• Published 23rd Mar 2013
  • 320 Views, 0 Comments

The Death and Rebirth of Harmony - Charlie_K

An ancient foe reappears and threatens all of Equestria. Can the Mane Six save the world once more?

  • ...

Dark isn't always evil

Chapter 2: Dark isn't always evil

"Maybe it's something like a giant cannon," Rainbow Dash mused as they all sat by the fire, "something that uses emeralds for focusing lenses, and giant turbines that spin and glow when they're charged with pure magic. And when it fires I bet it could wipe out an entire mountain range in a single shot!"

The journey north had gotten off to a rocky start, not at all like originally planned. They had been forced to move out in haste, entirely unprepared and they were all very aware of that fact. However they were also aware of the fact that they couldn't let something like that stop them from actually carrying this mission out, there was way too much on the line to simply give up now.

Following Luna the Mane Six and Spike had trekked deep into the EverFree Forest on their journey to the ruins that lay in the north. Travel had been quick thanks to Luna knowing all about long-ranged teleportation, but unfortunately they had learned quickly that Luna's magic was not infinite. To cover such a long distance with seven ponies and a dragon all at once required a significant amount of focus and power to pull off, and once completed there needed to be a rest and recharge period so they could proceed with the next jump. But not being able to simply wait for that to happen they were forced to walk from there, to make up for the downtime they'd be facing.

And so they walked, deeper and deeper into the Everfree Forest, surrounded by strange noises and even stranger sights that just seemed to get all the more terrifying at Luna carried out her royal duties of lowering the sun and raising the moon. But as long as Luna was present they knew they were safe from the surrounding forest and what it held.

Finally the group had reached the point where they simply couldn't walk anymore and needed to set up camp and rest to gather own strength. Luna had graciously provided them with a roaring fire before facing due south and leaving the Mane Six to their own devices while she kept watch.

Right now Spike, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Flutteryshy and Pinkie Pie were sitting around the fire engaging in small talk and discussing the plan for the quest. However with Rainbow Dash's involvement talk eventually turned to things that were significantly more action-y in nature and she began musing on just what the artifact might be. In her mind it had to be a really cool weapon, like something seen in the movies and amounted to a doomsday device.

"Rainbow Dash, darling, I do believe you've become far too engrossed in those Daring Do novels," Rarity replied, having a hard time wrapping her mind around the very concept. Maybe those who were native to Cloudsdale had a better understanding of machinery than her as maintenance on her sewing machine was about as technical as it got.

"Well it's gotta be something pretty stupendous if it can defeat this Adimana-"


"-whatever. But still it's gotta be pretty kicking right?" Rainbow Dash reasoned.

"If that's the case sugarcube then how exactly are we supposed to retrieve it and bring it back to Ponyville? Something like that's gotta be a might big and heavy," Applejack pointed out.

"Well I...haven't exactly figured that part out yet..." Rainbow Dash replied and rubbed at the back of her head with her foreleg.

"Not to interrupt but shouldn't we be thinking on what to do about Twilight?" Spike spoke up and gestured over to the side where their companion lay away from the group, "we can't just leave her by herself to be sad."

The others glanced over to where Twilight currently rested, a good distance away from them, her shoulder shaking as her body was racked with quiet sobs over the loss of her mentor Celestia. Luna had managed to force her to pull her act together by yelling at her back in Ponyville, but she still hadn't been at the top of her game and still wasn't even now. All she'd said was that she wanted to be left alone for the time being and didn't want to talk.

"I tried talking with her earlier but she said she just wanted to be left alone. There really wasn't much more that I could do other than respect her wishes," Fluttershy said softly.

"Even the prospect of one of my Patented Pinkie Pie Parties didn't cheer her up any," Pinkie stated in a defeated manner. She wasn't accustomed to something like that happening.

"Maybe she just needs time to herself. None o' us've gone through a rough spot anything like she's goin' through right now," Applejack reasoned, "let's face it, none of us has lost somepony like she did. We're outta our league here."

There was a shared nod among the group at this point, as none of them really knew what to do. Trying to help might wind up making things worse. But that still didn't make it any easier for them as they watched Twilight's quivering form.

So...Rarity," Spike spoke up, feeling the need to say something, "were you serious about what you said earlier? About Princess Cadance?"

"Oh absolutely Spike. Certainly there must be a nonviolent option available if we simply look for it. We were certainly able to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord without having to resort to...killing them," she said, acting as if the word left a foul taste in her mouth, "I'm a lover rather than a fighter. And considering Princess Cadance's powers during the wedding incident it just seemed like a natural solution," she explained.

"Yeah...speaking of that, I've...kinda got a crazy idea..." Rainbow Dash spoke up.


A dozen or so yards away from the Mane Six Luna sat by herself facing the south, with her eyes closed, head turned toward the sky and her horn glowing. They may have been resting while she replenished her magic, but there were sill many things that had to be taken care of right now. Celestia's sacrifice to buy them time to escape would not go to waste if she had any say in the matter.

However her focus was shifted when she felt the presence of Twilight stepping closer to her.

"Princess Luna?" she practically croaked. Luna sighed and opened her eyes, noting the unicorn's puffy and tear stained features. She had indeed been crying a great deal.

"What is it, Twilight Sparkle?" she asked.

"Is Princess Celestia really dead?"

"...I do not know," Luna replied simply and hung her head, "Celestia's Supernova is not something that would be used if the situation was not dire. But that does not tell me her fate," she said as she closed her eyes again, "however I do not have the luxury of mourning for my sister's possible passing. I have been entrusted by her with protecting everypony present and I must give that my full attention. There are still many things that I must tend to in addition to my duties do you and your friends."

"I'm sorry," Twilight apologized.

"There is no need to be sorry. It is natural to feel grief over the loss of a loved one. However the extent to which we allow ourselves to be consumed by that grief is something that must be controlled. We cannot afford to drown in an ocean of our own misery and become unable to function," she explained, receiving a nod of understanding in response.

"Princess Luna?" Twilight asked after a beat, "why did Princess Celestia choose to bury Adunamai under the mountain to Canterlot? If it's so dangerous why didn't she do something like banish it to the moon where it couldn't hurt anypony even if it did get loose? Or what about...what about hurling it into the sun? Wouldn't the sun have been enough to...to stop it?"

"I do not claim to know the reasons for which my sister made the decisions she did. Her reasons were her own and I can only assume she knew what she was doing at the time," Luna replied, and then paused, "I cannot speak with regard to hurling Adunamai into the sun. As to the moon however, I can only venture a guess that it is related to the seals that kept it contained for so long. Something buried in close proximity is far easier to keep tabs on rather than something that is disposed of hundreds of miles away."

"Are you bucked in the head or somethin'!" Applejack's voice bellowed from behind, ceasing any further discussion between the two magically talented ponies. Looking back in the direction of the fire there was definitely some sort of argument going on.

"It never ends," Luna sighed as she stood up and walked over to the group with Twilight following close behind, "what is the meaning of this?"

"It's nothing princess, just a difference of opinion that's all," Rainbow Dash stated.

"Rainbow Dash wants to return to Canterlot and release Discord," Pinkie Pie stated.

"What? Is this true Rainbow Dash?" Luna asked.

"It's not like it sounds Princess Luna, honest. Well alright maybe it is but hear me out. When Discord got free the last time he turned us all into things we weren't. Applejack, you were the biggest liar in all of Ponyville. Fluttershy got turned mean. Fluttershy of all ponies! If Discord could do that then surely he could turn Adamaba-"


"-whatever. He could make him as weak and helpless as a newborn foal without even breaking a sweat, right?" Rainbow Dash theorized.

"That there is jus' plain buckin' crazy RD. Why would Discord help us even if we were ta let'im outta his stone prison? And even if he did help us we'd have to deal with him all over again, an' he was hard enough the first time," Applejack countered.

"Yeah but we're stronger this time around! We're more organized, we wouldn't become fractured and we'd have the Elements of Harmony. After we get Discord to help us we just put him away again and save Equestria all over again!" Rainbow Dash defended.

"Enough!" Luna interrupted to stop any further arguments. What had she gotten herself into? Releasing Discord? Seriously? "I admire your thinking Rainbow Dash. To use one's enemy against another enemy to achieve a desired outcome is indeed a valid tactic and shows skill in strategical thinking. However anything that is related to Discord is never as simple as it would seem. Even if we could make it back to Canterlot and enable the release Discord once again there is no guarantee that he would help us for any reason. Even if he did bring chaos to Adunamai and the results become desirable to us we would still have to deal with the issue of attempting to seal Discord back up again. Once Discord is back in stone his influence in the world comes to an end, meaning we would be right back in the same position we were in to begin with," she explained.

"Meaning that dreadful Adunamai would be right back to its evil and murderous self in no time and we'd be that much further away from the ruins we've been trying to hard to reach," Rarity stated, receiving a nod from Luna for understanding the situation.

"So...even Discord can't beat this thing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That is accurate Rainbow Dash. To use one enemy against another in this case would simply trade one evil for another, with neither being a desirable outcome. Discord did not engage in the wholesale murder of innocent ponies, but his chaotic influence in the world would still eventually lead to Equestria's downfall," Luna explained. Rainbow Dash looked dejected and simply sat back down without another word.

Twilight said nothing during the whole event, simply remaining silent behind Princess Luna and observing it all. When it was all said and done she walked back with Luna to where she had been keeping guard, sitting down beside her.

"Unleashing Discord..." Luna mused.

"I'm sorry, Princess Luna, when I first came to Ponyville I said everypony there was crazy. I had no idea that Rainbow Dash may qualify as actually being crazy," Twilight apologized, "setting Discord free, that's a bad as suggesting you return to being Nightmare Moon."

Luna coughed at hearing the last part of Twilight's statement, caught off guard by her words. However she said nothing. But in hindsight perhaps she should have as the silence seemed to be causing Twilight concern.

"I mean that's just a crazy idea with no basis in reality," she paused, "right?" she looked to Luna, feeling a sudden chill running up her spine at the continuing silence, "...Princess Luna? It's just a crazy idea not worth trying...right?"

"You are much wiser than even you yourself realize," Luna replied simply before unfolding one of her wings, bringing the tip to her lips in a hushing sound. She glanced over her shoulder at the rest of the Mane Six who were still sitting by the fire, engrossed in their own matters. Looking back at Twilight her horn glowed, lifting her chestplate and bringing out a piece of jewelry attached to a chain.

"What is it exactly?" Twilight asked as she looked closer, trying to make out the details in the dark, and wishing that she hadn't as soon as she had, "isn't that...isn't that the symbol of Nightmare Moon?" she asked, her voice a forced whisper to try and contain her fear.

"It is the symbol that has come to be associated with Nightmare Moon," Luna replied in an equal whisper, "it was my jealousy that may have fueled my transformation to Nightmare Moon, but it is this amulet and the magic attached that made it a possibility."

"It's cracked," Twilight stated, noting the lengthwise crack that ran down the front of it.

"Indeed. It was damaged when the Elements of Harmony were used to successfully defeat Nightmare Moon and set me free. Since that time Celestia has been holding onto it as a reminder of what we went through," she explained, "once we learned that the seals keeping Adunamai in check were weakening and couldn't be reestablished we began to consider all our available options for what we would do should the need arise..."

"You mean...you're actually thinking about turning into Nightmare Moon again?" Twilight asked, her voice weak as she tried to comprehend this.

"Not just myself but Celestia as well. Compared to her my powers rate me second at best. As Nightmare Moon my powers eclipsed even hers and it was only through the Elements of Harmony that Nightmare Moon was defeated. Knowing this she believed that this amulet may be needed in the near future should worse come to worse," she explained, "however considering it's damaged status and my own lack of jealousy the results are a mystery to myself. There is no way to tell what may happen and Celestia advised it be used only if absolutely necessary," she said as it was returned to its resting place.

"This sounds really dangerous. I mean really, really dangerous, like when Spike joined in the last dragon migration," Twilight stated.

"I am not saying that there is not significant risk involved with the plan. There is no guarantee that attempting to become Nightmare Moon once more won't cost me my life in the process. But currently we are in a dangerous time and we must be willing to consider all available options if we are to succeed. Nightmare Moon's amulet is only one of the contingencies Celestia and I settled upon."

"What're the others?" Twilight asked, now more curious than scared.

"It is not necessary to be made aware of them right now," Luna said as she stood up and stretched her wings out before tucking them back inward and gave one last glance skyward, "my magic has sufficiently recharged to allow for the next teleportation to occur. I would suggest we go now to cover as much distance as soon as possible."

They stood and walked back to the fire again to make the announcement that they could now begin traveling again. However they never managed to even get a word in edgewise before the sound of a great and terrible roar coming from the south shook them with terror.

"Wha' the buck was that!?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It would appear Adunamai has found us..." Luna said simply.

That was the last thing anypony wanted to hear. Adunamai was still alive? After what Princess Celestia had done? How could anything survive an explosion like that?

"What? How? How'd he know where we were going? How'd he catch up with us so fast?" Rainbow Dash asked again.

"I do not know nor do I have the necessary time to theorize an answer. Adunamai is still some distance away but is aware of our location and will soon reach us. We need to leave now."

"It's no good, it won't work," Twilight stated, "the maximum distance covered by the last jump, subtract time necessary to replenish your magic in preparation for the next jump, approximate travel during the downtime, factor in the amount of time it took Adunamai to get as far as he has," she mumbled as complex calculations began appearing over her head as her horn glowed, "it won't work. At this rate everything suggests Adunamai will catch up with and overtake us within the next two jumps, maybe three if we really try and push it and I add my magic to work as a power boost, but the results will be the same, it'll just be a matter of how tired we are when we're found."

"So you mean...we're doomed?" Rainbow Dash asked in a nervous tone. She swallowed and did her best to push her own fear off to the side, she couldn't afford to be afraid, not now and not ever, "well if we're gonna be killed I'm not going down without one bucking hay of a good fight. He's going to learn the hard way what this Iron Pony is made of!" she stated in a very boisterous manner and hovered off the ground, kicking at the air with her hind legs to emphasize the point that she wasn't scared and quite willing to fight the situation out.

"Such is not the case in this matter," Luna stated, "Twilight's calculations appear to be quite correct, however that does not mean we are without options. You seven will proceed on ahead with the next teleportation as scheduled. I will remain behind to prevent Adunamai's advance," she declared.

"WHAT!?" was the collective response of everyony present after hearing the plan.

"That's crazy!"

"It's suicide!"

"You can't leave us now we need you!"

"We can't just leave you behind like that!"

"Your loyalty is quite touching, but it is a necessary decision to be made. Adunamai's presence means that Celestia's gamble failed and I am the only thing standing between it and you right now. The fact that it has chosen to pursue us rather than stay in Canterlot and senselessly murder the citizenry there would suggest that it has somehow become aware of our plan and is working to preserve its own existence at all cost, meaning it won't stop pursuing until everypony is dead. For that reason I must be the one to stay and fight, to buy you the necessary time to escape," Luna explained as calmly as she could muster. Another roar in the distant south, but much closer than before. Adunamai was starting to close in on them. "This is not a decision that I enter into lightly. But just as my sister I am Canterlot royalty and it is my duty to put my life on the line for the sake of my loyal subjects."

"But Princess Luna, you'll die...just like Princess Celestia," Twilight reasoned as new tears threatened to spill all over again.

"Surely there must be an alternative available, no?" Rarity asked.

"Do not concern yourself for my well being, dear Twilight Sparkle. Just as with my sister I will always be with you and your friends," Luna stated and extended her wing to stroke the unicorn's mane in a comforting gesture, "there are still a number of cards to be played before my end is certain. I shall be alright."

Another roar, even closer than last time. Everypony was shivering at this point and, as Luna noticed, one was in the midst of having an accident out of the sheer amount of terror in the air.

"There is no more time for talk, it is imperative that you go now," Luna stated as her horn began to glow, as did the Mane Six and Spike, "once you are teleported continue heading northward. Eventually you should be able to reach the ruins."

"Wait!" Fluttershy objected loudly, causing Luna to pause. Without another word she fluttered over and wrapped her forelegs around her neck and hugged her.

She was touched and gently returned the hug before releasing Fluttershy and allowing her to return to the group. As much as she hated to do it they needed to go now, for their own sakes.

"Be careful Princess!" Spike managed to yell out before they were all gone in a flash, far away from the current zone of harm that she was in. Now it was just her and Adunamai.

"It would seem I have no option but to fight. And with my magic weakened it would seem I have truly no choice in the matter now," Luna said to herself. Her horn began to glow again and her chestplate was raised, allowing the amulet to be presented again, "it would seem that you are needed, Nightmare Moon..."

"Is that so?" came a foreign voice, interrupted by an amused chuckle. Turning in the direction of the voice Luna saw the ethereal form of Nightmare Moon standing before her, far taller than herself and looking rougher than she remembered, her armor cracked and patches of her coat looking notably bare, possibly as a result of the Elements of Harmony, "so you've come back to me again Little Luna. What makes you think you are worthy of bearing the mantle of Nightmare Moon once more? What gives you that right?"

"It is out of necessity that I seek you again foul spirit, not petty selfishness," Luna snorted. The Nightmare Moon apparition just seemed to grow more amused, "the situation is quite dire, otherwise you would not be here now."

"Oh I know, I know," Nightmare Moon cooed in a blatant effort to anger Luna, "but why should I feel motivated to help you? You didn't appreciate my powers the last time you had them, and now you come trotting back to ask for them since it's convenient for you?"

Another roar, far closer than Luna was comfortable with. She could feel Adunami's present approaching now, and she could hear the thundering footsteps of its slow pace moving in her direction. She shook her head before turning back to the apparition before her.

"There is no choice in the matter at this time. The longer you wait the closer it becomes to being too late. I am not asking for myself but rather for all of Equestria!" she stated. Nightmare Moon looked completely unfazed. Angry but trying to suppress her rage she grit her teeth to talk, "I am asking you to please lend me your powers once again, I am too weak to resolve the matter otherwise..."

"Oh that's so nice to hear. It just absolutely brings a sense of warmth to my dark heart," Nightmare Moon remarked, "very well Little Luna. I shall allow you to don my mantle once more. But be warned, you will regret your decision."

"I do already," Luna said simply and closed her eyes, bracing for what was to come.

With an amused snort the apparition of Nightmare Moon reared up on its hind legs and whinnied before jumping into Luna's physical form. Immediately Luna grimaced and began to convulse in pain, feeling the transformation taking effect. She briefly wondered if Nightmare Moon was making this difficult and painful on purpose, but all conscious thought came to a grinding halt as she collapsed to the ground in excruciating pain, like billions of jagged pieces of glass being violently driven into her body, ripping and tearing through her muscles and tendons. All she could see was pure bright whiteness, before the darkness descended.

She could've passed out from the seeming hours worth of misery she had experienced, she couldn't tell for certain. She was only mildly aware of the fact that she was standing up again on all four feet. As her senses came back she was aware of a foreign and yet disturbingly familiar washing over her. Nightmare Moon was indeed back.

"Oh it feels so good to stretch my wings again," Nightmare Moon commented, earning a frown from her host Luna.

"This is not a social outing for you to engage in. Stay sharp and alert for Adunamai is-" she was in the process of saying, before a loud crack was heard and a tree went toppling, revealing Adunamai's form standing before them, "-right there..."

"Ah so we finally get to meet the infamous Adunamai. This should prove most entertaining, see which one of us is more evil. Although considering your current state, weakened by your loss of jealous and your lovey dovey friendship, this might not be quite so entertaining to watch."

"I would like to think my friendships have made me stronger," Luna retorted and left it at that. Adunamai was beginning to advance and they needed to act, "let us begin...partner..."

Adunamai's approach was slow and menacing, almost deliberate in nature, his mammoth form -easily as tall as Celestia herself- was lumbering forward in a malicious way. Nightmare Moon's approach however was far quicker. A bolt of lightning flew from her horn and struck Adunamai square in the chest, causing it to falter for a moment, before she flew forward and delivered a full forced, but hind legged kick right square in the chest that would make Applejack green with envy, forcing it to stagger back from the brunt force of the impact.

That however was just the beginning of the attack, Nightmare Moon was quick to follow up with a style that could only be described as a bare-hooved beatdown, kicks of all sort being deployed against Adunamai at every conceivable bodily location, each impact strong enough to easily crack stone, each impact forcing a reaction from Adunamai's stoic form. All in all it was far more savage and violent than what Celestia had attempted.

By now Adunamai was making attempts to retaliate, but they were slow in nature compared to Nightmare Moon's agility and easy enough to counterattack.

"This isn't a very effective manner of attempting to kill an opponent. It isn't even conductive of proper torture," Nightmare Moon noted as a flying kick was delivered right to Adunamai's face, sending it flying back a half dozen or so yards before crashing to the ground.

"I am not attempting to kill Adunamai, I am simply keeping him occupied and distracted. The longer he must put up with us the longer it gives the others time to escape to a greater distance from here. If I can maintain it long enough they will be able to retrieve the artifact and achieve victory," Luna explained as Nightmare Moon headbutted the rising Adunamai, knocking it off kilter again.

"Well then let's make it a little more entertaining shall we?" Nightmare Moon suggested with a sadistic grin.

Lowering her head she unleashed a blast of magic, resulting in a long silver chain forming around Adunamai's neck. Without a word she flew by, grasping the loose end in her mouth and in the process dragging their opponent along the ground, before taking off up into the air with Adunamai in tow. At first it began as a simple matter of dragging Adunamai along the ground in the opposite direction to provide distance, but that soon changed. Nightmare Moon's speech was muffled but Luna could understand her meaning. Once sufficient altitude had been reached Nightmare Moon began to spin about in midair, gaining greater velocity with each successful rotation until they were becoming nothing more than a blur. At the peak of the rotation the chain was released and Adunamai was sent hurtling into the atmosphere at explosive velocities.

"Peekaboo," Nightmare Moon stated as she appeared above Adunamai at the point his velocity began to slow, before delivering a full forced kick right to the face with both hind legs and sending him hurtling back towards the ground. She was equally as quick at getting below and kicking upward in the same manner, sending it flying up and off at a different trajectory, before following through in a similar pattern.

To Nightmare Moon and Luna they were moving at a standard speed, but to a casual observer they were operating at speeds the naked eye wouldn't be able to track. Adunamai was being bounced and kicked about in every different direction like a game of pinball, the sound of each impact not even doing justice at suggesting just how much force was being put into each kick. And all the while Nightmare Moon was just smiling away with glee.

"You are enjoying this far too much," Luna commented dryly, receiving no response back. It seemed Nightmare Moon was too distracted by her fun to take notice of the burning in her flanks and wings from all the high speed action.

Despite the impressiveness of the midair battle, and the fact that it was indeed achieving the desired results of keeping Adunamai was escaping, Nightmare moon failed to follow through after delivering a particularly devastating kick to the fact that sent it hurtling toward the ground, slamming in with enough force to deform the ground in the shape of its body.

"What are you doing!?" Luna shouted.

Nightmare Moon was silent as she entered a swooping nosedive as she hurled herself to the ground, only correcting herself at the last possible moment to plant both rear hooves directly into Adunamai's face with a sickening thud.

"Just having a little fun. Lighten up Little Luna," Nightmare Moon commented as she leapt off and hovered close to ground level and fully extended both of her mighty wings, "just sit back and enjoy the fireworks."

Without warning what could only be described as the image of shooting stars began to fly forth from her wings, all aimed downward and crashing on and around Adunamai, each one exploding with violent force on impact, kicking up dust and smoke in every direction only to be disturbed by the next one doing the exact same, and in rapid succession.

"What sort of magic is this? Why was I never made aware of the fact that we could do this?"

"You never asked Little Luna, you were too preoccupied with your jealousy and implementing eternal night to care about the full extent of your abil-"

"Look out!"

Nightmare Moon was caught quite off guard by the incoming attack that practically slapped them to the side, sending them crashing into a tree and fracturing its trunk. She didn't know how, and apparently neither did Luna, but somehow Adunamai seemed able to withstand the force of their attack and counter. Perhaps they should've tried from a higher distance to ensure a lack of the ability to counterattack.

Standing up wasn't easy to pull off but it was doable, but it took a good bit of effort. As the dust cleared each of them could see that Adunamai was standing upright, looking unharmed despite the severity of the beating he'd received, in the middle of a rather large crater; the only proof that their barrage had actually had any punch to it.

"This is not good," Luna stated. As she righted herself her form was looking more ragged than previously, the right half of her helmet falling away and revealing Luna's true face underneath, "very not good indeed."

"Are you harmed Luna?" Nightmare Moon asked, catching the night princess off guard, both by the seeming concern and the lack of any derogatory title attached to her name.

"Not that it is any of your concern, but I am unharmed," Luna replied, "it would seem we have all underestimated Adunamai's strength. We may not be able to continue delaying his advancement for long."

Nightmare Moon forced herself to stand again, noting the numerous injuries that were making their presence known now. One wing was broken, the other numb and wouldn't move. There were fractures to her armor and the sensation of her powers were beginning to fluctuate, resulting in her appearance beginning to fade in and out and leave Luna in her place as if she didn't have enough magic to maintain her own corporeal nature for long.

"Had you met him while still consumed by your hatred this wouldn't be happening, I promise you that," Nightmare Moon snorted, "we may have to go ahead and use your trump card."

"I was hoping that we would not have to resort to such drastic measures, at least not so early on," Luna commented, "unfortunately I am in agreement, it does not look like we have much alternative on the matter."


"Ah think ah'm gonna be sick," Applejack commented woozily as they arrived at the destination, being the furthest Luna could teleport them. All this magical travel was going to be the end of her, she was sure of it. She shut her eyes in an effort to refocus herself and keep down what food she'd eaten during the rest they'd had.

"We don't have time for that Applejack, you'll just have to wait and be sick later," Twilight stated as she shook her head to get her bearings straightened out, "come on ponies we need to get moving. Princess Luna gave us this gift of a head start, we can't let it go to waste. There's no telling how long she'll be able to hold Adunamai off and we can't afford to stand around and talk like the central characters in a novel."

"Ah'm with ya Twilight, just gotta get myself centered again," Applejack replied, "but ah sure hate magic travellin'."

"I dunno about that Applejack, I think it feels good!" Pinkie Pie spoke up, her poofy mane and tail even poofier than normal, which she shook out easily, "you just blink and suddenly you're somewhere else and it's so cool You know that phrase about things happening in the blink of an eye? Well with teleportation it really happens, you blink your eyes and you're somewhere new by the time you open your eyes back up! I've so gotta learn how you can do that because it'd make it so much easier to organize parties for everypony...I could even throw multiple parties all over Ponyville!"

"Yeah we'll look into that later when we get back," Twilight replied sarcastically as she walked north. She really loved Pinkie Pie and all, but sometimes her randomness was too much for her to take.

"So how close do you think we are to the ruins anyway Twilight?" Spike asked as he hopped up on her back.

"No way of knowing that one, Spike, I've never seen this part of the Everfree Forest before. All we can do is keep heading north, which is...that way," she said as her horn started to glow and give off some light to see by.

"I'll go on ahead and scout out the area. Without Princess Luna we gotta keep an eye out for whatever may be in the woods and figure out how to avoid it," Rainbow Dash stated as she hovered off the ground, ready to take off without any further discussion.

"Not a good idea Rainbow Dash," Twilight interrupted, surprisingly causing the cyan pegasus to stop her takeoff and look at her, "you'd have no way of seeing what's out there in the darkness of the woods. You could get lost, trapped, hurt or any number of other bad things and we wouldn't be able to find you. It's best if we just stick together," she reasoned.

"Come on Twilight, I'm Equestria's fastest flyer, like anything could catch me," Rainbow Dash huffed in response and crossed her forelegs over her chest, not amused at her friend's complaints at all. She was ready to take off regardless, but by chance glanced up at the sky and went wide eyed at what the saw, "holy horse-apples! Look over there!" she yelled and pointed to the south.

Everypony looked up and to the south and soon caught glimpse of what Rainbow Dash was upset about; a shooting star trekking across the sky. At least that's what it looked like at first, but it was really visible and not just at the tail but at the head as well. And it wasn't streaking across the distant sky but looked like it was headed for the planet itself.

"What exactly is that?" Rarity asked.

"It's a meteor I think, although there was no mention of any astrological events like this happening in the near future. But even so it shouldn't be so visible. For it to be so clear, at that distance it'd have to be at least a mile across. And on that trajectory...oh no!"

"What all's wrong Twilight?" Applejack asked as her friend conjured those magical numbers again, filled with facts and figures that made her eyes spin if she tried to read them.

"Molecular density of granite for the sake of placeholder...estimated velocity...potential location of impact...oh no this is really bad! If that thing hits the ground it'll devastate the entire area!"

"Well then what're we waiting for let's get the buck outta here!" Rainbow Dash stated.

"You don't understand. If that meteor enters the planet's atmosphere and becomes a meteorite and hits with its current velocity the affects could be cataclysmic. Everything within five miles will be turned into a crater instantly. The next twenty miles easy will be exposed to explosive forces violent enough to uproot the entire forest, shatter granite boulders and," she gulped, "vaporize little ponies and dragons like they were made out of cardboard. Even if I tried teleporting us away from here right now we'd never get clear in time, we've only got about three minutes before impact."

"Again with the promise of doom? You sound like a broken record," Rainbow Dash commented. She was about to say something else but then stopped in mid-breath as an idea struck her, "Twilight, you know how to cast a forcefield, right?"

"Yes but it won't do any good, it'd be gone in no time and then so would we," Twilight explained.

"Don't worry about that now, just get ready to cast it. Applejack, Spike, help me dig a hole," Rainbow Dash instructed as she set down on the ground and started digging away as best she could, which wasn't the easiest thing to do with hooves.

"...Ah'm with ya sugarcube," Applejack said after a momentary pause and jumped right in, digging on the left while Spike took the right, "Rarity, Pinkie, a little help here!"

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie replied with a degree of cheerfulness that really didn't suit the situation before diving into the pile of dirt and the hole it was born from.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm actually going to dig in the dirt. My hooficure is going to be ruined for certain," Rarity moaned, "but I want to live! Move over darling!" she declared and joined in the digging fest with a zest that surprised everypony who was actually taking the time to watch the display.

"Rainbow Dash this'll never work! You're just digging your own graves," Twilight pointed out.

"Twilight," Rainbow Dash said as she stopped her digging to face the pessimistic unicorn, "how far away would you say we are from the source of impact?"

"Um...I'd have to say...twenty miles? But what difference does it make? We're still gonna get vaporized."

"Not if we can get this dug in time," Rainbow Dash stated and dove back into her work and doubled her efforts.

"But Rainbow Dash I just said my forcefield will never withstand the force of the coming blast hitting it head on."

"It doesn't have to. It's just gotta keep us safe from whatever flies overhead," Rainbow Dash stated.

For the life of her Twilight couldn't make sense of what Rainbow Dash was talking about. What did she think they could accomplish by digging a hole in the ground and her using a forcefield that was woefully inadequate for cataclysm-level events? But then like a slap to the face it hit her and her eyes went wide.

"...Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna was right you really are a genius! I could just kiss you!" she declared, and with no further talk took the space by Fluttershy and began digging away for all she was worth.

Dirt and rock was flying in every direction as every member of the Mane Six was digging away. The resulting hole was small at first and progress was extremely slow, but once it got rolling the results were beginning to come together. Before too long they had a nice sized hole that would provide them just enough room to hunker down and squeeze together, which they were already doing.

"Twilight, the forcefield!" Rainbow Dash instructed, although it wasn't necessary as she found themselves encased in a glowing purple field, sealing them off from the outside world.

"Five...four...three...two...one!" Twilight counted down to the moment of impact, having kept track of time during everything.

Right on cue in the distance could be heard the awfullest commotion imaginable. It was beyond description, beyond anypony's desire to even try and describe it. Everypony had to cover their ears to try and drown it out, shutting their eyes tightly for not wanting to see a thing.

And just as it had come the commotion was gone, leaving an eerie and still silence behind. Slowly the opened their eyes and uncovered their ears and began to look around.

"A-are we dead?" Fluttershy asked.

"No Fluttershy I think we survived," Twilight said as she looked up just to be sure. Surprisingly there was barely any debris resting on her forcefield, making it safe to drop.

One by one each of them climbed out of the hole to look around and be amazed at what they saw before them. The destruction level Twilight had suggested hadn't happened at all! All they could see was some rising smoke in the distance where the meteorite likely landed.

"Wha' happened? Or rather wha' didn't happen?" Applejack asked.

"I don't get it, my calculations said it should've been a cataclysmic event at that velocity. Meteors don't just slow down, and neither do meteorites. This shouldn't be physically possible, it just shouldn't. It's astronomically impossible," Twilight stated as she started to pace back and forth, her mind wracked with the mystery far more than the fact that they were currently alive and able to carry one, "meteors don't just do that...unless...unless it was actually a chunk of moon rock that Princess Luna was controlling the whole time..." she finished.

"You mean Princess Luna broke off a piece of her moon and used it against Adunamai?" Rarity asked.

"Well it'd make sense. Princess Luna said that she and Princess Celestia had put a number of contingency plans into place in the event of the worst case scenario. I guess weaponizing pieces of the moon wouldn't be out of the question. And it'd make sense that if you're using a one mile wide piece of rock you wouldn't need it to be traveling at such high velocities except to get it into position for the final drop at a much slower speed," Twilight theorized, "but still...wow..."

"That...is so...bucking...cool!" Rainbow Dash stated as the facts soaked in, "there's no way that Ana...that whatever his name is could've survived that, right?"

"He survived Princess Celestia's best shot after being buried alive for thousands of years. Call me cynical if you want but I think being buried under a chunk of moon may only slow him down some...and probably hurt really bad."

"I'm afraid Spike may be right. Adunamai isn't like previous villains. We've gotta keep operating under the assumption that he's still alive and still pursuing us once he gets out from under that rock. We've gotta keep heading north, For Princess Celestia's sake, Princess Luna's sake, and for the sake of all Equestria," Twilight stated, "let's get going everypony, we've got a long way to go and it's all up to us now from here on out!"

"Yeah!" Was the collective cheer from the group at Twilight's surprisingly successful rousing call to action. With a renewed vigor and a sense of loyalty, and with Twilight directing them northward, they all took off. If anypony was going to show Adunamai who the boss was it was going to be them.

Author's Note:

Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon's music, The Night by Disturbed

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