• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 5,865 Views, 170 Comments

Mega Man X: Forgotten Legend - Blue Bomber

Realizing that he is the only being left on the abandoned Earth, X is faced with a problem; should he stay, or attempt to leave?

  • ...

Enter the Ponyville Night

X and Fluttershy quickly made their way to the edge of the Everfree, where they bid the timberwolves goodbye. Fluttershy's cottage wasn't very far, and the duo arrived at their destination quickly. It was a small cottage, with plants all around the surrounding area, with what seemed to be animal pens and a shed in the back. Fluttershy pushed the front door open and stepped inside, with X doing the same.

"Welcome to my cottage, X. I hope you'll find it comfortable. "

X looked around. There was a sofa and a few chairs around the living room, along with a small table in the corner and a fireplace in the front. To the side was a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom. It had a homely feeling to it, and X liked it.

"I'm sure I will. I can't think of the last time I've been inside a wooden building. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever been inside one."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh, you poor thing. Where did you come from?"

X smiled. "It's a long story. I'll tell you everything tomorrow."

"Oh, alright then. Would you like some tea?"

Not being one to turn down a friendly offer, X accepted. It wasn't like X couldn't eat or drink. His systems were perfectly capable of processing food into low grade fuel for his systems, and X could taste just as well as any human. It was that there was simply no point for X to eat during the wars on Earth. The humans needed the food more than X, and burning food to power a robot was horribly inefficient. But now X could finally settle down and enjoy himself.

What do ponies eat?

At that moment, Fluttershy came from the kitchen, carrying a pot of tea in her mouth.

"I'll get that for you."

X walked over to help Fluttershy get her pot of tea over to the table. As he tried to reach his hand out to get the pot, it accidentally rubbed on Fluttershy's cutie mark.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy's face went beet red as she hid behind her long mane. She almost dropped her teapot, but fortunately for X, his mechanical reflexes did not fail him as he caught the teapot without spilling a drop.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" cried X, as he realized what he did.

To his surprise, Fluttershy giggled a little. "I know you didn't mean to do that."

X smiled as he placed the teapot on the table, and helped Fluttershy get out the teacups. X sat in front of the table, with Fluttershy sitting opposite of him. As she poured the tea, X was deep in thought.

What was that strange feeling when I touched that...symbol? And why did it feel so familiar?

"Fluttershy, can I ask you what those butterflies on your body are?"

"Oh, you mean this?" She waved a hoof at her cutie mark. "Those are called cutie marks. It symbolizes a pony's special talent."

X's eyes widened as he put two and two together and realized why his systems reacted the way it did.

"So can you tell me more about them?"

Fluttershy thought for a second before she replied. "Well, ponies are born without a cutie mark at first. When they get older, they'll find their talent, and that's when it appears. For example, mine symbolizes my talent of caring for animals."

"I see." X sipped his tea. It was good tea.

"How's the tea? Do you like it?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's very good tea, Fluttershy." said X, as he took another sip.

"That's nice to hear. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here. Feel free to use anything here."

X was slightly taken aback by this act of kindness, but he did not object. "Thank you very much, Fluttershy."

"You can just call me Shy, if you want. I'm sure we'll be great friends!" Fluttershy smiled as she said that last sentence slightly louder than her other sentences.

"As long as you don't look in my shed, that is." X noted the sudden change in demeanor. "There's something scary inside and I wouldn't want it to get out. I even had my friend seal it up with magic."

Not being one to trespass on private property, X quickly assured Fluttershy that he wouldn't go in her shed. It's probably just some wild animal that needs a time out, X reasoned.

"Well, it seems to be getting late." Fluttershy yawned. "I think I'll retire for the night. I'm afraid I don't have another bed; I don't usually get visitors here. I suppose you could sleep on the sofa, X?"

"That will be perfectly fine," X said. He didn't mention that he didn't actually need to sleep.

"Perhaps I can introduce you to my friends tomorrow. I don't know how the other ponies will react, but I'm sure it'll be fine." Fluttershy smiled.

"I think I'll look forward to meeting them." X replied.

"That's good. Well I'll be in my bedroom, so knock if you need anything. Goodnight, X." Fluttershy turned off the lights and went inside her room.

X walked over to the sofa and lay down. Being able to properly rest was refreshing.

So this is what it's like.
I'm bored.

X sat up and thought. It was certainly nice to stop worrying about mavericks, but it was also incredibly boring. He wanted to go outside to look around, but he wouldn't know how the ponies would react if them saw him.


Pulling up his Variable Weapon System, X selected "Elf" from the list. X watched as his body slumped onto the sofa.

"I'll be back in a bit," X thought as he condensed his cyber elf form, visible only as a small, twinkling ball of rainbow light.
Luna sat inside her chambers, preparing her dreamwalker spell carefully.

I shall not be denied entrance to a dream!

She closed her eyes, and a small strand of blue magic left her horn and went out the window, shooting straight for Ponyville.

After a few minutes, she arrived at her destination and scanned around. She felt the peculiar blue aura emanating from Fluttershy's cottage. Luna's magic seeped through the window, and she was able to get a good look at X, who was apparently sleeping on the sofa.

"Being kind as always, my dear Fluttershy."

Luna approached X's body, and went inside his body through the red gem on his helmet.
Luna landed inside the same cyber-tunnel as last time; it hadn't changed at all. After a minute of uploading her information onto X's main system, she was beamed back into the same blue room as before, but it was noticeably darker. It was still as big as it was the last time she visited, although this time she was deposited mush closer to the firewall. This time, however, the firewall seem to be dimly lit, as if it was illuminated by candlelight. Luna looked up; there was the system clock telling the current time.

11:09 PM

Besides that, there wasn't really anything interesting on the outside half of the firewall. The interesting things would probably be on the other side. Luna slowly raised a hoof, and knocked on the firewall.

Out to lunch.

Luna sat there, dumbfounded. Who the hay eats at night?!
Wait a minute. That isn't right. Luna chuckled silently at herself.

Perhaps I'm not the only one that eats at night on a regular basis.

She sat in front of the firewall and waited.
X floated outside of Fluttershy's cottage and began to travel down to Ponyville. X could move much faster now that he didn't have a physical form. He flew above Ponyville to get a bird's-eye view of the small town. In the distance he thought he could see a much larger city, although he couldn't see as clearly during the night, even if he did have night vision. Looking to the side he saw a big piece of farmland with trees covering the surrounding area. Looking up he thought he saw a house floating on a cloud.

I'm probably just imagining things.

He floated down to street level and scanned the area. There wasn't any ponies out at this hour. There was a building which looked like a gingerbread house. X raised a virtual eyebrow and moved on.

Passing through the center of the town, X noticed a big tree a short distance ahead. X floated over to it; it seemed to be a large oak tree with...doors and windows? X blinked, and wondered if his optical sensors were failing him. He saw that a window near the top of the tree was still lit. He floated up to take a quick peek.

Inside was a lavender pony with a horn, and it was reading a book. He noticed that the book was floating, a magenta aura surrounding the book and the pony's horn. X watched, entranced, until he noticed that the pony was staring straight back at him. After all, it was hard not to notice a bright sphere of rainbow light blinking outside your window.

Crap! Gotta run!

X quickly floated away while the lavender pony ran downstairs and bolted out of the tree.

"Wait! Come back!"

Twilight's magic aura reached out and seized X's form, but to her surprise her magic was unable to get a proper grip, and X slipped away. It was like grabbing running water. But X decided that this pony meant no harm, and floated back down.

"Hello there. What's your name?"

Twilight's eyes went wide as this ball of light seemed to be speaking to her.

"Um...my name is Twilight Sparkle. Might I ask what you are?"

X laughed. "I'm X, and I'm a robot. I'm not from this world." X decided to be blunt just to see her reaction.

Twilight's eyes went even wider as she heard this. "So...you're the one that caused the big magical explosion at the forest?"

Now it was X's turn to be surprised. "I was not aware about causing any explosions when I arrived."

"Maybe we can figure this out tomorrow. But if you're a robot, wouldn't you have a body?"

X replied,' Of course I have a body. It looks like this."

Twilight looked on as the small sphere of light began to expand. Soon X was in his full cyber elf form. X wore a blue robe with a cross on the front, and a halo of rainbow colored light above his helmet.

"So that's what you really look like?" Twilight asked.

"Sort of. My physical body is sleeping at Fluttershy's house. She found me in the Everfree Forest and she took me in."

Twilight looked surprised for a second, but it quickly passed. "That sounds just like her. She is the Element of Kindness after all."

X raised an eyebrow. "So you know each other?"

"Of course we do! She's the kindest pony you'll ever meet. Maybe tomorrow you'll meet the rest of my friends." Twilight said.

"That's the same thing Fluttershy told me," X replied. "I'll look forward to it."

A cold breeze blew, and Twilight shivered. "It's getting really late. Maybe I'll meet you tomorrow in...person?"

X nodded. "You have a good night, Twilight."

"You too, X."

Twilight walked back into the library, and X reverted into his light form, and floated his way back to his body.
Luna was still sitting in front of the firewall.

He sure is taking a long lunch break.

Suddenly, the room began to shake, and Luna scrambled to her hooves. X's systems were initializing, and the room and firewall noticeably got brighter. Soon they were as bright as daylight. Luna stood up straight, expecting something. Suddenly, the blue robot suddenly appeared next to Luna. He had a curious expression on his face.

"Did you need something?"

Author's Note:

Silly Twi, everypony knows that you can't grab a ball of light. And how will Fluttershy react when she learns that X doesn't require sleep? And will Luna be allowed to see the other side of the firewall?