• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 5,865 Views, 170 Comments

Mega Man X: Forgotten Legend - Blue Bomber

Realizing that he is the only being left on the abandoned Earth, X is faced with a problem; should he stay, or attempt to leave?

  • ...



Twilight sensed a large amount of solar magic coming from inside the library. Slowly, she began to open the library door. What she saw shocked her.

X and Spike were reorganizing the entire library. X pulled out books with his hands, Spike reordered them neatly in a pile, and X used his magic to place the books back on the shelves. What intrigued Twilight was the fact that X could use his hands independently of his magic. He didn't appear to be focusing on his magic at all. Another thing that she found strange was that X's magic aura had two colors, dark blue and bright gold. She stepped inside the library. X detected her movements and responded immediately.

"Hey Twilight! Nice to have you back!"

"How are you..."

"I read your book on magic spells. Spike told me that you were teaching Sweetie Belle with it."

"But why does your magic aura have two colors?!"

"Huh? Well first of all, I realized that since my body could run on solar energy alone, then I could probably access the magic from the sun. So I guess that's solar magic? And as for why my magic has two colors... I guess blue makes sense for me, but...red?" X looked at his helmet gem. It wasn't glowing red anymore. It was glowing gold.

"Yeah," Spike said. "He said that he lives off sunlight or something like that."

Twilighy went wide-eyed. "This is simply fascinating! You have to let me study you!"

"I don't like that look in her eyes, Spike."

"Ermm...X, you should probably get out of here. I'll handle Twi."

X dramatically pointed at the clock. "Oh, it's getting really late! I should really get back to Fluttershy's place. See, the sun's going down. I can't even raise this book with my magic anymore!"

Surely enough, the gold in X's magic was now tinted red, and the levitating book had refused to be controlled by his now weak magic.

"Surely Fluttershy won't mind if you spend a night here to study, hmm?"

"Yeah, I really should go now. Seeyoulatertwilight!"

X's feet kicked into overdrive as he dashed straight out the door.

"But I wanna study you!" Twilight whined as X bolted off into the distance.
X walked slowly down the path to Fluttershy's house. The sun was down now; the moon had taken its place. X let the moonlight shine on him. For some reason, X felt his Variable Weapon System react. He tapped his arm to check his Special Weapons. There was only one active weapon to choose from, a yellow icon labeled 'Fluttershy' with her cutie mark on it. The weapon appeared to be recharging at a slow pace as the moonlight shined on X. Which was a big deal to him, since using the Stare took a quarter of its weapon energy every 15 seconds, and it hadn't been charging since the dragon incident since X had been staying indoors at night, where the moonlight doesn't reach.

X thought of Luna, the Princess of the Night, who had visited his mind during the nights when he had first arrived. She had used her magic to enter his mind, despite him being a robot born of science. Perhaps magic could be fused with technology? X was more than capable of building a reploid. He may not know his internal workings to the fullest extent, but he still knew enough to fashion a decent looking reploid and write an AI and personality for it.

But he would be careful. Never again did he build a reploid after the days working with Dr.Cain, the man who had unsealed his pod many, many years ago. Not after those reploids went Maverick. He still remembered the day that he and Dr.Cain had constructed the first reploid. He also remembered the day when it had started threatening the humans and X had retired it himself. A single shot to the head. The memory had been burned into his data files. He had never forgotten. Nor would he ever forget. Never, never never.

X shook his head to clear out the bad thoughts. He instead looked at the moon. He thought it was a beautiful moon, almost magical. X suddenly realized that it was indeed magical as he levitated some rocks, his magical glow shining a deep midnight blue. He knew this magic was weak. The magic from the sun and moon were weak because they were not his. He was only using borrowed power.

"Perhaps someday I'll find my own magic." X said aloud as he continued to walk towards Fluttershy's cottage.

A few minutes later...

X walked into Fluttershy's cottage, where she was preparing dinner for her animals and herself.

"Oh! It's you, X. You surprised me."

"Sorry about that. I've had a lot on my mind lately." X said.

"Perhaps we can talk about it later?" Fluttershy asked.

"Maybe tomorrow."

X did not seem to be in a good mood. So Fluttershy simply did what she did best, which was to offer him kindness.

"Would you like some dinner?" Fluttershy asked this quite often, although X usually turned her offers of food down. "I don't need to eat," X would say.

X thought for a bit. "Actually, dinner would be quite nice."

Fluttershy looked surprised that he had decided to accept this time, and smiled.

"Will that be a vegetable salad, or a fruit salad?"

Author's Note:

X's first maverick incident will be explained in the next chapter.