The End With a Start

by naimsosa

First published

Crossing street + Hit by an 18 wheeler, should not equal being alive in a dungun, let alone with the bug out bag you had created for a zombie attack.

Crossing street + Hit by an 18 wheeler, should not equal being alive in a dungun, let alone with the bug out bag you had created for a zombie attack. Rick Rogers is in the strangest place, and after hearing the guards about executing the prisoner, an escape was never easier that with the things in side that bug out bag. After his escape he finds the world he is in, is not his own and what looks like what use to be a peaceful place is now in a civil war. The Solar Empire VS The New Lunar Republic.
(this story is a human version of every character that means human mane 6 human Luna etc.)

Stupid Math

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Dec. 23, 2022.

Salt Lake City, UT.

6:21 pm

The night was cold, about 7 below freezing, the wind was blowing hard, and everyone was in side except for a few still needing to get home for the holidays, but one was not. On the corner of the street there was a man, jet-black hair, tan skin, brown eyes, his father Hispanic and his mother white, strong but not ripped, about 220 lbs. 6.2 Ft tall, athletic Wrestler and Football player and never had a girl friend in high school, age 17. But you think he would still be in high school if he is 17 years old, allow me to continue. It was his 18th birthday, that night, as he walked home from a friend's house he remembered he left his bug-out-bag at his friend's place, he went back and got it. As he walked back home, pack on back, he had to cross an icy street, as he walked a man tackled him and spoke to him.
"Hey man, you gotta help me out here!"
"With what?" Asked Rick, not knowing what to do.
"Here take this, you help me, and it will help you." The man gave him a medium sized back pack, about the size to fit two large school books, and took off. Rick opened the bag and found a gun, a Colt 45 revolver with enough ammo to fight an army and a couple of black metal sticks. When he found out what the man had given him, he panicked and stood frozen for a minute, that's all it took, he turned around and saw an 18 wheeler semi lose control and slide a cross the icy road straight at him.
"Aw, come oo..." The truck hit him before he finished and died on impact with both bags on him, he lied dead, on the day 18 years earlier he was born.

Feb. 5, 2017

Canterlot Equestria

3:00 pm

Five years earlier a fight was happening between sisters.
"Luna, the Changlings are something we fear but that is no reason for destroying off an entire species." said the older to the younger. Then her sister replied.
"Celestia, they have brought misery, they almost destroyed Canterlot if it were not by thy student Twilight. If we strike hard we will catch them off guard and smite our foe."
"Luna, there is much to learn about going to war, the death of thousands on your hands, you are young and not ready for that guilt, you will never be a good ruler if you want to go to war with anything and everything that frightens you." That made the younger upset, not the fact that they did not go to war, but what her sister said about her not being a good ruler, is what hurt her. That night she went and talked to her troops of the night and what had happened.
"My loyal soldiers, I have something to say to all of you, we are feared by my subjects, but I swear, with all of you as my witnesses, that will not only give them a reason to fear us but a reason for everyone, our allies our foes and our families, to respect us, and show them that the night is where the fighting spirit is, and we will rule Equestria! We will Destroy this corrupt society, and establish a new, more use full government and be the ruling power of this world! We will destroy every foe that faces us, for we will no longer be under Celestia's reign in the Solar Empire, NO! We will rule as The New Lunar Republic!" Not one hesitated to agree with this idea, The were so moved by this speech, that they all started cheering.
She was going to get her war, and in the process, get the throne, of Equestria.

Dec. 23, 2022

Unknown location

8:00 pm

"Hey, wake up".
"Come on."
"Wake up! They're coming." Rick started hearing this and did not do anything not knowing what was going on. Then a cold hand picked him up then the owner spoke with a weak raspy voice.
"Wanna live? Get you A** off the ground, and do as we do." As Rick stood up, he made some observations about the room he was in, it was dark, cold, wet and over all not the best place to be in as far as he could tell. The same man then spoke to him.
"Hey, who are you?" Rick, still groggy replied.
"Uh, I'm Rick, Rick Rogers."
"Well, Rick Rogers, I'm Dark frost, and allow me to welcome you to your first and last day in this hell hole." Dark Frost said this with a smirk on his face at least that's what it looked like.
"That there is Kidney Buster..." he pointed to a large man, he only thing he saw was his silhouette of what looked like a body builder.
"...And that over there is little Pew Wee, we call him that because he is small and never told us his name." Pee Wee was right the guy was easily shorter than Dark Frost by a full head. Then from out side the room they herd someone say,
"Hey the guards are coming!" Then footsteps became herd and they grew louder and louder then they stopped. Then they herd what sounded like a gate open, then a man walked in to the room. The room was dark and it was very hard to see anything, the only source of light was from the window, barred off and no glass, the light was coming from the full moon it's light being brighter than anything he had seen that day. He could barley make out the dark figure tall-ish about 5.11 Ft, strong and he held what look like a spear, the light shined on his uniform, it had a sun on the right the letters R,E,A, on the left,by the sound of his voice he sounded about 35 years old. He heard the man say to him and the other 3 men in the room.
"Okay, dirt-bags, it's your lucky day, you're getting out"... Those words are something a prison warden would say. Pee Wee, who was in the corner of the the room, which Rick had identified as a prison cell, started to panic, the guard went up to him an began talking.
"Hey, calm down or you'll be the first to get out." Rick then thought.
"Wait is that not what they want?" Pee Wee, however, did not stop, and the guard took his spear and stabbed The small guy. Pee Wee looked shocked, as all life drained from his eyes and all he could do is sit there and die. Rick had no idea what was going on, one minute he gets hit by a semi, the next a guy gets killed. Then dark Frost jumped on the guards back trying to avenge his friend, another guard came from behind him and stabbed him, then Kidney Buster gave Rick a signal and it looked like he was trying to escape, he made a run for the door only to see Rick frozen in place, that was the last mistake he would ever make, the spear guard saw him and threw it at him, hitting him square in the back. The guard seemed surprise, four in a room, three dead and one frozen in place. The guard went to Rick and said:
"You were wise not to run, and for that you get to "get out" tomorrow morning." Rick still confused struggled to get the only words he could muster out:
"Thank you."
The gate closed, Rick was alone, or so he thought, then the cold hand grabbed him again.
"Rick, you're not from here, are you?" Asked Dark Frost as he lay dying.
"What do you mean?" asked Rick in a confused and sad tone. Then Dark Frost Replied with his last few breaths.
"I know you're not, but listen, get out of here, we need men... to win this war. Go... and seek out the New lun..." Those were his last words, as Rick stood there next to his lifeless corpse. Though Rick only knew him for a few minutes he felt like he lost a brother, not knowing why he shook the feeling and focused on what he had to do. He was in a cell were three men had just died. Rick had to get out, his only exit was the gate, and it was locked, how could he escape, he looked for half an hour and was just about ready to give up.
"Sorry Dark, I just can't get..." As he talked to Dark Frost's dead body he tripped on something, worried it was Frost's arm he grabbed it. Then he realized it was not a limb, but a container of some kind, he picked it up and held it to the light, it was his bug-out-bag, he had put this thing together to be able to run away in a zombie attack or post war crisis. He was relieved, it had had everything he would ever need in this bag, that also included a means of escape. He began looking through the bag and began putting things on his belt, one of two radio, combat knife, personal first aid kit, any thing bigger or not currently needed, stayed in the pack. He pulled out a flash light, turned it on, and began looking around, the place he was in looked like a dungeon, cells next to each other, people in cells looking weak, sad, and malnourished. When he was looking around he dropped the flash light, the floor was at angel so it rolled back in to the Cell, it rolled for a sec and ran in to Pee Wee's foot, when it stopped the beam was pointing at the bag the strange man had given him, he opened it, in side was the Colt 45 Revolver and hundreds of rounds. Upon even further inspection he saw that not only were there rounds that were used by it, but some the rounds would not fit the gun, they' did however, fit in the Black sticks, which turned out to be Magazines for another gun as he searched he unzipped all the pockets, in the medium pocket was a suppressed MP5K SMG and about 20 extra empty magazines, in the smaller bag was a strap for the SMG and a holster for the Revolver, he however left the SMG and strap in the bag, but he would not leave it behind. Who ever that man was, he was clearly up to no good, though it would prove useful if needed.

Dec. 23, 2022

Unknown location

8:45 pm

It was time, Rick had all the things he needed to bust out. In side the bug-out-bag was a lock cutter, but it would not help, as the gate had a square lock that was attached to the wall. Realizing they would not help there, he went and sat in a corner. After 5 minutes, he saw the moon again shining from the window, that gave him an idea, he took the cutter and placed it on the metal bars, they were only an inch thick so the cutters could do the job, as soon as the first bar was cut, it made the loudest noise ever, that could wake up a baby in New York. When the second bar was cut the guards started to flood in, as soon as they did, prisoners started grabbing them trying to slow them down, one of them shouted.
"Hurry and Cut the bar and get out of here, if one of us gets out, that's enough to give us hope." Rick then replied
"Wait, what about you?" The man responded to him giving him a smile.
"Our fate is sealed here, now go, these guys won't hold them off forever." Then Rick got on to bar number three. When the third and final bar was cut, Rick could fit his whole body through the window. As he climbed out he saw the guards take a beating as the prisoners chanted:
"That must be what Dark Frost was talking about." Rick thought to himself as he slipped out.

"A bit long for a war cry."

12th floor: Cool Sites, New Places, and a Beautiful/Violant Woman.

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Dec 23 2022

Unknown Location

9:05 pm

As Rick pulled his back pack out of the cell, that was when the guards finally got in, guards looked down and out side the window, seeing nothing but a 10 story drop and no one in site. To their disbelief the prisoner had vanished.
"He must have used a teleportation spell." said one guard to another. The other replied.
"What?!? This place has a spell keeping everyone in here. Only one person has that kind of power, Princess Celestia, and she is the one we are protecting and fighting for." Hearing this Rick began to think to himself.
"Spell?...magic? Are they serious?,"

Rick had climbed down and to the side to hide from them, no magic involved. After Rick waited for the guards to leave, he looked around to find a path, he looked up and down and left and right. There was no way down, only up, as he started climbing, he felt stronger than before he got hit, he could only do about 10 pull ups while gripping the bar with his whole hand, but now he was pulling himself up with ease, using only his finger-tips, this was useful due to the fact that the walls on which he was on only had millimeters of an edge. As he climbed, he saw the Moon shine on him, worried someone would see him, he looked to see if anyone was there, no one present, the only thing that caught his eye was the wall that was around the place, as he eyeballed it along the edge he saw that he was not in a prison, but in a castle. he herd a higher pitched voice, that sounded like a high school JV football player. The voice was under and in the court yard and it was getting louder, even though he was 12 stories up, he could hear clearly what it said.
"Do you think having her locked up will end the war? She has magic that almost rivals Celestia's after all. Then there was then a second voice, this one sounded deeper and like a guy who had seen hell.
"That's just it, the keyword is almost, with that spell Celestia put on it, she'll never get out, and with that her forces will fall and no more NLR." That's when Rick put two and two together.
"So I'm guessing that NLR and the New Lunar Republic are the same thing. But who is this ,she, they brought up? Who is Celestia? And what war and for what?" As he started climbing again, one of the stone he grabbed was lose, and as he pulled him self up, he pulled it out of place and down it fell. The crash was enough for the guards to notice, and enough for them to look up.
"There!!!" Shouted the higher pitched voiced one. Ricks cover had been blown, and he had to get inside, quickly. As he reached a window he thought to him self.
"That's my ticket!.
"HEY, THUNDER, LOOK OUT THE WINDOW!!!" Shouted the lower voiced man. As he looked up, he saw another guard look down on him, then Rick realized had no choice, but to take the guy out of the picture, as he pointed at him with his spear and yelled,
"Hey, you, stop there!" Rick grabbed the spear, and pulled him down, Rick turned his body to pull him, and as he did, he saw the other two guards looking as their friend fell 12 stories head first to his death. They ran right under him and went in to a door. Rick pulled himself up into the window before realizing what he had done, he had taken a human life and he felt dizzy, sick, and had blurred vision. His body, not knowing how to react, started trying to analyze the situation, a man just died by his hand. Not much to look over there. As he started to gain back his sight, he herd the other two guards running up the stairs of the tower.
"We need to kill this guy and avenge Thunder."
"Yeah, no S*** Sherlock." Due to the echo of the tower, Rick could not tell who said what. But that did not, matter he needed to escape, and for that he needed a place to hide. As he ran across the hall of the tower, he came up to a door, it was massive, easily a 15 foot double door, it was blue and had a moon painted on it. Rick tried to open the door and found that it was locked. Not only that but, it was a dead end. The guards were coming, their foots steps growing louder with each passing second. Rick tried to bash the door open, but it would not budge. Then he remembered.
"The SMG, it had a suppressor, I could use it to mow these guys down." As he pulled it out of the back pack, he realized he had no in hell idea what he was doing. First, he had all ready taken one human life, was he ready to take two more in less than five minutes? And second, he had never fired an automatic weapon before, let alone a Military SMG. As he pulled it out, he accidently pulled the trigger and shot off about 7 rounds, many of which, hit the door, but one hit the lock dead on and had opened the door.
"Well, there's a better solution." Satisfied with this different option, he walked in side. As he closed the door, he herd the voices out side.
"Where did he go? This is the only way he could have gone."
"Maybe he climbed down, lets check out side."
"Good idea."
"Wait, what's this." The guard picked up the shell casings and inspected them for a minute.
"They're probably nothing. Lets go before he gets away." They sprinted off and the guard dropped what sounded like 3 casings. The steps on the stone floor grew dim. As Rick pulled him self together, he looked around the room, it was empty as in no people, it had a large round bed, a balcony with an amazing view and what looked like the fanciest bathroom he had ever seen. Rick was tired form the recent event that had just happened to day, he went to lie down on the bed.
When he did he landed face up and just started to think.
"What am I doing here? I just wanted to get home and celebrate my birthday." Then his train of thought was interrupted when a shadowy figure was hanging on the beams above. As it fell down towards him, Rick realized that he was getting attacked, he rolled to the left, and off the bed, and where he had been a second earlier, was a girl. He looked for a second, she had blue eyes that reminded him of a beautiful night sky, a small nose and mouth, her skin was pale like a the sky one a snowy day, she was wearing what looked like a blue Military uniform, with a belt with a moon on it, she had a black cape, the coat was navy blue as well as the pants, she wore black boots and gloves that came up just under her knees and elbows, under her belt was a second belt that was crooked and on it hung a sheath with a sword in it. But the thing that made him most curios, was her hair, it waved as if it were a windy day, but there was no breeze in the room, and it looked exactly like the night sky with stars and on top of her head was a tiara. As Rick stared at what he thought was the most beautiful young lady, timed seemed to have stopped, or at least for him, because a second later she was attacking him again. She jumped off the bed and rose her right arm up. Rick however rolled to the left and noticed a blade come out from under her arm, what looked like blue dust seemed to have gone under her arm and made a knife. Just as quickly as Rick dodged her attack, she was already on him. Rick was now struggling for his life, with his left hand pinned under her boot, he had to use his right hand to stop the incoming Blade, as he grabbed her wrist, she punched him in the face with her left, stunned for a sec he lost his grip, when he came to, the blade was on its way towards his face, with a quick shift to his right she had missed by less than an inch, stabbing the stone floor with such force that the blade got stuck. Rick had to get away, so with his left knee he hit her in the butt, off-balance he threw her off him, and rolled out from under. As he stood back up he saw the blue dust again and it came out of the ground, with that the girl got her hand out easily, then the blue dust went back to her hand and made the blade again. Rick yelled in displease.
"Are you kidding me? How am I suppose to compete with that?" then the girl spoke to him, in a booming voice.
"You are a skillful warrior, thou has lasted much longer than I had expected." Rick confused replied as he pulled out his combat knife.
"So you must be the reason I'm here." With that he leaped forward, thrusting his blade forward, with the girl responding with enough speed to make it look like she was not even trying. She blocked the blade and kick Rick square in the chest knocking him back.
"Okay, lets kick things up a notch." He said this as he pulled out of his pack, a 23in Machete, then the girl replied.
"I thought thou would never ask." As she pulled out her sword,out came more of the blue dust came out and floated for a while before going in to her hair. And as if rehearsed for a movie, they clashed blades. As they broke away, Rick stayed up but the girl was off-balance, Rick then pounced and jumped, but not on her. He was stuck in mid air when he saw again the blue dust, but it was around him.
"Does thou really think you could have defeated me? And with that she tossed him to the left wall then to the right and up and down and took him to the top of the room and dropped him 15ft down. Rick, flat on is back, was unable to comprehend what just happened, not only he got beat up by a girl less then 3/4 his size, she just tossed him like a rag doll. He was struggling to stand when he saw the sword next to his face when the girl said.
"I, Luna have defeated you, a worthy foe, now, I will spare thee, if you give me the key.
"What?!? What key? What are you talking about?" asked Rick in confusion. Then Rick was tossed by Luna towards the wall farthest from them with the blue dust, as she walked to him she said.
"Don't play dumb with me, I have defeated you, I am sparing your life, show some honor and give me the key!"
"Sorry, Luna, I...Don't...Have...It..." said rick as he fell in to unconsciousness. Luna then released and put him on the ground, then she began to search him and both his packs. But, unknowingly to Luna, Rick had faked passing out. As she kept looking she pulled out matches, Trauma kit, and pepper spray, Luna, However, made the mistake of putting it next to Rick. He quickly grabbed it and sprayed Luna in the eyes, she, as most people would react started freaking out,
"Ahhh, WHAT DARK MAGIC IS THIS?" Rick then pulled out the Colt and said.
"Not magic, American injunuity." Then smacked her across the face with the butt of the gun, and just like that Luna was out cold. Pulling out some rope from his pack, he tied her to the frame of the bed. She was fine, however, where there was suppose to be a bruise, with the flipped words Colt 45, was nothing. No bump, swelling, or redness was present. If Rick wanted answers on his whereabouts in where ever they where, it would start by having Luna talk.


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Dec 23 2022

Unknown Location

9:40 pm

Rick was physically exhausted from the battle that had just occurred. He was a state champion wrestler, starting varsity football player and had gone to some of the toughest sports camps in the country, and yet he got his butt handed to him by a girl, that he was a foot taller than, she had dainty hands and just like it was nothing, she through a 220lbs man at a wall like a rag doll. Rick's pride was not the only thing he was worried about, why was he here? Where was here? and How was he going to get home? He decided that he would ask Luna, but for now he would rest, she was out cold which should give him a few hours to relax. As he lay on the bed, the same bed which Luna was tied to at one of the posts, he started thinking.
"What was the blue dust that made that blade, and why did it look like the blade from Assassins creed?" as Rick fell asleep he pondered about his family and what they could be thinking.
"Do they even know I'm gone? If they do, where are they looking for me? And who in Hell was that man that gave him that bag?" As he kept thinking, he eventually fell asleep, so soundly that only being next to a running train, could wake him up.

Dec 24 2022

Unknown Location

2:30 am

"Untie me at once, you foul being, I am Princess Luna, Leader of the NLR, and not your prisoner!" This shout was enough for Rick to fall out of his deep slumber and stand like he was in a military boot camp, while saluting.
"Sir, Yes, Si... Wait what? I don't have to do anything you say, you're not in charge here, I am." Rick, realizing what just happened, lowered his hand and grabbed the SMG out of the back pack.
"Wh...What is that?" Rick noticed the fear when Luna spoke, she had no idea what Rick was holding, then he replied calmly.
"Oh, this? It's nothing, just my...motivational device." Luna then looked at it then laughed.
"You expect me to beliv...." Luna was then interrupted when Rick pointed it at the post behind her and shot off a few rounds, though, it was suppressed, so the sound was not what frightened her, but when she looked behind her the post had bullet holes in it, so that if kicked the post would fall apart.
"Oh, okay, what is it you want? Money, Power, The NLR, SEX?!?" Rick was uneasy when he heard what she was willing to offer in return for her life.
"Wh...What are you talking about? I don't want any of that stuff, all I want is answers." Luna looked surprised by the response.
"Wait so you don't 'want' me?"
"No, look I am ready to offer you a deal, you give me what I want and I'll untie you, deal? Luna, after hearing this, was releved,
"Oh, okay, but I want something else as well." Rick seemed skeptical about what she was going to ask.
"Depends, what do you want?"
"I want to get out!" Then Rick pointed to the door and balcony.
"Um, the door is opened and the balcony is right there and it's open." Then, Rick noticed something, the fact that it was the middle of winter, the window is opened and the room felt like it was 70 degrees.
"Um, why is the room so warm if the windows are opened?"
"Before I tell you anything, I want to know who thou art, where thou art from and what kind of magic is this American Ingenuity?" Rick seemed a little surprised but then again in a place were a 5.4 foot tall girl, can toss you like you're nothing, they probably never heard of America.
"Okay, I'm Rick Rogers, and I'm from Salt Lake City Utah, in America." Luna then from nowhere let out a smile, to Rick it reminded him of the smile of his mother, a sweet reassuring face that would say 'it's alright I'm here' with no words. Upon the very look Rick stood Frozen in place as he stared at her.
" it?" Then Rick regained his mind and snapped back to Luna.
This American Ingenuity, what kind of magic is it?"
It's not magic, it science. Then Luna kicked at the half empty bottle of pepper spray, and gestured to the words under the name of the bottle.
"Then why, does it say, Works like Magic?" Rick took a second to think about what made it science.
"Oh, you see, it's a spray, that when it interacts with your soft bodly tissue, it starts a burning feeling." Rick looked at Luna and she had no idea what he was talking about.
"You know when you get a cut and it stings, well this makes the same feeling on your eyes." Even though the effects should have wore off by now, her eyes looked red and watery.
"Are you okay?" Rick looked at Luna with concern, if the effects had not gone away, that meant she was allergic to it.
"Oh yes, it's just my eyes still have that burning feeling thou hast told me about." Rick then knew if he just sat there she might go blind. He then grabbed his Bug-Out-Bag and pulled out the trauma kit, and pulled out some eye wash.
"Here, this will take the burning feeling away." Luna, then, was hesitant about accepting his offer,
"I refuse to fall for yo...AHHHHHH!" The spray was doing more damage, so without a second thought, Rick grabbed her chin and made her look up, then he pinned his chest to her chin as he used his hand to open her eyes.
"NO, NO, NO, I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!" Rick was struggling to keep her head still.
"Hold still! I'm trying to help you, it will only take a second." Rick finally managed to get her eye to open and he got a few drops in, then as soon as Luna felt releve from the first eye, she stopped moving and opened her other eye.
"See? It helps." Luna did not know what was more surprising , the fact her captur was helping her, or that the liquid actually helped her instantly.
"Wow, oh my, anything we have here would never work that fast, is that any more of that American Ingenuity?"
"Well yes and no, the kit is American but the drops were made in... well, I have no idea, where they're made." Then Luna smiled again, at that point Rick snapped.
"Ah! I can't take it anymore! You being tied up like that, it's driving me nuts, look I'll untie you, but you still have to answer my questions. Deal?" Luna seemed releved and by the look on her face Rick knew he could trust her.
"Yes, thank you." As Rick went behind her he pulled out a knife to cut the rope, but as he did he dropped it and it slid under the bed.
"Aww Crap. Wait one second." Rick pulled out his flashlight and looked under the bed, when he found his knife, he also saw a big wooden box, he grabbed his knife, sheathed it, and then reached for the box. The box was slightly heavy, but he could manage getting it out.
"What did you find under there?" Luna sounded a little worried Rick would not follow with his part of the bargain.
"Hold your horses Luna, I'm not exactly sure what I found, though I can tell you this much it sure is heavy."
As Rick finally pulled it out he realized why it was so heavy, it had a massive lock on it and the lock cutter would not be able to do a thing.
"Hey, Luna think you could use that blue dust of yours to open this lock?" Rick was expecting a yes or know answer.
"Um, if thou has not noticed, I AM STILL TIED UP!!!" Rick looked over then realized his mistake.
"Oh, right." Rick pulled out his knife carefully this time, as to not drop it. Then he began to cut.
"And one and two and... Walla, the rope is no more." Said Rick, with a playful tone in his voice. But Luna did not laugh.
"So now that I'm free I am ready to answer any of your doubts." Luan stretched her arms and then sat on the bed.
"Okay then, where am I?" Rick asked as he moved towards the box and inspected it.
"You are in Equestria." Luna seemed so calm, then Rick, got all up in her face.
"NO, where am I, as in, what is this place?" Most people would jump if a man nearly twice their size yelled at them, but Luna was calm and collected.
"Oh, this place Canterlot Castle, The base of operations for the Solar Empire..." Then Luna Froze, but at the exact same time, Rick stood up, and they both positioned them selves to fight again.
"So Luna, I guess as soon as you're done telling me what I want, you would call your soldiers in and have them take me away." Then Luna's smile was replaced by fire and rage in her eyes.
"Like I'm suppose to believe that, you're an assassin aren’t you, on a mission to kill me, so that Princess Celestia does not have her war trophy, and have the war end!"
"What?!? First of all, I just escaped from a dungeon, climbed a 12 story tower, killed a guy. Then I ran here and lied down on your bed to hide and rest, that was when you attacked me. How am I suppose to be an assassin if I don't even have the slightest clue who you are, or where I am?" After hearing this Luna seemed convinced about Rick not being from here.
"Okay, Rick, I believe you, but first sign of danger, and your 'American Ingenuity' won't save you this time." Luna lowered her Guard and Rick lowered his.
"Okay, who is this Princess Celestia?" Luna then began to help Rick understand by saying,
"She is the current leader of Equestria, the leader of the Solar Empire, and my sister."
"Okay that doesn't... wait did you say your sister?" Rick was surprised by this.
"Wow, you must have had some argument."
"She said I would never be a good ruler but so far I have done a good job at leading my troops against her, though, it wouldn't be the first time we fought, last time she banished me to the moon for a thousand years."
"Are you serious or just messing with me?"
"I am telling you the 100% honest truth, why is there not anybody in America that old?"
"No, I read a book about the very first guy who ever lived, he got to be 900 years old, but no one has ever lived that long besides him. By the way, if you really are over a thousand years old..." Luna then interrupted.
"1018 to be exact."
"Whatever, how did you survive? There is no O2 on the moon."
"Being a magical Person has it's advantages."
"But why the moon? She could have sent you to the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy."
"I am not entirely sure, but I think it had to do with the fact, that I am in charge of the moon."
"Okay, though I'm having a hard time believing it, though, I see now why you're called Luna, your name in Spanish is moon, and by the sound of her name, I'm guessing Celestia raises the sun?"
"Yes, exactly, and she leads the Solar Empire."
"And you the New Lunar Republic, right?"
"Precisely." Rick then asked her his next question.
"If this is her base, why are you here?"
"I was taken prisoner, after a battle, I gave my self in so that my troops would be allowed to live. Rick then began to think to himself.
"Should I tell her that her troops are being executed just below her? No it would just brake her spirit." Then he spoke.
"Well that was a noble sacrifice."
"Thank you." Then Rick started to think out loud.
"Okay I'm in Canterlot Castle, in Equestria, ruled by a monarch with a sister who she is at war with. Now why is it 70 degrees in here, with the windows opened, In the middle of winter?" Luna rolled her eyes and started to explain.
"The reason it's not snowing, is because the Weather people have not been out putting the clouds up for snow." Luna seemed pretty satisfied with her dumbed down version of her explanation. Though Rick was not.
"What? Are you telling me You make the weather?" Luna then continued to talk.
"Not me, the weather patrol does, or at least they did before the war. Why do they not have a weather patrol, in America?"
"No." Luna seemed surprised by his response.
"Then, who doth controlleth the weather, who makes it snow?" Rick didn't know what to say for a second.
"Well, no one does. Mother Nature calls the shots."
"Oh, does this mother care for all her children?" Again, he did not know how to respond.
"No, no, Mother Nature is the earth, the planet decides what the weather is like." Luna seemed satisfied with that. Then Rick walked up to the box he had gotten from under the bed.
"Hey, Luna, now that were back on the same side, how about you open that there box?"
Luna shrugged, she rose her hands and the blue dust started to surround the box, as she began to unlock it, 20 different bolts came out the sides, when the box was unlocked, Rick walked up to it and flipped the lid. In side were two more boxes, one was small, about the size of a rubiks cube, 3X3X3, the bigger of the two was wooden and had chains and a pad lock on it. Rick took the smaller box and opened it, in side was a note.
What does it say? Asked Luna, her voice sounding like a little 5th Grade girl.
"It Says":

Hey thanks for helping me back there.
Really sorry about the truck hitting you,
I ran back to see if you were ok, but you weren’t.
I said if you helped me, it would help you,
now I’m returning the favor.
Inside the other box are three things that will help you.
One will be for attack, another for defense, and the pack has all the supplies you’ll need.
Don't waste them!

Dr. DT

p.s. She is a sweet girl. Don’t let anything happen to her.

"What does it mean Rick?...Rick are you ok?" Luna kept speaking, but Rick was not listening. He sat there for a moment, thinking.
"This Dr. DT is the reason I'm here, and by the sound of things, I didn't make it after the crash."
"Rick are..." Then Rick shouted at Luna.
"Quick, the bag."
"I don..."
"I NEED IT, NOW!" Luna without question got him the bag, Rick then took it and opened it and took out the lock cutters and placed them on the lock and snapped it shut, cutting the lock.
"What's inside?" Luna tried to get a look but Rick was in the way.
"I can't believe it."
"What, what is it?" Rick then stood up holding a KSG shot gun.
"I can't believe it, who ever this Dr. DT is, he clearly does not have a degree in Sociology. But what ever he wants me to do, I think he wants me to start by getting you out of here." Rick then went down and began to search through the rest of the box.
"Okay, lets see what we have here, Extra ammo, for The KSG, a 9mm Pistol, suppressers for both guns, some pepper spray, and...C4?"
"What is C4?"
"In simple terms...Our ticket out."

Escape-ish Plan

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Dec 23 2022

Canterlot Castle


As Rick loaded the KSG, Luna went to the box and picked up the 9mm pistol, and stared at the weapon.
"What is this for?" Luna held the gun, looking at it, spinning it, and then looking down the barrel.
"Ah! don't do that!" Rick then grabbed the gun and ripped it away, but Rick was just as inexperienced with the firearm as Luna was, and in the process fired a round that missed both their feet by mere inches, with that Rick and Luna both new, that their escape would go better if they snuck out, instead of shooting everything Rick saw, at least that was Rick's plan. Luna's plan was to use her magic to escape but with out Rick shooting stuff, Luna might as well rescue him, instead of the other way around.
"Well that could have gone better.” Rick looked at luna with a bit fo hate as she said that. Luna however tried to make sense of the recent incident, Rick did not find any humour out of that. He took the gun and put it in its holster and saw it was a left legged belt loop holster.
“ This could be useful. Well we need to get out of here.” Luna then looked at Rick as if she were waiting for him to have a plan. Luna was going to speak when she and Rick both heard horns in the distance.
“Whats that?” Rick started putting the extra ammo in his coat's pockets and it being a big one, allowed for almost all the ammo to fit in it.
“Thats the Canterlot Victory Trumpet, it signals the end of a time of war, and by the sound of it it sounds like they are about to celebrate the NLR's defete.” Luna looked as sad and worried as a girl who had just lost her dog.
“Are you okay? you seem shooken.” Rick then put his hand on luna trying to confort her.
“Its...just that... if Celestia follows her the traditions of Canterlot, then all of my captured soldiers will be executed.” Rick still couldn't build the guts up to tell Luna they were already being executed down stairs. Then the heard a loud knocking on the door.
"HEY LUNA GET UP WE NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!” Rick had identified the low voice to one of the guards from earlier.
"Great, these guys again.” He said this with disapointment in his voice.
"You know the guards?” Luna asked with obvious question in the sound of her voice.
"Half and half, look these guys are trying to kill me, I need you to hide me for now.” Just then The door was starting to open, and without a second thought Luna's arura surounded Rick and she tossed him to the beams in the celing.
"Hey, Luna, we have some good news, the war is over and you lost.” The smaller of the two was talking to Luna with a smirk on his face. Then the bigger followed up with a smart remark.
"Eee, yup, and we are going to have a parade to Celebrate and you are the guest of honor.” The bigger one was wearing a uniform similer to the man in the dungeon and his partner. There was light in the room and he could tell many of the features on the uniforms, they looked like the dessert camos the US Army would wear, but they were also wearing gold armour on thier chest, legs and had gold helmets. The Bigger one had what looked like a massive apple on his right shoulder, Rick couldn't tell what the smaller had on his shoulder, but he managed to see that they both had name tags. Even though Rick was 15ft above the ground he still managed to read them, somehow all of his abilities had been inproved, just like when he heard them clearly form 12 stories up. The bigger one's tag read B. Mac Apple, the other smaller one said Burnham Apple, as far as he could tell they were both related some how. The bigger one was talking to Luna.
"As guest of honor, you must wear this.” Mac gave her an amazing dress, that looked like no matter how much money Rick had, he could never be able to buy something that elegant. Luna grabbed the dress and began to turn when she was stopped by Burn, and he redirected her to turn around, then he spoke to her.
"No, you'll change here and NOW!” Luna could not believe what she was hearing, she was being told the get naked and change for the entertainment of the guards in charge of escorting her to Celestia.
"BIG MACINTOSH! If Applejack were here...” Then she was cut off by Mac.
"Well, she is not and who do you think she would have believed if you told her this.” Luna was very pissed as began to undress. The other two stared and were very satisfied, Rick however tried to look away, but he decided not to so he could make sure all Mac and Burn did was stare. As he looked he noticed what looked like a tattoos on both her arms and legs. As she put on the dress she spoke to them in displeasure.
"Hope you enjoyed your peep show, because I will have my revenge, and there will be nothing you'll regret more then this.”
"Don't worry, Luna we won't and you wont." Luan was finished Dressing, and then Burn slapped some handcuffs on her and directed her out the door. As the guards took Luna away, Rick saw the Mac take one last look before closing locking the door. Out side the room he heard some muffled voices, then they died down. As the foot steps grew quieter, Rick started to wonder what Mac said 'we won't and you won't', What ever it was, it couldn't be good. The foot step finally where gone. Rick realized that he would not be able just to do a snatch and grab and run away with Luna, He would need a plan. He started to anylize the situation, he could not free Luna from the ERA by himself, he would end up getting both of them killed. He kept thinking, the he remembered the dungeon, all the prisoners in there, they must have been NLR soldiers, and they would diffidently help him free Luna.
"How am I suppose to free them all? Not like I could just blow..." Rick looked down and saw the satchel on the ground it was the same bag where Rick had found the C4.
"I still wonder, how they missed the bag and the KSG on the ground." Rick with his half Plan was ready and decided to jump down. A 15 foot drop would be enough to break is legs, because he had no experience jumping from that height, he knew he would have to roll to break his fall but he had no idea how he would just injure him self and be of no use and Luna would be in a lot of trouble. A rule he learned in high school sports was "don't do anything sketchy in school, in sports, or in life", Rick decided he would play it safe and jump unto the bed which was about 5 feet to the left and 12 feet down from him, it seemed like a better option then the risk of a sprained ankle. He jumped, but instead of landing softly on the bed like he was hoping, he bounced off and hit the floor head first, then his back hit the ground.
"Ugg, that didn't go as planed." Rick rolled over until he was prone then he began to stand up and was on all fours when he heard the guards talk.
"What the hay was that?"
"I don't know."
"Lets check it out." Rick looked up and saw the door open and in front of him stood two guards, both female, they wore the same uniform and armor as Mac and Burham. The first had two colors in her hair, blue and pink, she nametag said B. Bon, she had a spear and a shield and was wearing her helmet, the other had yellow eyes and light green hair, her nametag said L. Heartstrings, she had two swords on her back and a 8 inch combat knife in a sheath on her belt. Rick thought this would be easier to handle, so he began to improvise.
"Hello ladies, how's it going?" Rick thought this would work but, he was mistaken.
"Freeze! In the name of Celestia, you are under arrest." Bon pointed the spear at Rick, he however was not going to comply.
"Well so much for that plan." Rick still on all fours, grabbed the spear and pulled her towards himself and to his left. As Bon came close, he let go and wrapped his arms around her, she dropped the shield and he began to drive as if he were playing football and began to tackle, but instead of driving her to the ground he drove her into the wall, the force great enough that her helmet made a massive dent in the brick wall. Rick the turned around and went for the other, with the same plan as before, but she had picked up the shield, and bashed him. Rick was off balance and landed on his butt, then Heartstrings drew one of her swords and began trying to slash at Ricks feet, first a hit to the right, missed, one the left, missed, down the middle, Rick pulled his legs apart and down the middle went the sword, missed his groin by a few inches, her arm was close enough for Rick to grab it and bring her closer towards him, she put up the shield to block and attack but Rick grabbed it and pulled and kicked her over himself over towards the balcony. As he began to stand up, he got tackled by Bon, he was flat on his back and Bon was right on top of him.
"Wow, not even our first date, and you're all over me!" Rick teased her and she got pissed!
"WELL, THIS WAS OUR FIRST AND LAST DATE!" Bon started punching at his face, but Rick dodged the fists flying at him, left, right, left, right, but then she caught on the pattern, so she came down with an elbow and nailed him right in the left side of his face, the hit was enough to knock his head back and make it rattle. He decided he was not going though that again, so he pushed her, but that proved useless, then Bon started to choke him by grabbing his throat, and squeezed as hard as she could.
"Not exactly what you pictured with me on top of you, huh?" Rick was starting black out, he needed to think of something quick, it was one thing to pull a guy out of a window, but Rick knew he needed to get out, with his left hand he grabbed her neck and started to push on her face, with his right he grabbed the colt from the holster and started to bring it to her head, but she saw it and pushed his hand and the gun towards the floor.
"Looks like what ever you trying to do, failed." She looked at him like if she was trying to hook up with him.
"Failed? If anything you fixed my aim." Bon looked at the gun and saw it was pointed a Heartstrings, who was trying to stand up when she looked up and saw what was going on.
"What are you..." Rick took a quick peek and squeezed the trigger, the loud bang scared the crap out of Bon, and she was frozen when she saw her friend get knocked back on the ground and not move. Then Rick quickly flipped the gun and was holding it by the barrel,
"What have you done?!?" She kept looking at her friend not knowing what to do. She looked back at Rick right as he swung the gun at her head, hitting her with the handle. The hit knocked her right off of him, and he got top of her grabbed her collar and spoke.
"Tell me now! What are they going to do to Luna." Bon looked at him and with a smart-a** remark responded.
"The longer you wait the less time she has, if you want to save her you have to hurry, other wise, the only way you'll be getting her out of here, is in a body bag." Rick then pushed her back on the ground, stood up and checked how many bullets were in the gun, two rounds left.
"Well then glad to know she wont be the only one." Rick pointed the gun at her head and fired a bullet at her, and started to walk towards the door.
"BON BON! You monster!" Then the other stood up and ran towards him while drawing the knife from its sheath, Rick turned around and right as she was going to stab him, he grabbed her wrist and he held the gun towards her head. As he was struggling to break free, she saw his eyes go from the dark brown that they were, to a dark blue that matched the darkness of the night.
"Listen, I know you Lyra, and I know Bon Bon, but how am I to keep to love birds away from each other, so once you meet up with her make sure to give her a big kiss for me will you?" Lyra was confused how did he know her name and about what was going on between her and Bon Bon, to bad that was her last thoughts, because that's when Rick pulled the trigger and ended Lyra's life.
"Oh and I like your eyes... Wow that was weird." That was also when his eyes went back to brown.


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Dec. 25 2022

Salt Lake City, Utah

11:00 am

Lyra woke up on the ground in the middle of a blizzard wearing the same armor as when she had been shot.
"Ow my head. Where am I?" Lyra standing outside in the middle of a blizzard. Due to the summery condition of Equestria Lyra's armor had short sleeves and the pants were not thick as her amour was for mobility and not massive amounts protection. She started walking around for about 30 seconds before tripping on something, a side walk she knew what it was but she did not know what that loud buzzing sound that was getting louder and louder until finally she saw the head LIGHTS OF A TRUCK coming at her she did not know what they were, but she knew it would be best to move out of the way. As the trucked passed by so did a massive gust of wind that passed by Lyra and almost made her lose her balance. That gust was the end of the blizzard but as the white out passed she started to see a clear over view of the city She saw tell building that in no way compared to the ones in Manehatten or Canterlot but still pretty big. But out of all the buildings one caught her eye in particular it was shorter than the others and had 6 spires and something gold on one of the middle spires. She then had a feeling to try and contact anyone using her magic as she did this she felt weaker in her magical abilities. As she struggled to use her magic she started to get something coming back. Then she had enough to get a message, it was Bon Bon.
(Though Bon Bon was not a magical being she could still contact with other due to the magic given to them from Princess Celestia for Military Purposes.)
"Lyra is that you?"
"Yes Bon it's me!"
"OH how wonderful it is to hear your voice."
"Yes the feeling is mutual how you are?" Both Lyra and Bon Bon started to cry when they found out that the other was alive.
"I’m fine; we have to meet up somewhere. Where are you?"
“I don't know but I see a building with 6 spires. Do you see it?
"Actually I'm right in front of it."
"Ok I'll meet up with you there, ok?"
"Ya I'll wait for you here."
"Hey little lady." Bon Bon turned around and cut the call with Lyra and saw a man in a dark coat getting closer to her.
"Hey look bubby I don’t like how close you're getting so please back off."
He then grabbed Bon Bon by the neck and held a knife to her cheek.
"Oh you're gunna like it and if you say anything I'll kill you is that understood?" Bon Bon then drew her knife and stabbed his leg, as he fell she punched him in the face, as he fell to the ground he landed on all fours.
"No but how do you understand that?" Bon Bon felt pretty good about what she just did.
"Understand this Bitch!"But the man started to get back up and as he was on his knees he drew out a pistol the same kind that Lyra had been shot with Bon Bon kicked it out of his hands and quickly came back and kicked him in the face knocking him out cold. Now it was only a matter of time before Lyra got there and they could figure out what was going on.


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Rick started to walk towards the door, but as he did, he started to feel dizzy but not from what he just did, but from something else. he took two steps then fell to his knees, the he tried to stand up but had no strength to do so he looked at the door, then darkness started to surround his eye sight then all black.

Rick opened his eyes he was in absolute darkness yet he could see himself floating in nothingness, as he wondered what was going on he herd a dark and deep voice call him by name.
"Rick Rogers, listen to me." Rick started to spin around looking for the source of the voice.
"What, who's their?"
"I am Moonguard, I am here to help you but in return that you help me."
"What do you want?"
"I want freedom, Celestia Trapped me in this realm of darkness."
"Well, if you trapped here, she must have had a good reason to lock you up."
"For whom do you fight Princess Luna or Celestia?"
"As did I, but neither Luna nor I are powerful enough to take her on alone, but when she realized together we could defeat her, she trapped me here."
"What makes you think I need you help?"
"The ability to do what you have just done, the increased strength, the lack of fear when taking the life of others, and the ability to know all you meet by name, how else did you know Lyra's name?" Rick just sat here for a second. "Your have the ability to do amazing things, all you need is for some one to show how to use them."
"How do I help you then? From where I'm standing, you don't seem very capable of helping your self let alone asking some one like me."
"There is one from your world, one who Celestia has brought here to defeat Luna, he is very power full none have defeated him, but you weapons will bring him down."
"How will I know who he is? And how will this free you?"
"He is the only one who has weapons similar to yours, he can take down 100 while the best take one 10, and can bring an Ursa Major under his control. You defeat him and his power will be mine. His name is James Riktor."
"James Riktor, Got it!"
In the future,you will have my abilities that i have granted you, but be mind full if you want to remain your self, use it sparingly, If merge for too long you will be trapped here with me."
"Good Luck, Rick Rogers"
Rick once again blacked out and found himself the the room he was previously on his knees. He began to pick himself up and herd the voice in his head echo, "Kill James Riktor" Rick knew this was the key to helping Luna but he can't help here if shes dead.