• Published 12th Apr 2013
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The End With a Start - naimsosa

Crossing street + Hit by an 18 wheeler, should not equal being alive in a dungun, let alone with the bug out bag you had created for a zombie attack.

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Stupid Math

Dec. 23, 2022.

Salt Lake City, UT.

6:21 pm

The night was cold, about 7 below freezing, the wind was blowing hard, and everyone was in side except for a few still needing to get home for the holidays, but one was not. On the corner of the street there was a man, jet-black hair, tan skin, brown eyes, his father Hispanic and his mother white, strong but not ripped, about 220 lbs. 6.2 Ft tall, athletic Wrestler and Football player and never had a girl friend in high school, age 17. But you think he would still be in high school if he is 17 years old, allow me to continue. It was his 18th birthday, that night, as he walked home from a friend's house he remembered he left his bug-out-bag at his friend's place, he went back and got it. As he walked back home, pack on back, he had to cross an icy street, as he walked a man tackled him and spoke to him.
"Hey man, you gotta help me out here!"
"With what?" Asked Rick, not knowing what to do.
"Here take this, you help me, and it will help you." The man gave him a medium sized back pack, about the size to fit two large school books, and took off. Rick opened the bag and found a gun, a Colt 45 revolver with enough ammo to fight an army and a couple of black metal sticks. When he found out what the man had given him, he panicked and stood frozen for a minute, that's all it took, he turned around and saw an 18 wheeler semi lose control and slide a cross the icy road straight at him.
"Aw, come oo..." The truck hit him before he finished and died on impact with both bags on him, he lied dead, on the day 18 years earlier he was born.

Feb. 5, 2017

Canterlot Equestria

3:00 pm

Five years earlier a fight was happening between sisters.
"Luna, the Changlings are something we fear but that is no reason for destroying off an entire species." said the older to the younger. Then her sister replied.
"Celestia, they have brought misery, they almost destroyed Canterlot if it were not by thy student Twilight. If we strike hard we will catch them off guard and smite our foe."
"Luna, there is much to learn about going to war, the death of thousands on your hands, you are young and not ready for that guilt, you will never be a good ruler if you want to go to war with anything and everything that frightens you." That made the younger upset, not the fact that they did not go to war, but what her sister said about her not being a good ruler, is what hurt her. That night she went and talked to her troops of the night and what had happened.
"My loyal soldiers, I have something to say to all of you, we are feared by my subjects, but I swear, with all of you as my witnesses, that will not only give them a reason to fear us but a reason for everyone, our allies our foes and our families, to respect us, and show them that the night is where the fighting spirit is, and we will rule Equestria! We will Destroy this corrupt society, and establish a new, more use full government and be the ruling power of this world! We will destroy every foe that faces us, for we will no longer be under Celestia's reign in the Solar Empire, NO! We will rule as The New Lunar Republic!" Not one hesitated to agree with this idea, The were so moved by this speech, that they all started cheering.
She was going to get her war, and in the process, get the throne, of Equestria.

Dec. 23, 2022

Unknown location

8:00 pm

"Hey, wake up".
"Come on."
"Wake up! They're coming." Rick started hearing this and did not do anything not knowing what was going on. Then a cold hand picked him up then the owner spoke with a weak raspy voice.
"Wanna live? Get you A** off the ground, and do as we do." As Rick stood up, he made some observations about the room he was in, it was dark, cold, wet and over all not the best place to be in as far as he could tell. The same man then spoke to him.
"Hey, who are you?" Rick, still groggy replied.
"Uh, I'm Rick, Rick Rogers."
"Well, Rick Rogers, I'm Dark frost, and allow me to welcome you to your first and last day in this hell hole." Dark Frost said this with a smirk on his face at least that's what it looked like.
"That there is Kidney Buster..." he pointed to a large man, he only thing he saw was his silhouette of what looked like a body builder.
"...And that over there is little Pew Wee, we call him that because he is small and never told us his name." Pee Wee was right the guy was easily shorter than Dark Frost by a full head. Then from out side the room they herd someone say,
"Hey the guards are coming!" Then footsteps became herd and they grew louder and louder then they stopped. Then they herd what sounded like a gate open, then a man walked in to the room. The room was dark and it was very hard to see anything, the only source of light was from the window, barred off and no glass, the light was coming from the full moon it's light being brighter than anything he had seen that day. He could barley make out the dark figure tall-ish about 5.11 Ft, strong and he held what look like a spear, the light shined on his uniform, it had a sun on the right the letters R,E,A, on the left,by the sound of his voice he sounded about 35 years old. He heard the man say to him and the other 3 men in the room.
"Okay, dirt-bags, it's your lucky day, you're getting out"... Those words are something a prison warden would say. Pee Wee, who was in the corner of the the room, which Rick had identified as a prison cell, started to panic, the guard went up to him an began talking.
"Hey, calm down or you'll be the first to get out." Rick then thought.
"Wait is that not what they want?" Pee Wee, however, did not stop, and the guard took his spear and stabbed The small guy. Pee Wee looked shocked, as all life drained from his eyes and all he could do is sit there and die. Rick had no idea what was going on, one minute he gets hit by a semi, the next a guy gets killed. Then dark Frost jumped on the guards back trying to avenge his friend, another guard came from behind him and stabbed him, then Kidney Buster gave Rick a signal and it looked like he was trying to escape, he made a run for the door only to see Rick frozen in place, that was the last mistake he would ever make, the spear guard saw him and threw it at him, hitting him square in the back. The guard seemed surprise, four in a room, three dead and one frozen in place. The guard went to Rick and said:
"You were wise not to run, and for that you get to "get out" tomorrow morning." Rick still confused struggled to get the only words he could muster out:
"Thank you."
The gate closed, Rick was alone, or so he thought, then the cold hand grabbed him again.
"Rick, you're not from here, are you?" Asked Dark Frost as he lay dying.
"What do you mean?" asked Rick in a confused and sad tone. Then Dark Frost Replied with his last few breaths.
"I know you're not, but listen, get out of here, we need men... to win this war. Go... and seek out the New lun..." Those were his last words, as Rick stood there next to his lifeless corpse. Though Rick only knew him for a few minutes he felt like he lost a brother, not knowing why he shook the feeling and focused on what he had to do. He was in a cell were three men had just died. Rick had to get out, his only exit was the gate, and it was locked, how could he escape, he looked for half an hour and was just about ready to give up.
"Sorry Dark, I just can't get..." As he talked to Dark Frost's dead body he tripped on something, worried it was Frost's arm he grabbed it. Then he realized it was not a limb, but a container of some kind, he picked it up and held it to the light, it was his bug-out-bag, he had put this thing together to be able to run away in a zombie attack or post war crisis. He was relieved, it had had everything he would ever need in this bag, that also included a means of escape. He began looking through the bag and began putting things on his belt, one of two radio, combat knife, personal first aid kit, any thing bigger or not currently needed, stayed in the pack. He pulled out a flash light, turned it on, and began looking around, the place he was in looked like a dungeon, cells next to each other, people in cells looking weak, sad, and malnourished. When he was looking around he dropped the flash light, the floor was at angel so it rolled back in to the Cell, it rolled for a sec and ran in to Pee Wee's foot, when it stopped the beam was pointing at the bag the strange man had given him, he opened it, in side was the Colt 45 Revolver and hundreds of rounds. Upon even further inspection he saw that not only were there rounds that were used by it, but some the rounds would not fit the gun, they' did however, fit in the Black sticks, which turned out to be Magazines for another gun as he searched he unzipped all the pockets, in the medium pocket was a suppressed MP5K SMG and about 20 extra empty magazines, in the smaller bag was a strap for the SMG and a holster for the Revolver, he however left the SMG and strap in the bag, but he would not leave it behind. Who ever that man was, he was clearly up to no good, though it would prove useful if needed.

Dec. 23, 2022

Unknown location

8:45 pm

It was time, Rick had all the things he needed to bust out. In side the bug-out-bag was a lock cutter, but it would not help, as the gate had a square lock that was attached to the wall. Realizing they would not help there, he went and sat in a corner. After 5 minutes, he saw the moon again shining from the window, that gave him an idea, he took the cutter and placed it on the metal bars, they were only an inch thick so the cutters could do the job, as soon as the first bar was cut, it made the loudest noise ever, that could wake up a baby in New York. When the second bar was cut the guards started to flood in, as soon as they did, prisoners started grabbing them trying to slow them down, one of them shouted.
"Hurry and Cut the bar and get out of here, if one of us gets out, that's enough to give us hope." Rick then replied
"Wait, what about you?" The man responded to him giving him a smile.
"Our fate is sealed here, now go, these guys won't hold them off forever." Then Rick got on to bar number three. When the third and final bar was cut, Rick could fit his whole body through the window. As he climbed out he saw the guards take a beating as the prisoners chanted:
"That must be what Dark Frost was talking about." Rick thought to himself as he slipped out.

"A bit long for a war cry."