• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 2,901 Views, 4 Comments

Macrocosm - Silverfox117

A young man gets chased by people in black cloaks. This causes him to be thrown into a very deep and complicated plot for survival and ponies.

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Mystery on the blue planet

In the morning the only light was the eerie red light reflecting from my walls. I set it to 6:30, but yet again I have beaten my clock. I don't even know why I go through the trouble of setting the darn thing. I suppose for those mornings that it actually does work, but that hasn't happened in a long time.

"Okay, might as well get up right now." I said while pushing my covers down, and then turning my alarm off ten minutes before it was going to go off.

Part one of my very boring routine: take a shower. I like taking showers in the morning they help me get a leash of what I am going to do today. This time however, it was different; I didn't like being in the shower. 'everything is going to be okay huh. Only if you weren't lying that day.' I thought to myself.

I hurriedly got dressed. I usually don't care what I wear or how my hair is I only care that I am wearing clothes and have hair. After dressing I got a bagel, the biggest bagel in the bag, and left to school. I walk to school now after The Day happened. I feel like there should be no reason for me to be at school anymore. I have no friends, and I am failing all my classes. My teachers say they care for me and they want me to succeed, but I can see through them. All they really want is for me to pass so they could get paid for doing their job. Money is the only thing that anybody cares about. They just pity people. I hate "pity". Pity isn't caring its just, oh hey there is a small hungry child on the street let's feel bad for him so we could make ourselves feel better. I hate it. I HATE IT ALL!

I find myself looking at the school clock again. Only ten more minutes to go. If I didn't feel like such a douche all the time then I would be completely ecstatic to leave this god forsaken place. I feel that time goes by much more slowly when I watch it. I am pretty sure that the Universe likes to screw with people like that. Considering that I am not the only person who states this claim.

Dingggggggg! That was the bell. That loud obnoxious noise is the blessing of my life. I can not lie when I say I hate school, so I got my things ready and was just about to leave when," Acxel, can I talk to you for a bit." said Mr. Dividson. The first two words that popped up to my head is Fuck Me. I turned around and replied with a smile," Sure." I already knew what he was going to say next. Mr. Dividson was a short stout fellow. He wear glasses that looked like they would be from the nineties and probably was. He was wearing a suit and a striped tie, he always wears ties. He recently had his black hair, cut to a fade and it looks really awful.

"Don't you care for your grades. Your future. I understand that you have had a rough time lately, but you have to improve your grade so you can accomplish your dreams. Don't you have dreams. I care about you."

I stood there and starting thinking about this for a second. 'Dreams, dreams, do I have any dreams? I came up that I didn't have any dreams or what I was going to do after high school.' I replied," I'm sorry, but you don't know a single thing about me, and your telling me that you care about me. Well that's just a bunch of horse shit, I am just another student to you." After saying this I turned around and started to walk home. I couldn't turn around and see my teachers face not after what I just said.

After walking a bit I notice that I'm being followed by a group of individuals in black cloaks. The cloaks had a weird red symbol that sort of resembled a treble clef. They have their long hoods all the way on, so I couldn't really see their faces all that well. The first thing that popped to my head was that who dresses like that, and why are they following me. Its not usual that people dress that way and follow my every step. This is getting really weird. I turned around and asked them nicely," Hey can you guy's stop following me."

They stopped and didn't say anything. 'That's smooth tell the people who can be potentially dangerous to stop.' The individual in the middle, however started walking towards me. I started to back up a bit. Okay I can not be to close to them just in case he tries anything funny. 'Maybe their a nice group of people; yeah they can't be dangerous... right. I thought to myself.'

The Middle one's hands were covered in scars and he had about five rings for each finger. He then revealed his knife it had a gold handle and in the center of it had a big red ruby on it." Oh Shit!" I yelled.

Frantically I turned around again and started to sprint as fast as I can. 'I can't let him get me.' I ran through bushes and people's front yard. However, I can still hear them behind me. I looked for anywhere that I can hide. 'Uh I could jump this guys fence and hide in his backyard. Well there isn't much time for me to debate about it,' so I did it. I heard them run past the fence and kept going as if I was still running. I leaned on the fence trying to catch my breathe." I think I lost them." I said very tiredly.
"Lost who." A deep voiced man replied.

A hand quickly grabbed my neck and started to choke me. My first reaction was to kick him, but I couldn't move any part of my body. My vision was starting to get hazy. I can only make out that hand was the same hand that I saw earlier, except that its rings are glowing now. 'Goddammit is this it. Am I really going to die here like this.' I thought. My lungs now felt like they were on fire gasping for air. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared, and the next moment I fell in some strange forest. Then darkness.

Author's Note:

I worked really hard on this tell me what you think about it. Don't forget to rate and comment and tell how I can improve.