• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,883 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

The Heart is "Blue, but so is "Death", Part 1

Xero faced the room, which was full of maniacal beings.


Well, foals, but it was the same thing.

Scootaloo, bless her heart, had brought him for family appreciation day.

He was fucking it up.

He had started with a brief life-story, which quickly became a question fest.

"Okay, that's it, ENOUGH QUESTIONS!" Xero shouted, making the students stop immediately.

The tall-ish man sat down in the chair provided at the front, he summoned the Sephiroth and began going over every inch of the 15 foot long blade with a cleaning cloth.

"Let me start from the beginning, back on Earth, the planet of my people, I was forced to kill 2 people that I had been forced to deal with for a long time, after that, I escaped, running far away from that place, I ran far, wanting to separate myself from the place I despised as much as possible, I found a secret order, they trained me, I showed them humility, and they showed me the ways to not need such a thing, I was a ninja, a brimish ninja, maybe, but that didn't change anything." Xero started his rant, pausing to breathe.

"I did everything perfectly, from fighting, to stealing, to escaping, to hijacking, to, well, whatever I needed, I did it without flaw, because flaws are, well, it's shaped like itself, it's a flaw, an imperfection, something that tells you what you've done that's wrong, and helps you learn what to do that's right, anyways, I'm getting off track, so, I got shot in the head with a large calibur bullet, there's no putting it lightly, any way of saying that would still convey the same message, I died from a hole in my bloody head. When I woke up, I had forgotten everything prior to my escape from my hometown, I was given a choice, fight for a shady company doing advanced black-operation type missions alongside a nerdy demolitionist, a girl with insane laser powers, and a beast of a man wielding whatever gun he wanted to, or, I could take another bullet to the head, and die, but I wouldn't wake up from that death." Xero went on, opening the door to the school-house to allow the extremely long blade to be cleaned entirely.

"I chose the first, it was logical, I could handle just about anything. I was given set of tactical clothes, some blades, and was sent out to deal with problems. I, somehow, did everything even more perfectly, dodging bullets and cutting open bodies, it was, it felt, it felt amazing, under the ninjas, I was bound by honor, now, not so much, but still plenty of honor to keep me in check, that's not the point, the point was that I felt amazing. I was in better physical condition than I had ever been before, I did everything with ease, I even found myself, funny enough, I found myself yawning while beating somebody's head in, practically falling asleep as I sliced through bodies and broke bones, shedding blood everywhere, stepping over my enemies, I'd have to say, the 2 highest costs that MBORF, the company I worked for, had to deal with that were pertaining to me, were laundering clothes, and video games." Xero gave a laugh at his last statement.

"So, let me got on with it. Fast forward several months, I thought I could handle anything, I was wrong. One mistake, one flaw, in my team's mission, I could dodge bullets, yes, but I couldn't parry them from the air, because of my limits, and my human team member's delayed actions, 7 soldiers, SEVEN, died, fatal wounds, I felt so horrible, regretting the development so much, then, I stopped caring, as I did with many things, the next mission was my last as an MBORF distinguished soldier." Xero continued, he was getting close to the end of his sword.

"Long story short, we had to kill an alien, it was hostile and there was no chance of reasoning with it, so we had to kill it before our enemy, Bio. Int., killed us with it. One of our teammates died during that mission, but as it turned out, all 3 of the humans, myself, and our leader, Omega, as well as the demolitionist, Askad, were intended to die, and MBORF was surprised and quite impressed at our hardiness. Unfortunately, not enough to let us live, we were jailed for a week, given increasingly more poisonous food, the higher-ups hoped that because of our base needs, we would eat it and die, we defied them, he were more disciplined than to give up, we knew what they were trying to do, and we wouldn't allow them to do it, we survived, killed them all, and took what was rightfully ours, we escaped, we would have been free." Xero paused, taking a swig of peppermint wine from his personal flask, the cool liquid calming him, and quelling the fire of anger that was burning at his throat

"At least, we would have been free, but MBORF doesn't like their subjects escaping, but we got out, we would have been free if they didn't interfere even more than they already had, we had to fight a Luna-damned ARMY, they were weak, they could hardly hurt us, but their plan was to whittle us down to nothing, they thought they could drain us, the death of a thousand needles, as it is called, they threw themselves at us in waves, me and Omega-" Xero was interrupted.

"It would be 'Omega and I', Mister Xero." Cheerilee corrected.

"Me and Omega," Xero continued, flipping Cheerilee off before going back to cleaning the Sephiroth, "We fought, and fought, and fought, we were determined to either move mountains, or die trying, we killed them all, they were nothing more than cannon fodder, just more targets to hit, more bubbles to burst, they wanted us dead for the sole reason of being told to kill us, they were offered a prize for taking down the big bosses, they failed, they all failed, they thought it would be 2 shots and 2 deaths, it turned out to be blood-bath, then, we fought her..." Xero stopped, he dismissed the Sephiroth and stood up, he walked up to the chalkboard, the black surface was waiting to be written on.

He started drawing, 4 sticks of chalk at the same time, 1 in both hands, and 1 being held by each of his wings, he continued his long-ass story.

"Our former teammate, the one who almost killed us, then she turned us over to MBORF to be executed, even after killing an army with just the 2 of us, she still thought we would die easily, we didn't, we wouldn't, we fought for hours, she tried everything she could, we still wouldn't go down. Even through a second round with the army we killed, only reanimated, like zombies, and our old friend, Askad, in robot form, giving us a negligable chance to win, we took that chance, and we expanded it, we won... or... well.... at least... I won." Xero stopped for a second, his ;eft hand stopping the drawing to wipe a tear from his eye, he had never wanted to talk about what happened, never wanted to think about it, and in doing this, he had never gotten over it.

"I won, at least, Omega.... was a completely different case, after we had killed the alien, before it died, it infected him, and when Omega died, the infection took over, he killed her for me, and then almost killed me. Funny enough, I'm the sword guy, and he's the gun guy, and he was coming at me with a sword, I stopped him with a gun, I didn't shoot him, though, I came close, but his own mind fought the infection away, temporarily. It's pretty traumatizing when your only friend, the one you pretend to hate, and despise, and you act like you want to kill, but you never do, that special friend who's there for you in your darkest hours, the last words they say are a plead for you to kill them. However, I accepted the truth, I couldn't save him, so he had to die, or else the alien would take over again and he's kill me, we'd both be dead. So, I... killed him." Xero paused his drawing again to wipe away several tears.

"Luckily for me, this story has a happy ending, after that night, I gave my teammates a proper burial, and escaped, my team, and what was left of my ties with MBORF, were gone, I ran far, I took on a new identity, they would know who I was if I called myself Xero, there were plenty of British people living in America, so I blended in with little difficuly, I honed my skills, and learned everything that I had so foolishly thought to be useless. It took me many years, but I found myself knowing everything I needed, I found a little girl, no more than 2, abandoned, I took her in as my apprentice, and together, we grew as people, I learned compassion, and care, I was like a father to her, and she was like a daughter to me, she learned everything I knew, I helped her learn all along the way, from tying her shoes to stabbing someone in the neck, and many more. She was known as Enid, the last hope I had for taking down MBORF, as they were still looking for me. My story ends at me and Enid taking to the battlefield one last time, she lived, and I, well, I don't really know what happened, I got sucked into a void in space and time, and I ended up here, made young again and given a bit of weaponry, it wasn't hard, I had a fully charged battery and was fit enough, though I was pretty damn hungry and thirsty, taking down a manticore and eating it, drinking from a lake of water, I was energized, and I made my way along the treetops, finding Ponyville. The rest of the story is history." Xero concluded, still drawing with the chalk, but no longer crying.

"Right, well, any questions? If so, you have 3 seconds to ask." Xero requested.

"Ooh, ooh, Mister Xero." one of the little ponies blurted out.

"Yes?" Xero querried.

"Um, if you were Brimish, then, how did you learn to be a ninja without going to Japone?" the school-foal asked, apparently, they were the only one.

"Culture moves, kid, they came to Brimain, and they found me. Any more questions, you have another 3 seconds?" Xero answered.

"*ahem*, Zero." Diamond Tiara started.

"It's Xero, not Zero, and if you did that on purpose, that is so cheesy you could make a 2nd moon." Xero corrected.

"Whatever, how did you find Scootaloo? What, was she homeless or something?" DT laughed maliciously.

Xero stopped drawing altogether, he turned to face DT.

"I'm going to kill your parents and leave YOU homeless." Xero threatened immediately.

"Wow, that escalated quickly, I mean, that really got out of hoof fast." Scootaloo joked.

"Good one, sis, I'm leaving sayonara, foals." Xero dismissed himself, busting out a light and speeding away before anypony could do anything, throwing a dark bit to pay for whatever the school needed, repairs included.

Nopony could react, Xero's drawing left them speechless.

He had unknowingly used neon chalk, which almost glowed in the lowered light.

They were impressed at his artistic skill, and felt threatened at the 4 figures that seemingly stared at them.

<<trusting transition>>

Xero, Ditzy, and Rainbow Dash were all working on the decorations to town hall.

Xero had learned 2 things, the clutzy blonde mailmare was named Ditzy, who liked muffins and was often called Derpy Hooves, which Xero thought was stupid, but then again, a name like Ditzy Doo was kinda ridiculous too.

The 2nd thing was that Ponyville was easy to inspire to party, or at least have a celebration, or whatever other thing that needed decorations, it was so common that the town hall itself had plastic screws and designated space to put up any decorations that were needed.

Rainbow Dash put a screw into place, hovering back to look at it, she narrowly dodged an errant bolt of lightning.

She looked at the end of her tail, which was now covered in ash, she looked to her offender, the gray mailmare who was bouncing happily on a storm cloud, unaware of the unintentional damage.

"Ugh, HEY, CAREFUL DERPY!" the cyan pegasus warned, flying up to face to the gray clutz.

"My name is Ditzy, not Derpy, okay, I'm a bit irritated that everypony keeps calling me that." Ditzy criticized, stopping her bouncing and (somehow) focusing her vision on the spectral maned mare in front of her.

"Okay, Ditzy, stop doing that, you're sending lightning everywhere and it's making a big mess of the place." RD explained, Ditzy looked saddened, she genuinely did not know about the damage she was causing.

At that moment, as if to escalate both pony's feelings, part of town-hall roof collapsed, Xero caught the pieces and righted them, repairing all of the damage in less than 9 seconds.

"Well, at least somebody works around here." the not-so-young-but-still-very-young man said cockily, gesturing to the rest of town-hall.

The whole thing had all of the decorations put up, Dash had only put up a single banner, Xero, ever the superiority fiend, set everything else up.

"Excellent work, Xero." Mayor Mare commended, her eyes filled with glee at the sight of an undamaged town-hall.

"Oi, nothin' to it." Xero dismissed, taking off, he had more important stuff to do.

Nopony reacted, they had learned enough to know that Xero tended to leave after the work was finished, especially fast when he completed it himself.

Flying through the sky, the tall-ish man spent a few hours training against clouds, keeping his skills fresh, making sure nothing went wrong, he kept this up for most of the day, if anypony needed him, they could find him easily enough.

Lucky for him, nopony needed him.

<<thirsty transition>>

Xero awoke to the sound of his window being crashed though.


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT AT..." he paused and checked the time "4 IN THE BLOODY MORNING, ANSWER ME OR I'LL STAB YOU!" Xero demanded, the englishman was sufficiently pissed off.


"I see, and WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT SOME STUPID SHITTY.... wait, did you say, cider?" the words only just now registered in his mind, cider was his second favorite drink in the world, first was tea, and third was wine.

"YES, COME ON!" Dash insisted, ripping the covers from Xero's body.

She did not consider the possibility that Xero would be naked.

He was.

"Usually I get a few bits, or a date, before this happens." Xero joked.

Rainbow Dash turned away instantly.

"Ugh, dude, just, put some clothes on." the cyan mare recommended.

"Well, I was just going to go out in public dressed in my birthday suit, but I guess I'll pass on that." Xero laughed, he grabbed RD around the waist.

The spectral maned mare was shocked silent, but her instant fears were relieved when she realized Xero was already clothed, and was now holding her against his chest.

"Hold on, it's going to be a ride." Xero warned, starting up his boost.

The pair zoomed off, Xero putting forth all the work for the duo, and still going Mach 5 speed.

Scootaloo trudged into the room sleepily, wearing a pale violet bathrobe, looking at the broken ice window.

"What was going on in here?" the orange young mare asked to no one in particular, picking up the magical condensator and fixing the window.

Trudging back into her room, she collapsed onto her bed and fell asleep again.

<<speeding ticket transition>>

Entering S.A.A. airspace in 1 or 2 seconds, Xero used the Dime Breaker to stop, using the spinning momentum to approach the ground.

The whole trip took 9 seconds.

Setting Rainbow Dash on the ground gently, the cyan mare had her tail tucked between her legs, she trembled for several seconds, shuddering in what was obviously fear, she opened her eyes, seeing there were a few hundred tents set up, she removed her tail from between her legs and trotted quickly, anxiously, to the front of the line.

Xero followed her, flipping off every single tent on the way, considering pissing in front of the entrances, but he decided against it.

It would have been funny though.

Coming upon the front of the line, the speedy duo found themselves facing a simple selling stand, with a pump, obviously for cider, the pair took their spot at the front of the line.

The apple family approached the stand, dozens of barrels of cider, destined to be sold and drank with friends or at least gusto.

Applejack rang the bell that signaled the start of cider selling season.

Many ponies exited their tents, the gaudy one up front contained Ponyville's party mare.

"Huh? Oh, HEY Dashie, HEY, uh.... Xero." Pinkie Pie looked down, trotting slowly to the stand.

She was not doing this out of some problem with being near Xero, no, the 2 were very close friends.

She was uncomfortable because she was unable to give him a good pet-name, or at least properly butcher his name without making him sound like a mare, because 'Xery' was out of the question.

"Hey Pinkie, what's up with all these camping fags." Xero querried, the gamer within him seethed in rage at the sight of so many tents.

"They're in line to get cider, obviously." Pinkie answered, bouncing in place.

Rainbow Dash trotted from the stand, happily holding 4 cups of cider, 1 on her back, 1 on each wing, and 1 in her hoof.

Xero was next, he bought 2, 1 for each hand.

Pinkie bought a Luna-damned pyramid of cups.

The trio happily stood off to the side, with Xero cutting him and RD in front of the line, RD didn't complain, so there was no issue with cider shortage, thus, those bastards Flim and Flam didn't have any footing when they showed up a couple of days later to brag about their machine.

"I'LL BUY IT!" Xero shouted at them, smacking them in face with 2 dark bits, kicking their sorry flanks the hell out of dodge and taking the intricate contraption for his own.

"And I'll sell it to the Apple Family for 1 bit." Xero announced, tossing several bits onto the counter and taking another mug of cider.

"Keep the change." he said suavely, gulping down the mug of cider with enthusiasm and almost ecstasy.

He flew off after returning the mug and flipping off the line.

Typical Xero.

<<injured transition>>

He sped to the hospital as fast as he possibly could.

After recieving a telepathic message from Twiliight, containing only a hoof-ful of words.

'Xero, Rainbow Dash has been injured, come quick'

He had decided to fly around the world, but that plan got pissed on by several factors, and Xero flew back to Ponyville at a mile a second, he approached the town, sped over it, and landed right inside the hospital, using the Dime Breaker to stop, and the Masamune plus his own strength to deny the spinning, dismissing the dark matter katana, he was at the front desk in a millisecond.

"Where is Rainbow Dash?" he demanded, not even so much as breaking a sweat.

"Room 314!" the startled mare at the front desk gave the information without hesitation.

Xero sped along the ceiling to the room.

He was on the ceiling for 3 reasons:

1; He could do that.
2; He needed to avoid colliding with anypony else.
3; fuck you.

Stopping outside of the room, Xero almost broke it off of its hinges in the process of opening it.

"Rainbow Dash!" he yelled, the red aura cleared from his eyes enough to show him that a doctor was injecting her with some morphine.

"Xero!" RD happily greeted, wincing in pain briefly before the morphine kicked in, she felt instantly better.

"Excuse me, Mister Xero, tou need to leave, Miss Rainbow Dash needs time to heal, she broke both her wings, I'm sure you understand." the doctor said calmly.

"I think you should leave, out of that window." Xero spat, he did not tolerate bullshit like this.

"Sir, please, exit the room, and come back in a few minutes, if you can't do that yourself, I'll have to call security, this is a serious matter, broken wings." the doctor insisted.

"I'll kick each and every one of their flanks." Xero countered.

"Ugh, fine, you can stay, just sit over there for a minute while I do a final run through of the examination." the doctor complied, almost everypony in Ponyville knew better than to deny Xero something when he got to the threats of violence, jokes of violence, it was okay, but Xero always kept his word when he threatened violence upon his opponent.

The medical stallion spent another minute doing a full examination of RD's wings, feeling gently for all of the damage, he wrapped them up in bandages and sealed them off.

"Alright, Rainbow, you're all done, you'll need to stay in the hospital for at least a week, these damages are only slightly not-bad-enough to not recieve heavy treatment." the stallion explained.

"A WEEK? I'll be bored to tears, why do I have to stay for a WEEK?" Dash complained.

"Only those who pass the dexterity test can be released early, you didn't pass, the main reason is to keep the bandages secured so that your wings heal properly, and to keep the pain away." the doctor explained.

"*long groan* *sigh* Damnit, why me?" Dash grumbled in frustration.

"Well, look on the bright side." the doctor instructed.

"What bright side?" Dash querried, not sure where this would go.

"Well, except your wings, your free to move around, kinda, so if you feel the need to get up and strecth your legs, you're free to do so, but you can't leave this room." the doctor revealed.

"Aw man, well, I guess it's better than nothing." Dash was saddened that she couldn't leave.

The doctor quickly trotted out of the room to tend to more patients.

"Well, I guess I could give you this." Xero said, he brought forth a stack of large books.

"What the fuck, dude?" Dash was confused.

"I wrote all of these, yep, all of them, it's all mine." Xero was lying through his teeth, he merely copied the books.

Setting them down on the bedside table, he allowed RD to read the cover.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?" the cyan mare read the title off.

"Also the Chamber of Secrets, the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, the Order of the Phoenix, the Half-Blood Prince, and the Deathly Hallows." Xero listed off the titles.

These books had meant a lot to him, he had copied every single word of every single page of every single book, and now, that information would be given to the masses of Equestria.

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff." Dash stated the obvious.

"RIght, well, sorry I can't stay and chat, but I need to instruct the Equestria Army on proper armaments." Xero dismissed himself.

"Oh, well, see ya late-" Dash was cut off by something.

Xero had kissed her.

Granted, it was on the cheek, and it was about 99% likely made in goodbye, but it was still a kiss.

"Don't piss off the people taking care of you." Xero warned humorously, exiting the room.

Dash felt the spot where Xero kissed her, it was damp, she held her hoof on the spot for a long period of time.

She was shocked out of her stupor when the other 5 of the Mane 6 entered the room and crowded around her.

"Dashie!" Pinkie gasped, getting really close to her spectral maned friend.

"AH!" RD cried out in suprise, she put one foreleg in front of herself for protection.

"We heard about what happened, it's terrible." Twilight informed.

"Why d'ya have yer hoof on yer face like that?" Applejack querried suddenly.

"Huh?" Dash didn't realize it, but her hoof had stayed on the spot that Xero kissed her on, so much time had passed that the moisture had dried,causing her hoof to stick slightly, taking a bit of effort to remove.

"Oh, I didn't notice that." the speedy pegasus tried to dismiss the oddity.

"How long will you be holed up in here, darling?" Rarity asked politely.

"It's gonna be about a week before the healing is stable enough to let me go, and even then, I'll need a place to stay for a while, I'll manage something, though." RD answered.

"Did you really break both of your wings, um, if you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy asked, hiding behind her mane like she had done thousands of times before.

"Yeah, I was going at almost sonic speeds when I lost control and crashed, like I said, it'll be at least a week before I can even leave, and even then, I won't be able to fly for about a month, don't want to agitate the damage." Dash responded, sighing in defeat.

"Is there anything we can get you?" Twilight querried.

"Eh, not right now, maybe later." the spectral maned pony replied simply.

"Oh, okay, well, if you need anything, just tell us, we'll be visiting a few times a day." Twilight informed, trotting out of the room.

The other 4 left in a similar fashion, assurances and departures from each of them.

"Don't worry Dashie, I heard hospitals are fun!" Pinkie tried to lighten the mood.

The cyan mare sighed in exasperation, she facehoofed several times, she was still hating the fact that she had to stay here.

Looking to the stack of colorfully colored books, she wondered if any of the lived up to their dangerous sounding titles.

"Well, I have nothing better to do, might as well." she accepted her fate, picking up the first of the books and opening it.

She read, and read, and read.

It was highly immersive.

Each and every one of the terms were easy to follow, with their explanations.

The beginning was always the best place to start.

She kept reading for hours.

Her senses dulled, diverting their potency to put her in a higher state of mind, she was interrupted by the book being gently lowered.

"Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy greeted merrily, always happy to see her long time friend at any time or place.

"Fluttershy, hey, what's up?" Dash was still recovering from the flood of mind power to her senses again.

"How've you been for the past 8 hours?" the butter yellow pegasus asked sweetly.

"I've been alrig-wait, 8 HOURS?" Dash was in awe, how had so much time passed?

"Yes, we first came to see you at 10 in the morning, you were admitted at 9 o'clock, it's 6 in the afternoon now, Applejack came by at noon, Rarity came by at 2:30pm, and Twilight or Pinkie will be here at 8 o'clock." the normally quiet-as-a-church-mouse mare answered, her voice carried much more power than before.

"I, I didn't even notice AJ or Rare, what did they do?" Rainbow Dash was confused at the event that had apparently gone by without attention.

"They stayed for a minute and left, seeing there was nothing you were doing or requesting." the pink maned pegasus revealed.

"Oh, I had no idea." the cyan pegasus said, she regretted not acknowledging her friends.

"Yeah, but, well, I haven't been able to talk to you recently, so I actually did something to get your attention." Fluttershy admitted.

Xero's presence had affected everypony, his own chemical make-up permeated the normally pure arcanosphere, which was directly linked to the biosphere, the magic was present in all things, taking as many forms as things that exist.

Fluttershy had become considerably less quiet and meek, though she was still below average speaking volume when talking normally, she was about 4 times less quiet than she was before.

Rainbow Dash was more aggressive to her enemies, but still lazy.

"Oh, well, sure, let's talk." RD accepted, getting back into a more comfortable sitting position.

Like that, the pair conversed for about an hour before somepony else entered.

It was a doctor, coming in to adjust the bandages and give another dose of analgesics.

It was Doctor Stable, the gruff, mean, cold hearted stallion who often took to pissing all over the hippocratic oath to fix ponies up.

He also had an addiction to anti-arthritis medication and making pessimistically optimistic remarks, along with other bad jokes.

Removing the bandages, the stallion opened his mouth to speak, the stench of sulfur and alcohol heavy in his breath, he loved to give a 'fuck you' to medical etiquette, mixing pills with alcohol.

"Hey, remember this Rainbow Dash, at least it isn't lupus." he cracked up at the confusing-if-not-in-the-field-of-study joke, it was either that, or a personal humor, with this guy, there was no telling.

"Yeah yeah, just get it over with." the cyan mare replied to the mal-dressed-but-nopony-gives-a-fuck-because-he's-too-respected medical professional.

"You should know that I keep a bone-saw in my hoodie, just for patients like you." Doctor Stable replied, his tone was even more negative than usual.

To prove himself, despite the lack of doubt, he brandished the sharp, fine edged tool, its entirety was made of steel, an invention that became publicly available in Equestria less than 10 years ago, the teeth and some of the body of the cutting device had dried blood on it, only kept on there to keep out the air and remind mis-behavers of its ability.

Rainbow Dash gulped in fear, though she didn't make it obvious.

Finishing up with the bandaging, Doctor Stable begrudgingly injected the analgesics into the temporarily-disabled mare, 2 shots for each wing, 1 in the nerve teminal for the primary feathers, and 1 in the nerve terminal for the secondary feathers.

Wings were more complex than most ponies, even pegasi themselves realized, the feather tendons were extremely flexible, and the entirety of wings themselves held at least a thousand nerve endings, even more if the pony was either an alicorn or just had big wings.

The feathers were connected to the nerves like hairs, so even they could feel things, this also gave the wings different... stuff, feather fractures, wing-boners, stuff like that, physical stuff.

The hoodie clad stallion injected all 4 shots, the pain that had begun to flare up in full force was extinguished by the analgesic liquid, RD sighed in relief.

"Thanks, doc." Dash said to the stallion, who was about to leave.

"Don't thank me." Stable replied, that was the end of his sentence, most ponies would continue by telling their conversational partner to thank another being or force, but not Stable, he simply requested to not be thanked.

Dash looked back at her yellow friend, who was standing a meter off to the side.

"Well, I'd best get going, it's a bit late and I need to feed the animals, I'll see you tomorrow Dash." Fluttershy dismissed herself, closing the door gently behind her.

"Alright, bye Shy." Dash said back to the departing mare.

Realizing she had unintentionally rhymed, she made a throat cutting motion to herself.

"Ugh, rhymes, they suck." she had gotten that from, guess who.

Xero, the brit hated rhyming when he was not trying to, it was just something he hated for no specific reason, like cake, or Omega.


<<smooth except for the transition block transition>>

Xero wondered about Omega, did the older, at one point younger than Xero, as Omega had died at 25, and Xero had lived to be 90, but Xero's body had been reverted to its youthful, healthy form, anyways, did the older man end up in some form of hell?

Did he kick the reaper's ass and take over as the master of death?

That wouldn't be very surprising, at least in Xero's humble opinion.

Did he end up like he had so un-eloquently explained to Xero the concept of the Navy Seals dying, "Seals don't die, they go to hell and regroup.".

Again, not surprising to Xero.

Did he get reincarnated or some shit?

Xero briefly wondered if anyone he had interacted with or seen in his 71 years of somewhat free life had actually been Omega in a different body.

Did he died?

He did.

Or maybe, he may have ended up like Xero, landing in a world like Equestria, forced to survive, to be diplomatic with the natives, assuming that there even were natives where Omega possibly ended up.

Maybe the tall, heavy-weight, Super-'murican man was not just in a world like Equestria, he was actually in EQUESTRIA ITSELF!

Xero took off as fast as he could, he would scour the world for his old-time companion, even if that meant doing stuff like temporarily abandoning his friends, he would happily do that just for a conversation with the red man.

Speeding wherever he faced, Xero accepted the challenge.

It was sunday, a new week for 40 hours of work.

Xero was finished by tuesday noon, if he were a farmer, he would have come back on a tractor and put in another 72 hours.

He wasn't a farmer though, he was a brit, and a ninja, and a soldier, he had pistol-whipped the armament manager of the Equestrian Military in the face for their stupidity.

Long story short, the E.M. didn't even have enough weapons to give every single soldier 1.

Total amount of weapons < Total amount of soldiers.

Xero had red-faced raged and almost beat the pony's head in, instead, he beat bars of steel into swords, he made too many to count in an hour, several a minutes, heating them to the right temperature with rage and advanced technology, shaping them into blades and tangs with well calculated strikes of an automated hammer, wrapping the grips up tighter than a nun's asshole eating warhead candies in winter.

He had supplied the E.M. with enough weapons to give each soldier 4, doing all of the work, making several different types of weapons, all in 1 day.

Less than 10 hours, and the whole military could be armed.

Xero did not fuck around when it came down to it, he worked fast and efficiently, not stopping for 10 whole hours.

He did his Luna-damned job, and he did it perfectly.

At least a million bits went into building repairs when he decided to make the axes capable of cutting through the wood that the ceiling was made of, and when he made the maces able to break through stuff like the building walls.

And what better way to test that than on the building itself, he was already there, and it was all repairable.

Let's just say, Xero did his duty, and Equestria could probably defend itself if it needed.

But right now, Xero was scouring the whole planet, even the ocean and caves, the mountains and deserts, everything.

Omega was nowhere to be found.

Xero cursed the powers that be for that fact, he had spent almost 2 days looking around the WHOLE FUCKING PLANET for his marksman ally, and he wasn't there.

At least Xero knew that the ponies were safe, if Omega had ended up in Equestria, he would probably do some freaky mutilation torture/genocide in his first few days.

Xero couldn't really judge, if Omega had ended up in some alternate Equestria, he would probably think that Xero would kill everypony and swear like a sailor all the while.

Returning to Ponyville, it had been 4 days since RD's crash, Xero looked over his calender to confirm this.

He saw it.

He had loaded the calender with not only all of the days, but the holidays as well.

It was wednesday, and friday was Hearts and Hooves Day.

The day of... well... exactly what it says on the tin, Hearts and Hooves.

Love and shit like that.

Xero knew it was time to make his move.

<<romance from someone who's not very romantic transition>>

He had a case of 'no balls' when it came to speaking his thought, even when he was practicing.

He wrote it down instead.

Thou art like a nightingale in the morning.

Oh how do I love thee, let me count the ways;

1: Thy beauty is more than that of the sky, the infinite blue, I dare say thou art more beautiful than something infinite.
2: Thy personality is like my own, but where the resemblance stops, the glorious differences begin, thou art as beautiful on the inside as thou art on the outside.
3: You make me wanna shout 'I don't feel like speaking like a posh, old-timey Britishman.'
4: I love you.
5: So, let's give it a shot, wadda ya say?
6: Yes = smile.
7: No = ten consecutive standing backflips, no wings allowed, followed by a smile anyways.
8: You should realize that an attempt at nswering 'no' will still result in answering 'yes'
9: ????
10: Profit.

Rainbow Dash read the letter, almost laughing at the jokes, she felt all of her emotions warring with one another, she didn't know what to say.

'Oh, wait, smile.' she thought.

She smiled at the bluish-black-with-white-highlights haired man.

Xero kissed her again.

It was one of love, there was no doubt, she kissed him back.

They embraced, for the sole purpose of getting closer physically as they were becoming closer emotionally.

The kiss went on for several minutes.

The pair only stopped to breathe, gasping and sputtering, taking in the cool air of the room by the mouthful.

"Wow..." Dash managed to gasp out inbetween her heavy breaths.

"Yeah..." Xero wasn't nearly as breathless, his body, under the management and regulation of technology, recovered in nary a fraction of the time of somebody who did not have the privelege of the highly efficient system.

They stared into eachother's eyes, well, at least Xero did, Dash stared into what she guessed was the area where his eyes were.

They were together.

Things were fine.

<<NOPE.avi transition>>

Things were NOT fine, NOT FINE AT ALL.

Shit had gotten real, went down, and hit the fan, in that order.

Long story short, I decided to skip a couple of episodes.


Three things:

1: Because of Reasons.
2: Fuck You.
3: I wanted to.

Now that you have been so eloquently informed of what has compelled me, onto the show again.

Dragons, motherfucker.

Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity went to go recover Spike from his rage-quit.

The young dragon returned easily enough.

The problem was the other dragons.

"You're not leaving alive." a red, buff teenage sounding dragon threatened.


"You took the words right out of my mouth." Xero came into the scene with force.

"Xero? How did you find us? Or know that we were in trouble?" the three mares were confused by his sudden presence.

"I sensed my marefriend was in danger, and like a good boyfriend, I came to her rescue." Xero revealed.

"I don't need rescuing." RD argued.

"These, these ARE, *ahem* LUNA-DAMNED MOTHERFUCKING CRAZY-ASS BAT-SHITTING DRAGONS!" Xero countered, effectively light RD's argument on fire and pissing it out, cremating the remains and throwing them to the wind.

The ponies and good dragon hauled their collective asses out of there.

Xero slayed the dragons like a true Britishman/Japanese Guy.

Mutilation with a sword.

He loved it, the rushing feeling of murder.

Calming himself again, he departed from the scene.

He needed a drink.

<<alcoholic transition>>

Waking up groggily, Xero found that he was in his pony form, probably just to take more booze, his mouth was sticky, his head was in pain, not pounding, just a headache, he needed fluids.

Turning his head slowly to the side, he looked at the mirror, his pony form was the same.

The same bluish-black-with-white-highlights mane, the long ponytail turned into a literal pony tail, light grey coat, blue-green eyes, fine pony teeth, the roman numeral looking X for a cutie mark.

He realized something was wrong, he could smell something like fruits and cinnamon, looking closer at the mirror, and then at his own hooves, he realized what was wrong.

He had either grown an extra set of legs, or he fell asleep during or after some rutting.

And the extra set of legs would be light grey, not cyan.

He realized what exactly happened.

He and Rainbow Dash had been having sex, to the point of unconsciousness.

Prying himself off of his marefriend, Xero stood slowly, he felt dehydrated, from a mixture of alcohol and activities.

Walking slowly into the kitchen, he poured a large glass of cold water for himself, with some extracts and juices from some healthy shit that would cure his hangover very quickly.

Feeling about a few dozen times better, he trotted back up the stairway and to his room again.

Entering his room, he found his lover slowly waking up.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty." he greeted warmly.

Dash groggily turned to see him standing there and smiling.

"Huh.... what?" she was still half asleep, but something about seeing her lover in pony form was a staple that held her in consciousness.

"I got something for your hangover." Xero could tell she had one from the way she woke up, slow and pained.

"Uuuuh, thanks." she managed to get into a more vertical sitting position and slowly reached over to the glass.

She graciously accepted the glass, while only half full, it still helped, she took slow, long gulps of the infused water, it cut through the fog that clouded her mind, distorted her perception, and tried to drag her back down into sleep.

"Aaaaaah, much better." the cyan pegasus said, draining the glass to the last drop, attempting to get into a standing position.

She collapsed again, though this time she was sitting on her haunches, which were quite a bit sore.

"Ugh, what happened last night." Dash querried, rubbing her head to try to coax the memories back.

"Do you want the long version or the short version? Well, basically, drinking some liquor to calm ourselves about the water-to-Cloudsdale thing, and then we fucked like bunnies." Xero explained concisely.

"What? That makes no sense, what's the long version?" the spectral maned mare was so confused that she didn't even pay attention to everything that Xero had said.

"That was the long version, the short version is; Stress solved with booze and sex." Xero explained very briefly.

"Oh, that... makes.... sense." Dash was still processing everything, her mind was already rebooting, when it finally clicked, she blushed.

"I see you figured it out, good for you, but come on, we should get to that thing with the moving the water to Cloudsdale." Xero directed, turning back into human form and picking the cyan pony up and holding her tightly, he flew at Mach 5 speed to the site of the water lifting thing.

<<a few seconds later transition>>

Coming upon the site, he used his usual techniques and devices to stop exactly at that point.

The Dark Ice (sapphire knife) and the Emperor's Demise (iridescent knife), as well as the Angel Blade gave him significant boosts to perception, to the point of everything else being in slow-mo.

Because of this, the stopping process was a lot easier than before.

Landing gracefully, he and RD looked around.

Several ponies were already there, and more were coming, the water lifting thing was still about 20 minutes away.

Twilight had set up a giant anenometer, the Wonderbolt female captain Spitfire was idly chatting with the lavender unicorn.

Xero equipped the Satan's Executer, his 6 eyed visor/power mask.

Stretching, as he hadn't done so at his usual time of 'a minute after whatever time I decide to wake up', he saw Dash almost prancing over to the yellow and purple pair of ponies.

Paying no mind to it, he continued his stretches, deciding to limber up completely.

He heard giggling, very girlish giggling, he looked around, spotting the now-trio of ponies stealing glances his way.

They all looked at him, when they noticed his terrible mask was looking their way, they all just gave little waves.

Xero decided to be in good spirit about it, dismissing the mask and and giving a little wave back at them.

They almost exploded in laughter, he chose to ignore them, continuing his limbering process.

Many minutes passed, soon enough, all the pegasi in Ponyville were at the site, getting their own warm-ups going.

Xero finally decided to enter the conversation.

"Hello chapettes, how are you doing on this fine Equestrian day." Xero went full Brit on them.

I suppose I ought to explain, he kept his accent suppressed for the sole purpose of staying incognito, a British accent was very suspicious in, say, the middle east, or something, but here in Equestria, he could essentially do whatever he wanted.

Nopony, not even the 'high and mighty' Princess Celestia could stop him, if he decided to go evil, nothing would survive, he was easily the greedier and more dark-minded between him and Omega.

He didn't go berzerk because he didn't feel like it.

"Hey, you're Xero, right?" Spitfire greeted, she sounded very laid back and relaxed.

"Yeah, how'd you guess, was it my rugged good looks or the fact that I'm the only human on the face of the planet." Xero replied.

"Still cocky as always, eh Xero?" Twilight joked.

"I prefer the phrase 'properly self-measured', Twilight." Xero answered the rhetorical question.

"Right, well, come on, we need to do this water lifting thing." Rainbow Dash insisted, pushing Xero to the front of the crowd of pegasi and standing next to him.

"ALRIGHT PONIES, LISTEN UP!" she shouted to the crowd, instantly gaining everypony's collective attention.


"Um, Rainbow Dash, there's a problem here." Twilight metaphorically shat on her cyan friends morale.

"Ah shit, what is it?" Dash braced herself.

"A total of 12 of your top fliers, each with scores about 11-13, are all incapacitated, they can't fly because of the feather flu." Twilight explained, metaphorically pissing on top of the shit that was threatening to completely break RD's morale.

"WHAT? 12? But, that's like, a lot of wingpower GONE!" Dash was on the verge of hyperventilation, she had just had a pleasant conversation with Spitfire and even bragged about not only her closeness to Equestria's only human, but about her inevitable success.

"It gets worse, you see, with 1 or 2 missing, and we could have still broken the record, but, with 12 gone, I'm afraid we might not even be able to lift the water to Cloudsdale." Twilight cast the straw that broke the camel's back, Dash was in full blown panic.

"This can't be happening, I can deal with not being able to break the record, but THIS? This is a disaster." the spectral maned mare was breathing heavily, getting light headed.

"Dashie," Xero got in front of his marefriend, grabbing her by the sides of the face and shaking her "CALM YOUR BLOODY TITS! We can do this, I can help." Xero shouted, luckily out of hearing range of everypony else, as that phrase was less-than-reputable.

"AAAAHHH, okay, whew, alright, we can do this, with everypony, myself, and you, we can do this." Dash calmed down greatly, standing with confidence, she took to the air, getting back into her announcer voice.


With all of the pegasi in the air, the group began the tornado formation that would lift the water all the way from out of the reservoir to the weather factory in Cloudsdale.

It was a slowish start, but the speed picked up quick, the tornado was working, maybe, just maybe, with everypony helping, they could do this.

Xero was barely trying, the speed of the tornado was nothing compared to what he could do, he decided to speed up.

The sudden increase of force almost sent the tornado of ponies out of balance, but it didn't, Xero decided to do the most bone-breakingly stupid thing he had ever done.

He was going to do this at Mach 5 speed.

Flying out of the mix, far into the sky, he broke the sound barrier, and flew back, the power of the blast turned day to night to day for several seconds, luckily the tornado did not break in that time.

He flew back, at Mach 5 speed, he entered the tornado again, turning it into the land equivalent of a high grade hurricane.

The water blasted into the sky, landing perfectly in the weather factory's rain container.

The ponies steadily broke off from the formation, soon only Xero was left.

The tallish man slowed down, but, when he looked at the weather factory, spotting a bit of darkness from the rainbow sector's workers, he lost balance.

Going into the air at 1000mph, Xero almost blacked out at the uncontrolled force.

Going several miles into the air, his ascent stopped.

He descended.

Going faster and faster, reaching terminal velocity in 9 seconds, he fell.

And fell.

And fell.

And landed.

He blacked out, managing to slow himself enough to not die, and even though he equipped the Power armor, he was still knocked into unconsciousness.

He felt something tugging his mind away from the land of Equestria.

<<plane of existance transition>>

Xero rose to find himself on a battlefield, the ground was white, he stood, and saw...

"Xero?" Omega querried.

"Omega?" Xero querried back, he looked Omega up and down, his hair was a slightly lighter shade of red, but his attire was what caught Xero's eye, the yellow eyed visor, the red shirt, the metal collar plate necklace thing, the mouth covering, the boots and gloves were Omega's own, the heavy metal gauntlets with attached guns, it was obvious.

Omega was wearing a re-colored version of Xero's armor, and Xero was wearing a re-colored version of Omega's armor.

"You COPYING BASTARD." Xero shouted, charging at Omega, he didn't know why he was so pissed off, but he couldn't control himself..

But even with Xero's enhanced strength, he was no match for Omega's normal strength, the enhanced reflexes from Omega's copy of the Speed suit must have helped too.

"You're really getting mad about this?" Omega skepticised, Xero knew that Omega knew that this was ridiculous.

"Fuck you." Xero stated, jumping away, still very nimble even in the heavy-ass Power armor.

"How'd we get here?" Omega questioned, looking around, the sky was red, but the ground was white, the only hint of color was shadows of bumps and other stuff on the ground.

Xero stared at Omega, when the red clad man noticed, he used a red magical aura to summon a cigarette.

"I don't know, if we got here the same way, then we probably stayed in Equestria for about 20 months, got to dating on Hearts and Hooves day, and just yesterday, lost our virginities to our marefriends." Xero proposed the theory.

He hoped this was the same for Omega, though the younger man was lying about his own virginity, he had lost that long ago, when Kary took advantage of his bound body before the escape.

"Uh huh, so, um, yeah, that did happen, so, who's your marefriend in your Equestria?" Omega asked, trying to make small talk.

"She's none of your bitch-ass business, but if you must know, it's Dashie." Xero revealed, he didn't really want to act like an asshole, but Omega did change the subject too fast..

"I see, I'm with Twily." Omega responded.

"Wow, really? Nice catch man. Anyways, any last words? I can feel some mouth to mouth resuscitation going on, so our time talking will be cut short." Xero congratulated, he knew Twilight must know all the tricks, though she probably lacked any of the experience.

"Yeah, how'd you get a copy of my armor? You never did any science shit, and I doubt you just 'made it from memory'." Omega asked, Xero was almost offended at this doubt of his intelligence, but he had to admit that he didn't act very intelligent in his youth.

"I grew up man, I moved on, I learned, I got an apprentice, Enid, she has skills man, take 3/5ths of us, and change the Y chromosome to another X, and you have Enid, but the point is, is that I learned man, I'm happy to see you again though, it was great to be able to talk to you again, if only for a little while." Xero explained, feeling pride at the analyzation of what all he had done in his life.

"It was nice to see you too man, listen, I've got to get back to the ponies, and Scoots." Omega said, Xero felt lighter.

"Sister?" Xero asked, trying to stay in this area as long as possible.

"Yeah, what, same with you?" Omega asked back.

"Yeah, well, this is goodbye." Xero said, he felt regretful that he could not stay longer, fading away.

"Bye, friend." Omega said, he was fading as well.

"Tch, fuck you." Xero said in his final words, he didn't like leaving so soon, he had so many loose ends to tie up.

"Fuck you too." Omega responded, Xero barely heard it, by the time Omega finished his short sentence, Xero was already gone.

Fading from the area, Xero returned to the conscious world.

<<plane of existence transition>>

The bluish-black-with-white-highlights haired man found himself being mouth-to-mouth rescucitated, by Rainbow Dash, of course.

He grabbed her head and pulled her in close, kissing her hard.

Separating the her from his face, Xero stood up, putting a hand to his head.

"You know, you're only supposed to do that when somebody is drowning, right?" he gave a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, I know." the spectral maned mare replied with her own cheeky smile.

"And the water is all gone." Xero continued, his cheeky smile was reaching cheshire cat levels.

"Yeah, no water stopping you from breathing, your welcome." RD smiled wider as well.

"Well, thank you for saving my life, I suppose a reward is in order." Xero was being completely sarcastic, he kissed her again.

It was a peaceful moment.

"Wow, nice work Rainbow Dash, you broke the record and saved a life." Spitfire congratulated, not aware of the fact that Xero had not actually been dying.

"Yeah, I did, it's nothing, just doing my job." Dash didn't let her sarcasm show, dismissing the compliment.

"Well, I'll be sure to pay extra attention to you record when I get to it." the fiery maned mare replied.

"When... you.... get to it?" Dash was confused at this revelation.

"Dash, I'm only 1 pony, and while Soarin' is just as high on the chain as I am, I'm the one who goes through the records, I don't get much time each week to go through them, and they're in alphabetical order, so R is pretty late on the list, like I said, it'll take a while, but it won't be too hard to get in for you." the yellow pegasus explained.

"Oh, I see, alphabetical order, my long-time enemy." Dash hated the ordering system, it always favored everypony but her, it seemed.

"Right, well, like I said, good job, I would love to stay and chat but I have more productive things to do at the moment." Spitfire dimissed herself, flaring her wings out and flying away.

"Well, that was cool." Xero said, walking away as well.

Rainbow Dash flew away from the scene as well.

Xero walked all the way to Ponyville, before he could cross the threshold, Scootaloo swooped down in front of him.

"Hey bro, did ya see me helping out with the tornado?" the young mare asked cheerily.

"Yeah, I did, you were great, but personally, I think that you, me, and Dashie could have done it all by ourselves." Xero revealed, he was being honest.

"You really think so?" Scootaloo was happy at the praises from her older and wiser sibling.

"Hell to the yes, come on, you can do the Sonic Starboom in 5 seconds, I can go at Mach 5 speed, and Dashie is the only other pony I know who has the skills and power to break the sound barrier, we could easily get that water up there." Xero assured.

"Awesome, hey, have you by any chance seen Sweetie Belle and/or Applebloom recently?" the orange pegasus querried, she wanted to spend some time with her friends.

"Yeah, I think so, they were at that clubhouse thing that you 3 have, I saw it when I was putting some distance between me and the site of the water lifting thing so I could safely do the Sonic X-Boom." Xero recalled the snippet of information.

"Thanks bro." the violet maned pony lilted, giving her brother a quick hug and flying off to see her friends.

Xero watched her fly away, he felt pride swell up inside him, he had helped his sister grow into a better pony, not only much more healthy and warm spirited, but more confident and a really damn good flier too, he jumped onto the rooftops and did some parkour, he trained his skills, metaphorically coating them in WD-40.

Things were good.

Peace, happiness, love, and above all.


Xero still clung to his old life though, he didn't want to let go of the memories.

He wanted to never forget.

Never forget.

<<young pony transition>>

Scootaloo flew through the air, landing gracefully in the clearing where the CMC clubhouse was, it looked renovated, probably Applebloom's doing, she entered to see her friends, who turned to look at her.

"Hey girls, what's going o-" Scootaloo stopped and stared.

Her best friends, they had their cutie marks.


Sweetie Belle's was a pair of, well, bells, the same colors as her mane, they were tied around the neck of a big, fat, light gray songbird, which had a note-line-set coming from its open beak, the set stretched all the way down Sweetie's hind leg, stopping a few inches from her hooves.

Appleblooms was an apple with a hammer and a saw crossed over it, a paint brush had painted half of the red apple green, and a bucket of paint was tilted over, spilling a depiction of a wave of paint down Applebloom's hind leg, stopping a few inches from her hooves.

"You got your CUTIE MARKS." Scootaloo stated the obvious.

"Well, duh." Applebloom replied casually.

"I mean, like, HOW, and WHEN, and WHAT?" Scootaloo querried, vague but understood.

"I was practicing my singing with some bells, and a big ol' songbird joined me, it was then that I realized that my talent was my beautiful singing." Sweetie explained.

"For me, I was, well, I was renovating the place, nails and hammer, wood and saw, some apples to eat and some paint to make it look pretty, and when I looked at it all, I realized I was a really good all-around builder." Applebloom explained.

"That, is, SO AWESOME!" Scootaloo did the 'why wub woo' face.

"Heh, yeah." the yellow and white fillies responded simultaneously.

The close friends shared a three way hug, they were no longer the Cutie Mark Crusaders, no.

They were the Neopolitan Maidens, because I haven't been able to come up with a better name since OPHL.

The name works well enough, right?

Neopolitan, referring to the ice cream, is 3 different flavors together, no boundaries, just 3 flavors, being together.

Maidens, referring to women, females, and these 3 are females.

So it makes sense, or at least it should.

They had their cutie marks, they were happy, this was a happy moment.

This was a really happy moment.

<<leaving this moment alone transition>>

Xero faced his prey, the one thing he had purposefully kept himself from, just to keep his body healthy and desirable.

A sandwich, with meat in it.

He had gone completely vegetarian for the past almost 2 years, he had needed to detox, that took way too long, so now he was going to eat this.

Taking a bite of the delicious BLT, he reveled in the taste.

He was doing this because he going to a picnic, with all 6 of the Mane 6, as well as his little sister and her friends.

He needed something besides the lord to give him the strength.

He gave a quick prayer.

"Lord, give me the patience, because if you give me strength, I'll need bail money too." he requested.

"Well, Lady, Lady Luna, the glorious, majestic, highness Princess of the Night." he corrected himself.

Taking an assassin style leap of faith from the porch, he fell 900 of the 1000 feet to the ground, flaring out his immensely strong wings, he glided all the way to the picnic site.

Things were great, life was peaceful, everything was just fine.

Xero knew that was a lie.

It was a lie, because;

If life was so great, peaceful, and fine...

Then what is up with that strange purple-ish forcefield around Canterlot?

Author's Note:

I REALLY like the idea of the CMC, having worked so hard, getting really fucking awesome cutie marks, and a legger cutie mark (a cutie mark that extends down the hind leg, usually stopping a few inches from the hooves or the ground) is really rare, and a sign of an extreme level of skill.

So if the Mane 6 had them, Twilight would have sparkles running down her leg, RD would have the tri-color lightning bolt running down her leg, Rarity would have large gems up top, then smaller and smaller as they went down, Pinkie Pie would have the balloon strings running down, Fluttershy would have butterflies going down her leg, and Applejack would have, similar to Rarity, large apples up top, then smaller and smaller as they go down her leg.

Sorry for the delays, but I hope that this chapter being extra long makes up for that.

I <3 you all, byeeeeee.