• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 2,901 Views, 4 Comments

Macrocosm - Silverfox117

A young man gets chased by people in black cloaks. This causes him to be thrown into a very deep and complicated plot for survival and ponies.

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When we first arrived at Ponyville my breath got taken away by surprise. The architectural style seems like it was taken straight from the history books. The buildings seems like they’re timber-framed with thatched roofs. The bridges were crafted with delicate stone layouts that added an artistic sense to the town.

‘Is this a kind of architectural style or technological limitations? It has to be by design, because I saw a refrigerator and other electronic devices.’ I thought to myself. ‘Plus why would an architectural style be a technological limitation.’

While we were walking my nose caught a scent, an amazing scent. It smelt of warm bread, fresh out of the oven, which made my tongue sizzle. The scent of sweets and fresh cut fruit made my stomach yearn for their sweet, sweet, taste. The more we walked the concentration of these smells greatly increased. It makes me just want to get up and start to run as fast as I can towards this baker shop, but former idea is silly for I can’t even walk correctly very well much less run.

When the baker shop came in full view and it came abundantly clear that we are heading to this place, my heart skipped a beat. I ran as fast as I can. Unfortunately, in the process of trying to run, I got my left foreleg tangled with my left hind leg, my right foreleg to my left hind, my left hind to my right foreleg, and my right hind to my left foreleg. I fell face first on to the hard cement. Cement that is much cleaner than the ones back on earth, and luckily it had no gum on it. A sharp pain rushed from my nose to the back of my head. A little bit of blood twinkled from my nose to the cement. The cement has now been tainted by my blood. A sense of shame swept through my body. Strange thinking about it, how I feel bad for dirtying something that is always walked on by others. “Ouch.” I said as Twilight started giggling behind me.

“I don’t know how you did it, but you’re almost as clumsy as the camel on that unicycle from the circus.” Twilight said giggling to herself.

I got up and rubbed my nose with my hoof trying to smear off any small amount of blood on my nose. I said, “Ouch, it still hurts.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t be such a big filly.” Twilight teased.

“Hey I’m not a baby, and what did you say about the camel thing?” I asked still rubbing my nose.

Twilight looked up trying to remember what she said to me. “You’re almost as clumsy as the camel-”

I quickly pointed. “Yes that, how do you know about camels.

“We have camels don’t you.” Twilight’s eyes suddenly grew larger as I can see that what I meant has finally been grasped. “Oh I see, I see. Fascinating. Do you have bears?”

I nodded my head in agreement. “Yes.”

Twilight’s eyes just got bigger. “Cows?”

I nodded my head again. “Yep.”


“Yes, again.”

“We have the same animals. Fascinating, okay, you’re coming to see Fluttershy with me at the end of the day, okay.”

“Gotcha.” I pointed with my hooves as if she already didn’t get the idea.

Twilight looked back at town trying to remember why we were here in the first place. “First Sugar cube corner.” She said excitedly, ready to take the day by storm.

The thought of the bakery totally slipped my mind until Twilight just reminded me of its existence. As we got to the front door I can see all the appetizing treats. The large cakes made my eyes water with their magnificent beauty and elegant designs. The tiny cupcakes made my mouth sizzle, for I was trying to imagine how delicious that cupcake would be. I can smell the pies a mile away. They filled the air with their enticing aroma that begs out, “Eat me, please.”

“THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!” I yelled to Twilight.

Twilight grinned and said, “Come in I’ll get you something.”

“Awesome.” I said while pumping my forelegs in the air, only to fall on my face again. I’m such an idiot.

When I walked inside the store I spotted a huge line of Ponies in front of the register. There is a very pink and puffy pony working the register at this place. Her mane curls in no particular order. I’m not sure if this is done on purpose or it somehow reflects her personality. It also resembles cotton candy in a way. She also had a sparkle in her eyes whenever she greeted one of the ponies in the line. This can only be found in the most sanguine of characters. I can tell she loves her job. The interaction of other ponies and possibly the sweets, this is the job most fit for her.

Twilight went in the line and I followed. It seemed like it took forever before we got a chance to order. Twilight said, “Hello Pinkie.” A fitting name.

Pinkie gave a quick glance to me and then gasped. She ran to me with lighting speed catching me completely off guard. She then wrapped her hooves around my mine, and we shook hooves. Pinkie said, “I haven’t seen you before. If I never seen you before then that means your not from here, and if your not from here than that makes you not my friend.” Pinkie let out a gasp before continuing. “If your not my friend than I don’t know you, because everyone in Ponyville is my friend and that means I know everypony, and if your not from Ponyville than-.” Pinkie eyes just got a lot wider and she lout out an extremely long gasp, much larger than the ones that followed before it. “If your not from Ponyville than that means your new and if your new than your new, but if your new than doesn’t that make you not a resident in Ponyville yet, and if your not a resident from Ponyville than that makes you new.” Pinkie grabbed my head with her hooves. “DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE DO WITH NEW PONIES?”

I shook my head with a little bit of fear, annoyance, and curiosity, mainly curiosity.

“We party of course, duh. What do you think we do silly?”

I replied by shaking my head in a condescending manner. I couldn’t believe the amount of energy emanating from this pony. There seems to be no way of stopping her mouth from running. ‘Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question or not, because if it’s not then I really don’t know what to say.’

“Pinkie can I have one of your famous chocolate cupcakes.” Twilight asked while scanning the menu, as if she is going to order something else too.

‘I almost completely forgot about ordering, but really desert at this hour.’ I looked down at my wrist and then I remembered I don’t have a wrist. I sighed, I couldn’t really complain about having sweets at this time, because I always ate cake in the morning for breakfast. Yeah sue me. ‘Who knows maybe desert is completely healthy for ponies.’

“What to order, what to order.” I started scanning the menu not really knowing what to get. “Do you girls happen to have any thoughts of what I should get?” Of course right after I said this, the pink pony’s eyes grew immensely. They seem to do that a lot.

“There is so many great things you could order. We got chocolate cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes, chocolate cake, red velvet cake-.”

“I’m going to stop you right there and say, you like chocolate don’t you, but I’ll think I will have an apple pie with some whip cream on the top. Thank you.”

A bit later the pink pony came back with the deserts. She sat down right next to us, probably to commerce, and she then started going on and on about how she wanted to friends and how she knows every pony in this town.

“So do you think we could be friends?” Pinkie asked politely for once.

I looked at Twilight. She then looked at me, grinned, and then nodded in approval. Thinking about it why do I need Twilight’s permission to have friends. She’s not like my mother or anything. God I can be such an idiot.

“Yes.” I said with a smile on my face as wide as the Mississippi River. She now is the second friend I had in a long time, Twilight being the first, I think. This world has already opened up to me more than Earth has ever done, and probably more than it ever will.

“Man this pie is great!” I said with my mouth full.

“You should probably slow down. I’m sure the readers don’t want you to choke or anything.” Pinkie said with a huge smile on her face. She always seems to be smiling. I really like that, it makes feel good on the inside like no matter how bad a situation could be there will be Pinkie smiling, giving hope.

“What?” Twilight and I both said in utter confusion over what Pinkie just said.

“Yes the ones watching us right now.” Pinkie put on a fake mustache and put her hooves together and started rubbing them together. I started to crack up.

I started laughing my but off. After a bit longer of laughing and me wiping my tears, I finally asked, “Where did you get that mustache from?”

“I always keep them around town just in case I need them.” Pinkie said taking off her mustache. I can feel myself cracking up again after she said that.

“Haha, keeping… them… in… town. Wow you are one crazy pony Pinkie. I really like you.” I said wiping my tears of laughter.

“I think it’s time for us to be off now. Nice seeing you Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“Ah do we have to be going now.” I whined.

“Yes we do. We need to do more things.” Twilight said with a bit of a rush to her tone.

“Wait, silly me I never got your name?” Pinkie asked.

“My name is Acxel.”

“Nice to meet you Acxel.”


Twilight and I then walked from the baker shop. “So what do you think of Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“I liked her a lot. She is very nice, and has a great attitude and she’s funny.

“Yep she’s quite the hoot isn’t she, but before we move on there is something I need to tell you. Come closer.” I then moved closer to Twilight, so she could whisper something to me. “You cannot tell anyone your human okay. Especially that Lyra pony.” Twilight got a bit sinister especially after that last part of Lyra, Lyra, whatever her name is.

“Okay.” I just nodded in agreement. Man I really am a slave to Twilight.

We walked in silence after that. I could tell that Twilight is lost in her thoughts just by the way she walked. While walking I also noticed this brown pony with an hourglass cutie mark and a gray pegasus chasing this weird purple cat thing. That seems a bit odd, but who knows maybe that’s the norm here.

“Here we are.” Said Twilight as she pointed to a purple boutique. I can only assume that in there is another one of her friends. When we walked in a white unicorn with an over styled blue mane greeted us.

“Hello Twilight, I have this dress that I made for you, and I have a feeling that you’re really going to like it, and who might be your dashing compadre over there.” Said the white unicorn.

I blushed a bit after she said that. Twilight replied, “I will love to try your new dress Rarity, but not right now.”

“Oh that’s okay.” Rarity sounded a bit let down.

“This is my new friend Acxel. Actually I have a favor for you Rarity. Do you think you can introduce Acxel to the rest of our friends while I go do some research?”

‘Not much of a favor if your just gonna tell her before she even accepts.’

“Sure darling, nice to meet you Acxel.”


Twilight then left without saying a word. ‘I wonder what she’s up to.’

Rarity walked around me and asked, “You like her don’t you?”

I quickly started shaking every part of my body that can shake. “What me no, that is completely preposterous.” I laughed a bit afterwards.

“No really, I can tell just by the way you look at her, and the way you cling to her every word. Honey, I know love when I see it.” Rarity getting right down to the point.

‘That can’t be true, how can I like a pony if I’m human. Well at least used to be human.’

“Well I guess that doesn't matter, but what does matter is I just got a wonderful idea. I want to make a tux for you.”

“You don’t have to.” I said.

“It’s not your choice. I’m making a suit for you and that’s final, plus I really want to.” Rarity said pushing it on me. Somehow I knew I wasn’t going to win this, so I just accepted it instead.

“Thanks.” I quickly gave up. What can I say, Ladies can push me around. Even pony ladies I suppose.

Rarity looked up. “Where did you meet Twilight? She asked curiously.

“I met her in the Everfree Forest.” Not lying yet. A whole new record for me.

Rarity rose her eyebrows, “That’s a strange place to meet don’t you think.”

I looked at the window, eyeing the view of the small town. Looking out windows always help me think, and makes me feel more secure. It’s as if I’m not here anymore. I’m a bird in the sky flying through the clouds, feel the breeze on my wings. I always space out during class while doing this. ‘If only I was a pegasus.’

I looked back at Rarity, “Yeah it is strange huh, but what can I say. Twilight saved my life and I should be eternally grateful.”

Rarity looked surprised, “Really, she did.”

“Yep, she saved me from a wild Timber wolf attack. I thought I was going to die right there.” Well thinking about it now I thought I was going to die a lot yesterday. Hell I was thinking that Twilight might even try to kill me.

Rarity started pacing and asked, “Where are you from?”

‘Where am I from, well shit. I can’t remember any other cities name except for Ponyville. I can’t say I’m from Ponyville, she might be like Pinkie and know everypony here. What do I say?’

“I actually don’t remember where I’m from. When Twilight saved me in the forest I actually had amnesia and I couldn’t recall any events before meeting Twilight.” ‘Well there goes my dirty, dirty mouth again. I really have to learn how not to lie.’

Rarity raised her eyebrow again. I asked before she could reply, “Do you think we could leave now.”

“Sure just let me find the right outfit darling.”


Rarity left me in the front of the store. I started to look around the place, observing some of her dresses she had on display. The colors were outstanding it looks as if some of them are perfectly blended together. I reached out and touched the fabric of the clothes. The fabric felt as I would imagine a cloud would feel. I heard Rarity humming as she started walking down the hall. I instinctively stopped touching the clothes and walked back to the spot that I was waiting for her at.

Rarity had a completely fabulous outfit, a little too fabulous for just a walk in town.

After a bit of walking Rarity stopped at the local marketplace to shop, I assume. This place reminds me more of a flea market than anything else. There are vendors trying to sell all sorts of products, and costumers trying to negotiate deals. It all feels way too familiar, almost like I’m back at home. The only thing is I’m not. In the corner of my eyes I see Rarity talking to this blonde pony.

‘I wonder what she’s doing.’ I walk over to see what Rarity is doing.

“Awe Applejack I would like for you to meet my good friend Acxel.”

“Hi, Applejack.” I said. ‘Good friends we just barely met.’

“Howdy partner. Ah' don’t reckon seeing you here around these parts before.” Applejack said with a strong southern accent.

‘A southern pony, what is this place going to have next, British ponies.’

“Um, yes nice to meet you Applejack.” I said.

Rarity butted in the conversation and said, “Yeah that’s because he’s not from here.”

Applejack took a bite out of her apple. “Really so where are you from then bud?”

“Actually he doesn’t know where he’s from. He has amnesia. In fact he only remembers waking up in the Everfree Forest where he suddenly got attacked by a Timber Wolf. Only then did Twilight come in and save him, is it not romantic.” Rarity said while glancing up in the sky.

‘Not really.’

“I think Twilight is going to help him get his memory back and try to find where he’s from.” Rarity still looking in the sky trying to imagine me and Twilight together.

Applejack then gave me the biggest hug and told me how I’m one of the bravest warriors she ever knew. The only thing is that was a complete lie, and it didn’t help for the fact that Rarity had to go and add things to the lie. I am watching gossip spread from pony to pony. I really don’t think Twilight is going to like this at all.

We then left the apple stand and Rarity and I headed out to our next destination. Rarity was talking about some pony named Rainbow Dash, but we had trouble finding her. Apparently she is some kind of hotshot pegasus. It started to get dark, and we really had to find her soon, or I think I might want to kill myself. I can’t stand Rarity’s constant complaining of how things are so uncouth, and how much of a terrible thing this is because we can’t find Rainbow Dash.

“Ugh where can she be, she said she’ll be here, but she is nowhere to be found. THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING EVER.” Rarity said while fainting on a couch she conjured from god knows where. See there you go.

‘Ugh this is really starting to get on my nerves now.’

Rarity then sat up and said, “Oh stupid me, how could I forget out. She said she was going to be at the dojo.” Rarity hitting the top of her head with her hooves.

Now when Rarity mentioned dojo this sparked great interest to me, because I always wanted to try to learn a martial art. I was bullied a bit after “The Day”, so I wanted to try to learn how I could kick Steve in the face. However, I got denied to every dojo. They told me I was going to abuse my power. Like what does that mean?

When we got to the dojo it seemed completely empty. There were broken benches and punching bags on the floor though. It seemed like some pony was training not too long ago.

“Did we miss her? Oh woe is me.”

I rolled my eyes in response to Rarity constant bitching. I mean Rarity is cool and all, but seriously this got to stop. It is really starting to get on my nerves. Suddenly, a blur of colors zipped right past me, followed by a shout then a crash.

I turned to look only to find a 500 kilogram punching bag stuck in the wall, and next to it is a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. She moved her hoof through her mane, showing a side of elegance and grace with what I just seen, an extremely powerful pony.

“THAT WAS AWESOME.” I yelled in excitement.

She walked towards me and said in a cocky tone, “Yeah I tend to be that.”

“Rainbow we were searching all day for you.” Rarity whined.

“Didn’t I say I was going to be here?”

“Okay there you go, well who is this Rarity.”

“Hi my name is Acxel. I assume your Rainbow Dash. Do you think you can teach me some of your moves?” I pleaded probably sounding pretty desperate.

“Um yeah, but it would cost 50 bits an hour to train you-”

Rarity butted in. “Hey, Acxel is a great friend of Twilights, and he has amnesia so you should give him free lessons.” Rarity stared right in Rainbow Dashes eye. Their glares met, and for what it seemed a while nothing was going to happen at all. Rainbow Dash then let out a sigh. She gave me a small smile and reached out her hoof. I extended mine and we should on it.

“Acxel I expect to see you in the morning, okay.”

“You bet yah, but I should probably get a job just to make money huh.”

“You could always do my studies with me.” A very familiar voice behind me said. I quickly turned around to see Twilight in the doorway. My face lit up, and I ran straight to her and gave her a big hug. Hey don’t hate on me she is like my only friend that I had in a long time.

“Uh, are you okay?” Said Twilight blushing a bit. I quickly let go of her, and then I blushed a bit. ‘Okay maybe that was a bit eccentric.’ I turned to see both Rarity and Rainbow Dash staring at us with their mouths wide open.

Twilight and I both started blushing again and said, “No, it’s not like that at all.”

“We’re not like together or something.” I said then followed by a face hoof. Twilight didn’t say anything after wards. We both just kind of slowly and awkwardly walked out of the dojo together.

After getting a bit distance from the dojo Twilight looked at me and we both started laughing.

“I can’t believe I did that Twi.”

“Yeah, I didn’t see that coming either, so why did you do it, the hug? Did you really miss me that much?”

I looked into the clouds again to help collect my thoughts together. Man would I kill to be a pegasus right now. “I really don’t have an answer to that. I was just so happy to see you I guess. I mean its night now, and it has been hours since I last seen you. This really never ever happened to me before.”

Twilight grinned, “Well that’s sweet I guess. I have one more person I would like for you to meet and then I could teach you magic like you wanted.”

“Sweet, so um, Twilight who is this person that you want me to meet anyways?”

“Her name is Fluttershy. She lives out of town, near the Everfree Forest actually. I will warn though like her name applies she is extremely shy, so I wouldn’t be too over charismatic with her okay.” Twilight warned.

“Okay.” I swear these ponies’ names are insane.



“Since when did your cutie mark disappear.”

I turned around and said grinning, “Twilight why you looking at my ass?” After I said that she started to blush. She opened her mouth but not a noise came from it. I giggled a bit, “I’m just kidding, but seriously is it gone.”

“Yeah it’s gone. It’s like you never got it in the first place.” Twilight’s voice started to get a little bit more stressed.

“Is that supposed to happen?” I asked dumbly.

“No, that is not supposed to happen. When I said that the cutie mark is like your destiny I meant it. It is supposed to be a part of who you are and what you do. It is a permanent impression of yourself in a nutshell, and if it disappeared then that shows that really wasn’t your destiny.”

“I think I get it. The fact is that where I’m from there is no such thing as destiny or happily ever after. There’s just life, a meaningless composition of disappointment after disappointment.” I sighed, “Humans are meaningless all we do is destroy. Even though I’m a pony it’s like this place knows who I really am.” I looked across the bridge and stared into the countless number of trees untouched. I then turned around to Twilight. “However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t such a thing as second chances. I’m not a human anymore Twilight. I’m one-hundred percent pony, and seeing the nature around here it makes me feel pleased how your species coincides with nature so perfectly. It makes me pleased that humans haven’t degraded this place yet.”

Twilight had a worried expression on her face. “Wow, I didn’t know you had feelings like that.” She suddenly grasped my leg. “If you feel like that than you really go to see Fluttershy.”

“Okay.” I said trying to keep up with Twilight. It was a miracle I didn’t lose my balance like last time. I think I’m getting used to walking now.

We arrived at a small cottage that I’m assuming is Fluttershy’s house. The one thing that sets me off is that what I saw in Ponyville was that many ponies seemed to be around the same economical class. Everypony had the same house, the same amount of money, the same merchandise, and the same level of happiness. This seems different in the fact that Fluttershy’s house seems very modest compared to all the other ponies. Twilight walked to the door and banged on it incisively.

Knock, knock!


Knock, knock, knock, knock, and knock!


Knock, knock, knock, knock, and knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, and knock!


There wasn’t a single noise coming from inside the house. I looked over at Twilight. “I guess she isn’t home.”

Twilight was still staring at the door. She turned around and started pacing back and forth. “Oh, I know she is probably in her backyard checking on her forest friends.”

I looked back at the cottage. “If you say so.” I said in a demeaning manner. We went around her cottage in which I was completely surprised. It seemed as if every animal in the world lived here. The diversity of animals is ridiculous. It ranged from squirrels to bears. Yes bears, this pony had bears living in her back yard! However, there still was no sign of Fluttershy anywhere though.

I scratched my chin. “Where the hell is she?” I looked over at Twilight. She was standing next to the chicken pens staring into the Everfree forest. I then walked towards Twilight. To my horrification half of the pen was gone, and on the floor were pegasus feathers. “Twilight-

She didn’t even let me finish my sentence. “We have to go in the forest NOW!” She then ran off into the forest following the tracks left by whatever destroyed the back side of the chicken pen.

‘This is not going to go well.’ I thought to myself.

I was running as fast as I can go just to try to keep up with Twilight. The more I ran I could see less and less. The forest completely immersed us. It is now pitch black in the forest. I can’t see two inches from my nose. I just had to follow Twilight hoof steps.

I could feel my muscles give way. My test tightened up and it started becoming very difficult to breathe, but I couldn’t let this stop me, somepony is in trouble and I need to find her. I kept going in spite of my body failing me. Until I stopped suddenly, and I felt a great pain hit me right in the nose. I looked up and I ran into a branch. The tree had a very horrifying appearance, but that wasn’t the thing that filled my heart in fear. What made every part of my body tremble was what was on the branch. It was a broken piece of black cloth. A very reminiscent piece of cloth a piece that reminded me of what happened yesterday.

“No, no, it can’t be. That isn’t possible. It’s just a piece of cloth.” I heard the sound of branches breaking behind me. I quickly turned around and faced the sound only to see Twilight staring at me. I sighed, “Have you found her yet.” Twilight shook her head.

“No.” I said grimly. Twilight then looked down and tears started to fill her eyes.

I lifted her chin up so her eyes were parallel with mine. “Hey look Twilight, I’m sure Fluttershy is just fine, but right now I’m more worried about are safety.” Twilight gave me a weird look like what am I talking about. “I can’t explain right now, but this place isn’t safe and we need to Go like now.”

Twilight shook her head. “Not until we find Fluttershy.”

“Okay fine.” Man I really give up so easily. Damn ladies control my every action.

We started the search for Fluttershy. Twilight cast a spell that illuminated her horn like a flash light. That is pretty useful. We both are yelling Fluttershy to see if anything would respond, but nothing ever did. We searched in small caves, and holes in the ground, but still there was no sign of her. Hell I even climbed a tree to see if I could spot Fluttershy. Climbing a tree as a horse was probably one of the most challenging things I did for a long time. I swear my arse got so sore afterwards.

I sighed. “Twili-.” A sharp pain filled my head. It felt as if all my skin is being pulled of my skin slowly. I quickly fell straight to the floor and started screaming. I can see Twilight quickly ran to my side at the corner of my eyes. I can see her mouth moving, but no noise came from it, just silent mumbling. She had this worried look on her. Like the kind in which you have no idea what to do. In the pain though I could make out the faintest of voices. The voice started to escalate in volume and when it did the pain followed in suit. I started to scream my head off. The screaming didn’t really help at all, but what am I to do. The voice sounded demonic with many echoes to it.

“Oh, so this is where you went.” The voice said playfully in my head. I can feel its dark fingers caressing my brain as it was going through my memories, looking at them, violating them.

I barely managed to get any wards out. “Get, the, fuck, out, of, my, head.” Twilight started to shake me. I don’t know why she would be doing this but I can tell she is panicking right now.

“No I think I like it here. Ho ho, somebody made some friends. How would you like it if I killed them in front of you?” The voice asked wickedly.

I was on the floor with my hooves around my head. I could still feel Twilight shaking on my body. She was draped in sweat. Her face was extremely panicked. She didn’t know what to do. I barely moved my head coming up with a solution. She is definitely not prepared for what I’m about to do. The pain reached a new high. I let out another high pitched scream.
I gritted my teeth to help deal with the pain. “GET THE FUCK OUT OFF MY HEAD YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. With the last of my strength I got up and drove my head in the closest tree.
Then darkness.

A very dark and oppressive hallway, which was littered with ancient artifacts on display, had two men cloaked with black robes started walking towards the edge of the hallway. One of them let the other one in a small door. In the room there was one other person in there. However, this man wasn’t wearing a cloak, no, he is completely naked. He liked not wearing any clothes as he thinks it restricts him, separating him from his flesh and bone. Except, it appears that he doesn’t have any flesh. In fact, he held no features in his face or body, just a shadow of a person. The inside of him was pure black. Looking at it for too long makes you warped and twisted for its’ body is the lack of a soul, and all that is evil in the world resides. it is the void. The void of despair, the void of which one who relishes in it loses all their humanity. it is the lack of kindness. A monster in which it probably called its’ home hell, and resided there until very recently.

The man in the cloak who just entered the room with this horrid creature just stared at it in disgust. “I don’t know why we even keep you here demon.” He snapped his head to look away and stare into the far side of the room. The room is too dark to notice anything unusual about, but yet this man kept staring into the darkness.

The demon turned his head to face the man in which who just spoke of him. “Oh, come on I thought you loved me here Van.” It’s voice had an echo of one hundred people in it. People that no matter his attitude always sounded scared and frightened, screaming for salvation,no doubt that these people had them sucked inside this demons body.

“Love you Abraxis?” Van snorted. “I never heard of anything more ridiculous in my life. In fact, if it was up to me I would kill you right now where you stand.” Van said still staring at the darkness.

"HAHAHAHAHA."Abraxis gave out the most chilling laugh that you will ever hear.

“Do you think you have a chance to survive against me.” Abraxis said while chuckling. Two sideways mouths appeared on opposite parts of his head. They grinned, thirsting for the blood that he has long been waiting for. “I shall feed once more.”

Van removed his hood and smiled. He had short blond hair, which had no care to it for it looked like it hadn’t been washed very well. His face is greatly scared with remnants of previous encounters that he might’ve had. It’s like someone took his face in a blender. His eyes burnt of a fire, a fire that only a battle could soothe. He then pulled out his hands to reveal that they too were covered in many scars, and each finger had about five rings on them. Whatever he has been through it couldn’t be any better than hell itself. He grinned with those eyes that were quickly ignited for the thought of a fight. “I would be so glad to finish you off right now.”

Abraxis stopped smiling. “So be it.” Abraxis then grew another mouth, but this one was located right where it should be. The mouth ejaculated an ear shattering screech of joy. “This will be quick.” The mouth made a twisted smile, the kind that sends shivers down your spine when you look at them.

Abraxis dashed forward faster than any human being can dream of, leaving a trail of dust behind it. While it charged it rose its’ right arm which then morphed into some sort of spear. It was closing in right on Van’s position. When one of Vans’ rings started glowing. A force field then surrounded Van.

Bang! Abraxis slammed his spear hand right into the force field, yet nothing happened. Van rose his left arm. “Now it’s my turn.” All his rings on his ring finger then started to glow. Out of his hand beams of light shout out with fireballs, magic missiles, and the kitchen sink (not literally).

Abraxis’ back suddenly started to move by itself, it flowed like water. Blood shout out everywhere as two massive wings appeared on its’ back. Abraxis took flight avoiding most of the magic offensive, but the armament still kept on coming, when suddenly a beam of light pierced through Abraxis wing. The pain filled through Abraxis causing it to giggle with joy. It loves the feel of pain; in fact, the only thing it loves more is causing others to feel pain whether emotional or physical. However, this allowed Van enough time to get Abraxis in a telekinetic slam. He grabbed Abraxis and flung him ten feet into a wall. Van quickly flicked his wrist. A small blue aura appeared around Van granting him speed of that much greater than a normal person. Van dashed as fast as he can. He dashed so fast that it could put Rainbow Dash to shame.

By the time Abraxis hit the floor Van was already on top of it. Van flicked his wrist again, but this time a red aura appeared around Van that made him much stronger than a normal person. He grabbed Abraxis throat choking it. You can see the skin peeling off of Van where he is touching Abraxis, but Van didn’t pay any attention to this. His attention was only on making Abraxis ceasing from existence. With his right hand he started prodding Abraxis’ stomach with different fingers, and started chanting hymns until a symbol appeared on Abraxis stomach. Van readied his right arm to complete the spell. “CEASE FROM EXISTENCE YOU MONSTER.” Van yelled.

“Enough!” Yelled a feminine voice from somewhere.

Van quickly let go of Abraxis and bowed toward the direction of a small blue smoke in the center of the room that just yelled out. “I’m sorry my goddess, please forgive me.”

Abraxis just stood there, speechless, even though he has no facial features you could tell that he is pissed after losing the fight with Van. I wouldn’t even call it a fight. I would call it an ass whooping.

“All is well, I did quite enjoy watching you too fighting to the death, but I am a bit disappointed Abraxis. I was hoping that after I got you from the darkest pit of Hell, that you would be at least powerful enough to put up a fight against Van.” Said the smoke.

Abraxis got up then started laughing manically. “Ah I still need to feed to gain my full strength, and I know exactly who I’m going to feed on.” Abraxis turned around showing his backside which is completely torn up from the wings emerging.

“Don’t go, not yet, I have missions for the both of you. Thanks to Abraxis getting the information we need. I can see that Acxel is located in Universe 2332. Which is very convenient for me. Van I need you to prepare for traveling across universes, and you Abraxis we still don’t have all the information we need.”

A mouth grew on the back side of Abraxis’ head. It grinned and said, “I’m sorry but he pushed me out of his mind when I was about to extract the information, and now an outside force created a mental barrier to protect him from me. I have to feed to get past it.” Abraxis started to sink into the floor searching for the person he is going to feed on.

After he left Van turned to face the cloud. “We can’t trust it Goddess. After it feeds it may be too powerful for the both of us to handle.”

“That is exactly the plan.”

Van quickly shot up. “I can kill it now, and we can still complete the plan without it!”

“No we need it.”


“Silence and do what you’re told. DO NOT QUESTION THOU GODDESS!” The smokes’ voice suddenly got deeper, and was shouting.

Van turned around and exited the room. Then with a poof the smoke was gone.

Author's Note:

Man this took a long time to write sorry guys. I had an orchestra concert I had to practice for a couple of projects, and then my laptop caught on fire making me have to redo all my hard work. This is probably the most effort in for a chapter so like it please and a review would be nice.
Also who do you guys think will win in a fight Van or Celestia?
Also if you wanted to know this chapter had nothing to do with pancakes. :)

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