• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 5,864 Views, 170 Comments

Mega Man X: Forgotten Legend - Blue Bomber

Realizing that he is the only being left on the abandoned Earth, X is faced with a problem; should he stay, or attempt to leave?

  • ...

Knowlegde of the Universe and All of Spacetime

"Good morning, Princess."

"X! I didn't think you would be up so early."

X stepped past the guards and walked into the throne room as Celestia put finishing touches on her sunrise, her horn glowing a bright golden color. He quickly made his way to the window Celestia was at, and let the sun shine on him.

"Just needed some morning sun, Princess. I hope you don't mind me using your sunlight."

"Oh, don't worry about it. It may be "my" sun, but it's my duty to provide sunlight to every living thing in Equestria."

"Well, I hope Luna doesn't mind me using her moonlight."

"You use moonlight too? What for?"

"Recharging special weapons. See?" X activated the only weapon he had, which was Fluttershy's talent. His armor quickly changed color to reflect the active weapon, and X (unwittingly) made eye contact with Celestia.

Their stares were quickly locked together.

After a few seconds of tense silence, X quickly switched off his weapon and chuckled nervously. "Oops."

"Well, that was...interesting." Celestia said. "Anyways, you remember what is going to happen later today, right?"

X's eyes widened. "I had almost forgot."

"Well, I do hope you're ready." Celestia eyed X over.

I must judge this outworlder for myself. He seems to be a kind soul, but I prefer to see his combat ability. If what he claims about his past world is true...then Shining Armor might have met his match.

"Nice boots by the way. I haven't seen them before." She looked at X's feet. "The color doesn't really match with the rest of you, however."

"The boots are only part of a set, Princess. They give me the speed and agility of a Pegasus." X quickly unequipped the foot parts, not wanting anyone else to question where he got them, and the parts quickly faded away.

"Really?" Celestia gave X a questioning look. "Where did you get them?"

"The light in the backhills. My creator had left a capsule where the light was. He has a tendency to hide parts in the strangest places." X mused. "Sometimes I wonder how he finds materials to make these things. I supposed I shouldn't be surprised if I ever find one of his capsules on a cloud or something."

No, really, I wouldn't be surprised if I found a capsule sitting on top of a cloud.

"Good morning, Princess!"

X and Celestia looked up to see six mares approaching them.

"Oh, good morning to you too, X! We didn't expect you to be up so early." Rarity said.

"I just needed my morning sun, that's all. I suppose you're going to eat breakfast now?"

"We are. Shall we go, Princess?" Twilight asked.

"Let us go then. Will you join us, X?"

"I suppose I shall, Princess. Let's go."
At the table, we have the Mane Six, Celestia, and X, as well as Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.

"Wow! This is great!"

"Dash, dear, you really must refrain from stuffing your face..." Rarity said as Rainbow Dash stuffer her face with various pony breakfast foods.

"But ish so gudd!"

Rarity facehoofed as Pinkie produced a cupcake out of nowhere and offered it to X. "Do you want a cupcake, X?"

"What the...?" X began, as Twilight said, "Pinkie, I don't think cupcakes are a part of a balanced breakfa-"

"What nonsense! He's a robot, so he doesn't have to worry! Right, X?"

"Err...I suppose you're right." X said as he took the cupcake and took a bite.

X's eyes snapped wide open.

What the...!

"Is something wrong, X?" Pinkie asked, worried. The other five ponies and Celestia also looked at him.

"Better not have a stomach ache, X. I've been practicing my shield spell just for you." Shining said it with a frown on his face, but his eyes were smiling.

"No! No, no. It's a great cupcake, Pinkie." X said, and the ponies resumed their meal. X quickly consumed the rest of the cupcake, and when nopony was paying him any attention, he turned to Pinkie and asked," Do you have another cupcake?"

"Of course I do!" She pulled a cupcake out of her inventory and handed it to X. "Are you going to eat it?

"No, not yet. I'm saving it. You remember that I'm to fight Shining Armor, right?" X motioned subtly at Shining Armor.

"Ooh, right! Where are you gonna put your cupcake?"

X frowned. "I hadn't thought of that."

"I know! If I give you my powers, you'll see the truth and the meaning of the universe and everything in it!"


"Consider it a gift for being one of my bestest friends! Pinkie grabbed X's hands and he began to glow a bright pink. He felt a powerful sense of joy and laughter flow into his very being, and all the strange knowledge that Pinkie Pie had been saving up for who knows how long.

"What in tarnation..." Applejack stared. X's armor was a shade of light pink, his helmet a slightly darker pink, and his eyes became a shade of light cerulean.

Twilight almost spit out her hay and oats. "Pinkie! What have you done?!"

"I gave him the knowledge of the universe and all of spacetime." Pinkie said seriously. "Now he has the potential to open his own bakery!"

"Hahahaha! Oh my, I think the world looks a bit different now." X looked disoriented as he clutched his head with one hand and waved his other hand wildly. "Twitch-a-twitch-twitch!" he shouted.

"Everypony, look out!" Pinkie cried.

All the ponies took cover as a brown package smashed through the window and flew across the dining room, then landed next to Pinkie.

A shout of, "Oops, my bad!" could be heard from outside the window as a grey pegasus flew off.

Pinkie tore open the package. "Oh, it's that cookbook I ordered." Pinkie scratched her head. "Wonder how they found me here."

"Guards!" Celestia shouted.

Two guards quickly made their way over to Celestia and asked, "What is it, princess?"

"Get somepony to fix that window later, after we're done eating. Tell them to use stronger glass this time."

"Yes, princess." the guards replied and quickly left to room. When they left, X could still hear "That's the third time this month!" coming from one of the guards.

"So, is everyone done with breakfast now? I think the crowds and the nobles are showing up." Celestia said.

"A crowd?!" X cried in bewilderment as he finally had enough sense to unequip Pinkie's talent. The partying in his head and nonstop sugar rush had gotten a bit too excessive.
"Why is there a crowd?!" X cried. "No one told me this would be public!"

"Well...Shining Armor is a prince, you know. Prince of the Crystal Empire. Dueling a prince isn't anything to scoff at." Fluttershy told X. "Now run along now. Don't keep them waiting." Fluttershy gently pushed X towards the courtyard. "We'll be watching next to the princesses!" she softly shouted as X walked away.

Slowly, X made his way towards the center of the courtyard. He could see Shining Armor waiting for him, clad in shining armor, as well a crowd of ponies behind a circle of unicorn guards. From a nearby balcony, his friends as well as the three princesses were watching. As soon as X stepped into what he thought was the battle zone, the guards set up a large shield spell closing the two duelists inside the ring, and prevented anything from getting in or out, to avoid damaging anything outside the arena or hurting any other ponies.

X stepped forward and faced Shining Armor.

"So...why am I doing this again?"

"To prove your worth as an outsider, and to prove that you'll be a fine member of the Royal Guard. To be completely honest with you, I still can't believe that you could have driven a dragon out of Ponyville by yourself. If you can win, however, that's a completely different story."

"Very well then. If that's what it takes for me to be able to settle down for a change...I'll accept your challenge."

Shining Armor's horn glowed, and a sword and shield materialized next to him, floating in his magical grasp. X pulled out the hilt of the Z-Saber from the side of his leg and activated it, the glowing triangular blade drawing a small gasp from the crowd.

X quickly examined his opponent's weapon. It was a white, ornate sword, but X wasn't sure if he could compare Equestrian weaponry to human weapons, especially since humans had abandoned using metal swords long before he himself had existed. X knew of no metal that was white by its own accord, at least not any Earthen metals.

Well, I won't be the one to know how sharp that thing is.
"Are you sure he'll really be alright?" Rarity asked. "Shining Armor is a very skilled fighter, I would think."

"Well, if X took down a dragon, I would think that he's good at fighting too." Rainbow retorted.

"But still...I would think that Shining Armor is a lot more intelligent than a brutish dragon."

"My brother is very intelligent!"
"My husband is very intellegent!"

Twilight and Cadence looked at each other.

"Well, most of the time."