• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 47 Comments

The End With a Start - naimsosa

Crossing street + Hit by an 18 wheeler, should not equal being alive in a dungun, let alone with the bug out bag you had created for a zombie attack.

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12th floor: Cool Sites, New Places, and a Beautiful/Violant Woman.

Dec 23 2022

Unknown Location

9:05 pm

As Rick pulled his back pack out of the cell, that was when the guards finally got in, guards looked down and out side the window, seeing nothing but a 10 story drop and no one in site. To their disbelief the prisoner had vanished.
"He must have used a teleportation spell." said one guard to another. The other replied.
"What?!? This place has a spell keeping everyone in here. Only one person has that kind of power, Princess Celestia, and she is the one we are protecting and fighting for." Hearing this Rick began to think to himself.
"Spell?...magic? Are they serious?,"

Rick had climbed down and to the side to hide from them, no magic involved. After Rick waited for the guards to leave, he looked around to find a path, he looked up and down and left and right. There was no way down, only up, as he started climbing, he felt stronger than before he got hit, he could only do about 10 pull ups while gripping the bar with his whole hand, but now he was pulling himself up with ease, using only his finger-tips, this was useful due to the fact that the walls on which he was on only had millimeters of an edge. As he climbed, he saw the Moon shine on him, worried someone would see him, he looked to see if anyone was there, no one present, the only thing that caught his eye was the wall that was around the place, as he eyeballed it along the edge he saw that he was not in a prison, but in a castle. he herd a higher pitched voice, that sounded like a high school JV football player. The voice was under and in the court yard and it was getting louder, even though he was 12 stories up, he could hear clearly what it said.
"Do you think having her locked up will end the war? She has magic that almost rivals Celestia's after all. Then there was then a second voice, this one sounded deeper and like a guy who had seen hell.
"That's just it, the keyword is almost, with that spell Celestia put on it, she'll never get out, and with that her forces will fall and no more NLR." That's when Rick put two and two together.
"So I'm guessing that NLR and the New Lunar Republic are the same thing. But who is this ,she, they brought up? Who is Celestia? And what war and for what?" As he started climbing again, one of the stone he grabbed was lose, and as he pulled him self up, he pulled it out of place and down it fell. The crash was enough for the guards to notice, and enough for them to look up.
"There!!!" Shouted the higher pitched voiced one. Ricks cover had been blown, and he had to get inside, quickly. As he reached a window he thought to him self.
"That's my ticket!.
"HEY, THUNDER, LOOK OUT THE WINDOW!!!" Shouted the lower voiced man. As he looked up, he saw another guard look down on him, then Rick realized had no choice, but to take the guy out of the picture, as he pointed at him with his spear and yelled,
"Hey, you, stop there!" Rick grabbed the spear, and pulled him down, Rick turned his body to pull him, and as he did, he saw the other two guards looking as their friend fell 12 stories head first to his death. They ran right under him and went in to a door. Rick pulled himself up into the window before realizing what he had done, he had taken a human life and he felt dizzy, sick, and had blurred vision. His body, not knowing how to react, started trying to analyze the situation, a man just died by his hand. Not much to look over there. As he started to gain back his sight, he herd the other two guards running up the stairs of the tower.
"We need to kill this guy and avenge Thunder."
"Yeah, no S*** Sherlock." Due to the echo of the tower, Rick could not tell who said what. But that did not, matter he needed to escape, and for that he needed a place to hide. As he ran across the hall of the tower, he came up to a door, it was massive, easily a 15 foot double door, it was blue and had a moon painted on it. Rick tried to open the door and found that it was locked. Not only that but, it was a dead end. The guards were coming, their foots steps growing louder with each passing second. Rick tried to bash the door open, but it would not budge. Then he remembered.
"The SMG, it had a suppressor, I could use it to mow these guys down." As he pulled it out of the back pack, he realized he had no in hell idea what he was doing. First, he had all ready taken one human life, was he ready to take two more in less than five minutes? And second, he had never fired an automatic weapon before, let alone a Military SMG. As he pulled it out, he accidently pulled the trigger and shot off about 7 rounds, many of which, hit the door, but one hit the lock dead on and had opened the door.
"Well, there's a better solution." Satisfied with this different option, he walked in side. As he closed the door, he herd the voices out side.
"Where did he go? This is the only way he could have gone."
"Maybe he climbed down, lets check out side."
"Good idea."
"Wait, what's this." The guard picked up the shell casings and inspected them for a minute.
"They're probably nothing. Lets go before he gets away." They sprinted off and the guard dropped what sounded like 3 casings. The steps on the stone floor grew dim. As Rick pulled him self together, he looked around the room, it was empty as in no people, it had a large round bed, a balcony with an amazing view and what looked like the fanciest bathroom he had ever seen. Rick was tired form the recent event that had just happened to day, he went to lie down on the bed.
When he did he landed face up and just started to think.
"What am I doing here? I just wanted to get home and celebrate my birthday." Then his train of thought was interrupted when a shadowy figure was hanging on the beams above. As it fell down towards him, Rick realized that he was getting attacked, he rolled to the left, and off the bed, and where he had been a second earlier, was a girl. He looked for a second, she had blue eyes that reminded him of a beautiful night sky, a small nose and mouth, her skin was pale like a the sky one a snowy day, she was wearing what looked like a blue Military uniform, with a belt with a moon on it, she had a black cape, the coat was navy blue as well as the pants, she wore black boots and gloves that came up just under her knees and elbows, under her belt was a second belt that was crooked and on it hung a sheath with a sword in it. But the thing that made him most curios, was her hair, it waved as if it were a windy day, but there was no breeze in the room, and it looked exactly like the night sky with stars and on top of her head was a tiara. As Rick stared at what he thought was the most beautiful young lady, timed seemed to have stopped, or at least for him, because a second later she was attacking him again. She jumped off the bed and rose her right arm up. Rick however rolled to the left and noticed a blade come out from under her arm, what looked like blue dust seemed to have gone under her arm and made a knife. Just as quickly as Rick dodged her attack, she was already on him. Rick was now struggling for his life, with his left hand pinned under her boot, he had to use his right hand to stop the incoming Blade, as he grabbed her wrist, she punched him in the face with her left, stunned for a sec he lost his grip, when he came to, the blade was on its way towards his face, with a quick shift to his right she had missed by less than an inch, stabbing the stone floor with such force that the blade got stuck. Rick had to get away, so with his left knee he hit her in the butt, off-balance he threw her off him, and rolled out from under. As he stood back up he saw the blue dust again and it came out of the ground, with that the girl got her hand out easily, then the blue dust went back to her hand and made the blade again. Rick yelled in displease.
"Are you kidding me? How am I suppose to compete with that?" then the girl spoke to him, in a booming voice.
"You are a skillful warrior, thou has lasted much longer than I had expected." Rick confused replied as he pulled out his combat knife.
"So you must be the reason I'm here." With that he leaped forward, thrusting his blade forward, with the girl responding with enough speed to make it look like she was not even trying. She blocked the blade and kick Rick square in the chest knocking him back.
"Okay, lets kick things up a notch." He said this as he pulled out of his pack, a 23in Machete, then the girl replied.
"I thought thou would never ask." As she pulled out her sword,out came more of the blue dust came out and floated for a while before going in to her hair. And as if rehearsed for a movie, they clashed blades. As they broke away, Rick stayed up but the girl was off-balance, Rick then pounced and jumped, but not on her. He was stuck in mid air when he saw again the blue dust, but it was around him.
"Does thou really think you could have defeated me? And with that she tossed him to the left wall then to the right and up and down and took him to the top of the room and dropped him 15ft down. Rick, flat on is back, was unable to comprehend what just happened, not only he got beat up by a girl less then 3/4 his size, she just tossed him like a rag doll. He was struggling to stand when he saw the sword next to his face when the girl said.
"I, Luna have defeated you, a worthy foe, now, I will spare thee, if you give me the key.
"What?!? What key? What are you talking about?" asked Rick in confusion. Then Rick was tossed by Luna towards the wall farthest from them with the blue dust, as she walked to him she said.
"Don't play dumb with me, I have defeated you, I am sparing your life, show some honor and give me the key!"
"Sorry, Luna, I...Don't...Have...It..." said rick as he fell in to unconsciousness. Luna then released and put him on the ground, then she began to search him and both his packs. But, unknowingly to Luna, Rick had faked passing out. As she kept looking she pulled out matches, Trauma kit, and pepper spray, Luna, However, made the mistake of putting it next to Rick. He quickly grabbed it and sprayed Luna in the eyes, she, as most people would react started freaking out,
"Ahhh, WHAT DARK MAGIC IS THIS?" Rick then pulled out the Colt and said.
"Not magic, American injunuity." Then smacked her across the face with the butt of the gun, and just like that Luna was out cold. Pulling out some rope from his pack, he tied her to the frame of the bed. She was fine, however, where there was suppose to be a bruise, with the flipped words Colt 45, was nothing. No bump, swelling, or redness was present. If Rick wanted answers on his whereabouts in where ever they where, it would start by having Luna talk.