• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,883 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

Technical Shizzle-Wizzle, it's tough, like life.

It had been a few days, Xero made plenty of money, he had stopped all crime in Ponyville, even the minor stuff, he was paid well.

Settling on taking odd jobs, Xero was busy amassing a stock of money.

Searching the forest, he found a really high up cave that stretched all the way down the mountain, it was full of materials to make stuff with.

Starting with a basic computer setup, Xero worked for hours on the tech he had, improving it in all parameters, and generally making it better.

Making the necessary machinery, Xero decided to counterfeit several million bit units in coins, using obsidian to make dark bits, which were worth 1,000,000 bit units, he was set, he always wanted to counterfeit money, now was his chance, setting up a sanitation chamber, a charging station, a Fi-Fu reactor, all the stuff he needed, he was a fast worker, quantity over quality, however, but fast all the same.

He bought a house, decorating the inside with black wallpaper, marble floors with dark blue carpet, and having blue circle designs on the wallpaper, Xero decided it was time to get some clothes.

Entering Carousal Boutique, the tall-ish man called out to Rarity.

"Hey, I have some money, I need some new threads." he was feeling ghetto for some reason, probably unresolved issues with his technological parts.

"Comiiiiiing." the fashionista chimed.

"Oh, hello Xero, what a pleasure to see you here again, you've come to buy some clothes?" Rarity asked.

"No, I'm here for a bottle of jack and a lap-dance, OF COURSE I'M HERE FOR CLOTHES!" Xero rebuked.

"Calm down, darling, it's not that big of a deal." Rarity said.

"Right, sorry, I just get angry in short, intense bursts, but yes, I'm here for clothes." the blue haired man replied.

"Okay then, follow me darling." Rarity directed.

Xero followed the fashionista, ready for anything.

Getting measured was easy, the hard part, which made Xero want to pull his ponytail out, was the design instructions.

"Just make it simple, 2 jackets, 1 black and 1 blue, a few shirts, gray, black, and blue, with a big circle in the middle, like the Japanese flag." Xero explained.

"Right, the Japonese flag, just a big circle? Nothing else?" Rarity querried.

"Nothing else, no weird lines, ancient runes, spells to summon the devil, rhinestones, none of that shit, just plain cloth." Xero instructed.

"Right then, I'll just make those then, with such a simple design, I'll be done in less than 2 hours, you wouldn't mind waiting, would you?" Rarity questioned.

"Naw, I have stuff to do anyways, I'll come back in a bit to get them." Xero assured, he still had plenty to do.

Leaving without another word, Xero flew back to his mountain cave, he needed to work on some weapons, he liked weapons, and being armed, and killing things, and the sound the blood makes when it hits the ground.

Starting with an upgrade to the APS, he made it out of diamonds, the mining droids found plenty, he had a few dozen in stock.

The next weapon was an upgrade to the Boomknives, elongating the blades to 9 inches, an inch thick, with more powerful explosives and a larger grip.

The Bloodblasters were fine.

A new sword, called the Sephiroth, it was 15 feet long, 9 inches thick, made of mithril, a valuable material.

The Muramasa was next, using black obsidian for an extremely sharp blade, reinforcing it with more mithril, and the handle made of diamonds wrapped in white and black leather, it was a new Slicer/Blue Shark.

Getting into some serious bis-nash, he made the Catalytic lens, a gold handled lightsaber, red blade, and could shoot laser bolts with the press of a button, he was a fan of a lot of media.

The Steven was a heavily serrated diamond sword, it was for sawing things.

The Scorpion was a chain whip, the links were bladed, the head being that of a spear, he was on a roll now.

The Masamune, made with dark-matter, it weighed 1000 pounds and could break anything it didn't cut through, it was powerful, not much else could be done with it.

The Dragon Pearl, part of Xero's armor, it was a more powerful mouthpiece, by activating it, Xero could breathe poisonous fire.

The most powerful weapon Xero could think of without becoming too ridiculous, The Sword of Weakness to Swords, he put magic in this one, using RPG stat physics to support it, it would exponentially damage the opponent more and more, 1 damage on first strike, and doubling with every strike that followed, with Xero's ninja skills, that could quickly reach into the hundreds, thousands, and well into the millions and billions. He based it on an Elder Scrolls item, the Poison of Weakness to Poison.

The Wolverine, Xero was straight-up plagiarizing at this point, 3 adamantite blades, sharp and hard, he was having fun.

The Angel Blade was next, with passive perception enhancing technology, he would permanently be faster and smarter, with a blade made of blue painted red alloy, a combination of iron, carbon, lead, titanium, copper, and bromine, and a flat made of silver painted gold alloy, which added gold, platinum, and hydrogen into the mix, it was excellent. Overcharging it would boost his speed and perception up to Mach 5.

The jets on his boots got a boost in power, he rebuilt the Aeroblade and added lightning to the air-pressure slashes.

The Joy Colt was outfitted with Ultima rounds, super beefed up bullets, enhanced with armor breaking, incineration, light trail, and high explosive, Omega would be proud of this creation.

The Gravity Hammer, just like in Halo, same with the Plasma Pincer, just like the plasma sword in Halo, he got a lot of weapon ideas from video games.

He felt he was armed enough, he had 17 weapons now, 20 if you include dual-wielding the Wolverine, the Boomknives, and the APS.

Storing his weapons in a zero-space tech storage unit, a useful piece of technology, he went through the sanitation chamber, which removed everything that wasn't supposed to be there.

Leaving the cave clean and smelling fresh, Xero headed back to Ponyville, as that was the only place he knew where it was.

<<Ponyville transition>>

Landing back in the middle of town, Xero parkoured the rest of the way to Carousal Boutique, parkour was an essential skill in his arsenal of knowledge.

Skidding to a halt outside of the door, the tall-ish man entered the building with suave.

"Hello, am I early to pick up my clothes?" he asked to the open air, his British accent strong in his speech.

"Comiiiing." Rarity said to her unseen guest, she entered, only to see Xero there.

"Xero, did you scare off that fancy guest?" Rarity felt the human's passive scariness factor may have lost her a client.

"I'm the only one here, I'm a fucking Englishman in case you didn't know or even notice?" Xero chastised, his accent wasn't the thickest or the most stereotypical, but it was obvious.

"Oh, I had no idea, you're harsh speech masked it very well." Rarity tried to salvage positivity.

"Whatever, I just came by to see if my clothes were done." Xero got the conversation back on track.

"Oh yes, of course, I have them finished, they were completed a few minutes ago. Follow me darling." Rarity directed.

Xero followed the fashionista into the next room, his evil and vile mind plaguing his normal thoughts, he could pretty much do whatever he wanted here, no one would survive their objection to his actions, he could reign free. He stayed nice because he liked this world the way it was.

Checking the Grudge, he was planning on keeping it, the upgrade for it had it chambered in 1.00 OMG rounds, the plasma-like state of the projectiles and the bouncing off of this air mechanism would be useful, the scope could go out 50 miles, and the muzzle velocity was about 10 miles a second, this rifle was a beast.

He took in the sight of his clothing, it was great.

2 jackets, just like he said, 1 was dark blue, the other 1 was black, a grey shirt with blue circle, blue with grey, black with grey, black with blue, blue with black, grey with black, it was really nice.

"Nice, very nice, here, take this, I don't need it, I have plenty." Xero said, flicking over a dark bit and taking the clothes.

The tall-ish man left before he could notice Rarity passed out from the magnitude of his payment.

Luckily there were no differences in the pressing between the different bits, and no government tags either, so it was good.

Putting on his new blue jacket and the grey shirt with black circle, he took to the streets, enjoying the feeling of just walking.

It was simple things like this that made Xero feel human, and, unfortunately like Omega, he liked to feel human.

It helped him forget just how much humanity he had lost.

He felt better, the ever-present depression was fading from presence, slowly but surely, he felt better about being alive.

To him and Omega, being alive was the worst thing they could possibly be doing.

<<transition of time and space>>

Coming back into town, Xero found that everypony was hiding.

"Why the fuck are they hiding? And more importantly what the fuck are they hiding from?" Xero pondered, he felt a presence approaching quickly from behind.

Lashing out a foot, Xero stopped his attacker on a dime.

"SHIT, FUCK YOU, GET OVER HERE!" Gilda shouted, trying to get to Xero to claw him to pieces.

Xero just stabbed her right in the fucking face.

"No, FUCK YOU!" he flipped off the body and t-bagged it, and set it on fire.

"What was THAT?" Dash piped up.

"She was being a bitch, she deserved to get hurt, now, to be honest, maybe I should have killed her, but she's already dead and there's no going back, and no use in dwelling on the past.

"All she did was storm off like she was mega-pmsing, she didn't deserve to DIE!" RD chastised.

"She was a second away from clawing my face off, and I prefer my face to remain un-clawed and firmly attached to my head." Xero countered.

"She was getting violent? Oh man, maybe you did the right thing after all, she has violent tendencies, and she was kicked out of 3 schools for beating the shit out of teachers and students." Dash revealed.

"Right, whatever, got any marshmallows?" Xero asked suddenly.

"You just don't give a fuck, do you?" RD guessed.

"That's something that is essential when dealing with me, that and I don't hurt those who don't deserve it, like that griffon chick deserved it, but somepony like you wouldn't." Xero philosophized.

"I see, that's great, but you might want to move the body." Dash suggested.

"Right, on it." Xero said, using the air-blaster on the Wolverine that would normally clean it to blow out the flames, he picked the burnt corpse up and carried it far away, RD accompanying him.

"So, Xero, what all do you do?" Dash querried.

"I drink a fuck-tonne of tea, play video games, be a ninja, use swords to kill people, sometimes use a gun too, I recently got into counterfeiting bits to supply myself financially, I have just a big pile of dark bits laying in my base, which is protected by a large thick wall that could take a full grown dragon throwing itself at it and not even budge, and I've made myself an arsenal of weapons, in case there's danger." Xero explained at length.

"Wow, that's... interesting." Dash was unsure, Xero sounded less like a cool guy and more like a criminal himself, ironic because he was part of the police force.

"Yeah, I think this will be a good spot." Xero pointed out, landing down in the Everfree Forest and tossing the body unceremoniously into the darkness.

He rose again a few seconds later, the act was done.

"Cool, dude, so, I'll see you back at the pad?" Dash said in goodbye.

"Naw, I have my own place, but thanks for putting up with me for the time that you did, not many can manage that." Xero thanked, the pair soared through the sky.

Landing outside of his house, Xero entered, re-equipped his normal clothes, blue jacket with grey shirt and black circle.

Walking upstairs, he merely stared at the sky until nightfall, wisdom always came to him when he looked to the sky.

Sliding under the sheets of his bed, he silently wished that he would live longer.

He was starting to enjoy being alive.

Closing his invisible turquoise eyes, Xero drifted off to sleep.

He dreamt of happiness, of freedom.

He had both, and he would fight to keep them.

Author's Note:

again, OMG rounds stands for 'Omega Machine Gun' rounds.

Wrote this chapter all in one go, sorry for any mistakes, I don't really edit these before publishing them.

Xero is a fast worker, already has made plenty of personal progress, now to make interactive progress.

See you all next time, for that.

I <3 you all, byeeeeee.