• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 354 Views, 0 Comments

The Guide - Godric The Radical

There tale of a legent of a pony who guides ponies to their destinty

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Chapter 1 The path of the Queen

(MLP or any of the respective songs, the only part I own is my OC.) (I am holding a contest, want you have to do is draw my OC and submit it to me before the 2nd of April, the winner will have that OC as a book cover for this story, and I will do any story that they want... Or anythings else based upon preferences. Send your pictures to allthingsgerman4@gmail.com and be sure to put your user name in the email. Email me if you have any questions. Now have a pleasant journey in this story.)

Chapter 1 The path of the Queen

We always know what happens to the good guys, they live happily ever after.

Some of the antagonists we know what happened to them.

That leaves poor Queen Chrysalis, she was thrown but where?

We all remember the love between Cadence and Shining Armor. How their love saved Canterlot for the forces from evil changelings. We know that they prospered, but what happened to the unfortunate, late Ex-Queen Chrysalis?

What happened to her that made a cruel vile creature that was its dream to conquer all of Equestria? What could have transformed her; what corrupted her, whose fault was it? The Guide has been called and the path will be revealed

Now be quiet, sit, and eat your popcorn quietly; I am trying to tell you a story. Now back to the story I was going to tell, but you had to think about something which interrupted me. If I could go on I would like to tell you the story…

Queen Chrysalis was gasping as Shining Armor and Cadence were engulfed in a pink light. The energy was streaming off of the unity. The whole room was bathed in the pink light as Cadence and Shining rose up into the air.

Even Celestia in her cocoon, in pain looked down and was filled with the power of love. The love was so strong even outside of the castle. A sense of love and compassion swept the land; people were influenced by this wave of never ending love.

The people were hugging and showing their love to their spouses. The children were giving love notes and kissing behind garbage cans. The whole of Equestria was bathed in the love that Shining armor and Cadence shared with each other.

Chrysalis was cowering… her grand plan was falling part in front of her eyes. So much work and planning for this to happen. The subjects of her kingdom will starve and she was all to blame. She felt anger, resentment, and hate in her heart, but something changed… something completely different… she felt love, in the bottom off her heart.

She did not let that deter her. With whatever power Chrysalis had she used it against the glowing ponies.
Cadence and Shining Armor became a giant, floating heart, of pure love.

The love began to pulse and absorbed anything Chrysalis could throw at them: hate, magic, slapping across their faces, nor anything else could pierce the veil of love.

Then if love could know no bounds, a wave of pure love pushed away the changelings away. As if something from the heavens called down a power of good.

In the background there was a song, coming from nowhere. The song started out…

You've got to believe,
(You've got to believe)
In the Power of Love,
You've got to believe, in the Power of Love.
The Power of Love.

Chrysalis tried to hold on to the ground and not be thrown away. The literal evil, hate, and anger were being washed away, being replaced by love, compassion, and friendship. Chrysalis could not hold on much longer, and she let go…
She flew through the air thrown by the power of love, but as she was flying backward with her head flying first and being reversed, she saw a white pony.

She tried to focus on it but the air and uncontrollable throw was making her sick. Then as she was leaving Canterlot a song was playing

Mmm, what you say?
Mm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did.
Mmm, what you say?
Mm, that its all for the best? Because it is.
Mmm, what you say?
Mm, that it’s just what we need? And you decided this.
Mmm, what you say?
What did she say?

She felt the ground closing in on her. Tall pine trees were in the way of her fall. She felt the tops of trees and branches hitting her all over her, causing her to wince and bite her tongue in pain. She closed her eyes in what she knew… it was known that she would be hitting the ground soon, that would be the end… the end of her.

She felt the wind change, she was no longer uncontrollably falling but slowing down. Chrysalis opened her eyes to see an aura of white had surrounded her.

She then looked at her sides but her wings were brutally damaged, she knew that she could not fly. They would not respond or move to any of the actions, what her mind was telling her wings.

Chrysalis was confused and scared about what was going on. Chrysalis knew that if it was the princess she could get away. Her wings were brutally damaged beyond use, the wings were torn shreds.

She gentle floated to the ground, where the aura left her. She kept to the ground because of the cringing pain all over her body.

The wounds were deep and bleeding, but she wasn’t going to die. Chrysalis felt pain but death’s cold grip was nowhere to be found.

On the ground, through her watered eyes she saw a shadow. It was a pony’s shadow, but the shadow was different… The shadow did not emanate darkness instead dark light. Chrysalis was puzzled by such an occurrence.
The pony said “Are you ok, queen? Here let me help you up.”

The pony grabbed her gentle the sides, and helped her up onto her hooves. She finally got a look at the pony who had helped her.

It was a unicorn with a completely white coat, with the bottom half of his mane was white. On the other part of the mane is bright blue on the top. The top of his mane was gray in some of the hair.
The unicorn had a blue cross on his chest. He had a white cape over his back.

The unicorn said “ By Elrath tell that you are ok?” The unicorn waved his hoof in front of Queen Chrysalis.

She blinked and stepped back. “Oh, sorry I am fine. I was just struck by your appearance.”

The unicorn blinked his stern expression unchanging “Good then, I am glad that you are fine but you are wounded.”

The pony began to cry on Chrysalis, she felt a burning sensation all over her body. The wounds on Chrysalis began to fade back into her coat and where no longer see nor felt by her.

The pony stopped crying and said” We need to move towards the forest so that you do not get captured by Celestia’s guards.”
Queen Chrysalis was completely confused, so she asked “What are you talking about?”

The unicorn faced her “If you do not hurry then you will be captured, and thrown into a dungeon cell.”

Queen Chrysalis waved her hoof dismissively and said “Please, you think that only a couple of guards can stop me, I am all powerful. Also I have an army at my ready.”

The unicorn stood there, trying to hold his laughter in but he just could not. The unicorn fell to the ground in laughter rolling across the ground. Chrysalis had a growing anger for this unicorn she had met, first he doubts her then he mocks her.

He stood up wiping a tear from his eye with his laughter becoming just chuckles. “Please your highness, you got to stop making jokes like that.”

Chrysalis was becoming infuriated, “Why do you say that unicorn, you think I am lying?! You think that I Queen Chrysalis, cannot wipe a pestilence like you off the face of the earth and scatter your literal atoms to the wind?!”

He stood there no expression on his face “Nope .”

There her anger had met her limit, Chrysalis yelled “So be it!”

A green light started to form on her horn, a green flame was at the tip of the horn. She let out a blast of green flame, creating a wave of flame towards the unicorn. He was not flinching, nor running as the wave of flame was coming closer to him by the millisecond.

The flame engulfed the unicorn and the green flame bathed the area in the flame. Chrysalis laughed evilly at the destruction of the insolent unicorn.

There was a rumbling and a blinding light. Chrysalis shielded her eyes from the onslaught on her eyes. The blinding light was like looking into the sun, with its glory.

When the light subsided, Chrysalis lowered her hoof and saw that the fire was no longer there.
The unicorn was standing there unharmed. He walked over to Queen Chrysalis and patted her on the shoulder.
“Nice try your highness but it will take more than that to get rid of me. ”

Chrysalis even angrier than before fired a green, magic missile at the unicorn, he quick drew his great sword with his magic. The green magic missile struck the white aura sword and bounced off of the sword and flew high into the sky.
Godric levitated a rag to his sword and wiped clean any charring on his sword. He put away his sword and looked at Queen Chrysalis.

She had a flabbergasted look on her face. She gained enough coherent thought to say “Who are you?”

“That is for a later time my liege all you need to know that I am your guide.”

Chrysalis just looked at him, not saying just thinking.

The unicorn said worriedly “Chrysalis come on, haven’t you heard the tales?”

Chrysalis shuffled her hoof on the ground and said “No I haven’t.”

The unicorn stomped on the ground “Those ponies always forget the Guide, the one that guides them on to the path, don’t you think that I should get at least a footnote in the stories?”
Chrysalis just shrugged.

The unicorn pulled out a gold pocket watch and grumbled “If we are not going to have any more distraction, you have to move your royal plot to the forest.”

He mumbled “you are really behind schedule. “
Chrysalis raised her head and looked at the sky while saying “Well, I never.”

On the way to the forest he could feel that something was going to fall to the earth and it would be edible.

The unicorn caught a falling apple on of the air and levitated it to Chrysalis “Here eat something you’re going to need it, and you might want to step back about five hoofs to your right, your changelingness.”

Chrysalis even more puzzled said “Why would I want to do that?”

The unicorn with a bit urgency said “You might really want to move over to the right.”

Chrysalis obeyed but was very skeptical “Ok what’s supposed to happen now?”
As Chrysalis said that a cart of apples landed where she was standing. Having the breath taken from her she just stood there. The unicorn walked over to the cart and observed the obvious smoldering hole in the side of the cart.

“Oh, so that’s where it went, I was wondering where the missile was going; but I was not expecting to hit something like this.”
The unicorn turned to Chrysalis “By Elrath, if you do not make it to the forest the problems will begin to stack.”
Behind the unicorn he heard the flapping of wings then the touching down of hoofs.

The unicorn closed his eyes and sighed “Just like this.”

He opened his eyes and turned to the ponies that had landed behind him. He saw two guards with their emotionless expressions on their faces.

The guard on the right, with his brown coat and armor said “We are here to arrest Queen Chrysalis on the terms that she impersonated a princess, tried to take over Canterlot, and disturbing the peace of the land. She must be taken in so that she can be put on trial for her crimes against Princess Cadence, and her late husband Shining Armor.”

The unicorn started to look around. Confusing the guards, the smaller guard with her black coat said “What are you doing?”

The unicorn said “I am looking for this queen of yours but I can’t see her.”

The guards looked at each other before the guard on the right said “Are you trying to play games; she is right behind you.”

The unicorn looked behind him and looked for Queen Chrysalis but he only saw Chrysalis. He turned to them “Nope, no Queen here but there is a Chrysalis here, I will take your message after the beep… beeeeeeeeeeep.”

The guards were obviously becoming more cross with the unicorn with each coming second.

The smaller guard walked up to the unicorn and placed her hoof aggressively on his chest. “Sir, if you do not step out of the way and let us arrest that criminal; we will be forced to detain you too.”

The unicorn grinned “I would like to see you try.”

As if the song were being carried by the wind they could all hear a strange tune…

The unicorn placed one of his hooves on his face before yelling “Mitternacht… really?!”
The song started to play…
Wenn die Gondeln Trauer tragen
und es hallt der toten Klagen
tief im Nacken das Grauen sitzt

Wenn die Uhr beginnt zu schlagen
kalte, dichte Nebelschwaden
berühr'n dich sacht ...

... Mitternacht !

Gefriert das Blut dir in den Adern
Schnürt dir Angst die Kehle zu
Hörst du dein Herz und die Glocken schlagen
ist es Nacht ...

... Mitternacht !

Loca in ferna in nocte
Loca in ferna in nocte
Animae in nebula

... Mitternacht !

Media nox obscura nox
crudelitas animarum
campana sonat
duo decies

loca ... in ferna in nocte ....
anima in nebulaaaahhhh ...

media nox obscura nox
crudelitas animarum
media nox, media nox

While the song was playing the right guard had pulled out his sword and the other guard had a glowing black halo around her horn. The unicorn placed his hoof near his mouth and yawned.

The smaller guard took this offense more than the other guard. She let out a barrage of magic bolt at the unicorn. He drew his sword, looking at his hoof, not looking he deflected all of the oncoming magic bolts with ease.
After he had deflected the bolts he pulled out a rag and wiped the charring marks on his blade.

The other guard charged forward sword drawn over his head. A bright flash of light, became a bright focus of light.
The guard slowed down until he was completely blinded by the brilliance. A form emerged from the brilliance and walked on the ground.

The only color that was on the pure light coat was a picture of blue, phoenix wings on his chest. Everybody averted their eyes from the form.

He opened his eyes and said in an angelic voice “Be gone and make your existence elsewhere.”

In a flash of light the guard were whisked away nowhere to be seen. The form touched the ground and the light was dispelled outward in a flash. The unicorn turned around to see that Queen Chrysalis jaw was a gap.

She finally gained enough coherent thought to ask “Who or what are you?”

The unicorn sighed and said “Oh well, it’s a good enough time to tell you, my name is Godric, Keeper of the True Light, but you can either can call me Lightkeeper or Godric your choice.”

Godric moved towards the forest “Come on before something else happens.”

Queen Chrysalis having nowhere else to go, or any real plans walked along side of Godric. Queen Chrysalis finally asked something after ten minutes of walking to the Everfree forest.

“So, what’s your cutie mark Godric?”

Godric pulled away his cape for her to see. On his flank was a shield with a holy sun in the middle of the shield. The holy sun was blue, but over the shield was three deep scratches.

She winced at the sight of the scratches. He looked at her and looked at his cutie mark “Oh those scars, I have had those since I was a young lad who thought that fighting demons was easy.”

She understood then she thought of something new “How old are you?”

Godric placed his hoof on his head and thought “If I remember correctly, I am over 1000 years old, because I remember when Starswirl first became a wizard. It was even said that I carried the first torch into the darkness but I can’t be quite sure.”
Queen Chrysalis just looked at Godric “That was long ago.”

Godric shrugged “It was not like I was planning to retire or anything like that, as long as Elrath needs my service I will keep giving him my life to serving him.”

After a couple minutes of silence they reached the Everfree Forest where Godric made a fire out of the light. The fire cast shadows on the trees as the darkness consumed the world around them.

Queen Chrysalis asked one question through the whole silence “Why are you here Godric?”
He turned to her and said in a gentle voice “My commission is to help those who have fallen off the path, to get them back on the path.”

Chrysalis just did not know what this “path” was or if she could trust Godric, but she was too tired after the action of that day.

Queen Chrysalis’s eyes fluttered closed, and she entered the dreamscape.
As the last little bits of the fire blew out, Godric supplied the light from his horn, “The Darkness it can’t touch around otherwise death will pound.”

He wandered from the campsite and ventured into the darkness in his illuminated form protecting himself from the horrors of the darkness. As he ventured away something was stirring, something dark with the intent of evil, something from hell itself…

Godric knew that the demons would try to harm him or… Godric gasped… or Chrysalis. Godric began to gallop as fast as he could back to the campsite.
Back at the campsite…

Chrysalis was stirred awake by noises in the forest. She felt the adrenaline pumping through her as the rustling was getting closer. She held her breath, the bush in front of her began to rustle. Chrysalis could feel her heart seize up, and her skin going clammy.
The bush stopped rustling to show a small chipmunk.

Chrysalis laughing to herself “I don’t think that you can harm me little one.”

Chrysalis turned around to see two, large yellow eyes in front of her…

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