• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 2,901 Views, 4 Comments

Macrocosm - Silverfox117

A young man gets chased by people in black cloaks. This causes him to be thrown into a very deep and complicated plot for survival and ponies.

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I could feel myself waking up. I start to wipe my eyes trying to see correctly. Looking around I am completely surprised. I am not in my room where I belong, but I am in this weird forest. Looking up I see the stars dancing across the sky. They where the most beautiful I have seen them in a long time. The way they illuminated the sky, and provided light for the darkness of the sky. They truly are amazing.

"How did I end up here?" I asked looking back down to the forest I am now stuck in.

Thoughts started surging through my mind of how did I end up here. I remember talking t-

'Those men in the cloaks, why where they chasing me?' I am completely confused at this point. 'I don't get it. Are they somehow tied to me being here right now. My head hurts thinking about this.'

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" I screamed to no one in particular.

Quickly getting sidetracked, I finally notice that I am in a huge forest. "Well that is wonderful." Looking around I see nothing but trees, shrubbery, and bushes. Getting a closer look I see that their actually really colorful. Its surprising that even in the night they hold so much color to them.

Panning the scenery, I notice two large eyes glaring at me from the bushes. Fear and panic filled through my veins, I was about to get up and run, but my curiosity took over.' I wonder if it’s a wolf that I'm looking at right now?' I wondered. My suspicions were correct...well sort of.

What came out of the bushes definitely was a wolf, but it was made up of sticks. I am not even kidding you; this horrifying beast that stood before me this very moment was a pile of sticks. This however, did not clench my fears as the beast was still about my height. It had piecing yellow eyes that looked as if it wanted to kill me not just for food but also for fun. Its jaws were bigger than any wolves’ mouth I have ever seen in my life with at least twenty razor sharp daggers on both ends of its monstrous jaws. The beast started to charge at a speed faster than an Olympic runner about the time my nervous system sent the message to my brain that I was going to die if I stood there observing this monster. It was already a couple of inches away from me; when a bright marvelous purple ball of what looked like to be fire ruptured through the beast head severing it completely, and the rest of the body caught on fire.

Just staring at the smoldering ash of what used to be the monster that was going to completely mutilate me; I realize that I am still alive and not dead. “Hey there, are you okay?" a female voice called out.

"Um, yeah I think so." I replied back

"Oh thank Celestia your are okay." she said coming out of the bushes to the right walking towards me. She was a lavender pony about half the size of your average horse. Unlike many horses she had hair like an average human except for the fact that its violet with a pink stripe running through it. She also had a small horn on her head obviously showing that she is a unicorn and not some ordinary horse. "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. What is yours?" She asked cheerfully.

With my mouth gaping wide open with disbelief of seeing a unicorn no less a talking one, I could not reply back to her for a couple of seconds. I had to absorb all the information that I was taking in so far. One, I got chased by a group of weirdos that almost killed me, second a wolf made of sticks almost killed me, and for the big finally, I am about to converse with a talking horse. How much weirder can this day get. I wonder if its going to try to kill me too like everything else today.

"Hello is anyone in there?" she said while patting me on top of my head.

"Um, yeah sorry thank you so much for saving me." I replied shaking my head of my thoughts.

"Don't mention it."

"I'm sorry it’s just not every day I see a talking unicorn."

She giggled a bit then said sarcastically said, “Then what do you call yourself smart one."

"What?" I asked dumbly. Man I can be an idiot sometimes.

She rolled her eyes a bit then said seriously," You do know that you’re a unicorn right."

Then it was my turn to roll my eyes, “That is preposterous. I can't be a horse if I'm human."

"Would a human look like this." she replies with her horn glowing a magnificent purple. Afterwards, a small mirror appeared from nowhere. She then moved the mirror towards me with what I assumed to be telekinesis.

"Holy crap is that magic?" Curiosity quickly flooded through me. "How does it work? Tell me please."


As the mirror came closer to me. I could make out the impossible. 'This can not be correct, I refuse to believe that I am a pony.' I thought to myself touching my head with my hoof. 'How can this be correct when I was clearly human. No, no, no, I refuse to believe.' But here I am looking at my own reflection.

My body fur was a milky white with a black stripe running though my the side of my body. I had large green eyes that resembled emeralds in a bit. My mane was long and flowing with the colors of a sapphire blue and a ruby red, and at the top of my head had a horn on. "I swear Twilight, I am human you have to believe me." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry how can I believe something that doesn't exist."

"Human's exist, we may not be from this world, but we exist."

"Fine I believe you. “Twilight gave up as she said rolling her eyes. "Only if you promise me that you aren't lying to me."

I really had no reason to lie to her at all. "Yes I promise."

"Here follow me to my house. I want to hear everything and by everything I mean everything."

I tried getting up, but my legs went wobbly and I fell with a thump. "Twilight I can't walk."

"Seriously, do humans walk in your planet."

"Yes, but we have two legs not four."

"Hmmm, I suppose we center the ground with our hooves then we move our front legs first then the opposite leg follows rinse and repeat." Twilight started to walk slowly. As if she was showing a child how to walk, but I was fine with this because I kind of need to learn how to walk if I'm going to be here for a while.

I followed her instructions exactly. I got up from the ground my legs were wobbly again, but after centering them I could stand still. 'Yes, point one to Acxel.' Then I started to move in a swaying motion trying to follow Twilight's instructions.

Twilight giggled a little and remarked. "good job, you learned a basic skill that fillies learn. Come follow."

I stopped and turned around to face Twilight. "Wait Twilight how do you know about humans? It's like you heard of us before or something." I asked

"Well humans are mentioned in some mythology books that I read when I was just a filly." Twilight responded coolly

'Huh humans are mentioned in this world before that's cool I guess makes it easier to explain myself.'.

Walking to her house, I started explaining to her the events before I came to whatever this place is called, but I still left out the part of the cloaked people. She seemed extremely fascinated by every word leaving my mouth. I never felt so important in a long time. Crossing over the hill to her house I got to see that she lived in a tree. "Twilight do most ponies live in trees?" I asked.

"No silly, this is a library see." Twilight opened her front door and you could see books everywhere. This girl literally lived in a library. "We have to be quiet, my baby dragon is asleep."

"You have a baby dragon. THAT’S AWESOME."


"Woops sorry, wasn't thinking much, so how did you find me in the forest." I asked. After saying this I could see Twilight thinking really hard about what to say. It’s as if she didn't know what to say. This is really weird considering she is a pony who lives in a library. You would think she would always know what to say.

"Well I was outside calibrating my telescope. When at the corner of my eyes I saw a blinding yellow light in the Everfree Forest. I was intrigued, so I went to explore and see what caused that and I saw you being attacked by a timber wolf and here we are now.

"Like I said before thank you so much for saving me."

"Don't sweat it. I want to hear everything that there is to know about humans okay."

I yawned. "I am sorry cant this wait till morning. I am getting really tired. I had a long and very eventful day I think I should hit the bed."

"That reminds me. We got a new room built in at the back of the house for guest you could sleep in there."

"Thanks." Afterwards I walked up a flight of stairs to my bed. I felt so weak from exhaustion that I instantly fell asleep on my bed.

'Am I dreaming?' I thought to myself. I can still see my mother and father they were walking down the street. They always feel me with glee whenever their together. Their like the perfect combination. My father is very outlandish and is a bit of a clown, while my mother is very serious and likes to get things done on time every day. Suddenly I see sirens and flashing blue and red lights. I see myself from a month ago running to the police officer.

"I'm sorry son; this is the only thing we could find off their bodies." He says after handing my crying self a knife with a golden handle with a ruby like gem in the middle. "Nooooooo." I yelled drenched in sweat from head to toe. 'It was just a dream.' I said to myself. However, the knife wasn't; I clearly remember whose knife that is now. After thinking about it for a bit my body came to exhaustion. I let out a quick yawn. 'I'll worry more about it tomorrow.' Then I returned back to sleep.

Author's Note:

I worked pretty hard on this part of the story too. Tell me what you guys think of the story, and don't forget to tell your friends and like. Also why would a cop give a kid a knife because he's crazzzzy. No but seriously that was a dream, the events of that scene didn't actually go down like that because cops would actually never give anyone priceless material for a murder case.