• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 2,900 Views, 4 Comments

Macrocosm - Silverfox117

A young man gets chased by people in black cloaks. This causes him to be thrown into a very deep and complicated plot for survival and ponies.

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“Hey get up. Breakfast is done.” Said a small child while poking my head.

“Can’t I have ten more minutes?” I replied.

“No. Get up now before the food gets cold. Twilight wants to speak with you.” He said seriously.

“Fine.” I sarcastically replied. When I Opened my eyes the lights greeted me with a sharp pain to my retinas. I rub my eyes with my hoof to let them readjust to the blinding light.

‘Huh, where am I. Oh yeah yesterday.’ I thought to myself while scanning the room I currently occupy. In the daylight I could clearly see how the guest room looks like. ‘Who was I speaking too and where did he go.’ I thought while scratching my head with my hoof. The room and the floor boards both were painted brown to keep with the tree look, I guess. There were bookcases lined up from wall to wall. ‘This Twilight character really likes to read.’ I pondered to myself.

The only decorations in this room are a green dotted flower with red thorns on its stem on the windowsill, and a poster of the periodic table of elements next to the door.

‘Whoa, most of these are the same. No they are the same except for the man-made ones. Does this rule out that I am in an alternate universe? At least I can speak science to these Ponies and not look like an idiot.’ I thought to myself as I was going down the list of the elements. ‘Yeah it’s organized the same way too.’ Pointing to the left of the table, I was able to recognize all the alkali metals.

“The good old Periodic table, glad you haven’t changed a bit.” I said grinning.

A purple lizard with large green eyes and spikes rolling down its back came running in the room and said, “Hey Acxel, Twilight really wants to see you in the kitchen now.”

“Are you Twilight’s baby dragon?" I asked dumbly. I mean what else can he be. No there's just over sized lizards running around this place. Man I can be such an idiot.

He pointed at himself. “Yeah, and the name is Spike.” It said proudly like he was a big deal around here. Who knows maybe he is.

“Well Spike not only that I find it cool that you can speak, but you look like what I have always imagined dragons to look.” I complimented him just to make him feel good.

“Um, thanks.” Spike replied scratching his head out of confusion. “We should probably go now. Twilight really wants to speak with you.” Spike left and started walking downstairs.

‘Oh yeah, she wants to know about humans. Maybe I can get something out of that.’ I decide to follow Spike downstairs and into the kitchen.

Surprisingly the kitchen floor is also made of wood and not tile. Everything is made of wood. ‘That has to be a fire hazard, but yet again this is a world with a talking unicorn in it.’ In the middle of the kitchen there was a table with a dandelion on it. I see Twilight pacing across the kitchen until she sees me.

“Finally, what took you so long?’ She asked while she pulled out a chair from the table.

I pointed to the guest room. “Well I was just admiring the beauty of the periodic table you had in your room.” I said coolly trying to convey the fact that I really like chemistry.

Twilight’s eyes suddenly started glowing, “You really like it. I thought I was the only pony in Ponyville who really likes chemistry.”

‘Is that the name for this town?’ I pulled out my own chair from the table, “Yeah well I did take chemistry my freshman year.” Twilight gave this funny look as if she didn’t understand what the term freshman meant.

“What is a freshman?” She asked dumbly.

“Well it’s the first year of high school.” I replied dumbly. Like she'll know what high school is idiot.

“Breakfast is done.” Spike shouted.

“Great I’m so hungry that I can eat a horse.” I scanned the area to both Spike and Twilight with their mouth gaping wide open. That was probably not a smart thing to say. Man I can be an idiot sometimes.

“WHAT!!!” Both Spike and Twilight yelled.

‘Oh man that is the biggest mistake I have ever said in a long time.’ I thought while face palming but in this case I guess it would be called face hoofing. ‘Man how am I going to fix this.’

I started thinking of a way I can shrug it off. “That is a phrase humans say when we are really hungry. We actually don’t eat horses trust me.” I lied we do sometimes eat horses.

“Don’t eat me please.” Yelled Spike while holding onto Twilight’s leg. Twilight responded with an eye roll.

“You’re a dragon Spike; I am not going to eat you. Plus I’m a pony now and ponies don’t eat other ponies, right Twi.” I said

“Riiighht.” Twilight looked over me as if I was highly suspicious of smuggling drugs to the coast of California.

“Okaay what’s for breakfast guys?” I asked trying to break the tension a bit.

“Oh yeah breakfast.” Spike said.

‘Thank god I was able to change the subject. That got really awkward. That was actually too easy to change the subject’

Spike gave both Twilight and I an apple and an egg. ‘Hardly seems like a meal, but this isn’t America.’ I put my hoof over the table to eat, but I couldn't grab any of the food. ‘How the hell.’ I tried again and again, but I could not find a way to grab the food. 'Well that's just great I can't eat now. I swear I'm such an idiot.'

I look over to see Twilight using Magic to lift the apples into her mouth, and then she uses more Magic to lift the silverware and elegantly cuts the eggs. He spell got interrupted when she turned her head and saw me staring at me. “Uh, is there something wrong?” Twilight asked as she was looking around for any abnormalities.

“Uh no, well yes I can’t eat my food.” I said shyly.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Oh my Celestia. Why can’t you exactly eat your food?” She looked at me puzzled as if I'm supposed to know how to eat. Well that's is most certainly the case. I am supposed to know how to eat.

“Well I don’t know Magic, so I can’t pick up the Silverware or cut the eggs.” I started to mimic out the actions that I was talking about.

“Not all Ponies can use Magic.” Twilight smartly replied.

“Okay, so how do they eat then?” I asked sternly.

“We pin things with our hoof and our ankle. Here I will show you.” Twilight wrapped the apple around her hoof and pinned it to her ankle. She then took a bite out of the apple. “See there you go.”

I then did the same motion as Twilight. The apple fit snugly between my ankle and my hoof. It seemed a bit awkward at first, but I got used to it. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I tried to pick everything up without my fingers. The only difference is that this feels more stable and less likely to fall.

I bit into the apple and a flourish of flavors rushed to my taste buds, “This is some good stuff.” I said with my mouth full.

Twilight giggled a bit. Her face suddenly went through a paradigm shift. She moved her plate across the table and said, “I want to know everything there is to know about humans, okay.”

After swallowing, I said coolly, “Well Twilight there is about ten thousand years of history about humans.”

“Okay just tell me the important things then.” She said while summoning a notepad and a pencil.

“I will only tell you if you promise me two things.” I motioned my foreleg up as if I raised up two fingers.

“State your claim.”

“Tell me about this place and how to use Magic.”

Twilight grinned and replied, “I was planning on doing that normally.”

‘Okay what are the most important things about man kind? Damn this is tough.’

“Well… our planet is called earth, and our solar system is located on the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Humans became a species about ten thousand years ago. Humans had many achievements through out many periods of time, but the modern era science has mainly focused on everyday luxuries. Which I tell you isn’t bad, but it also isn’t very good. Human nature varies widely from one person to another. The environment that a human is raised in usually affects the behavior of said human. Modern society has made me think that most humans our inherently evil. Humans now only care about how much money they could make, and if anything goes against said money we brush it off like we don’t care. For example, if there was a starving kid on the street most people would ignore them. They might “Pity” him but they won’t help the kid out. They’ll just go by their day like they never saw that kid. This really frustrates me.”

“That’s terrible.” Both Twilight and Spike replied. Spike apparently joined in on the conversation too now. ‘I totally forgot they were listening to me. 'They really are respectful.’ I thought to myself.

Twilight cleared her throat and asked, “Okay tell me what a high school is.”

“Well humans are an intelligent species.”

Twilight butted in by scanning my body and said, “Humans may be an intelligent species, but I don’t think they’re smarter than me.”

“You’re on.” I said very competitively. ‘What am I doing? I guess I am representing all of man kind, but I’m failing calculus. 'This is going to be fun.’ “Is there going to be some kind of Jeopardy contest, because I’m good at that.”

“No I don’t really know what Jeopardy is, but that is beside the point. We are doing an IQ Test.”

‘Fuck me; I’m terrible at that kind of test.’ “You are so on right now. I got a 200 once in a quiz.” ‘Why am I lying now? My mouth is just saying shit on its own. Maybe I can still fix this.”

“Instead of doing an IQ Test why don’t we play a game of chess?” I said trying my best to persuade her. ‘I am so good at chess. My ELO is 1800 which is semi professional. What if they don’t know what chess is? What if they don’t have the internet? Coming to think of it I haven’t spotted a television or a computer yet.’ I panicked to myself a bit. ‘If they don’t have a comp-

“You’re so on.” Twilight said grinning while breaking my train of thought. Her horn starts to glow a magnificent violet and then a chess board appeared on the table.

After a bit of bickering I was able to get white. About thirty minutes in the game we both had equal material, but she could checkmate me in two moves. I am completely aware of this, so I moved my rook to capture her rook. She then recaptures with her own rook. Now that she moved her rook I see an opportunity for a forced checkmate. I capture her h-7 pawn with my bishop causing her to be in check. She couldn’t take my bishop because of my g-4 knight protecting my bishop. She is then forced to move to h-8 or h-6. It doesn’t matter which one she picks, because she just lost the game. Twilight looked up at me and then she knocked over her king.

“Good game.” I said with my hoof out for her to shake.

She shook my hoof and replied, “I never found a pony that can best me at chess except for Celestia.”

“Yeah well I had that planned out twenty moves ago.” I said kind of arrogantly

Suddenly a flash of light appeared over my hind quarters.

“You got your cutie mark.” Twilight said grinning.

“What is a cutie mark?” I asked dumbly.

“Well it is something that basically tells you what your future is. I guess it’s like your destiny.” Twilight explained.

“My destiny is chess, cool.” I'm such a nerd its no wonder why I have no friends.

I then asked her about Ponies. Apparently we are living in the small town of Ponyville in the land of Equestria. She then told me about Pony sub culture.

“Okay why don’t we go around town? There some ponies I would like for you to meet.” Twilight said grinning. She has been very happy a lot lately it is kind of strange.

I turn my head to see Spike snoring on the couch. Apparently he fell asleep during the game of chess Twilight and I had. “I can’t blame you kid. Chess will make any spectator fall asleep.”

‘I guess off to Ponyville now.’

Author's Note:

Finally it is done. Sorry for it taking so long, but I had festival for my adv.orchestra, 3 projects for school I had to do and my laptop caught on fire. Yeah not even joking of the laptop on fire thing. This chapter was supposed to be much longer, but because of my laptop catching on fire I decided to cut it in to two chapters. Well hopefully you like it, also the chess scene was actually me playing my self at chess and that game would decide who would've won. I actually wanted to talk about the entire game, but it's chess. Most people wouldn't be able to follow it exactly.