• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 1,069 Views, 2 Comments

The Griffin-Pony War Journals of Lyra Heartstrings - Laurenfaustsloyalfan

Follow the Griffin-Pony War through the journal of Lyra Heartstrings as she tells it personally.

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Chapter 2 - A Break

Day 53

Ever since the howling stopped I have not been able to sleep as well. We’re here in Phillydelphia helping to remove the runes from the ground, we should be able to move civilians back into here. The bodies are also being removed, but I’d rather not talk about it... Canterlot has not been able to get a moment’s rest, those Griffins just keep attacking it non-stop. We’ve been ordered to go to Canterlot to help, and we’re right now packing up to leave Phillydelphia. The spell Twilight and I made seems to be working, it hasn’t failed yet. I know it’s been weeks since that, but everypony still thanks us. Fluttershy seems to have recovered from Phillydelphia, but she does not talk to me as often. Does she hate me? Applejack says she had a friend there and never heard from her when we lost Phillydelphia. She never saw her in the civilians so I guess when I told her about all the dead ponies, she must have had a breakdown. I only hope she doesn’t end up hating me for it.

Whoever says that I’m a good fighter has never seen Applejack and Rainbow Dash fight. Our convoy had been ambushed by Griffins, they had killed the drivers and left us stranded as they circled around us to kill us off. I thought we were done for but Rainbow Dash swoops up into the air and just takes out those flying, Applejack and Twilight just sweeping the ones on the ground with bullets and magic strikes. It all happened so fast, I’m still amazed by it. Twilight is driving us now, and Rarity is driving the other truck. Unbelievable as it is, the other truck was given to us by none other than the Flim Flam brothers. We ran them out of Ponyville when they first arrived there, but here we were asking them to lend us aid in the war. I don’t know if it’s luck or a spell, but they accepted no strings attached. Maybe they see just how important it is to win the war, maybe they don’t remember us. I don’t really care if it helps us win the war. This machine of theirs is said to fire 300 bullets per minute, we could really let the Griffins have it with something as powerful as this. I can see Canterlot now, it has a barrier up to stop the Griffins from getting in and killing everyone. Hopefully they’ll let us in, they should when they see the ponies driving the trucks and the big weapon we have to share.

We’re in Canterlot now, and nightfall is coming. We all reported in, and they set up a nice station for us. It’s pretty cozy, warm beds, meals waiting for us. They’re setting up the weapon with Twilight and Applejack now. Fluttershy and Rarity are helping the younger ponies stay calm and not freak out. Rainbow Dash is helping to fend off the Griffins while they set up the weapon. What am I doing? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I tried to help out, but I’m not a fighter or good with keeping people calm (speaking from recent experiences). So instead of doing something actually important, I thought I’d share a history lesson. According to my old books, the ponies used the runes against dragons. Apparently there had been some great battle back then, before Celestia and Luna. Maybe I’ll talk about it more tomorrow. I really hope they don’t test that weapon throughout the night, I do need my sleep. First full moon tonight, it looks beautiful. I miss Bon bon so much... I feel stupid writing about this here, because you probably don’t care. Anyways, I supposed it’s time to say good bye. This is goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.

Day 54

I was woken up by the test firing of the big gun, so much for alarms. Fluttershy made me a very healthy breakfast and went to either cower in an alley or help people calm down, I’m not sure. I have to say, Flim and Flam did some pretty amazing work making that gun. I’ve never seen Griffins die so quickly in such large numbers, it’s pretty cool stuff. We won’t be much time in Canterlot now that the weapon is up and running and slaughtering Griffins. Orders are that we’re needed back in Manehattan to help calm the civilians down. Word is that they’re freaking out about the whole news of Phillydelphia, I would freak out too if I was told about a city full of dead ponies... In any case, I don’t think it should be that hard. I’ve seen it handle by Ponyville’s mayor so many times, just toss a few words around and everybody stops panicking. Then again, that’s how it all starts isn’t it? With just a few words... I still can’t get over how Bon bon was crying when we last talked, saying how she was so worried about me. It’s not like I get into that much danger, do I? Well, yesterday says otherwise, but I’m mildly convinced that I don’t.

On the convoy train to manehattan now, we have a lot of guns and food for the city. Word’s been going around that it got hit pretty bad, but that we haven’t lost it yet. So we’re on our way now to see what assistance we can offer. The sun is really at it’s brightest today, I wonder how the stallions pulling the train keep going... Orders were given by Celestia before leaving that we are to stay in Manehattan until it’s back on it’s feet. By any means necessary we are to assist it. Applejack’s relatives live there, word is they run the shelters and food provisions there.

Well, we made it to the city, but we were attacked by a pack of Griffins as we entered, the train blew up, the stallions who pulled it died in the derailing and explosion, parts flying everywhere, one got decapitated... I panicked, like the stupid mare I am. Ran ahead, screaming. I’m separated from the rest of my team now, I got lost in the city. It’s a ghost town, I haven’t seen or heard another pony since I stopped screaming and running. They told us to help ponies out here, what do we do if there are no ponies around to help? My best hope is to stay moving, and writing in this journal to keep me calm and not get caught. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find somepony here who can help me, or I could run into one of my squad mates. Anything is better than running into one of those damn Griffins.

I saw Rainbow’s flying trail and followed it for as long as I could when I ran into Applejack. She and I are now together following the rainbow trail as well, it’s a bit difficult to gallop and write at the same time (I’ve tripped a few times because of it, but still). It’s getting dark and we met with Twilight and Fluttershy who were traveling together. They haven’t seen Pinkie Pie or Rarity, and Rainbow’s trail is still nowhere to end.

We’re camping out here for the night in an abandoned building. I brought up my concern for the lack of ponies and everyone felt the same too. Why would we be ordered to help a city of ponies that lacks ponies? We’ll continue searching for the rest of our team tomorrow, it’s too late and if we go out now the Griffins will just pick us off.So I guess this is Lyra, saying goodnight.

Day 55

I know it’s been month of two, but I heard it. The howling that I used to wake up to every night. I heard it again, I swear I did. I asked Twilight about it, and she said she didn’t hear anything. Am I losing my mind? Who knows, who cares. I just want this war to be over, I want to hold Bon Bon again. I miss her so much, she’s the only reason I don’t give up anymore. If I am losing my mind, that will make listening to her being right a bit tougher in life. Fluttershy says I should be fine, but I don’t think hearing imaginary howling fits into being fine. I should stop rambling about my possible insanity, you probably don’t care about that, do you? We’re going around the city, looking for our 3 teammates. I’ve been seeing a slowly but surely increase in dead bodies of ponies, the more we get to the center of the town, the more dead ponies we see. It’s creeping me out, I told Twilight about it and she noticed it too. We’re taking precautions now that we’re seeing them littered about the streets and the sidewalks, in carriages and in buildings, hanging from windows and such. It’s a gruesome sight, I wish we didn’t have to go through any of this.

We ran into the building where Applejack’s relatives were and... It wasn’t pretty. So many dead fillies, decayed and rotten. As if they’ve been dead for quite a while now. Applejack’s relatives were hung from the ceiling fan, we couldn’t tell if they had been hanged or if it was suicide. I’ve never seen Applejack cry from anything, not until today. I don’t blame her... We all tried the best we could to calm her down, and it eventually worked. She’s going to have some serious scars from this. We at least gave them a proper ending, somewhat. We burned the bodies and ran out, the smoke is likely to attract Griffins. Still no sign of Rainbow Dash and the others, and her rainbow trail is gone. Applejack is even more determined to find them than she was before, and she was pretty determined before. We spotted a few Griffins talking and took them out as silently as possible, we only hope they weren’t a scouting team taking a break, or we could have even more coming to investigate. Did Celestia lie to us? Or did she send us to our deaths? The city of Manehattan is littered with dead ponies. There is no assistance needed. We can’t assist what isn’t there. We’ll have to contact Celestia’s Command to pick us up once we find Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

We heard a huge explosion south of where we were. When we went to investigate it was Pinkie Pie throwing bombs at the Griffins. Normally they’d be too fast for them to hit, but Rainbow Dash was bucking them into a greater speed which made them have direct impact and finish them off quickly. ee helped out as best we could, and we drove the Griffins away. We sent word to Celestia to pick us up, along with my report to Luna about the situation here in Manehattan. They need to know that Manehattan is not in need of assistance, whatever word was sent from it was a trap. Manehattan is empty and dead, and we need to move in it fast to clear it out and take it.

We’re on the convoy now back to our original camp and it’s night time now, everypony around me is sleeping... All I can think about is my sweet Bon Bon. Is she alright? Is she worried sick about me? Is everything alright in Ponyville? So many questions, and none of them can be answered right now... So I’m just going to go to sleep, this is Lyra Heartstrings, saying goodnight.

Day 56

There’s that howling again, I have to be going crazy. I haven’t had much sleep, and I don’t think Celestia or Luna will let me. The sun is still rising, thanks to Celestia. It’s a sign of hope, I guess. My team is still asleep, since they don’t hear howling that I apparently do. We should be getting near the camp, it’s chilly outside. I can’t wait to sleep in my bed again, it’s been a while and I miss it... Like I miss Bon Bon. The Griffins have been pushed back lately, but almost like they’re giving up. It’s probably just me, but it looks like they’re planning something bigger. You can tell that they don’t retreat because they are losing, but because they’re being called back. Whatever it is that’s going in Trottingham, I can bet that it’s big. I still have to ask the princesses about why exactly we were sent to aid Manehattan. The city was empty, worse than empty, it was dead and deserted. The Griffins cleared it out of any living pony, and we were sent to aid it? I can’t help but feel it was a trap of some sort... I must be really losing it if I’m doubting the royal princesses. Twilight assures me that there is a reason, as do the rest of the girls. They’re right, the princesses wouldn’t send their best team, Celestia wouldn’t send her most faithful student into a trap. I can see the camp now in the distance, the sun is rising. I earned some rest, and a nice talk with my Bon bon... I think I’ll talk to her about the time we met again, she loves to talk about that.

I had the best sleep in a long time, and I had a great talk with Bon bon. I miss her so much, I can’t wait for this Celestia forsaken war to end and just wrap her around my hooves again. Luna talked to me in private about the Manehattan, she told me that neither her or Celestia had any idea that Manehattan was completely deserted. I needed to clear my head so I headed to my tent to read up a bit on the runes and history of Equestria in my books, I felt like Twilight for a moment. I realize now that in these history books there is barely anything on Griffins, and I know they’ve been around for as long as us ponies or the dragons. How are we supposed to know our enemy if we barely have any history on them, or barely communicate with them? This war looks bolder and less planned the more I think about it. According to what little information is in these texts, Griffins were the only ones able to actually control a dragon, and they always hated ponies (that seems pretty obvious with this war). Not much is known about the Griffins, except that they are fierce, unforgiving, and very unpredictable. I’ve been given leave to visit Bon bon in Ponyville, the heroic thing to do would be say no and stay until I know she’s safe but.... I’m not very heroic to begin with.

I’m on the convoy now with a few other ponies back to Ponyville, Twilight and the girls are here with me. It’s not surprising really, we all have our ponies back in Ponyville. I have Bon bon, Rarity has her sister, Applejack has hers, Fluttershy has her animals, Twilight’s got Spike, Rainbow Dash has Tank, Pinkie Pie has... The Cakes and their babies. We all have to talk to our loved ones. It’s going to be a long ride, not much to write in here for the next few days, it’s a long journey to Ponyville. I’m so going to sweep Bon bon off her hooves, tell her how much I love her... Take her on a date, or two. I’m just going to make her feel like a princess. I also have to stop by Carrot Top, see how that baby thing is going. This is goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.

Day 59-60

Of this entire war, this is the best time I’ve been having. Today I took Bon Bon out, and I spent as much time with her as I could, we visited Carrot Top, talked to Pinkie and the Cakes, helped Fluttershy with her animals. I just didn’t care what I did with her as long as I was next to her. What’s weird is, even this far away from the war.... I can still hear the howling, that shit never leaves me, I guess. I talked to her about it, all she said was that it will leave me soon. I wish I had her courage, not like how I chickened out in Manehattan. I still hate myself for it, my team needed me, and I just ran away screaming and crying. Bon Bon tells me she probably would have ran too, but she’s more courageous than me. This is goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.

I can’t believe it, breakfast in bed from my lovely mare. I should have done this for her, but I was too busy being asleep. I drooled on the pillow too, that’s not normal. I’m supposed to take her out on a romantic date, but I have no idea where! Brain, work for me, you’ve done it pretty well in the past weeks. Where could I take her that’s romantic? Canterlot and all the major cities are under war time right now, which strikes me as odd that Ponyville isn’t. Maybe I’ll just take her to the bench and instead of just sitting down, wasting time, I’ll try and make it as romantic as possible. I don’t care if I have sex with her on that bench. I want her to have the best time with me while I’m here, until I have to go back to the war. I only get a week or two, since I’m part of the most special team, The Elements of Harmony. I still can’t believe it. Me, Lyra Heartstrings, the nerd in class, the loser in training, now part of this. Even bigger, I’m taking orders from Luna herself, and I get to meet the princesses now more often then I used to. How did this happen to me? At first it was just a normal surprise, but that was during war time... Now when I just lay down and think about it, it’s huge, it’s amazing. I can’t think of anything else right now. Bon bon is scolding me for not putting down this journal and eating.

It’s so good to be back in Ponyville, so many people I missed, I went to Twilight’s library to see if there were any books on Griffins and we found ourselves going through every single shelf looking for one, if not even Twilight has a book on Griffins we may have to go to Canterlot archives for something. I wanted to get some reading done on Griffins while in Ponyville during the night, but I guess I’ll just have to settle for snuggling with Bon Bon... I’m saying that as if it could be a bad thing. We almost had sex on the bench, it was just normal kissing and hugging but it was definitely going to go somewhere, if it hadn’t been for Applejack interrupting us. It was nice to see her with Applebloom and Big Mac. She was doing like me, spending as much time with her loved ones. I took Bon Bon to Rarity’s Boutique, but she was closed for the moment, wanted to spend time with Sweetie Belle and her parents. I suppose I’ll have to buy her a dress another time, take her to the Grand Galloping Gala when this is all over. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees the dress I’ll order for her from Rarity herself. She’s always admired Rarity’s style and fashion. I guess it doesn’t matter at the moment, what matters is that I’m with her, that I can hold her and kiss her. To hear her voice so close to me, to feel her body when I’m sleeping, knowing we are safe. That’s all I ever want for my Bon Bon, for her to be safe. Tomorrow, I’m definitely going to give breakfast in bed. My mother’s special breakfast recipe, always wanted to cook it for her. I think I’m also going to propose to her, we’ve been dating for so long I think it's time for me to take that extra step... This is goodnight from Lyra Heartstrings.

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