• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 1,097 Views, 47 Comments

The End With a Start - naimsosa

Crossing street + Hit by an 18 wheeler, should not equal being alive in a dungun, let alone with the bug out bag you had created for a zombie attack.

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Dec 23 2022

Unknown Location

9:40 pm

Rick was physically exhausted from the battle that had just occurred. He was a state champion wrestler, starting varsity football player and had gone to some of the toughest sports camps in the country, and yet he got his butt handed to him by a girl, that he was a foot taller than, she had dainty hands and just like it was nothing, she through a 220lbs man at a wall like a rag doll. Rick's pride was not the only thing he was worried about, why was he here? Where was here? and How was he going to get home? He decided that he would ask Luna, but for now he would rest, she was out cold which should give him a few hours to relax. As he lay on the bed, the same bed which Luna was tied to at one of the posts, he started thinking.
"What was the blue dust that made that blade, and why did it look like the blade from Assassins creed?" as Rick fell asleep he pondered about his family and what they could be thinking.
"Do they even know I'm gone? If they do, where are they looking for me? And who in Hell was that man that gave him that bag?" As he kept thinking, he eventually fell asleep, so soundly that only being next to a running train, could wake him up.

Dec 24 2022

Unknown Location

2:30 am

"Untie me at once, you foul being, I am Princess Luna, Leader of the NLR, and not your prisoner!" This shout was enough for Rick to fall out of his deep slumber and stand like he was in a military boot camp, while saluting.
"Sir, Yes, Si... Wait what? I don't have to do anything you say, you're not in charge here, I am." Rick, realizing what just happened, lowered his hand and grabbed the SMG out of the back pack.
"Wh...What is that?" Rick noticed the fear when Luna spoke, she had no idea what Rick was holding, then he replied calmly.
"Oh, this? It's nothing, just my...motivational device." Luna then looked at it then laughed.
"You expect me to beliv...." Luna was then interrupted when Rick pointed it at the post behind her and shot off a few rounds, though, it was suppressed, so the sound was not what frightened her, but when she looked behind her the post had bullet holes in it, so that if kicked the post would fall apart.
"Oh, okay, what is it you want? Money, Power, The NLR, SEX?!?" Rick was uneasy when he heard what she was willing to offer in return for her life.
"Wh...What are you talking about? I don't want any of that stuff, all I want is answers." Luna looked surprised by the response.
"Wait so you don't 'want' me?"
"No, look I am ready to offer you a deal, you give me what I want and I'll untie you, deal? Luna, after hearing this, was releved,
"Oh, okay, but I want something else as well." Rick seemed skeptical about what she was going to ask.
"Depends, what do you want?"
"I want to get out!" Then Rick pointed to the door and balcony.
"Um, the door is opened and the balcony is right there and it's open." Then, Rick noticed something, the fact that it was the middle of winter, the window is opened and the room felt like it was 70 degrees.
"Um, why is the room so warm if the windows are opened?"
"Before I tell you anything, I want to know who thou art, where thou art from and what kind of magic is this American Ingenuity?" Rick seemed a little surprised but then again in a place were a 5.4 foot tall girl, can toss you like you're nothing, they probably never heard of America.
"Okay, I'm Rick Rogers, and I'm from Salt Lake City Utah, in America." Luna then from nowhere let out a smile, to Rick it reminded him of the smile of his mother, a sweet reassuring face that would say 'it's alright I'm here' with no words. Upon the very look Rick stood Frozen in place as he stared at her.
"...is it?" Then Rick regained his mind and snapped back to Luna.
This American Ingenuity, what kind of magic is it?"
It's not magic, it science. Then Luna kicked at the half empty bottle of pepper spray, and gestured to the words under the name of the bottle.
"Then why, does it say, Works like Magic?" Rick took a second to think about what made it science.
"Oh, you see, it's a spray, that when it interacts with your soft bodly tissue, it starts a burning feeling." Rick looked at Luna and she had no idea what he was talking about.
"You know when you get a cut and it stings, well this makes the same feeling on your eyes." Even though the effects should have wore off by now, her eyes looked red and watery.
"Are you okay?" Rick looked at Luna with concern, if the effects had not gone away, that meant she was allergic to it.
"Oh yes, it's just my eyes still have that burning feeling thou hast told me about." Rick then knew if he just sat there she might go blind. He then grabbed his Bug-Out-Bag and pulled out the trauma kit, and pulled out some eye wash.
"Here, this will take the burning feeling away." Luna, then, was hesitant about accepting his offer,
"I refuse to fall for yo...AHHHHHH!" The spray was doing more damage, so without a second thought, Rick grabbed her chin and made her look up, then he pinned his chest to her chin as he used his hand to open her eyes.
"NO, NO, NO, I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!" Rick was struggling to keep her head still.
"Hold still! I'm trying to help you, it will only take a second." Rick finally managed to get her eye to open and he got a few drops in, then as soon as Luna felt releve from the first eye, she stopped moving and opened her other eye.
"See? It helps." Luna did not know what was more surprising , the fact her captur was helping her, or that the liquid actually helped her instantly.
"Wow, oh my, anything we have here would never work that fast, is that any more of that American Ingenuity?"
"Well yes and no, the kit is American but the drops were made in... well, I have no idea, where they're made." Then Luna smiled again, at that point Rick snapped.
"Ah! I can't take it anymore! You being tied up like that, it's driving me nuts, look I'll untie you, but you still have to answer my questions. Deal?" Luna seemed releved and by the look on her face Rick knew he could trust her.
"Yes, thank you." As Rick went behind her he pulled out a knife to cut the rope, but as he did he dropped it and it slid under the bed.
"Aww Crap. Wait one second." Rick pulled out his flashlight and looked under the bed, when he found his knife, he also saw a big wooden box, he grabbed his knife, sheathed it, and then reached for the box. The box was slightly heavy, but he could manage getting it out.
"What did you find under there?" Luna sounded a little worried Rick would not follow with his part of the bargain.
"Hold your horses Luna, I'm not exactly sure what I found, though I can tell you this much it sure is heavy."
As Rick finally pulled it out he realized why it was so heavy, it had a massive lock on it and the lock cutter would not be able to do a thing.
"Hey, Luna think you could use that blue dust of yours to open this lock?" Rick was expecting a yes or know answer.
"Um, if thou has not noticed, I AM STILL TIED UP!!!" Rick looked over then realized his mistake.
"Oh, right." Rick pulled out his knife carefully this time, as to not drop it. Then he began to cut.
"And one and two and... Walla, the rope is no more." Said Rick, with a playful tone in his voice. But Luna did not laugh.
"So now that I'm free I am ready to answer any of your doubts." Luan stretched her arms and then sat on the bed.
"Okay then, where am I?" Rick asked as he moved towards the box and inspected it.
"You are in Equestria." Luna seemed so calm, then Rick, got all up in her face.
"NO, where am I, as in, what is this place?" Most people would jump if a man nearly twice their size yelled at them, but Luna was calm and collected.
"Oh, this place Canterlot Castle, The base of operations for the Solar Empire..." Then Luna Froze, but at the exact same time, Rick stood up, and they both positioned them selves to fight again.
"So Luna, I guess as soon as you're done telling me what I want, you would call your soldiers in and have them take me away." Then Luna's smile was replaced by fire and rage in her eyes.
"Like I'm suppose to believe that, you're an assassin aren’t you, on a mission to kill me, so that Princess Celestia does not have her war trophy, and have the war end!"
"What?!? First of all, I just escaped from a dungeon, climbed a 12 story tower, killed a guy. Then I ran here and lied down on your bed to hide and rest, that was when you attacked me. How am I suppose to be an assassin if I don't even have the slightest clue who you are, or where I am?" After hearing this Luna seemed convinced about Rick not being from here.
"Okay, Rick, I believe you, but first sign of danger, and your 'American Ingenuity' won't save you this time." Luna lowered her Guard and Rick lowered his.
"Okay, who is this Princess Celestia?" Luna then began to help Rick understand by saying,
"She is the current leader of Equestria, the leader of the Solar Empire, and my sister."
"Okay that doesn't... wait did you say your sister?" Rick was surprised by this.
"Wow, you must have had some argument."
"She said I would never be a good ruler but so far I have done a good job at leading my troops against her, though, it wouldn't be the first time we fought, last time she banished me to the moon for a thousand years."
"Are you serious or just messing with me?"
"I am telling you the 100% honest truth, why is there not anybody in America that old?"
"No, I read a book about the very first guy who ever lived, he got to be 900 years old, but no one has ever lived that long besides him. By the way, if you really are over a thousand years old..." Luna then interrupted.
"1018 to be exact."
"Whatever, how did you survive? There is no O2 on the moon."
"Being a magical Person has it's advantages."
"But why the moon? She could have sent you to the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy."
"I am not entirely sure, but I think it had to do with the fact, that I am in charge of the moon."
"Okay, though I'm having a hard time believing it, though, I see now why you're called Luna, your name in Spanish is moon, and by the sound of her name, I'm guessing Celestia raises the sun?"
"Yes, exactly, and she leads the Solar Empire."
"And you the New Lunar Republic, right?"
"Precisely." Rick then asked her his next question.
"If this is her base, why are you here?"
"I was taken prisoner, after a battle, I gave my self in so that my troops would be allowed to live. Rick then began to think to himself.
"Should I tell her that her troops are being executed just below her? No it would just brake her spirit." Then he spoke.
"Well that was a noble sacrifice."
"Thank you." Then Rick started to think out loud.
"Okay I'm in Canterlot Castle, in Equestria, ruled by a monarch with a sister who she is at war with. Now why is it 70 degrees in here, with the windows opened, In the middle of winter?" Luna rolled her eyes and started to explain.
"The reason it's not snowing, is because the Weather people have not been out putting the clouds up for snow." Luna seemed pretty satisfied with her dumbed down version of her explanation. Though Rick was not.
"What? Are you telling me You make the weather?" Luna then continued to talk.
"Not me, the weather patrol does, or at least they did before the war. Why do they not have a weather patrol, in America?"
"No." Luna seemed surprised by his response.
"Then, who doth controlleth the weather, who makes it snow?" Rick didn't know what to say for a second.
"Well, no one does. Mother Nature calls the shots."
"Oh, does this mother care for all her children?" Again, he did not know how to respond.
"No, no, Mother Nature is the earth, the planet decides what the weather is like." Luna seemed satisfied with that. Then Rick walked up to the box he had gotten from under the bed.
"Hey, Luna, now that were back on the same side, how about you open that there box?"
Luna shrugged, she rose her hands and the blue dust started to surround the box, as she began to unlock it, 20 different bolts came out the sides, when the box was unlocked, Rick walked up to it and flipped the lid. In side were two more boxes, one was small, about the size of a rubiks cube, 3X3X3, the bigger of the two was wooden and had chains and a pad lock on it. Rick took the smaller box and opened it, in side was a note.
What does it say? Asked Luna, her voice sounding like a little 5th Grade girl.
"It Says":

Hey thanks for helping me back there.
Really sorry about the truck hitting you,
I ran back to see if you were ok, but you weren’t.
I said if you helped me, it would help you,
now I’m returning the favor.
Inside the other box are three things that will help you.
One will be for attack, another for defense, and the pack has all the supplies you’ll need.
Don't waste them!

Dr. DT

p.s. She is a sweet girl. Don’t let anything happen to her.

"What does it mean Rick?...Rick are you ok?" Luna kept speaking, but Rick was not listening. He sat there for a moment, thinking.
"This Dr. DT is the reason I'm here, and by the sound of things, I didn't make it after the crash."
"Rick are..." Then Rick shouted at Luna.
"Quick, the bag."
"I don..."
"I NEED IT, NOW!" Luna without question got him the bag, Rick then took it and opened it and took out the lock cutters and placed them on the lock and snapped it shut, cutting the lock.
"What's inside?" Luna tried to get a look but Rick was in the way.
"I can't believe it."
"What, what is it?" Rick then stood up holding a KSG shot gun.
"I can't believe it, who ever this Dr. DT is, he clearly does not have a degree in Sociology. But what ever he wants me to do, I think he wants me to start by getting you out of here." Rick then went down and began to search through the rest of the box.
"Okay, lets see what we have here, Extra ammo, for The KSG, a 9mm Pistol, suppressers for both guns, some pepper spray, and...C4?"
"What is C4?"
"In simple terms...Our ticket out."