadly, I just wish she would realise that Cloud Chaser is manipulative.

Sweetie Belle sits back on the bed, tears still fresh in her eyes. "What're we going to do, Scoots?"

"I don't know, but it'll be alright." I sigh and climb to my hooves. "Let's go downstairs to the others."

We walk down the stairs together to find Rarity and Rainbow Dash still gossiping away, but they have now been joined by Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Sweetie Belle and I share a glance before joining the others at the table.

"Hello, girls," Twilight says, giving us both a smile.

"Hi, Twilight. Hi, Fluttershy!" I say to them both and Sweetie does the same.

Rarity looks at her younger sister with a worrisome face. "Sweetie, have you been crying?"

"Uh, n-no!" She stutters and I know she's trying to hide what I said for my sake, but I just smile and shake my head.

"I was just telling her everything that's happened, she deserves to know." I smile and sit down.

Rainbow Dash smiles proudly at me and sends me a small wink.

Fluttershy finally speaks up. "So, um, is Applejack joining us soon?"

"I think she's keeping watch on Apple Bloom tonight, in case she tries to do anything." Twilight replies with a sad smile on her face.

"Apple Bloom wouldn't do anything like that, would she?" Sweetie Belle asks in shock.

Rarity wraps a foreleg around her sister before gently saying, "You'd do anything if you were in love, Sweetie."

I look down at the ground and kick it gently with my hoof. "What if he isn't as bad as we all think, maybe he just hates me but he cares greatly about Apple Bloom."

"If he was a good enough bloke, he wouldn't try to get rid of his special somepony's best friend. Plus, he wouldn't kiss another filly. He isn't any good, squirt, your judgment is right. Don't go looking through rose-tinted shades, now." Rainbow
Dash says. "Plus, he hurt you, and that means he isn't any good and he shouldn't be allowed near you."

I look at Dash for a few moments before sighing and nodding. "Alright, I just... I don't want Apple Bloom to get hurt so I was hoping..." I shake my head.

The room is silent for a few moments before Rainbow Dash speaks, "Well, we will just have to wait and see. We need to be heading home now, squirt, it's getting late."

"Yes, I agree. Sweetie, Darling, you should get ready for bed now, please." Rarity says before standing up to lead us all to the door.

Sweetie Belle nods slightly before hugging me and trudging towards the stairs, grumbling under her breath about Rarity and the fact that if she could have it her way, Sweetie would be up all night modelling for her.

"Dash... My parents will probably be coming home soon, if they aren't home already," I say weakly once Sweetie has closed her bedroom door.

Rainbow Dash freezes for a few moments before sharing a glance with her friends. "We'll worry about that tomorrow, alright, kiddo?"

I nod slightly before climbing onto Rainbow's back and wrapping my forelegs around her neck. Rainbow Dash turns and nods towards her friends before stretching out her wings.

"I'll meet with you all tomorrow at the Library, okay?" She says, "Goodnight, everypony."

They all nod in agreement before setting off on their own ways home for the night. Rainbow Dash is silent as we fly over the sleepy town of Ponyville. There is not a soul around, all that we can hear is the soft whisper of the wind through the trees.
Suddenly, Dash stops midflight which is very unusual for her. My body wobbles slightly at the sudden disturbance, but Rainbow's hoof is gently on my shoulder to help me regain my balance.

I open my mouth to ask her why the hay did she stop, but she hisses, "Shush," under her breath before I have the chance to even utter a word.

Frowning, I follow her gaze as I wonder what was so important to cause her to stop like that. Then I see it, Cloud Chaser and Apple Bloom standing outside his home as they share a secret embrace. My heart shatters when I realise that Apple Bloom is going behind the backs of her family. She's even going behind the back of the Element of Honesty for ponies' sake. She's hit an all-time low and it's all Cloud Chaser's fault.

"Should we do something?" I whisper.

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. "AJ must be asleep if Apple Bloom has managed to escape. We'll leave it until the morning, If Applejack hasn't realised what her sister has done by then we will let her know what's been going on."

"Okay, can we go then, please?" I mumble, unable to withstand seeing that foal with Apple Bloom for any longer.

Dash nods before turning around and flying back towards her home. We both seem to be in shock by what we both saw but I'm absolutely certain that I'm hurting more than Dash is after seeing that.

I just hope Apple Bloom returns to us soon. I can't bear to see her so foolishly walk into the arms of a horrible bugger such as Cloud Chaser.

Author's Note:

Hey Guys!
Just a short Authors note since I really need to head for bed!
Next chapter is the thing which I made happen and I'm not sure whether or not I like it XD So we'll have to wait and see what happens XD Y'all are gonna hate me!
Until next time <3