• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 47 Comments

The End With a Start - naimsosa

Crossing street + Hit by an 18 wheeler, should not equal being alive in a dungun, let alone with the bug out bag you had created for a zombie attack.

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Escape-ish Plan

Dec 23 2022

Canterlot Castle


As Rick loaded the KSG, Luna went to the box and picked up the 9mm pistol, and stared at the weapon.
"What is this for?" Luna held the gun, looking at it, spinning it, and then looking down the barrel.
"Ah! don't do that!" Rick then grabbed the gun and ripped it away, but Rick was just as inexperienced with the firearm as Luna was, and in the process fired a round that missed both their feet by mere inches, with that Rick and Luna both new, that their escape would go better if they snuck out, instead of shooting everything Rick saw, at least that was Rick's plan. Luna's plan was to use her magic to escape but with out Rick shooting stuff, Luna might as well rescue him, instead of the other way around.
"Well that could have gone better.” Rick looked at luna with a bit fo hate as she said that. Luna however tried to make sense of the recent incident, Rick did not find any humour out of that. He took the gun and put it in its holster and saw it was a left legged belt loop holster.
“ This could be useful. Well we need to get out of here.” Luna then looked at Rick as if she were waiting for him to have a plan. Luna was going to speak when she and Rick both heard horns in the distance.
“Whats that?” Rick started putting the extra ammo in his coat's pockets and it being a big one, allowed for almost all the ammo to fit in it.
“Thats the Canterlot Victory Trumpet, it signals the end of a time of war, and by the sound of it it sounds like they are about to celebrate the NLR's defete.” Luna looked as sad and worried as a girl who had just lost her dog.
“Are you okay? you seem shooken.” Rick then put his hand on luna trying to confort her.
“Its...just that... if Celestia follows her the traditions of Canterlot, then all of my captured soldiers will be executed.” Rick still couldn't build the guts up to tell Luna they were already being executed down stairs. Then the heard a loud knocking on the door.
"HEY LUNA GET UP WE NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!” Rick had identified the low voice to one of the guards from earlier.
"Great, these guys again.” He said this with disapointment in his voice.
"You know the guards?” Luna asked with obvious question in the sound of her voice.
"Half and half, look these guys are trying to kill me, I need you to hide me for now.” Just then The door was starting to open, and without a second thought Luna's arura surounded Rick and she tossed him to the beams in the celing.
"Hey, Luna, we have some good news, the war is over and you lost.” The smaller of the two was talking to Luna with a smirk on his face. Then the bigger followed up with a smart remark.
"Eee, yup, and we are going to have a parade to Celebrate and you are the guest of honor.” The bigger one was wearing a uniform similer to the man in the dungeon and his partner. There was light in the room and he could tell many of the features on the uniforms, they looked like the dessert camos the US Army would wear, but they were also wearing gold armour on thier chest, legs and had gold helmets. The Bigger one had what looked like a massive apple on his right shoulder, Rick couldn't tell what the smaller had on his shoulder, but he managed to see that they both had name tags. Even though Rick was 15ft above the ground he still managed to read them, somehow all of his abilities had been inproved, just like when he heard them clearly form 12 stories up. The bigger one's tag read B. Mac Apple, the other smaller one said Burnham Apple, as far as he could tell they were both related some how. The bigger one was talking to Luna.
"As guest of honor, you must wear this.” Mac gave her an amazing dress, that looked like no matter how much money Rick had, he could never be able to buy something that elegant. Luna grabbed the dress and began to turn when she was stopped by Burn, and he redirected her to turn around, then he spoke to her.
"No, you'll change here and NOW!” Luna could not believe what she was hearing, she was being told the get naked and change for the entertainment of the guards in charge of escorting her to Celestia.
"BIG MACINTOSH! If Applejack were here...” Then she was cut off by Mac.
"Well, she is not and who do you think she would have believed if you told her this.” Luna was very pissed as began to undress. The other two stared and were very satisfied, Rick however tried to look away, but he decided not to so he could make sure all Mac and Burn did was stare. As he looked he noticed what looked like a tattoos on both her arms and legs. As she put on the dress she spoke to them in displeasure.
"Hope you enjoyed your peep show, because I will have my revenge, and there will be nothing you'll regret more then this.”
"Don't worry, Luna we won't and you wont." Luan was finished Dressing, and then Burn slapped some handcuffs on her and directed her out the door. As the guards took Luna away, Rick saw the Mac take one last look before closing locking the door. Out side the room he heard some muffled voices, then they died down. As the foot steps grew quieter, Rick started to wonder what Mac said 'we won't and you won't', What ever it was, it couldn't be good. The foot step finally where gone. Rick realized that he would not be able just to do a snatch and grab and run away with Luna, He would need a plan. He started to anylize the situation, he could not free Luna from the ERA by himself, he would end up getting both of them killed. He kept thinking, the he remembered the dungeon, all the prisoners in there, they must have been NLR soldiers, and they would diffidently help him free Luna.
"How am I suppose to free them all? Not like I could just blow..." Rick looked down and saw the satchel on the ground it was the same bag where Rick had found the C4.
"I still wonder, how they missed the bag and the KSG on the ground." Rick with his half Plan was ready and decided to jump down. A 15 foot drop would be enough to break is legs, because he had no experience jumping from that height, he knew he would have to roll to break his fall but he had no idea how he would just injure him self and be of no use and Luna would be in a lot of trouble. A rule he learned in high school sports was "don't do anything sketchy in school, in sports, or in life", Rick decided he would play it safe and jump unto the bed which was about 5 feet to the left and 12 feet down from him, it seemed like a better option then the risk of a sprained ankle. He jumped, but instead of landing softly on the bed like he was hoping, he bounced off and hit the floor head first, then his back hit the ground.
"Ugg, that didn't go as planed." Rick rolled over until he was prone then he began to stand up and was on all fours when he heard the guards talk.
"What the hay was that?"
"I don't know."
"Lets check it out." Rick looked up and saw the door open and in front of him stood two guards, both female, they wore the same uniform and armor as Mac and Burham. The first had two colors in her hair, blue and pink, she nametag said B. Bon, she had a spear and a shield and was wearing her helmet, the other had yellow eyes and light green hair, her nametag said L. Heartstrings, she had two swords on her back and a 8 inch combat knife in a sheath on her belt. Rick thought this would be easier to handle, so he began to improvise.
"Hello ladies, how's it going?" Rick thought this would work but, he was mistaken.
"Freeze! In the name of Celestia, you are under arrest." Bon pointed the spear at Rick, he however was not going to comply.
"Well so much for that plan." Rick still on all fours, grabbed the spear and pulled her towards himself and to his left. As Bon came close, he let go and wrapped his arms around her, she dropped the shield and he began to drive as if he were playing football and began to tackle, but instead of driving her to the ground he drove her into the wall, the force great enough that her helmet made a massive dent in the brick wall. Rick the turned around and went for the other, with the same plan as before, but she had picked up the shield, and bashed him. Rick was off balance and landed on his butt, then Heartstrings drew one of her swords and began trying to slash at Ricks feet, first a hit to the right, missed, one the left, missed, down the middle, Rick pulled his legs apart and down the middle went the sword, missed his groin by a few inches, her arm was close enough for Rick to grab it and bring her closer towards him, she put up the shield to block and attack but Rick grabbed it and pulled and kicked her over himself over towards the balcony. As he began to stand up, he got tackled by Bon, he was flat on his back and Bon was right on top of him.
"Wow, not even our first date, and you're all over me!" Rick teased her and she got pissed!
"WELL, THIS WAS OUR FIRST AND LAST DATE!" Bon started punching at his face, but Rick dodged the fists flying at him, left, right, left, right, but then she caught on the pattern, so she came down with an elbow and nailed him right in the left side of his face, the hit was enough to knock his head back and make it rattle. He decided he was not going though that again, so he pushed her, but that proved useless, then Bon started to choke him by grabbing his throat, and squeezed as hard as she could.
"Not exactly what you pictured with me on top of you, huh?" Rick was starting black out, he needed to think of something quick, it was one thing to pull a guy out of a window, but Rick knew he needed to get out, with his left hand he grabbed her neck and started to push on her face, with his right he grabbed the colt from the holster and started to bring it to her head, but she saw it and pushed his hand and the gun towards the floor.
"Looks like what ever you trying to do, failed." She looked at him like if she was trying to hook up with him.
"Failed? If anything you fixed my aim." Bon looked at the gun and saw it was pointed a Heartstrings, who was trying to stand up when she looked up and saw what was going on.
"What are you..." Rick took a quick peek and squeezed the trigger, the loud bang scared the crap out of Bon, and she was frozen when she saw her friend get knocked back on the ground and not move. Then Rick quickly flipped the gun and was holding it by the barrel,
"What have you done?!?" She kept looking at her friend not knowing what to do. She looked back at Rick right as he swung the gun at her head, hitting her with the handle. The hit knocked her right off of him, and he got top of her grabbed her collar and spoke.
"Tell me now! What are they going to do to Luna." Bon looked at him and with a smart-a** remark responded.
"The longer you wait the less time she has, if you want to save her you have to hurry, other wise, the only way you'll be getting her out of here, is in a body bag." Rick then pushed her back on the ground, stood up and checked how many bullets were in the gun, two rounds left.
"Well then glad to know she wont be the only one." Rick pointed the gun at her head and fired a bullet at her, and started to walk towards the door.
"BON BON! You monster!" Then the other stood up and ran towards him while drawing the knife from its sheath, Rick turned around and right as she was going to stab him, he grabbed her wrist and he held the gun towards her head. As he was struggling to break free, she saw his eyes go from the dark brown that they were, to a dark blue that matched the darkness of the night.
"Listen, I know you Lyra, and I know Bon Bon, but how am I to keep to love birds away from each other, so once you meet up with her make sure to give her a big kiss for me will you?" Lyra was confused how did he know her name and about what was going on between her and Bon Bon, to bad that was her last thoughts, because that's when Rick pulled the trigger and ended Lyra's life.
"Oh and I like your eyes... Wow that was weird." That was also when his eyes went back to brown.