• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 5,864 Views, 170 Comments

Mega Man X: Forgotten Legend - Blue Bomber

Realizing that he is the only being left on the abandoned Earth, X is faced with a problem; should he stay, or attempt to leave?

  • ...


Shining Armor whispered to one of the other Guards nearby, then said, "Will you look at the time? I'd better go find my wife. She's probably still waiting for me. Why don't you all let X explore the city? It's still early, and I have to attend to some business. Maybe someone could be his tour guide?"

Everyone stared at Fluttershy.


"Hey, you found him," said Rainbow Dash. "Besides, you know him best, right?"

"I guess..."

"Well, that settles it!" Rarity said. "I must go catch up on the latest fashions in Canterlot!"

"And I need to go to the library!"

"And me and Applejack need to finish what we started. I challenge you to a RACE!"

"Oh, you're on!"

"I need to PARTY!"

Everyone stared at Pinkie Pie.


"I suppose that settles it then. Now, it's not good to stay indoors all day, so run along now, my little ponies." Luna shot a teleportation spell at X and Fluttershy. Well, Fluttershy disappeared. When the spell hit X, it made a metallic 'ping!' as X flashed blue and the spell faded.

"What happened to Fluttershy?" X asked, puzzled.

Luna scrunched her face and shot a higher-powered teleportation spell, which managed to teleport X 1 meter backwards.

"Shall I try, Princess?" Twilight asked.

Luna silently nodded, and Twilight fired a high-density bolt of teleport magic at X. X's metallic 'ping!' struck again, as X flashed blue and reappeared 3 feet away from where he previously was.

"Err... you know, maybe I should just, you know, walk outside and find Fluttershy myself." X laughed nervously and walked out of the castle. Once out of sight, he began dashing onto the streets of Canterlot.

"X, wait!" Twilight Sparkle cried. She had just teleported Fluttershy back into the castle, but X was far too fast for her.

X wandered around the aptly named Canterlot Park, a popular tourist attraction due to its beauty and proximity to the castle. Looking around the fountain and benches, he saw no Fluttershy here. Sensing oncoming stares from the ponies around him, he waved at them, which caused them to quickly turn away and walk off. Disappointed, X walked to the side of the park path and sat down on a nearby bench. He stared idly at the flowing fountain until a small bird landed on his shoulder.

"Why, hello there, little birdie."

The bird chirped, as expected.

X continued to stare idly at the fountain in front of him, this time with a bird perched on his shoulder.

This might be a good time to do some maintenance.

X began to play around a bit with his internal settings, checking his system status and the like. All systems reported green. Bored, X looked at his battle systems.

It's been so long since I've had to use this.

X's battle systems were partially built from the original Mega Man's data bank after Doctor Light had deemed it necessary and proper to give X a way to protect himself and those around him from whatever threat there might be. However, Mega Man had only fought Robot Masters, who were much less sophisticated than the reploids that X had been fighting, thus, the combat experience from Mega Man was too simple to use and was largely rendered obsolete after X gained his own experience fighting reploid Mavericks. He did notice that the old system was used slightly when fighting the dragon prior to coming to Canterlot.

There was plenty of empty space where armor parts were stored, although X doubted that any of his old armor would be compatible with his new frame. There was, however, plenty of space for additional Heart and Energy tanks, but he doubted that he could get his hands on more tanks. On his Special Weapon slots was an icon of Fluttershy's cutie mark and a full weapon gauge next to it. There was plentiful space for storing weapons, and scrolling to the very bottom of the list was a pile of faded icons next to weapons he had but could not use.

X looked at a chunk of weapon data that might be salvageable, and moved it to the top of the list. Apparently this data was acquired the most recently, if you could call the time between arriving in Equestria and being sealed in that pod 'recent'. It was simply labeled "X8".

He tried activating the data set, apparently the eighth set out of all his old weapons.

X felt a terrible feeling of dread as his vision began to glow and static began flooding his vision. The next thing he saw was that the bird next to him had begun morphing into a creature composed of several animal parts.

The last thing X saw was a chaotic explosion of colors, and he screamed.

Princess Celestia was working in the throne room when she could've sworn she'd heard a rainbow explosion coming from the middle of Canterlot.

"Luna! Come quick! I heard a rainbow explosion coming from the middle of Canterlot!"

Instantly, Luna teleported into the throne room next to her sister. "What? Where?!" Luna cried.

"Oh, wait a minute. It's the last Friday of the month. Dischord always throws rainbow explosions over Canterlot on these days."

"Ahh, I see, sister. By the way, how did you hear the fact that the explosion was rainbow?"

The conversation was cut off by six very distraught mares bolting into the throne room.

"Princess! I saw a rainbow-colored explosion coming from Canterlot!" Twilight cried!

"Do not fret, my student, for it is the last Friday of the month."

"Oh. Okay then!" Twilight chirped.

"Wait, hold on a minute. I'm not getting this." Rainbow Dash said.

"Discord likes to throw rainbow explosions on the last Friday of every month." Fluttershy explained.

"Um...okay then. Why are we letting him do this again?"

"Well, it's very important to let Discord relieve some of his pent up chaos. Even if we don't want him going around causing chaos everywhere, it's still important to let him release his chaos from time to time. Besides, that rainbow-sounding explosion won't cause any harm anyways." Celestia said.

"So, sister. You still haven't told me how you heard the fact that the explosion was rainbow-colored."

"Hearing colors?!" Pinkie screamed. "I can do that! It's all about the way photons move in certain wavelengths and how you have to bend your eardrums at a certain angle to match the wavelength! It's very complicated..."


"What? Where am I?" X looked around and saw that he was inside his own system, outside the firewall. Right next to him was the strange creature made up of several animal parts.

"How did you get in here? And more importantly, who are you?"

"I am Discord, spirit of chaos. I just wanted to... have a little fun. But my, what a strange mind you have." Discord looked around, and only saw a lot of blue in the immediate area, with the occasional stream of data flowing in and out of the nigh-impenetrable firewall that led into X's systems. "So, you can resist mind probing, eh? Watch as I...huh?"

Discord tried to phase through the firewall, to no effect.

"What is this thing made of?!" Discord complained as he kicked at the firewall. The wall beeped and produced a message.


"What's this?" Discord asked as a virtual keyboard popped up in front of him. He poked at the buttons.

"I don't think..." X started to say.

"Password?! What is this password you speak of?" Discord cried as he continued to mash the virtual keys.

"You really shouldn't..."

X watched as Discord was quite literally booted out of the system from too many bad password attempts. "Well then." X sighed. He stepped through the firewall and into his internal systems. He decided to look outside with his physical eyes.


X bolted upright into a sitting position. Apparently his body had been laying down on the...cloud? Once again, X found himself next to Discord, spirit of chaos.

"Ouch...that gave me quite the headache." Discord moaned. "Just what are you?"

"I am...a reploid. A robot is fine too. It doesn't really matter anymore, anyways. I guess you brought me here?" X motioned to the strange surroundings, with the both of them standing on a cloud, and looking farther ahead, were a few clouds spaced randomly among the sky. Strangely, when X looked down, he could see nothing but wide open space. Looking up resulted in the same thing, just more open space.

"This is my own little dimension. Nothing but clouds. Nothing more, nothing less. It's very good for...just thinking." Discord looked at X intently. "I sense a multitude of powers within you, most of which...are not yours. However, I can see that you can't use them, not because they are sealed, but simply because they were forgotten. Being the spirit of chaos, I can easily unlock those past powers for you."

X eyed Discord suspiciously. "No, thank you. Too much power has a tendency of corrupting the ones who wield it."

"But you've kept some powers longer than others, have you not?"

X remembered the time where he had to fight Zero during the fifth Maverick War, and he had used weapons from the forth war against him.

"And do you not summon up those lost powers in dire times of need? I can feel the power... an infinite amount of potential inside you. Like you could accomplish anything." Discord continued.

"I don't need it here, and I doubt I'll need it anytime soon."

"Well, if you say so. The offer will still be standing if you ever bump into me again." Discord shrugged.

X looked around. "So, how do I go back to Canterlot?"

Discord snapped his fingers. "I've been trying to teleport you back with my magic, but it's not working! Magic doesn't seem to be affecting you in the normal way that it should. I tried casting a cloud-walking spell on you but it simply did not work on you! Right now the only reason you're still here is because physics here abide by my rules. How... disorderly your body handles magic. It's like your body wants nothing to do with mana or something! X raised his eyebrow questioningly at Discord, and he continued, "So you'll have to take the manual way out. It's that-a-way." Discord pointed straight down, off the cloud and into the blue abyss below.

"You want me to what?!"

"Don't worry, physics don't work the same here. Ta-ta!" Discord snapped his fingers again, sending a blast of chocolate milk at X's face. X stumbled backwards and fell straight off the cloud.

"Goodbye, X! I'm certain we'll meet again!" Discord shouted down at X, and waved.

As X fell, he felt strangely calm, yet apprehensive about the future. One thing he knew was very certain, this won't be the last time he'll see Discord.

"X! X, you there?"


X dragged himself off the park bench and looked at where the voice was coming from. It was Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, hey there Pinkie." X wiped his face off. It smelled like chocolate milk.

"What?! Did you have chocolate milk without me?!" Pinkie sternly asked.

"Um...a new friend offered me some chocolate milk, so I accepted it." X tried to explain.

"Ooh! New friends? New friends are always fun!" Pinkie beamed. "You should introduce your new friend later!"

"You know, I have a strange feeling that you might already know him. But that's just me." X looked at Pinkie. "Would you like to get some chocolate milk at the castle later?"

"Ooh sure!" Pinkie Pie and X began bouncing back to the castle.

"I think I might know a few recipes for chocolate milk. I don't remember where they came from or why they're in my system, but it's been there as long as I can remember..."